Paee 8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1920, IIIIIWIIIWIIHIIIIIIIimHH" LOOK AT THESE LOWER PRICES Your dollar goes much further when you buy here This ad proves it ow-Prices Back to Normal WOMEN N 5! : : - 5 i i i! : : : : : m : Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns 2.19 1.49 Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns in white or colored , Misses and Children's Outing Flannel gowns .. Practical Gifts For the Baby Knitted Jackets, Bootees, Toques, Leggins and Caps. The patterns are very neat and the prices low. XMAS DOLLS Character Dolls, sleeping and waking eyes. Different sizes 9Sc, 1 .49, 1 .98 Doll Carriages 2.95 A very neat little carriage, well made with a small top. D;j) . 9-4 Heavy Sheeting, a yard 65c 45-in. Pillow Tubing, a yard 45c White Pique, 27-in. wide, at a yard ...55c Georgette Crepe, nil colors, a yard 2.19 A C A nA T;,-l.; ft , j t- J laid Silks, 36-inches wide , a yard 1.93 Red Star Diaper Cloth in 1 0 yard pieces .put up c. ,. , . iiiv iucjmiiiic, toiors jj-incnes wide, a yard.... l.yfi i NOTIONS The pennies you save in our notion dept. will m soon grow into dollars. Look at these savings. I Clarks 0. N. T. Crochet Cotton, 150 yd ball, 10c a bal! 12 balls . Creme OU Soap, 4 bars for Vanity Dress Fasteners, card H S ITltmn UM1r. J tti i Hair Pin Cabinets Surefit Dress Fasteners, card i Perfection Hair Pins, box Trllite Dress Shields, . H Hickory Waists -1.19 25c .-.7c 4 : j i t 3i 12c 6 19c -No. 2 29c, No. 3 43c, No. 4 49c - 59c sanitary packages 2.19 All wool Oregon City Flannel, red, navy and scarlet, 30-in. wide, a yard 1.19 Double fold Oregon City Flannel, 58-in. wide, red, navy and olive drab, a yard 2.98 Navy Blue Serge, 56-in. wide, heavy weight, a yard 2.19 Broadcloth, in nil rnlnr Sfl-in uilJa priced at a yard .' 4.25 AmoskeoS DaIsy Clotn. a fe pieces left. Close Plaid Coatnigs, all wool, 56-in. wide, a yard 6.95 Navy Blue Serge, 38-in. wide, a yard 1.50 Windsor Challie, 36-in. wide, a yard , 29c Silk Taffeta, high grade, 36-inches wide, less than -price, a yard ..1.98 Long Cloth in plain white, 36-inches wide, a yard 39C Ideal Cambric for house dresses and aprons in blue and white and red and white stripes and figures, a yard 29c out at a yard 39c Outing Flannel in light and dark shades, a yard 29c Scrims, Marquisettes and Curtain Material at n Savin nf 37 1.7T Red Seal Zephyr, in plaids, checks and plain ... , , , , colors, a yard 29c U'ttonnes h8ht and dark colors, pretty patterns 39c Toile Du Nord Zephyr, a yard 39c Fillet rtain Nets, 36 to 40 inches wide, white 3 or Ecru, a yard 19c up Amoskoeg Gingham, a yard 23c c M . . , . , ., Ocrims, Marquisettes and Curtain Voiles, a Crepe de Chine, all colors, a yard 1.49 yard 19c to 95c Bed Spreads Full sized, plain white, straight or scolloped edges and r or" to7 tT comers BedComforters Cotton filled 72x84 Comforter, A Q silkoline covered fancy stitched.... X.t J Wool Comforter, fancy stitched J A silkoline covered with plain border I t)U Bed Blankets At f v M ..... U wool Uregon.Uty bed blankets A jr Lkld 2.75 3,95 7.50 8.75 full size in white and colors up from Double Cotton blankets 58x76 grey, tan or white Double blankets 66x80, white, grey or tan Darsrt Sub-wool blankets 66x80, checks or plain Wool blankets 70x80, either checks or plain NOTIONS Ufciiory WaUU ami tlartors 7ge Hickory Unrtnr. nil ! ue an(j j3C iWtplM Safety 1'liin bc Strk I'anU ..., , 550 Jiffy Uulibr rnt 45C IlliiH fold Tnptt ig0 Warren lUmeil HtiltliiK. a yrl 16c Cnxhmi'rn Tateuin I'owili'r i3e IowdT I'ulTa , 5C, 10c. 15c Sport VolU i5e MukIc !, all i'iilnr, a iix d0 tluchllln Worsted Yurim, nil color 7o HeUhor or Hear brand Yarim, all colorH, u bull ., 40o Star Nccdlo Craft Journal 10c Ladies Silk Underwear Makes excellent Xmas gifts. Our selection is large and our prices lowest. Silk Bloomers 4.25 to 6.75 Beautiful satin or Jersey bloomers, some . finished with contrasty colors. Camisoles 1.95 Many very neat patterns, some finished with lace effects. Chemises 3.75 Nothing could be nicer than one of these fine under garments. Silk Night Gowns 6.50 In pink with lace edges or nicely embroidered. osiery at Lower Prices Infants black, white . or cordovan hose, a pair 19c Misses Holeproof sizes 6 to 10, a pair 45c Boys Heavy Rib Sandow Hose. This is the good wearing hose for the boys that are hard on them, sizes 6 to 1 1 , a pair 55c Ladies Hose Bargains Ladies Burson cotton hose, black qr white, a pair 39c Ladies Holeproof silk faced hose, black, white or cordovan, i pair 1.19 Ladies Holeproof silk in cordovan, black, white or gunmetal, a pr. 1.90 Ladies Wool Themis fashioned in all the popular heather colors, a Pair 1.65 Ladies Underwear 1 Bulla. 1.98 Lnrlles Cotton Fleece lined Union Bull. all styles, this Is a very lino garment Ladies Wool Union Suits 3.85 High no, long sleeves, ankle length, natural color Ladies Sample Underwear 75c To closo out this sample lino of various underwear exceptional values up from Ivory Toilet Sets for Xmas ! s I We have a beautiful as- I sortment of m i m 1 : : I sets in pretty cabinets a s well as sep arate pieces. If you desire a brush, comb mirror, shoe horn, button hook, tray or a clock, we have them and at lower prices. Ivory Sets for Babies Some very neatly painted with small flowers. Oregon City Indian Blankets and Auto Robes Auto Robes in var ious colors at this very low price, owing to slight de fects. Spec. 12.75 Indian Robes in beautiful color combinations 11.75 and 16.75 Ladies Umbrellas Ladies Silk Um brellas in many beautiful colors with the latest handles 5.25 Misses Silk Um brellas in colors 4.25 Ladies Umbrel las, in black only Special 1.75 TABLE DAMASK Trlh linen table damask In beautiful patterns of varlouo floral and cubiBt designs, 64 to 72 inches wldu. A yard 1.19 to 2.25 Boudoir Caps 65 c The largest selec tion of Boudoir Caps that has ever been shown in this town at such low prices. TOWELS Irish Huck Towels, each 15c j Irish Huck Linen Towels, 1 8x35 1....29c I Turkish Towels A sample line of var ious sizes in plain white and fancies. 27c up ii hi Ladies Purses for Xmas Closing out a beautiful sample line of purses in leather, vel yet, Dovetyn and novelty beaded work. 1.25 to 16.50 OREGON CITY, OREGON Ladies Handkerchiefs 5c up What Is more practical than handkerchiefs for XXmas. See our large beautiful assortment of Silk or Linen with laced crochet or embroidored edges. , k tt- Pit IIMIIfllMllflIHIMIHlltllIIMMH(IMlMfllHt iiimiiiRimuimiiHiiiiiimiinHiiiiiaiumiiuiiHiaiiuuiuinuuiiumii ifiii wnn nmrixr TmKtmonr" ' V mm w.w'iyiiiii..w ----