Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 26, 1920, Page Page 7, Image 7

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CANDY. Nov. 24. 1. and Mra.
Fuller, ttflr vtMtttnK "l"
stale for lh tmitt Iwo weeks, return
nil to Canby Timduy morning. They
lmv decided to continue their real
dencti her, mitt will operate the Cot
tago hotel, and Dr. Fuller will con Un
do hi profession. Mm. F'ullor attend
ed lh Ilobeknh National Ammibly at
Boston, Mturn., shortly after leaving
horo, and at Inn close of the session,
U accompanied lr. Fuller tu hi old
homo In Clovelund, Ohio, where Itioy
v lulled hi mother, Mm. Eleanor Ful-
lor, and hla slaters and brothers, and
had tnoal delightful time. Thla was
th first visit lr. Fuller had made hlo
mother and hi sisters and brothers
for a numlwr of years.
Other place of Interval wre visit-
id. among the being Nlgara Falls,
N. Y.. Washington, I. C. Salt I-ake
lly. 1'tah;' Kansas City, Mo, Although
vbiltlnjc ovt-r 23 ilaU. Mr. Fuller
say nono compare will) OrKou, and
her husband la of tho same opinion.
nltliouKh a antlvs of Ohio-
While miiBlnic through Idnha they
exprl mired a mow atorm and aay
l ho weather was very cold In places
through which they paaaed. When ar
rlvtiiR homo they found roses bloom
In r In tho gardens lieslde fall
At Beach Kcsort
CANHY, Nov. 24, Mm. NVtn Har
low l,wreinn, of Oregon City, pom
liu'nt vocal Instructor of Oregon City.
will give vornl Instructions In Canny,
amid on Tuesday came to this city to
nrmngo for Imr ('hisses,
Mra. lawretieo ha churga of th
dMurtnif tit In the Oregon City
schools, and a there are a number of
pupil of thla city doNlrlng to receive
credit In tliU Una of work, alio haa do
fid d to make, weekly trips here.
Mra Iwiwrence la well known bore
whr she hud a class about two yearn
ago. and wua vory successful a an In
CANBY, Nov, 24. Thore was such
a Ui-lmum for Uio JJhii mourner
radishes grown liy a Japanese gar
doner In thla city and displayed at the
Kchiiubel market thnt the proprietor
was forced to (tot In another large
The toll of fanny haa proven to bs
aduirfwl to even growing Japanese
garden truck.
CANIIY, Ore., Nov. 23 -Radishes,
single on of which U anf fU-ton t for
a p'd Ud family, are being irrown
horn aii(xMafully for tho flrat tlm
by a Jnpnneae jardenor, who broulit
th Idea from hla own country. Rome
of tha Inrrnat of thne wiUht flv
pounda and tueaauro from 18 to 24
Currott'a purmiU, Dr. am' Mra. Gar
MIh Mario DlKKorneaa, of Hllvtr-
ton, la hem whero aho la visiting
frtmida and whr aho apont Thanka-Elvlng.
Ml Delia Nowatrom and brother,
Clyrf apent ThntikaKlvInK with rela-
tlvo at KelNO, waah.
Mr. mid Mra- Curl Jolmke and :hll
dren, of thla city, apent ThankaKlvliu
at tho homo of Mra. Kellogg and fam
lly In Oregon City. The KelloRg fam
lly are occupying tho prtty homo of
Mr. and Mra. Joehnko In that city.
Mr. and Mm, W. U. Hair and Mra
C. II. Bheldon motored to Portland
Mlaa K'n a HuU-hlnaon, after vlait
lug In Sllverton for a fw duya aa a
iruoat of tho Mpypr family, formerly
Of Canby, roturnod to Cunby Monday.
Hochd", Kathr and Ituth T.nrhe moto
hd to Oregon City last Sunday
Thero ar four mom daye' rok
cruHhlnif to be flnlahed, then they
will anw ar.d lay pbioka to finish the
roat. Won't that bo better than the
Mi Mary Itottemlller la vblting
her unrle and aunt, Mr, and Mra. Al
vln Klolnamlth, ulo ber coualn, M:j
1irona Klelnsmtth.
Iloer lAmzert wnt u Ralom to
work for three or four weeka.
Mr. Knger bought a load of atraw
from Mrr DottemJiier innt Katurday.
Kd Oraee wa, In Portland Satur
day and Hunony he returned to Hi
farrn Doug (J-ae la running the
,Gladstone News
CANIIY, Nov. 24. A party cdmpoa
nd of Mr. and Mra. . II. Hhttldon. Mr.
and Mra W. If. Hair, Mr. and Mra
Arthur tlrahani, of thla city, and their
rut Ulna IVmlluton, and the latUira
brother, William Pondleton, of Port
land, accompanied by frienda of Port
land, formed a par'y that left for Hea
atdo Wwdnenday aftrniH)D by auto
mobile, where they apent Thanknglv
lug. and aor to remain until Friday.
Th party rotib'd a ton-room residence
on the board walk at tho reaort, and
enjuyd a faat on Thankaglving. A
twentytwo pound turkey and about
two doaen dutka wero among tho big
Ihlnga on the menu, and the plum
pudding waa not forgotten- W. II.
Hair, who la oonMilered a "crack allot"
fuml.thed the dueka.
CANHY, Nov. 24 Tho dance given
at the Artlaan hall Tueitday ovunlng
Under the auaplrea of the young peo
ple of 1he Culhollc church of thla city.
'Waa largely attended. Many from
Oregon City attended.
The mimic waa furnished by a four-
plfMyi orchoatra.
CANIIY. Nov. 24 -Although the
price of turkeya ranged around F0
nrnta per pound, there waa many a
bird to graco the table of tho Canby
homea Thankoglvlng.
Canby baa tho reputation of furulHh
lug tho iiuirkit with aomn of the fin-
oat birds rained In the country, and
many of uuwe wern fenattnl ui)U
Tliiuikaglvlng duy.
June, and rhlckons were alao In
Stiyjw Tln Table
fork 8cnw)i:i.ioi) timk
I.v. Canby Lv. Ore. City
7:25 a. m. 8:00 a. m.
a. m. 11:00 a. m.
12;W. p. m. J:00 p. m.
4:15 p. m. 5:00 p. in.
!5 P- tn. 3:35 p. m.
:1B p. m. 7:00 p m.
l,v. Canby Lv. On. City
7:65 a. m. 8:30 a. m.
:M a. m. 11:30 a. m-
12:5B p. m. J:00 p. m.
4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m.
1:15 p. m. 7:00 p n.
7:55 p. m. 10:45 p. m.
Pare 2Bo
CANHY, Nov. 24 Mra. n. 8. Coo.
after spending tho jmat week In Port
land aa gueat of her aon, Ilobetr S.
Coo, Jr.. and family, of Portland, re
turned to her home here Tuaday
afternoon. Mra. Coo had a moat do-
tlghtful time, and among tho placea
of Interoat vlHlted whUe In tho city
waa (ho llventock and horao ahowa,
and waa moat favorably lmprcaaed
with the fine exhibit of llvontock, aa
well aa tho home" ahow In tho evnlng.
Word haa been rot'lovod by friend
of Mlaa Lorraine Leo that ahe la en
joying hr studlea lu vocal munlc un
dr the direction of p. X. Arena In
Han lviego, Calif., where aho baa gone
fo rthe winter. Thla la Mlaa Lnc'a
flmt vlwlt. In the California city and
haa already made many friends by her
charming personality.
John Kid hu gono Kiutt, where he
him been summoned by tho death of
hla father, Mr. Kid, residing In Minne
Eddie Hurlua and Clydo Kimdall,
who returned to Cnnby from the navy
noma time ago, and who have been
apondlng the aummnr with relatives,
have hen HummoniHl to San Diego
to report for duty In th navy. They
nave .'2 more duya to remain In the
service, when thoy will receive their
dlscharg. Ikith boys hava many
frienda here, who congregatod at tha
depot to bid them farewell.
Mr. and Mrs. Goorge Altaian and
elilldren, Alone and lule, of Portland,
arrived In Canby Tuesday, while they I
are gunats of Mrs. Altmnn's mother,
Mra. K. Soier, and other relatives.
They came hero to spend Thanksgiv
ing i
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garrtt, the lat
ter formerly Mlaa Edna Hutchinson,
of this city now of Newberg.md their
three children, arrived in Canby from
Nowberg Tuesday, where they spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Garrtt'a
mother, Mra II. Roper, and with othei
rolatlvos here. They also visited Mr.
Macksburg People
Home For Holidays
MACKSHURG,', Novj. 24 The
b.nnclwa of tho Molalla which for
moat of the yeara "Seems all pas
time and all play" are angry In this
rainy time and Ttoar like Hons for
their prey" but llttlo we'll kick leav
our brtdgea Intact aa they have here
tofore done. Through submerged for
a day or two, the water has rtscoded
leaving tbern plainly In view.
The flowers so nearly gone are sup
plemented by tho richly colored au
tumn leaves. The loganberry fields are
charming In their ex panne of crimson
and ruaaet, while the Orgon grape Is
brilliant In scartof and green.
This riot of color which In a colder
country has for Ha contrast only herb
age that la dead, In our Pacific clime
Is set off by the brightest emerald
The pleasing stir of Thanksgiving
preparation Is already in the air ana
a general honie-comlng la expected of
the young people who are working In
distant towns.
The Mothcra' Club held Its regular
fortnightly session on Thursday la si
at the home of Mm. Murphy. The
place of Its next meeting will be an
nounced arly In the coming week. The
club though Just finishing the fifth
year of Ha existence hag thla fall for
th( Clrat time bci InterrurWd by
storms, but Interest in Its work has
never flagged, even in the days when
th monitors could not meet. Work
for war-suffers over the sea Is to
come up next
Dodge News Notes
DODGE. Nov. 23 Mr. Hayes. Sun
day School Mlsslionary from Portland
visited tho iHidge achool on Thursday
and gave a short talk to the pupils
He promised to come again to hold
services In tho school house on Sun
Mr- and Mr, ohn Flcken moved on
Monday from the Kaake and Jub
Lumber Company to Kstacada.
Will Kaake and Clarence Jubb start
ed Friday on a three days business
trip to Forest Grove.
Mr. Hayes, Sunday School Mission
ary from Portland, held serviws
throe ovlock in the Dodgte schoo
houae, Sunday, November 21. After
the services a Sunday School was or
ganized with the following officer
Mrs. J. W. Marrs, supertendrtit; David
Horner, assistant superintendent;
V. Denjnmln, secretary ad treasurer
Mrs. Fred Horner .oganlst. The
teaches appointed are: David Hortior
Hible Clasa; Miss Rosa It. Ten Eyck,
Junior Class; Miss Matol Keller,
Primary Class; Mrs. Fluster, Assist
ant Julnor and Primary teacher.
A collection was taken to buy lite-
ature for the Sunday School The
next nveettng will be Sunday, Novem
ber 28, at 2:30 P. M.
John Keller sawed wood on Friday
and Saturday for Fred Horner.
S. W- Benjamin Is doing; some plow
ing for David Horner.
S jr. old cow ''Flrwoodoen", 6th
place in a class of 22.
Senior heifer calf 'Is Coneyella";
1st place In a clasa of 43.
Senior heifer calf- "Onota's Golden
Savior", 7th plae In a class of 43,
Produce of dam "Onota'a Goldsn
Savior" and "Oxford's Liberty Loan",
4th place.
Clackamas County should cwtainly
fel pleased with the Jersey showing
and winnings at tho International
whor competition Is so keen that It
Is a hard to pull for an animal to to
placed In the moneys and many a
teachoTs basket brought $11.50, which
Is another recommend for her popu
larity aa the "boys" usually get "wise"
as to whose basket tKey wsnt! Coffee
was served with tho basket lunch,
and eeryoiw went home happier for
this touch of social life la the com
munity. Orvllle Johnson has been sick to bed
during the week but is gelling along
nicely and will soon be ready for
school again If ho docs not take mote
Mlas lies Barton, Miss Ten Eyck
and Miss Myers were all dinner guests
good animal must needs be left out (of Mr- and Mm. August Hoernlcke
of the 10 winners In each class. The
total placlngs for this county are 27
Three lmt; Two 2nda; One 3d r;
Three (tho; On 5th; Three tbs;
Thro 7t)is; Four 8ths; Three
ths; Four lOths.
GLADSTONE. Nov. 20. Mra Hilda!
Parker, of Pendleton. Is spending i
Thanksgiving we.-k with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John MtOtchle. alsn
er' aister, Mm. Richard Freyta.
lVevlou to coming to Gladstone Mrs.
Parker spent the week end with Mr
nd Mrs. L. R. Fry In Taeoma, Wash.
Mr. and Mm. Parker and Mr. and
Mra. Fry became firm, frtends at
American Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag are
entertaining at dinner Thanksgiving,
Mr. and Mm. John McGetchle, Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. McGotchle, Mrs. Hilda
Parker, Miss Alice Freytag and
Ernest Freytag.
Mr. and Mm. Thomas Gault have
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Gault, of Portland i
Mr. and Mra, E. W. Eby aer enter-
ttnlng today at dinner Mr. and Mrs.
W. H O'Donnell. of Orecon City, and
sons Percy and Harold, also H. D.
Marston of Clackamas Highlands.
Mr. and Mm. Chas. Legler and Miss
Pertrude HiunUton are spending
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs
Harry Woolrich, In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. KeUsla and son, J.
F. Ketela are spending; the week with
the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs
A. Well man of Damascus.
Mr. and Mm. E. P. Eawards are en
tertalnlng at dinner Thanksgiving
the latter' parents, Mr. and Mm. W.
L. Wallace, of Parkplace, R. L. Wal
lace of Lebanon, Mr. and Mm. F. A
Gentry and daughters. Mtsaea Eva
Audrea and Ruth, of Portalnd; Mrs
Pearl Washburn and aons, Wallace
and IWght, of Corvallla.
The Gladstone library Is now fully
established and it Is planned to keep
open house one evnlng a week In ad
dition to Wednesday and Saturday
The revival services at the Chris
tian church are being well attend!
Special music each evening Garland
and ollmer Hollowell sang Sunday.
Mm- W. C. Green and Mrs. Laura
Shoe ii born assisted Wednesday.
Mrs. E. W. Eby and sons. Elmer
and Clenard spent theweek end with
the hildrens grandparents, Mr.
Mm. S. M. Eby. in Vancouver.
(Continued from Page 6.)
Furniture AN0
G. W. White Garage
Agents for
Ford Car Fordson Tractor
We specialize in Ford repairing and carry mil the
genuine Ford Parts.
If you are satisfied tell others
if nt tell us
m. A- '
Moonshine Still
Found at Logan
IXXfAN, Nov. 24. Quite a number
from here attended the stock show
this week.
Mr. Strauhe has returejd from his
stock ranch near Fossil to Mpend the
winter with his family heic at th?
Jamee Griffith of Upper Logan, Is
quite ill with pneumonia, as he Is
near eighty years old it is a hard up
hill climb to keep vitality and get
back to normal.
Allison and Kanouse have a crew
digging their' potatoes. They expect
to have about twenty five sacks. Most
every day buyers are around looking
for potatoes.
M. H Rlethoff who for the past
year has made his home at Redmond,
sold out up there, and came back to
Willamette Valley. He came out this
way last week and called on his son,
F. W. ftlethoff.
Thb community waa retfy much
surprised to find out a full grown
moonshine outfit already for business
right In the heart of Logan on the J.
S. Gill place some foreigners had the
place rented. Have not learned full
Clarkes Roads
Being Improved
CLARKES, Nov. 24, Veslle Lindau
Is sawing stove wood for W. H. Botte
mtller. Bert Cruthers Is working at pres
ent for Mr. Brooks.
Mr. Buche purchased an automobile
the other day.
Carl Buche motored to Portland
last Saturday to get Mr. Buche, his
father, who is working in the ship
yard. Mrs: Clarence Lee hasi been very
sick tor tho past week and her sister-in-law,
Miss Jenny Lee la taking care
of her.
HORING, Nov. 26. We are proud
to announce that the herd of ten
Jerseys exhibited from Clackamas
County won rirst in compemion
ed of the following animals brb s b
against four other county herds. Yam
hill county won second.
Tho Clackamas County herd consist
ed of the following animals:
Aged Bull "Creampcft's Fortune",
owned by Ice and SpangJer of Oregon
Aged Cow "Western King's De
light", owned by N. H. Smith of Ore
gon City-
3 yr. old cow "Firwoodeen", owned
by A. Malar, Jr., of Boring.
2 yr. old Bull "Oxford's Liberty
Ixmn'V owned by A. Malar. Jr., of
2 yr. old heifer "Chlquella" owned
by W. M. Ladd, Oswego.
Yearling! heifer ownea oy n. u.
Seely, of Wileonvllle.
Senior heifer cair ownea Dy - n.
Smith, of Oregon City.
Junior heifer calf "Oneida Glow
tnora" owned by D. Brooks Hogan,
Senior yearling heifer "Onieda
ri, orernna". owned by D. Brooks
Uivn v ' n .
ITniran. OsWeitO.
Senior bull calf "Vive Glow Chief.
owned by W. M. Ladd, of Oswego.
The Clackamas County Jersey Cat
tle Club wlU receive a medal tor hav
ing won flmt
Ttsldes the county winnings the fol
lowing animals of Clackamas County
I., thaif raanectlve classes:
Ice and Spangler, 2 yr. old bull
-, t' Fnrtune" won 3rd in a
VjlWUlwo -
la of 9.
x n Seelv won 10th on "Popp s
Peggls of Onoka" a senior heifer calt
end tth titace on ireeaer
N. H. Smith's cattle won the fol
lowing 7 prizes:
ktfcA cow "Western Kings
lleht" won 2nd in a class of 25.
S. yearling bull 'Wonder Boy
itia in a class of 8.
- . ... i
S. yearling heller Bin pi.e
llir.n n, TW '
Aged bull 6th place on "Oxford
You'll Do, Jr.
Exhibitor's herd 6th place.
Breeder's young; herd-6th place,
n.i vaivt Qth nlace.
-.v. n-, nr mAA hard won tn
i ue
irnin. hord 4 th olace.
2 breeder's young herds 8th and
10th placea.
2 Calf herds 8th and 10th places,
o "Stamo'a G. Glow" 7th.
a ..." ihijit Golden Glow" 10th
' Mature cow "Sunlight's Glow
' R, of M. cow "Sunlight's Glow
f -"Vive Glow Senna
Chief, 4th.
J. bull calf "Vive GlowBrookman
' old heifer "ChinqueUa", 10th
The berd of A. Malar, Jr.. drew the
Senior yearling bull "Oxford's Ub-
artv tjoan". 1st ftlaoe tn a ciass i
Uter losing the blue ribbon because
Adolph Dahrena was In the city for
a couple of days last week.
M,-s. Ernest Harris decided to stay
a week after coming down with
"Ernest" for the week end. Two
home nests so "close by each" makes
her a lucky girl indeed.
George Been has had a "mean old
cold" hanging on for the past two
weeks so so he felt like doing little.
There Is not muc h sickness at the
present time.
Paul Dunn cannot be out locating
roads this weather, but says he Is fast
becoming a "boss carpenter." He has
Juat built a rery nifty fence for Geo.
Boers and is now doing a little work
for (he O'Neals.
Samuel Bacon Is not to old to play
cards,; he came to the Progressive
Club party with Mr. and Mm. Hagan
and enjoyed the evening as nucb as
the rest
Carl Powers forsook the ranch for
tbrve days or four days last week and
spent the time In the big city.
Winter hangs on and has no mercy
on folks whose potatoes are still un
derground, lack Sneed came out from Irving-
ton where he has a garage busniesa
on Sunday and was ?t the Casper
Junker home. Mr. Sneed runs the
Reliance stage in the summer, and
naturally, L Inf rcsteJ. in road con
It is reported that father Hogan has
resigned his pastorate here, but his
successor has not yet been appolned.
Mm. H. B. Nichols and little daugh
ter Were In Sandy the first of the
week shopping for the family and al
so subscribed for the 'Enterprise.
Mrs. H. B. Lawton and her per
fectly splendid young son have re
turned home from the hospital and
the Doctor naturally radiates a "fill
ing countenance. Mm Lawton's
mother is with her.
Mrs. S. W. Allen says It seems like
real life to be able to get around the
village again, and everyone Is glad
with her. The children started, to
school a few days ago. Mr. Allen was
home over Sunday and had the pleas
ure of eating at the family table again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganger and
baby daughter of Bull Run were over
In our town last Monday and report
things rather quiet this week in their
John Mitchell went up in the moun
tains last week and stayed a couple
of days with his father the well
known pioneer, "Steve" MitcehlL
Mr. and Mm. "Johnnie" Sinclair are
at Wapanitia where Mr. Sinclair is
working on the big irrigation ditch
which runs from the Clackamas river
to Wapanitia, Irrigating all the land
on Juniper Flat Mm. Sinclair had to
leave this climate on account of
asthmatic suffering. She Is fine over
Mr. and Mrs "Billy" Allen were
down last week from Brightwood
where Mr. Allen conducts a flourish
ing garage, and Mm. Allen went on
to the city to visit her sister tor a
few days.
James Bell's nephew, "Jim" Linn of
Cunrinsvllle, and his wife, went to
Stevenson, Wash., for a visit with
hla brother Charley and the man went
hunting and the women went visltlng
and when they returned there was
only a pile of ashes where the house
bad been! "Jim" left a new Sunday
suit and a $450 check in It and
those were "conflagrated" too!
Mr. and Mm. John Dunn were over
for the Progressive Club party Satur
day night and stayed till Sunday eve
ning with the home folks.
It has been repotred that Art Dix
on has quit the foremanship of the
logging department at the - Sandy
Lumber Co. milL After this "Skunk
Cabbage" outfit extended the logging
road for a quarter of a mile they
started In work again last week- The
"Chin Whiskers" bunch was also un
der Dixon's supervision. .
Mr. and Mm. L. J- Burbank and
three little ones were guests tor most
of the week at the Adolph Dahrens
home. Mr. Burbank Is a brother of
Mra Dahrens, and lives at Pe Dee,
Polk Co.
Alex Htnes and his brother Ed
Bines were out from the City on Sun
das' to see the home folks. Alex
wf ks at the Cedar Creek Lumber Co.
at Llnnton.
R. S. Smith has a new contract with
the Chevrolet Co. for the territory
lying north of Deep Creek and east
ot Boring- New care and parts al-
days on hand. One 1920 Ford at a
bargain. Adv.
last Wednesday evening and had
delightful time..
Arthur Fiace Is trying o hard to
g'-t 100 In spelling this month that
it mill be a pleasure to hear he has
succeeded. He is doing his best, at
any rate.
Miss Khmer Mixter sojourned in
the city last Saturday on a shopping
Rev. Dubtorful head of the Luther-
sn school was away from Monday
to Thursday last week attending a
pastoral confrenc of the Lutheran
church which was In session at Sher
A program by pupil and a backet
social undur the direction ot Miss
Jean Mildred, the Deep Creek teacher
was the event ot that neighborhood
last Friday night. John Erdman auc
tioned the baskets and 'the sum of
fa-ty-four dollars was realized. The
briskets sold from ninety cen's to
two-fifty each; and everybody had a
fine time.
The Youn Ladies Sewing Club waa
held at the home of the Hoffman's
Wednesday night, and twelve were
present out of a membership of about
twenty, and more are coming In!
Fancy and domestic aprons were
worked on for the coming bazaar.
Coffee and doughnuts were served by
Martha and Bertha Hoffman. Hazel
Been is deploring the loss of her
apron which she must have lost oa
Mra. Lynch, state organizer, came
out to the Cottrell school from Cre
ham last week and organized a Par-
eWfTeachera arpodlation witn mtw.
Ault as president; Mm- Crissey, vice-
president ; Mm. Caldo, secretary and
Mrs. H. H. Watkins, treasurer. The
new Organization .will meet the first
Friday evening in each month. There
waa a nlc'e program given by the
school children and refreshments
were served.
Wrecked Ship Going
to Pieces on Rocks
MA RSI (FIELD, Or.. Nov 23. Tek
phone Information today from Port
Orford decla-ed th last hope of J he
owners that tho Joan ot Are might bs
saved Is gope, as half of the craft has
broken away, one mast is down and
the sea again Is right. During & calm
last Saturday Captain Mlckelaon and
bla five men were able to make fever
s' trips to the wreck and secured soma
of the valuables on board.
The heavy storm last night, accord
panied by much wind, drove tho craft
nearer to shore and U appears now
that all that keeps the remainder ot
the vessel from going to pieces Is the
lumber In her hold. . '
Newspaper Property
Sold to Manufacturer
ASTORIA, Or., Nor. 21. One of
the largest real estate deals consum
mated in Astoria in several months
waa recorded yewterday. IL R. Hoef
ler purchased the property In which
the Astoria Evening Budi Is situ
ated. Mr. Hoefler is a candy manufacturer.
Farm Loan TJmferred
aver Bids Orefloa City
for dead cows and dows and oat
korsaa. Will call anywhere. Pheac
Mllwankla t-J.
TO EXCHANGE S-room house aad
quarter block la Newberg for acre
age In Clackamas county. Address,
Nash, the auctioneer. Newberg, Ore.
FOE SALE: One team black Percn
erona, aged 5 years, weight about
1300 each true and sound, ready lor
any kind of hard work. Also one
cheap plow team. E. W. Exon,
Woodburn, Or. Phone Needy,
Rooster Given Spence
. At Grange Bancpiet
BOSTON, Nov. 22. People who
know C. E. Spence are aware that he
likes a Joke either going or coming.
While attending the 1919 conven
tion in Michigan, an Invitation was
given that body to hold the 1920
meeting In Massachusetts, possibly
Boston, and help celebrate the Ger
centenary of the Landing of the Pll
grlms and of course the advantages
of their meeting there were enum
erated and discussed and among
them was a visit to Old Plymouth,
wbere they could visit so many
historical spots and view numerous
relics of historical value and step
foot on Plymouth Rock. Immediately
Mr. Spence seconded that motion and
remarked that he would take Ply
mouth Rock home with him and have
It on exhibition when the National
Grange would meet In Oregon in 1
192L ' i'?'-liTC3
One evening during thei session,
The State Grange of Massachusetts
gave a banquet to the officers and
delegates of National at the Adam
house, the headquarters in Boston,
and near the close a waiter came In
carrying a large Bllver platter with a
huge 'cover and Mrs. Spence said
"What next" It was brought to
their table and set down before Mr.
Spence and when he lifted the cover
found a large Plymouth Rock rooster
and then calls for speecn cam
and he held the bird" in his hands
while replying, which showed no
signs ot fear or restlessness while
its plumage was stroked, so Mrs.
Spence thinks it must have been
trained for the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Spence hope to bring
the Plymouth Rock bird home with
them, if not "The Rock."
SANDY, Nov. 2J5. Mi sb Rosenberry,
the popular Marmot teacher, managed
a tine entertainment and basket so
cial at the Marmot school here on
Saturday night the proceeds of which
amounted to the splendid sum of
$93.50, which will be used to put up
swings and gymnasium apparatus on
tha school grounds for the children
There waa an excellent program con
slating of recitations, readings and
singing besides a special number
given to represent the landing of the
Pilgrims. There were "Indians" with
a real war whoop, painted faces, and
the native trapping. The Indian dance
was so much enjotyed that the audi
ence insisted the whole number be re
peated so it was "done over again'
The entire program was much enjoyed
by the audience which filled the
school Tiouse, Harry Thomas waa
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned ha been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate or ueorge
Beach, deceased All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
with proper vouchers, duly certified
according to law, at the onice or
Brownell & Slevere, at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, wtthla
six months of the date ot the publi
cation ot this notice.
Dated, Friday, November 28, 1920.
Attorneys for Administratrix,
Oregon City, Orego.
ISTRATOR Joseph W. Farrar estate
Notice is hereby given that the uxt
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate ot Joseph
W Farrar, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County, and that Utters
of administration have been duy is
sued as siich administrator. AH per
sons having claims or flertands
against said estate are hereby requir
ed to present the same with the pro
per vouchers to the undersigned ad
ministrator at the office of the Coun
ty Clerk, in Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, within six month
from the date of this notice. Claims
may also be presented to the admin
istrator personally at his office, 738
Chamber of Commerce Building, Port
land, Oregon. ,
Dater at Oregon City, Oregon, this
22ndday of November, 1920-
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this
26th, 1920. '
Date of last publication December
24th, 1920.
Dedication Attended
By Local Artisans
A party composed ot Mrs. Henry
Brandt, Mm. Minnie Donovan, Mrs.
Charles Hannaford and Mrs- Libby,
prominent members of the local order
of Artisans, went to Portland Satur
day evening, where they were guests
of the Portland order. They attend
ed the dedication of the new Artisan j-
borne, an attractive building located
at East 74th and Division streets.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
Bonds and warrants
Stocks, securities, judgments etc.
Banking house
Furniture and fixtures
Other real estate owned
Due from approved reserve banks
Checks and other cash items
Cash on hand ,
Capital stock paid in-
Surplus fund
Nbtlce is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of George H.
Kelly, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
with proper vouchers, duly certified
according to law, at the office of
Brownell & Slevere, at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, within
six months of the date of the publi
cation of thig notice.
Dated, Friday, November 26, 1920.
Attorneys for Adminstrator.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Undivided profits, less expenses
Postal savings bank deposits
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates ot deposit . .... .
Cashier checks outstanding ,
Certified Checks
Time and Savings Deposits
48,419 02
f 25,000.00
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas ss:
I, A. H. Zanders, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th aay of Nvember, 1920.
GEO. T. PARRY. Notary Publlo for Oregon,
lly commission expires Jani&ry 81, 1S:
ntBtaVft tn f-otry.
ihn 'Mm fly" auctioneer, and the