Pae6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1920. MILWAUKIE & NORTHERN CLACKAMAS MJLWAITKIE, Nor. 26. A birthday nrprise party vu rlvon Arthur Johnson at hta home is Clackamas Mondotr evenpnft l-Jovmber 15. Arthur Is a popular member of the June J1 claw of Milwaukte high chool. AU preawit declared they had a rery good time, A reception waa Riven in honor of the nir faculty Thursday evening, November 18th, at the high school. Mrs. Froham presided ow the pro gram of the evening Mr. Eisert made welcoming' addreaa which waa fol lowed by ahort speeches by other member of the board (Mr. Fiacn and Mr. Pdrkemeir). Mr. Wakefield, sup erintendent of high school, and Mr. Richmond. BUTOnrtriendSenlt of grade school, each gave ahort talks. Mr Skulason, MilwauMe attorney, gave a fine talk on patrons. Mrs. Maggie Johnson re ponded to a request to boost for her "Pet Project,- as she calls it, which is the. revival of the PareMt-Teachdr's Association. The program was made interesting by Miss Florence Grasle who gave twe piano selections. Miss Gregory, who is the instructor of music at MUwau fcle schools, gave two violin solos, Mrs. Skulason gave three solos, ami Miss Klleb made two reading. Re freshment were served and the rest of the evnlng was spent in acquainted. ceremony. The bride ni UtH Mr cently a teacher in the Mttwaukt school and th groom waa one of the boya of the U. S. doing; duty over seas and is now news editor of the Astoria Budget Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 'will reside in Astoria Mr. U Lewmnberg la out again after a several weeks illnss with heart trouble. JC. A. oFVier waa a Portland visi tor Monday. F. A. Smith and wife were guests of Portland friends Saturday -evening. J. B. Evans and wife wen to Trout dale Sunday and finding Mrs. Evans mother ill She remained to care to her while Mr. Evans came home Moi day. The country store aSturday evening by Community Improvement C,!ub In Green's hall was a decided success. A large crowd was in attendance ana the disposing of groceries, turkeys and other wares continued until weti Into the night- The club will use part of the proceeds at least to fix up their hall. Many of the goods were unsold and another country store is booked for. near future. The Helpers Club met Tuesday afternoon and after the busienss ses sion a good time was enjoyd by the getting young ladies. i Mrs. Lillian Thomas was a guest .,i ,,wttnir a' of Mrs. Valeria Pernio Tuesday. campaign or earning money for the. The pupils tr . the 5 th h 7th and oT-lJf rw ,.,7rv hv 0HHilnr;Sth grades of Miss Elizabeth K. Mat- ., 'Tm.ntrv Gentle-; thews' school having completed the man.' The subscription is $1.00 porjreading of angeline;; and "Court- 9 Eo renti'ahiP of Miles Siandlsh were enter , ...k.-intinn thnt tt cets. tained by Mrs. Claude Had, Lake- Th ampaiir. hW taken the form of ood Station. Wednesday. November tlasa contest In which the lass that' "I tnm f to & ocf tets the most gubsrtptions is to b. Mrs. luue is mume. m .. given party by the rest of the d:vn in the school and the entertatn school ment was intrpretlve In costume ot Miss Hunter and Miss Steele are the characters studied. buy coaching basket ball for the) The table decorations were beantt- . students who have' never played oful. symbolic of the historic feature ( have not plaved under other eoache?. ; of that period. fThe real bakke-t ball prat Ice starts! Wt fMfhmenta were served. next week, tl is expected that threa and a su-prie for all was the birth- girls who already have letters wilt day cake for Robert Halo who was JENNINGS LODGE HAVE E play on the first team. : eleven years old on Friday, Koveui- Sees Fist Fight The boys also have started tneir "r -. practice, some of the classes having J been proctitis for a few weeks. Three j pi lj 1 PorlinifMlt iPttpr men will nrobablv bo on the IjIIIILIMI I dnilllClll team. Marvin Shrok, president of the Sen ior class, was out of school for one week, but is back again. LONDON, Nov. 23. Two members The- are plans for orniin ;! commons came to gloe club, as materia du to choose from. There is no doubt , . J! CT" i,. ,.. . mPm.i under discussion. They were Joseph JJirim, nationalist, and Major John W in person of Georgie Meyer of Tne 8it. mJi. :n th Soon-! ting was temporarily suspended. v.- r -- , C.I. U.l.n i race was msuo auei jiojui jwjsuu j had apologized, Mr. Devlin accepting the apology. enure clafs about a week ago. Country Store at Oak Grove Success .? ot uio- Clty ot uutao vwuii rj f as OAK GROVE, Nov. 21 Mrs. R. R. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of Dafjnptvt Reported 'Improving last j p. j. Cheney & Co., doing business in week is not so weil at this writing. the City of Toledo, County and State The entertainment given by the , aforesaid, and that said firm will pay seventh and ighth grades assisted by i the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL "others was a slccess in every way. ; LARS for each and every case of Ca The auditorium was crowded to the' tarrh that cannot be cured by the use limit and the entertainment pronounc-! ct HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB. dd to the llmmit and the entertain-1 FRANK J. CHENEY, ment pronuonoed one of the best ever! Sworn to before me and subscribed gven by the Oak Grove school. Tha in my presence, this 6th day of De proceeds amounting to nearly fifty , cember, A. D 1S86. dollars wil lbe used for equipment: A. V. GLEASON. for the school. j (Seal) Notary Public. A beautiful and impressive, wedding' Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken took place at home of Mrs. C. W. ' internally and acts through the Blood Risley, Friday evening, November 13 on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys' when a daughter, Miss Olive Risley, tarn. Send for testimonials, free, was united In marriage to John De-j F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. wltt Gilbert of Astoria, Chaplain W.I Sold by all druggists, 73c. S. Gilbert, of Astoria, performing the ! Hall's Family PIII3 for constipation JENNINGS LODGE; Nov. 21 The regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association was held at the Jen nUigs Lodgre school hous on Friday afternoon. November 12. Mrs. Geo. Gardner presiding. Mrs. MacDonald'a room received the highest score tor the most mothers being present Mrs. Pearson gav a very Interesting re port of the happenings of the Mothers Congress held lu Portland In October, and Mrs. Gardner spoke of what Im pressed her mostly of this convention. The speaker ot the afternoon was one of our own members. Mrs, Carl Smith, who gave us wonderful illustrated talk on the "Miracle of Growing Up". Using the ages of 12 to 15; 15 to IS and 18 to 24 years, dividing the time Into four stages. th physical, mental. social and religious. This paper was listened to with marked attention anj thoroughly enjoyed. The next meet ing will be held on lVcembor 17, at the school house. It Is hoped that every patron of the school will bo present and enjoyed the gxd things which this organization has in store for us. Twenty women met at the church on Wednesday at the regular Guild meeting and sewed for tha coming bazaar. Mrs. Kennedy led the de votional and Mrs. Lucy Allen ami Mrs. Hugh Roberts served the tea at the social hour. On Tuesday. Novem ber L'3, a special meeting will be held at the church to sew for the bazaar, which will be given on December 10. Mrs. E. Pearson j8 to be the hostess for Tuesday. Mr. F. W. Gardiner of Oregon City was a Ixxlge caller on Wednesday n interest ot the coming Red Cross drive. This is to be the 4th Annua! Christmas Roll Call. Mrs Hart is the campaign captain of this district. A church meeting is to be held 011 Friday evening ot thls week to make plans for the annual canvass in the community for thp Grace church budg et Those who pledged last year can make their checks payable to Mr. Geo. Williams, church treasurer, and will bo greatly appreciated so the fin ances for the past year may be met In full. Mrs. Henderson is ill with scarla tina and the family are In quaran tine. The son or Mr. Ross is doing nicely but will be December before the quarantine will be lifted, let us not forget that flowers, magazine,, or dainties may be left at the gates of those who are shut in for awhile and thu3 help to relieve their lonesome ness. Myrtle Deter had the misfortune to fracture her left a-m, but Is able to continue in hor school work. Mrs- Geo. Mapb returned from Mil ton on Sunday while absence motored to Walla Walla and visited hei nephew, Mr. Butts and family. I. Courtrlght of Portland va.) a Lodge caller, introducing a water sy tern to be u.ied with dug wells. Dan to! Jones has returned from Mt. Angel where he was assisting on a large building. R. E. Jone3 and wtf bipartd on Sunday f,,r Grizfley, Oregon, where they are interested in the Cornett. mill. evening. Report were given from the clerk, Mr. Robert, trustoea by Mr. lUlnetfone; nd Ify H- Wod ham; the superintendent ot Sunday School which covered the years work, Mrs. Williams, treasurer of church, and Mrs. Kennedy, who look after the finances of the Sunday School re ported on the financial condition of the church and with outstanding pledges will be able to meet all fin anlal obligations to January 1st, th beginning of the new ministerial year. The following officer were elected; Delta Roberta, -lrk; Mr. Hllnoaton and N. Humphrey trustees; 1. Jones, Sunday School superintendent with H. Woodham aa assistant; Mrs, Geo. IWUUuna, treasurer of church and Mrs. Meade Kennedy, Sunday School treasurer; Mrs, A. 11. Smith, educa tional seTota-y; Arthur Smith, deacon; Ouida peter as Janitor. The community canvas drive for church pledges will begin this coming week. Mesdnmea Luy Allen. Pooler, Ken nedy. Jones, Mr. Woodham. W. I Hllnestono, with Mrs. 11. Hart, chair man of trustees as captain of tin drive. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Tucker of Port land entertained the Meu's quartette and their families with a dinner on Sunday, In honor of Mr. Tucker' birthday anniversary. Their guests tnctudode Mrs. Kndc. who was pian ist for the chirfr, Miss Klva Fades. Mr. and Mrs, Ullnestone, Mr and Mm. Rush, Mr. and Mr Wood ham. Mrs, Lucv Allen nnd l)u little Mlssei Mind., Carol HlUi.vstiuio and the guests report a delightful time with the hospitable hosts. The special meeting of the Guild was held nt the chitnh on Tuesday 1ty:uir work claimed the . ......... - - attention of those assembled. At the tea hou". Mosdpmes 1V;rson ami P-ootn were the charming hostesses. Mesdames Jones. Williams. Smith. Madden. Barkor. Kitchen, Kcined'. Pooth and Pearson accomplished a groat deal with the sewing. Mrs. Ulabrand entertained her fil ter Mrs. oKoher and daughter. Mrs. Fish and children, fnm Canny on Sunday. SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Talented Musician Successful at School SANDY", Nov. 26. Mrs, ( D, Pur- cell has "the in one" letters from her brother, his wrife and llenrlctU, hor talented youttR niece. Henrietta Is In school In tho oast and stands highest In her class; the next highest la a boy that has carried off the honors heretofore, o the struggle Is on betwixt these two ambitious Soph omores, but Henrietta fools sure of winning, regardlesa of taking two music lessons each week and spend ing much time In pmctlee. Henrietta Is especially interesting because of be ing bom In the PhllHplno's, and to come from those far Islands to enter school and step up so rapidly is un usual. Rev. Paul Dull Is spending the win ter In tho south, showing stereapll clan pictures lie took. In China. Coroa and the rhllllplnew. H had them colored In Japan, as the Japanese are experts In delicate color work. Mr IVUU wont Into tho Interior of these countries 11s far north as the Chinese wall which is us old rs hlsitory. In order to make a special study of them and get tho best views that could !. produced. When ho cont'-s to Sandy ngnln In the prion hi will probably sohw thew woiiile'ful lec tures hern, lleturiuig to l'o l'hllll pines in the, sfihiic will mean unotli. r seven your of sepnnrtlon from home and dvt!i'n to the mlsslntiary cause so the lvlu family naturally cheilth every advantage they have In this country, such as Caruso concert !, Grand Opera ami tho like. Phones: Sellwood 197, Automatic 21361 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealera In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Bpokans Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON r J P. FINLEY & SON g I Perfect Funeral Service , I Telephone Main 9 Montgomery and Fifth I A-1599 Portland Drugs, Prescriptions, Druggist Sundries, Vetinary Remedies Fancy Stationery and Choice Candies. At your home drug store. THE PERRY PHARMACY Mllwaukle, Oregoa W. B. Perry, Prop. First State Bank of Mi waukie "YOUR HOME BANK" . Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent, interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes (or Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED JE.VXI.VGS LODGE, Xov. 26. The many friend, of Mr. and Mrs. Gw. Gardner were sorry to hear that their two children are ill with scarlet fever, but aer doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Roberta visited in Vanouver on Sunday.- The pupils of Jennings Lodge school oiX great interest In the treat planned fo rthe Boys' and Girls Aid Society in Portland. With bright beaming faces they trudged to school bringing their Jars of fruit and sacks of vegetables to gladden the hearts of those children who are more un fortunate then they at this Thanks giving time. Mr- and Mrs. Theron Finch and daughter Miss Dorothy arrived from New Hampton, Iowa, on Friday. The Finch family are to reside at Jen nings Lodge while deciding on a psrmanent location. This, family will be a welcome addition to Jennings I-odge as they have always taken acMve pa-t In churches, schools and community affairs where they have! formerly resided. tA present they are isiting with the Hugh Boberts family. Mrs. Heath and daughter. Miss Orpha Heath, left last week for Berk ley, California, after a months visit with their son and brother, Clinton Heath. Many motor trips were plan ned for the visitors durag ther stay in Oregon. Mrs. I'lere and son, Teddy, are planning to leave soon for Spokane. Mr. and Msr. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Thompson are disposing of their property interests and are to leave Boon. Charlie Maple of Junction City will spend Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mr George Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Heath are to be host and hostels to a dancing party at the hall on Thanksgiving eve. The in v) tat Ion list including their hosts ot friends at Jennings Lodge and promises to be the mast largely attf-nded affair of the reason. D-. Jaes Scripture of Clarkesvllle, Iowa, who has been in Oregon for three months, hai decided to locate In Oregon wa a caller at Jennings Iodge on Sunday. C. P. Morse anil tfamuly accompanied him out from Portland. . , , P. E. Geralii of RpoV.ane was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emmons over the week end. Mrs. Tillman of Hillfhoro U enjoy Ing a vlnit with her son W. It. Tillman and will remain over Thanksgiving. : Mrs. R. F. Deter has a new Ford sedan and motored down to spend Friday with Mrs. T. Tucker. The annual church meeting waa held at tha Grace church on Friday Hazelia Votes to Improve Roadway; OSWHVIO. Nov. 22-Mrs. Waldorf u-hn rrentlv came from tho East met with a. serious accident on Thursday while picking grapes, she fell and broke her ankle. ' Dr Guy Mount of Oregon City wn called to attend her and Bhe is get ting along niecly. Mrs. J. T. Hullock of Eugene Is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. George liu'lock for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have moved In the house owned by Mrs. aKte Hal liman In South Oswego. A pleasant Riirpri?" ni-ty was given at th home of Mrs. Mary Haines, on Wednesday of last week. It being her sevnty second birthday. Those pres ent were Mrs. Hussard, Mrs. Arch Coon, Mrs. I.ucio Morse. M'S. Mable Copley and Mrs. Bussard, nil of Portland- Mrs. Grant White, of nnhy; Mrs. .Thn Haines, Mrs. Mike Iteift. Mrs Grace Haines and Mrs. Mary Austin Culie and ice (--earn were served and all had a very enjoyable lime John Hullot-k of Eugene, was oper-j ated on last W-dm-sday at the .St. incent hospital by Dr. Joyce, of Port land. At the present time he Is get ting along nicely and expects to be able to go home goon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Emmott have purchiaed the home owne dby F. E. Davidson In South Oswego. A special meeting waa held r.t Haaelia on Saturday afternoon for the purpose of voting a ten mill tax to Improve some of the side roads and streets In Oswego and Hazelia. Mrs. Otto Larson and sons, spent the week end nt Altoona, Washing ton with friends and her husband who ts employed at that place. Miss Ruth Erickson spirit Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson. The Oswego Woman's lub mot at the school house on Wednesday of last week Mrs. Gladys Centers, had charge of the program- Their next meeting will be held at Wie home of Mrs. Wesllngs Jn New town when they hope to have a good attendance. Mrs. Sam Ross, of Willamette and children are spending. a weeks In Oswego before going to California. Womcm Club at Sandy is Growing SANDY. Nov. .3, The Women's club met Kiiln thl week al the home of Iho president, Mrs, Shelly and ummig the work done was the appoint ment of Mrs. Entost Honnott. Mr, AUco S.-ales and Mrs. Lillian Ten Kyek ns a mm mitt wo to sell Red Cross Xmas seals ami solicit member ships for the annnnl roll call. Miss Mitfer, Mi-a. Ten Eyck, Mlns Myers and MisH Hart"U wre also uppoluled as a Parent Teacher committee for this wwk and the effort to bring tho parents and teachers In closer fel lowshlp Is on of the alms of the club A report of a program lining arranged for a ereeptlen for the parents will be puhllfliod next week. Ther- wern five names voted Into the elub: Mrs. nKlKhton. Miss lWirtnn. Mls Mlxter. Mia Myers and Mrs. Cross. The club starts mit with twenty-two dol lars in the treasury. Tho next meet ing will be the first Thursday In De cember t the home of Mrs. Eion. Woolen Mills at Eugene Close Down EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 21. The Eu gone woolen mills closed down Satur day because of a letup In business In wollen gooda. E. Koppe, manager, says he hopes to have the plant In operation again by January 1, 1921. In the meantime it will be thoroughly overhauled. Eighty persons are out of employment as a result of the closing down of the mill. Ashford, Wiped Out By Fire, Report TACOMA, Waph., Nov. 21. Ash ford, a little town at the base of Mount Rainier, was p-actlcally wiped out by fire, which started from an unknown cause In the lobby of the hotel. Fanned by a high wind, it d stroyed th five largest buildings in the town. Damage will total $2."i,0ii0. The hotel,, postofflce, general store and apartment house and a h.oriw were burned. POLK'S EEEOSaE GAZETTEER A Mdi Tttreetory t KitSi City, Ton and la Omcoa aad !ilpfilnr TV-Ultt!" rfn t4 Ulrrrtnrr -at taC& BwlMM a4 lialetauHb ft. L.'i-oi'K ro, Ia. SANOV NEW3 SANDY, Nov. - As this week's new4 gi"-s off to press Thnnk."Klvin preparations ar on the wiiih' an. I hea-t (espally young one's! are a flutter. An normal person, young 01 old, loves the hustle that preparation 1 for "company" brings. Homo and It--! ties are ; sweetest when shared with othtrs. How many will grasp the npirlt of g-atltude on Thanksgiving day while .fea-stlng till nature, cries. "Hold! Enough!" How many will think to re vlw tiitf world condition as It Is today nnd let a wave of sympathy go out u, tho vast multitude of starving ones, ninny of whom have never known what a feast la like. The three hundreth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim fathers is near and many localities win cei brate with fitting excercUes this Im portant event. Could we asBlmllnle even a touch of th simplicity that markd the dignity of those forefathers we would profit by It The text or future teaching Is going to be along the line of simplicity, If signs, do not fall. The sitereoptlclan lecture given by Rev. Cotton on last Wednesday night dnsrvd a largr audience, but the rain descended into almost a flood, nnd th affair was not well advortlsed, H seemod, as a number said afterwards they did not know of It. He will give another on Tuesday night, Decamno 23 at the M. E. church, and will have pictures from Ben Hur which will no doubt he Interesting. The Prog'8Kiv( Club card party was vc'ry well attended, and goon dcore made by the players, pedro be ing th. principal gam. Refreshments were eerved In tho hall and the crowd enjoyed the social time. Most of the crowd' was from surrounding localities. The next meeting of the Develop ment IUgue Is called to meet In the Odd Fellow's hall on Friday night December 3 at oight o'clock. A short program will be arranged and topics of interest will be discussed, especial ly will it be fitting to discuss "the foundation of our civilization nnd na tional development which lies largely In u" schools and our educational facilities," according to Governor 01 cott who has designated the week of December 5 to 11 as "school week". Everyone Interested .in tho public schools should be present, as some live references to social conditions will be made. A ten mill Fpeclal tax for local roads was voted at the Sandy-rldge road) rn'.etlng on Saunlay. Tliere were several names brought lefore the meting but. Charles Rrelm was the only one who would consider b Ing recommended for supervisor, and he was duly recommended. That dis trict Is now known as Road Disti lci No. 23 . Tills was the first meeting flnce the district was divided. It Is said since all property lying south ot the highway Is la the Cottrell division that tho Sandy-ridge has a little less taxable ntoiKTtfy than bejfbre. Ed. Uttlepngo. president and Charley Krb w Kooreliiry, A. U Mattlngly loft his riutch t oven In th morning to attend Hid road meeting at Salmon Ulvor last Saturday and got bark at eight In the evening. However, ho thlnua that a change will be made In hi district before another meeting, then wich a long Journey will 1h eliminated. A alx mill Special lax waa votod. That district la now No. 2. Max Kllgol drives to Sandy via the wuy of l'busant Home now. The gravel Is on his road part way form Poterson'a corner. Mr, Kllgwl say th Coty-sdl mud meeting will lw on Saturday, th 57th.' Even though 'ho highway work con tinues tho MAtuo us Mr. Itenson advo cated, everyone hero Interested lu the state coinmlsMloit's work Is sorry he roslgned. IU was so agreeable, hon est and sincere and spoke out hu con vlc.tlns so feaiiesjily (hat ho had tho esteem of everyone who knew htm. Horses graders and men have bcit moved down to llrl;htwood. and the Johnson Co. Is establishing a new rnmp n to be ready for action at onto In enso they are awarded th contract for grading from Sandy to ZiS ZrtK'- They finished their con tract t(! Trading fnon ZIk Zag tu Government f'amp last week, Henry Koch ts charging a toll of seventy five cents for roadalera and one dollar for touring cars that tis through the old Koch ploinn-r road Kline ili.v l-'lrwood road I Impassible for cara. It.mlilvnts up Fir wood way are uulu itiscnui :i-d sllU- the road has 110 bottom, A mil Wnndlnnd says It Is pet ting ve -y hard to go through "n foot now, but the lUiriug postman viu muddles through somehow with his horses, hut he has to! The Toller family are planning t buy a farm at Rainier and move over t'icie we urn soirv to tvpn-t, Not that they do not like It here the bent, however, l.tit laud Is not high th"ic. Mr. Toller's brother mild h- had . Invwtlgnted soils all over Or Pn and the fertility of the country around Sandy country surpasses any part of the state but price lnre are considered hltth; however, Mr. Chris Hansen who recently bought h old May bee place says land l Dot to.) biKh hero when the mtallty U ionkl ered. He came from the ltiod Uiver country. Joel Jnrl haa twelve aero of wheat already up on bis ranch l Kelso, lie reports tho potato market very dull. 110 buyers have been Induced to come out this way yet Mr. ,lur ts enthusi astic ov-r the big si k show, lius lahrns ssys that le Dwyer IjiiKttin Co. wUl not start work soon as there Is no demand for lotcs ul pr-sent. However, the H. It work s going on. U'llfr. Elliott Is getting a few lies hauled oat from the llruns mil) now as the riNid is gravelled as fur as the corner where tlio mill road turns lu Rev. Frank IMaumrtor, a Freshman In Willamette "IV preaches at Uorlil'i every "eom and fourth Sundays ut 11 o'clock. S. S. is held at 10 o'clock. Mr. IMnmurter coltieS, flimf Salem on Saturday remaining till Sunday P. M. to fill this appointment mid abio one nt Fulrvlew. Itev. llelsey, of Greshmn M. E. church, gave a lecture illustrated with stermptlcan views at Horlng after a business meeting at the church one niglit ;t wiski Mr. IMsey will probably st;ut services at Hull Run later on. , Uev. Earl Cotton Is holding serv ices at tho Kelso school house on the first and third Sundays at thre o'clock. A S, S, meets at two .o'clock. Jack Scales wont to Centralla last week to attend the funeral of hi father who passed away very sudden ly In California. H. C. Compton, or Horlng, won many honors last week at the "Inter national" when he scored first prlito for his senior yearling Durco Jersey boar, Becond prize for an under year boar, (H-cnnd plrwi for an under yeur sow and third prize for Junior herd Competition Is so great from far and near that it is "big" to get a prize at that show- We are also quite proud of our close by neighbor Anton Malar whose entry of fine Jdrseys received such recognition. . .Georgn Peers reports tho salo of the Hubert Manary place at Cotrell for "i,2r0. There were fifteen acres In tho place. Ho also sold the Mark Senske place of twenty acresi to a Mr, Schumann of Portland who will move on tho land which Is In the "Hum." An absorbing problem among tho mill boys at Hrtghtwood recently was 11 h follows: If 2100 ft. of 3 In. plank Hxl2x8 will lay 100 ft. of road, how much fa-thor will 2 MM) ft. of 2 In. plank of the same length lay. John Mitchell took his gun "and tho old hound" one day last week and went hunting In the Toll Gate country and landed a 2a0 pound hswr on Enola hill near 'Crighton's. It was necessary to dreas the fellow (rather undress fflim) and leave all his cat off's and even then "John" couldn't pack hi in ovr 100 ft. without renting, Had to curry hla a quarter of a mile over logs before fretting to tho hone. The bmln was about two years old. Mrs- Mitch ell Is counting on a very heavy rug Mr. Mc Guire from over In the Mar mot country was m town last Satur day. Mr. Undqulst who came down from Alaska to spend the winter here and .located on a little piece of land In tho I HU Crest region is not In love with our rain says the "snow for hltn" rather than mud and slush and Blush and mud" hut then he hash been here long enough; A "really' Oregonlan'ls happiest when the Chi nook wind blows! , Johnnie Odell killed a wa"? coyote near the mill at Brlghtwood last week. Cliff Piatt and Lloyd Jousrud are building a partnership hunk hou nt th Sandy Uiiubor Co. mill whor they are working. Mr. and Mr. Haumbaek antnrUtln. ed Mlsa Partem and Mis MyH1 i dinner last Sunday at thoir raitcU home, and tho young ladles enjtywl their hospitality very much Indiwd. Their avordupol probatdy ncreaiHl a few pounds after tha big dinner ami pleasant association, Anotfler home that opened Its cheer and w snath on Sunday was that of Mr. and Mrs. 1'ureell who Invited Itev. Karl Cotton and Mr, and Mrs. J. M. C. Miller to break bread with tlinnt around a well npHilutd table and spend a few hours socially, Tho dull day waa brighter for the ovont, 'Uev.1 Cotton hold services at tho M. K. church. Sunday evening and an nounced the hour to stand at 7: Hi p, M. An excellent piugum Is being ar ranged for th regular musical I've. ntng at the Methodist church on next Sunday night. The community needs these musical evenings and tho follow ship that goo with them, mid every body that lovoa stnKlnjt Is Invited to come. A varied lu'ocrum Is pitmlsed. The Hoffman fninlly drovn over lo spend Sunday evening with the ScbwarU family and pnseod a pUa ant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perret and fain nuichlly and Mr. IVtret's father and mother. Mr nnd Mm, Tnchonm, drovi to MV'iiimmih Uft Sunday to vtn!t Paul Tuclteitm, Henry Ferret's uncle, They report a fine drive and all toe Joyed the day v.ry iiiileh Henry Wctwr, his slsli-rs, Kate and ICllrabeth, Mrs, t'hrltiiiumtn and lti Johnson ct all visitor ul the home Jack Scales 11 ml Mr, and Mrs, l. won were down to the city on last Monda to attend (o various erntuda. s The windows Up town atsi dressed Ut quite uttrac lively for Thanksgiv ing. The drill? stor was die fii-Hl to display pew thing. I'd Hart of I'lrwoiut was down lo the slock show lat week um In en thusl.istlc over what a big affair It was. e-tperiaPy the rvcord !ia( ()le Eon made! Think of our own ntuta ciiriylng iff more prUes thsn nuy other! Mr. and Mrs. J F, (Iron All! and little Alia and Teddy lmv returned tu their home In A'o la after a week' vbdt with the Alt family- Uoyd Corey U home from Hull Hun lailie where he has ben wtnklng for some time, A new little glii arrived at tho home of (i r(!o KelKi kor on Nov, IB, and has been named tlraco, Haby and mother ar doing fln. a Joel Jarl tunl Vernlo weiT In towa Snturday nigh; Mr, Jnrl says his wife writes the have loid only twa nhoweN of ruin i men she irlv.'d there aliout three months ago. Shu hu plant d a garden nnd hat pens and beans lu bloom and turnip to use, Sh Is getting eighty reuia Kr dozen for i-Kgs. and with the stin-h!iin of Soiitliern California and out doer exercise,, Is beginning to Improve. "It was all a mistake" - It was Joel J, I w ho bought the llarhuiK r, and It was "Veil! In" lvimdret) and Mar Kal'et Klein thai fried It nnd made n-al" gravy for the feu it en it lion night, In precinct No. '2. Mrs. Sladke has been dawn f'oin HrlghtwiMid Btaylni! with her daughter N-s, Krneit Filler, and her thnw lit. tie grandda-igaters, the lahy la-lug nly a few w--"ks old. Martin Mlcklesen i is been hauling a supply of winter wt id f ir various Sandv families, Mr. anil Mrs- Albert lUdilerhM- 1 hail n new baby boy arrive nt t'leli hou so on the morning of November 11, ut six o'clock. Jaifk Hu)-notit moved the Squires family over to IHIIabon) Inst week. Them la one vacant homo In town ulnie Hen. Monroe moved hte fiundy to Oregon City. The Hrunit mill clos ing djiwii loft Monroe without piepley. ment Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hell and A. W. Shlpltw drove to O'eshair niwl were Joined by Mrs. Shipley one day huu week and the party went on to Port land and had an enjoyable tlm. Mr. Shipley had to come down from Hrtghtwood to get reairs for Ills truck. " Tho Snndy Grnngfc must sprue up a bit as to bo In the game with live wires for the National Orange meet ng which Is to be held In Oregon next spring, about tho time when the roses have their recognition. Everybody should begin to talk about planting loganberries In thl section. The Oregon City live wires are advocating tho planting of ftlft acres in this county and there la much acreage around hero that would pay well f planted as tho big company nt Salem needs more berries to supply their demands. Instead of saying "get a pan of po tatoes" th!s year "spuds" are ho large that th twlng now Is "gut the pota to ready for supper!" There are so many potatoea In the (.round yet that tho price mny come up If a heavy ft-eezo comes. Mrs. Glenn MMntrye of Hrtghtwood was In town one rainy day last week. Just to plant flowers at "Rainbow Rest", Mrs. Cnron drove up nnd Bak to her homestead at Wild Cat the other day thipugh tho rain nnd mud, but nho was happy because tho flowera were given hor to add to the beauty of her homo. John Wthlser of Hull Roan ntatton who Is a cousin of Mrs. Cubit z ciim out to upend Sunday with the CuhlU family. Jess Stafford and family of Port land were out to spend Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn. Tho Siaf fords ure former iroaldontti of Sandy and are well known around here. Mrs. Stafford Is Mrs. Dunn's Bister. MIhh Itertha Albel recently gave a dinner fov Mlsg Dyers, the pianist, who recently returned from Wiscon sin. There were a number of guests. C U Hansen, the "forestry man", was down from his habitation at Zlg Zng on last Snturday. Mrs. Jack Scales was In Iortlaiid on a business trip during the week. (Continued on Page 7.)