Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 26, 1920, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Parrs 4
Publish Evfery Friday.
E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
Entered it Oregon City, Oregon. Tort
offis m sesond-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
One year
Blx Month
Trial Subscription. Two MonUis .ti
Subscriber will find the date of ex
piratlon stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. It last payment la
not credited, kindly notify na, and
tne matter trill reeelvs our attention
Advertising Rate on application.
SALEM, Or, Nov. 23. Members ct
Salem Grange No. 17, at a meeting
held here Monday", went on record op
posing any legislation at the next
session of the legislature looking to
ward an Increase In the salaries of
county and sate officials.
The resolution sets out that farm
products are on the decline, and the
officials already are receiving com
pensation which compares favorably
with salaries paid In commercial lines
Copies of the resolution were sent to
all similar bodies fn the state, with
a request that all granges of the
atate Join hands In an effort to de
feat the proposed salary legtsation.
At the last session of the legisla
ture a committee, of which Senator
Boll is chairman, was named to visit
all sections of the state and recom
mend changes in the salaries) of both
county and state officials. The com
mittee already has visited eastern and
central Oregon. Following a visit to
southern Oregon next week, the com
mittee will prepare its recommenda
tions for the consideration of the leg
SALEM, Or., Nov. 23. The Oregon
public service commission today set
December 15 as the date for hearing
the application of the Portland Gas
& Coke company for an increase in
rates. The hearing will be held In
Portland, and will be attended by the
three members of the Oregon com
Ia the application filed by the cor
poration it was set out that because
of the steadily increasing prices of
fuel oil It has become necessary for
applicant to raise W rates in order
to meet its operating expenses.
Government Goods to
Be Sold at West Linn
L. I. Porter, of West Linn, has
made arrangements for another sale
of government goods at that place
Through his efforts a big shipment of
bacon, canned meats and vegetables
will arrive from San Francisco Tues
day and the West Linn residents will
take immediate advatage of the low
prices for the products. It is under
stood that the price of the govern
ment bacon will be $2-75 per twelve-
pound can.
Plow Early for
Wheat Is Advice
Six and a half bushels more wheat
was porduced per acre at the Moro
branch experiment station farm from
summer fallow lands plowed April 1
and on similiar land plowed June 1.
The grain of April 1 over May 1 plow
ing was 2 bushels per acre- The
grains are averages of eight years'
trials. The average yield for the
period is given. by D. E. Stephens,
superintendent, as follows : Plowed
April 1, 28.7 bushels; plowed May 1
26.2; plowed June 1, 22.2 bushels.
Lands plowed early in the fall with a
maldboard plow yielded practically
the same as the land plowed May 1,
and lands plowed late in the fall aver
aged the same yield as those plowed
June 1. In either spring or fall show
ing for summer fallow early plowings
. brough higher yields.
Women do not have to patronize
the beauty parlor for if their skin
is disfigured with pimples and
and their
blood is in
I they should
obtain at
the drue
I store that
blood tonio
and altera
tive of Dr.
which ha
, placed be
fore the
public over 50 years ago. Since
that time many thousands of
men and women have testified to its
wonderful blood cleansing effect.
This is what one woman says:
Chehaus, Wash.-"I have used
Doctor Pierce's medicines for over
forty years for myself and family
and have always found them ust
as represented. I think;Dr. Piei ce's
Golden Medical Discovery for a
tonic and blood builder cannot be
beat; and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets have no equal for constipation:
in fact. I can heartily recommend
any and all of Dr. Pierce's remedies.
'My daughter had chronic con
stipation from babyhood an4 doc
tors could not cure her. Dr. Pierce's
Ileasant Pellets is the only thin
that ever helped her." Mrs. Jen
WB K. Swopford, 1320 Alfred St
The appolutmemnt of Frank Busch
& Sons to sell In this community the
new hardware and sporting-goods
manufactured by the Worchostcr Re
peating Arms Company, is announced.
Now that recently ther have been
many new additions to the Winchest
er "family" there Is wide popular in
terest in the new cousins and other
relatives of the famous repeating rifle.
Fiftey-three years ago the Winchest
er repeating rifle was placed on the
market by the Winchester Repeating
Arms Company, of New Haven, Conn.
It was a good rifle, in fact the first
truly successful repeater, and almost
immediately achieved great popular
ity. This first success was made se
cure by the strength and vision of its
makers, one of the first American
concerns to build with the purpose
of gaining and holding a dominent
place in the world's Industrial arena.
Now this greet manufacturing es
tablishment, tranendously expanded
in the gigantic part It played in the
winning of the World War, is appar
ently branching out to make all pos
sible use of the additional knowledge,
experience and equipment thus ac
quired. New articles being made al
ready include tools, cutlery, fishing
tackle, flashlights, skates, etc. With
half a century of experience- and un
excelled equipment entering Into their
production, It is to .be expected that
these new products, made in the same
skilled and workmanlike manner as
the famous Winchester guns have
been made for so long, will have merit
above the ordinary.
To the good fortune of the many
old friends of Winchester In the com
munity who will be the first to wish
to examine those new articles, we
have here in town a retail hardware
concern of such high standing as to
be one of the first exclusively select
ed to present these new Winchester
products to the buying public. The
agreement thus carries with it the
privilege and responsibility of re
presenting the manufacturer more
directly than any retail merchant has
heretofore done in the case of the
Winchester Company.
A special invitation is being ex-
tended by the Winchester Company
to all its friends in this district to
visit "The Winchester Store" and see
the latest additions to the Winchester
'family-" And as Frank Busch &
Sons are likewise inviting everybody
to do so, the store is enjoying a re
gular "old home week" of Winchester
visitors. New friends will be of
course, equally welcome with old
Winchester acquaintances.
Joseph Diffenbaugh
Dies at Parkplace
Joseph Diffenbaugh died at Park-
place Sunday evening at 6 o'clock
after an illness of several months.
Mr. Diffenbaugh arrived here about
three months ago and was accompan
ied bv his wife, his daughter and the
later's husband, coming here for the
benefit of the former's health, and
were with him when he passed away.
Deceased was 64 years of age- He
was a native of Pennsylvania and had
followed the occupation of a locomot
Ive engineer many years-
The remains are at th undertak
ing establishment of Brady & DeMoss,
where they will be held pending
funeral arrangements.
An estate approximately $300,000
in value was left by the late James
F. Failing, who passed away October
11. His will, filed for probate yes
terday, leaves the greater part of it
to his widow, Jane C Failing. All
of his children and several grand
children are generously provided for,
Mr. Failing left a bequest of J3000
to McMinnville college for a girls'
Gladstone News
Mrs. Addie Nelson, of Portland, is
the house guest of her sister, Mrs. It.
H. Strickland, this week.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap
tist church met with Mrs. Edward
Harrington Wednesday -and spent the
afternoon knotting comforters and
cutting out aprons for their bazaar to
be held in December Those present
were Mesdamee Porter, Clyde, White,
Douchey, Eby, M. Rivers, Noe, W.
Rivers, Horton, Whitcomb and Har
rington. Mr. and Mrs. Prater spent raurs
day with their son, Chester Prater
and family in St. Johns.
Mrs. Susie Sarver, of Estacada, la
the guest of Mrs. E. W. Strickland
while attending the revival services
held at the Christian church.
Mrs. W. C- Green, Mrs. E. Van Way,
and Mrs. Shoenborn, of Oregon City
have been assisting with special mus
lc at the meetings at the Christian
Frank Nelson has sold one of his
newly remodeled homes to Mr. and
Mrs. Kyle of Oregon City. This is
known here as the Bell property.
The Ladles of Abernathy Grange
are holding an all day meeting at the
Grange hall in Parkplace, knotting
quilts and cutting aprons for their
bazaar to be held in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cork of Hump
tullip. Wash., are the gruests of the
latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Wenger, of Parkplace.
Mrs. Blau of Parkplace, to quite ill
with la grippe.
Mrs. Charles Legler and little
daughter Mildred, spent Wednesday
with friends in Portalnd.
Mrs. Frank Oswald is still quite ill
at the Oregon City hospital.
Mrs. Sartln is getting along nicely
after a surgical operation for gall
stones. She is at the Good Samaritan
hospital in Portland.
Mrs. H. E. Cross who has been
quite ill for aome time, Is much Im,
I proved.
Intcrcsthis News Items Taken From "
The Pioneer
Bom to Mr. and Mrs- Clifford
Poen on November 12. n girl.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Broyles attended j
the stock show at lHvUand last Tues
day. Mrs. Purrel Colo has 'returned from
Yakima where she has been visiting
for several months.
II. N. Everhart and W. W, Ever-
hart were. Portland business visitors
I. N. Fair was in Oregon City last
Tuesday on business.
Thanksgivntg services at the Meth
odist church next Sunday morning.
Special music will be rendered.
Mr. and Mrs- Frank Vaughan, ot
Pearl, Washington, accompanied bv
iheir grand-daughter lAicile arrived
in Molalla this week and expect to
spend the winter here.
Mrs. Agnes Buckley, county school
supervisor vbsited the Molalla school
on Tuesday. Miss Rums, the county
nurse was with her and made a phy
sical examinations of the pupils.
Chas. Harris, a former resident of
this section Is visiting with old friends
here, coming Tuesday. He has been!
living in Eastern Oregon, and this is
his first trip here for eleven years.
Raymond Switter broke his arm
was attend by Drs. Todd & Hume.
Mr. and Mrs. Addleman of Kugeno
visited this week with Rev. It P.
Williams. They are planning on com
ing to Molalla.
J. S. Wilbur and Mr- Thompson
stopped in Molalla last Sunday. They!
are on their way to Santa Rosa, Cali
fornia, stopping here to attend Sun
day services at the Church of Christ.)
Gladstone News
Rev. Clay left early Saturday morn.
ing for Roseburr where he will nreach
Sunday, as Rev. Hilton of that place
is here conducting a series of meet
ings at the Christian church. Gar
land Hollowell ot Oregon City has
been assisting with special solo work.
bunuay at 11:00 o clock Rev. Hilton
will take as his subject "Whv do we
take Communion" and at 7:30 "Church
Membership necessary." Ther wilt
be special music.
Dr. Keeny Ferris, of Gresham will
preach at the Baptist church at 11:00
o'clock. There will be no evening
Mrs, Clarence Froft entertained
with a chicken dinner Tuesday in
honor of Rev. Hilton. Mr and Mrs.
Clay, at her home in Gladstone.
Rev. and Mrs. Clav entertained Ht
dinner Fridey Rev. Hilton. Mr. Grant
Olds and Mrs. Clarence Frost.
Mr. Bisenbaum. of Parknlace . !s
critically ill, he recently moved here
from. Idaho and purchased the Bray
ton property.
Mr Ray Grady and family, who
have been making their home at
Salem for some time, returned Thus
day to their home on Mt. Hood street
They were accompanied bv Mr
Gradys uncle. Mr. Arthur Conutock.
Mr. J. F. Harris goes once a week
to Salem to have his eyes treated by
a specialist, Dr. F. E. Brown, who is
helping him.
George Macinan has rented rooms
!n the Duvault house and moved his
family there.
Mr. Everets family has moved in
part of Mrs. Griffins house.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Selby and son of
Gladstone, visited Mr. Selby's par
ents Sunday.
Rev. DuVault was called to Fayet
teville, Texas, to conduct a protract
ed meeting of the Baptist church.
When he arrived no one was there to
meet him; he was on his way to a
hotel when a gentleman invited him
to the M. E. church. He went, and
Yoo. irnotfeling(il.
Mtm lo agree, kave beadacbn, diuy.
tired and iki-pr eva
rest, bowels constipated,
very aerioba I he mailer.
think, batyouknowyou
not there with the punca
and the pep. t he tym-
temic catarro.
which mua
ot be ne
all the
-ot king
turn of the
ad tasks easv
Pine after the crip
says the Good Judge
W-B CUT is a long fine
Mrs. Charles Dobbs of Portland, Is
visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Gordon J. Taylor. Mrs. IVbbs has
recently gone through a serious oper
ation and t recuperating at the home
of her parents.
Rev. B. E, Gilbert, district super
intotidjent of the MothodUt church,
held the regular quarterly meeting In
Molalla Tuesday evening, at the
Methodist church.
Geo. Case, I A. Daimhorty, and M.
J. Cockrell wont to tho Tillamook
country last Saturday where they en
Joyed hunting ducks. They report a
fine trip and plenty of game.
Mr. and Mrs. Coo. Blatohford went
to Stayton Tuesday, nceompanlng
Mrs. Dlatchford's mother, Mrs Mary
Ogles bee, of that place. During their
absence Alfred IMntchford will have
charge of the hardware store.
Mr. Anno ks a Belgian and fought
from the time the Gentians Invaded
Belgian territory. He was one of the
defenders of Liege. He was afflicted
with trench fever and came to Amor
ica. After coming here he was on a
vaudeville circuit for eighteen months.
He has traveled much over the world.
Mrs. Perry Vorhels, who Is visiting
in Pittsburg. Kans., with her futher
who is 89 years old, reached her des
tination safely and finds Kansas en
joying excellent whither. She ex
pects to return to her home before
Miss Dorothy Eyman Is visiting at
th home of Mr- and Mrs. Robt. Elklus.
Miss Eyman taught with Mrs. Elkin
last year.
has been holding revival metings
there every night since.
Mr. James Duncan, who has been
visiting his daughter at Lewiston,
Montana, the last two weeks Just re
turned. Bald it was real cold; down
to 22 degrees and several Inches of
snow on the ground, too cold for him
to stay long. He has no praises for
that country.
Mrs. Walter Brandt was taken by
surprise Monday evening, when sev
eral of her neighbors called and re
minded her of her birthday annivers
ary. A very pleasant evening was
spent and a nice lunch served. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Barker. Mr. Gilbert Ferry, Mr. and
Mrs. E T Beverlln, Mr. and Mrs.
Lettenmire, Mr. and Mrs. B. Van
Auken, Mr. Frank Shlppley, Mr.
Smith, Misses lllatte, Elenore Forry
Uicile Wilson, Mary and Stella
Barker, Allen and Elizabeth Beverlln.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris, of
IfrownBvillls w.fe" visitors at Mrs
T. C. Barkers one day last week.
Abbie Scouton visited her brother
In Portland a few days this week.
Mrs. Mary Kastol, of Koumln
GroumK Oil-pen. 1s'. visiting her
mother. Mrs. Kdgcomb a fow days.
After several months absent, Wll
Ham Edgcombe returned with his
bride, they are visiting at his old
home on Imane street
Mr. E T. Beverlln and son, Mr
Van Anken attended the Stock show
at Portland Friday.
Ieora M Collins has entered suit
for divorce here against Chas, M.
Collins alleging In her complaint
cruel and Inhuman treatment and de
sertion. She contends that her hus
band left her for Salem during last
October and when he arrived there,
wrote her a lettpr saying that he
would not return. The couple was
married last April In Oregon City.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec- 15, Cha p 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the b-gal voters of Road
District No. 34, Clackamas County,
Your (oodloe not
after a oig&l
Proved bra half century of aervice
the real remedy for svstetniacatarrh. In
action. Pe rt, na it direct and tatiafactory.
It restore the aooetile. enrirhea the blood.
disoelt the catarrhal poisons which are cauainf
trouble and putstbe various organs In prime
order. There is a ororant anf alcaaant re
old vigor and healthful elasticity which make
and life a iov
or Spanish Flu. Try it and see.
A man can get a heap more
satisfaction from a small chew
of this class of tobacco, than
he ever could get from a big
chew of the old kind.
He finds it costs less, too. The
good tobacco taste lasts so
much longer he doesn't need
to have a fresh chew nearly
as often.
Any man who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
- cut tobacco
CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Oregon, will be held on tho 27th day
of November, A. I)., 1920, In said Uond
District, at the hour of 8 o'clock P.
M.. In Beaver Creek Hall lo vote tin
Additional tax iu said roud district
tor road purposes as by law provided.
' .11. S. ANDERSON".
County Judgu.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap '.'I'll, General l.av of
Oregon for IS 17, that a Uond District
Meeting of the. legal voters of Road
District No. 12, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will he held on the 27th day
of November, A. D., t'.CO, In said Uond
District, at tho hour of 2 o'clock P.
M., In Tho Community Hall at Uike
grove to vote an additional tax In
snld road district for road purposes
na by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
See, 15, Chap. 299, General Lawa of
Oregon for 1917, that a Uond DN
trlct Meeting of tho legal voters ot
Road District No. 3$. ' Clackamas
County, Oregon, will bo hold on the
87th day of November, A. D., 1920,
In said Road District, at the hour ot
2 o'clock p. m In Sprlitgwater
school house to vole an additional
tax in said road district for road
purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
In the Matter of the Estate
Morris Riley, deceased.
NCt Ice la Ihnrebjy Ktven that the
undersigned Executrix of the Estate
of Morris Riley, deceased, has filed
her final account In the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Clackamas, In the above Estate,
and the County Judge hns set Mon
day, December 13. 1920 at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., In the County Court
room In the Court house at Oregon
City, Clackamas County, Oregon a
the time and place for hearing of
objections to the said final account
and for settlement thereof.
Date of First Publication. Novem
ber 12, 1920.
Attorneys for executrix
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has leen nppolnted admin
istrator of the estnto of I-nban Mauld
Ing, deceased. All persons having
callms against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same with
Pnter vouchors, duly certlfhvt ac
cording to law, at the office of B-own-ell
Slevers. at Oregon City. Claeku
months of the date of tho publication
of this notice.
Dated. Friday. November. 12. 1920
Attorneys for Administrators.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
U II. Klrchem, Plaintiff,
Edgar Horner, Amos Millard, Ne
braska Bridge Supply & Lumbor
Co., a corporation, Defendants.
To Edgar Horner, above named de
fendant: In the name of tho State of Orogon:
You are hereby required to uppear
and answer the Complaint filed
against you in tho above entitled suit
on or before the expiration ot six
weeks from tho date of first publica
tion of this summons, which date ot
(expiration is fixed by order of above
entitled Court as Monday, January 3,
1921, and if you so fall to appear and
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relelf prayed for in his
complaint, to-wlt: For the foreclosure
of a certain chattel mortgage dutod
August IS, 1917, for $1400.00 and re
corded In Vol. H page 436 Chattel
Mortgage Records of said County and
State, on which $400.00 has been paid,
and one certain Chattel Mortgage for
$632.00 dated March 2, 1920, and re
corded in Vol. 13, page 145 Chattel
Mortgage Records of said County and
State, on which $200.00 has been paid
and for $150.00 attorney's fees and
costs herein, which said mortgages
cover and are a Hen upon the follow
ing described personal proporty in
Clackamas Cointy, Oregon, to-wit:
One 12x15 Russoll engine, complete
with fittings; one Russell Boiler com
plete with steam pump, smokestack
and fittings; ono Powers Planer com
plete with knives, bolts, blower, etc.;
one No. 2 Russell Saw rig with one
fifty inch saw and one forty-eight inch
saw and feed works; one carriage,
four head blocks and sot works; one
friction log turner; one log haul; one
slab car and truck; one cut-oft taw
frame and 24 inch cut-off Hfj IB
lumber truck; five line shafts with
pulleys and belts; all miscellaneous
tools, belts, gears and scraps.
Also one 11x15 Russell Automatic
Governor Engine No. 16058.
And for such other and further re
lief as to this Court seems meet and
equitable. ,
This Summons is published by order
of the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
which order is dated November 18,
First publication November 19, 1920.
Last publication December 21, 1920.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. T. R. Headen, Plaintiff,
Mildred Headen, Defendant.
To Mildred Ifeaden, defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required ap
pear and answer the complaint fileo
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 3rd day of December,
1920, said date being more than six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summens, and if yon fall
to answer said complaint, tor warn
D. C Laid u a iTT i, President
The First National Bank
of Oregon City- Orgo
CAPITAL, $50,000.00 . ....
Transacts a General Banking Buaincsi
thereof plaintiff will apply to lh
Court for the relief prayed fo Hit bin
complaint, to-wtt; for a doeoro dis
solving the bonds of matrimony here
toford existing between th plnlntlff
and granting a decree of dlvorco and
for u', other and further relief as
the Court shall deem moot to ".rant.
This summons Is svrvod upon you
by order of the Honorable J. I', Camp
bell, Judge of the above entltlivl
Court, mado and entered on the 21st
day ot October, 1920, directing that
such publication ho made In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, once ft eek for
six successive weeks, the first publi
cation thereof, being the 22nd dny of
October. 1920, and the lut publica
tion thereof being the "rd day of De
cember. 1920.
0. II. PlrtOOTT.
Attorney for Plttltilirf.
226 Jefferson St., I'ortliuul. Oregon
A. E. Mackintosh. Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
domiciled, as administratrix of the
entate of A. K Mackintosh deceased,
1ms filed her final account In the
County Court of the Stt of Oregon.
for ClHcknman County and that Mon
day tne -sin oay or .Mvem uer, iv.u,
at the hour of 9; SO A M. of snld duy
and the court room of said Court has
been appointed by the hM Court ft
the time and place for tho honriuff of
objections. If noy, thereto anj the set
tlement thereof.
lHted and first published Octobei
29th 1920.
' Administratrix.
Iu tho Justice" Court for District
Number 13. Clackamas County,
State of Oregon.
Paul It Melnlg. Plaintiff,
George Mather, IWmdunL
To Oeorgo Mather the above named
In the name of the Statu of Oregon
you are hrvby required to uppoar
and answer tho complaint fllnfl
against you In tho above entitled u
on the 4 th day f 1 totem her, 1
which Is more tlnin sit weeks from
the date of the first publication ot
this Humtmma, and If you full to so
appear and answer tho wild complaint,
for want thorfof the plaintiff will tuko
a Judgment against you for the sum
of $:I3.3R ittul hU t'onts an, (Unburn
mo iu herein: alno a )mtKinnt order
that rortnln enoiial property now
held under attachment by tk Deputy
Sheriff of Cliickumim County. Oregon.
In said District 13, to be Hold to satUf)
suld Judgment and cost and disburse
metits and ni curing co"ts.
This summon Is imliHebo,) In pin
nuance to an order for service there
of UMin you by publication, dated
October 2 o t h . 1!-'o mado by Honor
able J. M. O. Miller, Justice of thn
Pence for District number 13, Clack
anuiH County, Oregon, directing that
this ftummoiiH b published once n
week for six consecutive weeks.
Date of first publication October
22nd. 1TJ0.
Duto of last publication IVsember
3rd, 1920.
C. D. Pl'ItCKI.I..
Attorney for the Plnlntlff.
My postofflce address Is Sandy, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stuto of
Oregon for Clackamas County
Walter W. Knack, Plaintiff
Ella J. Knack, Defendant
To Ella J- Knack:
In tho naino of the State of Oregon
your are hereby required to appear
and answer thi complaint fllndngatnst
you In the above entitled suit on or
bofore tho 2fith day of November,
1920, mild data being more than six
weeks from tho date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and If you fall
to so nppenr and answer said com
plaint for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to tho ourt for tho relief de
mandod In hln complaint, to-wlt: for
a decree dissolving the IkjihIs of mat
rimony heretofore and now existing
between plaintiff and defendant, and
granting plaintiff a divorce and such
other and further relief as to the
Court may soem meet and proper In
the premises.
This summons Is served -upon you
by publication thereof, by order of
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled Court, made and
entered on the 12th day of October,
1920, dieting that such publication
bo mado In the Oregon City Enter
prlM for six successive weeks, the
Ural pull! lutlrm tkersof being the
;5U lay if (TCtoher, 1920, snd'h
'nst publication tnereof, being on the
26th day of November, 1920.
, Attorneys ' ' Mff.
805 Northwestern Bank Hldg., Port
land, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
brogon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Entacada State Bank, a corporation,
W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and
O. W. Messalhlsen, Defendants
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, Sfl.
Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, In tho above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 21st day of October 1920, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In
said court on the 15th day of October
1920, In favor of Estacada State Bank,
a corporation, Plaintiff,, and against
W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and O.
W. Messelhlsen, Defendants, for the
sum of $334.65, with interest thereon
at the rate of six per cent per annum
from the 6th day of Aplrl 1920, and
the futrher sum. of $50.00, as attor
ney's fee, and the further sum of
F. J. MY. Cwhie-
Open from J A. M. to j r. M.
CouitaartlaL Raal Ratabe and
Probst our SpocUltlna. Of
fice la First National Bank
IMtt Orvioa City, Orego.
O, D. UY
Attemty at La
Money loaaad, abstracts fviraUa
td, iaad titles laialntd, (
aattlnd, iral law buslaeaa,
Ovar Rank f OrfA CHy.
William Ha-nman
Phllla L. NammeiMl
Abatraota. Real KataM, Loaaa. tnsur
Pacific I-fcoaa II Hobm pkoaa A 171
rboaa 401
dtevena Blag., Orag oo City, Or
$"9 00 costs and dlhuramtiU, and
the mutts of ami upon this writ, com
manding mo lo ma kit lo of tho fol
lowing described real proporty, sits
ate In the County of Clackamas, stato
of Oregon, to-wlt:
I ,ot number Four (4) In Block num
bered Eighteen (IS) of thn original
Townslta ot F'ntacnda .Clnckniims
County, Oregon, according to the duly
recorded map and plU as shown and
designated by th Keuord of lil
town, County and State; and lots
numbered Ttmw (3) and Four (4) of
Block numlmnsd Twenty three (231
of First Addition to Kstncnda, Ore
gon, accord Ins; to the duly iwordd
in up and plat as shown and designat
ed by thn record j of said town. County
and Statu,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution. Judgment order mid decreo,
and in compllnncn with th commands
of imtd writ, I will, on Saturday, thn
tllh day of Deoimiber 1920; t fie
hour of 10 o'rolck A. M , at the front
d"r of thn County Court Home in tho
City of Oregon City, In said County
and State, Ml lit publU? miction, sub.
Ject to redemption, to Ihn hliihent
bidder, for V. S. gold coin rah in
hand, nil the right, tltln and Interowt
which thn within named defendants
or either of them, hud mi tho dato of
the nuirtgngn heroin or situ bad Iu
or to thn bove d'"crlbid real pro
-ty or any part thriof. to nuilefy
s.ild execution. Judgment order, dn.
cre, Interest, costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Cliu kaman County, Oreuon,
W. C. Hnckotf. Deputy,
Dated. Oregon City, Or., November
12th !!20.
In the Circuit Court of the Stutn of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. N. W. Jones, Plaintiff,
Chiirlos H, iKiffy, iidmlnlstrutor of the
Estate, of Mart In T. Duffy, dfooused,
Charles It, Duffy, John (). Duffy,
Duke, P. Duffy and 1'utrlck F. Duffy,
State of Oregon, oCunty of Clacka
mas, H.
By virtue of a Judgment ordnr, de
cree and nn execution, duly Iwu'il
out of and under thn seal of the above
entitled court, In thn above entitled
ciiiiho, to nio duly directed and dated
Ui 29th day of October 1920, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered la
said court on tho 2fith day of October
1920, In favor of N. W. Jones Plaintiff,
and agninst Charles It. Imfry, admin
istrator of thn Estate of Martin T.
Duffy, Charleg n. Imffy, John O. Duf
fy, Dukn P. Duffy and Patrick V. Duf
fy, Defendants, for tho sum of $2,
50000, wllh Interest thereon at the
rato of olnht percent per annum from
tho 24th day of April 1917, and the
further sum of $200.00, as attorney's
fen, and thn further sum of $14.90
coHts and disbursements, and tho cost
of and upon this wlrt, commanding
nin to make sulo of thn following dos
crlhed rnal proporty, sltuato n the
county of Clackamas, state of Orogon,
U)tn number thirteen (13) and
fourteen (14) and tho Southerly ono
half (S, of lot number fifteen (15)
Arcadia, suld Southerly onehnlf ()
of snld lot fifteen (15) being describ
ed as, boglunlng aftlie Southwest (S.
W.) cornor of mid lot flfteon (15)
Ud III Nlfcsi (N. W.) corner ot
lot fourteen (14), thnnce Northerly
on the lino of thn County Bond, ftrty
(50) foet, thnnce Easterly parallol to.
the line between lots fourteen (14)
and fifteen (15), fifty (50) foet there
from to the S. P. R. R. lino; thence
southerly along the right-of-way or
said railroad, fifty (50) feet to the
Southeast (S. E ) corner of said lot
fifteen (15) to the place of beginning.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, the 11th day of December 1920;
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at tho
front door of the County Court House
In the City of Orogon City, in snld
County and State, sell at public auc
tlon, subject to redemption, to the
highest bUIdnd, for U. S. gold coin
cash In hand, all the right, tltln end'
Interest which the within namnd de
fendants or either of them, had on. the
date of tho mortgage herein or since
had In or to the above described real
properly or any part thereof, to satis,
fy said execution, Judgment ordor,
doc-ee, interest, costs and ell accru
Ing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County .Oregon.
By E. C. Harttett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon CWy, Ore., November
12th, 1920. .