"cmuu ott"vj i r u t m nttacr f m,H """ " " M '" 2 a! - a 1 jjyws suits Wt art offering suit valuta that hava baan offarad by no atort alnea tha war. Look at thaaa pHeat than aaa tha aulta you will raallia tha big aav Inga. Ladies Wool Serge Navy Blue, full silk lined, neatly trimmed with OO HJ? braid and buttons. Now only I O Ladies Suits, gold tone, all wool serge and tricotine in various col- OA 7C ors in the latest styles Ladies House Dresses j $1.45 up Mina Taylor House Dresses and Aprons in heavy gingham, in light and dark colors 1.45 up. Ladies Georgette Waists 2.95 Pretty Georgette waists in flesh' or white neatly made up for 2.95 Ladies Skirts 6.50 up Beautiful shirts in checks and plaids, plain or accordian pleated. Newest colors 6.50 up Ladies Dresses $17.50 These new arrivals in pretty blue or brown check and plaid patterns, plain and accordian pleated skirts with fancy vestee and Eton effects. These are exceptional dresses for ... 17.50 Tricotine and Velvet Dresses $29.75 Think of buying an all wool tricotine or a velvet dress neatly trimmed with btads, braid or buttons for this low price. Ladies Serge Dresses $12.75 Pretty storm Serge dresses with fancy vest effects, well made, these are not usually offered for as low a price as this. w V , ::IJ Our Millinery Dep'tment him opnd up and ahowlim the moat pla InjC ulylpa In miludya headjepur ut prlcoa tliat will Intercut you, I.mk drooping altapna or tli niMtt clo fUUn hut or with a roll brim, vnry utmtly trliumnd. are all rprvantd In ihla jnclut 3 0tJ Mituy model hut In m-M. brown and unvy lo imvyli'im ttiul vulviit ruuililniiUotm, well h tha popular uiHul clolh wo kliown 7 In thl Hrtttl ut....... - - Millinery t'pt. Meumnln Floor. LADIES FURS $19.75 up. We are bulit a bountiful nrlwtmn or mm. pitlmr In full Hklim or th cup fur, ltt'd Koi. Mlmftln. K'julrivl and Kuwiliin Wolf. 1111 Wnll an the dulnly whim Cotmy, 1Q 7C Our price rmiKe up from ..,.,... VV IS. Kf! It has been a long time since you were offered such low prices NOW-PRICES BACK TO NORMAL Come in look at these wonderfully low prices. Come in let us show you a few of these values you will he greatly surprised. v BUY NOW! PRICES ARE LOW! Ladies and Misses Coats m- fas, rfJJKwr .j. i 4.- 1. i-i'- . 11' 1 1 g f 1 Henderson and Nemo Corsets At Factory Price. It makes no difference what style Corset you require for your comfort we can fit you. White or flesh. , Warner's Rust -Proof Corsets Two extraordinary specials in high grad: Corsets. Thest are two broken styles SILK PETTICOATS y Silk Jersey and Satin and Taffeta Petticoats in the most beautiful colors with f QC wide flounces, Extra special "vil Angora Wool Scarfs in the most wanted colors, large cape effects finished with a belt effect. They are very popular. 1 1.691.93 I 1. t , L- 1 & . jl ft F ft J ft l -' . a i 1 ft : rr-, ,.v i Ladies Sweaters 3.75 up Have you seen the beautiful Sweaters we are showing, ever mo many styles and various colors 3.75 If you need a coat see our large assortment at the most astounding low prices you have had the pleasure of see ing for a long time. Many beautiful pat terns and a large vari ety of materials. Ladies Coats $13.75 and up Misses Coats $12.75 and up Ladies Plush Coats $16.75 Pretty belted models with large' cape collars, cuffed sleeves are full length in Green, Burgundy, Zan Zebar and black. p Out Size Plush Coats $22.75 To the women who want out size coats this is truly a rare offer. Sizes to 55.- Black Plush Coats $22.75 These coats are 38 inches long, large cape collar (some with fur collars) cuffed sleeves, fancy lining full belted models. These are exceptional coats at this low price. v i n LiU PR """" This is not idle talk, but a fact. We are giving you the benefit of our advance buying at these very low prices. WHY WEAR SHABBY SHOES WHEN YOU CAN BUY NEW ONES AT THESE REMARKABLY LOW PRICES? now-prices back: to normal i j i Men's Dress Shoes took at the Low Prices Men's Florsheim Brown Calf, various styles Men's McElwain Brown Calf several styles Men's Black Calf Men's Vici Kid Blucher wide toe Men's Brown Calf in medium or English last Men's Black Blucher, broad toe.... Men's Black or Brown Blucher, round toe Men's Genuine Cordovan, for real service 12.85 10.85 9.85 9.85 8.95 5JR5 6.85 10.85 Ladies Dress Shoes Newest Styles Best Grades I Lowest Prices Ladies Black Kid French Heel, now 13.85 Ladies Black Kid Laced, French Heels 10.85 Ladies Black Kid, very special 7.85 Ladies Brown Kid French Heel 11.85 Ladies Brown Kid, French Heel, special 9.85 Ladies Brown Kid.medium heel, neat laSt.... 10.85 Ladies Brown Kid, medium heel and toe .... 9.85 Ladies Brown Kid or Calf, low heel, med. toe 8.95 Ladies Brown Kid, medium heel 7.85 Ladies Black Kid, medium heel 7.85 Ladies Brown Calf, Brogue 6.45 Ladies Black Kid, medium heel, round toe 6.85 Ladies Brown Calf, low heel, round toe 5.85 Ladies Black Gunmetal Brogue 6.85 Ladies Black Kid, medium heel 12.85 Ladies Gunmetal, low heel, round .toe 4.85 17 2 I X Children's Shoes Are all Reduced 25 You will find our Children's shoes always give hotter ser vice and you know our prices are lowest. All Womens Oxfords & Pumps !2 fnce Buy now for next summer at a real saving. A real per sonal service since 1895. Seventh and Main Sts. Oregon City. len's Work Shoes Compare These Prices More Money Savers Heavy Logging Shoes 1 rt C C Now priced at JLlOt) Heavy Loggers O QC Now priced at 0tt 16-inch High Top 1 O QC Now priced at 1 0 OD 12-inch High Cuts Q QC Now priced at............... 011 Work Shoes, regular heigh Of Now priced at I Oil Brown Heavy for real service ft QC Now priced at U0 O A good heavy work shoe. f 6 C Special .03 i; i : : S E im H tmHIMHIIItlMMIHtlMIIMIIMIMIItHHIMtHI IHIMIIHIMIMtllHHIIIMttMMIMIUIWIimtlllMllMtMIMMIIIIW IS