P82 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1920. 1 i I: i . W4 You Know That We Have Always Saved You Money on Your Clothing! and given you satisfaction. Now comes the readjustment of prices and we offer you the lowest prices again as always. Come in and let us show you the goods, you will then see how much money you will save by buying at this progressive store. NOW -Prices Back to Normal! MEN'S CLOTHING at such low prices that you can's afford to go elsewhere "even to look" altho we invite comparison. Buy a new suit now and dress up for the coming Holidays. Young Men's Suits, latest styles, single or double Hart Schaffner &Marx Worsted Suits IA JC breasted in various colors and 21 85 materials Your cjojce qj Schaffner & Marx Suits, all of Men's Suits, some blue serges as well OQ 7C the newest materials and styles CO 71 aW.IU at V F Sf i If WP . V i rni. I'jMir ,. f 2M 1 14 if I I X as various other materials Men's Oregon City Overcoats On sale at Men's Overcoats 21.85 Men's Overcoats, various materials, full belted models 39.75 Men's Oregon City Overcoats, belted OQ 7C models. On sale at UO D Men's Mart Schaffner & Marx Over- TQ 7(J coats. Your choice of our entire stock D7 .ID if Mi- ' f ) i i Boys' .Boys' i Overcoats Mackinaws Two wonderful specials on Boys' Put a mackinaw on your boy and Overcoats. See these coats, they keep him warm. Two values in are exceptional values. mackinaws that can't be dup- licated at these prices. $7.45 to $8.45 $5.85 to $7.85 . ' Men's Ties The newest arrivals, beautiful patterns and various colors. 65c ea. 3 for 1.50 Beautiful assortment of New Ties. 1.00 each Men's Wool Shirts AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. Oregon City Webfoot 11 Logger Shirts 1 l.xO 4.45 3.65 2.65 Oregon City good wool Shirts In grey or brown Men's Ideal Wool Shirts Wool Mixtures in brown or grey. Special Men s Work Shirts Chambray In blue or grey at 1.15 Heavy Chambray, well 1 made, double seamed low Men's Jerseys Jerseys in grey or maroon. Special $2.45 Gantner & Mattern Wool Jersey. All colors. $4.50 and $5.00 Men's Sweaters The latest Sweaters, rope or shaker stitch, in various color combina tions and weights. $450 to $8.75 MEN'S HATS You can save here on vour hats. Look at these prices. Men's Wool Felt Hats in good styles in green, grey or brown mixtures. .2.65 Men's Stetson Hats, the latest styles in black, brown or grey. Only 8.85 Men's Velour in seal brown or blacks, silk lined .....7.85 MEN'S CLOTH HATS Broken lines, various colors, special 2.45 MEN'S CAPS The newest styles and materials in the best colors L95 Men's Mackinaws See these mackinaws they are well made of good heavy materials Two extra ordinary specials. Men's Bath Robes For Xmas Gifts. MADE BY OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Beautiful new Bath Robes in the prettiest colors, edges silk bound. , and very neatly finished. $8.95 to $10.95 Special $8.65 Men's Sox Silk plated Hose in black, cordovan, and navy. Only a pair 55c Fancy Hose, all colors, a pair.. ..21c Men's Heavy wool mixed Sox, pr. 50c Natural Wool Hose, a pair.. ..45c Boys' Suits Our very low prices on Boys' Suits is appreci ated by the mothers who are keen shoppers. See these. Boys' Corduroys Suits heavy wt. a good t a art JLV.OD Boys' Suits in Serges and mixtures 6195 and 19.95 Men's Overalls Headlight O'alls Heavy Ideal Overalls. Made of high grade denim. Special $1.95 10 extra tor extra big size.. The best Overall made. Heavy weight, well made. $2.35 Garment 10 extra for extra sizes. Men's Shirts We are agents for the famous Beau Brum mell Shirts, that contain the finest work manship and high grade materials. Look at these low prices. Fine Dress ghlrts, French Cuffs, In various colors. Special Dress Shirts In stripes and figured patterns Silk Dress Shirt, beautiful colors. Special Pure Silk Shirts, French Cuffs, In very pretty stripes. An extra value 8 35 Jliln won nmcMi mnnw E. & W. Starched Collars All styles and sizes. 20 cts each, two for 35 cts Personal Service Since 1895. f-srrri Mm M.A IMSXS. ARET.ON CITY. ORE. Mens Underwear at pre-war prices. Lambsdown heavy fleece lined Union Suits. Special Snofall Fleece lined Union Suits. Special Men's Fleoce lined, 2 piece Underwear. Special per garment Men's Medium Weight, three season cotton rib. Per garment Men's 2 piece heavy wool Underwear. A garment 3.25 2.45 1.45 1.25 2.25