Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 19, 1920, Image 7

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MR. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Sandy Raises $76.00
For Charity Work
BANDY, Nov, 1H.-Th big enter
ialnminit itlvt.il on aSturdny night ut
I tin lct FidloWs liull fur I lie starving
Kurotteari children Hotted over
nn v out y nil dollars, ininn contribu
tion being? handed In afterwards; ty
those who could iiitt b present. There
wa a Kliiullt crowd, more Ihiiti ex.
poctwl, the Ulilrt being NO short In
which to announce hiii) urnuiK" the af
fair. There was much regret I hut the
Boring ordinal ra could not come. The
ftrnt violinist, llKtiry ltt-k, wn tuknti
111 on Thursday afternoon mill also
not h t iiii'miImt or two bad sicktio,
In th family, but they did not -give
ii l Iioih'h of roiuliiK until late In
evening, However, there m an ex
cellent prog-am, the following num
ber being I vn : I'lniKt nolo, 'Tartrlo
lln Overture" by Minn Well!, tetiebm
of Smiity rlili?t. school. 'Windows" b
high srhool Frelimn. I'lutio nolo,
"Llslen to I t- Mm kin bird" Deslrei
Struck: Sextet, Siimly rl'lK" girls;
Rending. Mrt. Shelley; Singing of tint
Slur Spangled liuinirr," h'd ly Mm
Miller, Ml nltrioii, Mr. Kon, I r.
Htino. Hev Kr Cotton nnd Robrrt
Smith, wit iiM-i, I'lirr.'!! lit th" plum),
tho auilielu-o oIiikIiik I" I'" IMH1B.
Baritone itolo, ' Adrift." with "Hot on
Out Hep" for nn eiicorf, by It-v. Km I
Cotton of I'lt-uimM Homo; Piano nolo,
Dorothy Joniniit of Kelso; nolo. "A
Dunky Lullaby", Dorolhv Khoii; duet,
Mm. C. I, Ptir.-etl mill Hi'V, Kr Cot.
Ion; "Whim ling. "8ni!!,, the While"
by Hub Jimnli Hhollojr; Heading. "I'm
nn 'Vim-rli-un ", MUh IMilee Jonsrud. Of
Ki'Imi; Pluno nolo. IhnlriM) Struck;
nolo, "When You Come Uiiiii", Mrs.
Mlllor; sextet, by Handy rl'b'e girl us
follow: Amelia Kntm. Amanda Mll
lor. Lillian ZoKtf. Mario Krebs, Mry
Mlllor iitnl Tli'T.". tlimolwanilor.
Ml WVnta tt otiutUIt; Talk by
Mm, Shelley who explained the nww
nty of ncitdlng help Ht once to the
llttlo tnri-vi'lli)K of Europe. Tho ti
keH tn thou put n the Bu tl')ti
block by Mm Shelley. l. Pureell
Bii. I A. C. Ititumbiu k Ht-iliiK i clork.
I'uko, iim!li-!:'i iitnl roffo wt ul
to o,i umlor tint nmnKfini'nt of Mr.
KrnoHt llotiott mid Mm.
hlih nottl it miliKtatiliil num. Affr
thn hlg f,,Hl f,v,'r '"nU '''rw
" imaluHl nu k ami evfrybixly iny"l
Kuiio-it. mill thi iiierryiimkliig holit on
III) uIhiiiI in- o'tliM k In thu mornltiK
Jt - a rowlly fiiJo nl'lo tint", iitui
tho noclot tomlnit uK-thir did lilt
crowd iuhmI. hut II linnoiudldo to
Klvi'ii In th rlKht llrlt without '''t
tlnif" !!
ktid win hliM'd to Horlnic shout, two
ypnrg hro, when ho first ur-Kun hrood
Th Junior hurt! on (llntduy are
Iho ot of thr" annlmuli punham-d
lust ywnr nt the l'uclflc Intorntttlomil
LIvpMiock Show from a Nobrimkii.
Mr. ('oinpion imy tli wuy to JimIko
Iho liroKDiiHtou of a furmliiK roiiimun
Uy In by tlm mutiny of It R stock, uml
ho tllcvos thut only the pure l(wd
Htruln. will pay. Another "sldo Ismm'
of tlm Couipton funilly Is tholr foin
morcliil i-kr fitniu Atprisut thwy
huvo hito puro'lilood while Leghorn
hells, Tho world neeiii a lot moor
4'iilhiiKluiits along fiinn lines l;ko the
('oiiii'toirg who Icivm to work iiinl help
turn tho wheois of prognmn, liiNteiul
of holm? Kroiuhy nml waltliiK or
KoiuebiHly el k.i to do all tho producliti;.
HAN'liV, Nov, H,At tlm monthly
nieeiliiK of tho Kandy (Irtiimo on Hub
unlity Ciirollne Chown whs tho vic
tim of the second and third di-Kre
work The fur off iiiemhers attend
(ho tueirtliiK iiiinli belter than tlm
cloK0 In one's, which I a nuitter hurd
to uiili rliind, Why, u iratn!i dini-r
In worth comliiB after I Iheri-'m no
other liileernt, hut how can llu-re help
b' liiK Interest In such a splendid or
luinlHtloii. There was a nhort ses
sion. HH th" roada w ill not bear lliKpee-'
Hon nml tho faniu-.'H were anxious to
K't lioltin heforo dark. The lei-tun'
holm was taken up with tt pronrwu.
Miss Hi-lby was t'li plalilHl of the day
and her work wn iiuu h apprei-lated.
I.lttle Floyd ltouKla hixikc a iil'-co,
Caroline Chown sant? "W hen You ami
I Were Y""Ukr MuKla" ami itU)
reel led ''Kentucky I'lillosophj."
Th"lum lliigan ami Waldo DoukIus re-
clleil and iho tiraiiue nuns a liumlur
of aotiRs. It l firmed that all mem
bers come promptly on tho secoiH
Saturday In lHrMnlr at lu:30 A. M.
s dt'Kree work Is to bo put on, the an
nual election Is to take place, and di I
iRatN to the stato O.-atij!" will I'"
Mrs. Hanim NVlnon ha gona to
Vancouver, Wash., to visit bar iltr
for a couple of w)ka.
Mlldrwt I) f-Viazer 1ih lirn 111
durtnic ih wank and was unahl ts
take part In a dance which wa tc'ied
uM with Hae Hoer for Balurday
TIip achool at (Jrenwood opemed
later than tho other acboola hut I do-
In "Kood" work under Mr. OxmI, tha
Thu recent bawket social lvn by
Iho (Mierryvllle aohmd for the boneflt
of the vlctrola fund was a fine ami
ces an nntlml forty dollars which
waM excellent, with such roads as this
season furnlahos.
Idttltt Arletba I'nMtor was 111 all
last week with khvito cold so she had
to be out of school, but sturtod again
Monday. ,
Our younic aviators Arnold Krelm
and Albert Wllklns were out for tSe
week end nRaln, and to atlotid tin
Saturday evetilriK flitertanluliiet.
Prothy Truhlo was home from
WiiMblKlon lIlKh from Friday to bun
day, hT Urol tier Carl driving hr
hack to the city.
Mlws Ileus Hnrtoij nojourneil In I'ort
hmd for the day last. Saturday shop
pltii? and tnklnis In a movie show.
Jean mid 1'earl Proctor spent
ArmlstlcB day with their brother and
his family at Coltrsll.
Howard Kelly of l ot troll him been
hero vIkUIiik his younic friend Ken
nt h I'roctor.
K. I l'ow-er Is home from I'endl'v
ton when, ho has been looking after
huslnena for the past tuotith.
Itrmnle KiiKon kept nuking nimtlonn
tho other day until his motln-r Mrs
It, Ii Knson. lieltip: very busy, failed to
answer tlm Ilttel fellow for a time am
ho aald to her; "Mamma, l'en blevfl
you want to be 'ear blind' when I talk
to you " To Itonnti ought to belong
tho c-edlt of cohiK a now word, for
what could bo mor expressive than
"wir lillnd" In many Instance
'lKrle" Uimoreaux has taken n
threo week'a vacation fnnn tho Kuti
ily Lumber Co. mill to go down to
Portland and visit with his home
Patriotic Program
On Armistice Day
HANUY. Nov, IS - To Mrs. AnRUst
lloernlit'ie txdonRsl.be credit of an i-tv
itnisliille Annlstlco imritnim at the
Methodist rhnn-h Thursday itlnht, an
liooueelroiolliltd to tho call of till!
day till idle suili'l-nly HouihIihI the Inula
mil on Til'lay evenUiR and w "hud
to have Mmet!illiK" in honor of that
Ureal day. and with ,l',r,t "f tJl0
irini !iii soumleili' th" alarm
over th town surroundlnK nelnhlior
hoods tolling folks they had to come,
and coiim they did. and one of the
bent Impromptu programs that could
he sprutiK on such short notice tnaih
overyon,, glad she started somotMiiK
Teh Star SpaiiKbil Uanner wus suns
with utiUHiial lent by tho choir ami
everybody which was followed by
fine drill by plrmnry RtrU from Mr.
The Star Spanieled ltunner was sung
white, with their flags, they made a
pretty picture. Orvlllo oJhnson recited
near the colse of tho drill. Until
vnvo it recitation. "On the ltoad
to Homo Swe.1 Home" was r.ung by
the choir, the audience Hinging the
chorus. UeadliiK. Mrs Shelley. Talk
Mr Mlllor: "There'll a I-oiik. 1-onR
Triill" by chot", iiudlence Jolnluic In
on lh i-homs; IteudltiR. Mrs. uv
Pinie; WhlstllnR of the "Um. U'liR
Trail" bf Jonne Shelley, This Utile
Klrl has n unusual gift, whistling: "in
her thnmt" in hIi calls tt. (tottl'iR
oviry not perfectly, and clear. iik
Uv U. Kssnn who was at the front
two vears vet Insisted he waa not Bf
much Hcurcd lhrouh It all ns be was
trvlnic to ''make a speech, but ho old
mlKhiy well and did not look scared
on., bit. "Keen the Homo Hres im n
init" nevor will wear out, and It
lourhoi! the ustml tender chord when
sutiE by the choir, the audience Join
tmr In iho chorus; M. A. Denton, our
former youtiK bunker also made
SANDY. Nov. IS Tho Women's
Club had an enjoyable seKlon at 11k1
home, of Mrs. Alice Scales on Thurs
day when tho new constitution mid
by laws were adopted and other busi
ness was turned off and on ; sonic
of the buslncKB KtartiM waa tb ap
pointment of committee to v'slt tin;
schools, Mrs Casper Junker and Mr.
Alfred Hell being niioplnled to visit
hem this week. It. was decided to
hold over the old officers till the an
nual election with tho exception of
tp-nMirer, Mrs. Shipley, who re!prni-J
and her successor will he appointed
v the President. Bight new applica
tions for membership were icubmltted
Hunwtf-ht's. iloUKhnutsi ami coffee
wore served by the Rneorus hostess
Inn the ilitclslon was made not to
nerve rfrcshnients hereafter. The fid
IowIiik ladles were present; Men-
dame Shelby. Ksmm. Hell. Shipley
Koernlike, Ditti-rt, Junker. Cubltz
Scharnke, Homtt. Knighton, Miller,
ohS, Mrs, Prank Schnilt,, Mrs. Hub
crt Smith, and the teachers. Miss Mix
tor. Mrs Ten Kyck, Miss Itarton and
Mlsa Myers, and Mrs, Scales.
Carl Lancer Is In Portland for a
month or so helping a mattres fac
tory for which he used to work to fill
Homo nmh orders, and ho may decide
to remain In town. Hudolph Krehs
Ik doing' the chores and looking after
Mrs. Trubtn while Carl Is away
Ootfe and Agnes (lunderson drove
their Portland guests back to the city
on Sunday, remaining until Monday
In tho big burs.
Mr. and Mrs. C.
P Pnrcell had a
their gtient to dinner on Saturday even
Ing the Kev. Karl Cotton who no
gnu-lonely added to our program that
night with his splendid singing of a
solo and encore. The duet sung by
Key. Cotton and Mrs. Purcell wan
also much enjoyed.
The Gutiderson homio on Sandy
ridge was the wen of happy festivi
ties hut S.iturduy nU.'ht when a dance
was given for some twenty guents.
There was also singing and playing.
Miss Louisa Wentz going to the party
after the program was over at Sandy,
Imlped furnish music, as did MJs
Km ma Miller who sang, and Fred
Freybol of Portland and Henry Mil
lor, who played the nccordlan (!eo.
(lunderson played the violin. At
twelve o'clock ri'freshments wen"
serwd. Those present were Will He'll
and Miss Douclasa; John Haley. Miss
Wentjt, Will Wldmer. Tom and Mary
Miiehn, Ivule, Ted. Pauline and Polllo
7,or,g, Mary Clark, Miss Ivy Ten Kyck.
James Pell, Fred Freynel, Mr. and
Mt4 Henry Miller, OscnT, OeorVe,
Alfred. Harold and Mrs. Agnes Gun
derson. Joe Washburn of San Jose Cnl., Is
visiting at the Jos I-oundrte home.
Mr. Washburn Is a cousin of Mrs.
I.oundree'8 and planned to, stay only a
day or two but likes It so well here
nnd Is having such a pood time that
he Is prolonging his vacation for a
Tho Hoffman's gavo a party for
Reuben In honor of his fifteenth birth-
nvltig already pent two i day one night last week and all the
lars this year for neccs young friends had a fine time to
gether playing games, navtng music
SANDY. Nov, IS. A new budget
wan voted nt the hjkm-IiiI schoed cleo
Hon held on nStuidiiy which is sup-
noM-d to cover the neeessn-y exiiendl
tureH for an addition teacher and tn
renting of a rooiu in which to teach.
It I reported that the new teacher
has been hired and that she will begin
teaching on next Monday In the Ottc
Melnlg building, the old printing press
having been removed and the mom
rented for school purposes. There
are probably enough desks on hand,
the board h
hundred dolla
sary furniture. The first and second
grades are supposed to be moved In
to Iho new room.
SANDY, Nov. IK At the meeting
of the Girls' Sewing Club at the Mlx
ter homo on Wednesday evening, Sat
urday evening. Deeemlier 1", was set
ii h the date of the biuaar which the
club plans to give for the benefit of
fund of the H. S. The bazaar will bo
held In tho up stairs hall. It being
on a dance night the girls ought to
make lot of 8b1x Miss Mlxter so-v-cd
punch and cake after the business
and sewing part of tho club were
over. Those present were Mlsa Mix
in tu.. linrton. Miss Myers, Mrs.
n -
... I t u .1 lwl, H,ff.
giHMl speech, having cmno out inmi Ten W'ck, oerum mm i.n.i
Portland to be with us on that own man. Pearl Dixon, Hazel Peers Chris-
Hlon A silent moment was held by
the audience In memory of the only
Bandy boy who did 'not come hack,
Kdwurd Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. llorfman, The singing of Amer
ica closed th p-ogrnm. Mrs. Frank
delimits presided at the organ spier,
dldly and also helped with the sing
ing. Kveryhmly felt the spirit of tho
occasion, and the sentiment was to
have a larger celebration next year.
Roadmastcr Compton
Raises Fine Stock
'SANDY, Nov. 17. Five head of
Ihireo Jersey hog were taken to the
hlg Block show in Portland, by H. C.
Compton, of Horlng. ltasldos his oc
rni unit ton aa coun ty enlglnwr, road
master and fanner Mr. Compton be
lieves In product ion nnd hn8 taken up
the breeding of fancy hogB as a Btue
issue. Among the hogs entered at
the ''International" last Saturday waa
gen lot yearling boar whlen won
flrat m-lste In his class at the Oregon
state fair this year and was also first
prize senior champion and grand
champion at the Multnomah Co. fair
In both 19 and '20 and was also third
nrlze boar at the Pacific Internatiou
al In '19. This boar weighs 800 pound
and was mirchased by Compton as
weanling pis from an Illinois breeder
tina no-den Florence Toller, Jose
phine Dixon and Miss Vera Mlxter.
Kunleo and Dorothy Jonsrud came
out from Portland to Bpend the Armis
tice vacation at their Kelso nomcs.
l.ri.n'inr with tiem tneir scnooi
friend. Dorothy Gilbert for a couple
of itava. Funic Jonsrud has been
nnnolnted one of the editors of the
pootry department of me tpecirum
which Is no small honor! Miss Jons
rnd hns had a number of pomu8 pub
lished In the Spectrum.
Miss Ivy Ten Kyck read so enter
tainingly at a recent gchool affair at
Dodge that, Mr. Veddur asked her to
read at the teachers' Institute at Mil
waukle which 1 to bo held on the
Mrs. Krnest Ilonett chuperoned the
Dixon girls to the Gresham Armis
tice entertainment on last Thursday
night which Is said to have been a
fine affair.
Miss Mixter and Mls Vera Mlxter
Invited Mrs. J. M. C. Mlllor and Mrs.
Lillian Ten Eyck to dinner on Mon
day, and a homey, cosy evening was
spent by the quartet. While the rain
beat upon the house on the outsldo,
hearts were warm within.
Evelyn Mutchler was out of school
a week with cold-ailments but Is at
her books agtttn.
Miss Myers has thirty seven pupils
enrolled In her room, and Mrs. Ten
Eyck has fifty.
nnd eating delicious refreshments
consisting of cake, sandwiches and
punch. Those present were: iHirothy
F.sson. Dorothy Mattingly, Pearl Proc
tor, Huth Krebs. Anna Crow, Freda
and Anita rnobtyvful, Jlertha .Tpbs
Delia Toller. Kenneth Proctor, How
ard Kelley. Harold Krebs. Carl Cubttz.
Tommy Scales and the Hoffman fam
ily. Mr. Dugger, who recently puihas
ed tho Scharnke place Is a new comer
from Eastern Oregon and was the
generous buyer of two haskets which"
cost htm eight dollars Saturday night
W E. Chllds of Poring said their
orchestra was as much disappointed
as we last Saturday night! Mr. Chllds
had a sick llttlo one on Saturday so
It would have been hard for hlra to
have come.
The Porgresslve -Club card party
will be on the docket for Saturday
night and a fine attendance la desired.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy and Miss Lulu
Edy were guests of Portland town
for a day last week.
E. U Powers went to Portland one
day to attend the Pacific Internation
al Livestock show.
George Maroney was also a visitor
at the big stock show, and everybody
who couldn't go wished they could!
A notice la posted of a road meet
ing for the Sandy road district to be
held In the city hall on November 27.
at eight o'clock, which every tax
payer should heed.
Complaint keeps coming In because
of the condition of the Bruns road and
It Is hoped the matter will be taken
up at the Sandy road meeting on
November 27. The town must take
more interest In each locality's wcl
fare If Sandy gets anything like what
belongs to It. This road has been
talked about till the subject Is old
but requests to mention It come In,
and when traffic Is held up along that
road people will naturally seek other
outlets for trade.
Charley Krebs has a gnng of men
planking the cross road from Gunder-
son's new road to main road when
weather Is so they can work Some
new planking Is being done, so that
road will soon be In good shape.
8andy will likely be surprised be
fnrs a great while with a lire, vide
awako hardware firm ecailng In nod
settling down among- us. Not marly
of an are aware what an opportunity
ihere Is her for grow th, builders iem
to grasp th situation and other sur
prises front other sources may shock
us later! ,
.Mrs, Ed. Wolf and baby daughter
spent year overseas, was out from
her former neighbor, last week.
Uoyd Baker, ex-servle man who
spent ft year overseas ,waa out from
Portland for ft few days last week and
was ft guest of the Maroney family.
Mr. and Mrs. Krd Buckow of Sandy-
ltldg9 carried off honors of buying the
first phonograph "ht tho piano store
which I holding forth In the bank
building for a time.
J. II. Scott whom everyone In Ban
dy remembers as the locating engin
eer working for tho Highway Commis
sion la now at KooseveH; where all
th Indian relics are lxitig
earthed. Mr. Scott spent throe months
In Sapdy while surveying the lp.
Pendleton women' have Jut ship
ped 55 uullts to th Albertlnn K-rr
Nursery In Portland for the com furl
of th waifs at that ln"Mtutlon which
Is having such a atnicgle to meet fin
ancial needs. While In town recent
ly frlenda who are connected with thi
work Ihere say It l pitiful to m-n the
little offcasts of humanity holding
up their little arms b-geing to be
taken up that Impulse '! must have
put the-eyet the mother lov Is
denied them for reasons of poverty
or social disgrace. The world nf;-ln
charity work now never before,
regardless of prosperl'y. Sometimes
the more prosperity, the more social
servlco wyrk! Every neighborhood
might as well have a sewing circle to
use up scrap- and In that manner
give help "unto the h-apt of these."
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Deaton and lit
tie Merl carue out for the Ainiatlee
vacation and see" tt f'-' day vtlth
home folks and friends. Everybody
is always glad to see them out here.
Mr. and Mr. Joe Ixxindree drove
over to Independence one day last
wook on business and had a lovely
George Krebs and his new wife, two
of his wife's sisters, her brother, anl
a young lady friend, were all from
Portland to spend Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Charley Kr'bn and family
on the Itldge. George U working In
the city
Koeslcker and Wence) were up at
It right wood last week looking 'over
the truck system of logging; at
Mlckteson and Nelson's mill and were
so favorably Impressed with that man
nor of handling the logs that they
will probably adopt the same system
at their mill at Llnnton. The Idea or
(gtnnted during the war. and Is now
considered the most practical way of
Mrs. Nudsen ts having a hall built
at Brlghtwood which will be com
pleted In time for a Thanksgiving
dance. Carl and Will Alt have the
contract for putting up the building.
The mill boys will not come to Sandy
so often when they have a hall up
there. The roads have been so bad
this winter that it has teen hard to'
come down here for amusement.
Zella Harney went down from
Itrlghtwood recently for a few day.?
visit in Portland.
Mickdsen and Nelson have recently
installed a new drag saw to buck
log in tho mill pond and It Is work
ing fine
Happy Jack (.reen-wood made a
business trip to l'ortalnd the last of
last week returning on Sunday and
taking "Ileattle" and Ernest Harris
up to the mill with his "fliver."
There were two or three inches of
enow up the mountains Friday morn
ing mill folks concluded to close down
for a conplo of days so the boys all
went home.
Mr. Pierce of Astoria, who has Just
completed building Mrs. Marshall's
barn, has decided to Jocate In these
part 8.
The Odd Fellows have a perfectly
new big warm stove in their upstairs
hall which is fine for comfort and re
duces danger from fire.
A. J. Morrison of Dover has gone to
Portland for a week to be with his
daughter and help her with prepara
tions for her trip east.
There were throe or four Inches of
snow at Wild Cat several days in the
past week but it would melt during
the day. Winter started the first of
September this year to stay.
At till io Cereghlno, a cousin of Mrs.
Martin Pizzola of Sandy-ridge has ar
rived from South America and will
remain with the Pizzolas and Boi-
trino's for a time and will probably
attend the Sandy-ridge school in or
der to lenrn English, and later take
up art decorating wntcn was nis profes
eion in Italy, having spent several
years In an art school there. Mr.
Cereghlno was at the front for two
years and then went to South Ameri
ca where he was taken ill on his way
to San Francisco be was robbed and
has little of a complimentary nature
light fingered gentry!
Mr. Sulser, a homestead squatter,
"has returned to his cabin in the Green-
wood-Firwood vicinity to settle down
n his place to stay, this time.
Charley Harris of Cherryvfltoi Is
planning to go to California soon for
the winter, as he has disposed of his
beef cattle to Lauderbaek Bros,
On the evening of Nov. 10, which
was the silver anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Krebs of the ridge, a
surprise party surprised them. Those
present were Walter Krebs and family
Herman, Krebij, George Krebs, Sr,
Carl linger and C. Sharnke, Mr and
Mrs. Henry Herman. Refreshments
were served and all of them had a
happy time. Some silver gifts were
left In remembrance of the event.
On Armistice day there was a pe
culiar haze which hid the mountains,
covered the canyon, and spread dust
about that some thought looked like
volcanic ash, but Ltge Coalman said
it was a dust storm In Eastm Ore
gon, that was blowing across the
mountains, and he ought to know!
The east wind blew terrifically for
several days, and the dust was no
doubt carried . over here. The next
morning; there wa8 a flurry of snow,
that soon passed away, In fact, almost
died a-bornin'.
H. C. Compton of Boring: was in
town the first of the week on business.
Mr. Campton, who has charge of
county road work, says there is not
much can be accomplished this klud
of weather In road building, and not
many will dispute thU fact.
Mrs, Matt Zogtf tt Bandy-Ridge Is
spending a couple of weeks with her
brothT, Fred Koellermler of Stafford.
The Allen family are all gaining
rapidly and may be out again In a
few days. , They have had hard
time of It As soon as Mr. Hoffman
gets the house ready the Allen's will
move up town. A. C. Paumback Is
doing the foundation work now; he
moved the houso last week, it la a
pity there are not more houses that
could be fixed over, as the demand
la at the aeuto stage.
The usual winter epidemic of colds
has attacked a number of families but
since the real Oregon has come back
rapid recoveries will be In order.
Mrs. August Hoernlcke has been
sick for a number of days, hut her
many friends hope she will be out
again soon.
Jack Scales had a teler ram Satur
day Raying big father died very sud
denly at Ijs Angeles and Mr, Scales
went Into Portland to ertnaln sever;,!
days with bii youngest brother who
suddenly took 111 with nervous pros
tration last woek Thd body o!
"Father" Scales will be brought to
Portland for burial. "Jack" was not
feeling very well himself and bad plan
ned to pave for the springs for a
couple of weekn when the new. of
his father's death came. Trouble al
ways ueems to double when one be
While Mrs. Dodson was at Seattle
on account of the illnesg and death of
her father, one of tho children took
III at school and wa sent home. At
first It was thought she had diphtheria
but it prove to be merely a bad cold
and sore throat, go the dreaded quar
antine was not enforced. "
Frank Jadderly who is working for
the Sandy Lumber Co. hurt hlg fin
ger very painfully last week while
working on the cut off. Jedderly lives
In the Three Six country.
Mrs. Dave Douglas sold the "pig"
the other day that she took first pirze
on at thft second Sandy fair five years
ago for feirty dollar without fatten
ing "her". Mrs. Dougalss wishes now
she had kept account of the baby pigs
this fine brooder produced, which is
the eral way to know what profit is
made, as only figures te',1 correctly.
Otto Mfcinig aayg his mother keeps
about the same. Is not very Btrong, but
getting along as well as could be ex
pected. c .
i.ra.vea irom uover; one young
(tarn colored Jersey bull. Finder
p!tase notify Joseph De Shazer. Adv.
Herman Krebs took bis brother
George Krebs into Portland on Mon
day to the oGod Samaritan hospital
where he will undergo an operation.
Mr Krebs has been misrable for a
long time and has tried to keep from
TO EXCHANOB H-room fione and
quarter block In New berg for acre
age In Clackamas county. Address,
Jfssb, the auctioneer, Newbers;, Ore.
FOUND 8o.rrel horse and gray mare.
R brand on left shoulder, weighs
1000 lbs., owner may find same, 3
miles southeast of Oregon City
Glen Oak station, O. W. French.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec 15, Chap 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1017, that ft P.oad Dlst-iet
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 24, Clackamas County.
Oregon, will be held on the 27lh day
of November, A. D 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour of 8 o'clock P.
M., In Beaver tV-k Hall to vote an
additional tax In said road district
for road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299. General Lawn of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road IXstrtct
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 17. Clackamsa County.
Oregon, will be held on the 17th day
of November, A. D., 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.
M , In Wichita Sehoolhouse to Tote
an additional tax In said road district
for road purposes as by law provided,
County Judge,
Notice la hereby given, pursuant to
Sec- 13, Cha.p 2ft9, General Laws of
Oregon for 1S17, that a Road District
Steeling of the legal voters of Road
District No. 12, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 27th day
of November, A. I)., 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
M., in The Community Hall at Lako
grove U vote aa ud'd illegal tax in
aald road diitrict for road purposes
as by law provided.
County Judg
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 13, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road Dis
trict Meeting of the legal voters of
Road District No. 38, Clackamas
County, Oregon, will be held on the
27tVi day of November, A. D., 1920.
In said Road District, at the hour ot
2 o'clock p. tn., in Spring water
school house to vote an additional
tax in said road district for road
purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Ii) the Matter of the Estate
of ......
Morris Riley, deceased.
Note is hereby given that the
undersigned Executrix of the Estate
of Morris Riley, deceased, has filed
her final account in the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Clackamas, in the above Estate.
and the County Judge has set Mon
day, December 13, 1920 at the hour of
10 o'clock A M in the County Court
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
See. 15, Chap. 291), General I.ws ot
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 13, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be hold on tho 20th day
of November, A. D., 1920, In said Road
Dixtrtet, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
M., in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Btrig., to vote an additional tax la said
orad district for road purposes as by
law provided.
County Judge.
Notice i hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Iviws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 13, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day o
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
M., in, Frank Otto Hall to vote
an additional tax In said road district
for road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 13, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting ot the legal voters of Road
District So. 28, Clackamas, County,
Oregon,, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, la uilA Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
. M., In Sandy Ridge Sehoolhouse to
vote an additional tax In said road
district for road purposes aa by law
County Judge.
room In the Court house at Oreson
having an operation but other treat-, city, Clackamas County, Oregon as
ments all failed and he has been un-i the time and place for hearing of
able to work. It is hoped that the'
trouble be located and that he will
speedily recover.
Max Woenche went Into Portland
Monday with the Krebes to get an
electrical treatment. His legs are
pa-alyzed and he has no nse of them,
not being able to walk at all without
crutches. Friedel does the farm work
and takes care of his brother.
Elijah Coalman came very nearly
having pneumonia last week and now
ha a touch of pleurisy, probably from
being too energetic and getting out too
Mrs. Fred Suckow was among those
feeing miserably with a cold for sev
eral days the past week.
Of all the goings on that Sandy had.
the last week! Monday night wag a
concert at the Lippman-Wolfe piano
display room, a "shower" at Mrs. Up
degraves, and a lodge meeting. Tue.
day night choir parctice and a party
at Hoffman's; Wednesday night sew
ing club: Thursday afternoon Wom
en's PIub and at night the Armistice
program; Friday night. Rebekah lodge
meeting; Saturday, all day Grange
session, special school meeting to vote
a new budget, and Saturday night, an
entertainment for the European feed
ing fund; Sunday night, musical pro
gram; there were musical programs
up town every night during the week
regardless of all other meetings.
Mario Boitano and John Haley took
a load of cattle down to the stock
yards on last Monday.
Potato digging is still in It's Infancy
in many sections. The farmers in
Dover have not yet started that Indus
try, but over half of the grain crop
has been seedd over there. I
Can't somebody come forth with a
bigger potato Condon has been show
ing one that weights five pounds!
The Sunday evening song service
was not attended as well as usual the
week had so many "doings" that
some folka had that "tired feeling,"
evidently .,Among the numbers given
were "The Rosy Gates of Summer" by
a quartet choir, a patriotic song by
IJoyd Mayhorn; Recitation by Ruth
and Mildred Bamett; quartet, "He'll
Never Forget To Keep Me," Anthem
by Choir. Dr. Sture was too hoarse
to sing his solo and will sing In two
weeks. Next Sunday night will be
the night for church services, and Rev.
Cotton will have charge.
There were more wedding bells tins
ling for Boring young folks last Sat
urday when Miss Lela Mass of Boring
and Glenn Ballis of aDmascus who
were married in oPrtland as "two"
and came back to Boring as "one"
I (however the conductor collected for
two!) Saturday night there was a
rousing charivari party for them, and
a shower ia to be given thls week for
the popular couple.
objections to the said final account
and for settlement thereof.
Date of First Publication, Novem
ber 12, 1920.
Attorneys for executrix.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws ot
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal votera ot Road
District No. 37, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day or
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P
M., in U pper Highland Sehoolhouse to
vote an additional tax In said road
d!strict for road purposes aa by law
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the- un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Labaa Mauld
ing. deceased. AH persons having
calims against said estate are hereby
hotified to present the same with
proper vouchers, duly certified ac
cording to law, at the office of B-own-ell
& Sievers, at Oregon City, Clacka
mor.ths of the date of the publication
of this notice.
Dated, Friday, November, 12. 1920.
Attorneys for Administrators.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec- 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No, 11, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day ot
November, A. D., 1920, ia said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P
M., in Hazelia Sehoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes a by law providail.
County Judge.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
L. II. Kirchem, Plaintiff,
vs. ""
Edgar Horner, Amos Millard, Ne
braska Bridge Supply & Lumber
Co., a corporation, Defendants.
To Edgar Horner, above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from tho date of first publica
tion of this summons, which date of
expiration is fixed by order of above
entitled Court as Monday, January 3,
1921, and if you so fail to appear and
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws ot
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Rod
District No. 21, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
M., in Union Sehoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 35, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day ot
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.
M., in Fir Grove Sehoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes aa by law provided.
County Judge.
answer plaintiff will apply to e NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET-
DUBLIN, Nov. 17. Four Sinn Fein
prisoners were shot dead at Killa
loe, County Clare, today while atempt
ing to escape from their escort of
British military police.
Farm Least Preferred
ver Bltf0 orefl0 City
wojj omubm tajsen Cash paid
ior aean cowi and dowa aad out
horses. Will call anywhere. Fhont
Milwaukee ll-J.
Court for the releif prayed for ia his
complaint, to-wit: For the foreclosure
of a certain chattel mortgage dated
August 18, 1917, tor $1100.00 and re
corded in Vol. 11 page 436 Chattel
Mortgage Records of said County and
State, on which $400.00 has been paid,
and one certain Chattel Mortgage for
$632.00 dated March 2, 1920, and re
corded in VoL 13, page 145 Chattel
Mortgage Record of said County and
State, on which $200.00 ha9 been paid
and for $150.00 attorney's fees and
costs herein, which said mortgages
cover and are a lien upon the follow
ing described personal property hi
Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit:
One 12x15 Russell engine complete
with fittings; one Russell Boiler com
plete with steam pump, smokestack
and fittings; ono Powers Planer com
plete with knives, belts, blower, etc.;
one No. 2 Russell Saw rig with one
fifty inch saw and one forty-eight inch
saw and feed works; one carriage,
four head blocks and set works; one
friction log turner; one log haul; one
slab car and truck; one cut-off saw
frame and 24 inch cut-off saw; one
lumber truck; five line shafts with
pulleys and belts; all miscellaneous
tools, belts, gears and scraps.
Also one 11x15 Russell Automatic
Governor Engine No. 16058.
And for such other and further re
lief, as to this Court seems meet and
equitable. ,
This Summons Is published by order
of the Honorable J. TJ. Campbell,
Judge ot the above entitled Court,
which, order is dated November 18,
First publication November 19, 1920.
Last publication December 31, 1920.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 40, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held op the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Roau
District, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.
M., in Community Hall to vote an ad
ditional tax in said road district for
road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voterg of Road
District No. 26, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Roan
District, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P.
M., in voting place at Salmon river
bridge to vote an additional tax ia
said road district for road purposes as
by law provided.
.' County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voterg of Roao.
District No. 16, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 27 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at thd hour of 8 o'clock P.
M. in Oak Grove Sehoolhouse to rota
an additional tax In said road district
for road purposes a by law provided.
, County Jadt.