Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 19, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Pago 5
FraucW Thomas, formerly employ
k by the Morning KiiterprlsM, now
inuklng hU homo ut Aurora, was In
OnK'n City Baturday. Wlilla hrr
he visited hU n!Hlr. Minn Mary Thorn
aa, mid some 'f big frlnd. Youn
Tlmmaa I a boy who U making good
while working hi way through
school. II" la employed at lh drug
store at Auror afier mtiool hours
Ho In a student of lint high school ut
Hubbard, iiikI making his home wltii
Mr. and Mr Mullory.
Mr. mid Mm. VS. H.-llolmi, of High-
titn.1, worn lit Oregon Oily Friday.
Whore here they were guoiti of Mr.
hiwI Mr. J. M. Calavan, of Pearl
street Mr Calavan U lh mother
of Mra. Holmes. Alm ttuiwln ut the
Holmes home wera Mr. J. U Calavan
mid Mm. Fred Ertrkson. Mm. Krlck
mm lit recovering from Imr recent
operation, and has been ablo to be
out for some t tint.
Horn, Saturday, November 13, to
Mr and Mm, Wallace Lewis, a too,
weight 8!4 pound. Tha little fullovt
In honomd with. Urn name of Neal
Km nr In IowU. The lwU family re
side near Heaver Creok,
Harry Young, who home In In
thin city, spim l Sunday hire whore he
vUllixl hi parents, Mr. and Mm. Ed
win Young , Mr Young In em ployed at
tint pttr mltla at HuIimii a a hlp
ping chirk
County Agiuit Rlrliurd 0, Hcolt, of
tli Ire rity ,1 acting as culrk at the
Pacific Intu-tiatloiial Mvmilock ahuw
hold In rortlaud this week.
W. P. Ktrchem, of Logan, one of
the wl known farmers of that we.
lion, transacted business here Mou
visitor Tueaday.
I ila borne la near
It, L. H1itnimn, of Glmidale, Ore
gon, was here Monday and Tuesday.
Frank Dawaon, of
hr Tueaday.
Oswego, wan
I'nler Emmett, of Oswego, waa bore
Tusday. '
PUT UP $2000
I Of Yi
Some of the bent local talent will
take part In the musirU wnx.aj en
titled "The King of Tlbbuctoo" to be
presented at the Mclaughlin ball In
tho neat future.
Mr a. 8 Deckiiian will resume her
rfnl(li'M on Fa Ila IVi'W, Hit an, U.
K. Williamson baa purchased a hom
Roy oCtkol, of l-onl. waa among
IIiomo to IrmiHHrt biwliii'sa In Oregon
City Monday.
3, X. Bindlua. a realty dcaW't
of Canby, waa among Oregon City vla-
llora Monday.
Mra. Clarunc l.w and M1n Mary
lioittmilllor, uf Clarkoa, wr Orvgon
City tlaliora nlunlay. Thuy mailc
H 1, OMa. the bridge contractor,
I whoan boini la at Oak drove, waa In
the trio by hore and carriage, aa H Orgon City on bualnxaa Thoaduy. Mr.
la alumni Impoaatble to coma ovr a Old, rwnnlly tomplfllntf i'vral
txirtlon of tho Mud In thtlr anrllon n)a f high way construction In
of lha county by automobile. The Klickitat county, Wanh., haa beon
road I btng Improved
rruahed riak lnatalld.
Mr. and Mra. Hiwt. of Itmlland
wvre lrigim Cl'y vlaltom Sutulay.
Mr. Itoae la one of tu woll known
fiiruiom of that awtloii.
by having wardd th cmtnut fnun Clwka
inn k county for building the bridge
mmnnliic lha Molalla river. Thla la
known a the Ikky I'ralrle bridge
Tho work will ln itartinl nnrt Mn
(hairgn ltMltl wnv. fonimr m
chant of thla city, now mnldlng at
Carver, waa hire on bunliuwi Hatur Hp ,h0 arrval
lUymoml Whueh-r, of Orwabam,
waa In tlladatone Kalurdny to com
l..iM nlnna for a football Kuml be-
twn tho two grade acboola.
Antonla Tnula and Hob Odrlln, ar
roMlnd laat Bunday aftnrnon by Bh"rlff
Wlliion and dupntltm nnar Mllwauklo,
churgi'd with opratlng a et Ml. put up
bull money of 11600 inch yKtrduy
to BMiiijwt twl ii g Jullod. Thla la tlie
lurgniit aum In ball monpy svf put
up for a llko offna In thla county
outdldo of the nolorlou Craw Klh
Inn trio, wlio put up $1M0 nach. Th
Teala- Odrlln trial will tiiko place al
Mllwauklu Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert fioui announce
thn nKUiuiint tit tlmlr dauKhtor,
Ml ta Klljil).t!l Margiixot, to lank
Fuge of thla city.
The M Umghlln Bowing Club la ar
ranging for Its annual bazaar to be
Blvm during- the holidays, previous
'o Chrlntinas. Tbla will be htld in the
MoIukIi1Ih hall, and elaborate plan
are being made.
Mr and Mra. CharlPa Parker, form
cr raldits of thla city, now of Port
land, are receiving congratulations
of a aon, born Mon
day, November 15, Mra. I'arker wa
formerly Mlas Um Iluaaell, of thla
city. Tlila la the only grandchild or
Mra. May Ruaail, of thla city, and
alio la aa proud over the newcomer
as tho panmta.
... .. .. . , .....H.lt tKl
Mlna r.aincr narna is i' ... t.,..
. ir.h ..h.r. i-.a-iounir .niieiHir . .
(fin UH. W Ml 'i'Htl
t, Mr. Ale. Sohmm and It- imalneas TUaay. wnne iieri. mr.
tin daughter. FJulim. who have twn rcvwman viannq many o. .... .
making tlmlr homo al I'owull lliver, anamioies at tn conn nu'.
11, c, for th itt flvo ym. hav re- accompanied by his brothor. Harvey
rt..u.,.n c iv im UL'aln re- N. Kvnrnan. an unueriam-r ui ui
auum tholr resldnc. Mr. Schram place.
has twn tunoloyd at the paptT mills
. IH.W..H Hiver. ami rt-ently resigned Mrs. It Boner, of Canby. chief
tlio Bouillon. Fr tht .rwteni they are rtw-rator for tho Canby Mutual Tel
vlalttna Mra. Sthram a pureuia. Mr. i,hone company, wiu lu t)ngon Luy
and, Mrs. Caaiar Cair Welamandel. xunaday afternoon on her way to
of Twelfth and John Adamas Street. I l0ttlnnI. whre h wnt on bual-
Mr 8hrm Is a brother or Mm.f ,, Knft wnll Hmmpnled by Miaa
Joseph bynch and Cbarlea Schram. ol ,nM swrtKKnrt, of Molalla. who baa
Iloberg Sues County
For 5700 Damages
J. 0. lioberg him ntred suit here
In the circuit court against Mult
nomali county and K. U Ray for al
leged damages In the sum of $"00.
Ifoberg ullea that while driving
over a bridge on tho Portland-fit
Helens road, hla automobile travelled
orf the structure and Injured his
family and hlnwwlf. He also alleges
thut no lights were placed upon the
bridge to warn traffic and that he
could not see hla way wh the ac
eldeiit haonem!. The bridge was
built temporarily until comrtruction
work could le finJsbivl on the rood
near Patterson hill. W. 8. UHen la
the attoniey for Hoberg.
The chicken dlnni:r served at tho
feHliyterlan church Wednesday eve
ning under the auwplce.s of the Men's
Brotherhood of that church wa
argely attended and thoroughly eu-
Among the spirakers Was Rev. Wal
ter Nugent. I. D., of the Central
church of Portland.
Miss Morrell Ixses
Finger In Cider Press
MIbs Averll Morroll, daughter of II.
U Morrell of Willamette, caught
the fourth finger of her right hand in
a elder press laat Saturday. She was
taken to Dr Strickland who found it
noceiwary to amputate the finger at
it first lolut Miss Morrell was
playing with the press when the ac
cident happened at the Morrell nome
and In some manner caught her hand
In the mechanism of the macninery
tbla city.
Mr Mrs llovd Hunt, of Van
couver. Wash , were ruets of J. t'
Paddwk and daughter, Mls Iura
nnd Jenslts at th"lr home atCladstone
b-n a gii't at the sojmt nome auoui
three week.
Mrs William Puckett, of this city.
who left some lime ago for a vlalt
with tinp nwtlhnr. St Colfux. Waah.. is
Mrs. Ulllo Dygort. of Sim rranclaeo,
Mr. will Mrs. K P. lelmiin, of Clack
amns: Mra. McKenale. Portland.
and Thorton Cale. of this city.
several days was alarming, and she
la now considered out of danger, be
ing able to leave her room.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Meyer, who have
... .. xtui.n Mfwnt been spending their honeymoon at
Kj. I, A1BH, U. -- .... . .
si.mnt.. .n.i M.in.l In ()ron City The Hallea ano at iiooa iutw.
- - , .... . , . . t n U nnn
ss gueat of hi. daughters. Mrs. ... . re.urneo ,o 7,h
it i.u ...( vtr. r it. Mn imiir. ana Airs, nwyer . ."
returned to bis home Monday morn urn un, ami nernwmw , ..-
ina Mra. Avlson la still at the bed took place in romana
lilo o her aon. Hothwell Avlson, who
ll...nj I.. n Biilnmuli In IfcOlMlleill I 111 a
wan i.iju.i ...... . ,...... ,w. wit
jiiifii in iiiRuiu m aiiu vim ..
At the last meeting of the fire de
partment of West Linn No. 2 of
Bolton, it waa decided to give a bas
ket social November 26 The pro
ceeds will go towards the new fire
hall, which the city 1 to build on the
ground the Interstate Ind Company
deeded to the city for that purpose.
The women are to bring the baskets
and the men the money. An auction
eer will be on band to sell the baskets.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con
gregntlonal church have planned for
a unique tea to ve given at the home
of Mm. J. W. Moffat at West Unn
Wednesday afternoon of this week.
Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. Lena Cbarman
and Mra Surber are to be the host
Each member will tell of some
amusing experience she has had dur
ing the last few years. A number of
the members are prntillng their brains
Just what Incident to relate.
and Mrs- Rudolph Winkler, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle. Glass, John Straight, Mrs.
Dertba Straight, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Praeger, Donald Praeger, Cheat
La Mar, Melvln, Norman and Lester
Mr. and Mra. FA Nachand enter
tained with a birthday dinner party
at the home of Mr. Nachand s father,
at hla bachelofr quarters at Park
place Saturday evening.
Their guests were Mr. and Mra
('has. Nachand and aon, Horace, of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hernler
and son, Harold, Mrs. aJmes Fl"
Mjm, Mary Hiralor, 1 Kenny Himler,
Henry Nachand, Mr. and Ed. Nach
and and daughters, Thelitis and
Mra. A. J. Own bey, whose birthday
occurred Wednesday, some of hei
friend ami relatives planned and car-
led out a little surprise In honor of
the occasion.
Going .in a body to the Ownbey
home at Greenpolnt Wednesday eve
nlng they spent the evening In games
and music. Refreshments were aerv
Mrs. Ownbey was presented with a
number of useful and pretty gifts.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Foxberg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forsh
ner, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Williams, of
Sago, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Mi
and Mrs. Rudolph Wenger, Mra. MIn
nle Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. Al Cox and
children, Miss Marie Vonderahe, Mias
Bunny Ownbey, Mr. and Mm. A. J
Mra. Thomas Cook and Mrs. Maggie
Cross were hostesses.
The room was prettily decorated
for the occasion.
After the business waa transacted.
refreshments were serve;. '
Ammei-. Mrs. J. Crawford, Mra. J.
Chlnn. Mrs. Lillian Cook. Mrs. T.
Cook, Mrs. If. O. Crocker, Miss Helen
Paulton. M.-S. C. H. Dye, Mrs. Ellen
Earls, Miss Bads, Mm. Win. Gardner,
Mrs. Geo. Gardner, Mrs. Hugh Hen
dry, Mra. L. A. Henderson, Mrs. Julia
Haskell, Mi-s. D. W. Kelly, Mm. C. V.
Latourette, Mrs. J. McOetchle, Mrs.
C. H. Meissner. Mrs. J. Roake, Mrs.
Albert Roake, Miss Roake. Mrs. 8. L.
Attending were Mil. I. Adams, Mrs
Stevens, Mrs. Neal Sullivan, Mm.
Bcanlon, Mrs. J. 11. Walker, Mrs. R
Wentworth, Mrs. Maggie Cross, Miss
Maude Warner.
Once. In the hard times of 1S92. C
W. Boost,' commodore of tho Portland
Motorbat Club, gavo a hungry 'man a
Job as errand boy In his shop. Now
Mr. ttmwt is admlnlatrator of ihi
man's estate, valued at about $15,000.
and will receive under the will a
legacy of about $7000.
The property was left by John Hor
gren, who died In Portland two
months ago at the age of 65.
HoukI gave Mr. Horgren employ,
ment with the Portland Wire com
pany when the latter was out of work
and hungry. Horgren late rsold some
supposedly worthless timber and In
vested the proceeds in city lots. The
estate Includes numerous small be-quntsta.
a month ago,
11.. I Imnravltlff
lumette school at Canemah park Mon
W. A Huntley, who was recently day afternoon, the game resulted In
l ki . ,1.- r,.....ni 111a wait. . .nr nf 21 to 0 In favor Of Mc-
Ing for an electric car In Iortlaiid houghlln Institute.
,n nn.d Oil tfv whim an auto-
mobile struck him. it getting along Miss Leona Kellogg) and Mlas
nicely Mr. Huntley Is suffering from Valeria Meyer will be among those
a fractured skull and hip. from Oregon City to go to Corval
Saturday to witness the football game
Horn, Sunday. November 14. to Mr. between the University of Oregon and
and Mm. Albert Flattery, of Reeds- the Oregon Agricultural College.
r.rt rtrovnn. s Hon The baby was
born at Stafford, the former home of Mm. S3. J. Alldmlge, after spending
Mm. Flattery, who was Mlaa Luclle the past week in Portland as a guest
Holton before her
Mr. and Mm N. C. Pearson are re
Hvlne- the congratulations over (ho
arrival of a aon, born November 11
Tim Pearson family reside at ISO
mnrrlnee to Mr.lr,f her non. Joseilh Alldredge, and
family, and also visiting hor grand
daughter, Mrs, I-eRoy Eaton, return
ed to Oregon City Tueaiiuy ntgnu
John Purcoyne. one of the well
known orchanmts or ciacaajium
Moss Street, Bnd the little follow hnCOunty, whoa home is at New Era.
been namcxl Walter Engwold Pearson.
The Right Rev. Bishop Sumner de
livered the main address at the union
service held at the Presbyterian
church Sunday afternoon In observ
ance of Armistice Sunday. Rev
Sumner eulogiied the hero dead and
commented upon the part Clackamas
county men had played In the late
war. A large congregation was pre
sent to bear him.
The Saturday Club of the Congrega
tional church la making elaborate
plans for the annual bazaar to be
given In the church parlors November
The doom of the church parlors are
to be opened at 2 o'clock for the sale
of the goods. A chicken dinner will
be send by the Congregational Girls'
The follwlug compose the various
committees In charge of the event:
Bazaar Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Mrs.
Adams and Mrs. J. H. Walker.
Market Mra Ellen R. Eades aad
Mrs William Gardner.
Breed Mrs. James Chlnn and Mrs
Bert Roake.
Brown Bread Mrs, James Roake and
Mm. Ada Pearl.
Beans Mrs. Julia Haskell and Misa
Muriel Stevens.
Cakes Mrs Charles D. Utouretts
and Mrs. Thomas Keith.
Plea Mra. C. H. Meissner and Mrs.
Hugh E. Hendry.
Cranberry Jelly and Dill Pickle
Mrs. Verbe Roake and Mrs. Richard
Candy Mra. Albert Roake and Miss
Alice Freytag.
Advertising Mm. C. D. Latourette
M1.JS Helen Daulton and Mrs. L. A
Henderson. - .
Nominating Committee Mrs. C. D.
Latourette, Miss Helen Daulton and
Mrs. Thomas Keith.
Mra. Charles Latourette la chair
man of the market, and appointed her
Many handsome articles have been
made since last December when
bazaar was given and are to be plac
ed on sale.
The proceeds will go towards the
Saturday Club fund.
Bishop. Calif. About five
years rro I Buffered severely. I
consulted a local doctor ana ne saia
I would have to 'jnderiro an opoera-
tion. When I uaid "No," he advised
a enuroA nf treatments. I rlBD-
pened to think of Dr. Pierce's Med
ical Adviser, and in it I found my
case- thoroughly described. I sat
riirht down and wrote to Dr. Pierce.
I then tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription took one bottle-also
one bottle of 'Golden Medical
Discovery,' and used the 'Lotion
Tablets' and I have not been troub
led since. I have had two fine
healthy boys since then, and work
hard. At that time I was not able
to do my own work. I have used
the 'Pleasant Pellets' for the liver
and bowels for about 20 years,
wouldn't be without them." MRS.
S. G. Albiucht, R. F. D. No. 1.
Write to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y if you want
free confidential medical advice, or
send 50 cents for the " Medical
was In Oregon, City on business Tue
Newton Farr, of Molalla, cattle
buyer of Furr Brothers, of this ctty
was among those to transact ousi
nts In Oregon City Tuesday.
Among the well known residents of
Clackamas county in Oregon t-.y
Tuowlay waa Frank Whttton, whose
homo is at Oswego.
County Recorder J. Q. Noe, who has
been spending several days on busi
ness at Molalla, returned to hla home
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, woll
known residents of Clackamas coun.
ty, whose home Is at Clalrmont, were
Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
W. If. Lucke, commission merchant
of Canby. was In Oregon Uty on
business pertaining to his commission
house in. this city Tuesday.
Mrs A. F. Jack, who recently un
derwent a surgical operation ai me
Good Samaritan hospital In Portland
Is Improving.
A G. Sfelton, of Corvallls, was an
Oregon City visitor Monday and Tues
Among those to .transact business
v,Qr Tnusilav was O. C. wane; oi
SALEM, Or., Nov. .15. The state
treasurer's office today Instructed
Walter Evamt district aUotrney of
Multnomah county, to file suit against
the heirs of Anne Donovan, who died
In Portland In 1909, to recover Inher
itance taxes on property valued at ap
proximately $75,000 Under the law
according to the Interpretation of the
state treasurer. It Is necessary to sue
for Inheritance taxes within five years
after Interest accrues, or the tax is
presumed to have been paid. In case
Mr, Evnns Is successful the state will
recover between $1500 and $2000.
"Constabule" Serves
Gets Punch on Nose
Councilman Is Peeved
One of the most enjoyable meetings
held by the Deelhick Club was Friday
afternoon, when Mrs. S. 0. DUIman
and her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Hedges,
were hostesses ut the home of Mrs.
As the study of French composers Is
occupying the afternoons of the meet
ings of the club, this was continued
for Friday. Mrs. Eber A. Chapman
gave a reading on French composers
and their compositions. She was foi
lowed by several piano selections by
Janice Hedges, who played most ar
tistically 'The Tambourin" and "Two
Mlnuette" by Rameau.
Delicious refreshments were served
during the afternoon.
The rooms of Mrs. Dlllman' home
were nrettily decorated with red
roses and ferns.
Arrangements for the next meeting
we-e made. Owing to Thanksgiving
Day falling on the regular meeting
day of the club, it was decided to hold
the meeting at the home of Mra. Por
ter on the week following Thanksgiv
ing. Mrs. L. L. Pinks will be an as
sistant hostess.
Those In attendance at the Dillman
home were Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs. Ma
tilda Charman, Mrs. C- G. Miller, Miss
Muriel Stevens, Mrs. C. H. Caufleld,
Mrs. L. U Porter, Mrs. A. C. Howland,
Mrs. J. W. Moffatt, Mrs. John F.
Clark. Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs Gil
bert L Hedges. Mrs J. E. Hedges, Mrs.
M. D latourette, Mrs. U L. Pickens,
Mrs. Wallace Caufieli Mrs. U A.
Henderson, Mrs. Dillman.
Mrs. Thos. Gault entertained the
Missionary Society of the Christian
church Wednesday. After a short
business meeting refreshments were
served by the hostess, being assisted
by Mra. V. Gault.
Attending were Mesdames Grant
Olds, F. Burdon, F. B. Clay, Hayward
Sartab, Laklln.w, Mac-shall and
The Enterpean Club held Its re
gular meeting at the home of Mrs. A
F. Parker Saturday, November 6.
The members studied the work or
Sydney Homer, one of our American
composers, and Mrs. M. E. Turner and
Mrs. R. McGetchie sang several Ban
danna Ballads of his composition.
The immigration question was very
thoroughly1 HcuYWeL Arguments
both for and against were presented
by Mrs. William Hammond and Mrs.
Victor Gault.
Mra. Parker had as her guest of
honor her sister, Mrs. Mary Whit-
Chat. Samuels, deserter from Camp
Lewis and confessed robber of the
Morris home at Glen Morrie station
Friday night, was brought to Oregon
City from Portland Saturday morning
to appear before Judge Stlpp for a
preliminary hearing. He waived trial
and Is being held here by Sheriff Wil
son until word is received from ths
army officers at Vancouver. Samuels
claims he entered the Morris res
idence about 11:30 Friday night and
took all of the silverware In the house.
which was found upon his person
when arrested at Portland. The thief
Is about 29 years of age and joined
the army at Indianapolis, Ind., be be
longed to Company F, 59th Artillery.
The Single Tax League of Oregon
spent through Its manager, J. R. Her
mann, of Portland, the sum of $2699.
05 on the recent election, according to
a report filed with the secretary of
state at Salem last Friday.
Other statements hare been filed
aa follows:
F. D. Shank, Boring, Or, Republi
can candidate for representative for
the Sixteenth represntaUve district,
B. E. Haney, Portland, Or, In be-
comb of Minneapolis, who expect, to haI of JJ a De
leave very shortly for Los Angeles,
where she will spend the winter.
Besides the honor guest, those
present were: Mrs. T. E. Gault, Mrs.
V. Gault, M.-8. U A. Read. Mrs. F. P.
Nelson, Mrs. Miranda, Mrs. Beth Pad
dock. Mrs. William Hammond, Mrs
A. F. Parker, Mrs. M. E. Turner, Mrs.
R. M. McGetchie and Mrs. J. Leon
crattc candidate for United
senator, $350.
Alumni Association
Formed Wednesday
An armistice party was given by
William L. Aman at his home at Glad
stone Thursday evening, proving a
moat delightful affair.
The evening was spent in games
and music, after which refreshments
were served.
Th home was prettily decorated
with National colors.
Attending were Edna Lund. Ruth
Ltm booker. Edna Rowan, Goldle
Hardy, Dorris Ellis, Ollle Aman,
George Holllngsworth, Albert Lund,
Alvtn Catto, Maynard and Clay
Brendel, Prenkie Wallace, Proy Solo
mon, Lester Kearnes and Glen Aman.
Wednesday evening, part of the O.
C. H. S. Alumni students, who are in
Oregon City, met in the high school
Mrs. Merlin Thompson was elected auditorium and formed an associa
te membership in the club. tion, electing the following officers:
President, Sydney Warner; vlc-
I KUnU..t J A - Tf 1
Mm Thmo. P r.o,, it anlorlnuA I Vicmuem aim eecreiary, narrrci
the Itirthdav Club with a "blue bird" ""PP8- treasurer, sam Mcunr;
luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mn eri?eants-et-arms. Mary Hathaway and
Whitrnmh of VlnnBanntU iveuuem mouipsou; reporter, toaa
. ., neuogg, standing entertainment com-
...J l.k .1 VI.. . tl I " - . "w -.
.leu wuu wuy ana piu Thin In lha firt meeting nf ItaVIrM
carnations, whUe the center piece was or AJumnl 8tudentg fa Q cl
, ,.BO w-e u..u. and for tnlg reason were not
5 , ol "ny Da5R18 na mae many in attendance, but it Is hoped
hi rn were p-lvan tn carh inipt I .....
o- o - --- -- t aarn maorinv win tinner iiaw mom.
Delicious refreshments were servea hers. 0. C. H. S. has a great manr
sy tne nostess, wno was assisted by Alumni students.
Mrs. urant Olds ana Mrs. tctor The next meeting wUl he held Wed-
n I
Irauiu Inesiiav evening NYvvemhor 24th at
Those enjoying the afternoon were eight o'clock In the high school
Mesdames Whitcomb, A. F. Parkei, auditorium. All O. C. H. S. graduates
L. A. Read, Claranc Frost, W. I,. I are Invited and urged to attend.
Johnson, Ralph McGetchie, Victor!
Gault, Grant Olds.
Mrs. Webb, of Mount Pleasant, was
taken by surrplse at her home last
Saturday, when a number of hor
friends from this city visited her,
leaving here tn the morning to spend
the day.
Mrs. Webb in turn, surprised her
guests by serving a chicken dinner,
and was followed by a social time.
Fortune telling was among the enjoy
able features of the afternoon.
Those going from here were Mrs.
Jane Crawford, Mrs. Amanda Hick
man, Mrs. Frank Alldredge and daugh
ter, Quevene.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
Mountain View church last week.
when the members spent the afte;
noon in quilting.
One of the enjoyable features of the
day was the serving of the delicious
chicken dinner. Centering the table
was a birthday cake made in honor
of Mrs. John Luelllng's 70th birthday
anniversary, as she is one of the ac
tive workers of the organization.
This proved one of the most enjoy
able and profitable meetings of the
society, and Mrs. Luelllng waa ex
tended the best wishes by her many
Among the guests were. Mrs
Amanda Hickman and Mrs. Jane
Crawford of this city.
B. P. Timm, of Milwaukle, was
among those to transact business here
W. A. Shaver, prominent stockman
of Molalla, was among those to tran
sact business here Tuesday,
W M. Morey, was an Oregon City
When Constable McVay, of OBwego,
attempted to serve some papers Mon
day on Councilman Huffman, of thej
same town, the latter punched the
constable in the nose, according to a
report here, a merry fight ensued be
tween the two men. The trouble
started over the shooting of a fire
arm In the city limits by a son of
the councilman, and someone made
out a complaint against the boy. The
constable attempted to read the com
plaint to the father and just as he got
to the word "whereas" or words to
this effect, ITuffman couldn't stand
the strain and let out with a right to
the nose. McVay, It Is said, dropped
tho papers and started in to show
what he could dn with his fists.
It la alleged that the right wus a
fast one and lasted for about two
rounds. Both men emerged from the
fray with several bruises and consid
erably "bet up."
The matter will be cleared up today
when Councilman Hurrman will ap
pear in court to answer to the charge
of resisting an officer, It is reported,
The entertainment given by the
Calendar committee of the Christian
church at Gladstone recently was one
of the most enjoyable affairs, and
unique In every way.
The entertainment was In the form
of a Inside picnic following the pro
gram. The basement was arranged
to present a picnic ground. There
were various kinds of sports indulged
in, Among these was a nail driving
contest, tugs)f-war and sawing con
test The women took an active part
in the sports and caused much amuse
ment among the men attending. They
came In for their share of honors.
Caroline Wood has entered suit for
divorce here against J. A. Wood, al
leglng In her complaint cruel and In
rumnn treatment. The couple was
married in Marion county June 17,
last year. The plaintiff gives her ad
dress as Clackamas county.
The ball given at the Moose hall
Thursday night in honor of Armistice
Day and under the auspices of the
American Legion, was largely a
The hall was appropriately , decor
ated for the occasion, when flags
were used most effectively. Festoons
of crepe paper of red, white and b'
added to the decorative scheme.
The committee In charge of the
event was composed of Ed Vonderahe
Neal Sullivan and Gilbert Morrla.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Praeger enter
tained at 500 a number of their rela
Uvea and friends last Saturday eve
nlng. A most delightful evening waa
Many Legion Men
In Congress
The Womans Auxiliary of the
American Legion held Its regular
7 7 , . ; , . There will be between thirteen and
Moose hall and completed plans for Lwenty.five memberg of th(J American
IS! Z " Z.k"! , . T8 T,, .7 0"ew Congress that comes
ucuu nuicmuri at .umjQt? uau. Al
ter an address by Mr. Elvers, dancing
will be enjoyed and refreshment
Among other business to be tran
sacted was the appointment of a com
mittee on membership. This Is com
posed of Mrs. Minnie Donovan, Mrs.
John Kent and Mrs. M. R. Cooper.
in March 4, 1921, according to a state
ment from headquarters of the Na
tional Legislative committee af the
Legion; at Washington .Only three.
former soldiers and members of the
Legion In the present Congress failed
to be reelected.
County Treasurer
Miss Leathel' Cross, of Portland,
and Guy iProftit, of this city, were
united in marriage at Vancouver,
Wash., Thursday, November 4. The
pastor of the Christian church of that
city, performed the marriage cere
The bride was attired in a blue
traveling suit with hat to match.
Following the marriage ceremony
the young couple left on a brief honey
moon, and upon their return will
make their home for the present in
Mrs. Proffit, who is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cross, of 6609
East Sixty-third Street, Portland, is
well known in Oregon City, as she
formerly resided here and attending
the public schools. She is an accom
plished young woman and is popular
many friends.
Mr. Proffit, who is the son of Mrs.
Proffit, of Oregon City, is interested
in the Fifth Street Restaurant in this
city, and has resided here for some
time. He will retain his Interests
here, making dally trips to Portland.
Barlow Chapter to
Give Fine Program
Goes Up In Air The Susannah Lee Barlow Chapter,
tion, of this city, will give a patriotic
Miss Alberta Dunn, county treasur- entertainment at the Congregational
er, made a sensational air flight in church Tuesday evening, Novembei
one of the planes owned by the Ore-1 23.
gon Washington & Idaho Alrpalnel A number of patriotic slides will
Company in Portland Sunday. Thel be shown, and a children's matineo
piane leu tne neid eany m tne aiter-iwui be given in the afternoon and a
noon and after going up to a height of special musical program will be given.
3100 feet, made the trip as far as The committee arranging for the)
Linnton. Miss Dunn was "game" and affair is composed of Mrs. H. B. Cart-
the plane before alightng made a lidge, Mrs. E. L. Pope and Mrs. E. E.
thrlllng "loop tihe loop" and "tadl Brodie. The proceeds will be used
spin'. for patriotic purposes,
Miss Dunn was dellehterf with herl
trip and said the street cars in Port-J Book TVeek For
land resembled tov cars, and tha Deo I
pie looked like mere flies With the Ullldren AdVOCatCCl
VTrwwl in rriA rllolania aha ! o imoH Ii I
th Mn t w nf .n ia nTim,. annual book week for child-
t .nAot . -if .., wn,ih o,nnJrea wi observed at the Oregon
dollars," exclaimed Alberta. 7 , J . ? erlM
. L auiii, iiurariua, nas arranged ior
Accompanying Miss Dun to Port- MisB P. Millard f , Piar. in
land making their first flights were ary te be here Thursday evening
V . Z , V . V. """ November IS. Miss Millard, who Is
- :rJ T 1"""""J ment of the library, will talk on
us tuo wraij nrw.suiei. 1 "Plitlilron'a Pnnlra "
ed on the work.
In order to give parents an idea as
to the proper books their children
Mr. and Mrs. Livy Stippwere host
and hostess to the Gypsies at their
home on Eleventh and John Adams
street last Saturday evening. The
time was devoted to cards, when Dr.
L. A. Morris was awarded th prize.
Refreshments were served during
the evening.
The next meeting will be on Satur-
spent in cards. The first prizes day evening at. the home of Mr. and
were awarded to Mrs. Maude Glass,
John Straight, and the consoli'"
prizes to R. Winkler and Mrs. F. J.
Refreshments were served during
the evening.
The Praeger home was prettily
decorated with fall flowers and n
tumn leaves.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs, Paul
Freytag and daughter, Reva, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Freytag and dauch'"
Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Meyer, M-.
Mrs. William F. Tiptoa.
Attending last Saturday evening's
meeting were Mr. and Mrs. M. D,
latourette, Mr and Mrs. W. F. Tip
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Griffith,
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Keith, Miss Emily
O'Malley, Miss Cls Barclay, Miss
Helen Daulton.
League Convention at
SnlfTTl is Tilff Snppcc shoull read the J- K- 0111 Company
, vivMuu, wu umc a itki g a num
ber of books here for Inspection.
TlnnV want In ,T,llMkn .U... XT .
uiDii iut itiuicuuuu iur tuo ottiriu I mUQ1. OA
uistrici oi tne r-pwonn ueague oi tne
Methodist Church was held In Salem
on the 5th. 6th, and 7th of this month,
About 250 delegates were present and
very interesting sessions were the re
On Friday evening a reception was
held for the delegates In the 1st Meth
odist Church. The evening was profit
Cadillac Wins In
Swiss Competition
In a hill climbing contest held near
Zurich, Switzerland, on October 10 in
which more than fiOO rnr narttplnatort
ably spent in getting acquainted and first honors went to r.mK nwn J
socially ana those present were served by Charles Marx ,a well known Swiss
ice cream ana caae. amateur snn-tsmnn Tho
on saiuraay morning tne program
was in charge of the men from Will
amette University. Dinner was served
at 12:30 by the Salem league. Sat
urday afternoon was taken up reg
car waa
equipped with United States nobby
tread tires.
' At the last meeting of the Saturday
Club held in the Congregational
church parlors, Mrs. Lillian Cook,
Bend, Or., Nov. 12. The cltv conn.
ular business and an address by Salem cil at the. close of a nrotracteH .
District Superintendent Dr. E. E. Gil- sion last night let the contract for
Den in tne evening tne pnncpai surfacing six Ktf ii h
speaker was Dr. Parkinson of Cor- bridge spanning the Deschutes rlvr
allls. to the Western Wiliit Road rnn.t
The Oregon City League sent th tion company and a bid of t64 467 47
following delegates to Salem, who re- The work is computed on the basis
turned Sunday evening. Mrs. Malva of, $160 a yard with 25 cents a yard
Bolle, Mrs. Steams Cushing, the Miss- for preparing a volcanic cinder found
es Neva Satterly, Elva Linton, Ber- ation. .
nita Jabk and Ruth Roberts. Work will start immediately. XUiL
Mr. Charles Chlnn and Mrs. Eugene lite a patented sheet asohalt !.
Roberts were In Salem Sunday and at' ation, will be laid. A twn-inrh
tended the Sunday Sorvces is specified.