Peg-2 NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correiponaence From All Over tKe County Telling of Improvements and Local Happening. During The Past Week Your Subscription WiU Rceive Prompt Attention. Carv er Has Many Impi )rovements Made "OARVEIt, Nov. 17. Mr. Hames, met with an. accident last week while operating a gasoline wood saw. He fell against th saw and his arm was severely cut, a largo artery being severed. He walked to the house of O. Wllock after the accident and was given first aid treatment. A. R. Smith then took him to the Oregon City hospital where Doctors Mount are attending him. He is reported as Retting along fine. The Carver school baseball team and Lower Locan school team played hero last 'Friday..' The score was six to thirteen in favor of the homo team. They plan to have another game in the near future. Little Johnnie Stuart has been ab Bent from seohol for nearly a week. He has a severe case of tonsilitis. His younger brother is also ill. nana Anderson was hit by a swift ly thrown base ball at school last week. He was quite sick tor awhile but was able to attend school again the next day. Considerable work has been done on the road at this place, within the last two weeks. Graders were busy last week widening and leveling the road in front of the bank, and now crushed rock is being put on. Car! Aldrieh, after an absence of several months, has returned to Carv er. He has opened the confectionery stor which has bn closed since early last summer. Sidney and Harry Miller, who were formerly of this place, but now of Bar ton, have invested in an Oakland roadster, and suite frequently come to this place. Hiram Andrews and family have moved into the house owned by C. 3. Harvey. Mr. Harvey having gone to Washougal, Washington. Geo. Robinson has purchased a new piano for his hall. Hubbard Notes The annual convention of the Wom en's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will convene In the Hubbard M. E. church November IS and 19. ' There will be an evening service the 18th, and an all day program on the 19th, with dinner at the c -" As a result of the Dallas-Hubbard football game Thursday, the Hubbard boys are all happy that they held the Pallas eleven down to 11 points. Last Saturday Miss Lois Simms went to Silverton to be present when Miss Mildred Heinz gecame the wife of Mr. Charts Logue at noon on Sun day. Rev. Bennett of the Christian church of Silverton perform! the ceremony under an arth of Autumn leaves at the country home of the bride's father, Charles Heinz. The happy couple later departed for Salem In an auto which had geen properly decorated with a goodly number of old shoes by younger brothers an3 sisters of the bride. Clyde Yoder and two children. Mrs D. J. Yoder and son Raymond, and daughter, Wilma, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Yoder. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kropf and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kauffman, Sunday, near Broad acres. Guy Weaver came home Thursday from lone for a few days visit with home folks. Eastern Oregon is all right but the Willamette Valley can't be beaten Miss Lucile Barton of Salem has again established classes in vocal and Instrumental music. Miss Barton met her pupils Wednesday of this week. , Mrs. H. H. Bradford spent Tuesdav and Wednesday in Salem attending the Sunday, school workers' institute which convened in the auditorium of the Kimball school of theology. The Hubbard football eleven and their forty boosters and staunrb backers went over to Dalas Thursday morning for a game. The score -not available. Seve-al truck loads of gravel have this week been put on the intersection of A and Fourth streets and some dis tance south on Fourth. F. O. Seaton of Portland, spent last. Saturday a guest of Mr. and George Garland. Mr. Seaton is a blackboard specialty man. Mrs. M. Kemill of Peer Lodge, . Mont., accompanied by ber daughter, Mrs. R. Pishman of Seattle, came to Hubbard Thursday evening of last week to spend a few days with their father and grandfather, Jost, Lacha pelle, Sr. Mrs. Kemill, had not betn home for thirteen years. When the ladies were coming through Portland they accidently met Oliver Lachapelle on the street, who was also on his way home from working in the Wash ington lumber camp. ladies re turned to Seattle Monday. Samples of clover seed are arriv ing at the Hubbard seed cleaning bouse the middle of the week that has been exposed to the full effcts of the wet September and October days, get ting the full effect of it. The straw laid flat on the ground. The seed Is In much, better condition than it was supposed it could be and much of it can be saved by getting it to tne Hub bard cleaners. Not many of the seed cleaning establishments in the valley will accept the seed for cleaning, but not so here. Lots of It will be saved. POLK'S i GAZETTEER1 A ftariiMNW IMtwctorr f CI(r. Tnm.and-'VillBra la Ottmum so ' Wantiiegtoi,"- irtvinir'. JM-ttctlpUi J iiif-u Directory,.' .BwavwiiMi B. L. WL tf'.COt la. Maek$lmr: News MACKSP.URG, Nov. 17. Eric floeche one of our youngest service men is preparing to begin wornms the ranch recently purchased by his father, Catl Boeche, This is the ranch formerly occupied by the Swanne family, who have moved to some dis tant place. George Sutherland, though still verj ill. is showing some gain at the pres ent time. Mrs. George Walch. Sr., ls critically ill and is attended by her daughter. Mrs. J'din Heini. Mrs. Kate Seward is now at home after an absence of several months The Mothers' Club had its fortnight ly session on Thursday last at the home of its vice-president, Mrs. Simon Miller, and it is to meet with Mrs. Murphy on Thursday, Nov. IS Armistice Pay was not forgotten in our place. Memories of the gladness ji - it brought us two years ago and the joy wiih which the closely following Thanksgiving was observed are, still too vivid In the mind to soon fade away. Damascus News DAMASCUS. Nov. 17. Mrs. Henry Hillerv is making a number of im provements on her home, and is rt finishing the interior. A heavy frost struck this place on Hallowe'en, when tomatoes and cu cumbers remaining on the vines suf fered. Mrs. R E. Pall is looking forward to th time of the arrival of a cousin and wife, who are on their way from Missouri, and relatives from Portland. They will be here this week. Electric lights have beeu establish ed near Sycamore, and have been found a great convenience to thos who have been compelled to travel iu the dark. These have been installed is far as as the Stiner home. Among those now enjoying electric lights here is Mr. Eckstrom. It is reported that work on the Foster road will commence soon. It the report is true this will be good news to those compelled to travel over the road. At the present time it is almost impassable in some places. Mr. and Mrs. C- Purcell visited Gresham this week, they were ac companied by Elder J. Hopper, of the Methodist church. . The Dunkard church is to be im proved by having new window glass installed and steps to the building re paired. MOUNTAIN VIEW The Ladies Aid met at the church Wednesday with a good turn out, "1 ladies being present. At noon a chick en pie dinner was served, also a tilth-! day cake, thi3 being the anniversary of the members. Two weddings took place in this neighborhood recently, Guy Troffith and Miss Cross, also Henry Taggert and Laurie Parks. Mrs. Mary Parrish Is ia St. Vin cent's hospital; we are glad to know she is improving. Mrs. Calvin Derrick and children from Eastern Oregon arrived a few days ago, will make their home here and have moved in Walter Brandes house. Walter Brandt and family moved iu the sextons house at the cemetery. He is having the house reshingled and several much needed improve ments made. Ed. May sold his place and bought nearer town and expects to move next week. Mr. Willis, of Mt. Hood street sold his place to Mr. B. Eby. T. C. Barker was taken by surprise at his home Saturday evening when a number of his neighbors called in a body to remind him of his annivers ary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. James Shelly, Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Auken, Mr and Mrs. Walter Brandt and son. Mr! and Mrs. E. M. Scontcn, Mr. and Mra P. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Leit meir, Dessie Martin, Abble Sconton, Renben Sconton, Frank Shippley, Mr. and Mrs. Barker, Mary and Steliy Barker. The evening was spent in singing and games; a delicious supper wa3 served; all enjoyed themselves; de parted with many wishes. Mt. View Sunday school started a Christian Endeavor to meet every Sunday night at 7 o'clock. The of ficers are as follows: Dessie Martin, president; Abbie Sconton, vice-president; Eva Curran, secretary; Eunice Porroffitt, treasurer. They have charge of the Christmas prog-am, and we can expect some thing good at that time. Henry Geymer, who recently re turned rora Juneau, Alaska, visited Meldrum friends Friday. Mrs- Win. Mulchay and daughter, Katherine, and Mrs. Maney, of Port land, were guests of Mrs. William Gardner, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester French tnd Mrs. Eben Larson and son, Junior. of Portland, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. William Gardner. Gilas Caldwell and Jake Garlick made a trip to Hood River Sunday, re turning Sunday night. Miss Edith Lindstrom, of Portland, viffited her mother, Mrs. .P. C. David son on Thursday. Elva Eadg acompanied a party of her young friends as far as Eagle Creek on the HKghway on Armistice Day. Meldrum Notes I M..ll.l-l .in Hi OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. KK1UAY, NOVEMBfc Elk Prairie Gets New School House ELK prairie, Nov. 15. Elk rrftirte na8 won ner BChool! Every legal voter present, five of whom were from Elk Ih-sirle and Ave were from Coal Creek, voted for the budget to supoprt both schools. The voters gathered at the Coal Creek school promptly at halt past one, the time designated in the no tices. There was but one director present Frank Hilton the second di rector, came in response of vigorous ringing of the school bell. Mrs. Shllu did not attend so her husband acted as clerk protein, as well as held his usual office of director. Mrs. Frank Hilton, who is chairman of the board, was not present, her hus- baud acted as chairman and in his usuai capacity as director as well. ne tWo directors, Messrs. Hilton aud Shilti, insisted that the reopening of hrf hmtiret he voted nmin. Thero were two votes against reopening the budget. Three of the Coal Creek i " people voting in favor of the Elk Prairie people, Thero were five Elk i Prairie votes making eight in favor of reopening the budget. The. only objection to the proposed school was the increased tax. There are more than thirty sections of land in the district, much of which is tax able at present. It will only be a short time before the present home steads will also be taxablo. Upon the vote in regard to the bud get, which included the two schools, every vote cast was for the proposed budget. Several of Elk Prairi0 people ex pressed their sentiment strongly to the effect that if the school was not allowed the next move would bo to divide the district They had only considered two schools in one district, because they felt that it would make hardship upon the small portion which is in Coal Creek. Those from Elk Prairie were Mrs. W. Lamb, Chas. Tidd, Mr. Raider, Richard Joplin, D. W. Badger. Those from Coal Creek who aided them were J. Jones, Joseph Kolshinski, M. A. Tautfest and two directors, Messrs. Hilton and Shlltz. Richard Joplin, who Is president of the Elk Prairie Community Club, thanked all who had aided in the work for the Elk Prairie school, in behalf of the Elk Prairie people. Mr. Sherman has plowed quite a portion of his place, ready for the spring crops. This place was known as the "Shandy Place" and there was a mistaken idea that this house was on the adjoining homestead, which caused several homesteaders to con sider it for a time before Mr. Sloate filed upon it. Mr. Sloate never considered that the house belonged to hia place and built upon another portion. Mr. Sloate harvested a ton and a half of potatoes this year. chas- Fletcher raised thirty-Jive sacks of potatoes besides other gar den produce. Mr. Fletcher is a home steader. Tom Hollingworth has been help ing his son Palo build a house on his homestead. Elmer Swopo was quite 111 and went to Portland to be under medical cara Allan Buttles was in Molalla on business last week. Mountain Road News MOlVrAIN ROAD, Nov. IS The old Oregon rain is falling in this vi cinity again. I Mrs. Cloe Kelenofer visited rela-j lives at Gladstone last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright of Woodburn visited relatives here Sun day. A few of the peopft from here at tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Caroline Schaff'-r of Stafford. , Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Schoffern of Portland visited erlatives herft Mon day. Mrs. Ray Poolittle visited her rela tives at Mountain Road last week. Mrs. N. Christensen, daughter Ell;-n and Mrs. L S. Koel!erme!.r vislteo Mi;s Emelia Toedemeier last Wed nesday. Schooner,, Park Sunday. A shooting match was held at Miss Agnes Hernert visited her sis- wster, Mrs Raymond Creitser last week. Ernest Boeckeman was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Iielding motored to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Robinson of Silverton visited relatives here last i nursuay. County Makes Good Livestock Showing The following named Clackamas County Jersey breeders are exhibiting 55 head of high class Jerseys at the Pacific International Live Stock Ex position this week: William M. Ladd, Oswego, 20 head; P. Brooks Hogan 3; N. H. Smith, Oregon City, 14; R. B. Seely, Sherwood, 9; A. Malar, Jr., Boring, 6; D. W. Hepler, Aurora, 1; Ice & Spangler, Oregon City, 1; H, L Case, Hubbard, 1. From the above named herda, a county herd, consisting of 10 head, will compete with similar herds from other counties. Besides the Jerseys, there will be 21 head of Guernseys, 4 head of Shorthorns, and 64 head of Swine from Clackamas County. Certainly a good showing. And a proof that there are many farmers in thig county, who are through with scrub stock, and are making progerss ia the breding of pure-bred livestock of all kinds. Dodjre School Has Fine Entertainment PODGE, Nov, 18. The new podge school house is now rearing comple tion and it t surely a credit to the community and the residents of Podge can Justly bo proud of it under the management of Miss Rosa U. Ten Eyvk, principal, and Miss Mabel Keller, primary teacher. A program and basket social was given at th, Podgn ' school houso on Saturday evening, November 6, to do dtcate the new school house. The following program was rendered: Opening Song: Address by County School Supointendent ltrenton Yed der; Quartet to Uy The Medowbrook Male Quartette; Solo by Pvn I'hlud grvn: Solo by Miss Mabel Keller; Reading by Miss Ivy Ten Kyek; Coro net solo by Karl I.nnkius; Solo by Harold Horner; Sketch by Herman Chlndgreu: Solo by Fred Horner; Quartette by The Meadow-brook Male Quartette. Rrcnton Wilder acted as chairman and hia Jolly remarks be tween items put every one tu good humor for the evening. After the pro gram, baskets were sold and the pro ceeds amounted to $S:. I.". Ever one had a very enjoyable evening and alt are looking forward to the next time. A. Keller and daughter, Ms Coring. from the East aro visiting at the G Keller homo. The enthusiastic men of Podg have been spending a number of days lately rennovatlng the Podge hall. A delegation from Podgle visited th,, County Court on Monday to sou if they could get some improvements on the Podge road. Th result will bo a temporary repairing of the road so that it can bt, used throughout th winter. Rain at Stafford Halts Farm Work STAFORP. Nov. IS -There Is but few Items to write about thes,, days of rain and wind, with a little sun shine mixed in, when farmers huslk out to plow and seed a little or se cuer a few more potatoes, and dodge under shelter attain. On Easterner saUl as ho boarded the car for his home, "1 have been told it rains 53 days in every mouth of the year In Oregon, and I believe it, but for all that I love the ever green of tht8 western state, and shall return when 1 sell my wind blown snow covered land ad take my ease 1 beautiful Oregon for the rest of my days." Mrs. Wm. Schaltz. Sr., has about recovered from the attact of dlzlnesR she suffered from for some days. Mrs. Susla Eister U visiting her mother. The Lidles' Circle meets with Mr Wm, Ellegsen, and will do some old fashioned quilting on Thursday the lSth. Oldham & Sons own four truck and a pleasure car and are trying to ke-ep up with the many culls upon their services. Nussbaums and Cages attended memorial services at Oswego Grange on Saturday, November V,, for Gtu. Kruso and Mrs. Davidson . who ha t passed on since th6 last monthlv meeting. MrA M. Schafrr was burrhd in Stafford cemetery on Ihe afternoon of aSturday last. Mrs. Lucile Slattery Is the proud mother of a 10 pound boy. There was some controversy as to whether a chauffeur had to pay his quarter ainl rpne.w his license everj yea-, therefore your scribe believing the only way to gL-t an education, was to ask questions wrote to tho secre tary of state and he kindly answered saying they did not ahve to renew it at least, till further orders, so I pass it along, as others may be ns unde cided as we were. Lad Hill Briefs LAD HILL Nov. IS. Mrs. Nellie McCulley, who has bf-en visiting her brother. Jack Smith, went to Salem Monday to visit her son, ohn McCul ley, and family. Mrs. Joule Ryan and little Rui, Ferdrir-k, of Iluteevllle, visited Mrs. Jack Smith Tuesday. Miss F.-ona Shain went to Portland Saturday to spend a few days. Archie McCulley has returned from Hood River, where he spent some time picking apples, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Parrjsh, of Fern - wood, spent Saturday and Sundav with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. R. H. Walls visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Alen, the latter Is his daughter. Monday was butchering day at Frank Risers, when several of his neighbor8 came in and helped him butcher four nice porkers. Carlson and Sherk of Sherwood d llvered a load of stump powder to C. C. Ixiuck's store Monday. That joyous whistle of the rock road was heard Tuesday. It sure sounds good, for wo have have some hopes now of our road work being continued. There will be a Masquerade dance at Lad Hill Club House Thanksgiving, November 25' Three prizes will be given. Here'B hoping every one will mask and everyone has a good time. George Notes GEORGE, Nov. 18. Roy Maxwell was transacting business in Portland a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs Robert Snyder of Es tacada, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Ted Harders, of George, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Held and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Chancy alst Sunday. A number of the George people at tended the show at Estacada last Thursday night, Bobby Snyder of Estacada, Is visit ing with bis aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Ted Harders at George ' this - K IV. IV-U. Estacada Notes ESTACAPA, Nov. 18. The proprie tors of tho Peoples' Store now are, Snyder & Ktlgore. H, It. Snyder hav In recently asuoolntod with him C K. Kllgom On account of tho In crease In business, Mr, Snyder con cluded ho could not handle It ftlono. Mr. Snyder, it will bo remembered, mine hero about a year ago and bought out I. M Park. Rcccntlx I"1 bought tho building ho now Is iu. Mr. Ktlgore will add to the popularity or tho firm, as hn Is well known In thjs svetlon. Mrs. S. U. McVllllH returned from ralem th,, latter part of last week, where she has boon in u hospital. She Is very much Improved in health. Saturday is the lHdl und Apron snle of th,; Uidtos' Aid of the Methodist church, A lunch will b,. koUI nt mum Mr, and Mrs. l.ylo Mel hi it lei arrived here last week from Michigan. Mrs. Mclhmlei s tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Stamp. Lylo Wagner has gone to a snnltor ium for treatment. l.e,, Bnmsoti was here from Perl land over Hie Sabbath to visit his wife ami llttel son, who are guests ill tho home of Mr. Hronxon'tt parents, Airs, At. n. f.vans, of portmmt, was calling on Kstarada friends last Sat urday. Hubert VntiPu-er, of New York, wns here th first of the week visiting hi cousin, Mrs R. Morso. At the regular mooting of ContenUI Rebokah lodge last week, threo enmll dates were taken Into tho order by nl tlatlon, after which the member nil Jollied In U social time, ending with' an oyster supior. J. M. Kelly an, Andy Richmond, n( Portland, were In Kstacada Saturday and Sujnlay ami incidentally tjied their luck fishing. The addition to the Cascado Cams;.,! will soon be completed. Masons commoncod to .ty tho brick on the UihhI & Sblbley garage thl week. W. P, Femill, a prosperous farmer and stock miser from near Harton, has purchased 5-ncre tracts Just a cross the river from the Cary Heal Estate Co. The laud he purchased is very choice and friends of Jbe Par rel family are hoping that he. may d. tide to. move her( and thus mid an other desirably family to our 'city, W. R. Jones was here this week vis iting his father J. L Jones, who live on a ranch a few miles from town airs, juiius ivneger visited lrleii! at Gresham Saturday. Mrs. C. F. How nnd daughter, Ml ll-Iiii were among: the sltors to Portland last Saturday. P, M. Wagner and wlf were Port land visitors Saturday. .Allirust l-omrren w a rn.v.1 t !. I ' r. - - - - ... Wagner home last Sunday He live I in Eastern Oregon. Miss Gladys Kandnl -visited Pint land friends last Saturday Mrs. K. W. Ilartlett is tho director of the R.-d Press drive for th! sec tion. If you do not see hnr, liav0 your dollar with Mrs. Eeker nt the. Library. where you may nt a receipt und a button. E. W. Ilartlett and wife went to Eu gone tho latter part of last w k to see tho football gamo tn'tween V. of O. and (1. A. O. Their son. Ken, is coach on the I'nivcrslty team G H. Mchthorn was awarded tho sum of $Ki!.fii) in u Judgment iin:iinsl Henry Cromer Pi tho circuit court at Orngon City lust week. Lichtlmrn claimed the money for a bnck gro cery bill running over a period of sev eral months. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. E. Wooster nnd daughter Helen motored to Portland lust Saturday. A grading outfit was put to work on the main street,, of Estarnda lust week and some of thB bumps taken out of the roads. Rev. C. H. Gibbs went to Portland hiht Sunday to preach to a congrega tion of colored people. Mrs. V. If. Gibbs mashed a finger j on her left hand one day last week which U giving her much trouble. He Ing left handed, it Is quite an ineon venlnnco to her. Tho partnership between Ki rko.x Sa-ver, of tho City meat market, has liejti dissolved, Mr. Kerkes Ising tho sole owner now. ARMISTICE DAY OBSERVED ESTACADA, Nov. 18. Wbll,, there was no regular arlvwtlsod program urranged for Armistice day, Estacada observed It nevertheless by a salute or many guns at sunrise, tho waving of falgs and a meotlng of the Amen can legion in the. evnlng, at. which - 1"1" f:,!"vl'e badges wero presented to ftx-aervlcg men. There were nearly a hundred pres ent, at this mootln, thirty five of the number being ex-service boyH, After a program of speeches and music, all repaired to thB Odd Fellow dining hall and partook of a sumptuous re past. MEETING IS CALLED ESTACADA, Nov, 18. The Library Association is considering- tho propo sition of selling thirty f-et off the rear of the lot now occupied by tho library bulldfng, to J. W. Reed who would like that much of the lot to make a drive-way to the rear of his new garage. A meeting of all the members of the association Is called for Saturday, November 20, at the library at 2 : :i0 to consider the ques tion. yvlLL OPERATE TRUCK LINE ESTACADA, Nov. 18. The Cary Real Estate Co. rented the Evans res idence this week to a gentleman who Is coming here and going to run a truck. The Relsland house In tho south part of town, haB also been rented. These properties have been vacant for soma time ponding the sale of same. W. F. Cary and wife motored to the Rose City Wednesday to transact bus lness. H H. YOUNT DIES ESTACADA. Nov. 18. H. H. Yount, merchant of Curransvllle, died Tues day night after a short Illness. Mr Yount has lived at Ourrlnsvlile for about ten years, was about 60 years of age and loaves a wlf and a nlom, Miss Edith Trowbridg?, who made her horn with hlnw Gladstone News Mr- and Mrs. H, F. llode have told their home on Cluekiuuss Ikmlavard and will move to California., wher. thoy have purchased a farm and will plant dale tree. Hud Kent of West Linn Is quite 111 with rheumatism at the homo ot bin brother John Ken. Froytag Pros, hnvo puriime4 n now worm Roar one ton truck for do livery purposes. Mr. ii ml Mrs. Oscar Audorxou and daughter, Miss Violet, left Wodties day for Carson, Wn., where they will visit with friends, Mr. and Mrs, 11 A. Anderson enter tained Tuesday t dinner Mrs. llolla HuK.on and Mrs. Catiomi Anderson, Mrs V. L Powers and daimhler, of Portland, and Mr, and Mrs. Pete Davidson nnd daughter, Ada. of Mold rum station. Mrs Chat. Tiuo mid ulsier. Mrs. Pagart. wore-guests of Mrs, Strick land Sunday, Miss Dorothy Green who has been uulio III, Is improved and will re sume her position with Meier & Frank Co. Mrs, Salisbury has been unite III j suffering a nervous breakdown, but Is some better; dining her absence from school Miss Alice Prey tag has taught the Ttl grade. The Gladstone Christian church Is holding a series of meetings un der the stiH'rvilon of Itev. II, F Clay, pastor. Iter. C II. Hilton, of ItoHchurK. iiriived Thursday nnd w ill! occupy tho pulpit. These nieitliiKs are vry well attended. Special ( music by Mrs. italph Mclietchle, M,. M, E, Turner, Mr. W, 0. Gri-cu, Mis, Malva Hollo, Homer Hollowell mm , Uuiiand Hollowell rial. si. Is much appro- Mr. and Mrs, Chas. l.enlcr spent Sunday with the formers' parents. Mr and Mrs. Alex I-egler. of Hill? born. Mr and Mrs. Fred Eerier, of Portland, were also guests of their parents. Mrs. Ed. Ranch h" nereptd 8 position with Ihinnoii & Co. Mrs. Richard Johnson ami daughter, Mrs. Clara Stark, of Cliickumus, were visiting friends In Gladstone Tile day. Miss Delhi Webb, of Woodburn. spent Friday with Mm. John Kent n tho guest of Mr 1'udd Kent who bus been confined n llu house with lin attack of rheumatism. GtADSTONT, No- K Mr. and fu .,,.l..d t i.'.t.,f i.itl.lrliiltu-it tit dinner Sutolav Dr. and Mrs. V. j, ..... t 1 Mr ,....1 Mrs ilM lU, II I I'llHtH'l, ...Ml ..... ,.,, s. v. Francis, of Oregon City. Clifford Wells, of Hood Itlver. nnd O. It. Taylor were In Oregon City Sun day looking after prop, rty Interests Mr. Wells Is compI'Mlntf harvesting his apple crop, which he reports an iult henvy. Mr. nnd Mm O. A. Pace of O-egMi City were dinner guests of Mr. undjto renew his or her membership In Mrs It U hard Pivytag Sunday. Mrs. ltvs.Hle Owens, or Mojalln Is the pu"t of Mrs. John Hollo. Pud Kent I'1 much Improved after being confined to tho house wi'h rheumatism. Italph 1'ran Ii nbl- to he up after several weeks attack of typhoid fever. Misses Mlnn'e nnd Mary Trullliiger Id Mi-Minnvllle, were week end guests Of Mr. and Mrs. K. Ketiis. Misses Trulllnger are sisters of Roy Trul linger, of Oregon City, ami are well known here. They have opened a photo studio Iu McMlninllle. Mr. ml Mi's. Elmer Setth iiielr ant Miss Delia Wehh, of Woodburn, wen guests of M "s. John Kent Wednesday, after which they were accompanied to tho Portland stock show by lhnld Kent The Glad.itono Library Is opened to tho public on Wednesday und Sat unlays. Mrs, Frank Oswald Is secre tary. Mrs. Salisbury Is si 111 unable to at tend hr fjraib at school. MIhs Prey ing is substituting. CLAYTON FREYTAG MARRIES GLADSTONE, Nov. IS. Word hn been received hero of the marriage of Clayton Freytag, Hon of 0. A. Freylag of this place, and MIhs Alice Ilemwav at Ilolse, Idaho. Rev. LmdsborougK formerly of Oregon City offlc'aled. Elk Prairie to Hold Basket Soeial Tomorrow evening the Elliott Prairie school will give a Thanksgiv ing program and basket social at the school houso at that place. The event will bi hold at S:f)0 o'clock sharp and a goneral Invitation has been ex tended to tho residents of the neigh borhood. FULLERS ARE ON WAY HOME Dr. nnd Mrs. John Fuller, who have been on 'an extended visit In the East, visiting Ohio, New York and other states, are now on their way home. Thoy loft Fayettevllle, Arkansas, hint Saturday for Oregon, and have had a most delightful visit. While In the East they have visited many Interesting places. Among these was tho Niagara Falls and Washington, D. C. They were (he guests of Dr. Fuller's mother In Ohio, where thy also visited other rela lives. HIGH WATER CAUSES DAM TO BREAK GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 17. Tor rential rains and warm winds her for the past two days and nights brought Rogue river up by leapg and bounds last night. The workers at the new $300,000 Irrigation dam at Savage rapids were overwhelmed this morning and at about 7 o'clock the river swept over them, washing out all the temporary works and cursing a loss of at least $30,000. Redland People on Climb tip Larch Mt. IlKPUNU Nov. A hlkln nurtv climbed 1-aroh mountain Wed- neduy veiling returning to Portland on tho six o'clock train Thiintd.iy fve tilnrf. The party sluiied m the moun tain at 13 o'clock Wednesday night nnd remind tho Hinnmll at 6 A. M. Thiii-sdii'. ' On tho way down the mountain thoy started down at 9 A, M. and rwichod Multnomah fall nt" t oVIifk. wJtortu It hoy awiili-'d th train for Portluiul. Although a strotiR wind blow und the weather wti cold all enjoyed the hike, Tho I'Miiy was comixmed of James Slow-art, of Hedland; MIhn Emily llitr Ken. teacher of District SI. formerly of Portland; t !-. Juitiiuii; Pertim JurHMoii, Hhllieard Preppy, ElUubeth Taylor. I'd. Proppy, Minnie Cox, ItUiiii'-d Preppy. Hosier Davis, Mrs. Edward nnd Miss Edwards fo Pott html tided n H chaperoned. . II. Stewart went to Portland En day oil buslueas end visited his broth er while In fit y. Joe lllnkln nnd Mr. War'eu worn lit Perl land Saturday, Mrs, Joe lllnkle, Mrs. Frank Sprap.un slid Mrs. It, II. Slew art were III 1:-ok,oii City Saturday, ltKDLNI), Nov. ltf - Quito a nuiii- I her of people from this place attended tho dance (tlveii In William Hpnmuo's vsruut liouso Saturday night. J. W. Stewart of Portland, visited his brother, II, II. Stewart, Wednes day. Mr. Harvey, of Portland, visited 11. II Stewart und family Saturday. Mitts l'ima Spraguo was taken to tho Oregon City liospltul Sunday, where she' was treutmt for blood poison, caused from a scratch on her hand. East reports were that sho was resting easy and doing fine. mihs Iii Spruguo and mother, Mrs. Frank Spruguo, ai boh In Oregon City, where they were railed uu ac count ot the tlluess of MIhs Loouit Sprague. Mrs. Hlckniun, of Oregon City, vis ited her fiiuiddaughter, Mrs, Win, dimming over Sutiduy. County Agent Scott Hpoko at the school limine Saturday nlcjit on dairy ing. The people here ar Interested In the Huliject and urn anxious for inoro Information. Well Liked Man at Maekshurg Passes MACKSlll'KO. Nov. 15,-AniilstUo JfUy was observed la a nulla but ro lloctlvu way In our commiiiilty. Soino of the schools were closed, while due j obnorvance of tlm day marked the pro- rX'UIIIK 01 I nose in WHICH Ilia regu lar sessions were held The Mothers club will meet Iu tho prosent week ut tho homo of Mrs Murphy. A little daughter was born to Mr. und Mrs. Abo Hepler on Sunday, No v Wilbur Hth, Every one we hope will l glad tii Red t'roMs ut tho coming drive unit will have tho dollar ready to hand the solicitor when shu calls which must bo very soon. In view of tho tales of suffering In other lands that sre brought to us everyday. Who would bo out of tho Red Cross? That great orgunlxallnn which Is turning so nimii misery Into i blessing throughout tho world , With sorrowful regret we record tho death of our wellkiiown neighbor, (loorgii Sutherland, which- utter a long and painful Illness took place In his home, last week. Mr. Sutherland was one who will bo greatly missed In our community, as well for his pleasing personality and his skillful workmanship as for the marked lntouriiy that character ised his daily life. His family -u wife nnd two children may he assured of tho heartiest sympathy of their entire neighborhood In their great loss. Members of tho Red Cross auxiliary, to which society, Mr. Sutherland gavo the use of his building throughout the war will alwuys remember Mm with gratitude. It would have been a ser ious handicap to us to huvo been obliged to pay rent for our quarters while working thero. Mead m 1 rook News MEADOWPIIOOK, Nov. IS.-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orem retirned rrotn the Oregon City hospital Friday, lifter being there th,, ils (Wo monlh.i, suffering from lyphold fever, Edwa-il Holme, r Minnesota, lH vis iting ut the Duny.ird home. i'hll'p Pu fa has the rock crusher going on the Meaiowbrook hill and expects to gravel U' soon. Jla.el lirklns, who has been at ):ik Grove the pad, year. Is spending a few days tit Iwr home bcfure golni? to work at Molalla In Dickens & Co.'s st ire, There will bn literary program at the school house, Saturday evening, November 2()t h, ulso a debute. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Orem spent tho week-end In Ovwm City on busi ness, , Allen Lark Ins returned to his home Saturday, after driving a car for a family through from Molalla to Pp. land, California eil found some very very nice country, but was glad to get hack to Oregon, Ruth Chlndgron spent the weekend In Portland visiting friends. Linns Old Mill LINN'S Oil) MILL, Nov, lS.lva Bray is visiting his brother. Solon H. Bray. Mr Pray brought his brother three horses f om his ranch in. Iduho. Goo. Clonsner will give a dance Sat urday night In the vacant house on the Wm. fiprugiie ranch. Mr. and Mrs. y. R. Gibson received a lottor from their daughter, Mrs. Win. Evans, of Gateway, Ore., say fug she and two children would spend the winter at tholr home as the weather at aOteway Is severe. School closed for Armlstlco day.