oRESONOTY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1920. iff SANDY (Continued tmm rg I) Marshall DttMs bur , local photo Kraplwr has away vf a week iliHIK fcls brother, Kmorson D.ivli at Hh'tdds, Oregon. Th 1'IkH ami Win families, out wwintr who bought the Junket KmlMi restaurant and confectionery fciiv mo v ml Into room Iii the Frutik ftmlttv house, houses being nil taken people Hr gelling to I ho doubling up ataan, which muke It rulliur Ineoii Seiitent.' 1h 10. Iloffuuin U planning to move t( Ilia Hchooley hoiiso which h re cently purchased, up to the main street mill finish It Inside, which will mats another ri'tilcli'iK B In town. Another important sate nf town pro perty In reported thl week, namely, the rhilNi house mnl acreage hs Imii purclmnicl by Carl Bharnke sni the Hlmrnkn family will, take tosses- nlon a HMiii nit l hit house In vacant, whlrh will be ft month or in. Owl Wendell who Live . on Mrs. Koch's place brought In a sample oi gnrnachlllft potatoes that l bard to bout. In April he planted n hittf t.iithitl of seed which returned ten sacks as it reward for hU effort! One if the notaton mnaiture twelv Inches ftnd weigh 2 pounds and iiunre. lU-ally ft better name for this butch would tin "cord wood putts". Cart nl bud mi American Wonder that weighed pound, llo U now dinging the acre on Junker's ground that they planted on shares Paul Dunn U tiy this week build lint cellar fr Ooorge. Hkt. Mr 8hilly. Sr.. came over with his son P. T. from Hood Klver Sunday to spend it few day. Mr. Shelley re port evn-ythlng on the move at Hood Hlvor Mr. and Mr. Slit. Knighton and Orvtllo w!il over to Corbeit on Bun diiy to spend tho day with Mr, Knighton' brother folk, the John h'Ml'l. Mr. nd Mm. J, C, thtks hud a neigh. burly visit around the Sunday dinner table of Mr and Mm. J. M. C Miller. Cecil Duke wna among friends In Oresham Saturday night and the duy after. M"a. John Maruny fathur and mother and brother, the Mayboe's of lniveni out Hundny and rtmalnod fur church on Sunduy itlKht. Mr. and Mra. uJhn Dunn came up fur th dance on Saturday nlttht and dfttyi'd ovor with their father and mother, the I'aul Ihjiwn till after Sun dny dinner. Among the November blrthduyn lnai .work waa one IwilonKlnK to Mm. Wal tor Knb out the Ktrwood way. J. thiKgor of Horltig tHnt a day In Hiutdy lant weok on legnl builiien- Uwyer I'um-ll haa been ruahed with almtract and oihr U-Ral work for the pa I fw w'k. Mr. Tawney vim down from "Tawnoy'a" on Monday with a twim, that mode of travel la atlll tho montl rellablw way to come and go. Tawiuy'a mountain borne In very quil t now, u la every place up that way. Mr. KUIng maiing-Hl U 8') down to I'ortland long enough to vote which wan enough of the city for him a he love hU country home above Fir wood hotter than any place In thl old world Ills daughter returned with him and they visited Mayor Junker an family on their Journey. Mrs. 1vIb of Coruett has been vlnltlng her mother Mrs. Short of the bluff road. The Shorts have the Mlly place. Mr. and Mrs. Henry re-ret wure nt l-ents on Sunday, visiting the rem v tery while there. Heinle Junker and Frank Smith have Rone tip to the M It-kelson and Nelson mill to work; which will bo quite change from the confection ery nml restaurant business. The. iPWttt and Wiser families are jtoltlng settled and are being adjust ed to the Idiosyncrasies that will til ways follow movln glnto a strange lo cation, but wo are suor they will like Handy and that Sandy will like them. 0. I Shaw and family (three chil dren) arrived on Monday from Tyfih Valtey and could not find a house to rent so had to more Int tho building used for tho O.-ny feed store a few years ago. Mr. Shaw said they were glad to gqt back, that "There's no place like Sandy." There were very good cropi In Tygh, but their air Is better be-e nnd the Shaw s Just nn tur.Uly Ilke'U here! Mr. Shaw will have charge of tho blacksmith shop when Casterllne moves out. Tho glorious days. Monday and Tuesday, was the mnln topic on the street, and the- farmers and town folks, too, hustled out potatoes; and were rushing eve-y kind of fall work while the rushing Is good! George Wolf had a fnlntlng spell on last Sunday and was quite miser ahlo but Is feeling like himself again. Joe AlbcJ has been very nneom ' fortable with a boll on Ills wrist and also has an Infected Ifnger which In torfcres with his work decH'" Charley Krebs still has his hand 'tied up from the burn received last summer as It heals slowly, but he can work and" get along with It. very well Carl linger drove to Portland on Monday to take his sister Ruth down who has been out for a few days' visit with the home folks. Ms. Martin TUzola was In town n few days returning on Monday with ' Carl I-anger, and bringing a cousin with' her who had Just arrived from ' South America. Among' the dinners deserving men t'on this week was the entertaining of the Pcales family by Mr. and Mrs. Es. son on Sunday. Mr, Esson said they served "meat and . potatoes", but the ' Scales story was "different" ann since "Alice" wished she had another dinner on Monday like it, It Is easy to bollove there were a lot of good things. Mrs.' Dora Cahrens Was " out ' from Portland for several days last week visiting her "hoys", Adolph and Ous Duhrens and their families. Mn. and Mrs. Oeorge Peret, thft new boy and Lillian, were In' Portland for the day on last Wednosdoy. Mr Perrot Is feeling fine. W.' J. 'Wl-tz well known around here Is member of the American church In Portlan which Is a compar atively new organization ,and lie de livered R' fine address before the mem ' bera recently, on "The Good Cltlsten." KrVbody should be nsppy for Mr, 'Iffii llenson, our great highway sd O'cate that hs found hi "rholee" and married her last wel-k. He wllUno doubt make her glad she found him! Charles K.-ebw Is having Cftrt Shuniks re paper his houne on the ridge and soma painting also. Mrs. Dawson rcovd a long dis tance on Saturduy night that her father was dying", so shs and her brother, Mr. King, who works at the Kundy lJimlxtr Co. went to Ilorlng and caught a night train for Hoattlo. Mr. Dawson ruino down from Wild Cat mid looked after the children while the mother was away, then went back to dig his optatoos and fin IhIi his full work. John Haley made a trip down to the I'ortland stock yards agntn lait Monday. He took load of shep from Eugle Creek., Jonsrud ami Gundermon are now ablu to it'-t out of tho mud, having fin Ishod a plank road from the mill out to the main cross road. Charley Krebs Is going to repulr the cross road right away. He has a new ruhort brouit up from Morlng to put In by the Dull place, better known as the Yabb pro perty. Th apple crop around this part of the country Is very short this year which Is an unusual happening; for noarlr always there Is enough for everybody and the pigs (oo, Mr Wilfred KltloU's DnJi- and llttel child of Albany are visiting M.U at the Klllott. Mtss lltTtlia Albel. her father an I Miss Myers were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry I'erret last Sunday. MIhs Dyer was the aololot at the Catholic church Sunday morn-lug. Mrs. Ernest Harris, hr mother. Mrs. Z. Ucers and her sister, l-eia liee-s wont up to llrightwood on Tue day, Mxs. Harris Is going to hous keeping up there so as to be with her husband who Is employed by Nmuy Lumber Co. Mrs. Heer will help "lieatilo' to fls up her first hou:ft. ajul every woman remeinlnTs how wonderful It seemed to have ones own things and establish a "really home . No difference how great or how small the building of a home ntt Is It Is a great step In any two peo ples live Mrs, Deer and beta will remain several days. There was a big chlvarl party a Gilbert Hoaglam's the other night In honor of the wedding of their daugh ler which' occurred at Oregon City re cently. Refreshment wore served anu evrvone had a eood time. Mrs. Max Woenrhe took her little four months old daughter to Portland recentyl to ft doctor sed the child Is Imprvlng. Max Is not vo-y well yet but can get around on crutches now. Kd. Well who had an operation for and Infected gland under his arm U home and doing fine and will be at work In a few days. Mrs. Wolf and the children have bad bad colds bat are getting the best of the ennoytng ge-ms. Dr. sawton had a hurry call In til own borne lat week and hastened down to the hospital with Mrs. Lew ton and the wily stork bird presente them with a perfectly fine baby boy The doctor says "he'a a dandv" he ought to know! Mrs. Lawtnn I fine. j Cecil Itw.art, fome-ly of Hull Hun but now of the Orient neighborhood had Is leg broken recently while work ing with a hay baler. 'V.5 rand pit" Kreba keeps pretty much -the same, though at times he does not suffer so much. He Is not conscious all the time. Free Nightly concerts at the Sandy bank building will continue next week with a special program next Monday night. Mr. Hoffman of Portland will assist Mr. Peterson In his violin solo work. A la-ger stock of phonographs will be added, Mr. Peterson Is pleas ed with his 'reception in Sandy, and the people here are pleased with the fine pianos nnd phonographs on dis play from Llppman & Wolfo plnno de partment. Miss Mlxter will help dem onstrate.' Everybody welcome! Adv. ii i ? m . - Pi by c?orence7ficfcfick $oys COPYRIGIITLD A LITTLE SONG l 1 know that It Is autumn Not that tho sumacs glow " Or that tho robin makes his onjf ; A little low. I see the leaves grow weary ' Of clinging to the bough, And sigh and give the wind fall way--Hut that's not how I tell that It Is autumn, Not from a frosty hill; 1 feel It' In a heartache That I cannot kill. -PA1'L O'NKIL. OPEN DOORS IN BUSINESS THg TEA ROOM. Many women are making pleasant anj comfortable living by managing tea room. These may oa succossiui alike in city or country, but must always be located at some natural gathering place ef people wlthsuffl dent means and llesuro to want to sit and eat. In the city, a tea room may be located near to the shopping center or among office . whose occupants coma -here for noon lunch. In tho j country some hospitable, shady re treat situated on a main auto road, where tourists an, pleasure seekers may find refreshment will be a pay ing location. la any buslnem the proprietor must take many rUks and there Is always the poshiblllty that the enterprise may fall for lack of sufficient patron lug. Avoid garments trimmed with fur. unles tbe fur Is of the very bnM. qual Ity, and this ts expensive. Cheap fur will wear off, and soon look iihabby. Cloth covered buttons will not endure the wear as bone or pearl batons will ffald and heavy stitching- make a sat isfactory trimming. For thl winter, when soft oal of a poor quality fill be ued generally over the country, the garments worn wll) need to be such as will not show the grime from the atmospherV and which can be cleaned when they need It. RECIPES Mince Meat. Chop up one quart of green toma toes and one quart of sour apples. Add two and a half cups of sugar, butter the sire of a walnut, one cup of raisins, halt teaspoon salt, teaspoon each of allsnlcf, clv. cinnamon and 'nutmeg. Cook until tender and thick REPUBLICANS TO SEAT 58 SENATE MEMBERS SURE NEW YORK, No. 4. A record smashing electoral vote for Senator Harding, topping the 400 mark, and republican majorities of more than store In the senate and li0 In the house were ensured from virtually complete returns tonight from Tues day' elections. With th democratic strongholds of Oklahoma. Missouri and Tennessee definitely swept Into tbe republican ranks by the party's crushing victory, the Hardinsoolldise ticket had 30 votes, excluslv. of the five from Mon tana, whore the republican state ticket was victorious and the presi dential ticket ahead. The republican landslide tonight had elven tb'tn C8 senate seats as against 1 for the democrats with late returns undermining the seat tf Senator Heckman, democrat of Ken tucky. The state vote so far as counted on president stands: Harding 130,494, Cox 73,241. Harding's lead 57,153. Tbe same counties, complete and Incomplete, glvfi Robert N. Stanfield (rep. a majo-ity over George E. Chamberlain (dem.) of 13j6SO. Tn6 vote stands: Stanfleld 104,547, ChMnberlain 90,-897. Stanfleld's lead 13.650. In the complete count It Is not likely that Stanfleld's majority will run over 15.000. Union Official is Charged With Graft clncts, and said vote resulted In a majority of votes being cast against stock running at large In said precincts, Therefore, In accordance with tbe Statute In such cases made and pro vided. It shall be unlawful, sixty days after the date of this notice, for stock to run at large in the aboVe named perclncts under penalty of $10.00 for tbe first offense and $20.00 tor each and every subeequent offense, to b recovered from the owner of the stock. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon. November 11, 1920, FRED A.- MILLER, County Clerk. . - . age or too heavy expenses, ids ws . n.h ,hpw, tnhi9Tmri. ,.,,, success depends upon wise manage-1 6ne(, , Tlnegar, Bea, , caIli May moni, as Wt-ll s iae proper cnon-w oiih(, marffl ntlantlT Th fthnre location, and upon the aoclalbility ana drawing power of the hostess. Tbe place must Wk attractive, e acrupu lusly neat and tasty; the food must be well cooked and good. It must bt Inexpensive enough to be within reach oT the purse of the patrons and yet the churge for It must well covjr actual cost as well as many 'over makes two quarts and one pint SMILES Marriage and Divorce. A divorce every ten minutes waa head expenses" such as telephone, y Crowded elevators plied between rent, laundry bills, etc. (floor, ln court houge the attend. To furnish a tearoom, place slmpltijnt, (houtlng, "Second floor for dl Inexpenslve thUigs In a large wet. ! Torce, what's wrong with our laws lighted room. As linen Is expensive Regulating marriage and divorce? and difficult to keep clean, It Is bet These cry out for the attention of the tor to have dollies on vanilshed thoughtful women of America. tables. A few "antiques- on oneviet " HAPPY THOUGHT .Never believe anything bad about anybody unless you postlvely know It Is true; never tell even that unless you feel that it Is absolutely neces sary. Dr. Henry Van Dyke. N-EW YORK, Nov. 9. Robert P. Brtndell. president of the building trades council, who Is alleged to have received payments for calling off btllldjing trikea, "expected one-half of 1 ner cent' on city pier constmc tlon contracts totaling $3,230,000, tes timony of Commissioner of Accounts Hlrschfleld's Inquiry into ramifica tions of the "trust" revealed today. Howard It Sherwin, vice-nresldert and gene-al manager of Terry Tench company, contractors for Sta ten island piers, declared that of this one-half of 1 per cent $16.250 urui dell actually had received nn. as decorations add to the chain of a tea-room. Flowers and autumn 1 BORING EVENTS At the regular meeting of the Hor Ing Rebekah lodge held on Inst Frl- diry night two men cnndld.Ttes were diluted Into tho popular order and a delicious supper was served. Joe Uindu Is moving his family Into Itorlng so the children will be closer to school. Kenneth Child, Bon of Mr. and Mrs W. K. Child of Poring has enlisted In I'nrlo Sam's army and has already gone to Camp Grant, III., to enter serv Ice. Miss Carrie Knox Is visiting at the ohme of her sister, Mrs. H- A. Heck or iiortng. Mrs. Eric Partell Is seriously 111 and was taken from her Poring home to the Greshnm Sanitarium last Thurs day whre she ts now under the care of Dr. Adlx. Ixirrls who has been at' Astoria for tre past month Is at the home of his parents, Mr. nnd Ms. W. E. Child of Poring, for a few day visit. Little Mwin Mnulldng. son of Mr, Mr and Mrs. R. V. Mauldlng of Boring Is suferlng with an Injured leg and Is under the doctor's cn-e. Mrs. Pertha'Peckwith and children have moved " from Boring to St. Helens. Ronny Htckle went Into Portland from Boring last Sunday to visit with his mother. A new butcher shop has Just been opened in Boring which Is doing a big business Bnd the Boring people say It Is lust what they have needed ofr a lor.g time, and the prices are "right, too" when one I hungry for a beefsteak" It Is said. MIrs Buna and Letha Child of Bor ing siient latrt Sunday with their grandparents at Lentg. PRICE OF BREAD DROPS HERE TO : NINE CENTS LOAF Tho first drop In the price of breed In O-egon CUy was made Monday when the Peerless bskery voTuntarii reduced the wholesale price to one cent on the loaf. , Heretofore, there was a scarcity of flour and during the war, the wholesale price of bread was ten cents, but Monday morning waa dropped to nine cants by the Peerless firm, MONEY TO LOAN fara Leans Craterr4 " PAUL C FISCHER sever Bids, Oregea City DEAD HOHSES TAKKN Cash paid for dead cows and down mid out hones. Will call aaywbera. Phone Milwaukle IM. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to iJ I CUU 1U if.s, Meeting of the legal voters of Road YO.VCALLA, - Or., Nov. 9. The District No. 34. Clackamas County, women of this' city are elated over Oregon, will be held on the 27th day the result of the recent election, in ! of November, A. D., 1920, ln said Road District, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., In Beaver Creek Hall to vote an additional tax In said road district for road purposes as bv law provided. II. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. eaves take away the look of bnrren iioxn. The dishes snoum na neavy enough to endure well, but not toij cumbersome. They should be of open stock that broken oneg may lie re- cheerful and. refined. The hostess; WomCIl of YoilCalla room have an a, of homeyness and RejOlCC Over RetUTHS, JTS Tho woman who runs a tea room should be an expert housekeepei, either trained In domestic science or at home. As a preparation U is well for her to visit other tea rooms or U work ln one for some time If possible. Delicious bread and butter, sand wiches, tea, cocoa, and rolls and other simple dellcaclee will be appreciated. Home made Janig and aide dishes will prove popular. The more home-made food to be had the better for the pop ularly of the enterprise. As ln every business attempted for oneself, there Is always a time when outlay exco-eds Income, when discoui agenientg are numerous, when uncei talntles make it a qustion whether or not the business will ever be proflta ble. It Is only to be preseverlng ana capable that business properlty is as sured, and even this will take time and wine management. The Income from this business will all depend upon Sxponses and volume of possible business. It Is a very u tractive opening to those whose tastes fit them for It and Is becoming In re-nslngly ln demand as more ana more women are entering business and are less at home to prepare their food the-e. All persons are finding Increasing occasions for eating awny from home. CHOOSING THE GOWN which a woman was elected to everf city office. It had been whispered around that the men politicians in tended to let the Incumbents of 'the various offices hold over without the trouble of a new election, and tho womed's action in putting a women's ticket ln the field took them com pletely by surprise. Some of the old-school politicians here have shaken their heads pessi mistically over the election, It is s-'rt Jesse R. Iasswell, incumbent of the mayor's office, has taken a different view of the affair, however, and an nounced that the new officials would have the assistance of he-self and th other retiring officials. He attributed his defeat to the apathy of tbe.me-ij M road d!,strict for road mposea voters and declared that fair cohorts: ,aw provided. had been caught off their guard. 1 H S- ANDERSON", Mrs. Mary Burl, mayor-elect, said; ' County Judge. today that the women naa as yet no. definite plans for po.noting the wel fare of the city. "We intend to study conditions, aim do all ln our power to give the city of Yoncalla a good, erncient gov' SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. N. W. Jones, Halntlff, vs. C'iarle B. Duffy, administrator of the Estate of Martin T. Duffy, deceased, Cha-Ies B. Duffy, John G. Duffy. Luke P. Duffy and Patrick V. Duffy, Defendants. State of Oregon, oCunty of Clacka mas, BS- By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated Uie 2!tth day of October 1920, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 2fith day of October 1920, in favor of N. W. Jones Plaintiff, and against Charles B. Duffy, admin istrator of the Estate of Martin T. Duffy. Charles B. Duffy. John G. Duf fy, Luke P. Duffy and Patrick F. Duf fy, Defendants, for the sum of $2,- 500 00, with in'e-est thereon at tin rate of eight percent per annum from the 21th day of April 1917f:"and the further sum of 1200.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $14.90 costs and disbursements, and the cost of and npon this wtrt, commaadlug me to make sale of the following des cribed real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lou number thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) and the Southerly one- half (S. M) of lot number fifteen do) Arcadia, said Southerly one-half ) of said lot fifteen (15) being describ ed as, beginning at the Southwest (S. W.) corner of said lot fifteen (15) and the Northwest (N. W.) corner of lot fourteen (14), thence Northerly on the line of the County Road, fifty (50) feet, thence Easterly parallel to the line between lots fourteen (14 and fifteen (15), fifty (50) feet there from to the S. P. R. R- line; thence southerly along the right-of-way of said railroad, fifty (50) feet to the Southeast (S. E ) corner of said lot fifteen (15) to the place of beginning Now. therefor by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the com mands of said writ, I will, on Satur day, the 11th day of December 1920; at the hour of 10 o'cieck A. M., at the f-ont door of the County Court House in tbe City of Oregon City, ia said County and State, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidded. for U. S. gold coin vttsn iu nana, au ine ngni, uue auu Interest wtfich the within named de fendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satis fy said execution. Judgment order, dec-ee, interest, costs and all accru ing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County .Oregon By E. C. Hackett, Deputy Dated. Oregon CUy, Ore., November 12th, 1920. NOTIC OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15. Chap. 299, General lws of Oregon for 1917, (hat a Road District Meeting of the Wal voters of Road District No. 17. Clackamas County, Oregon, will he held on the 27th day of Nrrembec, A. D., 1920. In said Roa l District, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M-, in Wichita Sc,hoolhout to rote an additional tax In said road district for road purpose as by law provided. H. 8. ANDERSON. County Judgt NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Notice it hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road Distict No. 13, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20th day of November, A. D., 1920, in said Road District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.,' In the Pleasant Hill Cemetery lildg., to vote an additional tax in said oad district for road purposes as by law provided. H. 8. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District Ko. 19, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day o November, A. D., 1920, In said Road District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., ln Frank Otto Hall to vote an additional tax in said road district for roa4 purposes a, by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge, NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET- ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to ' Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Lawa of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voterg of Road District No. 28, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of Novembe-, A. D., 1920, ln said Road District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., in Sandy Ridge Schoolhouse to vote an additional tax in said road district for road purposes a by law provided. IL S. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE 8PECIAL ROAD TAX Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws ot Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voterg of Road District No. 37, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of November, A. D., 1920, la said Road1 District, at the hour of 2 o'clock t. M., in Upper Highland Schoolhouse to vote an additional tax in said road district for road purposes' as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Sec- . 15, Chap 299, General Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 12, Clackama9 County, Oregon, will be held on the 27th day of November. A. D., 1920, ln said Road District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. ln The Community Hall at Lake- grove to vote an additional tax In NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of Morris Riley, deceased. No-tiys is iherettjv' (given that the ment. At the worst," she added with undersigned Executrix of the Estate , . One of our pleasantest and yet most perplexing duties these fall days Is choosing the new gown, or gowns The smaller the "wardrobe the more particular we mimt be to got wha will look well for all occasions, 'wlh wear well end which neither we nor our friends will soon tired of. The woman of one gown should choose a garment so unobstruslve that thoso observing hor will not ob serve the gown- It must be such that her friends will remark about it, if they remark at all, 'That dress looks Just like you." It must be of the great est simplicity, with harmonious lines, little trimming to distinguish it, must be very appropriate to the wearer in color, design an material. This will place the wearer so much at ease thai she will forget herself and be her most charming. Dark colors answer these require mrmts well. Loud plniids, extreme styles, consplctous weaves or colors, many ruffles or trimmings bv which a dress iay be remembered thest should be avoided". Match your gown to your complexion so that they will blend. A touch, of blue for blno brown, tan or gay to match the hair, pink for "peachy" complexions and very dark red for the brunot- - -needs a spark of livening. Black and navy blue emphasise the white skin. Burnt orange Is a very popular color Just now to give a trifle of blghten a smile, "we can i do mucn worse than the men have done" Mrs. Bu-t Is a native Oregonlan. She was graduated from Pacific uni versity with the class ef iS7t. -d has lived In Yoncalla 40 years. She Is a Republican. SUES ON NOTE Adolph Kirschbaum has entered suit in the circuit court here against Julie and Jane Kirschbaum, to re cover the sum of $200 alleged due on a note given Vy the defendants. The rote was secired by a mortgage, which the plaintiff asks be forclosed and the note paid from the proceeds j of the sale, along with $100 attorney s fees. of Morris Riley, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Clackamas, in the above Estate, and the County Judge has set Mon dav. December 13. 1920 at the hour ot 1 10 o'clock A. M, In the County Court room in the Court house at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon as the time and place for hearing of objections to the said final account and for settlement the-eor. Date- of First Publication, Novem her 12, 1920. ELLA COOK, Executirx. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for executrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin lst-ator of tbe estate of Laban Mauld lng, deceased. AU persons having calims against said estate are hereby Notified to oresent the same with proper voutfiers, duly certlfioti ac cording to law, at the office of Brown ell & Stevers, at Oregon City, Clacka State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he I senior partner of the fl-m of F. J. Cheney & Co., dolnf business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL. 'tmonjn8 of the date of the publication was ror eacn ana every cse oi v- , tnl notce tarrh that cannot be cured bytne use, Dftted November, 12, UTO cij iiALda VAX aiuim mrjiiiiwa. i EUGENE MAULDINO, fkaink. J. uhkinkx. j Administrator. Sworn to before me and subscribed t BROWNELL & SIEVERS In my presence, this 6th day of De-; Attorneys for Administrators, cemoer, A. v., moo. A. W. G LEA SON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on thp Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY" & CO., Toledo, a Sold by all druggists, 75c NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of ' Oregon for 1917, that a Road DiBtrict Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No,? 11, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of November, A. D., 1920, in said Roaf District, at the hour of 2 o'clock f". , M., in Hazelia Schoolhouse to vote an additional tax in said road district for road purposes as by law provided!. H. S. ANDERSON, , County Judge. NOTICE OF STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE. Whereas at the General Election held Novembe- 2. 1920, ln Carver, Srrlngwater, Union, Viola and West Linn. No. 1 precincts. In the County j of Clackamas, State of Oregon, a vote waa taken for and aigalnst stack run- Hall's Family Pills for constipation nJng at large ln the above named pre- i SHERIFFS SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Estacada State Bank, a corporation Plaintiff, vs. W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and O. W. Messelhlsen, Defendants State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss- By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 21 st day of October 1920, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in sa'd cout on the 15th day of October 1920. in favor of Estacada State Bank, a corporation. Plaintiff, and against W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and O. W. Messelhlsen, Defendants, for the sum of $334.65, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 6th day of Apirl 1920, and the futrber sum of $50.00, as attor nov's fee. and the further sum of $29.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of aTid upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situ ate In the County of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lot number Four (4) in Block num bered Eighteen (18) of the original Townsite of Estacada .Clackamas County. Oregon, according to tbe duly recorded map and plat as shown and designated by the Records of said town. County and State; and lots numbered Three (3) and Four (4) of Block numbered Twenty-three (23) of First Addition to Estacada, Ore gon., according to the duly recorded map and plat as shown and designat ed by the records of said town. County and State. Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution. Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 11th da of December 1920: at the hour of 10 o'colck A. M-, at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, soil at publ'c auction, sub tct to redemptMon. to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hnnd. all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real pro pe-ty or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, de cree. Interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. E. C- Waekett. Demit v Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. November 12th 1920. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws ot Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voterg of Road District No. 21, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of November, A. D., 1920, in said Road District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., in Union Schoolhouse to vote an additional tax In said road district for road purposes aa by la- provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 35, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day ot November, A. D., 1920, in said Roaa District, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M-, in Fir Grove Schoolhouse to vote an additional tax in said road district for .road purposes as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws ot Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 40, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of Novembe-, Aj D,, 1920, ln said Roan District, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., In Community Hall to vote an ad ditional tax ln said road district for road purposes as bylaw provided. II. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws ot Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voterg ot Road District No. 26, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of November, A t., 1920, in said Roau District, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M,, In voting place at Salmon river bridge to vote an additional tax in said road district for road purposes as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE 8PECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the; legal voterg of Roaa District No. 16, Clackamas County, . Oregon, will be held on the 27 day of November, A. D., 1920, In aaid Road District, at the! hour of 8 o'clock P. M. in Oak Grove Schoolhouse to vote an additional tax in said road district for road purposes an by law provided, H. R. ANDHRSON, County Judge.