Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 12, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Itirlmiil Muslim, if I'orHlnnil, form
rly employed in thi city, vlsllm!
Oregon. City ihii flmt or the weu
While hJ he vtwtitHl ul tho home ot
la rmmliiH, Mr. and Mr. James
I irmly, of Twelfth and Ji-rformm
l renin, I In up accompanied Iht"
hy liU cinmlii, Ml Terry Young, who
made li'T hiiiii" lu Orogou city for
Nome lime. Mr. Muati-ti reectiitly re
tiiriii'il from California In lit auto
miilillx, being itrfulupunlml ly IiIm
coiinlnf WiiiTi'ii Wilson, nf Sun Fran
cisco. The Inlti'r wu decorated for
bravery while In tho n vlwtlon stirvlca
In Franco during thn world war. Tim
ymun men ihorottKhly enjoyed tlio
inoiorluic trip from Hun Il"go, and
round the Mitdii In fair uondltlon for
thU Hum of lh )'r.
Mr Angus MeDmlgall and son,
Jiili, recently arriving In Oregon
City, wImt thry Imvo been visiting
lht formr' grandparent, Mr. and
Mr II, J. Hlgger, loft Saturday morn
ing fur McKennett, Calif. Mr. Mc
Dousail and mm are to Join Mr. Mo
HoukuII, who tilt accepted a position
with a mining company. Ho 1 a
(lliunoml drill expert and recently ar
rived from White Hum, Yukon Ter
rltory, Canada. Hit alwo visited here
fur a few ly before leaving for the
Mr. and Mr. Otto Freyuig mid III
tlx daughter, Klhot. after vUHIng
with nliitlviw at (Hiulaton and Purk
pluce, Inn Monday evening fur their
homo at Caldwell, Idaho. Mr. Freyi
In K, who wn formerly MIm Straight,
and duiiKhter of John Straight at
Pnrkplnee, wa the guest of honor ot
aviral (en-till function b'ifore her do
pnrtur. They were accoinpunlea a
fur an Portland hy Mr. Straight and
In dimithter, Mr. Paul I'raegor, of
among thi Oregon CHy visitors Mon
day. While here h trammeled buitl-nes.
' Mr. C. C. Bftbeock visited rotative
In Portland Hunduy, ,
(1. Iiluhm, of Iinaviff Crek, wag an
Oregon city vlltor Monday.
Mr, and Mr II. 8 WlllUm, he
latter formerly Vdlth Steven, of (hi
city, who hiv b-n mi mt extensive
motoring trip pxtttdlng I"'" K'-i
tueky, arrived In Oregon Clly a few
day aito. Ttmy have recently visited
In Hgl Idaho, but have decided l
nuikn their home In Portland. Whlln
htTf Ih'-y ar kiU of Mr. and Mm.
Al Vm and Mr, and Mr. A, J. llui.
While on ihlr wddlnn trip they hiiv.i
vltllnl th" Yclhtwnloim Tu-k and
mmiy oihr iilw f ntertt.
Cliurl FnMli.rtt k. whoo home I
at Miion-hnttd, Minn., and who ar
romiMiitHl this remain of hi fuihir
lo t)Kn City from pormln. Minn..
I vIhIi line at lh' hontn of hi flti'T.
Mr. It, A. Juikn, at Wlllnmi'tio
lid will ri'inaln thtri for tviral
wi'k In-fore rt'tunilnit to hi home
In tlio it. It wn th yonmt
itun of Mr. Frwlnrlrk.
II. A. Jordan, fliiinhtng room dmk
at thu Crown WIIIaiHotto I'aitor mill,
afti-r a U wwki' vucaUon, petit In
MUmmrl, wlmrii hn vlHlKd hi forim-r
homo whn a child, relumed to hi
loniK In Oil illy Hundny cvunlnR. He
wan at hi duthi at thn pup-r mill
Monday morning. AtnoriK Uiohc with
whom h vlHlti-d wr rlullv at
HI. Uml. HniiiHwIck and HI. 0"
vivh, Ho n' "MlKHotirl look
Rood to UK, but old OrKon ik Iwl-
Mr ami Mr. C lrolmtit, of t'nlon,
UrKo. rrlPd In Ulndlone Thur
day. wlmre thuy ri kuI of Mr. ana
Mr. K. Kinnl. wluiro lh-y are o r
mitln rr a few day. Tht-y fonnerly
rKldinl l 1amtuM-i. wht-rw Mr
I 'nihil 1 1) I wua mtaKd In furtnlnit. He
I following th Huiiw occuimtlon at
Mr. Klla WtUon. of White Hor,
Cuimda, who Im bim In riton City
for the pnt month, whure ahe ha
lM'i-n a ruel t the homo of Hherlff
Mid Mr W, J. WlUon. .fi a fvw
day for her home in th north
Mr. Wllmw a lHr In law o Mr,
WlUon. I Hi rl nt! h-r iiiiy aha ha hud
Mr, and Mr, ctmrloa l'rtxlKr, o
Wi'imU ticM, WhhIi . are vlnltlnic
honin of Mr, aud Mr. It. A. Juiikru
at Wlllfimctti. They ramo hi'ro lo
atiiMid ho funeral aervtcee of Mr
I'mdKr'a father, the late rtanel W
Krcih-rick. whoa dih wcurrrd nl
Fonido. Minn., Iat Snturdny.
Walu-r KunU, who hn bftm In
riuUni WimhlnKton. I vtHithtt al
the homo of Mr. and Mr A. C. Iltiah
e. of ilndlone. M. Kuntr. furnmrly
nmldi'd here. He I on hi wny to
Ciillfornla to nix-nj oino time.
Hrry Kromor, one of the roiid
Btipt'rvlMor of tlm county, wa anion
the Otviton City visitor Hatutluy af
ternoon, Hi" rame h-re on bunlncm
Mn. C, W. Smith and dutiKhter,
KhiIiU'imi, of Newberu. who ram
here to atwitd the -SmUh -Mt-er wd
ding have returned to Ihrlr home,
M-. Jullu OoldHinlth, of thU city,
accompanied by hor duunhter, Ml
Krledu oldHmlth, of Portland, will
h-ave till morning for Kug"tie. While
there they will attend boinecomlnn
we-k al the t'nlvorlty of Oregon.
Ml (iolilHinkh a graduate of the
liiNtltutlon They wUl aliwi vlnlt the
foinor . daughter, .Ml Met Oold
mllh, limtructor ot French and
Spanish In Kugmie high achool. The
(loldKinlih fumily formerly rokided in
Kugene, where they have many
friend with whom (hey are to vllt.
F- Munroe, whone homo I 8l H"ff,
wa In Oregon Clly Mondny and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. K. J. flwafford. of
Helem, nr In thi rlty, having been
Hiimiiiond here by th llne and
ditth of Mr. Swafford' sinter, Iho
late Mr. Jennie Vinson Nile, whoHe
bu lal look pliK'o Moiiiiay. Mr. Swaf
ford I now raring for ..Mr Nile'
hoii, who I very III at the Nile home
at Mount rtoiiaant. Mr, Nile hm
been III lnco retelvlim hi dtachargo
from the rmy, having erved In the
wobl war for everal year In France.
Mr, and Mm. A. W. Cheney, of Port
land, were bore Monday,, They were
EU"Ht of their on, 0-e.n (Mieney.and
wife, redldlng at Gladstone, and alno
vlnlled at the home of Mr. Cheney
brother, 1Oul Ihiollttlo, and wife, at
Ml Odella AmiMtrong, a student
of the Mount Angel Acadmy, under
went a l!ht operation on her throat
at tho Oregon City hospltul Tuesday
Ml ArniHtrong Is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. W. Arm
strong, of Went f.lnn.
The Olrl Kwservci of tha Congre
gational church will se-ve a'(h'-,kea
dinner at th CoiiKrgatlonal church
on November 23, from 5:30 to 8 P. M.
Thin dinner to he given under tho
aupervhdnn of the leader, Mr. W. A.
While. Mrs. White will be alted by
M-. Kadi-, tf Meldrum, recently ap-
point cvl asxlstant leader of the organi
zation by lleV. Herbert Crocker.
Tho dinner Is to be Riven lo con
nllon with the bazaaV and market
to lie held by the Saturday Club of
the church,
Mr. Aimtln lluycke wa hotes to
(he King Daughter of the St. Paul'
Eplecopiii church In her apartments
on Twelfth and aMln streets. Wed
neday afternoon. During the after
noon dttlnty artlcb-s were completed
for the bazaar.
Ilefreshutenta were sn-ved.
Mr. (iiort'o Schlegel, of I'arkplace.
vlalled her on, (ieorgu, Jr., at St.
Vincent' hospital In Portland, Sun
day. The bid. who U 14 year of age,
underwent a serlou operation for !
pendicltl recently at that Institution.
He I sIlKhtly ttnp-oved.
The Girls' Friendly Society of Am
erica giving a aupper under the dir
ections of Mr. J. i. Tobln at the par
ImIj houne of the St Paul' Episcopal
churcfi last 8alurd;-y evening addd
$10 to tho treasury. The chicken sup
per wa well attended.
Ilan a'e betiiK made by the mem
hers to erv dinner nt the nazaar io
bo given by the King' daughter lo
lx held Saturday, D-cember. 4.
Mr. and M. M. InRennannon, of
Monmouth, who have been vlsltinp
their on, Wlllard, of Parkpluco, re
turned to their home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. W. A. White and
dimeter. Mis Florence, of thi city,
F. F, White and daughter, Mis Jean,
of Ouk Omve. will lonvn thin morn
ing for Uike I.ytle, Oregon, where
(hey are to spend two wwki- While
there they are to occupy tho summer
homo of F. F. White, Oil overlook-
tng the o"ean and alo Lake Lytle
The two families have gone on a hunt
ing trip.
Mr. John Hughe and children.
leella and Kenneth, and Mr. Hughe'
father, George Htcliibothnm, were In
thi city on btinlne Monday. Mr.
llcltibotham I one of thn pioneer
resident of Clackamas county. He Is
making hi home with hi daughter
at Iledland.
At a meeting of the Woman's
Auxiliary of the American Legion
Mr. John Kent, Mr. Minnie Don
ovan and Mr. Hay Cooper were ap
pointed to serve as a committee to se
cure member.
Mr. C. H. Wilson will be hostess
to members of the Sola Circle at her
home at Willamette Friday. Each
member 1 to take a delicacy for the
dinner to be served at noon.
Jnmei Church, formerly of Oregon
City, but now of Oak Grove, wa here
on business Monday. While In this
city be visited hi mother. Mr. Minda
M K. Swope, owner and manager
of tha Swoie sawmill several miles
beyond Molnlla, wa In Oregon City
transuding business Saturday.
Mr and Mr. K. W. Kby and child
ren are spending Sunday .with the
fomer'a parent. Mr. and Mr. S. M.
Kby, of Vancouver, Wash.
Ivn Goldsmith, who Is traveling
representative of lh Muson-Krhman
Company of Portland, pi nt Sunday
In Oregon City visiting hi parent,
Mr. and Mr. Julln Goldsmith. Gold
smith territory extend from Eugene
to Klamath Falls.
1 1 1
F. G. Kby, who na ben spending
several months In Spokane, Wash.,
where h ha been visiting hi sou,
ha returned to Oregon City, lie Is
the guest Of hi brother, O. I). Eby
and family.
William Schleffer, of Cotton, will
arrive here thi morning. He was
summond from hi homestead by the
death of hi futher, Joseph Schlffer.
which occurred In Oregon City Thur
duy afternoon.
Mr. Vance Edward, a former res
ident of Oregon City, now residing In
Massachusetts, ha been here vUlt
lng at tho home of Mr. and Mr, Wil
liam Tipton.
Fred Miles, of Portland, wa In
Oregon Clly on buslne Tuesduy.
He visited his father. F. A. Mile
while here.
Miss Anna Mcl-arty, of West Linn
and Rennet Edgar Uallinger, of this
city, were united in marriage at Van
couver, Wash., Monday at high noon
Kev. Bcroggs, pastor of the BaptUt
church, read the ring ceremony.
Mr. Everette Kichurdaon acted as
matron of honor, and the the best
man wa Charle Richardson.
The bride was altlrjd in navy blue
and wore a plctu-e hat of taupe.
Following the ceremony the bridal
pairty returned to Portland whiare
dinner was served. Vpon the arrival
In thi city, they were surprised to
find the home Of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1C
Galllnger, parents of the bridegroom,
beautifully decorated, where a wed
ding dinner and a number of friends
and relatives cong-egated upon their
return. Dinner was served at
Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs,
Kermet Edgar CtUlinger, Mr. an
Mrs, II D. McLarty, Mr. and Mrs. E
I). VanAuken, Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Wells. Mi", and Mr. Leslie Wells,
Mr. and Mrs. James K. McLarty. Mr.
E. J. Jone. Mr. andMrs. Fred A.
Scott and 'daughter, Jean, Mr. and
Mr. E- K. Galllnger, Mrs. Anna Mc
Larty and daughter, Margaret
The decorations of the dining room
corresponded with those of the table.
bride. The Impressive ring ceremony
was read by Rev. Clay, pastor ot the
Gladstone Christian church.
Following the martrage ceremony
a reception was held, and refresh
ments weis servd.
The dining room was In pink, and
richly tinted Van Dyke dahlkw were
used In profusion and artistically
arranged wkd also pink cosmos and
ferns. The bride table waa centered
with Van Dyke dahlias. Pink and
green were used a a color fcheme
for the dining room, and autumn col
ors for the living room.
Mr. Hlount, mother of the bride
was asalted in serving by Mrs. L. G,
Ice. Mr. J. F. Illount and Mr. Frank
Mot. her.
The bride wa handsomely gowned
In white satin cahmeuse embellished
with Malta lace brought from France
by the bridegroom, and she wore a
siring of pearls. Her long tulle veil
wa held In place by dainty French
satin roues, and br shower bouquet
wa of Ophelia roues.
The brides rnald. Miss Delia T" -
wore a becoming gown of pale bin
natln. She carried yellow chrysanthemum.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers have gone to
La Grande, where they are to make
their future home.
Those attending the wedding wer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Barlow of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Petit are entertain
ing a number of friend and relative
at dinner today at their home In
West Linn.
Their children present are Mr- and
Mrg. Joe Petit, of West Linn; Mr. ana
Mrs. Reuben Olmstead, of Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Petit, of Oregon
City; Mrs. Jennie Haas, of Vet
Linn; Mrs. Otto Petit, of Pcwell
River, B. C. The grandchildren are
Lester, Albert Wilfred and Paul
Petit, of Wert Linn; Lewis Olmstead,
of Salem; Hyron, Howard, Ruby, Cecil
and Irene Petit, of Oregon City; Irene
Leo ar.d Elsie Petit, of Powell River,
a!o Mbta Verda Olmstead. of Salem,
Misws Vera Carlson and 'Ada Moore,
of Oregon City. .
Mrs. Pope Chosen
Regent of D. A. R.
At a meeting of the Susannah Lee
Harlow Chapter, Daughters ot the
American Revolution, held at the
home of Mrs. E. L. Pope. Four Acre,
on the banks of the Clackamas at
Parkplace, Mrt Pope was chonen re
gent. She fills the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Mrs. Roy Trod
den, who has taken np her residence
In Portland. Miss Gertrude Hum
phrey was chosen vice regent
Plans were made tor giving an en.
tertainmcnt on November 23'd at the
Congregational church. Pictures to
be shown on this day will be on
"Americanization."" A number of the
leading musician of thi city will
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Schwoch enter-j
talned a few o their children' frtendal
at tbelr.home on Third and Washing- fan n me musical proRram.
ton street on Saturday evening. The During the evening a picture of
affair was In the form of a hallowe'en; special Interest to the children will
party, and the house decorations j be shown.
were In keeping with the season, Mrs.! : "
Schwoch wa assisted In entertaining Former Merchant Of
the little one by Mi Ella Howell.
Game and music were among the OfCfrOn CitV PtlSSCS
features of the evening. Deliciouaj b J
refreshmentg were served. I
AitnnrfinB- Mildred Swafford. I The remains of the late W. L,
Marjorle Swafford, Margaret Dough-1 Blotl- former merchant of thla city,
erty, Dorothy Schwoch, Gertrude and who d!ed uddenly a San Diego,
Mariorie 8chwoch. Annalou Meyer J CaW-. October 30, have been shipped
Gladstone, Dr. and Mr. L. G. Ice and Miriam Swafford, Dorothy Ely, Evelyn 10 Chicago, III., for Interment Mr.
Biguslaski, Thomas Herrman, Elvlon lurmer uoine was near umi
Margum, Io Boguslaakl, Catherine! tr. and where his daughter, Mrs.
Herrmann, Ma-ian Barry, Jeanetie! tester L. Bauer, nee Easie Block res-
Schwoch. Frances Bosuslaski. 1lf H1 accompanied t&e re-
Ed. Felle-s, of Eugene, was among
those to transact business In Oregon
City Tuesday. While here he re
gistered at the .Electric.
l where red. geraniums and ferns were
usied most effectively. The living
daughter, Jane, of thi city; Mr. and
M-. George Howell, Mr and Mrs.
Frank Monher. Mr. and Mr. Abel
Thomas. Mr Bennett, Margaret, Wil
liam and Ivan Thomas, all of Beaver
Creek; Mr. and Mr. T). M- Lloyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rasmuasen, Mrs.
John Wlthycombe, Mrs. J- F. Blount
of Portland; Mr, and Mr. Barton
Barlow and daughter, Miss Dorothy,
of Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs- Charles
W. Kelly, of this city; M. Peter
RaamuHBen, Mr. Rich, Mr. Anderson
and son of Portland; Mrs. Lloyd Ber
nier, of this city; Rev. B. F- Clay,
Clarence Barker, Bertram Blount,
Miss Delia Blount, Iva Blount. Frankle
Blount, of Gladstone; Jean Rasmus
sen, Sydney Rassmussen, Of Portland.
The bride is one of the most popu
lar girls of Gladstone. She attended
the Gladstone school, and also gradu
ated from the O-egon City high school
In 1817, wh honon-j Afjter com
pleting her -studies In the Oregon City
high school she took a special course
ln a business college in Portland. She
ha been an active member of the
Christian church at Gladstone. Mrs.
Myers comes from two of the pioneer
families of Oregon.
Mf. Myers, formerly a resident ot
Gladstone, and son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Myers, now of La Grande, Ore
gon, was In the service during the
world war for three years. He was
on a submarine chaser, stationed in
Europe for some time. Before takln?
up his residence at La Grande, he
was employed by the Crown Willamet
te Parfcr Company at West Linn.
While residing at Gladstone, he waa
also active In church work, and a
member of the Christian church.
A. M. Klrchom, of I-ogan, wa lu
this clly Monday and Tuesday. He Is
a well known farmer of that section.
Miss Ella Beckwlth, of Blodgett,
Oregon, waa an Oregon City visitor
Monday and Tuesday.
Among those to transact business
here on Monday was R. D. Martin.
His home Is at Toledo, Oregon.
Mr. and Mr. J. S. Berg and family,
of Seattle, were among Oregon City
visitors the fl-st of the week.
E. P. Dedrttan. of Clackamas, waa
among those to transact buslne
and visit old time friends In Oregon
City Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Grossen
biicher are receiving Iho congratula
tion ovo- the arrival of a son nt their
home nt Mllwaukie, The little fellow
made hi appearance Saturday even
ing, November fi, and hi weight Is
eight pounds, Mr. Grossenbncher is
foreman of tho bindery of tho Morn
ing Enterprise. ,
Millions for c
New Stomach
On of tli greatest American million
aire said to hi physician, "A million
dollars, Doctor, spot cash ana no grum
bling, for a new stomni'h," and then
th sie!: man groaned and turned away.
All hit wealth could not makj him
happy or rontentod, for happiness large
ly defjnd upon digestion. Without
hoalth wffere does happinos eom inf
After all the stomach plays a great
part in everyday life. Without a
healthy stomach and good digestion our
blood is thin, watery and poor, our
heart action l weak, our liver does not
do its duty, and man is miserable and
nhappy. Prevent diiease by putting
th house la order and strengtheulng
th system against th germa of disease.
Dr. Pioreev of the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y.,
yeltr ago understood diiraaes and their
prevention, and. he discovered certain
root and herbs whleh were nature '
remedies, and succeeded in putting them
up in a form that could be easily pro
cured at the drug store (liquid r
tablots). Tills he called Dr. Pierce
Golden Medical Discovery. This Dis
covery gives no false stimulation be
. cause it contains no alcohol or any nar
cotic. It helps digestion' and the as
similation of such elements in the food
sj are required for th blood. It gives
to the blood the food elements the tis
lues require. For over fifty years it
hoi enjoyed the confidence of the
American public. Try it nowl ,
Among those to visit here Wednes
day and Thursday were W. H. I-ock-
erman and w'fo- Their home Is at
Great Full, Montana.
After visiting his mother, Mr. II.
I Kelly, and other relatives in Ore
gon City. Roy Kelly left Mondny
morning for Hood Ulver. He Is en-
gajred In the apple growing Industry
with hl brother, F. S. Kelly, former
ly of Portland.
Mr. Joseph Koch, of Tavoma.
Wash., Is In this city, where she is
visiting her cousin, Mrs. F. C. Gadke.
Mrs. Koch came here to attend (he
funeral of her uncle), the late Joseph
Schleffor, held Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Max Bollack, of Port
bind, were In Oregon City Sunday.
While here they visited with the lat
ter' sister, the Misses Goldsmith,
nnd also her brother, Julius Gold
smith and family.
E. A. Howland, of Molalla, was
'among those to transact business In
this city Tuesday.
room was in white and green. Asters
and ferns were used.
Many handsome gifts were present
ed to the young couple.
For the present the young couple
will make their home with Mr. and
Mrg. E. K. Galilnger on Seventh
street near Center.
The bride who I the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mclrty, of West
Linn I a popular girl, and is an ac
compllshed musician. She came to
Oregon a number ot years ago from
Scotland. Since that time has made
her home at West Linn- She attend
ed the Willamette school and she also
the Oregon City high school for two
Mr. Gullinger came with his- parent?
to Oregon City ten years ago from
Wisconsin, and for some time has
been employed by Farr Brothers. He
Is well and favorably known her.
Among those to visit he Tuesday
was John Wells, whose home Is at
Ford Smashed at
Ryan Corner Monday
A Ford was practically demolished
at the Ryan turn near Gladstone yes
terday afternoon, when the machine
attempted to pass another car, and
came too near a telephone post In
the attempt. The Ford was smashed
considerable, and the occupant in the
back seat suffe-ed Injuries. The
name of the parties In the car could
not bo learned, as they were taken
to Portland by a passing tourist.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Anderson, of
Gladstone, their son. Dr. D O. Ander
son, and wife, of Portland, formed a
party motoring to Salem Sunday,
whore they spent the dny.
Mrs. Anton Nnterlin will go to
Eugene Wednesday, where she will
visit hor son, Andrew Naterlln, who
Is a student of the University of Oregon.
Mr. Chris Mitchell, nee Grace
Dattgherty, formerly of this city, now
of Portland, wa In this city Sunday.
Willie here ,she was a guest at the
home of P- S. Flnnucana
Mrs. C. B. Wilson is to be hostess
of tho Sola Clrlcle. at her home nt
Willamette Thursday. Dinner will
be e-ved, and the day Is to be do
voted to needlework.
M-s, J. Unger, of Portland, who has
been visiting at the home ot Mr, and
Mrs. F. C Gadke, returned to her
home Monday evening.
Th. and Mr. L, I Plckena and
daughter, Miss Marlon, vUlted friend
In Portland Snturday and Sunday.
William Schleffer, of Cotton, who
was called here by the death of his
fnthor, retu-ned to his home Sunday
Former Oregon Citv
Woman Is Injured
Mrs. E. A. Cheney, formerly of
this city, was tile victim of a sfeet
car accident in Portland a fuw duy
Htro, when the electric crashed Into
an auto truck, throwing Mrs. Qheney
to tho floor of the car and severely
bruising her about the bq,dy. She ts
the mother of Oren Cheney, of this
masons to meet
Miss Jessie Paddock was a charm
ing hostess at . her home at Glad
stone on election day, when she In
vited the women employes of the
court house, where she is aho em
ployed, to spend the afternoon with
her. She was assisted 5n entertain
ing by her sister, Mies Laura Pad
dock, and her slater-In-law, Mrs.
Beth Paddock-
The afternoon was devoted to
music, games and needlework, fol
lowed by a luncheon.
The rooms of the Paddock home
were prettily decorated. Orange and
black crepe paper, and black cat3
and miniature wltchee were used
mose effectively.
The Invitation list was as follows;
Mrs. Lillian McCormack. Miss Al
berta Dunn, Miss Cora Hunt, Miss
Ella Howell, Mts Lou Cochran, Mis
Marie Frtedricha, Miss Gertie Wilson,
Miss Evelyn Harding, Mlsa Eloise At
Miss Evelyn Harding, Miss Eloie All
Carlotta Pace. Mrs. W. J. Wilson,
dredge, Mrs. Alice McKinnon, Miss
Taylor, whose husband la collector of
the tax department
Mr. Block, after disposing of hla
business Interests in this city, took
up his residence In Portland, Where
he resided. Several weeks ago he
was afflicted with pneumonia, and
had gone to California for the benefit
of his health, when he was stricken.
Mr. Block is survived by his wife
and an only daughter. Mm. Bauer.
Legionites Defeated
by Score of 3 to 0
The American Legion football teem
of this city was defeated last Sunday
by The Dalles aggregation by a score
of 3 to 0 on the latter" s grounds. Tha
game was a hot one from start to fin
ish, and was witnessed by several
hundred spectators. The local boys
claim that if it had not been for the ,
star kicking of an old experienced
player on The Dalles side, the score
would have stood 0 to 0 at the end
of the struggle.
The lineup for the Oregon City
Iegionites was asf olio wa : Ernest Mass
guard; I Vlerhus, guard; Hugh
HajrtisoT John Montgomery, Clyda
Bryant, tackles; Anton Stanlch,
Arthur Mack, ends; Arthur McDonald,
quarterback; Clyde Kendall, full
back; Willard Montgomery, left half.
Montgomery is manager of the team.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latourette
charmingly entertained a few friends
at cards at their home on election
night Mrs. L. A. Morris was awarded
the prize in cards. Refreshments
were served during the evening.
The rooms of the Latourette home
were prettily decorated with autumn
leaves and cut flowers.
Attending were Mrs. Hattie Daulton.
Mr. and Mrs. I A. Henderson, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Caufield, Mrs. C.
D. Latourette, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mot
rls, Dr. and Mr. Clyde Mount, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Jones, Miss Cls Bar
clay Pratt, Miss Bessie Daulton, Miss
Helen Daulton.
The Security benefit association met
the Moose hall Monday evening, and
at the Moose hall Monday evening, and
remainder of the evening was spent
in a social time.
Pumpkin pie and coffee were serv
ed. Among the business taken up at the
business nieetUig was the formation
of plans for a campaign to secure
members. Captains were chosyn,
these being W. C. Green and G. J.
One of the jollieat parties given nti
week v;as at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Swafford on Nirrjh and
Harrison Stsret. The hostesses of
tho evening were their little daugh
ters. Mildred, Miriam and Marjorle.
The children arrived at 6:30, all of
whom were attired in fancy costume
and weairng masks. The evening was
devoted to games and music, followed
by refreshments.
Mrs. SVatford ;was assisted in en
tertaining by hor mother, Mrs. J. E.
Dorsett. and by Mrs. John F. Spiger,
mother of Mr. Swafford.
The room of (he Swafford home
were prettily and appropriately deo
orated tor the occasion- Witches,
black cats and autumn leaves were
used among the decorative scheme.
The guests were Kathryn Joehnke,
of Canby; Madelon Brodie, Helen
Edgar, Lila Washburn. Evelyn Parle,
BeverlySehoenborn, Elizabeth Bever
lln, Frances Swartz, Louise Humphrys,
Eltzaleth Howland. Elma VanWey,
Geraldlne Hadley Elaine and Jean
Hanklns, Maribel, Loutae and Mar
jorle Qulnn, Marion Shannon. Anna
lo Meyer, Dianne Moser, DorotUy
and Marjorle Schwock.
A simple wedding took place In
Portland, October 30th, at the East
Side Baptist Church at 3 o'clock when
Miss Edith Smith, of Gladstone, be
came the wife ot Mr. Frank J- Meyer,
of this city.
As Lohlngrin's wedding march was
being played by Claive Winona Smith
violinist accompanied by Donnie
Sm'th, nieces ot the bride, the brtda
couple entered the chu-ch preceded
by little Kathleen Smith as ringbear-
er. She waa dressed in pink silk and t
carried the ring in a calla Illy. The
bridal party was met at the alter by
Rev. Thomas Rroomfleld, ot Port
land, formerly pastor of the Sellwood
Bapiiai Luuau, "uo "ithle week to determine Its strength.
DressiVB lUturiaKB .cirnui-'-ij iu iuc
Trass Rod Breaks
Suspension Bridge
A truss rod on the suspension
; bridge broke last night, which left
the structure in a precarious condi
tion. Temporary repairs have been
made on the span, and the condition!
of the bridge will be Investigated
presence of immediate relatives. The
bride was dressed in blue satin with
hat to match and carried a shower
bouquet of Ophelia roses. Her
traveling suit was Of black velvet
After the wedding a dinner wa3
Bonds for a new bridge passed at the
recent election.
For the second time in the history ot
i Oklahoma, a woman will be in the
served at the home of the bride's house or representatives' at Wa-1'- -
brother, Louis Smith, of South Mount ; ton from tnat "state. She is Misa
The Smith home waa prettily de
corated with autumn leaves and
The bridal couple left tor a short
honeymoon Jrip, and upon their re
turn will reside at Gladstone. Mrs.
Meyer Is a well known stenographer
and a native of Oregon. Mr- Meyer
was formerly of Minnesota.
Alice M. Robertson, 66, Republican
candidate, for congress from the se
cond district.
W. J. West, recently arriving from
Amity, has purchased a lot and house
on Pleasant Avenue. Mr. West and
hla family have taken possession.
Mrs, Dl C. Ely was taken by sur
prise at her home Saturday evening,
when a number of her tlrends, attired
In costume called in a body. This
was In the form of a hallowe'en sur-
Mnltnnmnh l.n,!.7f Mnsnna will tin pnse party. 1 lie eveuins wa upem
host to the lodges of Canby and most enjoyably in gamee suitable for
mis occasion, iieiresnmems were
Greshani at MnsdWc temple Thursday
evening. There will be two candidat
es given the Master Mason degree,
and following the business of the
order, a banquet will bo served.
Jame Wambolt, 43, of Centralia,
and Elizabeth tMuuldtn, 45, ot Ho
qulam, were mnrrled by Judge Stlnp
in this city yesterday afternoon. The
couple Immediately left for Portland
after the ceemony.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 4
Marriage licenses were 'Issued Wed
nesday to ElUnh Bos, 27, and Leslie
nast, 26, Portland: Dewey I Ma-on,
22. and Carrie Thompson, 19. Van
couver; Frank Naah. 39. nnd May
Traxel, 2ft. Po-tland; CIMe E. Kocher.
30, and Ruth Jonet. ,24. Portland;
Ernest Everson, legal, end Florence
Wilde. 38. of Portland: Chirles K"lg,
23. and Lottie M. Hunter 2(1. Pparor-
--' tton; Tom Lltreal, 21. Portland, nnd
Robert Snodgrass, of Mullno, waa Doris Van Winkle, 17, McMInnvlllo.
Earl Lanklns, of Viola, waa ln Ore
gon City Saturday. He formerly
made hla home here.
Attending wvre Mrs, O. A. Pace, Mrs.
A. Rlntoul, Mrs. E.L. Shaw, Mrs. Fred
McCausland, Mrs. F. V Greenman,
Mr. John Collie. Mrs. Peter D
Forbes, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, Mrs.
A. McDonald. Mrs. O. D. Eby, Mr. and
Mrs, D. C. Ely and daughter, Dorothy.
Mis Gladys Elizabeth Blount, of
Gladstone, became the bride oj Jay
W. Myers, of La Grande, Oregon, Sat
urday evening, October 30, at 8
o'clock. The mnrlrage ceremony was
performed, at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blount, of
As Mendelssohn's Wedding March
was rendered by Mrs. Ahel Thomas,
aunt of the bride, the little flower
girls, Jane Ice, of this city, and Helen
Blount, dalntly attired, scattered rose
petals in the path of the bride, her
father, and the bride'smald, Mis3
Delia Blount, cousin of the bride. Be
neath an archway formed, ferns and
autumn leaves, the bridal party were
met by the bridegroom and his beat
man, Frank Mosher, uncle of the
A large delegation from the Wil
lamette Rebekah Lodge, some of the
members ot whom were accompanied
by their husbands, went to Molalla
Friday evening. The delegation left
by special car over the Willamette
Valley Southern Railway at 6:30. At
Molalla they were met by members
of the Molalla order and taken to the
I. O. O. F. ball in automobiles.
The degree work was put on by the
Willamette Rebekah ; Lodge, when
four candidates were initiated into
the Molalla order.
Following the business session, a
banquet was served. A most enjoy
able evening was spent by the visitors.
The return trip was made at 12:30.
Those going from Oregon City were
Mrs- J. O. Staats, Mra. Elizabeth
Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mautz,
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Walker, Miss Ab-
bie Scouton, Mr. and Mra. S. F.
Scripture, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Han
naford, E. J- Peterson, F. A Miles,
Mrs. Emma Rauch, Mias Mable
Phlpps, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W. Draper.
Mrs. Susannah Hogan, Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Morris, Mra. Eva Mathewson,
Mrs. G- J. Noe, Mirs. G. A. Berglund,
M-a. J. L. Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Howell. Mrs D. W. McFarland, Miss
Ada Bedwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Straight, Mr. and Mrs. John Surfua,
Russell A. Peterson, Mrs. M. E. Dunn,
Mrs. Lida Mulligan, Mrs. Julia Has
kell, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Scott, Mrs.
Mlnda Church, Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs.
Christina Barbirr, Mrs. Irving Rau,
Mrs. Mina Myers. Mr. and Mrs. James
Shannon, Mrs. Mae Yonce, Misa Har
riet Phlpps. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ely.
The Men's Brotherhood of the Pres
byterian church will hold a banquet
(chicken dinner) Wednesday evening
at 6:30 of clock. The dinner will be
served by the Ladies' Aid Society in
the church parlors at the nominal
price of 50 cents per plate
Rev. Walter Nugent, D. D.. pastor
of the Central church of Portland,
will be the principal speaker. Dr.
Nugent has had wide experience on
the Chautauqua platform.
Arthur G. Beattie president of
the organization. Tickets are now
'Baby Likes It
His daily bath is a real pleasure
when he has it beside the warm
glow cf a good oil heater filled
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knows that the heater is guard
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Pearl Oil is clean-burning
no smoke no odor for it is re
fined and re-refined by our spe
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Order by name Pearl Oil.