Pi e 4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1920. v4 i n a ir"- ...4 5 . - m .-A 5 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Published Every Friday. E. C. BRGCIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon Ctty, Oregon. Tost office as second-class matter. , . Subscription Rates: (Snm VMr . 41 to Bit Months .76 ! Trial Subscription, Two Months .15 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. II last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention Advertising Rates on application. SIMS NEXT MAYOR BARTLET RECORDER BSTACADA, Nov. 4 The result of the city election in Estacada waaj as follows: Mayor, H. C. Stephens;, treasurer, Mrs. Jess M. Rartlett; re-j corder. V. F. Cary (Independent), 60: S. E. Wooster (Citizens), 102. Council man, first ward, R- R. Kimmel (In dependent), T2; J. F. Lovelace (Citi zens), 102. Councilman, second ward, t. S. Morgan; councilman, third ward. John Osborne; councilman, fourtn ward, C. S. Allen (Independent), 130; James Smith (Citizens), 43. Council man, fifth ward, Dr. L. A. Wells. SS TREES N GREAT DEMAND The Portland Chamber of Com merce hag received word from San Francisco that there will be a big de mand for Oregon, and especially Clackamas county Christmas trees this yea"- This county has some of the finest fir trees In the world for Christmas purposes. Two years ago, Geo. Brownell shipped a car load of the trees south, and received a fancy price for" them. Inculded in the car was a vast quantity of Oregon holly, which made a great hit In California. to mm HELENA", Mont, Nov. 4. The Mon tana board of railroad commissioners) reiusea to grant an increase fi in trastate passenger and Pullman fares only- The refusal came following the ap plication of the various carriers op erating In the state for raise in both freight and passenger rates foi ; lowing a decision of the interstate commerce commission In granting an Increase. The Montana commission granted the increase in freight rate. SAVE SILVER FROM .TAKEN Bl THIEVES IN PORTLAND PORTLAND, Nov. 4. Hidden in the! walls of her house in Belgium which; was occupied by the Germans for four years, Mrs. A. Happel'g family plate came through the war safely to be stolen last night by American burglars from the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. VanRoosendael, at 1474 Halsey street. Mrs. Happel arrived In America from Belgium last May and brought with her all of her most valuable sil ver plate and heirlooms- Most ot these comprised the loot of the thieves. 9he elegram This Is the Lowest Price Quoted by Any Portland Newspaper Save $2.00 ELWELL FOUND GUILTY BY JURY IN CIRCUIT COURT C. A. Klwell wis found guilty of arson in the circuit court here yester day afternoon, after the Jury had been out for SO minutes. His 'Attorneys immediately appealed for a new trial, which appeal was granted by Judge Campbell, the time limit fixed for ten days. Klwell waa arrested some time ago at Jennings Lodge, charged with Vet ting fire to his store building at that place on the night of December 6, 1919. The Klwell family lived above the store, and during the night of the fire, Mrs, Elwel, in attempting to escape from tho burning structure, fell from a window and broke her hir and wrist. It is rumored that a more serious charge against Klwell will be brought by the federal officials, as "the store housed the I. S. postoffiee at Jen nings Lodgv. and the records of the department went up in flames on the night of the fire. WAR VETERANS IN POOR HOUSE LEADER CLAIMS INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. . S.TUe American Iegion must put Itself be tween the disabled service men and government incompetency. F. W. Gal braith, Jr. of Cincinnati, national commander, told department adjut ants of 30 states in conference here today. Mr. Galbratth also disapprov ed of placing world war soldiers in old soldiers homes along with veter ans of other wars. 'The trouble is" Mr. Galbraith be clared, "that the men are regarded as mere cases, and not as human beings. They appear to be sheaves of paper, rather than the nation's heroes. The situation Is pitiful even frightful. The conditions In the tuberculosis hospitals are particularly bad funda mentally because the government did not build any hospitals for the dere licts coming back from the war. In Chicago seven former service men w-ere found on a poor farm." Mr. Galbraith said ha was trying to raise J500.000 from "an agency whose work is closely related to the problem of the disabled service men," so that the legion might have the facilities to carry out its plans. Califfs Go Strong On G. O. PVote Mr. and Mrs. George Califf, of this city, who are among the staunches Republicans of Clackamas county, are proud to say that fourteen members of their family voted the Republican ticket Tuesday. Mervin Califf, their son, who is em ployed at the Crown Willamette Paper Company, was on the night shift leav ing the paper mills at 12 o'clock, arose the following morning at 6 and was the first at the polls. He has to his cerdit the first vote cast in Ward 3 on the Republican ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Califf both are mem bers of the good old G. O. P. stock. The former's father, Captain r B- Califf, was a Civil War veteran, Republican from the time he was of age until hig death. His wife was al so as staunch Republican. . In the Califf family voting the Repub lican ticket were Mr. and Mr3. Geire Califf, Sr., Mr. and Mre. Geonre Califf, Jr., Mervin Califf, MT. and Mrs. Walter Morris, Mr. and Mrs- Howard Eberly, of thia city; Mr. and Mrs. En non, Califf, of Portland, the fo-mer a baseball player Eilly Califf, of Vancouver, B. C, who came home to vote; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shott, of San Francisco, Cal. Next year there will be another voter - in the Califf family, when Raymond Califf. will follow In the footsteps in politics of his parents. PAYS $1 FINE C. E. Boardman, of New Era, was fined $1 for passing a street car on Main street here yesterday, by Jduge Ix)der. 4 THE YEAR BY MAIL Price Goes to $6.00 On Nov. 15th r ----Use This Blank 1 The Portland Telegram: Inclosed find $4.00 for one full year's eub I scriptioa. Name --..-....,................, .,....,,...., . ... Post off ice .' , State j COOP AFTER HOTEMBEH 18, 1920 JAP LAND OWNERS T BY3 T0 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. Call' fornia voter yesterday emphatically registered their approval of legis lation against alien land ownership. The amendment aimed at the Japan ese, which will prohibit them from owning or holding land in the state, carried by at least three to one. The vote in San Francisco w:ts about four to one in fvor of the measure. Some upstate counties, in which feeling against the Japanese was especially strong, went six to one for the law. The. Harris prohibition act modeled after the Volstead enforcement mens lire, which would have given state of ficials power to enforce prohibition. was defeated. The vote available is three to one against the measure, but rural districts will cut this ratio down probably. Returns Indicate, however, that the voters have registered em phattcalty against the measure. c. PROPERTY-TO BUILD The C. Schuebel property, between Seventh and Eighth streets, on Jeff erson, has been sold to the German Lutheran church of this city. The consideration is not known. Mr. Schuebel will hold the property for a residence until September 1st, when he will erect a new home in the city- According to the board of trustees, the" church hjs had crowded quarters for some time, and in buy ing the Schuebel property, will allow another lot which will give room enough far a fine structure and par sonage, to be built some time in the future. It is reported that the church will use the Schuebel property fo- a par soiiage, after it Is vacated, until plans for a new edifice can he drawn up and approved. BLAIN FOR SUPERIOR JUDGE IN CLARKE VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 5. The contest for Judge of the superior court Of Clarke county, which was in doubt until the official canvas today, is settled. George R. Simpson won over James O- ftlair by a majority ol 53. While the returnus were coming in Blair was several times in the lead. Mr. Simpson will succeed R. H. Back, who has been on the bench for the past eight years and who was not a candidate for re-election. OLD JOE S AGAI DANVILLE, III., Nov. 4 Repre sentative Joseph G. Cannon, former speaker of the house of representa tives, has been returned to congress from the Eighth Illinois district, ac cording to returns today. It will ba his twenty-third term in the lower house. Service Men to Get 82,200,000 Bonu SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 9. Eleven thousand Seattle men, one-fifth of the total number estimated to be resi dents of the state, will be eligible in the distribution of the state poldiera bonus appropriation of $11,000,000, American Legion officials said Sun day night. Estimating the length of service for these men as being; on the average, equal to that of other serv Ice men in the state, officials be lieve the Seattle men will receive $2, 200,000. Bonus payments will retura $90,000, it was estimated, to the coffers of the Veterans' Welfare commission of the state, loaned to ex-service men. A clause of the bonus bill provides that unpaid loans to service men will be deducted when payments a"e made. PROMINENT MAN AND .WOMAN TO ADDRESS LEGION A Joint meeting of the American Legion and the Women's Auxiliary of this city will be given at the Moose hall Monday evening, November 22. An invitation has been extended to Adjutant E. J. Elvers and his mother, Mrs. Elvers, who is president of the Portland branch of t'ie auxiliary. It is expected that both of these promin ent Legionites will give an add-ess Following a program for the evening, refreshments will be served. The local committee arranging for the event is composed of Ray Cooper, C. Peter son, Miss Evelyn Harding and Mrs. Sophia Moody. BEATIE, MASS, STIPP CARRY UNION PRECINCT In Union precinct Harding received 41 votes and Cox 29, with a few scat tering votes for this socialist and other candidates. For senator Chamberlain received 33 votes, Stanfleld 39, Hayes 2. Beitie for county Judge, "Mass for sheriff, and Stint) for district attorney, 2 of them. Clackamas county Demo cratic candidates, carried the precinct something very unusual. Oswego Pioneer Passes Yesterday Mrs. Clara Davidson, wtfo of Lticton Datfdaon, of Oswego, died Sunday morning at the family residence, Mrs. In this home, which was built by her husband, for 67 years. Mrs. Davidson was bora In Indiana In 1S42, and crossed the plains tit IS;"T- The family first making their home In Yamhill county, later canto to Oregon Ctty, where Mrs, David son, whose maiden name was Clara l.ivtiiRood, married Mr. Davidson. Mr. Ihtvidson assisted In building many ot the old time homes In the 50's. Oswego wu her next home, who she resided until her death. In June Mr. and Mrs. Davidson cele brated their golden wedding anniver sary. The deceased Is survived by her husband, and the following children: Frank Davidson, Onlen Davidson and Mrs. J. It. Cox, of Oswego. Funeral services will be held at Oswego Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and Interment will be in the old lavldson cemetery at Oswego. Mrs. Davidson was a charter member of the Oswero grunge, which organ isation will take an active part In the funeral services. Brady & DeMoss had charge of the funeral arrangements. J. Scliieffer Dead at Gadke Home Here The funeral services of the lato Joseph Schleffer. who died at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. F. C. C.adko, of this city, on Thursday, November 4th. we e held from tho St. John's Catholic church Sunday at 12:30 o'clock. Monslgnor A. Hillobrand. pastor, officiated, and spoke highly of the deceased- The choir sang during the services, with Miss Satie Clancy presiding at the orgun. Many old time friends of the family attended the services, and the floral tributes were In profusion and beauti ful. Interment was in the family lot In the Catholic cemetery, and the re mains laid to rest beside those ot his wife, who died in 1906. The pullbearers were Frank Bunch, Matt Mlchels. Jacob Miller, Joseph Descloux, Paul Prevo. of this city, and Jacob Unger, of Portland. Young Daughter, of Molalla Couple Dies MOLALLA, Or., Nov. 5-The fun eral or June Itlatchford, only child of Mr. and Mrs. George Hlatchford, 4 years old. whose sudden death occur red Monday night after an illness of less than two days, was held from the family residence Thursday afternoon. Rev-' S. J. Kester, pastor of the Molal la Methodist Episcopal church, , and Rev. F. W. Snider of Woodburn con ducted the service. Interment was in the Oddfellow's cemetery. Dr. Guy Mount Back From Doctors Meet Dr. Guy Mount, who has been on an Eastern trip, ha returned to Oregun City. Dr. Mount left here six weeks ago to attend the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America held at Manitoba, Canada. At the con clusion of the meeting he went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he visited the Crell hospital, also Mayo Rrothers' Institution at Rochester, N. Y. He cpent several days In Chicago, 111. While In the East Dr. Mount found the weather ideal, and enjoyed a num ber Of motoring trips. Legion Team Here Asks Financial Help The local American Legion football team will give a dance on Armistice night Nov. 11th for the purpose of raising funds to help bold up the team this coming winter. According to one official of the Legion - here, the boys must have financial help, or the team cannot hold up Its record In Oregon City and play the best in the state. The boys are sadly In need of funds to carry on the sport, and It Is expected that a big sale of tickets for the dance will be record ed. The best music obtainable for the occasion has been procured, and the ball will be appropriately decorat ed, with special numbers on the pro gram. Teachers and Pupils to Help the Orphans All teachers and pupils over Clack amas county will endeavor to help the homeless boys and girls of the Btatei by ,;ri(ISng fruit), vegetables, clothing and other articles on Thanks giving and Christmas days. Rrenton Vedder, county school superintendent, has written the following to every teacher' in the county concerning this help. The letter follows: "You and your pupils can do a great deal of good for the homeless boys and girls of Oregon oy sending to the Roys' and Girls' Aid Society, Port land, Oregon, a box of frnlt, vege tables, clothing, etc., for Thanksgiv ing or Christmas. A few apples, po tatoes, a Jar of fruit and a hit of clothing will not be missed In your neighborhood, and I assure you that the Aid Society will appreciate your efforts." ' Murder Four More Irish Policemen DUBLIN. Nov. 3 Four more po licemen were murdered at different plates under dating circumstances. One was kidnaped and several were wounded. As Indicating the terror prevailing, the body of one murdered boliceman lay twenty-four Ijours oi the road and was paiwed by many persons before the authorities were Informed. West Linn Union II. S. Notes At a mooting of the school board of Willamette, the directors voted In favor of buying (ho upper grado boys a football and a basket ball. Hoth wors purchased this week by Terry Hurnes. Willamette hiu a good team of basket ball players. At a recent game they defeated the freshmen and sophomore team of the West Linn high school. Mrs. Huckley, county supervisor viatted the WlUatitetto school Mon ti uy. The sohool purchased a new Ifafanola from Hurmolstor & Andre sen, tho children ar delighted with It. It Is used for inarching and other exorcises- Tho Willamette grammar school wlUglve an entertainment and basket social on Armistice night, Nov, It. Thrt proceeds from (ho siilo of (he baskets go toward paying for tho graunoln. Commission Is Sued By Anderson Here In an effort to have a docfskui of the state Industrial accident commis sion reversed, suit was filed here Sat urday by Alfred Anderson, an em ploye of the Crown-Willamette paper mills at West Llmt. Anderson suffer ed a poison gas attack last February, while working with chemicals M the mills, but was not advised of the nature of his ailment by physicians until tho time limit for riling claim.-! with tho commission had expired. The commission therefore nijed against him In hi application for compensation, and the present suit Is aimed (o secure reversal of Its opin ion. Experts Drill For Oil in Warrenton WA RRENTON', Or.. Nov. 5 Two export well drillers from the Cali fornia ojl fields have taken charge of the drilling for the !xwer Columbia. Gas & Oil company near here, Th derrick Is up and a standard rotary drill was unloaded at tho port docks Wednesday. Plans to sink a well from 3000 to 3500 feet have been made. The first well Is u be sunk about 1000 feet south of the ctty limits of Warrenton. Funeral Rites Over Mrs. Niles Held Funeral services of the lata Mm. Jennie Vinson Niles, who died in thin city Saturday evening at So'c.lock, were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Congregatonal church The so.-vlces, which were largely at tended, wero conducted by Rev. Her bert Crocker, Mrs. John Crawford sang during tho service, and was ac companied by Mrs. McC'o.'d. The floral tributes were beautiful. The Interment was In Mountain View cemetery. The pallbearers were A. C Warnr, W. R. I-flwton, J. J. Cooku, James Pa-tlow, George Swafford and Carl Jochnko. Many friends from Portland wen among those attending. . NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. A. E. Mackintosh, Estate, Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administratrix of the estate of A. E Mackintosh deceased, has filed her final account In the County Cou-t of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County and that Mon day the 29th day of November, lD-'ti, at the hour of 9;30 A. M. of said day and the court room of said Court litis been appointed by the said Court a the time and place for the hearing of objections, If any, theretouni the set tlement thereof. Dated and first published Octobei 29th 1920. ROSE MACKINTOSH, Administratrix. JOHN T. WJIALLEY, Attorney. SUMMONS ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. T. R. Headen, Plaintiff, vs- Mildred Headen, Defendant. To Mildred Headen, defendant: In the name of the State of Or gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint flleu against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 3rd day of December, 1920, said date being more than six weeks from the date of first, publica tion of this summons, and If you fall to answer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed fo rin his complaint, to-wlt: for a decere dis solving the bonds of matrimony here tofore existing between the plaintiff and granting a decree of divorce and for sucj, other and further relief as the Court shall deem meet to grant. This summons Is served upon you by order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 21st day of October, 1920, directing that such publication be made In-the Ore gon City Enterprise, once a week for six successive weeks, the first puibll-' cation thereof, being the 22nd day of October, 1920, and the lat publica tion thereof being the 3rd day of De cember, 1920. C. II. FIGOOTT, Attorney for Plaintiff. 226 Jefferson St., Portland, Oregon 8UMMONS In the Justice's Court for District Number 13. Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Paul R. Melnlg, Plaintiff, TS. George Mather, Defendant. To George Mather the- above named defendant: ' ' ' ' " In the name of the . State of Oregon you are lerefoy required to appear PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C Latoumtti. Present K. J. M ir CKi The First National Bank of Oregon Ctty, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Hanking Basilica Open from 9 A. M. to J 1 . M. and answer tho complaint filed against you In tht above, entitled suit on the 4lh day f lecomber. 1 -0. which Is more than six weeks from tho dale of the first publication ot this summons, and If yu fall to so appear and answer tho said complaint, for want thoisf the plaintiff will tuku a Judgment agitlusl you for tho sum of 33.3tt and Ms costs mut dtsburss litems herein; also a Judgment order that certain personal property now held under, attachment by Ike Iwputy Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. In said District 13, to be sold to sntW) said Judgment nnd costs and disburse tnoiils and uccuiliig costs. This summons Is published In pm nuance to uu order for servl.-o there of uhiii you by publication, dated October Soih. ii'-O made by llonoh able J. M. C, Miller. Justice- of the Pence for District number 13. Clack amus County, Oregon. ill-ctln that this sunimons bo published ones n week for six consecutive weeks. Ihito of first publication , October 2nd. 19-0. Date, of last publication Doomler 3rd. 1920. C. D. Pt'lU'Rl.t.. Attorney fo- the Plaintiff, My poKtoffJeo address Is Sandy. Ore, SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho Stute of Oregon for Clacknmas County. Walter W., Knack. Plaintiff vs. Kllu J. Knack, Defendant To Klla J. Knack: In tho name of tho State of Oregon your are hereby required to appear and answer thuf omplulnt filed wgalnst you in the abovo entitled suit on or before tho 2tith day of November, 1920, said data being more than six weeks from tho date ot the first publi cation of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer said com plaint for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the ourt for the rollef de maiidtHt lu his complaint, to-wlt: for U decree dissolving the Inmd ot mm rlmony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and grunting plalutlft a divorce and girth other nnd further relief as to the Court may seem meet and proper In the premises, This summons Is served upon you by publication iherwif, by order ot the Honorable J. tf. Campbell, Judge of tho above entitled Court, made and entered ou the 12th day of October, 1920, directing that such publication be, made In the Oregon City Enter Pe for six successive wek, ths fir it publication thoroof bidng the l&th day of October, 1!'.0. and th Inst publication thereof, helnir on the 20th dy of November, 1130 McDOCOAL & McDOlTQAI.,,1 Attorneys ' Iff. 905 Northwestern Rank Illdg , Port land, Oregon. SUMMONS No. 17300 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Ada Ost, Plaintiff, vs Wllllnm E. Ost, Defendant. To William K. Ost, the above namnd defendant. In the named of (lie State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause hero in on or before the 12th day of No vember, 1920, which said date Is six successive weeks after Uie date of the first publication of this summons and If you fall to so appear and ans wer wild complaint, the plaintiff for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In said complaint filed herein, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exiting be tween the plaintiff and the defendant and for the custody of the minor child of the plalrftlff and the defend ant ad for such other and further relief as to the court may soem Just and equitable In tho premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication In accordance with an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp, bell, Judge of the above entitled court iliuted Soptomber, 301 h, 1920, which ordor requires you to appear and answer the complaint filed hero in within six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this sum mons. Date of tho first publication, Oct. 1st, 1920. Date of last publication, November 12th, 1920. R. K. HECKIIERT, Attorney for plaintiff, 802 Oasco Tlnlldlng, Pot-Uund, Oregon, 6UMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mns. Carrie E. Ttrthlll, plaintiff, vs Emmor O. Tuthlll, defendant. To Emmor O. Tuthlll, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appeal and answer the complaint flUl against you In the above mtitlid court and cause on or before the ex-pl-atlon of six weeks from the date of the first publication of thlg sum mons, and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for ln her complaint filed In said court and causo, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the marriage con tract nw existing between the plain tiff and defendant, and the restora tion of plaintiff's fo-mer name, and such other and further relief as to the Court may soem Just and equit able. Thl' summons Is served upon you by publication thereof ln parsuance of an order by the Honorable 3. U Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered herein Bep- C. 0. 4 D. C. LATOURITTI Attorneys st Law Coiiimorclal, Rsal Rlat and Probate our BpeclaltlM. Of Ccs In Flnt National Hank. Itld., Oregon City, Ore. O. 0. MY Attorney St la Mousy loaned, abtlracU furalsh d, land title tiamluod. Mists , settled, tnera! law busbies Ovsr lank of Orsgsn City. William Hanmond Philip L. Hsmmsnd HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attornsyt-at-Law Abstracts, Rsal Estate, Loam, Iusur anos. OREGON CITT. ORBOON Pacific Thone II Home Phone A 171 Phon 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Steven Illdg., Oregon City, Or. Umber 2Sth, 19:'0. which order direct mi this summons to be puhlUhml, once a week, for six successive and i'ms(snithVi week lu tho Oregon City Enterprise, a miwapnpnr printed and published In Clackamas County, Ore gon, and of general circulation (hero In. Date of first publication. October 1, 1920. lhUe of last publication, November 12. 1920. C.m. 1 MASTEN. Address; 309 10 Panama Illdg, Portland, Oregon Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreffon for Clackamas Couuty. Nettle Alexander, Plaintiff, vs ltlch.-(l Alexander, iKifntidunt. To Richard Alexander (ho above nam ed defendant, In the Name of (he State ot Oregon; Your are hereby required to appnar and answer the complaint filed ngittnst you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration six weeks from the data ot the first publication of this summons, which date of expir ation Is fixed by order of the above entitled Court as N'ovomlier 12th, 1920; If you so full to appnar and answer jdjiintlff wilt apply to the Court fr tho relief pruyed tor In hi coinplnlnt, to-wlt: For a decree de volving the marrtngn contract exist ing between parties hereto, and for the restoration of her maiden namn, Nellie Oordoti. This summons Is publisher by or der of J. D. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Cou-t. The order Is dated September 2Sth 1920. Ihte of first publication October 1st 1920. Itn of last publication Novemlwr 12th 1920. Wm. M. STONE, Address. Oregon City, Or. , Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, For tho County of Clack amas Wanda J. Ilnlden, Plaintiff, vs. Cluudo Orchard Holden, Dodonfunt. To Clnudn Orchard Holdeu, the abovo named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and ;inswer the cginplalnt filed against you n the ttiut entitled suit, on or before the 12th day of Novntn, ber, 1920, said time being more than six weeks from the date ojt tho first publication of this summons, and 'f you full to nppear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint and filed herein, to-wlt: Thnt the bonds of marriage heretofore and now exist ing between the plaintiff nnd the de fendant be dissolved and held for naught; that "the plaintiff bo given an absolute decree of divorce from tho defendant, and for such othor and further relief as this Court may deem rflpct and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Oregon City Khlorp-lrtn. for six consocutlve weeks In purtunnee of the order of tho Hnnnrtble J. IT. Campbell, Jude of the above entitled Court, which order Is datej the 27th dny of Scptem. ber. 1920. Date of fl-st publication October 1, 1920, Unto of In -it publication November 12, 1920. OLSON. DEWART t RAIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. . f30 Chnmber of Commerce R;illdlng, Portlnnd, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is he-eby given that the un dersigned have been appointed b) the County Court or Clackaman County, Oregon, Executors of the last will and testament of Fred Achilles, deceased; all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the saint) to Albrecht Achlllos, Oregon City, O-cgon, R. F. D, No. 3. or at the office of our attorney, O. D. Eby, Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified a by law required wlthla six months from date hereof. Dated October 14, 1920. ALHRECHT ACHILLES. MARIE OIXJA ACHILLBS ALEXANDER. Executors, O. D. ERY, Attorney for Executors. First publication October 1R, 1920. Lait publication November 12, 1920. straigm ticswu - - - - - -' - -