Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 12, 1920, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Telling of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past WeekYour Subscription Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Estacada Notes
. put! us m
lota of feed W raise an sniBitf 'ik Lupine Raider is
that. 1
By Mrs. Dors B, Badger,
ELK PRAIRIE, Not. 10. Col. A. H
Hollingsworth has been circulating a
petition to form a voting precinct at
the new Elk Prairie school house. The
people of this section have ftne from
clue to seventeen miles to vote at
Wilhoit ,and the result has been that
juaiiy tter8 wer2 practically xleprived
of their votes as tSey unable to go si
far in the weather that wa are apt
to have at election time. However
the cumber of people who were p-es-ent
at the last election was excellent
considering that many of the voters
had their garments thoroughly drench
ed with rain before they reached
Mr. Hollingsworth, who has a homo-
stead in this vicinity, has attended
one primary and on election at VV11-
hoit. The people of Wlhoit appreci
ate the chance in precinct as it
leaves the remaining portion in bei-
ter shape for a precinct by itself. The
County Court seems perfectly willing
that the change should be male.
When Col. Hollingsworth brought the
petition before the Elk Prairie Com
munity Club it already had several
signers and all voters present signed
entered the neighborhood last spring
and has taken an active interest in its
development ever sinee-
The plans for. Elk Prairie school
can only bo figured by mathamatical
progression now. When fifty-five
people talk school, dream school and
discuss school at meal time the hum
grows louder and louder. It is not talk
alone, each though is backed by ac
tion. The site finally deeded to ths
district was ia the north-west corner
of the Leitel property as a second
letter brought the information. The
first load of lumber, which was
brought by C. K. Thomas was haul id
to the north east corner as that was
the first site talked of. " The change
seems to be entirely agreeable'to all.
Messrs Fletcher and Tidd and others
soon staked the appropriate site oft.
This was easy because of the survey
ing done in Elk Paririe last spring
Mr. Thomas soon had his second
load at the correct place as was also
one drawn by Mr. Joplln. Mrs. p. Tt.
Gray has the honor of being ths first
to prepare tor the corner stone. For
over eight years she has dreamed of
this privilege coming some day. "While
' the nation was voting, Mrs. Gray was
steadily burning refuse that was still
In the way of the school which she
wanted fo her own son, Frank, and
little grandson Robert Gault, as well
as well as for all who should come,
For Robert the school will ever be of
fond memories as Grandma Leitzel
had her share In the gift of n acre
of land.
November fourth 'was chosen for
all the neighbors to unite "The
weather Clerk permitting" however
,. he sent a mantle of snow instead.
However Mr. Tidd met his appoint
ment and pointed out to a passer by.
"Hera is where the temporary school
houes will be, that win leave this ele
vation by these firs for the permanent
building later and all this level
ground between will make a splendid
playground, especially for ball." Just
then a Ion jack raobit hopped slowly
across the building sites over the ball
ground eyeing these curious piles of
Frank Lamb, who is a bachelor, has
snown nig attitude toward the school
by helping with the clearing; of ths
school acre. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.
Feltcher whose son is a young man,
worked as faithfully up on the clear
ing as did those who expect to send
Vane Hennls who has no children
and does not even live In thf district
will donate his services and tools to
help e-ect the- building, Mr. Hennis
has full charge. Tuesday, Messrs
Hennir, Tidd, Fletcher and Gray will
begin the actual construction of the
Elk Prairie school house.
Joseph Kolshinskl is busy clearing
his homestead. He recently returned
from Bridal Veil where he had been
Joseph Grant, of Beatrice, Nebras
ka, has seemed very much interested
tn our school. He is highly recom
mended as a teacher by friends in
this neighborhood who are well ac
quainted with h i. His parents were
teachers ss were also other relatives,
and he has the advantage of a Univer
sity education.
Entertainment at
Kelso Profitable
KELSO, Nov. 10. The Hallowe'en
and shadow social given by the Ladies
Club of Kelso proved a splendid suc
cess. The attendance was large as
usual- Every bodv had a good time
and there was an abundance of good
eats. The young folks enjoyed games
after the program and the two
"gypsies", Eunice Jonsrud and Doro
thea Gilbert, were kept busy tellin?
fortunes. The proceeds amounted to i
J21. The program consisted of an
tmpe-sonation song by Miss Vaerett's
pupils, a song by the audience and
one by Gertrude Kllgel, Nellie Harvl
son and Helen Hits; readings by Miss
! Ivy Ten Eyck. Dorothea Gilbert and
Eunice Jonsrud and Mrs.. Baumback.
Instrumental solos by Dorothy Jons
rud and Gertrude Kligel. a vocal duet
by Mrs. I. H. Phipps and Mrs. Robert
Jonsrud and a trio by Mrs. Jess Hite,
Mrs. Phipps and Mrs- Robert Jonsrud.
and a Gypsy song by Dorothea Gilbert
and Eunice Jonsrud.
Services were held at the school-
house Sunday afternoon by Rev. Earl
Miss Emma Jonsrud of Alberta Lea,
Minnesota, is visiting relatives 'at
Kelso, being en route to California
where she wll spend the winter.
The Jonsrud-Gunderson Lunibef Co.
has finished planking the road from
the mill out to the main road.
Out at Eade Creek
day mominfl a coyote was seen by
Fred Hoffmetster crossing the road
near his place grabbing his gun and
calling his dogs he started in pur
suit, but the coyote was too swift so
succeeded In getting away. The coy
ote was probably out lookign for a
sheep or a turkey for his Breakfast.
, Mr. and Mrs. Urn Uaker er? Gres
ham vilstors Sunday.
Uist Tuesday night a party was
given by as'e Creek Grange at the
G-ange halll. A very pleasant time
was spent by those present in sociai
Chat, playing games and dancing. A
short program was rendered. Every
one seemed to tave such an enjoyable;
twas decide tt aeov htlg me n-tid
time that it was decided to give an
other party on December 3,
Mrs. J. W. Cahill called on M-s
Murphy on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass have
moved to their home on the hill.
John Parks is working for; Walter
ESTACADA, Nov;. 11. Charles
brother Postmaster "Heylman, last
Miss Mabel Wilcox returned Sat
urday evening from Centralis, Wash.,
where she hat been tor the past three
MRS, J. M. 0. MlUCft Cow
Wilsonville Ferry
Aided by New Engine
Lad Hill Club Has
New Officers
LAD HILL, Nov. 11. Mrs. C. C
Loucks spent the week end in Port
land, purchasing new furniture for
WILSONVILLE, Nov. 11 Mr. and
Mrs. Norris Young and daughter, are
isitlng relatives in the southern part
of Oregon.
A new engine has been installed in
the ferry at Wilsonville, which is ex
pected to prove satisfactory.
The farmers of this community are
busy hulling cloer and digging pota
Mr and Mrs. Ed. Bakef. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Eline
Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham.
Bettie Batalgia and N 0. Say'attond
ed Grange at Sherwood, on Saturday,
at which time a chicken dinner wa
served by the losing side, In. a conf
fOf membership.
J. J. Thornton is away on Dual.
ness trip through Arizona dC(j can
fori a.
Elmer Sely Is homo, r imp-ovhv
tn health, i
Mrs. C Wagner Mfs. M.
Young, president an(i vlce-pr c
of the Parent-Ter .chers assoc' jAuwrt
Wilsonville. ga' ,e" a port 4Vi,m of
Mother Con', nn F "um lne
Mrs. ElUaboth Harper, lately from
Nebraska, has bvugh the Willard Cox
property and will occupy the same In
a short time. Mrs. Harper Is now ltv.
lag with her daughter Mrs. Bishop,
In the Currtnsvilte district.
There wis a good attendance, af the
Parent-Teachers Association Tuesday
night, but the siwaker they expected,
Ms. Sadie Orr Dunbar ot Portland,
tailed to put In an appeal, uu-e. How
ever, her place was supplied by local
speakers, and with a short musical
program, the evening was a pelasunt
The Ubrury Association ot Estaca
da now owns the building the library
is located In and some Improvements
by the way ot new sidewalk will be
made fit once.
Turkey at 60 cents a pound this
year makes the Thanksgiving dinner
look expensive. Our local meat mar
ket has some on exhibition.
Mrs- Willis Cox and daughter left
this week ofr tfrnlr new home At
Easton. Wash. Lonuie, hor son, will
stay here with his gramUuirents and
continue in high school.
A. J. Lilburn arrived last Frlc
night from Roseburg and Is a r aV
at the home of his daughter, V ,tt
A. Wells, -I L.
Government Hunter, A- U,
here this week from his o .mes, Is
Santlam, visiting his far t on y.
H. L. McKeuney id n
Pioneer Points Out
Growth of Sandy'
p , ThhUl; Treasurer, -Wins Mlxter;
.mtetor, Miss Barton. The object
fthe ucltjr U to wiike articles for
K r4af which lsloo hold the week
SANDY, Nov. 10 It was ' tator ChrlHtniK the proceeds of
in to learn that last woeK .oWWM which are to be Wd for the benefit
waa ilia first tlma In .h' fxsion Of the hlisU m'MHil. IMllutlylis 01 ma
that our neighbor, J.
not chairman ot t'
. ... . . M
souietiuni; ot a "...,, nnu jt
years ago M' Forty tt
eignty ho i " p an
c that
rty tx years! titrluli or money or "most anything''
H, tvr w,s' wm be hold on every fouth Weduei-
board, which (
Weever took
W . . . -r l
has co -7. wa ou wh' A h
tlm" -"" resiueu stn
-i And now tit ih.a ...... ..f
i " Tr e is still vlgorof
of the McWillis groc
. . .... Wl J ...... . I
oougnt out . it y u. , "n
Itrick and ot e jwrL 'Mt. HckkI but surwyors turned this
ing placed or tha ' Mtr . buute down to build along the Colum-
dition to t9sow. jrt)l;r idfr.aa aU-''il river and we hRve no IL It. yet,
to the intend. ..f ..., .... u ,U1V
the artuirs of lho col. Munity sod
Mr. Weever n t t I1'-
to look bilelr ami . . tery litroU
of the Sandy co nevNopwent
years and comn- -'y tor tony-fimr
with the tint prewnt 'eondittons
road on the t ws no
oitlv a am - Kon'fhwtde t Sandy, and
Koch cr M VnA st as tar the
Btabi . .(M. He Sandy P. O. was
ried jtMb Tt hnd the mall was car
fr , vj- Vl'lco, who brought it out
M Portland to Sandy and returned
j rUigle Creek, jce a week, Mr
vfeVir caa remninber tho ttmtgrauts
that t-am )ver the back bone, forded
th Sandy river, ml when they
f cvmMu't ford it, watted till they could!
When'tR) wagons got stalled ai they
were 'iromlng from the east ido to
ths Revenue place, Mr. Revwme pull
ed up the wagotia with his oxen
The- was no tnift on this aid at that
ttwifc As early as '4 J and 4 there
day night, and only a portion ot thai
vonluii will be gnetit lu uwwlug, Girl
of the town not m hli;U sohOoi will bo
welcome mffinlxtrs, also. Mont every
dame In town will no doubt have
aomethlnif lu a scrap bag that U
make soma ilulntv useful Kill.
those on the uloction bottrd I're
Clhct No. t Vtvo especially tavored
by a klx mldiilght teed which wan
cooked in the Otki KvMV ltltchfiy
by Mrs, Ihtke, Mi,'MMVU'itii Mum.
nnd Mr. Joe Umne, who brought
In the hot blscuS and U 12. Huff
man donated tnt huubunir. Thus
proparlng Iho feed had "a lot ot fun,'
and thuM tired clerks took heart
again afto r such a "refreshment.'
Harvey Croas was evidently a imp
ular candidate here, at ho received
13R votes, lie got t votes ut Cottretl.
Stanfleld got Ml, to the regret ot a
few Republican who feel Stanfleld
will have 'to go omo If ha P
pniachea tho actual good work Cham
berlaln ha done. There were a fr
people In Sandy who held the-s waa
a higher Ideal than to merely "vot
er straig?U:." holding nltlur party
had ft mortgage on all ths good men
wukIu of her father's, but Mrs, Car
ons hiiKband not huvlng his final clti-
seniililp impers could not vole for hor
dlstlngiilNlied. Mrs. Carou Uoacrlbed
a list of tho t'ox relations as bright
politicians, holdllng largs posmons in
various centers of tin en! I'"1 IIV
another "thriller" when shti said she
took after hr anuvstor on tho thci
nldo of iho family, Dante-l lltwiia,
she loved tti sooluwlou of nature
above all !. d would not think wi
eavlng her homextead at t-M
but for ths necessity of suhoollng t'
her little loy. Mrs, Uaron said Hr
gtndmothor was a Mater of Daniel
Boono's fathr, Kveryone Vrho ha,
been up to Wild Cat mountain wUt
remeinbr lUlnbow Ileal" at Trout
Cret'k, loU is o or thau the,
blrxl cabin home of the Cnnms,
Mt i' near Uis ind of tho road ut Wild,
L'ut and the farther into naturos.
nature's heart th better, for Ron
their house.
I . II Bit
cane gar 46 u - jr if Uhe -feet.'.td
and ivs . lie itwnty-ue
bul.atog. itR -tei the-ihei
M M Mrs. .
been hove the - I4 Brtwisoa have
the tKJIlle 0f jfifctt weuk vUUng at
, , JBr. Brotusoa's parents.
'.sltors in 'H. C Steph.Mis wero
Mlltor rtruntt last saiuraay.
Hor t' ' ans was an Kstacuda vis
sold "Ttt -of the week, lie has
1, t'j Justness tn Portland and Is
r jfclug -for something similar in
xwtie other location, ita waa in
tpttrtntmihlp with lo Bronson in a
noon, at the
ress, on
. regular mer
.6vtv after-
Mr- and Mrs JoftTV B here
Several of the young people attend
ed the masquerade dance in Donald
Saturday, evening.
.Miss Frona Shain Is home again
She has worked in Newberg for the
past year.
The Lad Hill Commercial Club net
at its regular meeting Saturday eve
ning, electing new officers to serve
for six months as follows. S. S. Par
rot, president; C. C. Louck, , vice-president;
Mrs. George Smith, secretary;
Mrs. A. F. Riser, treasurer and I. J
Tantfest, sergeanb-at-arm. The board
of directors are Frank Riser, C. A. Al
ien, tnnsives, j. a. Parrott and
Gorge Smith. They finished paying
fr the electric lights and plans were
made to paint the hal linslde, and buy
some new equipment ofr the kitchen. I-Othp"
uouc al lue jj1UOi , . .
rrtfton visftea
' atn, 'Of Portland.
d Graham r
.rdar on hnr "
rfhe Mothers' r . , - ,
..wi'.. . C i of Corral Creek
cided to h T "'r
thechildrer ' fa" rL.
Robb3 , an,a Mw3
r,aHn . the children in pre-
i T kl.r 'me b dish each arty, which
however thuKe who were not Harding
,alkotarR." JTtol-- I'
eremueiii, mm mum uj"'" ...
ho has & big enough task ahead ot
him with the kindly spirit of tho peo
ple back of him. and one president
Is enough to malm by censure.
Mayor Junker Is taking the new
honors thrust upon hlnr calmly but
folks are beginning? to wonder what
his con at ruction policy for the town
will be.
Miss 1 y Ten Kyck primary teach
In the Orient nchool went up to Podgft
for the week end to vUlt her lntor
Rose and attend a hnkt soclnl given
by tho -hool. Jennie and Cora Ten
though this rout wonld now be as
feasible as any, the engineering art
having developvd with other progress,
Mr. Weever has played the game "t
life all these years, and along with
his years came erperienco, and re
spect which always follows the good
cltixea to the end of the earthly trail.
Sandy is to Revise
m l iJV inn m i uiu, r iiiiiit w!! v-'w
Funds r or Destitute! Byc. tudet.t at tho -u" hd th ni
. ( forune to be among thono robbed y
three boys. axed twelve and thirteen
SANDY. Nov. ll.-The announce-1 M(Mt of ,hp weM recovered
h onjoyefl ana appreci-
Oak G rove Club
Grove fr
preparatory to fanning it.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tautfr
family Mabel, Hazel, Holda a
It Is expected that there will be the I 5,e1'. of Fa"g0 sat Sunday w
House Saturday evening, November
13, also a masquerade dance will, be
given Aowmijer 2. rrhanJtseivins
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hitchen and n
Harold spent Sunday with Geo Smith
and family.
The Corral Creek road in Clacka
mas county has been granted by the
County Court at Oregon City. thi
road will connect with the new Dro-
posed road, through Parrott moun
tain in Yamhill county. The resolu
tion for which hag been drawn up and
signed by the Count Court at Mr
Minnville. This road will be a wo
derful out let from Oregon City
Beverley Shain is cutting w
with his gasoline saw for Geo. Sr
Percy Kiser and Reuben Kr?
have moved to the Barnheart
pftiu e.
largest attendance at the school e!ec
tion November 13, that was ever held
in the district since its formation.
However the election will fce down ia
'he Coal Creek Portion.
Mr and Mrs. James Neely, who
homesteaded a place last spring are
ready to erect their home. It is to be !
a log raising in relays, as Mr. Neely
felt that it was the most systematic
method oC, accepting his neighbors
offe-s of ja'uor- Messrs Joplin, Tidd,
Hollliifrsworta and Hennis, will help,
next da, ulesserg Fletcher, Thomas
anQ Snider, while FriJays portion
win bo Allan Battles, Frank Lamb
and Frank Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Neely
have both been actively Interested in
the development of this section.
A numbc" of new members Joined
tha Community Club Saturday eve
nin. The bucintss meeting lasted
until late after which those present
danced until Tuacheon was served.
Mr. Tautfest has taken a contract
to cut three hundred cords of wood
and will haul the same next spring.
Frank Hilton marketed some fine
cabbage last week.
Frank Jones is breaking a two year
old colt The actual breaking seems
to fta-e been earlier in life as the
animal responds so readily to his
master. Mr- Jones says that it takes
t and
ith Jack
GROVE. Nov. 11. The Oak
xpreveTnent club at its last
ected Dave Palmblad for
J; I. W. Julian, treasurer.
.KSflers to he elected later. The
, planning for a social and en-
jnent about Thanksgiving tlmp
i TTCtare play at school house
Friday evening was much enjoy
Aarother of Charles Ray s will b j
ib screen Friday of this week.
Its. B. F. Wilkinson from the Kast
visftrng Mrs. 11. A- Wilkinson thi
The Helpers' Club met Tuesday an1
kfter the regular business, a social
horr -was -enjoyed.
Miss Kilgore is able to be out again
after her attack with a severe cold.
Mrs. J. A. Knhs or Grass Valley was
raTlhrg on old friends last week.
Roy Garner and family have gone
to Vancouver, Wash-, where Mr. Gar
ner has a large wood contract.
Gladstone News
confectionery store. ,
James Van Duster, of Portland, was
a week end isitor with his sister, Mrs.
ft. Morse.
Mrs. Hattlo Clester of Gladstone, Is
here this week visiting her duugtiier
Mrs. Kd. Douglass.
Mrs. Ed Douglass drove her baby
gTand Chevrolet to Hood River last
week to take oer a party of young
ladies to see the football game be
tween Estacada and Hood River. The
young ladles were, Misses Lydia Mat
ton, Helen Wooster, Bertha Bums.
Irene Saling and Miss Richards ot ths
high school faculty
Mrs. v. s. Morgan was a visitor in
Gresham and Portland last Saturday.
Mrs. R. IL Carter ot River Mil:,
expects to leave next Monday for San
Francisco, Calif., to be absent a
month visiting relatives.
Mr. Appleby, of Appleby-Byrne
Rogers Co., dealers in poles and pil
ing, was In Estacada Wednesday ami
rented the R. R. spur of W. F. Ca-y
for shipping purposes.
Mrs. J. H. Stublis, of Gresham, was
an Estacaa isitor Wednesday after
The Cary Real Estate Co. Is havinR
a wagon road built from the main
-oad at the John Stomer place one
half mile toward the tract of land he
recentlyl purchased of the P. R. L. &
P. Co., so as to make the tracts av
cesslble to traffic.
Miss Ruth Saling was a week-end
visitor at the home ot her parent?,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Saling.
Quite a largo delegation of ladies of bankets.
came, from Gresham Wednesday
afternoon to atten the Mothers' meet
ing o fthe W- C. T. U. at the home ot
Mrs. J. W. eRed. They were headto
by Mrs. H. C. Larson.
Sheriff Wllnon was In town Monday
trying to dispose of the stock In tho
Krigbaum confectionery, which was
closed on account of erediWrs a short
time ago- "
rum Nc
, Master Cecil Turnbul'
ing from an operation
moval of hi tonsils.
Mrs. Eads was a gu
Mrs. H. G. Crocker a
Newberg, Friday.
Miss Gladys Calr
at a party at her I
Avenue, Flday ev
sent were: Nett'
Koskey, Juliette
ins, Elva Eads, "
Deifz, Frank F
Hugh Monroe,
Morgan, Lyslo
ford. Pumpki
A surprise
Miss Faily
j is recover
for the re
;rt tt Tw. and
X flseir farm a?
.well entertained
tome on Meidrum
sing- Those pre
ie Oeymer, Luia
Rigslift, Ruth Elk
.faomi Wilcox, Lila
irrtll, Glen Elkins
art Hamptcn, Robert'
Lemon, Ivan Hanna
h pie nnd cider were
ment extraordinary for this week Is
teh entertainment and bawket social
to be given at the Odd Fellows dance
hall on Saturday nlfiht, for tho bene
fit o fthe European Chi-Ul Feeding
Fund. The appeal Is sent out by ller
txjrt IlooHr, thioUKh the Literary
Digest and the Digest started th
with a donation of twenty-five thous
and dollars. Three and one half mil
lion children will be out of food by
the first of January and the kitchens
already established by the European
governments will havo to close unless
food is fu-nlshed by that time; Hoov
er further says the children on th
erge of starvation have no clothing
to go out to the kitchen to got ttielr
food, so one of his plans is to fit out
kits fr each child containing B pair
of woolen stockings, a coat and pair
of boots. All wr Europe tho destitu
tion Is almost beyond homan concep
tion and every one regardless ot
everything should help mat-
eenlng a big success. Tpn dollfirs will
carry one of these staring ones
through the winter how many Kh.ill
we save? The-e is no expanse to be
taken ont of the fund, it will go direct
to New York whore Herbert Hoover
will have charge of spending the fund,
and every body knows Hoover wM'
see It Is handled right. A splendid
program 1 bf-lng arranged; Elijah
Coleman will preside, the Boring Or
chestra will play, Kev. Eurl Cotton
will sing a solo and other attractive
numbers will be given, some from
neighboring communities. H'ing lot.,
?" VUlr U Orriroii mni
1 wmm AivtbPiJVlb
ning by em
where she
for the p
her brct'
visit to
to Mi
party "was given for
Caldwell on Monday eve
loyes of the Woolen Mills,
has been an employe
1st ebtht years. Miss
left Wednesday night with
ler, Chas. B. Caldwell, for a
;helr old home in New Castle,
i, and other relatives in Belle
ie. Ohio.
y useful gifts we-e presented
s CaiaweH, her friends arrived
ine maslts and would not un
it until their hostess succeeded
fuessinK the Identity of each.
' ihn oresent. were: Misses Anna
.d Mahle Myers, Miss Whel Hunter,
iiss Teota Dane, Miss Lillle Tsem
ta.it, Mrs. Lena , Hendricks, Ms.
Lena HendrlcTrs. Mrs. John lsongle,
Mrs. Schooley. Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Mc
vnrhin vm J?mlfh. Mrs. Fox, Mrs.
Paresl. Mrs. Wm. Coolc Mrs. Guynes,
Vt itt SkUlman. Mrs. E. R. Mc-
r. Mr. Tv! A -RlRr-1fPTnv
Mr- and Mrs. E. E. Petit will leave
today for Salem, where they will be
the truests of his sister, Mrs. Kunen
Olmsted, who will 'accompany them
home to attend the family reunion
dinner at their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Petit, of West Linn.
Ruben Olmsted Is at present re
modeling the home Of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Petit and will build a new garage
for E E. Petit on Monroe street.
Oregon City. He has pu-chased
new Oaltland six.
Mrs. Harry Woolrich, of Portland,
Was the guest of Mrs- Chas. Legler,
of Gladstone, Friday.
.Union Mills Notes
UNION MILLS, Nov. 11. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Zweifel of Independence
spent Sunday at the D. L. Trullinger
J. E. NordHng and family were Col
ton visitors Sunday.
Miss Henrietta Llpman spent flit
wer-k end at her home in Portland.
Nels Mulvaney has returned from
Eastern Oregon to spend teh winter
With his daughter, Rose Mulvaney.
Among those who were Sunday vis
itors at the R. L. Orem home were:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blaclrman and chB
dren, Annie and Ferd Johnson, Mamie
Ojampavai Jess Shepard, Alfred
Wright and eJss Adlcins.
iMrs. Mark Hungate had her tonsils
removed at the Oregon City hospital
"Mr. and Mrs. E. James and children
called on Mr. and Mrs. Wiggin ot
Needy Sunday.
Meadowbrook News
MEADOWBROOK, Nov. 11. Sever
al from here attended the funeral of
Mrs. N. P. Hult of oClton Friday
Eva Sullivan left Sunday for Mill
City where she expects to go to high
school this winter.
Rueben Chlndgren who is attending
school at O. A. C. spent the week end
at his home.
A baby girl was born to the wife of
Hugh Corner Sunday, November 7
Emolia HofBtetfer returned horns
Wednesday after spending the sum
mer working in Washington.
Mrs. P. O. Chlndgren and family,
M. D. Chidgren and family attended
the aurorise on Rev. Renhard ot
Colton Sunday afternoon.
Eino Bofto who is attending high
school at 'Moialla spent the week end
at his home.
L Kirchem of Oregon City was out
on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hofstetter re
turned to their home at Salem Mon
day after spending the week with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. John Heino and daugh
ter spent a few days of this week
in Portland on business. ,
M- J. Matson wh Is working In
Portland spent the week end with his
Herman and Ben Chlndgren went to
Dodge Saturday evening where they
took part in the program to dedicate
the new school house, while there
visited with the Fred Horner family.
CANBY, Or., Nov. .Very tew peo
ple, who were entitled to vote, tailed
to make their appearence at the votr
tor places In this section Tuesday.
Canhy has Its big share of Republi
cans, and the majority voted the
straight ticket
An automible travelling very slow
on Main street last night, collided
with an nntajown' man and "knocked
him to the pavement. He' sustained
no lnnrle and Immediately disap
peared before lis name onlS be
leaned. ' ,
SANDY, Nov. 10 Two birthday's
in one! That's what happened on Sat
urday night when, after many myster
lous plans Mrs. Joe Lilly and Mrs.
Toller schemed a surprise for Flor
ence Toller and Lyle Lilly, by Invlt
Ing each of them to the other's birth
day party at the Toller home. Lyle
Invited high school friends tor a sur
prise on Florence, and Florence in
vited them for a surprse on Lyle, and
the twain of them were really sur
prised when the discovery was made
that it was a unity affair in honor or
each of their nativities! There was
dancing, games, munlc and a perfect
ly delightful time fo rail. The high
school pupils and the teachers aid a
handsome thing In the present line
Lyle was given a solid gold mono
granted signet ring, and Florence a
handsome ivory set. They each re
ceived other handsome gifts, "Hay
ard'B Partlcal Aviation," morocco
binding was a gift which touched
Lyle's heart tenderly. Other engage
ments kept some away, but the fol
lowing were present: Miss Mlxter,
Bertha Hoffman, Pearl and Jean Proc
tor. Ruth Krebrf, MJildred Bosholm,
Arnold Krebs, Albert Wllklns, Nettle
Schmltz, Delia Toller, Mary Scharnko,
Florence Toller, Lyle Lilly and he
Lily and ToBer famlies. Refeshments
were served consisting of coffee, cuke,
sandwiches and candy.
Ablert WlBtlns and Arnold Krebs
who recently stopped high school to
enter the Dudley Aircraft School In
Portland came out Saturday especial
ly to attend the Toller Lilly party, re
J turning Sunday.
Hazel Beers Invited her mena
cille McCarter ot Gresham out for
the week-ending and Fritz and Heinle
Junker, Ruby Doad and Hazel drove
Miss McCarter home on Sunday.
Miss Boss Barton was Invited to
the H. S. "Eddy home for Sunday eve
ning dinner. Rev. Earl Cotton was al
so a dinner guest, sharing over night
the hospitality of the Eddy home.
Miss Mlxter, Miss Ruby Meyers anrt
Miss Vera Mixter were Sunday eve-
ning supper guests at the Miller home
A sewing club has been oTganlzo1
by the high school slrls which win
meet on Wednesday night s at the var
ious homes, beginning at the Mlxter
residence. The foRowing' are of
fleers: President. Hazel Beers; Vice-
preflsdent. Pearl TTnctor; Secretary,
U Is a ul commnt em parental guur
dlanshlp when children of such age
begin a thieving career,
Everybody should remember the
special school meeting that Mr, Mat
tlnitly. chairman of the board, has
called for tomorrow (Saturday Novent
ber 13) which Is vry Impo-tnnt b
cause of the necessity of Increasiti
the budget In order to hire a new
tpacher "to relieve the congestion I
the primary room
Dorothy Mattlngly was a guest of
her friend Dorothy Bason last Sat
urday night and Sundiiy, and they hu
a fine timo as two 'chums" alwnys do,
Mlsa Ixmlsa Went of the Sandy
rldgo school went home to Portland
for the week end because of he
mother's Illness.
Mary Junker writes Mrs. C. I, Pur
cell from the O. A. C. of her work
there and says, "1 llki all my clause
Just fine.' but Miss Junker says thre
are so many social afuflrn thnt It 'I
almost Impossible for us 'Rooks' to
keep up." but If a student Is not Into
all the college parties and dunces H
Is hard to gH acquainted, and what Is
youth without these thing! Miss
Junker will be home for Thanksgiv
ing time and we shall all bo glad to
hear her again and are hoping to hear
her sing.
Every tax payer should remember
the school meeting to be held at tho
eehool house at two q'rlock P. M. Sat
urday Nov. 13, to vote a new budgei
and to talk over very Important
fhnol matte-s, that demand attention
at once -
Mrs. Ten Eyck Is glad to announce
a decided lmproement In scholarship
nnd deportment In the prlnmry gruels
despite the crowded condition of the
room. Thse who have had an aver
age of 90 or above In spelling are as
follows; Fourth grade, Mildred Har
nett; Anton Perret, Katherlne Allen
Jonnle Shelley, Evelyn Mutchinr, Ella
Monroe; Third gmdfl, Evelyn Melnlg,
Wlnnifrel Glockner. In arithmetic,
Mildred Harnett, Evelyn Metnlg ana
Wlnnlfrod Glockner.
Little Gladys Martin Is still at the
Good Sama-ltan hospital and th
probability is that hor leg will have to
he put In a cast as It will not
Dtralghtnn from other trouble, The
trouble seems to have started from a
stone bruise and an abscess formeo
Mr. and Mrs. Watklns brought their
neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Caldo along
with them to the Sunday evening
church seSlce, which was a very nice
thing to do. .
Tiie primary teacher at Boring
sent in her resignation recently nnd
SANDY, Nov. 10,-Ttiere was A sur
prise shower given on Mrs. Win, I'p
degrave last Monday night when
fourteen frlonds slipped lu unaii
nounced and each had a prulty Httl
frlnndship tctft for tir iwlgbor.
After ths gifts wn displayed the o"
lire party wont "up town" to npoim
the rest of the evening at th UT
concnt under tho direction of Mi.
Pvterson of Portland. Those present
at tho Shower were: Mrs. Christian
Ken, Mrs. Maronay, Mrs, Kainp. Miss
Uta Beers. "ItealUo" Harris. Mrs. a.
Beers, Helen and Hattlo Daliron.
Mrs. Hjoiiry IVrret, Mr. Neune
Uuimlreee, Mrs, lloomlcko, Mrs, mi.
Wolfe, Mm. Glockner. Mm. J. M. C,
Miller and Mrs. l'mgrave. Mr rp
degrsve was there ton, but he slipped
out the back door, too much return-
Itilty In evidence to Interest him.
SANDY. Nov, 10 Tho ProgrpsslviN
Club of St. Michael a Catholic church,
announce a card party to b given on
the nlKht of November 20 (Saturday!
at the up stairs hall in the Odd rel
low'f building. Coffee and cake wilt
bo served and everybody Is Invited tiv
The a'l day Orango senslon on Sat
U'd!iy will probably be enliveneu wun
some program numbers from Flrwool
In charge of Miss Solby. It Is also ln
day for Initiations In the flrn aim
second decrees for some new mem
ber and a good attendance Is desired.
This big week In town, so many
things going on during the week th
some things have to be doubled up In
an evening! The nlrhtly concerts at
The bank building are especially en
J..ved-no wonder thnt "mu-de can
charm the savairn breast o dlvini
an art Is! What a wonderful thing It
would bo for every town to have a
community center where local tnlen
and piano players and vlrt"o!a wer
stationery In a room where evr
week, or every night, everyone roulo
hnv free music! Mr, Peterson and Mr
Wilson In chft-R of the""" free con
cert this week hne plensn.1 evervone
with thtr music-. Miss Vera MUter
plays solos thnt nro much enloyed.
nlo, Mr. Peterson makes the heart
glad with his violin selections.
ftev. Earl Cotton preached at th
Methodist church on Sunday evening
and announced thnt he will hold se-.
Icps on Thanksgiving nlirht, nsld"
from the reirular services, The-e was
a plenwd expression concerning the
sermon from Iho audbulf and evident
ly Mr. Cotton made a good Imnresslnn
with his hearers. He Is anxious to
build up a good congregation; and h
It an excellent speakor. Rev. Cotton
spent part of Monday making calls In
Remember lh regular song service
at the Methodist church On next Sun
day night
Mrs. Go-go Beers went to Portlnni.
on Monday with Commissioner and
Mrs. W, A. Proctor.
Don't forget to como out Saturday
night to the big doings nt tho tidd
Fellows hall! Remember we cannot
celebrate Armistice day In a better
way than by helping fend tho 111 tie
starving one's that so many of pur
boys died to help save! So many of
our boys belong to the Greshmn I'oh
It was not wise to try to celebrate on
Thursday here.
Mrs. Buckley, county school supr
vlHor was over this portion of hor cir
cuit lust weok, covering Uie Flrwood,
Cherryvllo, Brlghtwood, Wolche'n
Marmot, Bull Run and Sandy schools.
Robert Smith was hor chauffer and
good time was mado rognrdless Oi
Mrs. Alt and Mrs. Caldo, prominent
ladies of Oie.bluff road were all day
Isltors st the Invitation of Mrs.
Ernest Bont tt, at her homo last week.
Mrs. Nelson and Milton Nelson were
supper visitors, also,
Mrs. Thomas Foster, of Kelso,
Wash., and two llttlo ones vlsltoi
Mrs. Foster's mothor, Mrs, Mary Cur
on a few dnys ago. After a shopping
trip In Portland It was an easy mat.
tor to -tin out here and Includo a vis
It with home folks.
P. T. Shelley wu;-i home a portion of
the week and Jonnle wont to Hood
River wit''. h'T daddy when ho r-
after the holidays.
it was accepted at a meeting or Hie turned on Thursday -to remain till
board and a new teacher will he found gBnlay.
Casper Junker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
fimlth and Hofcilo Junker went to
Portland on a business trip and shop
ping trip a few days ft go, which was
the first day off Mrs. Smith had taken
since -June.
Strayed from Dover, one young
dark colored Jersey ' bull. Finder
ploase notify Joseph De Shazor Adv.1
A note from Mrs. 'Jack Duncan at
Orient says she and Mr Duncan are
quite well, but ihclr work Is too
heavy for them now. Their mariy
frlonds are always glad to hear oi
Mrs. "Ernest 'Harris (better known
as "Boattle") has not been working
at the Scales ctOTe' except to "help
out" occashfnally.
Italph MaMney was' Out this week
after the horse "lYlnce" which he
rode down to the city and sold to the
military academy.
"November his a perfect right to
hand out freezing Weather every night
and cJrystallze the "mblstu -e Jtm It
looks like a snow blanket was flung
o'er the earth,' but September and
October should have h'nd a heart, and
not chased the dreamy Indian summer
mold Into the arms of old man Wintoi
so early In the ""-on!
SANDY, Nov. 10. At a meeting of
the women's club which was held at
the residence of the President,
Blanche R. Shelley on Friday after
noon. A committee on constitution
and bylaws consisting of Mrs. R. E.
Esson. Mrs Alice Scales, Mrs,
'Blanche Shelley and Mrs, Robert
Smith was appointed. The original
constitution was burned at the time
of the dub Toom fire The Club was
never ditibanded, but the war activi
ties crowded out the meetings, and
now the ned of constructive work tor
the community Is so apparent that it
Is 6sirel all old members, and as
many new ones as possible come into
the organization. A Parent-teachei
committee wfll be a feature of 'the
work as close co-operation with the
schools Is desirtd. A few years ago
the club did excellent work, and no
donbt Its usefulness will now surpass
past accomplishments.
SANDY, Nov. 10 While talking to
Mrs. Mary Caron In the Post Offici
on flection day tt was quite thrilling
when she 'incidentally and modestly
mentioned that Governor Cox is a
tContlntied on page 7)