Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 05, 1920, Page Page 7, Image 7

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MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Firewood School
Shows Fine Talent
HANDY. Nov. 3,--rixl.T Dm "'
tlun of MU Hi-lby, th Firwood tmh-
Or, ft Rplt'lldld IlllllllWtj'cil I'llllTlalil
llii'iil was itlvi'it ul 111 it kiIiihiI limine,
which was mluiiicil bi'i-miilii'''"
RrimiiN, pumpkin colored papof, etc,
A capacity crowd filled the school
Mum. Hukit beautifully mill
dorfully inuilii oviTitK'nl two dollars
I'uch, untliir tin nrHUiHl vm hammer
of Jiinii'H DeShiur, tlio llvi wlrii uur
tloiiwr. Th program will speak (or
lulf: 'HullowuVn," recitation by
I'lormii ii DiKluir. Kong by tlm '
tlnm, "October NuU." Recitation, "tv
Ilr In thn Orchard" by litiii'
lr. Ilncllailon, "Kentucky Phllos
oiliy," "m rtillno Chown. Hong, "rump
kin In lh Cornfield." by CurolLc
Chown, tilndy Wilkin, Kuiiuulit
Van Liu kiu, mid Alia D Hliiui'r. llee
tallnn. "Tim Witch", by r Hpaller
P.mtttttloli, "Mr. Ilntrh" by Daisy '
lm, Hung by the school, "Jun On.
Flag." Dialogue, "A Hallo wv'wn
Party". Itut-ltntlon, " A lesson tor
Mr. Redhead." Lucllo Wilkin
oprotta was given with Ciip'tl'to
Chown, Uladys Wilkin, AitnU
Thbws ImvliiK tbi principal part. The
tlilo of ih0 oiMrnlttt wn 'lood Hy
Summer." "Tho liiigitttboos," wu h
combination drill, tableau iiihI song
Rlvnii by tltt school, Artie lumper
wit tlm old "witch" mid milled to the
proceed by "bin," nuuk'lc fortun,, tell
ln All the porforinem appear"' tn
costume. Tlm entire proceed nw-ivt,
Pd to 119 M.
Altii Do Shur mi eighth grndrt
pupil In tho Firwood school composed
lht dlulogue, "Tlm Hallows'nn party"
that was glvn a a number on !
pmtrram at tht Firwood, entertain
muni. Mildr-wl D Shaxer of -hlKh
wm a really truly colored "loldy''
at Ihn Flrwod llnlloww'en show, and It
wan a tune time before alio wtm
cognised. They hud heap of fun thu!
Ghosts Walk at
Sandy Hallowe'en
HANDY. Nov. 3.Tho Handy (Jen
nchotil cclobmtt'd ltitllowp'cn with an
firvom-cnco thivi mrtllcd nvyr on Fri
day nlttM. which I the only nut unit
di-mi'iinor of thn youniicr Roncratlon.'
Mln I'nai I'rovtor. Jmd chnrRn of tht
proKrnm which aa plvn down atalra
In tho Odd Kcllowa hall, by thi Kronh
men for thn notilor and thdr frlcndn.
"Thn Shadow llav" yu plvi-n by till
tch FVoflnncn. Floriifi Tl!r rtcltd
thoro wan a koiik by Clirlntlno Ogdcii,
Iluth Kroba tmd Morcnce Ttdlnr. pu
tlt!M "HrlitK Duck"; a pliino aolo by
Klormicn ToIIt; and a rwltutloii by
IVnrl froctor. "Tho (lobllnn Will (it
Yoil" Anldo from thn roirula- pro
Krnm thfrp worn weird innihlnatlont
up alnlra and down atnlrs and
tunica of KhoHtly nppt'araui'OK uiiKincr
tided I'vcrywboro, Th H 'HU'Mh In
both hall wn'ii oallmrutK and bonutl
ful. and howid t,K iif Jil,urli
wn not apnrl '(leorifrnsra nml
Mm. Krtink Smith funilnlipd the mimic
for dunchiK und thorn wore quiintHlen
of rui pumikln pin and doughnut
and coftca
SANDY, Nov. 4. Tho flint mut-tlng
of thn Development Lcugun for aomo
time wan held Friday eveiiltiR with
thn ITpHldnnt I'M Hart In the chnlt.
"A I'erfect lny" waa ruiik by Ruby
Ihxld. tlii.el Deern, Ford Junknr and
Lylo Mlly, accompanlud by Mlaa Bur
ton, for tho opening number. Tho eve
ning wn itpent In dlscuHnliiR election
measures, especially th,, brldirn bond
In 1)11 which wu urged to bo made
a aolld volo 'Tr John Revenue
anld "uny improvement In tho county
la n luiDrovement for ua." I'aul
Dunn, Taut Melntg, Casper Junken,
J. M. f Miller. Jack Sealen and James
Do Hliuier talked on the bill. It waa
urged that morn Intercut bp ahown In
thn leuKiio, and that meetlnga be held
thn flrat Mdny nltfht In each month,
the next one to bn Dncetnber 2. Handy
people were urged to emtio out and
unite thn vital lnterentn of tho town
with those of th league.
SANDY, Nov. 3, Tho district Sun
day School Convention held In the
Dnptlst. church at Plnnnnnt Homo was
an nil dny affair last Sunday, with
lunch anrved In tho basement of the
church- Mlsa Parker, assistant state
secretary and Mr. Peterson, Multno
mnh County president, both of Port
land took active pnrt on the progrum,
assisted hy Rev. Earl Cotton the lo
cal minister. The folJowliiK officer
"Yours x'or Real Tobacco"
says the
3UGIIT CUT Is a short
W-B CUT is
wero elected fur tlm coming your;
I'MKldftit, ll-iirry lllckford; Vice-president,
MU Mh Miliar ; Secretary
Treumiror, MIm Ellen Hlnn. Handy
was Invllml to Join lli district bmso
elation, which will incut next April.
Mm. Peterson aunK a nolo, and Itcv.
Cotton conducted li round tubln dis
cussion. A service, flag f flflvoiiu tttiim
Unit hun it on til,, wall of tlm rienmint
llunm cliiiri h Mik well for tlm ii'lich
borliiMid. Anultttlcn tiny la ncur-lct
uk b thankful and not forgt!
HANDY. Nov. 3 Florcncu Tidier
Ilim been helpliiR In the t'oal Office,
meeii.ei!ei-eiil anvllliA bn I n
Kverybody, and Mlaa Minora too, l
Klud Hjiti In Utile to take up hor teach
liiK aisnlu thla week. ICveti tho chl)
ilren nnw weary of two weeka' vacu
t ton a lul miiny went vIhIHiik Into lli4
other room which la verj' much crowd
Hoy Ully wiii onn of thoan who
mm down from the head work for a
few dnya vacation at elect Ion tlm
Hoy U In lv with thn wooda and will
not return to H. H, thla year.
Joaopiiinn and rnuri inxon worn
Riteata of Mr, and Mrn. Oren fjmf
of Hull Hun on a motor trip to Hood
I'.lver, and Whlto Halnion for the
week end and hud moat Rlortoua
time, thn weather being lilenl for mich
a trip. They n-lurned Sunday nvonlntt
Thn weddlnR liollit of Mlaa Martha
Green of Portland and Gottfried
Htuckt of Klrwood oh October 18 did
not echo In Handy until a few day
KO ao quietly did Mr. Htuckl "
down and take unto hlniMelf a bride
Tha weddlnK wa a pretty, quiet one
at thn horn,, of thn brlde'a purentn at
33 Knat Jnth atrent. MIks Ibtrkhofi r
wni thn attendant, and Itev Kraat
officiated, only rolatlvea and cloan
I trlonda belli- preaent. Mr. and Mra.
Htuckl arn IIvIuk n the J. C. Htnlth
placn at Hrwood. and will b an ad
ilt Ion to thn nclKhborhoort,
Many peopln around hero remember
Mra. Anna Hhlllock of t'ortland and
tier beautiful bIiikIhk and will be Kind
to hear of hor happy marrlnitH tn
JuiIko (iuttuv Andewon of Ituke
which nvent occurred a ahort tlm
atso. Mra. J. M C. MUler wet-
Portland Inat week to meet thn brld
ttnd Koom on thn return from '"
honnymoon to Victoria, H. C, Mra.
louver of 1'ortlnnd and Mra. Mill
rtlned with them at Thn rontand. an
Mra. Anderaon aent kindly reinem
I) run co to tha people hero. Mr. am!
Mra. Audurtion will realdo In linker.
SANDY, Nov. 4. Thn Sunday eve
niius aong aervlco opened with an
organ voluntary by Mm. F.nson, songs
by thn congregation followed by a
Hallowe'en recitation by Johnnie Shel
ley In coatumo. Song, by choir, audi
enco Hinging the chorus. Reading, a
selection from Den Hur, Mrs. Kddy
Duet, Mrs. Khsoii and Ihirothy Ksson.
Rit-llatl'VV Arlitha I'nkctor Hong,
"Calvary," by thn choir; reading,
"Waiting by tho (lute," by H. II. Wat
kins. Hong by choir, "I'm Coming
Home." Rev, Karl Cotton will preach
no next Sunday night at eight o'clock,
and thn next musical program will be
given the following Sunday evening:.
Thn City election board aa appoint
ed by the Mayor, Mra. Hlnnche Shel
ley were Chnlrutun, leorgo Wolf, (!eo,
Maroney and Mra. Stiirn, Judges; Mrs,
J. 0. lHike and Mrs . Km est Itonelt
clerks, Robert Smith, marshal. Sandy
Precinct No. 1 ntatn board consisted
of Carl Sharnko, Chairman, Ed. Hart,
Judge, Mrs. Anton Malnr, H. E. Fisls
and Otto Melnis clerks. In Sandy Pre
cinct No. 2 Jool Jurrol waa chairman
J. M. C. Miller, Judge, Cecil O.-Ouke
and Mra. Edna Ksson, clerks, Joe
Loundree, marshal.
uranopa Jonsruu or Kelso was
On hand to vote last Tuesday, not al
lowing h!8 eighty five yeara to Inter
fere with his patriotism In the least
Mr. Jonsruif bus lived in the Kelso
neighborhood for alxiut forty two
years, and hua watched tha forest
develop into the prosperous country
of which we ar all ao proud. Mr.
Jonsrud and his help-mate are going
hand In hand along the great life
Journey each no consldorata of the
other, still doing their own chorea
living alon nnd still keeping a vital
Interest. In everything worth while.
They hnve learned the art of growing
old In the right way.
Mrs. Ed Jlruns was a visitor at the
Nelson home for a few days this
week. , ,
The cHy council met on Monday
night to finish up buslncsa and vote
ten mill tax for the next year's rev
enue. Mrs. Blanche Shelley, Mayor,
Wm. L. IUvthwlck, civil engineer,
waa out from Portland Sunday to sur
vey a tract of land on the Rldderbrush
place. Mr. northwlck'a' father was
Good Judge
Men are getting away
from the big chew idea.
They find more ,satisf ac
tion in a little of the Real
Tobacco Chew than they
ever got from a big chew
of the ordinary kind.
Costs you less, too the
full, rich tobacco taste
lasts so much longer.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
- cut tobacco
a long fine-cut tobacco
thn aurveyor who laid out the Hrlghf
wood plat some yean ago and the
IWirthwIck still own land them and
have great hopes for-the future of
that locality bemuse of thQ highway
Thern U an effort to nr-open tho
Tnpp Road No. GHZ which I located
Uiroutrh lUrJj Coulimii'a placn. A
petition for donation work being rlr-
ulal'd, ao thn road can be put tn
uh again. Thl wltl make thren
road lending to Cherryvllln, and this
onn known as thn lower road.
Mra. Mary Carow went up to her
homestead at Wild Cut thn first of tlm
week to look after her belonging
On her eleventh birthday, Novem
ber I, Ruth Ksson Invited seven of her
llttln school mates tohep her ent her'
birthday cakn- At tb table Are Jon-
nln Hhelley, Winifred Glocknor, Zelma
and Catherine Allen, Marguerite and
Mildred llarnott, Ruth, Dorothy and
Ronald Ksson.
Thn ladlea on tho city election
board almost failed to get any ice
cream being unable by all their pef
iunidvn powers to get thn men to
"treat", finally they brought a Jug of
water! Hut the "treat" camn later-
Otto" got the candy nnd "Ilob" the
A party going to Portland on Oct
28 to attend a mnso,U''rad bull given
by Anchor Council No. 741 of the Se
curity Deneflt Association at the W.
). W. hall on Eleventh St. conaisfsd
of Mra. Alma Moronity of Sandy,
Kl'-abeth Hachn of Hull Run, D-na
Cllne, Mra. Arthur and Mr. and Mm.
C II. Jackson of Oresham. Joined by
Mr. and Mn. J. J. White and (llenn
Andro of Portland. Our own Mr. Mar
oney won a cut glaim bowl, the third
out of twenty-alx prize, for her co-
tume representing Columbia; the
floor manager's choice waa over ruled
or she would have had first choice!
Mrs. Maroney wore the same costume
ftvo yeara ago at a Sandy masquerade
but rocedved no prize here. Mr. Jack-
n represented the Crown Mills and
Ulso got a prize.
Mr. and Mra. Eddy, Mlaa Kddy and
Mra Miller were at Pleasant Home
Sunday afternoon to uttend the dis
trict 8. 8. convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Archle Averlll visited
at the JL K, Ten Eyck home last Sun
day, returning to Portland In the eve
Mlsa Hilda Pyora and her brother
Curl Ryvra who have Just returned
from a Visit In Wisconsin were visl
tori of Mlsa Berth a Albel of Kelao
last week. Mlsa llyera la a prominent
piano teacher. Mr. and Mra. Uuegg
of (iresham were also guests of Mlsa
Albel. , ,
George Perret went Into Portland
Sunday after Mra. Perret. Lillian and
their perfectly fine new baby boy,
George Albert, go th Perret family
have their happy home fires burning
again. M'.ss Marie Thacheron, Mr.
Pwrret'a glster of Gresham is with the
Mra. Perret for a time.
Sandy Is still on the upward climb!
Three sales to report this week.
houo hunters still desperately seek
ing accommodations, new comers mov
ing In, business hustling and so many
goings and comings that the town had
a distinctive air , to delve slightly
Into high sounding phrases!
Two meetlnga In the hall at once
Friday night made the evening
llvoly, especially with "ghosts" glid
ing about and we-ird echoes pervading
the frosty air.
It ta already whispered out loud
that fourh ave consented to Join an
orchestra and no doubt qiore will
come In. "The Sandy atring bund" (is
a dream some of ua have had a long
lime and it cannot come true too
soon for the good of the town and
every one in it.
George Honrs is thinking seriously
of putting In a small stock of musical
Instruments and won't that be a fine
thing for the town!
Mr. Crvlghton of Rhododendron waa
In Portland last week and had courage
to start from Sandy on foot on hla re
turn trip as the pnssenge business is
not popular Just now for stagemen up
that way. Mrs. Creighton will prob
ably come down to the city tor the
wlnte sorn.
E. Ryan has brought his wife oik
from Clackamas Station to live at
lirlghtwood, wdiere h!ft mill Is located.
It la reported that a large black
breir Is running at large around Bright
wood and Is after stock. Geo. Flynn
took up some bait to lure the brul-i
into a trap.
There Is fine feed In the ranges
Judging from the condition of the cat
tle up the mountain way.
Claude Dnnielson and Enunett At
dernatt contractors, for a two mile
stretch of Loop road this side of Gov
ernment Camp are near the comple
tion of tehlr contract, the snow and
rain delayed them considerably,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skogan of
Sandy-rldge had a little daughter ar
rived at their home on last Saturday
tho 30th. Goblin and stork seem to
have been very busy at Hallowe'en
Joe Hlue "blew" down1 from the
mountains a few days ago. and no
doubt more "blue" than ever before
he got back over the up country roads.
Mario Roltano waa In town a few
days ago, bringing his cousin, Mr.
Garbarino of Portland with him; who
came out on a hunting and visiting
t-lp to the Plzzoln-Boitano ranch. Mr-
Holtano's little boy has been on the
sick list for several days.
The W. A. Proctor family are get
ting settled In their new home In San
dy and are very welcome newcomers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond1 were
In town Saturday but did not attempt
a trip to their Firwood ranch.
Geo. Flynn is working at the Ryan
mill at lhightwood now but comes
down on Saturday to see hla folks an 1
attend to his "pound duties."
Fay Young went to her home in
Dover to spend the Hallowe'en vaca
tion. It 'turned frosty and cold the last
of the week, but Albion Meinlg says
on October 26 last year there was
snow! " - m
The many friends of Otto Aschoff
will be Interested to hear he Is improving-
He is still in the hospital.
Ed. Wolf was taken to the hospital
on Saturday because of an abscess
on his arm which formed as a resuft
of being hurt with a cable, according
to report.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
A. C. Martin was also taken to the
hospital on Saturday with an abscess
on her leg, which did not yield to
Mr. and Mrs, John'Krelgpr of Dover
are the proud poaaesors of a new baby
boy tho stork left there last week.
A dinner party that was undoubted
ly a near bunquet was n event at thn
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Pureell last Fri
day night The Invited gnosis wftM
Mr. and Mrs. II. 8. Kddy, Misa Lulu
Eddy, Miss Mixter, Miss Vera Muter,
and Mlsa Ruby Meyers, a delightful
evening was enjoyed by all; dinner
parties are rare events In these busy
Mr. and Mra. Archie Averlll, newly
weds, were out In tho parts for the
wind up of their honeymoon trip, and
vlfited Mr. and Mrs. (;, tii Kyck
on thn way up to their home folks.
Purnell Averlll's of Cherryville, I
Mr. and Mrs. Pmt and Miss
lleitlitt Albel were Kstucada visitors
Sunday, going to church, then after
a restaurant dinner proceeded to Ore
gon-City for the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thacheron of
Gresham were out vNltlng the Henry
Perret family last Sunday.
Utile Doris Allen has been ailing
with tonsllItU during thn WPek but
is getting over t now.
Judge Heatln was out on Sunday
making calls In our town, James Bell
showed the Judge around..
Miss Ilnrtha Albel of Kelso Invited
Father Hogan and Mr. VanJ)ominan
as dinner guests one day last week.
George and Oscar 'Junderson Of the
Hldgn took all the home folks down to
thn Sandy on a hunting and flatting
trip last Sunday as they wanted one
more chance before thn season closed.
8. W. Allen had a vacation .
Saturday till Wednetsday which he
spent with his family-
"Hallowft'enlstta1' had their1 usual
sport packing off gates, daubing win
dows, taking wagons apart and leav
lng various here and there, etc., etc.,
on Sunday night ,
Mr. and Mra. Adolph Dahrens came
home on Monday after a month's visit
up the Willamette valley.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ten Eyck are.
riding around In a Chevrolet these
days, having traded their Ford.
Miss Klein and Miss Meyers bad
Sunday evening supper with Miss Bar
ton in her bachelor flat.
Mr. 'and Mrs, Sture went to their
Powell Valley churth for Sunday
morning service, then drove down to
Portland for the concert at the Audi
torium and enjoyed the program
greatly, especially the work of the
Schubert Glee Club-
Warren Wilkina was home over the
election vacation from the head works
and wa a good sport In buying four
baskets at the school entertainment
to help the organ, or piano fund alona'
The road from Rrightwood to Cher
ryville has been patched up so the
travelling is much better at that por
tion of the mountain highway. The
detour that was made via Hill Crest
wore out so now the Sandy Ridge
road Is the best side road to take to
reach Dover and Firwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Pridemore were out
from the city for the election, like all
goood patriots they do not neglect
t'nele Sam.
Mrs. Severln wl came out from
Boring to spend a week with her
friend Mrs. Casper Junker has return
ed home.
Mrs. Webber of Cherryvllle was in
town on election day. Mr. Webber
is teaming for the Scales Merchandise
company for the present,
U W. Greene of Cherryvllle whose
hand was bo severely Injured some
time ago will not be able to use the
hand for a long time, but It Is Ira
proving. Mrs. Joel Jarl of Chula Vlsta, Cal.,
Wirtes iher weather la very warm
down there, the sun is shining and
shp Is Improving.
Emery Ryan has bought a new Baw
and also a boiler for his mill near
Brightwood. The mill wag formerly
owned by Fred lloechel. Ties, road
plank and house patterns are the pro
ducts of this mill.
The high lead at the Sandy Lumber
Co. mill that was finished bout a
week ago tumbled down the day It
was first used. The tree to which it
was attached was rotten inside and
there is a big lops in getting it re
constructed. Charley Krebs got his thresher
home last Saturday and finished his
own threshing. He almost broe
trough the bridge on the cross road,
the bridge settling considerably, but
he managed to pull the machine out,
tho it was a close call.
There were 2100 sheep brought from
east of the mountains last week
through the Eiigle Creek country.
They were a "muttony" bunch.
Big potatoes are the record every
where. Now comes Mr. Tlce of Bull
Run with samples 9 Inches long and
weight 2 3-4. Geo. Beers has a win
dow full of fine samples.
Mrs. Matt Zigg of Sandyridge was
up at Estacada last week spending a
few days with her daughter, Mrs. Roy
"Grandpa" Krebs Is still suffering,
having another stroke on last Friday
added greatly to his helpless condit
ion. He is still suffering much pain
and little can be done to relieve him
aside from good care.
Next week will be Grange day again
and a large attendance Is desired. At
the recent Dairy League meeting here
it was stated by a prominent speaker
that it was the "Grange that sjiowed
iip the necessity for organizing this
co-opeartive league." That Is merely
one good thing it has done!
Won't the Grange, the Lenaiie, or
the "Commercial Club" that Sandy Is
"going to have" some day or the
Woman's Club or 'something" stir up
an Idea that will develop Into, a can
nery (co-operative if possible) so th''
section can have at least one Industry
blslde what the timber gives. Ber
ries do so well here, all fruits, In facl.
and we need to look to the future.
Every little while this' matter is men
tinned, but not too often, for only by
talk can a sp-outlng Idea develop.
The most exciting sale Of the week
was the transfer of the Junker-Smith
restaurant and soft drink establish
ment to Piatt and Wise of Hubbard
who took possession at once. Their
families are at the hotel until housing
accommodations are found. Geo. Beers
made the deal.
John Bosholm made a trade n.'h
Wm- O'Neil whe-eby the Bo"'
tanch becomes the property of Mr.
I O'Neil and Mr. and Mrs. Bosholm will
move to the Meinlg addition In Sandy,
according to Geo. Itenra who managed
the trade. Beers also reports the sale
of Mrs. L. M. Wilson's twenty acres
to Melvln Smith.
The EHaworth place below Peter
ion's corner has been sold to Mr. Van
Dominan of Estacada, recently.
Wm- O'Nell Is taking stumps oat of
his acreage thes fine days using ths
coal-pit system for most parts.
Mr. Bacon, Mrs. Torn 1 lagan's fath
er, l out fo- a vlnlt at the Hagan
home. Mrs. Hagan drove to Sellwood
for a day' 'H.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justin and Miss
Mollle Mitchell were out for a week
end with their mother, Mrs. Mitchell.
Mr. Justin leaving O-epon City at 9:30
Saturday night and driving out. In the
Reports of trucks and machines get
ting stuck on the upper road still con
tinue, the stiff mud making it bad go
lng, some machines getting In so "only
thn ears are left stick Ine out."
John Burmelster of "The Burn" bad
his barn! severely Injured by a norm;
kicking him a few days ago. One fin
ger is reported as broken.
Frank Tless and Mr. Spaller are
helping Plzzola and Doitano harvest
their potato crop, which is turning
out fine.
John Macho of Sandyridge aays
the logging road has rails laid as fur
as the George Epperson place and
grading Is done to Wllcoxes. Macho
has 100 cord of wood ready to mar
ket. Among the Sandy Odd Fellows at
tending the district convention at Ore
gon City last week are Ronald Esson,
J. C. Duke, Cecil Duke, R, C. Frace,
George Maroney and L,ige Coalman
Armistice day, while not celebrated
In Sandy will not be forgotten, and
many will no doubt attend the big do
ings at Gresham, as most of our boys
belong to the Post there. It will be
only neighborly for our town to turn
out on masse.
For one week, commencing Monday,
Uppman & Wolfe will have a display
in the Sandy bank building pianos of
various grades and prices to be sold
on same terms and prices as the Port
land store, which carries the largest
stock of pianos In the city. C. A. Peter
son, one of the head salesmen of Lipp
man & Wolfe's piano department, will
have charge of the display at Sandy,
which also inclines a good selection
of phonographs. Miss, Vera Mixter
will demonstrate. Monday evening
a free concert will be given. Every
body come. Adr.
Sandy Elects Three
Councilmen; Mayor
SANDY, Nov. 4 The following city
officers for the town of Sandy have
been elected as follows:
Mayor, Casper Junken; recorder,
C. D. Pureell; treasurer, Cecil Duke;
L. E. Hoffman; Paul Dunnard, Joe
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use
Sworn to befire me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D., 1S86.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken
internally and acts through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
torn. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists. 75,c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation
We desire to extend our sincere
thanks for the many favors extended
us during our recent bereavement in
the death of our son.
Farm Loans Ureferred
Beaver Bldg, Oregon City
for dead cows and down nnd ont
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
Mllwaukle 6t-J.
FOR SALE Several modem houses
on Main street In Oregon City, pav
ed street, cement sidewalk, full
ba.ments, gas electric' lights,
laundry trays, all in first class
Bhape; will sell very low with small
payment down and rest like rent.
Also logged off land on coast. In
tracts to suit at $10 an acre and
up, this Is good soil, might trade
for good farm and assume s.mab
mortgage. Also Auto which has
been run about 4000 miles. Is in
firt class shape. Bargain for
someone, you will deal direct with
the owner, on all of the above. Call
on Charles T. Tooze, 108-14tn St.,
Oregon Cltv-
FOR SALE: 8-week-old pigs, J. D.
Wakeman, route 3, opposite John
Kunsman's. place.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap.. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 17. Clackamas County.
Oregon, will be held on the 27th day
of November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P.
M-, in Wichita Schoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes as by law provided,
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
Diatrlct No. 13, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20th day
D. C Latovmtti. President F. J. Miyir. Cashirt
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to J P. M.
of November. A. D.( 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour or 3 o'clock. P.
M., in the neasant HO! Cemetery
Illdg., to vote an additional tax In said
o.-ad district for road purposes a by
law provided.
County Judge.
.Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 1", Chap. 239, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the lenal voters of Road
District No. 19, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day o
November, A. D., 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
M , In Frank Otto Hall to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes a by law "provided.
County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15. Chap. 299, General Uws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal yoterg of Road
District No. 28, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.
M., In Sandy Ridge Schoolhouse to
vote an additional tax in said rc4d
.district for road purposes as by law
County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap.' 299, Gneral Laws oi
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Roaa
District No. 37, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, In said Road
District, at' the hour of 2 o'clock K
In Upper Highland Schoolhouse to
vote an additional tax in said road
district for road purposes as by law
, County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 11, Clackamas Count?,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day ot
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at the honr of 2 o'clock P
M., In Haxelia Schoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws nt
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 21, Clackamas County.
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, In said Road
District, at the hour of 2 o'clock P
M., in Union Schoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 35, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 dajr ot
November, A. D., 1920, in said Roaa
District, at the hour ot 1 o'clock P.
M., In Fir Grove Schoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for read purposes a by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15. Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 40, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Roau
District, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.
M., In Community Hall to vote an ad
ditional tax in said road district fot
road purposes as by law provided.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Road
District No. 26, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 20 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Row
District, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P.
M., in voting place at Salmon river
bridge to vote an addiiional tax in
said road district tor road purposes as
by law provided.
County Judge.
. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to
Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General Laws of
Oregon for 1917, that a Road District
Meeting of the legal voters of Roaa
District No. 16, Clackamas County,
Oregon, will be held on the 27 day of
November, A. D., 1920, in said Road
District, at thel hour of 8 o'clock P.
M. In Oak Grove Schoolhouse to vote
an additional tax in said road district
for road purposes as by law provided
County Judge.
A. E. Mackintosh, Estate.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administratrix of the
estate of A. E Mackintosh deceased,
has filed her final account In the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Clackamas County and that Mon
day the 29th day of November, 192t,
at the hoar of 9:30 A- M. of said day
and the court room of said Court has
been appointed by the said Court as
Commercial, Real Estat and
Probst our Specialties. Of
Ec la First National Bank
Bldg, Oregon City, Oreioa.
O. 0. EBY
Attornsy at-Lsvk
Money loaned, attracts furalsh
ed. land titias sianiliied, stat
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Ortgon City.
William Hanmond
Philip L. Hammond
- Attomsys-at-Law
Abstract; Real Estata, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phons It Horn Paons A-I7I
Phono 405
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Or.
the time and place for the hearing of
objections, if any, thereto an,j the set
tlement thereof.
Dated and first published October
29th 1920.
Notice ia hereby given that pursuant
to the order of the Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon for Multnomah Coun
ty, made and entered on the 28th day
of August, 1920, I will, on and after
the 12th day of November, 1920, at
the office of Huntington ft Wilson, 813
Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon, of-
fer for sale at private sale all ot the
following described real property be
longing to the estate of L. E. Crowe,
deceased, to-wit:
Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4). Pat
ton Tract No. 2, Multnomah County,
Oregon. .
Lot Two (2), Block Thirty-five (35),
DeMoss Springs, Sherman County,
Lot Nine (9), Gibson's Subdivision
to Logus Tract, Clackamas County,
Oregon. '
Lot Three (3) of Garden Home
Farms, according to the plat thereof,
recorded In the office of the County
Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, situated
in Polk County, Oregon.
' terms ot sale cash.
First publication October 8th, 1920.
Last publication November 5, 1920.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County ot Clacka
mas. T. R. Headen, Plaintiff,
Mildred Headen, Defendant.
To Mildred Headen, defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fileo
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 3rd day of December.
1920, saiddate being more than sl
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summons, and If you fail
to answer said complaint, for wanv
thereof plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed fo rln hla
complaint, to-wit: for a decere dis
solving the bonds of matrimony here
tofore existing between the plaintiff
and granting a decree of divorce and
for sucjj other and further relief as
the Court shall deem meet to grant.
This summons Is served upon you
by order of the Honorable J. U. Camp,
bell. Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and entered on the 21st
day of October, 1920, directing that
such publication be made in the Ore
gon City Enterprise, once a week for
six successive weeks, the first publi
cation thereof, being the 22nd day of
October, 1920, and the lat publica
tion thereof being the 3rd day of De
cember, 1920.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
226 Jefferson St., Portland, Oregon.
In the Justice's Court for District
Number 13. Clackamas County,
State of Oregon.
Paul R. Meinig, Plaintiff,
George Mather, Defendant
To George Mather the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filea
against you in the above entitled suit
on the 4th day 0f December, 1920,
which is more than six weeks from
the date of the first publication ot
this summons, and If you fail to so
appear and answer the said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will takd
a Judgment against yot for the stun
of $33.36 and hig cost3 and disburse
ments herein; also a judgment order
that certain personal property now
held under attachment by the Deputy
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon,
in said District 13, to be sold to satlefy
said Judgment and costs and disburse
ments and accurlng costs.
This summons is published in ptu
suance to an o-der for service there
of upon you by publication, dated
October 20th. 1920 made by Honor,
able J. M. C. Miller, Justice of the
Peace for District number 13, Clack
amas County, Oregon, directing that
this summons be published once a
week for six consecutive week.
Date Of first publication October
22nd, 1920.'
Date of last publication December
3rd, 1920.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
My post office address is Sandy, Ore,