Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 24, 1920, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Canity Display at
Fair Wins Premium
CANIIY, Hiit, 23.-('iiiiIiy nwirvn
mm h rrvdll In tho booth pliinntni arj
citrrttdl nut at the Clackamas county
rlr. Thin In iliw rinrt tlmn thiit sunn
mt exhibit from this community liun
luM-n mmlit no wt'll, Hint tho woman
inking nn n ilvn lutornni In arranging
IM.1 IJvlny hIiowmI) mmjt KrtlnKic
iuUy Thnr worn various klmlH of
canned and frond fruit mid vnj(tahlo
canned rihlt, and vuriou other artt
Hi'i thnt won tlio flrnt prlxe ovr the
1 1 ur.t'lltt booth, 14 H tlicrii wan a clow
ommtltlon, Th flrttt prize wn 75
tij tlio amnml fHQ.
Carl Jonhnko, ohe of tlio big boost
m for this suction of the county, I
receiving inui h traln0 In thn manner
In which he worked for the InUiruat
of thin dlxpluy, tm well nn for the
eiwlltmt thowtnii mada In the gener
I dlnplay. whore tho farmers and rea
Idnni of this Hwtlon of the county
came In for their hr of hluii rib
boii! Grain Threshing Is
Delayed hy Rains
CAN MY, Hi.pt. 21-Jlonry Drier,
who ha been In chariot of a thrash
ing rw for 33 daya' llmmhlng, has
returned to Canby to reaume his no
alllon with the While garage until
thn weather lit more favorable for
completing hU thrnnhlna. There atlll
remain clover ani to be threhed In
aevnnU octloni of thn county.
Mr, lrlVr naya the quality of ull
rrmln that hla crew thrtntln'd" waa
very good, and tfe wheal In aomo
nctlnna wont aa high aa 40 buithola
to thn fti-rv, whllo the oula aa high aa
60 Inmlii'U to thn acre.
CANIIY. 8i.pt. 23-..veral Import
Mit realty deala have bon cloned
during the pant fow day. In thin city
by tho lU-alea lii!ty Company. Oni
of tho places sold wa that owned
by Mr. Covey, located In Canby Our
dona ttwtlon, which haa bn pur
clmi,j by John C'hrltlnnn. who
him taken Immediate ptmiteKHlon. An
other place auld waa tho 8. O, Wal
ln property, lorat.al In thla city,
and consisting ot two lota and renl
dric. Erie llowlaby, of thla city,
haa purchased tho homo, which la
onu of tho moat durable In Canby.
At (he proteni tlm It la occupied by
V. O. IUblnaon and family.
Ral Batata, Loana and
Dr. LouU A. Dilllard
H. A. Dedman, President
H. B. ICvana, Caahler
1 First National Bank
j Under U. S. Gov't Supervision.
Resources over $300,000.00.
5 .5
G. W. White Garage
Ford Car Fordson Tractor
We specialize in Ford repairing and carry aM the
genuine Ford Parts.
If you are satisfied tell others
if not tell us.
CAN11Y, Bopt. 23,-Hchoola will
commtmco aguln Monday morning
aruir a wook'n vacation durln th
fair, and tlut nchool chlldron took ud
vuntiiK of tliolr holldaya aud took In
tho air. Among tint dopartiimnta
tuoally I n tun 1 1 ii if thum waa tlio J
viuiIIh (li.partinent, whloh waa turgor
and better than at any prevlotia year
of thn fulr. Tho rftorm and bunks
oloaial ovury aftonioon from 12 to fi
o'clock thua enabling all omployea to
ull end tint fair.
CANMY, Hept. 23.-Tho ataKe aor
vlcn funilahml by M. J. U.o for thorn!
(llrliiK to attend the Cluckiiiiuu
county fulr haa boon oxcollimt, Thore
wore throe atagoa In operation when
nouaaaary, but owing to tnu Inclem
oucy of the weathur thnro were not
aa many paaanngors going to the fair
IcrouudH. Kven tho rain did not pre
vent Mr. Use from having the luat
ataitn leave hero at 12 o'clock follow
ing the duncea that were given in
thla city.
CANMY, Sept. 23,-The dancoa
given at the Art I nan and City nulla
durliiK tho fulr wuro lantoly attended
ninny coming from Oregon City and
i'ortluiid and from tho aouthom part
of tho county, '
Tho inuHlo for tho dunce at tho Ar
tlmin hall waa furnlahed by tho !ur
retta oreheatra, whllo tho dance at
the City I all waa under the direction
of the young men of Oregon City, the
mimic being furnUhed by tho Jazz
lloya' Trio,
(UN MY, KepL W, lr. and Mn.
John KuUer who ri'iiily,,reiMd their
Collate Hotel hero, to mnke their
temporary homo In f'ortlnnd, are on
their way Kant, where Dr. Fuller la
to v twit hla oh) homo In Cleveland,
Ohio, and alao to vialt In other part
of the atate, whllo Mra. Fuller la to
attend a convention of tho Itubekah
I-oiIkc, joining her alainr, Mra. A. II.
KiiIkIU. of thla city, who left a few
day prevloua. They will be gone for
ubmit alx weeka before returning to
Oregon Mrt KntKlit andl hjla aon,
Betiuford. accompanied Mra. Knight.
Karl liuU'hlnaon. of Newberg, la in
thla vlty, where he l vlaltlng hla
mother, havng come hero to attend
the C'lHckuntait county fair.
Mr. and Mra. (Sua Crolaant, of
LyoiiH, Oregon, are receiving congrat
ulation over tho arrival of a aon,
born September 15. The chll,j welgha
912 poiimla. Mra. Crolaunt waa
formerly MIhh Mabte U)wryy duuRhtor
of Mra. William Canlwelt, of Canity,
Mom, Sunday afternoon, September
19, to Mr. and Mra. VA Mrudtl, of
lilto, near Aurora, a aon. Thl Is the
first aon In tho liradtt family.
Among thn Canby vialtora this
week having come to attend the fair
are Mr. Harry (lartett ne Kdmi
HiilchlnNon, and three little children,
Uoyd, Virginia and Dorrla, of Now
berg; Mra. George Alttnun and chil
dren, I)iilo and Alone, of Portland.
MY. and Mra. laom D. Hutchlnaon
and duiiKhter, Ruth, of Snlem, have
been In Canby during fair week. Mr.
Huti'hlnHon having been In charge of
a string of race horaoa. He la tho
owner of two of tho horses, "Klnnoy
Wave" and "France (ireetlnK " The
Hutchlnxon .family formerly resided
hero, where they wore engage, In the
W. II. Balr, Vtve-Proa. s
II. A .W. Graham, Vioo-Prea. n
68X2 Sjj
holol bUHlneaa, and are now on their
way to Kultim, where aomo of tho
hfiraoa are to take part In the atate
fulr raeea. They have been at aover
a! of tho fulra, among thoae being at
Glondule, where a big fair wan hel.
W, 15. Hull, representing the nr.
lean Central Life Inauranco Company
1a In Canby for a few duya, reglHterod
at the Cottage.
C. W. Todd, of La Grande baa boon
among the Canby vlnitora during tho
J. A. Wolmtor, of Portland, waa
among thoao to vlalt Cunby Sunday
und Monday,
H. March, of Kulla City, Oregon,
vlalted Canby the flrat of the week.
Roy C'avlueaa, who recently broke
the bone of hla wrlat while cranking
a Ford at the White garage, haa re
covered from the Injury ho that be
haa boon able to reauine bla portion.
Ttaae Tab
Slag loavaa S minutua beiore the
acbedule time,
Lv, Canby Lv. Ore. City
7:25 i m. 8:01 a. m.
10:00 a.m. U:M a. m.
1:00 p. ra. 2:99 p. m.
0:1S p. m. 10:45 p. m.
2:40 p. rm. (Sat. only) 3:20 p. m
4:18 p. m. 5:00 p m
1:15 p. m
7:01 p. m.
tava Canby
Lv. Ore. City
10:00 a. m.
4:15 p. m.
815 p. m.
11: a. m.
5:60 p. m.
7:00 p. b.
1:00 p. m.
10:45 p. m
Far 25 centa to all polnta
DISTRICT NO. 1 Schuld Broa.
1901.47; O.- P. Rootho $91.50; D. J.
Abbey 131.50; L. n. Mumpower 116.00
Chas Morcn $80.00: Ira Hart $12.00;
R. Salomon $3.00; D. 3. Abbay $7.0Q;
Chaa Mornn $8.00; O. P. Rothe $42.00
John H. Glbaon 169.05; Mllwaukie Gar
age $30.72; A. N. Guffney $8.50; R. U
Short $7.00 John Iavl $155.80; Win.
Smart $95.88; John Shields $47.94; Joe
Hawklna $79.90; Dan Mazzle $101.83;
G. Iletcham $71.82; OUa Stockton $7L
82; K Lamp $44.91; L. linger $29.92;
Martin King $7.98; Mr. Daywalt $4.90;
t:. Ilenricl $19.96; O. Hansen $7.98; W.
II. Counaell $104.79;
DISTRICT NO. 20. II. Miller $35.
50; C. W. Kruae $3.49; H. D. Kruae $11
.48; C. D. Kruao $6.73; Walter Rich
lelch $50.88; Bob Spence $29.90; Wal
ter Schllckelacr $47.85; Peter Moller
DISTRICT NO. 3 Dixon A Howltt
$44.76; Paul r Meinlg $23.05; John T
Frtol Jrw $38.16; John W. Frell $35.91;
Ix)ula Murray $3.99; William Webber
$8.98; Charley H. Harris $2.90; Will
iam S. Runyon $2.99; Albert Saucy $11
.97; Seera Lumber Co., $36.00; N. H.
Wheeler $24.69; J. A. Iniel $2194; Lon
Sutton $7.98; Erneat Layman $399;
Taul R. Molnlg $3.25; J. R. Maronay
$6.73; Frank Noraton $5.98; O. C. Mar
onay $3.99; Henry Rederbush $6.99;
Herman Selbeit $3.98: Fred Peterson
$10.48; J. J. Warner $33.67; Joe Eisner
$23.94; Geo. Wilkinson $19.95; C. W.
Klaner $34.95;
DISTRICT NO. 4 Bert H. Finch
$8.90; T. J. Reagan $6 99; C. H. Dun
can $11.23; John Osborn $3.99; E. Am
acher $3.99; John C. Miller $83 97; Ed
Griffin $9 23; Sidney Miller $44.87; M
W. Johnson $50.36; M. L. Johnson $37.
15; Harry Miller $47.86; II. W. Sharp
Co. $99.85; W. II. Douglass $10.10;
DISTRICT NO. 5 Frank Bush $17.
50; Clear Creek Lumber Co. $22.90;
Mra. Gustavo Fischer $18.32; T. A.
Reld $202.56; W. Brlsto $13.98; Henry
Cromer $51.63; G. B. Trotter $64.39;
C. L. Hearn $32.41; Guss Lasch $31.93
O. Hovee $16.95; T. A. Reld $28.00;
Frank Millard $11.99;
DISTRICT NO. 7 G. F. Fredericks
$6.00; F. M. Henrlcksen $49.50; The
Molalla Shoeing shop $2.40; L. O.
Nightingale $250.20; J. E. Nordling
$3.99; Alfred Johnston $1.99; John Bor
ton $1.99; Albert Potetvson $1.99; M.
D. Chlndgren $2.24; Coast Culvert &
Flume Co., $38.82;
DISTRICT NO. 8 Hopg Bros $3.10;
C. W. Frledrlch $3.00; Falls Transfer
Co. $3.00; Oregon City Foundry $4.00;
C. P. Archer $6.50; It. W. Zimmerman
$20.96; II. R. Zimmerman $22.71; The
Holt Mfg Co. $9.25;
DISTRICT NO. 9 E. Itchner $95.20;
L. O. Nightingale $10.70; Heiple &
Buell $22.55; L. Palfrey $4.99; Frank
Koklo $3.49; B. L. Lewis $16.46; Ira
Steinlnger $7:73; H. J. Rastall $14.97;
W. H. Steinlnger $7.98; Ben Stelnin
ger $13.98; Dave Steinlnger $7.98; G.
E. Feyrer $14.99; John Callahan $11.
47; C. L. Standlnger $3.99 C. E. Freyer
$1.99; John Callahan $5.49; II. C. Bon
aker $3.99; Guy Dibble $1.99; H. J.
Rastall $12.47;
DISTRICT NO. 10 W. S. Maple $3.
60; Goo. H. Grover $9.97; Rudolf Strei
je $3.99; A. B. Johnson $1.99; Canby
Concrete Works $60.00; R. Chubs $5.
49; Ciacero Grinun $3.25; Walter La
mour $4.00; R. Sirens $14.98; Geo.
Scheer $23.22; P. G. Scheer $17.98; Ed
Hornack $1.00; Fred Lamour $18.95;
Frank Klinger $9.99; John Kumer $1;
W. Fink $9.98; E. A. Klar $2.00; Ru
dolf Etzel $15.25; Chas Moris $13.97;
Oliver Bany $2.00; J. E. Wells $1.00;
R. Klaus $38.50; Rey Chub $38.9Q;
John Kumer $5.98; W. Fink $23.94;
R. Klaus $92.03; F. G. Kracksberger
$2.00; Walter Adams $3.98; George
Adorns $i6.95: John Ralcy $77.87;
SPECIAL NO. 3Chaa Cookley $7.
.50; Stand Oil Co $31.90; W. S. Gorbett
$147.51; Otto Striker $162.25; Dick
Striker $112.25; John Spatz $102.29;
Frank Rehrer $98.78; M. E. Wheeler
$31.43; J. A. Imel $27.93; Lon Sutton
$1.99; O. E. Lasell $877.58; Robert
Mattoon $587.20;
SPECIAL NO. 6-Jack Hlndle $25.50
SPECIAL NO. 7 John Buohanan
$34.95; Ralph Mllln $46.87; F. S. Jun-
ken $58.57;
SPECIAL NO. 8 L. W. Davison $94.
29. E. James $79.80; A. C. Warner $62.
84; W. B. Lawtoa $46.88; T, C. Tfaom-
$6.49; W. J. a Vlck $78.00; Joseph
Freyror $75.00; Chaa Callahan $20.00;
Delbart Flaher $2.00;
SPECIAL NO. 11 Standard Oil Co.
$41,94; M. Arndt $11U;
SPECIAL NO. 13-Wm Brantz $152.
74; A. E. Johnaon $117.26; Hartley
Johnaon $94.29; Oncar Stlenko $89.80;
Alfred Btlenk $107.76; Emlel Laraon
$57.48; Ever Johnaon $17.96; John Wy
mare $130.98 George Taylor $121.00;
Alfred Wickers $8 98; Paul Wlckere
$8.98; John Paulaon $17.46; Frank
Wolgel $101.04; Cecil Taylor $30.40;
George W, Tanner $14 97; Jim Tharn
bet $4.49; Harold $20.20;
J. W. Hart $4.00; II. Ilenricl $3.45;
P. R. L. It P. Co. $10.40; Peter Schuld
$238.00; Hana Kook $125.55; Silica
King Mines Co. $650.00; Standard Oil
Co. $55.95; Standard Oil Co. $592.21;
Standard Oil Co. $2,615.64; H. W.
Sharp Co. $1.50; O. Elle $170.00;
Straight 4 Salisbury $18.90; Harding
$136.75; Th Commlidon of Public
Docks $116.28; Oregon Portland Cem
ent Co. $49.50; C. P. Archer $7.65;
Stanley Fuel Co. $255 35; S. F. Scrip
ture $6.35; Alberta L. Dunn $168.40;
C. W. Schuld & Son $1418.99; H Ilen
ricl $152.74; A. Schnar $133.13; W. J.
Hemic! $162.24; C. H. Henrid $119.76
K. Nash $29 94; 3. Nash $29.94; J.
Senear $107.28; C. Hattin 117.27; John
Young $118.62; W. Imel $126.00; L.
Rasmuaaen $99.80; W. Daywalt 127.24;
J! Young $125.60; C. Olds $37.42; R.
Holmes $66.12; C. CanUill $29.94; A.
Noli $5.99; C. H. Becker $64.87; E.
Swlck $97.31; H. Hasbrook $9.98; il.
A. Olaen $48.65; J. E. Carothera $10.
98; B. Fine $10.98; C. Allen $9.88; R.
B. CriUer $9.98; C. E. Bentley $9.98;
A. J. Wetmore $98.54; E. Daue $189.50;
C. DavU $159.18; A. Ilenricl $144.02;
IL J. Mattoon $121,28; Peter Schuld
$69.22; S. L. Mullan $128.86; C. A. La-
aalle $151.60; R. J. Mattoon $28.00; P.
8chuld $178.50; Peter Schuld $364.85;
C. Davla $218.70; E. Daue $263.10; C.
E. LaSalle $44.10; C. Davla $82.95; E.
Daue $143.60; R. J. Mattoon 1107.10:
A. J. Wetmore $145.60; A. Henrich $31
.50; Peter Schuld $273.65; Peter 8huld
$139.84; S. L. Mullan $63.99: John Olb-
aon $46.54; E. Daue $40.73; C. Davis
$23.26; Peter Schuld $444.20; A. J.
Wetmore $207,38; C. Da vis $200.38;
E. Daue $195.72; E. J. Mattoon $122.50
A Henrich $35.00; C. Davla $24.08; P.
Cchuld $88.41; K. Spooner $46.45; J.
Glbaon $24.50; E. Daue 173.12: J. W.
Schuld $167.72; J. M. Meyers $10.30; C
C. Merlcle $153.72; J. Avery $156.46;
F. Hemic! $228.45: L. Ilenricl $232.19;
W. C. Martlno $208.94; R. Avery $170.
71; Joe Peters $161.73; H. Messenger
$142.21; Frank Frowiard $122.25; I.
Schuld $44.90; Kent Wilson $30.90;
Chas. Scharnke $21.71; Roy Rogers
$137.21 W. Dutcher $188.73; L. Gang
ler $124.75; J. Kernes $124.75; V. R.
James $122.25; N. R. Boyd $27.44; F.
Ferguson $41.93; F. Ferguson $47.92;
J. B. Livcraay $29.14; Fred Gertsch $29
Qi- II Hf T)oU tIC ft. T T-.
iing s.; wm. ileltbmon $4.49; Al
fred Johnaon $4.4; John Bolto $4.49;
C. Bonacker $11J7; M. D. Chindgren
$5.05; W. C. Haxby $9.98; W. C. Hax
by $7.48; M. L. Crawfor $147.79; Hon
eyman llardware Co $3.83; Standard
Oil Co. $33.09; O. J. Hardy $421.80;
Wm. Dutcher $21.25: Weygandt &
Blardman $81.69; Straight & Salisbury
$185: Brightwood Lumber Co $16.04;
J. S. Fisher $725.40; Frank Bush $2.82
S. F. Scripture $88.55; Slyter & Ecker
aon $66.70; Wm Dutcher $18.07; S.
Nash $79 84; Elmer Nash $79.84; Jess
Cantrlll $69.86; Roy Cantrill $64.87;
John Haft $123.82; Alvin Heft $79.84;
John Bachman $49.90; D. Walferd $34.
93; Otto Striker $9.98; John Bradell
$14.98: Edith Heft $27.86; Odist Can
trlll $69.86: H. Engel $4.49; M. Staub
er $3.49; P. Willard $1.99; S. F. Scrip
ture $2.75; W. J. E. Vlckm $12.00;
Joseph Feyrer $12.00; Carlton & Ron
enkraz Co. $7.74; Hodson Feenaughty
Co. $28.25; Howard Cooper Corpera
tlon $42.75; E. Itchner $444.68; A.
Henrick $188.65; A. J. Wetmore $187.
75; Caffall Bro. $22.50; Ernest Maus
Jr. $124.69; Miller-Parker Co $2.00;
B. M. Herzel $16.00; Hogg Bros. $19.70
Willamette River Lumber Co $35.18;
Frank Busch $10.10; Oregon Portland
Cement Co. $49.50; Chilcott-Nash Mot
or Co. $44.83; Joe Resch $4.00; H. W.
Sharp Co. $88.32; Oregon City Found
ry $5.00; W. C. H. Krueger $.50; B. M.
Hartzel $18.35; The Holt Mfg Co. $133.
90; Straight & Salisbury $19.27; B. M.
Hertel $4.92; A. H. Sage $171.00; J. L.
Daniels $14.00; Chas Fonger $25.00;
J. P. Cook $100.00; H. C. Compton $5.
54; Oregon City Foundry $0.56; Howard-Cooper
Corporation $14.22; Frank
Busch $15.35; Standard Oil Co. $43.17;
H. C. Compton $224.69; G. W. Tanner
$117.14; Stanley Aynsley $31.92; T. H.
Compton $37.65; Chris Modin $11.97:
Stanley Aynsley $3.99; Henry Ridder-
buah $600.00; Walter Waldorf $3.00;
Hattenhauer Bros. $13.25; A. E. &
Nellie M. Cralne $5.00; Joe J. Thorn
ton $5.00; Ore City Retreading and
Vulcanizing Works $27.65; S. F. Scrip
ture $27.40: John Hatten $4.50; G. A.
Merts $8.75; H. S. Anderson $0.31;
Chllcott Nash Motor Co $4.54; Frank
Busch $6.60; Straight & Salisbury $1.
05; S. F. Scripture $9.20; Straight &
Salisbury $23.60; M. Bardo & Sons Inc
$4.50; Dicken & Co $8.80; Steward
Bros Co. $1.07; Ceo J. Case $13.40;
The Molalla Shoeing Shop $7.55; Trac
tor Oil Co $63.60; W. Waldorf $19.35;
Reuben Wright $2.25; Molalla Tele
phone Co $0.60; C. A. Wallace $6.00;
C. A. Wallace $185.69; Earl Starks
$168.80; Ed Rundle $138.47; W. B.
Caffee $130.20; E. F. Laird $99.80: O.
C. Klinger $112.24; O. F. Klinger $110.
00; D. French $8.98; W T Wallace $48.
93: G. M. Jones $7.99: A. Heinrlck $29.
94; W. W. Wallace $48.93; A. J. Wet
more $18.70; Ed Anderson $14.97; E.
W. Broadwell $11.89; G. R. Broadwell
$5.99; B. F. Linn $7.99; S. Itchner $8.
73; W. B. Nolen $46.60; Oregon City
Foundry Co $4.70; Miller-Parker Co.
$10.40: E. N. Kilgallon $83.50: F. H.
Cross $7.65; Standard Oil Co. $217.69;
R. W. Zimmerman $89.85; H. R. Zim
merman $116.82: L. G. Ziesrler $11.97:
L. D. Trulinger $300.00; R. S. Smith
$26.75: D. R. Dimick $137.77: Leon
Jackson $17.96; G. M. Jones $17.96;
Joseph Feyrer $67.50; W. J. E. Vlck
$69.00; Chas Callahan $41.00; Wjn.
Mletuman $89.82; Alfred Johnaon $69.
69; John Bofto $94.29: J. E. Nordltne
$139.82; M. D. Chindgren $114.77; Vic
tor Salq $62.86; Elno Bofto $26.22;
John Meltumen $42.65; O. Q. Karney
$69.59; Allen Larklns $4.49; David E.
Hakeman $32.67; A. E. Nelson $38.16;
son $43.21: Gil! Nordllnr 1179ft- VA
gar Noyer $29.92; M. II. Wheeler $29.
94; J. A. Imel $13.96; Lon Sutton $12.
96; J. P. Cook $4.99; Wm. Schultz
$70.48; Jasper Likes $75.47; Chaa. Aus
tin $292.20; E. W, Smith $70.48; Chas
Hargao $19.96; F. E. Whltten $90.58;
Carl Foultnnr $19.96; Frank Queawlck
$9.99; W. Abbott $.'6.51; O. Davldaon
$43.04; Wm. Bullock $50.62; J. Harris
$40.54; John Scbaber $4.99; Clifford
Whittcn $19.37; C. Harris $15.69; Geo
Baker $4.99;
SPECIAL NO. 2 J. Blckner & Som
$2.35; C. H. Miller $23.50; 3. P. Cook
$108.88: F. Phymbrook $104.39; Geo.
Collins $119.76; R. Delaahmutt $116.74
Chaa. Deiashmutt $104.37; Wm 8ewll
$142.74; John Ralcy $22.45; Chaa Har
gan $26.94; John Abraras $43.78; F. E.
Whltten $29.94; Car! Foultner $8.99;
TAX REBATE Joe Kelly $4.53; J.
Putz $2.45; Robs & Walker $11.97;
The Daily Record-Abstract $4.50; Ban
ner Courier $105.35; Oregon City En
terprise $30.36;
FAIRS Banner-Courier $16.75.
SEALER J, F. Jones $49.99;
TAX DEPT. W. J. Wilson $20.00;
A. E. Simmons $18.00;
PROHI-H. H. Hughes $31.00;
COUNTY AGENT Oregon Agricul
tural College $1000.00;
SHERIFF Oregon City Enterprise
$19.45; D. M. Marshall $14.90; IL II.
Hughes $9.80;
CLERK'S A. E. Simmons $io!oo;
Oregon City Enterprise $60.65; F. H.
Cross $5.00; County Clerk $9.00; Banner-Courier
..6.50; Ona Renner $40.88
Urcil Armstrong $3.25;
RECORDER'S Elliott-Fisher Co.
$0.90; County Recorder $12.00; Myrle
Yexley $75.00; Oregon City Enterprise
TREASURER'S Oregon City Enter
prise $17.60; County Treasurer $5.00;
BanneKtourier $11.00;
ASSESSOR'S A. E. Simmons $13.
50; Wm. Morand $100.00; Cha3 Thomp
son $10.00; Dr. F. Lefever $5.00; W.
B. Cook $8.50; Oregon City Enterprise
$3.00; W. F. Harris $90.00; W. A.
Proctor $85.00;
COURT HOUSE Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Co. $64.34; Robertson Sign Co., $3.50;
Straight & Salisbury $3.75;
00; Geo. T. Parry $2140; John W.
Loder $5.50; Ed Fortune $72.15; E. W.
Fowler $6.50; H. W. Streblg $1.20;
Frank Koenlg $1.20; L. Ruconich $1.20
C. J. Hood $1.20; Dan Lyons $1.20;
Martin Eberhardt $3.30; Joe Eber
hardt $3.30; Ethel Brandon $3.30; Al
ice Chambers $3.30; Alfred Wood $3.30
B. F. Brandon $3.30; Otto Nelson $4.50
I. D. Larklns $5 60; G. C. Wooster $5.
50; D. R. Hubbard $5.50: John Thur-
man $5.50; L. Stlpp $12.80;
CORONER E. L. Johnson $20.00;
Dr. R. G. McCall $10.00;
SURVEYOR John Lewellen $5.20;
Paul Dunn $7.00; J. E. Seifer $7.00;
Chas. Simmon3 $44.00; IL H. Johnson
INSANE H. H. Hughes $5.00; Dr.
O. A. Welsh $5.00; Dr. Guy Mount $10.
00; Dr. A. H. Huycko $5.00;
der $15.40; Banner Courier $27.00;
Brenton Vedder $26.88; : Multnomah
Lodge No. 1; $7.50; J. W. Leonhardt
No. 2. $20.00;
COUNTY POOR Mrs. Fred Himler
(J. Matheson) $30.00; A. B. Buckles
(Groceries for Mrs. Granquist) $25.00
John Schock (Wm Dickteman for hse
rent) $9.50; Fair Brothers (Groceries
for Mra. Roaberts) $6.75; Emma E.
Jones (hospital care) $60.00; Mrs. Ben
Eby (Vernie Neff) $15.00; A. J. Knight
ley (John Beers, house rent) $6.40;
Frank Hitchman (wood for Katie Plu
ard) $9.50; Robbins Bros (groceries
for Henry Russell) $21.30; Francis
Smfch (Transportation) $35.00; Geo.
Keddaway (house rent for Jame3 Mc
Dole) $12.00; The C. C. Store (Ben
Landls, Mdse) $2.96; -Wm. Dan'orth
(Self) $10.00; Boys' and Girls' Aid
Society $10.00; David E. Jones (Tom
Jones) $5.00; Dock Mosier (self) $14.
Mrs. G. W. Thompson (Self) $10.00;
Ada LeBaw (self) $8.00; Katie Pluard
(self) $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Hor
ner) $10.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl)
$8.00; Mra. N. E. Taylor (Mr. and Mrs.
S. Booher) $14.00; Wrm Dickleman
(self) $25.00; John & Win Beers (self)
$30.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders (self)
$5.00; Mary Lock (self) $10.00; Anna
Wetterlin (self) $10.00; Maud William
(child in care of) $20.00; J. B. Sallee
(Aug Johnson) $25.00; Geo. H. Nevr
some (self) $15.00; Andrew Lund. (self
$15.00; Dennis Donoven (Dick Meyers
and Jerome Hamilton) $50.00; J. G.
Wake (self) $7.00; W. J. Woods (self)
$12.00; Jack Hamilton (self) $15.00;
Ole Josendall (self) $10.00; Mrs. Sar
ah Solomon (self) $15.00; W. Hitch
man (John Morris and McKarty) $55.
00; J. B. McCarter (Pat Smith) $25.00
We Have a Cash Buyer
For Your Farm
During August we sold over FIFTY THOUSAND,
DOLLARS worth of property. FOUR PLACES were
sold through my office in one day, Tuesday September
mobiles are ready to sell your place.
Agents for the PACIFIC AGENCY of Portland,
for this part of CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Agents in
IDAHO, with whom we exchange listings.
Real Estate and Insurance.
Secretary Clackamai County Jeraey
Cattle Club
Yes, we certainly did have a fine
time at the Clackaman Countr Jeroev
Cattle Club meeting on Sept 11th at
the home of N. H. Smith at Loiran.
There wag surely no lack of Jersey
entn jy lasm) twflUier; waa thexea lacjc of
gplendldlp cooked chicken. Did you
ever bear of a picnic where there waa
more chicken than could bo eaten?
Well, that was the place, thanks to
lhe smith glrla, who managed tho pic
nic lunch and cerved things so nicely
out !n the fir grove near by.
Mf. Smith, and family certainly
deserve pralae for the splendid pro
gress they have made In the breeding
and devloplng of such a fine herd of
high producing Jerseys. Through the
exercising of keen foresight, a won
derful knowledge of feeding, and per
sistant labor, they have developed
Several Cold Medal Cows, that Is
bver 700 lbs. of butter fat per year,
and others to qualify soon. Besides.
"Minetta of Asbwood," with a milk
record of over 17,000 lbs and butter
fat, 860 lbs. Isn't that some record?
Certainly something to be proud of.
Mr. Smith hag prepared several of hla
young stock for the show circuit, and
they show good care, and 3 of the
very young heifers have wonderful
udder development. D. Brooks Ho
gan, A. Malar, Jr. and J. Hughes,
served as Judges when the 3 heifers
were lead ouL They were so uni
formly developed, that the Judging
was no easy matter. A couple of
yearling bullg were Judged by the
crowd. The business meeting was
called in the forenoon and some im
portant mislnesa was attended to.
Messrs Hbgan and Malar were ap
pointed on a committee to arrange
Jersey that will be exhibited from
Clackamas County at the Pacific In
ternationa! Live Stock Exposition in
November. Tibis; herd must tome
from at least 5 different herds of the
D. Brooks Hogan was appointed to
officially represent the C. C. J. C. C.
at the meeting of the Oregon Jersey
Cattle Club on October 1. R. G. 5"t
delivered several of the farm signa
to those members who ha paid the
$3,25. They are dandy signs.
The instructive speaker of the day
was, O. M. Plummer, general mana
ger of the Pacific International Live
Stock Exposition. Everyone who has
ever heard Mr. Plummer speak, well
knows that we all enjoyed his talk.lt
you know Plummer you know why
the Exposition has been made a suc
cess. The Misses Viola and Winifred
Lienhan gave splendid little recita
Hons and we'll hope for more. Mr.
and Mrs J. Hughes, the noted Guern
sey breeders were present and their
presence helped to make the -day a
Every member of the C. C. J. C. C.
wishes to extend a -cordial invitation
to everyone to attend the Jersey
meetings. The C. C. J. C. C. Is no
secret order an each and-every one
is welcome.
The next meeting will be held
in Nov. 17, Jersey Sale Day at the
Exposition Building in North Port
land. Dome, bring your Clackamas
anners and help to make this County
The suit of Christina L. Smith
against Gus and Catherine Leach to
quiet title on land in Redland Park,
was ordered dismissed in the circuit
court Wednesday on the grounds
that the plaintiff had not given suf
ficient evidence.
Plaintiff alleged that a road run
ning between her property and that
of the defendant was changed sever
al times and that it was now all on
her property an,) that four acres had
been cut off, which the defendants
claimed. ,
Mrs. Lillian M. Johnston (self and
children) $15.00; Tony Miller (3elf)
$15.00;; Walter Howland $30.00; Mrs.
Martha Castile (self and children) $30.
Mrs. S. Beckman (Ben Minson) $25.00;
Ben Landis (self) $20.00; Fred Wyder
(self) $12.00; Mrs. 0 Stevens $46.00;
JAIL New Brunsklck Hotel $39.90;
$3.50; Minda E. Church $55.00.
PHONE 377.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Sept. 22. Gov
ernor Cox' presidential ' campaign,
train was wrecked about 1:30 o'clock
today, 14 miles north of here, while
en route to Prescota, Arix.
Tne democratic presidential candi
date and hla party were badly shaken
up when an engine and four cars of
the special train were ditched, but all
escaped serious injury). The most
seriously Injured was Charlea A.
Nicholas, engineer of Preacott, onaot
whose) legs was broken when the
Jumped from his cab as his engine
toppled over.
Spreading rails were assigned by
railroad men ag the cause of . the
wreck, which compelled the governor
and hl8 Party to return here tonight
and cancel big evening address at
Prescott. Hla future Itinerary also
wa upset
The accident happened a half-mile
out of Peoria, a village on the Santa
Fe railway. After Governor Cox de
livered several speecheg hee the traia
consisting of six cas and drawn by
two heavy engines needed tor the
upgrade to Prescott, left here at 4
o'clock. About a half hour later, while
running at a spee estimated at be
tween 35 and 40 miles an hour, the
train Jarred suddenly ag if In col-,
lislon and then application . of the
emergency brake btmiplug over
broken rails and ties and careening
of cars told passengers the story.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and beautiful
flowers during the illness and death
of our wife, mother and sister.
The Executive Committee of the
Clackamas County Pomona Grange
has arranged for the October 13th
meeting to be held with Harding
Grange at Logaa, according to Mag
gie A. Johnson, secretary.
According to Resident Engineer F.
T. Young, the road from Oswego to
the Multnomah county line is im
passable and the detour is not much
better on account of the recent rains.
Mr. Young stated Wednesday that
the atate would start locking the
Pacific Highway today and that the
county will start putting the rock
on the detour as soon as their mach
inery is in operation.
Farm Loam Ureferred
aver Bldj, Oregon City
FOR SALE 2 good wagons, 1 buggy,
set of double buggy harness, i
single buggy harness, set of work
harness 1 disc harrow, 1 grass
mower, 1 hay rake, 1 small cider
Pfres t 1 1300-lb. mare, 3 cows,
other small articles. J. O. Johnson,
route 2, box 28, on Redland road.
First come, first served.
WANTED High school boy to milk
cow and work ln garden for room
and board. Address Box 286, Mil
waukie, Or.
for dead cows and down and ont
horses. Will caU anywhere. Phone
Milwaukle -J.
small Jersey cow, black face, black
knees, notch in right ear, 2 years
old. Disappeared from Mary Car
on's homestead' Rainbow Rest, near
Wildcat Mountain on August 2S.
Address Mary Caron, Sandy, Ore.
FOR SALE A 2 horse power gaso
line engine lift and Myers pump.
Address P. O. Box 165, Milwaukfe,
Oregon. -
FOR SALE New adjustable dress
form. Mrs. Frank Miranda, Box 225
FARM FOR SALE 14S acres, 2
miles east of Colton, Clackamas
county, Oregon; 25 acres in cult!
vatlon, good 9-room house, good
frame barn, 30 by 46 feet; apple
house, grainery and all other build
ings necessary on farm; 2 acres In
bearing orchard, nearly all kinds of
fruit; mountain stream runs through
every 40 acres; 2 good water
powers on place: have a ood sys
tem of irrigation; land nearly all
level; 75 more acres can be easily
cleared. On public road, daily mail
r! F. D.; good neighborhood, thickly
settled. Would make fine dairy
ranch. Terms $55.00 per acre,
$2000 down, rest on terms. For
better information, call or address
W. E. Bopney, owner, Colton, Clack
amas county, Oregon.
FOR SALE -Lots 9 and 10, Block 8,
Weslynn addition to West Linn.
Owner C. F. Anderson. Box 90,
Weed, California.
FOR SALE Seyt starting Ford, all
latest conveniences, in good condi
tion, with good tires. A bargain.
Address. E. EL Knlckrehm, 1884
East 45th street, Portland.
iFOR SALE Mortgage for $4000 on
' farm near , Tigard. bearing 6 oer
aa $76.32;