Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 03, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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W. II, I alike, a ciiiiiiiiIhkIoii tiiur
t'limit of Canny, nipt mining (Imihii Id
trammel business lure Thuisdiiy, Mr,
Luike mid wlfit reeniiily returned
rrtiiu on outing at Wllholt, and urn
ilitntili)K on lukliiK n Motoring 1 1 1 p
to dm bench.
Mr, J. I,, I.tiidhty inn wo ehlldnm,
of Iii'lllnRtiam, Wash., arrived Tlium !
tiny iiinriiliiK to visit n fw days with
Mm, Kudu ut Mldrum. Mrs. Dudley
Im ndurnliig homo from a vlhlt with
Iwr imithi'r ut Mmlford, mul a slxtur
In Hum Kriini liH'". j
Th iiuuiy frlniiil of Mr, Mnry
Itiirtow, or Twnirt), unil Washington
xtrni'U, will I mi pli'iti'i tojhcnr of her
liiilirovmiH'iit from an IIIih'hm, Mm.
Iinrlow U one of Hi" Mirly Oregon City
jliin(ini mul for 'Vral day hr con
dition wna rrltlcnl,
- Mm, Thn. Mcl.nrwi. .after muklng
n brd'f visit In I'nrtliind as a guest of
nr iilHlcr, Mix Ailitln Quliiii, and wlih
Imr futlier, V, W. Qulnn, of Cnnmnuh,
mul either rtiillvi of (lint place, re
turned to hr liomo at Wllholt Thurs
luy evening.
MlssVera I'lcree. dnughtr of Mr.
and Mli. Plune. of Um AmtnlP. for
mjr ri'hl(l.mt of Oregon City, hnn r
rl vtt hew whorti who I a guent at
ilin homo of Imr uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mm. Dunlin Ely. Mot return
liiK to hr home Minn Pierce will vlnlt
relatives In I'ortlnnil, Ml" Pierce
has not kn In OrKn City for
number of yw, and has noted ninny
B. II. Harney, whomi home In nt M
pin Unn, ha brought to tlto office Of
the Morning Enterprise sample of
alfalfa grown on hln farm, which
aland about five fV.ol In hotght. Mo
alno brought a sample of apple 't
onu that wore plucked (mm an Early
Harvent tree where apples are now
rimly to be harvested.
Minn Addle Clark, who ha lon
spending the summer at th h""'6 of
her brother. Attorney John r . i mra.
and family, at Wont Unn. will leave
today for ChehnlU. Wash., to be the
guest of Mm. Italph Chaplin and Mm.
Virgil While In that city Minn
Clark will alno aftend the ChohMla
Mr. anj Mm. Sherman, of Jtodlund,
the former a merchant of that place
WHM n 111 I 111 ir the Oregon City viltor
Wednenduy. having come here on bun
(imirge (Jray. of Aumra, well known
renldent of that place, wae among
thone to trammel bunluenn here Thun-
day. i
Attorney John W. l-o'd'r left Thurn
duy for a few dnyn' vacation t Kagle
Creek, where h will enjoy camp life.
liny Sulllvtan, who han been In Or
egon City for a b'w tlayn. ha return
ed to hi home nt Molalla.
If, llopkln, of Hufun, Oregon, wa
among thoxe to trnnaact bulnnenn hero
Wednenduy and Thursday.
T. O. Itldlnga, of Molalla, prominent
farmer of the county, waa In thla city
on bunlnen Thuradny.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrn. C. H. Dentle,
at Oregon City honpllnl. on Tuenday
pvnlllliC. AUKUHt 2r, non,
' ' Mrn, Roy D. Armstrong and child
J. B. Duncan and II. H. Ooucher. ofr,,ni .;nw ,j iiruco. or Portland,
Mambfleld, are In thla city for a few, KU,.t ut the lacier hoiie Wed
W. M. Meteiilf, formerly an Oregon
City boy, and now engaged In the.
poultry Industry nt Salt Lake City.
I'tah. Is vlnltlng nt tho homo of Mr.,
and Mrn. Harry wrenven, ai
ette, and with Mr. and Mm. Richard
Cronven, of this city. Mr. Metculf l
making his first vlnlt here since leav
ing, and in accompanied by his daugh
ter. Dorothy. Aftor vlnltlng here he
will visit relntlvon In Portland before
returning to hi home. Mr. MetcaU
has 3000 pure-blooded Whlto leg
horns, and haa one of the bent small
poultry farms In his section of the
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent are spend
ing the week end with their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stelner, of ForoHt
A. J. Pockhnld, accompanied by Mr.
Gross, of Beaver Creek, motored to
Tebanon, a dlHtnnce of 220 miles, Sun
day lenvlng here nt 7 o'clock, Mr.
Ilocholtz spenks highly of tho roads
of that section tf the stato.
's A New Auto Top
Columbia Auto
1021 Main Street
- .....inlllllllllllllllllllUIll
- ' ' .
terUHlB m UI6 Town una huitouuuuib eruu g uuuun mo unYC BuUa Maun, w ......v. ...
Liritry. - Our voloran -pioneer Jrthr.1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul DUnn nnd Fenton ney Is a enrdner bv profession, and
After un absence of three month
In Pennsylvania, Mm. Augusta
Kclioi iiliorii ban retunmd lo Orngon
City, artor a tnont dollKhtful tlnlt
with rolullvon, Mm, Hcnomiborn for
Ilin primcnt In vlnlllim bur daiiKlitiir,
Mm. Kiitliutilol Hinytho, of J'orlliuid.
Will I ii In tlifl KiiHt aha vIhIIiiiI iiuuiy ,if
her old tlinn friend uml rolativen,
whom aim bad not nnn hIiicii a child,
and wan entertained In a out tuirin
1 11 K iniitiiior, niiJoyliiK a number of im)
tiirliiK trlpN,
Mr. mid Mra, Alfre,) llolton, of Cnno
nuih. urn re)oli liiK over tbn arrival of
a ilHiiKhter, who inmle her appearance
AiiKUfit 10. Tint llitlo oiia Inn been
Hlvi-n (be nnnin of Hetty, Him n (lie
KrenttiriiiiitdiiiiKlitur of Mm, Kuruh
Miller, onu of the oldent pioneer wo
men of Clitrkamn county, who ban re
allied In ('uiiemah for many yearn
Mm, llolton wn formerly MImh Verna
MkuiI, of Cniiemah.
Mm. lit W. llnrboltlis uud threo lit
lie lillilren, after Hpeiullni lh aum
nier montliN In Oregon city an giiuHtn
of Mr. Iliirlmttle'a parenta, Mr. and
Mm. II. J. DlKKer, and her alnter,
Mm J, Ankow, left hern Saturday eve
nliiK for HenUte, and ft"0'" U'T"
leava on tho atanmer Bpokane for
their boo at Whlt Home, Yukon
Territory, Canada. Mm, Harbottle
ban readied In tho north for amne
time, and thn kiddle anw their flmt
cow arter arrlvlnK In Orcwm City,
well an many other "nlKhtn," Mri.
Ilarbottlo and children wer accom
imnd'd a far n l'ortlanil by her pat
ent and alnter.
Attorney John K. Clark and Dick
Illttnur. of thla city, accompanied by
Frank Tonor, of Dalian, Oregon, ars
to leave on their annual hunting trip
thin momlnK and ra to vlnlt thntr
old. ntiunplnn ground In Southern Or
egon near Rontburg.
K. T. Avlnon, of Mapla I.ann, who I
enttaaed In farming on a amall acale
at th fann of lr. C, IC. Melnnner, hln
aon ln law. wan In Oregon City on
IhiIkiii.hk Saturday ylnltlng at the
Melnnner home.
rra, May Runnel!, who ha been
having a moat enjoyabln vacation at
Qrenbam, vlnltlng on the Auntln
a aruent of frlendn. haa returned to
Oregon City, and renumed her ponl
tlon with llannon & Company.
Mm. Jennie niahop, of thin city, hut
recently arriving from Spokane, W-
I npendlna a few dya In camp life
ut Oak Orova, where her Hon. Donton,
and alno her nlnter. Minn Craiw Spl
ger. are nnjoylng camping. Mra. 'l-h
op ha tmiiti hero to make her home,
and taken apartment on Seventh
anil Jefferson ntrectn.
Charle Hurnn, who han been turn
key at the Oregon Statu penitentiary,
hn returned to Oregon City. Mr. and
Mrn. Burn are for the prenent at the
homo of their nljjce. Mm, !... O. Ice.
and will noon lake up their reldence
nt their home In Grecnpolnt they left
a number of year ago. when Mr
Hum accepted the ponltlon In Sulem
Minn llelle Mattley. who taught In
the Walla Walla high achool last
year, an, recently acci-ptlng a posi
tion na Inntructor In an Oakland.
Calif., high achool. left for that city
the latter part of the week to take up
her dntle. Minn Mattley upent a por
tion of her vacation at .the Mattley
nummer home at Nohalem.
Miss Clara Tute I vlnltlng her sin
ter, Mrn. Thomas Barrlotea, of Port
land. Mrs. Viola Tnto, formerly of
thin city, now of WVeler. Is also vis
iting at the home of her daughter,
having come from that city to attend
the marriage of her daughter. Miss
Lucy, to Iesley Mannllt, of Wheller.
Mr. and Mrs. Prlebe, accompanied
by their sort. William Priobo. nnd
daughters, Misses Edith 'nnd Bertha.
motored to Hood River Thursday, to
apenj the duy.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Francis are
rejoicing over the arrival of a daugh
ter, born at Oregon City hospital Sat
urday morning. Their home i Mil-
wnuklo, Route 4.
Judge J. XI Campbell, wife and
flnughtor, Mary, have returned from
llielr motoring trip to Seaside. They
visited Bar View, Rockaway and oth
er resorts whllo enroute.
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ely and
children, Harloss and Eloiae, who
have been having an enjoyable outing
nt Cannon Beach, whore they wero
camped for two weeks returned to
Oregon City Sunday evening. Before
returning they were guests at the
home of Mr. Ely'B mother, Mrs. C. It.
Plnymnn, formerly of thla city, who
owmj a pretty home at Seaside.
for Winter Comfort
The rains of early Fall and
storms of Winter months aro
only a Bhort time away. The
owner of the open car who has
his auto recovered will smile In
contentment. ,
But we suggest getting busy
at once. Weather conditions are
uncertain at this season of tile
year. -With one of our special .
made tops to replace that old
one, and with new , curtains
made to fit all around thla Win
tor's driving will truly be a
pleasure... f-
Top Company
Telephone 101 ,
. I t A,.HlH'l.a,aa1, '
Mm, F, Holden, formorly Minn Fran
da Mym, of thla city, and dutiKhter
of tho lata Mr. anj Mr. John Myera,
early Oregon City pioneer, arrived
In Oregon City Friday with her four
children, where alio In the guent of
her nlnter, Mm. Robert Dentin, of
Fourth and High atreeta. Mr. Hold
en apeut H unci uy In J'ortlnnd a guent
of her Klutor, Mm, Joneph Holllger,
and Monday with her alnter, Mm. John
l.elilitwuln, and will leave today for
her home In Tucoma,. Mr. Holdea
and her children made the trip by
Miitomoblle, with Mm. Holden at thj
C. H. Wllmm and aon, Druce, left
Saturday for Senaldo, and from that
reaort they will hike to Rockiiway,
where they are to remain for two
week, Mr. Wllaon having rented
liouno at the renort for thai time.
Mm. WIlHOn and other children, In
cluding Merrllt Wllaon and Minn Ger
tie Wllnon, of the annennor' office,
will leave Wednedny to Join Mr.
Wllnon and hln aon. They will occupy
the residence of Mfi llnwley while
John DeNoul, of Stafford, wa
Binong tti(ifl to trunnact bunlnen here
Monduy. Mr. IKiNnul ha renlded at
Stafforj for a number of year, and
owned one of the bent farm there,
being engaged In tho walnut Induntr;
a well a general fanning, but ban
nold hi place, The purchaser I
llenry Koch, who recently aold bla
farm nt Ctackama. Mr. DeNeul and
family are to make their borne at On
wego, and will noon leave for that
J. W. Smith, ex-county commlnnlon
er, whone home la at Macknburg, wan
among the Oregon City vlnltor Mon
day. Mr. Smith, who la engaged In
the hep Induntry, I planning to
have an exhibit of aome of hi stock
at the coming county fair to be held
at Canby, September 20-24.
J iimc Summer, formerly of this
city, and a aon of Oregon City plo
neern. arrived In Oregon City Monday
morning, and la vlnltlng hi nlnter,
Mra. Kate McNamara, and hla broth
er, Peter Summer, of Seventh and
Wanhlngton atreet. Mr. Summer la
now refilling at Sliuniko, Oregon.
Itev. and Mm. Edgar and family,
who have been spending a few week
at ftockaway, and later guent of Mr.
und Mra. C. Schuebel In their moun
tain homo at Rhododendron, have re
turned to Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Klrchem of Lo
gan, were In Oregon City Monday
tranHnctlng bunlnean. Mr. Klrchem In
one of the energetic farmer, having
flnlnhed hi harventlng and haa all hi
grain and hay atored.
Mlnne Esther and Agneg Hutrln,
who have been on an extended East
ern trip, visiting Ohio. New York anl
other Enatern . states, have rturned
to Oregon City, after a "most delight
ful trip.
R. G. Scott and" family, who have
been enjoying a week's stay at Lake
Lytle, occupying the White cottage
will return thin week. Mr. Soott win
renuine hln work as county agent, and
has thoroughly enjoyed hi outing.
They made the trip by automobile.
Mr. Title! and Mr. Battles, of Elk
Prairie, both of whom are taking up
homesteads, were In Oregon City Mon
duy. Mr. Battle was on his way to
Spokane on a business trip.
J. M. Dlckerson, of Boring, was
among tne Oregon city visitors rues
day, Thomas C.erber, of the Arcady
Press, of Portland, was In Oregon Ci
ty Tuesday transacting business in
connection with the firm. He also
visited some of his friends, having
formerly resided here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Eby will leave
Thursday morning for Eugene to re
main for several days, while Mr. Eby
Is attending the meeting of the State
Bar Association to convene Friday
nnd Saturday.
The farm recently purchased by A.
J. Bockhold, realty dealer, has been
sold to M. Lessemann, who has
Just arrived from Nebraska to make
bis homo In Clackamas county. The
lima consists of 60 acreg, and Is locat
ed near Mount Pleasant. It formerly
won the home of F. Burndorfer. The
price was $11,500, with house and
modern buildings. Mr. Iesretnanu
will take possession Immediately.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Downey and
two children, who have been at Sea
side occupying their cottage, returned
to their home at Willamette Tuesday.
They report the weather Ideal when
lenblng the resort, nlthough storms
occurred at that resort Thursday ano
Snturdny. They made the trip by
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lovett and fam
lly, who have been residing at Thir
teenth and Washington streets for a
number of years, are to move to West
Linn this week, and w"1 occupy the
residence formerly the home of Mr,
nnd Mra. John Lewthwalte, Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. The home
to be made vacant by Mr and Mrs
Lovett will be occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Baxter, recently moving to this
city from Camns, Wash. ,
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris and son,
Bobby, and Mrs. Morris' mother, Mra.
Robert Goodfellow, who have been
spending the past month at Cannon
Bench, returned to their home in this
city Sunday evening. They report
tho wetither grand during their entire
stay except 'or Thursday and Satur
day nights, whon a terrlfio storm
came up and blew down many trees.
The party made tho trip to Cannon
Beacn and return by automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Perry, of Sher
wood, formerly of this city and of Wll
lamotte, were In Oregon City Wednes
day transacting business. They have
Just lompleted their new bungalow at
Sherwood, and It is one of the most
attractive In that section of the
county. They have about 20 aorea of
1 V kn n t),itlanl M
The marriage of Minn Ruth K. ilav-
eu, of Woodburn, and H. K. Cantle of
this city, wn aoleinnlzej at the Meth-
odlnt Kplncopal parnonnge at Vancou
ver, Waah., Tueailay at 3 o'colck,
AugUMt 10, when Rev. Thornpnon, pun
tor performed the Imprennlve ring cer
emony. '
The bride' maid wan Minn 1,11a M
Cantle, alnter of the brldgeroom whone
home In In Woodburn, and the bent
man wa Robert W. Simmon of tbln
The bride waa becomingly gowned
In a traveling suit of blue with hat to
maU;h, und her comage wa of white
The brldo'a maid wan alno gowned
In dark blue, and wore a comage bou
aunt of pink rarnatlonn,
Following the marriage ceremony
the bridal party returned to Portland
where a dinner wa enjoyed, and after
a brief honeymoon the happy couple
returned to Oregon City, where they
have gone to housekeeping at 1209
Kleventh Btreet.
The bride I an attraetlve young
woman, and haa Deen a resident oi
Woodburn for the past year. Before
making her home In that city ahe re
nlded at Fall City, Oregon, where ahe
ha a hont of frlendn. She la the
daughter of Mr. and Mr- A. R. Haven.
Mr. Cantle I the son of Mra. Kffle
Catnle, of Woodburn, a well known
renldent of that city, and was among
the flmt young men of Marlon county
to respond to his country's r "
was r member of the 31t Regimental
Hand, and was first ntatloned at Van
couver Barracks, later being trans
ferred to Manila, P. I., and then to
Siberia, where he wa stationed at
Vladivostok, and wag In the service
for about two yearn, receiving his
discharge from tbe army at the Pre
nldlo, California, October 23, 1919. In
January be came to Oregon City,
where he ha since been employed, by
the Crown Willamette Paper company.
He In an active member of the Moose
A large audience attended the piano
recital given at the home of Mrs. A.
Thomas, at Hoff, Oregon, during the
pant week.
The principal part of the program
was a demonstration of the Dunning
system given by her summer class.
Those taking part were Irene Mak
Inster, Ellen Santesson, Arlen Bluhm,
fienevleve Londcrgan, Lubelle Unds
ley, DeEtta Shaw, Genet Gwlllim, and
ljiurs. Parry.
land, and are In the poultry Industry.1
breeding White Leghorns, having en-
gaged In the business while residing
at Willamette and at Maple Lane, j
They have 800 pure-blooded birds on
their farm this year, and have erected
modern poultry buildings.
Mrs. Matt Smith. Of North Bend.
Oregon, who has beea In' thla city and
nt IWvor Creek viaitinir relatives, the
latter place being her former home,: bammy btevens, jr., iour-ear-om
left Wednesday evening for her homo.j son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevents, of
Mrs. Smith, formerly Miss Grace Boh-j Canemah, ig suffering from severe
lender, of this city, has been vsitlng; bruises on the head and body caused
her sister, of Enterprise, Oregon, j by being run over by an automobile
While at Beaver Creek she visited herj near the Stevens home on the high
parents, Mr. and Mm. Bohlejider,1. way Tuesday evening,
well known pioneer residents of that ; The little fellow did not see the ap-
sectlon of the county.
Mra. C. B. Wilson and family left
Wednesday morning for Rockaway to
spend two weeks in tho residonce of
Mis. Hawler. Mr. Wilson and son.
Bruce, who are hiking to Rockaway,
from Seaside, have been heard from,
nnd had remained at Seaside until
the storm had passed over, so con
tinued their Journey Monday, when
the weather was reported favorable.
John DeNeul, a prominent farmer
of Stafford, was among the Oregon
City visitors Wednesday. It was an
nounced here that Mr. DeNeul had
disposed of h'9 fnrm Including his
fine walnut grove, but It was R, De
Neul, who sold his farm at Stafford
to make his home in Oswego.
Mrs. Herman Fisher, of Redland,
wa In Oregon City Wednesday on
her way to Portland to spend a few
days visiting her aunt, Mrs. Graham,
of Portland.
Charles Rider, of Greenwood, was
among the Oregon City visitors Wed
nesday. ' I. J. White, of McCoy, was among
the Oregon City visitors Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Mrs. B, H. Stuart, of" '""Linn's Old
Mill, wns among the Oregon City vis
itors Saturday. She and her children
will leave today for Gervals to re
main for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson have
purchased three lots of Ed T""-'" tn
Gladstone, where they have started to
build a new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legler left
Saturday to spend the week-end with
Dr. Bivd Mrs. W. B. Mott, of Salem.
Mrs. Alex Simmons, of Estacada, Is
the week end guest of her sister, Mrs.
Miss Hazel Brundell, of Portland, Is
spending several days visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haas.
Elmo Eby has returned arter a
week's outing with his cousin at New
berg. Hear Ye! "Court Convenes" is the
tltlej of tonight's service at the Pur-dom-Schaffner
meetings. Adv.
Mrs. Herbert Martin, of Portland,
visited her daughter, Mrs. William
Folger, of this city, Thursday.
Mrs. Hoed and daughter, Miss Lela
Reed, are at Pacific City enjoytn
outing. ........
Mr. and Mrs. Shelley hve been
.0 - - - . . .
in-b week In
Mln Norma Holman, wose engage
merit to Dr. O. II. Chrlntoffernen, of
Seattle, was recently announced, was
the guent of honor of a mlneellaneoiu
bower Thursday evening at the home
of Mis Virginia Shaw, of Sixth and
High streets, when about twelve
friends of the bride elect attended.
The home of Miss Shaw was prettily
decorated for the occasion,, when roses
and asters were uned most effectively.
Refreshments were served durfntf
tho evening.
Mln Holman, who is one of the pop
ular young women of this city w
presented with many handsome gifts.
Her marriage 1 to take place early
In September.
A surprise party was tendered Mr.
and Mrs. Burr Tatro at their home on
High street Friday evening, August
20, when a number of their friends
called in a body to spend the evening,
and wa In the form of a farewell
party before they leave for their fu
ture home- at Tbe Dalles, where Mr.
Tatro has taken a position In the blgh
Tbe evening was spent In games, fol
lowed by serving ice cream and cake,
and a most enjoyable time was bad.
Attending were Bernita Jack, Dor
ena Jack, Donna Warner, Sidney War
ner, Mrs. Cwford, Dorothy Stafford,
Mr. Cunning, Mr. Malva Bolle, Neva
Saterlle, Henry Rogers, Violet Rob
erts, Myrtle Henderson, Edgar Brock,
Elva Linton, Lois Campbell, Kltfca
Kldby, Dennis KIdby, Everette Rosen
earns, John Leglstan, Mrs. Hair,
George Scouton. James Myers, Ruth
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Tatro.
Ist Wednesday evening a surprise
shower was tendered Miss Alvena
Scherzinger, of West Linn, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wegner,
In honor oi her approaching marriage
to Anthony Wohl, of Duquesne, Pa.
The Wegner home was beautifully
decorated for the occasion.
Tbe shower was arranged In a most
unique and up to date manner and
consisted of many beautiful and useful
During the evenine delicious re-
freshents were served and much
nleaRant rhat. laughter, music and
games were Indulged In.
Those present were' Margaret Ger-
ber, Geanette Brozlnsky, Namol
Lewis, Elsie Kay, Grace Helsby, Mary
Scherzinger. Zelma McDonald, May-
proaching automobile, driven by a
Portland man, who was on hla way to
Portland, when he atarted across the
road. The boy was thrown beneath
the car, which was brought to a sud
den stop as the rear wheel struck the
1 body, thus preventing the heavy car
from passing over him. The driver
of the car ga?? every assistance and
took the little fellow from under the
car, and he was later carried to the
famllv home by his cousin, Mildred
MIdlam. where the family physician
was called, but who found no broken
hnnes. excest the scratches and
This is the third narrow escape the
youngster has had this summer.
Two previous times he has climbed
upon the logs in the Willamette river
near the Stevens home, but saved In
the "nick" of time.
Japanese Gardener
Loses Bir 15 a r n
A large barn on the Semmler farm
at Damascus, leased by a Japanese
gardener, waa totally destroyed by
tire Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
In the barn was the new hay, farming
machinery, automobile and tractor
owned by the Japanese, who suffered
a loss of $3000.
The fire ,1s believed to have been
started by a four-year-old son of the
Japanese, who had been playtng with
matches, according to the neighbors,
who assisted in saving the adjoining
buildings. There was no livestock in
the building at the time of the tire.
Tho Semmler place was formerly
owned by the late Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Cooke, parents of Postmaster Cooke,
of this city, and A. W. Cooke, promt
nent farmer of Damascus.
Charles P. Randall filed suit Wed
nesday against the Singer Sewing Ma
chine company, asking $ 2,999 damages
he alleges he suffered when attacked
by two agents of the company.
According to the complaint Randall
was agent for the defendant and own
ed a sewing machine, which he says
that B. S. Miller and E. T. McKee
ver, supervising auditor and manager
for the company, trespassed on plain
tiff's property for the purpose of tak
ing the machine, which they claimed
In resisting them the plalnttff alleges
that he was attacked and hit on the
head with a hammer and suffered
much from loss of blood. ' 5
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of
this city has announced that their
church edifice will be dedicated on
Sunday, September 6th. Services
will be held at 10:45 A. M. A cordial
Invitation to be present Is extended to
all. " " -
here' $15.80 with interest thereon at 8
.. t rpnm tvfl 07th day
of August Hon.
belle PHklngton, Addle Wright Erma
Mmhocknd, Denalda Vallerte, Martha
McLarty, Lillian Llndgulst, Francis
Yeager, Mrs. Zola Smith, Mrs. Zora
Lelghton. Mrs. Wegner, Mrs. Emma
Zlrkol, Mm. John Hickman, Mr. Llm-
bocker. ,
Miss Scherzinger has been a resi
dent of Went Unn since early child
hood and in a mos estimable young
Mr. Wohl I a mill wright by trade
and was one of Uncle Sam's men, hav
ing enlistee in Pennsylvania In the
early part of the war and was e,nt
West and placed In the Spruce Divi
sion. While in tbe west he made the
acquaintance of Miss Scherzinger and
the approaching wedding is the cul
manatlon of the war romance. Mr.
Wohl expects to arrive' from Pennsyl
vania soon and the young couple will
make their home In West Unn.
Friday evening, September 14, Is
the time set for a benefit to be given
the O. A. R. at the Star Theater under
the management of Mrs. Walter Ben
nett and Mm. Henry Henningsen,
aides of the Women's Relief Corps,
who have been appointed to give the
entertainment. All throughout the
United States the Relief Corps are
giving a benefit for tbe G. A. R. of
their different cities and towns, and
the women of this city are trying to
do their part to have a large fund
raised for the Meade Post.
Among the features of the evening
will be a Virginia Reel taken part In
by a number of tie old Civil War vet
erans, who ylll have as their partners
other members wives Instead of tbeir
The marriage of Miss Lucy Violet
Tate, youngest daughter of Mrs. Viola
Tate, formerly of Oregon City, now of
Wheeler, Oregon, and Lesley Massltt
of Wheeler, was solemnized at' Van
couver, Wash., Saturday afternoon,
August 28, when Rev. C. C. Curtis, pas
tor of the Christian church at Van
couver, performed the Impressive ring
ceremony. The .ceremony was at the
home of Rev. Curtis in the presence
of relatives and a few Intimate friends
of the young couple.
The bride was prettily gowned in
white crepe do chine, and carried a
shower bouquet of carnations.
Following a brief honeymoon, the
young coupte will return to Wheeler,
where the bridegroom Is employed.
The bride Is well and favorably
known in Canemah and Oregon City.
where she has many friends, and was
active In church work while here.
She is the sister of Mis Clara Tate,
of this city.
The bridegroom is one of the pop
ular young men of Wheeler, where he
ha been employed for some time.
One of the most enjoyable affairs of
the week was a shower given at the
home of Mm. Clara Carpenter August
25, in honor of Miss Millie Yeager and
Clifford Taft. who are to be married
today. August, 29, at S P. M., after
which they will spend tehlr honey
moon camping on the Columbia river.
Both are well and favorably known
In Gladstone and Oregon City where
they will reside.
The rooms of the Carpenter home
were beautifully decorated with cut
flowers and ferns. After a delightful
evening of mustc and various games,
Ice cream anj cake were served.
Many useful and beautiful presents
were received.
Those present were Misses 'Millie
Yeager, Marjorie Reed. Helen Car
renter, Francis Yeager, Lena Car
penter, Gladys Carpenter, Messrs.
Clifford Taft. Eugene Vedder, Arlelgh
Reed, Dean Vedder, Ivan Menke, John
Yeager, Sam Kimball, Roy Carepnter,
and Mrs. Carpenter.
is Coming!
The celebrated soprano
will appear in person at an
invitation concert in
She will be assisted by Victor Young,
pianist, Robert Velten, violinist, and by
"The Phonograph with a Soul." -
This appearance of the great opera star
in Oregon City is the event of the season
for lovers of good music.
be ll, write or telephone us for free tickets of admit
tance. They will be issued in order of application.
Burmeister & Andresen
7th and Main Streets
perl by publication thereof, by order of
u, uampDeii, juugo ui
A delightful surprise shower was
was given Miss Tternlce J,.t,im..n
Thursday evening by the Pythian .
Sinters at her home. A numbor of
useful and beautiful presents were re
ceived Including a set of sliver sugar
tonk and cake trver from the Pyth-
lun Sinters, of which she Is a member.
A most delightful evening was
spent after which lunch was served.
Those enjoying the affair were Mr.
and Mrs. E. L, Johnson and Mosdamej
W. J. Wilson, Otto Erickson, W. A.
White, Cletnmlo Wood, W. H. Smith,
Bert Baxter, John Kent, Bud Sim
mons, Bert Hall, L. V. Jenkins, Guasle
Hull, Misses Umu Johnson, Helen
Erickson and Bernlce Johnson.
A pretty home wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs." Frank
Baker of Willamette Wednesday eve
ning, August IS, when Miss Vlra Eva
Williams of thla city, became the
bride of Otto Albert Werner, brother
of Mrs. Baker. The impressive ring
ceremony was performed beneath a
handsome white floral bell by Rev. A.
J. Ware, of this city.
The living room where the cere
mony was performed was beautifully
decorated In rones and sweet peas,
white and green being the color
scheme, while the dining room, wheru
the wedding dinner was served, wag
in pink, pink sweet peas and roses
being used.
The bride was handsomely gowned
In white satin, with overdress of
white net, and wore a large white hat.
Only Immediate relatives attended
the marriage ceremony.
The young coupde have taken up
their residence at the Williams home
on Molalla Avenue, where they will be
at home to their friends.
The bride Is a popular girl of this
city, and fr the past six months has
been connected with the Kendrlck
store, and previous to that was for
about a year connected with a music
store, being an accomplished pianist.
She was a student of the Oregon City
high school for two years, and is the
youngest daughter of Horace Williams
of this city and of the late Mrs. Dora
Williams, having always made her
home In 6Vegon City, where she has
a host of friends.
Mr. Werner, who has been for the
past year employed by the Oregon
City Sand and Gravel company, is well
and favorably known here. He was In
the service daring the world war.
Oswego Lake, one of the most plo
turesque spots In Clackamas county,
was the destination of a merry party
from this city and Portland last Sun-'
day, when they arrived at that resort
about 1 o'clock. Dinner served be
neath the shade of the trees and
along the banks of the water. The
afternoon was devoted to rowing and
bathing, and In the evening supper '
was served, when corn was roasted
over a fire and hot coffee served with
other eatables to satisfy the appetites.
The return trip was made about
9:30 after havingvone of the most de
lightful outings of the season.
Including the picnickers were Miss
Ethel Rucker, Miss Julia Rucker, Miss
Daisy Sunby, of Portland; Mrs. Mary
Holloway, of San Diego, Cal., Amy
Olson, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Don James and Mr .and Mrs. Henry
Henningsen, of this city; Miss UUIan
Anderson, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
James Holloway, of Portland; Mr. and
Mm. E. B. Holloway, of Richmond,
The affair was given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Holloway, of Cal
ifornia, who are making a visit to
Portland, with the former's brother,
James Holloway, and wife.
the ' Attorney for PlaintlfL
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