OREGON CITY. ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JULY 16, 1920. Page 6 LWAUKIE & NORTHERN CLACKAMAS ii 3 f f It t 1 , 1 - r ? 1 4V B . .tr. 43 1$Y' It j it I , , I,. OAK GROVE If you hva ny Items of newt for the Orepon City EnterprlM please hand tame to Mr. V. G. Benvle. They will be appre ciated. Your aubscrlptlon will receive prompt attention. Mrs, V. G. Reuvle was ft dinner puost of Peter A. rorter Circle, Port land recently at a dinner Riven tr. honor of members having birthdays during: the month. Mementoes were presented each suest in remembrance of their birthday. Remodeling of l Palmhlad's house is nearinf? completion and It will 1 a fine modem homo. LAD HILL NEWS would make large a fund as could bp handled Intelligently and economi cally. Tho failure of tht Clackamas bond issue to aland was dls-cussed from many angles at the Cranio sex slon on Saturday. A committee ap pointed to put the Sandy (.range on record with "Pay us you V". for a road sl.tpm reported as follows: "Whercns. the state supreme court has declared Clackamas County road bond null and void, and YV.icreus: Kv ervone In Clackamas County Is inter- IAD HIM Julv 15.-Mr. and Mrs. ''''l h;,viS tMl road we. the Harry C Maker and family of v members of Sandy ilraime No. 892 In tralia. Wash., visited with his sister, 'regular this H)th day of July Mrs Ceo. Smith an.) Mrs. S. S. Par- I'-'-'1. Ao unanimously placj ourselves w(t , as advocating n millage tax of five or ! seven mills each ve.ir for a period of Mrs. Nellie McCully of Xewberg Is; , j.,,., for u ,mrpos0 of building visiting her brother .lack Smith aujS00tl m,lls m Clackamas county, family. I A big tie-drive began at the Sandy Mr. and Mrs. John S.ivey of Port-' 1 .umber Co. mill on last Monday, land spent 4th of July In Ud Hill, i There, will be about twenty thousand lies a monta floated down mo iiik Sandy Into the upper dam at Marmot. OAK GROVE HAVE PICN1C0NFR!DAY OAK GROVE. July 11. 11. A. Rob erts and family have moved into the Tuomey house which he recently pur chased. Mrs. Tuomey has gone to Portland and will probably join her husband in California very soon. The Helpers' Club enjoyed an after noon at the Oaks Wednesday chaper oned by Mrs. V. G. Ikmvle. Geo. Woods and family of .Michigan' .'Ts. A. L. Mc ivlr a as taken to a ; ,ht SatuV UimUor Co. mill. He and are gruesu of a brother. A. IX Woods hospital at Newberg Monday. Ted nly h,lVe (uo contract for haul- and family. I - ork on river road between Wilson- ing. and Albert Pell and Art Jous- Mrs. M. P. Hobkim was a Portland v, Bnj La(1 .jj js. pnv,.ess!ng very I rud have the logging contract. They . Mr. trucks has opened up the store again in Lad Hill, which ve are very glad to see. The rain has caused considerable damage to cherries and "hay in this vicinity. Commercial Club meu;ifc Saturday1 f.-r'n? Jul? 1' i yrs. A. L. Mc'iUIr as taken to aj and from there flumed down to Uutl Run lake where they will be loaded on cars. Mr. Heechol has the con tract, and Allen Emily Is workinr. with him. It will take all summer to handle them. Alfred Hell went up to Bright wood the first of tho week to haul logs for slowly, more teams needed. I E visitor Friday. The rareut-ieacners neia a picnic last Fridav at home of Mrs. R. May-; Mr. R. II. Walls is buildins a bung field on river front at Silver Springs. ; lw on his place at Lad Hill. A large number of parents and chil dren attended and report a fine time. The Helpers' Club met with Nadeen Mayfield Tuesday at which time luncheon was enjoyed at oue o'oclock j with business meeting at 2 P. M. and ' the remainder of the afternoon de voted to games. The next meetins will be with Kathryn CTson. V, S. Stanford of Lexington, Neb., j who was a guest of O. T. Skoog left i Thursday for Lis home. FAVORl! GOOD TO TAKES are pulling in logs on a three and one half service truck with a fie and one half ton trailer at the rate of forty five to sixty thousand feet per day, over a mile and a half road recently built Into the timber. They are saw ing thirteen hundred ties daily. George Maroney guided a party of thre up Mt. Hood last Saturday an had a desperate time because half of the rope had boon swept away ly a big snow slide and hung across un Jer glacier into the big crevasse. With the aid of Mrs. Wells he was able to recover the rope and fasten It so all The manager of the Plko Tent nud Awning Co. had the misfortune to lose his fish basket between Sandy and Cresham recently and it contained valuable papers, eto. ltesplte the lib eral reward offered, no trace of the basket Is reported yet. Max Wuuche sold three steers taut week at eight cents on foot, and Mario Uoilano sold two cows for beef at six and one fourth, and seven cents, which is a better price than tho stink yards pay it ts said. Tio Odd follows and Hebokah's had a public joint Installation Thurs day night and n bmupiet afterwards. Myra llevenuo was the Installing of ficer for the llobekahs. The officers were as follows: Past Noble Cm ml. Vera Smith: Noble Grand, Kthel Townsend; vieivgraiiil, Mary Jadwtn: Secretary, Myra llevenuo; Treasurer. S.tdio liosholm: Warden. Marguerite Klein: Conductor, Nellie Umndreo; K. S. N. C W. Posh dm; l S. N. Katie Wolf; ll. S. V, C Alma Maroney I.. S. V. tl.. Mable Peers; Chaplain. Klla Baumhack: Inside (iimrlan, Cecil Duke; outside Guardian, lvlhert Jad win. K'tlJ.ih Coalman was the Installing officer for th Odd Fellows. Officers as follows: Past Noble Grand. Harry Heed; Noble Grand, Cecil Duke; vice grand. Melvin Smith: Warden, Syl vester Hall; Conductor, It. K. Kbsou; Chaplain. It S. Smith; It, S. N. G Louis Hall: L. S. N. G Carl Audor son; R S. V. 0.. Cal Wilson; U S. V. (5. ivlbert Jadwin; li. S. S,, Artie Mitchell; I S. S.. Allen Kmily; Inside Guard. Herman Uiuns; Outslde v'ltiardian. Joe Ixiundree, Sic., A. 0. Itautuback; Trtasurer, Otto Melnlg. lU-iiig a Roelfson relative. Mrs. Sig. Knighton went down to tho I). D. Jack home to Join In the celebration of her clan. Truckmen that laid off on account of some arrests because of overload ing have resumed hauling agin. After consulting legal opinion at Oregon City, the most of them took out larger could proceed to tne top. unen WOj ios.tise. some legal talent think it will be necessary to make a test case the Power ranch up to the Toll date last Sunday There is talk of the Dwyer Iigglng Co.. extending their logging railroad up as far as the Three-Six timber If they can secure the right of way. A J. Lindsay and wife have moved . sivnY. Or.. Julv 14. The soaking party entered the little glass house on to Walugl, Ore., and J. H. Belan and rains are Umm aroml(J herestop of the mountain they found a fly family who purchased the Lindsay. .., h , tng squinul inside, and captured It, home Have moved Into the same. wr- tae damage to the hay J Mrs. E.whamof Portland former- m,uor 10 the benefits other crops . , r,ltr i-upH trs R Valine will receive. The white oats would have been a failure had the rain not! The rock crusher shut down over a ,TZ'Iffl;a. nain of vew-York. --.Icome now. Many farmers say their, B account of the haying . Miss Lillian Bam, of New otk , ' anJ no th havin is shut dow. rived Wednesday to sepnd mt of the "op will be double to M summer witn ner iainer, m. imiiu. - A. R. Reynolds had an operation on; are now assured, and kale plant his left eve last week at which time!B n continue. The pasture will a growth" Uiat was destroying the i greatly increased, which will mean sight was removed. He is doing nice-j f? saving of summer feeding. The ly however ' ?ardens and wlld blackberries will al- 'w rn oitlso he benefitted. air. ana M. .-.over - v, - Greham Preliminary survey Is being made visited their daughter and family Mr. "ay larmers down toward uresnam r n n.vennort last week and return-' and Pleasant Home are feeling rather a!ong ,ne suth T t lHep tree S t!rS I discouraged over the rains as it mean9 1 westward from Shell rock to meet mT m t Alien was a Portland big losses for them. Haying was ouj'ne point where the present road victor Weaned full blast when the rain came, and -tops on Deep Creek. The Dwyer ir Bilii llw F A Smith trans- there Is much hay down. The cher-jmp lias closed down for a month. aeS bess In ortlanidav i ries were also just ready to market i AH the mills are running .round here acted business In 1 ortlana tTiaay. , prCMj and are tunng out capacity products ' j are very high this year. most Part- Sandy Grange No. 392 had a fine; J- l'l,'r n;la 'pn inrougn SPssion las. Saturday, the state Mas-! Dover and Firwood soliciting members ter was present and many vital Issues ioT the 0re5n Hairymen's Coopera- were discussed. Mr. SDence's addre.-i league. Jiany or me aairymcn wo- rf(,-.,oamn nr mvprnmpnt own-' are signing up contracts to sell all ership of public -utlities. He holds the'r crpanl to the league for a period that government regulation was a fail-j of five 'ears- Tne question Is an n so that leaves one of two condi-. absorbinS one and the representative tinons for the voter to consider, viz: Promising a great reduction in mill Corporation control or government run wnen the league takes over the nunershin Hp also referred to the ! (Ialry Products or tne state. wnrt nf the Nnn-nartisan Leacue of Everybody that is selling cream or Vnrth Dakota ! is interested in Jersey cows shouln i The sentiment of the Grange 1n re- remember that the Clackamas county ! gard to road matters Is that action be- Jersey club is to meet on Saturday, n nnn r pp -hqt can hn donn JU'y ai lnei nome oi t.. u. nan, to get ns out of our muddle because pf . three miles southeast of Sandy. It the falling down of our bond issue. iw"l be an interesting time, for our The millage idea was unanimous, as1 Firwood neighbors are a live bunch tbat would mean dollar for dollar: of dairymen and there Is always much i .nrt tin intpreat i to learn at these meets. It was sliown that the extra millage tax with the special and regular tax Win, I'pdegrave Is going to adorn 1 celebrated tho Pourth by going up In his house with now porches, uml with irtt air ulilp tit Portland. In fifteen other Improvements hi. boon niak-' nilnutes he circled it 1 1 over the city li'S his little homo l.i geHiiig nil dre and Miiliui'bs Iwlce, nud the cost was sed up. , ', ten dollars, bul Albiu t thought it Harold Llmlberg and frlodcl havo' Wl,,-ll Aliltough only wlvleeu gouo Into tho Pendleton country (o 'tM K" ho has already ilm'idod work during the gialu hai vest. wauls to lake up aviation as pro- Mrs. Marv It It.wul i.h.. .,f ii,.,., i-'S 'iou niior no B.. unmiH" '". ry IliH'd has returned to Salem after a week's visit with her son and little granddaughter. Mrs. John Hoveuue Is home again after a two immt.is' slay In Ceiitini and eastern Oregon with her sons', the llamblin boys. Mr. and Mrs, V. itosbolm had to thi'ir guests tecontly, Mr. and Mrs. W, Maker nud Miss Norma Wiiender of Oregon City, People in this region me much tils- Miss lliuel Heei'M In "ludplnn out' In Scales' ntore now mid hen nine "Healle" Heel's clianged her proton sion. After a week's dellKhltilt honey mooniiig at Long lleai-h, Wash , Mr, and Mrs, Kruest Harris an at homo ugnln. W rtireu Wllklns of Dover Is work ing on the trull from tin 'head work to Hull Hun lake. 'I'bere Is iiIho ii i-row working on a flr linn from Hull three years. Tho following children iiuivlui llielr beloved mother; Hurry N cholH, of Sandy ; Mrs, V. H. HryiuiL tiooige Nichols and Mm. V. D. Kolley, of Newboig; Chas. Nichols, of MnKni. .Ioshii Nlehols, of Poltliiud, lilld Mill. .1, K. Van, of Clattdianl", ro, Tho luueral wiin held nt Clntskaiiiii oil Wodiiosiluy, A. t'. Thoiniis and wife, mid Klls worth, spout Hut day at the Hell Llnlepugo houm Sunday, nud Mr. Tioiuhh helped ni'di lu the hay, and only two loads were Ion out In lh' r.iln. Tho field men who have boon here nlioui throe months working on lh Loop siaitod for Hi'iid Tuesday, diiv lug llielr truck overland. They will work on tho Hlg'lttiiy survey over there. The officii tone will lemnlu tt while to rlllliih UP their work here. After three week's visit In Polk county, Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Dahren und baby, Slunliy. icliirned Moiidav, Mrs. i:ibrens' fallier mid mother, Mr. and Mi, tl, It. Hurbaiik. and Mls Hurlmiik returning with them for a week's vIhII On the Fourth there wiin a Hurlmiik family reunion and fifty nine relatives gathered In ft grovn at Mr. llurtmnk'H home near Pe Dee, Hun Lake toward Lost Lake. Altv appidutiHl becausti of the Invalided getlier there are about sixty five men of the County rotul bonds, but are glad employed up thine, mid as It Is lu ih they voted them for we have proven forest reserve, no tourists are allowed we want good rtiads. Hut the feel- tilth" ugh, the scenery Is said to ha Ing expressed now by many thinking mining Clackamas county's best. voter Is that the country would not The Misses Ivy mid Lilly Ten Kyck bonds again, but favor a direct tav and Mlsa Oin Spurlln cam, out from bill to bo submitted to the voters at Portland to the Ten Kyck homo nt the November eliH tion, Marmot the Kourlh. uml Kd. Ten Claude Smith of Astoria, and Ills Kyek drove tho girls up to Govern brother Kex Smith of Seattle were meiit Camp, all of the party stopping ! Pontile the fourteen Hurlmiik children, at Firwvod last week calling on tho at the hotel mid Joining the bunch of ; there were nlgotocii grandehr.drcil Wllkinses mid other friends. Hex cllmbi is that went up the mountain present. Tables were nei under Ibn served lu the Lngllsh army Tour or on the Fifth. five years and was wounded twice.' Mn Cunilliio Chown played a h I'elng born In Canada he heard the lection named "Juno Hoses" very nice. Canadian call to arms, mid Claude ly at the Grage session last Saturday, joined the I'. S. urmy but was not Mrs Slrack vu (he efficient accom called oversea. The Smith brothers; panlst for nil the singing on Hie pro formerly liVeJ at Klrwood nud are cram. Mrs, Kd Slt and little dniigliteri. Myrtle atiil Clara, havo been to Men tav Ilia vlslilng Mr, nud Mrs. Fret Vene for part of the week. Mr. II. J. Palter and Mr. Clifford Si bnelder of Groshaiii were In Saiulv olio day last week clan J PROFESSIONAL CARDS O''' 11 ...... Phone Milwaukle S4-W. JOHNSON REALTY CO. Heal Ettate, Inaurance and Rental Office at Station Milwaukle. Or Osteopathic Physician Dr. H. W. Paine Beaver Bldg, Oregon City Phones: Office 706 Res. 342-J Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturer! an dDealert In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland Drugs, Prescriptions, Druggist Sundries, Vetinary Remedies Fancy Stationery and Choice Candies. At your home dj-ug store. THE PERRY PHARMACY Milwaukle, Oregon W. B. Perry, Prop. First State Bank or Mi waukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent, interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Farmers beean to hustle to the hay field Sunday morning when the driz zle started and rushed their down hay Into the barns. J. G. DeShazer of Firwood nays Tils ten acre stand of corn looks fine, the ; farmers of Dover report fair hay crops : lioitano and Pizzola and Charley ; Krebs of Sandy Ridge gay hay is poor. i Much winter oats froze out, but it is good except for being thin. Many had to resow the winter crop. The hot ; wind aweek ago hurt the crops Home, and a sprinkle of aphis has turned a good deal of the grain red. Some say . since '15 there has not been a full j crop of spring grain and advocate i earlier sowing. Mrs. Alice Scales drown up to Tru man's a few days ago. "It is hard driving," she said, "but you can al most put your finger on old Mt. Hood, when you get there." Is there any county in the state tbat contains ho much majestic beauty? Charles Lenhardt of Dover has. a Chevrolet he purchased from "Bob" ; Smith. There are a lot of new cars being sold here and yet botli garages could sell many more if their orders cou'd be filled. The gas Khortage is still acute, Mr. Spence said he could hardly get enough last Saturday to drive out here to keep his lecture appointment. j The Sandy Creamery Co. has instal I led a new one thousand pound capac ! ity dual purpose churn of the latest pattern. The creamery turned out i 20,000 pounds of butter in June. I George P. Watklns was out from i Portland over Saturday evening and Sunday to visit his brother H. H. Wat kins and family. I Mrs. A. Ij. Mattingly is suffering I from an attack of lumbago. Miss Mollie Mitchell and her brother ! Arlie and Mr. ami Mrs. John Mitchell ; ana little son, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jus'in spent last Sunday with Mrs. E. j J. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales and two son's, and Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Maroney and son called on John and Mrs. Rev enue last Sunday evelng. Mr. George Maroney returned from Government Camp on Sunday. He made three trips up Mt. Hood as as sistant guide during the short time he was there. Jack Scales' brother, Alexander Scales and his wife and two young daughters were out from St. Johns Sunday to visit at the Scales home, Mrs. Harry Morton and daughter climbed Mt. Hood one day last week. Mrs. Morton was badly sunburned. John rhelps one of the packers on the trail to Bull Run lake came out Saturday for a short visit. and carry it to the suirmo court bo fore the question is nettled. Mrs. Welch of Potulleton Is visltlnK the K. U Power family for a couple ot weeks. Prof. Hlunkaubueler occupied the Lutheran pulpit on last Sunday. Mrs. Ulunknnlmoler and children, I.ois and Lawrence, came out from Portland and were guests of Mr luiblierful and children. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols were Also Portland visitors of Mrs. IHibber- ' ful's on Sunday. : A charivari party of about thirty made a lot of funny noises at the Kzleklel Beers home the other night as a compliment to the returned bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Har ris. The party wore'ltivlted in and Ice i cream, cake and cigars w ere served in abundance. Mr. and Mrs. Harris had been ehlvaried ut Orient only a night ' or two before and served oranges.' bananas, cigars and candy. ' The Beden.Htein's at tlierryvillo are i still having "sheep" troubles. The jther day a big coyote was walking : around with the flock, but got away: at sight of a gun. Mr. and Mrs. Esson. Ruth, Dorothy and Ronny, and Mr. and Mrs. I-oun-dree had a big Sunday dinner and vis-'. It wil :i the W. Itosh ilm's. ' Carl Ixiunilree and Arnold Krebs went to Pendleton on Monday. They ; will stay with Arnold's grandparent and will work probably after they visit awhile. Mrs. l.oundree went as far as Portland with the boys. I Alfred Hell has sold his truck to1 Charles Cooksey of Portland, and Mr. Cooksey will do the hauling for the Jonsrud and Gundersnn Mill, and Mr. Pel has gone up to Prlghtwood. J. C. Duke has gone to the Sandy Lumber Co., mill to work In the yard for a while. Harry Morton, wife and daughter who live up the mountains near Tru man's were down calling on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn last Sunday. Mr. Morton and J'n J. Dunn "swapped" horses recently and each one thinks he made the best trade. Russ Wilcox, forest ranger was In the Morton party Sunday. P. T. Dunn has gone back to Cen tralia to work In a logging camp the rest of the summer. H K. Sykes" father has been In our little city visiting recently. Paul Dunn says tie potatoes look well over most of the county and thinks there will doubtless be a full crop. The Loop survey from Zlg Za through Sandy waH completed on Sat urday, ending at the drinking fountain in Gresham. The Misses KdlUi and May Hilton of Randolph Iowa and -Elsie and Mar garet Miller of Portland are guests or Mr. and Mrs. J. M. C. Miller this week. Mr. Miller made ulte a "discovery" when he learned these four young ladies are his con , ins. The regreaful part is that the "Miller girls" have been living in Portland for three years and have camped near the Maunv back's for three summers, even passv ing the Miller residence' daily last summer and all parties were unawares of the relationship . All four of these young ladies have been camping with the Hoyt's who are building a sum mer holism on their acreage on the bluff. The MiKSe Hilton came out during the Shriner's convention and will soon return east. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hell and tw0 little daughters spent last Wednes day at their farm over the Uluff road way. And now Chautauqua is on at the Gladstone Park! To enlarge one's thinking capacity R is necessary to grasp a new idea now and then; or. at least an Idea presented In a new way; also, to come under the spell of a will be here when we get back, so, let's all go down to Gladstone, taking dinner and supper along, also a scratcu pad to write down some of the big things we shall hear. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor have gone on a two week's trip to Idabo and Mr. Fred Proctor, our banker, i driv ing down to Pleasant Home to take care of the Proctor store every day during his brother's absence. Fred Strong and family are out at their summer homo on the Bluff road for the season, ana also have from Portland with them. cons of tho lute J. C. Smith The caso of the Multnomah unit Cl.icknmiis Co. Tel. Co. nitainst J. It. Casterllno culled for July S. wa set tled by coin proiu I so before Justice Miller. The Hew Hwltrhhoard that Is heliiR Install at Greshntu will Insure a fine service. Several patron h.ivii been changed from thp llluff road to eon iitvt directly with Sandy central. Miss Uuira, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Shipley of Groham, nnd Wilbur Stanley, also of Gresham were married on July Fourth. Mlxii Shipley is well known lit this com munity. Albert Wllklns son of Mr. and Mrs Warren Wllklns of Firwood. and n popular I'nlon High School student trees and the whole Hurbaiik hud a wonderful day Mr. nnd Mr I'. H. Purcell were In Hi., city for a week end visit. On Sunday, they, with Mr and Mrs Short, maker uml Mrs, Doltx and daughter, drove out to peninsula I ix t- t and spent u delightful afternoon. iy next week everyone will know Wiat lb ij division of the lllrhway com. iui-e,oi! will b". If th" nhortesl way Is the limit way, It Is decided n iw' Mlis Sophie org, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Mutt. Zogg. of Sun.lv Nidge. Mrs. Mary Jane NU-'iols. mother of nnd Mr. J Truinun Nlchey, of Poring, Hai ry Nichols, of Sandy, died lu Port, were imirrli'd l Oregon City Inst Hnt htiid last Sunday morning. Mrs. unlay, Mr, nnd Mrs. '.mm were ire-N'lt-hnl was burn In Davis county, I cut at the i-ereeiony. Tho bride ami Mo,, and rami, to Coo county. Onv j groom went direct to their new ' v.oti, with her husband. Nullum Nich-; low nt Itorliut which was completely ol, about forty years ago, hut soon af j Tumi mi( and rcayd for them, Mr, terward settled at Clutslutnie, where Ulchey whs Htatl itie,( nt Camp lri, they lived until twelve years ago. and wui about to pn overmms when when Mr. Nichols, a civil war Vet-jtbe armistice, was signed. Mr. Illch fran. passed uay. Mrs, Nichols ley l In tho dairy business nt Poring, iwudo her home wiih Mr. and Mrs. j full blooded Guernseys. Iloth young Harry Nichols of this place the past ' people nre well known. mdtm 3 BEFORE YOU DISPOSE OF YOUR w GET A PRICE FROM THE Santiam Woolen Mills Exclusive Manufacturers of Iligh-Grade WooltMi Blankets, Wool Halts, Wool Comfort ers and Wool Mattresses Sell Direct to the Manufacturer Mills at Stayton, Oregon Larson & Co., Local Agents, Oregon City Mi Union Ave. N. Portland, Oregon. C As sure as you are a foot high nnu iirill lilrA fliis Pamal 1iii1r!aVi i n Jr ana uomesuc blend! f 1 MM I'M WV ' YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible and makeyou prefer this Camel blend to either kindof tobacco smokedstraigfg! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation I Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste 1 They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor 1 , Grve Camels every test then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world I Cma arm mold mvrywhmrm In acimntiOcaHy amalmd PMckiima of 20 cttlmrmttm fhr 3U eattf: ortan pmckagmailOOeigmnttmu) inaflaainina papar covmrad car' ton. Wm atrontly racommand thia carton for tna homa or of fioa auppty or whan you traval. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wlnaton-BaUm, N, a 3 .-. -y I TURKISH U DOM5ncffflij " 1 BLEND )M i,liniiiinnoiiUr4Mi.nTllTiii nnJ.hn trinunf. L UT jf t.. 7rrr-r llAT!r-1 g-'t- 7nir.!r..anJ-MjS-L