ORRGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1920. ummon In the Circuit Court of the Btat. of Oregon for the County ot Clunk lull. , Thornim 0, Woldnor, Plaintiff, v. U'lm Weldnar, DifoniHtit. To Lena Wuldnnr, the above nniued defendant: In Ike name of ttm slate of Oregon, you are. hereby roqulritd to appear and answer the coinplulut filed agalut you In ttm above entitled null on or before the exptriiltott of lU wuk from the data of the diile of tho first publication of thin summons, tow It: On or before Hi a 4th dny of Juno, 1920, and If you full to no appear anil answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rollf prayed fur In bin complaint, to-wlt! Kor a dncnw of the court forever dl lolvlng the marriage contract, here tofore, and now, existing between plaintiff tad defendant, awarding to plaintiff tho permanent euro, custody and control of Kenneth I-oul Woldner, Ihd minor child of plulutlff and dofon dnut, and for such other and further relief a th court may deain Juki Mnd equitable Thin auuiiuona In served upon you, by publication thereot. once each week, for six consecutive weeks, in tho Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper of general circulation, publish ed at Orogon Ctly, In the counjy or ClnckHinaa, state of Oregon, pursu ant to an order of the Honorable J. If. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered on the !Ut diiy of April. 1920. Data of turn publication June 4, 1920. Date of last publication April, 4, 1920. A. C. MIDDI.KKAUKP, U. K. WALTON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. I'oKtofftce nddron. 522-523 Henry building, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE In tho County Court of Clackamas, County, Oregon. In die Matter of the Kstate of Wll Ham Murray Holt, Deceased. Notice of 1 louring of Final Account, and for Settlement, and Discharge tf Administratrix. Notice l hereby giver, that Julia Holt, tho administratrix of the estate of VVIIIInm Murray Holt, dmra'd bn rendered hr final account and filed her petition for final settlement end dlHchnrxu; end that the 24th day jf May, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., at fie court' chamber In the . court hiuite In Oregon City. On son hat bonn duly appointed by snld c urt for hear ing of aald final account and objocj tlone. If any. thereto, and for hearing aald petiton for settlement of mild eotnte and discharge of mil admin istratrix, at which time and place any pcrnon Intonated In said estate may appear and file hit exceptions In writ ing and show cruise If any why said final account ahould not be approved and allowed and tho estate settled and the admlnUtratrlx discharged and the bond exonerated. JCl-IA HOLT, Adm'x. W, A. WIBST. Attorney for Admlnatratrlx, Klamath Falls. Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned baa been appointed by the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, administrator of the elate of EllaabeUi Foster, deceased, all per sona hsvlng claim against aald estate are hereby notified to present the ame to nie or. at the office of my attorney, O. O. Eby. In Oregon City. Oregon, duly vertfed as by law re quired within all month from date hereof. Dated April 22, 1920. First publication April 23. 1920. U.t publication May 21, 1920. JOHN R. BOWLAND, Administrator. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Administrator. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Allle Foor, Plaintiff, vs. David F. Foor, Defendant. To David F. Foor, above named do fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required ta appear In the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 28th day of May, 1920, and answer or otherwise plead to the enmnlalnt filed against you Heroin or for want thereof, tho plaintiff will anply to the court for the relief prayed tor In the complaint, which Is, tor a decree cancelling the marriage con tract now existing between plaintiff and dofendanL and for such other and further relict as to the court may seem equitable and Just. This summons I served upon you by publication by order of Hon. J. II. Camnboll, Judge of me ac-ove en titled court, which order requires you ia so annear and answer, and is dated and entered April 12th. 1920. First publication April 16, 1920; lat publication May 28, 1920. TYSON klNSEIX. Attorney tor Plaintiff, Tost office address,, (109-15 Fenton Dldge., Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF SILAS P. SCHULTZ, DECEASED Notice Is boreby given that the un dorslgned admlnlntrntor ot the estate of 811ns P. Schultx, deceaflnd, ho mod In the county court of Clackamas coun ty, state of Oregon, his final account as such admlnlHtrator of said estate and that Monday,, the 10th day of May, 1920, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., hns been fixed by said court as the time for honrlng of objections to said report and the settlement, thore- of. , W. H. WKTTLAtJFptl. Administrator of the estnta of Silo P. Schult. de ceased. C. POHlTEnTCTi, Attorney for Administrator, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is herehy glren that the un dersigned Tias been duly appointed by the ennntv court of tho Plate of Ore gon for the county of Clncknms d m'nlstrator of the OHtato of William Edward Nolson. deceased. All tw gnni hnvbg claims agnlnqt said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the office of C. Schuobnl, Oregon City, Oregon, properly veri- I flm) as by law required, within six months from the dute hereof. Date of first publication, April 16, 11)20. 1). II. PUHCKMi, Administrator of Hie estule of William ICdward Nel son, deceased. C. BCIMWIUCU, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF MOLLIE D. BIOHAM, DECEASED Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned administrator ot tho estate of Motile D. Illghain, deceased, bad filed In the county court of Clacka mas county, slate of Oregon, bis final account as such administrator of said estate and that Monday, tho 17th day of May, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M tin been fixed by said court as the time fur hearing of objections to said report and the settlement there of. HUGH fl. MOUNT, Administrator of the estate ef Mollle I). Illgbam, de ceased. C. SCHUKBICU Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, aa executrix of the estate of Augimt Kempln, deceased has filed her final account In the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 10th duy of May, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. In the forenoon of said day. In the' county court room of snld Court has been appointed by snld Court aa the time and place for tlm liwurlng of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published April 9, 1920. LaHt publication May 7, 1920. KLIZA M. KEMPIN. Kxecutrlx, of the ewtsto of AugUHt Kempln, de cerned. WM. M. STONIC; Attorney for Kxecutrlx. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas, Joseph F. Onff, Ilulntlff. vs. I.uln draff, Defendant. To I.ulu draff, ' defendant above named. In the name of the Sate of Oregon you are hereby commanded and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause within sn weeks from the date of the first pub llrntlon of this summons, to-wlt, April 9, 1920, and If you fall to appeur and aiiftwcr, for the w:int thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court here In for Hie relief praye-l for In his complaint, to-v.it, a decree forever dis solving the contract of marriage now and heretofore exlatlng between you nnd the plaintiff and for such othor and further relief as to the Court shall deem Just and proper. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order, duly made and en tered,' by Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the entitled Court, dated the 6th day of April, 1920, directing that aald summon shall be publlHhed In the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six consecutive week from the date ot the first publication therefor. Data of first publication, April 9th 1920. Date of last publication, May 21st. 1920. EDWIN O. AMME, Attorney for Plaintiff. Fourth floor Electric building, Port land, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Clackamas county. Fred Karsten, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Karsten, Defendant. To Mary Karsten the above named defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to be and appear In the above entitled Court on the 21st day of May. 1920. that being six weeks after the date of first publi cation of this summons, and answer the complaint of plaintiff herein; and If you tall so to do. plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded In his complaint, to-wlt, for a decree of divorce against defendant. This summons is published In Tho Oregon City Enterprise, a aewspapor published and ot general circulation In thla county, by order of Hon. J. IJ. Campbell. Judge of said Court, di recting that tho same bo published in said newspaper once a week for six successive weeks, the date ot first publication thereof being In the issue of date April 9, 1920, and the date ot last publication In the Issue ot dale 'May 21, 1920. McIKHJCJAL and McDOUOAL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 905 Northwestern Pank building, Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor Clackamas County, Christine Wlldt, Plaintiff, vs. Richard Wlldt. Defendant. To Richard Wlldt, above named do- fondant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or berore the 21st dny of M.ny, 1920, said date being the expirat'on of six weeks from tho first publication of this sum monm, and if you fail to appear or an swer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tho c,ourt for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing brlwn plain tiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of tho Circu't Court, .which order wns made on tho 8th day ot April, 19?0, and the time prescribed (m publication thereof is six weeks Mjfflig with the Issue dated April 9, 1920" and continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, May 21. 190. RROWNEL.L ft SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Resident attorneys: Oregon City, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , Notice is hereby given that the un- dorslgncd baa boon appointed admin. Istrator of the estate of Henry F. Kroeger, deceased. All persona hav ing claims against said enisle are bore by notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly certified accord lug to law, at the office of Ilrowne.ll A Hlevers, at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publication of this no tice. Dated, Friday, April 9, 1920. WM. F. KKOBOKR, Administrator. IIROWNKLL A 8IKVKIW, Attorneys for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the, County Court of the State of uregon ror uiacaamas i;oumy. Notice. Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of A. E. Mack intosh, deceased, by the county Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county, and ha qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified a by law required, to the undersigned at Oswego, Clacka mas county or to John T. Whally at 612 McKay building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated and first published April 9, 1920. ROSE MACINTOSH, Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un- derMlgiied hu been duly appointed by the county Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Clackamas ex ecutrlx of the estate of August Wll son, deceased. All person having claims aKalnHt said entato are hereby requested to nresent thtm to me at tho office of C. Schuebel, Oregon City Oregoj, properly verified a by law required, within six mouths from the dnte hereof. Date of first publication April 9, 1920. HANNAH WILSON, Executrix, of tho estate of Augudt Wilson, do ceased. . i C. KCHVEllEU Attorney for Executrix. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Clacka ma. , H. C. Campbell, plaintiff, vs. M. A. Campbell, Defendant. To M. A. Campbell, above named de fendant: In tho name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the ex piration of six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this sum mons, and It you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plantlff will apply to the court for the relict prayed for In her complaint heroin, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant and the restoration ot plaintiff's former surname with costs and disbursements Incurred here in, and such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. This summon In served upon you by publication thereof In pursuance of an order by the Honorable J. U Campbell, Judge ot the above entitled court made and entered herein Feb ruary, 6th. 1920. directing thl sum mona to be published once each week for six successive and consecutive week In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper printed and published tn Clackamaa County, Oregon, and of general circulation therein. Date of first publication, March 26, 1920. Date ot last publication, May 7, 1920. GEO. U MARTEN. 309-10 Panama Bids;., Portland, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Conrt ot the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. George C. Cox, Plaintiff, vs. Veva May Cox, Defendant. To Veva May Cox, tho above named defendant: In the name of Pie State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ftjed against you in the above entitled suit on or bofore the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or be fore the 11th day of June, 1920, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the court, forever dissolv ing the marriage contract, heretofore, and now,, existing between plaintiff and defendant and granting to plantlff an absolute divorce and for such other and further relief as the court may deem Just and equitable. This summons is served upon you, by publication thereof, once each week, for six consecutive week, In tho Ore gon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general circulation, published at Oregon City, In the county of Clack amas, state of Oregon, pursuant to an order of tho Honorable J. U. Camp boll, Judge of the above entitled court, made an entered on the 28th day ot April. 1920. Date of first publication April 30, 1920. Date of last publication June 11, 1920. A. C. MtDDlEKAUFF, R. K. WATTON, Attorneys for Plaintiff.: k Postoffice address, 522-523 Henrj building, Portland, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamm. A. D. McVay, Plaintiff, vs. Perry O. Stacy, Mildred E. Stacy, Wil liam II. Beers, Nellie K. Beers, L. S. Slegelman, Jan Doo Siegelman, R. ' C. Epperson, administrator of the estate of W. D, U Epperson, do ceased, Defendants, By virtue of a judnment order, decree and an execution, duly Is sued out of and under the seal of tli'. above entitled court, In the above entitled cau, to me duly dlrced and dated the 30th day or April, 1920, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 20th day of April, 1920, In favor of A. I). McVay, plalntlfr, and agalnut Perry O. Btiwiy, Mildred K. Stacy. William II. Iteer. Nellie K. Beers, I 8. Slcgelman, Jane Doe Klegelman, and R. , C. Epporson, administra tor of the estafu of defendants, for the sum of $1056.10, with Interest therein at t'.ie rat of eight per cent per annum from the 30ih day of April, 1920, and the further sum of $K0, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $rr.90, costs and dis bursement, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situated In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wlt: Th northwest quarted (N. W, 4) of section twenty-eight (28), town ship six (6), south range three (3) eait of W. M-, containing 160 acres more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of a!d execution, Judtrment order and de cree,, and in compliance with the command of said writ, I will, on Baturflay, the 5th day of June, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. at the front door of the court house in the city ot Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. B. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the mortguKe herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment or der, decree, , interest, costs and ail accruing costs. W. J. WIION, Sheriff of Cts'ikamas County, Ore. By E. E. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 7, 1920. RrXlISTEUED O. I. C. pigs, 3 months old. Hotb sex also a black mare, 7 year old, cheap; would exchange for calves or milk st(f.k. M. C. Gregory, Liberal; mall address, Au rora, route I. TRUCKING DONE Any time. Any where. Live stock. Phone Henry Kamp, 168 Sandy, Oregon. DEAD KOR9E3 TAKEN CMh paid for dead cow and down nnd oaf horse. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukl (t-J. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F .Bush, Minneapolis, Mien. MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Preferred PAUL C. FISCHER avr Blda, Oregon City COP IS DESPONDENT AIMS SUICIDE PORTLAND, May 3. Despondent over criticism recently directed at hi work as a plain clotheeman. Patrol man O. U Craig la alleged to have at tempted suicide at bis home at Forties avenue and Forty-eighth street, early Sunday morning by shooting himself witu a revolver. The shot took effect In th left hand. Craig was arrested by Patrolman Nolan and Wright and placed In the city Jail on a disorderly conduct charge. In a note explaining the cause of h action, Craig said that he had no criticism to make of hia superior of ficer, but that every time he partlcl puted In an arrest he wa given un favorable publicity. When ho tried to do his duty, he wrote, ho was ridiculed and criticised That Craig was partly under the In fluence of intoxicants at the time he shot himselft Is the opinion of tho po lice who Investigated. Buffalo Yards Are Again Tied Up BUFFAIX). N. Y., April 30. For the second time within two weeks, every railroad yard In th city was tied up today by a walkout of freight switch men and conductors who are mem bers of the recently organized Yard men' association. Dissatisfaction with delay in tak ing action on their demand for in creased pay was the reason givon by President Edward C. Holbohar, of the Yardmen's association local, for tho reopening of the strike. Reprieve Saves Men Condemned To Die OSSININQ, N. Y April 30. After their friends had abandoned all hope for them, thefour men who were to have gone to the electric ctialr In Sing Sing prison here Thursday night in the f rst quadruple execution sinca the killing of the Rosenthal murder era tn 1914, were reprieved at 7 o'clock last night. Just fur hours on earth remained to the men when. Warden Louis Lawes finished a telephone conversation with Governor Smith and announced the news to the men and their agitated relatives. ,( Tho executions were ordered to be postponed for two weeks, presumably on the strength of Mllano'8 statement to the warden. BASKET SOCIAL SATURDAY Through a misunderstanding It was announced that a basket social was held at the Peaver Creek hall Satur day night hut thla will be held next Saturday, May 8. . , , The social is to bo given by the Hctiool and the proceeds' of the event will go toward the school fund. , A good program has been arranged. OVER CRITICISM AND ANARCHIST LEADER COIIS SUICIDE LEAP FROM WINDOW NEW YORK, May 3. Alfredo Balse do, who, according to government agents, confessed being one of the leading men throughout the United Slatis last June 2, Jumped to his death today from the fourteenth floor of the Park flow building. This floor was occupied by d-part-i ment of Justice offices, where Salsedo. waa confined In company with several others accUHud of complicity In last year's plot. VANCOUVER BAKERS STRIKE VANCOUVER, U. C, May 4. Union bikers of Victoria have walked out. adidng their number to the bakers al ready on strike In Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma,- and Portland, It wa-i announc ed at the Labor temple here today. The prediction was made that the entire Pacific coast would bo affected before the strike was over. , WOMAN FAILS TO IDENTIFY RYAN'8 AIDE BUTTE, Mont.. May 4. Mrs. Cath erine Dougherty, wife of a striking miner, testifying today Into the death of Thomas Manning, one of fifteen men c.hot In a riot near the Never sweat mine here April 21, wa unable to Identify Boy S. Alley a the man she said yesterday rfhe had seen fire the first shot. Mr, Alley Is private secretary to John D. Ryan, head of the Anaconda Copper Mining com pany. COUPLE MARRIED Andrew W. Plnkley, 50, of Estacada, and Kettle (ilbbon, 32, of George, were issued a marriage license Monday and were married by Justice of the Peace Stlpp. A son of Mrs. Gibbon by a former marriage, Raymond Lynch, 14 years of age, was adopted by Edward Naylor of Eagle Creek. The mother gave her on-sent to the adoption. HWS YOUfi BLOOD? Pimpies and Eruptions Mean Bad Blood People who have impure or impover ished hlood shoo Id be careful to take only a temperance remedy made of wild roots and barks, such aa Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is and haa been for nearly 60 years. Ingredient printed on wrapper. The uret day yon start to take this reliable medicine, impure germs and accumulation begin to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the eliminative organs. In place of the impurities, the ar teries and veins gradually get fresh vitalized blood and the action of this good blood on the skin means that pimples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and many (kin blemishes will disappear. Then von must re member that when the blood is right, the liver, stomach, bowel and kidney become healthy, active and vigorous and yoo will nave no more trouble with indigestion, backache, headache. Get Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to-day at any medicine deal ers, in tablet or liquid form, or send lOo. for trial package to Dr. Pierce' Invalid' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Oajllahd, Caxit. "A relative wit poisoned, ner blood t timed to water; the doctors gave her up, said she could never be eared. 8he finally took Dr. Pierce's U old en Medical Discovery, and it cured her. 1 have had six operations, s S wnicn left me tn a . f nervous niaie.wun 'j loss ol sleep ana 7i t appetite. Doctor ' 4 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellet cured me. I gained 30 pounds. Mb. Mas Tbudow, 40S Sutter Street, OAMELS have wonder- ful full-bodied mellow- 7 mildness and a flavor as refreshing as it is new. Camels crualir end Camels expert blend of choi'c : kish and choice Domestic tcbr.cccrv; "vin you on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I What Camels quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find put at oncel It will prove our say-so when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Cmh am od tnnrwhar M actontHlcmlhr wM pacftafM at Sit UffM (oi 30 cn(a, or in pace. 200 carfuvftM) in m iUtmtn eapar-eovvrvd ctrttrn. Wt tlronfly ncommand ffua oaifea Aw (A kfm or enloa tuppty or wtim you (rant RJ. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C " "" PROFESSIONAL D.' C Latouhtti, President F J Mbyi CjMhi The Fitst National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Busines Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Prominent Men Fish j For Royal Chinook m I Covernor Hen W. Olcctt and Dr. R. 1 U sterner, auperintenaent of tne at.e hospital, were in Oregon City Wednesday, coming here to try their luck at salmon fishing. I The warm weather is making flh- ing good and the river U dotted with boat every day. Some good catcben are reported, many of the fisherman getting the limit every day. Home extra big fish have be;n caught thi year, many being caught by people n.dking their f!rat try at the sport. BANK WINS SUIT I A verdict in fcvor of the plaintiff in the case of the Canby bank against H. R. Van Wledner et al waa handed down Wednesday. The bank had filed suit to collect a note of $500 given by the defendants December 9, 1912, and to foreclose a mortgage given to secure payment The mortgage was on property In Canby Gardens. . IDAHO MAN IS SUICIDE WAIXA WAIXA, Wash.,' May 4. Alvln Butler, aged 46, ended his life with a rifle at 1 V: M. today. He was a visitor here from Shoshone, Idaho, and had been 111. At the Agricultural College! State University andiBteTe"Bld Ore. Normal School! classe are o overcrowded, room so , overloaded, and teacher so few, that I tho three institution will have to j close the door on at least 1000 Oregon boy and girls, and perhaps upon twice that number next tall, unless the new mlllage support bill passes on May 21. These three Institution have, when compared with the year when the pre- tnt mlllage upport bill wa passed 1 50 per cent More Students but only 1 5 per cent More Classrooms and less than '4 per cent More Income ent mlllage support bill wa pasted, The fact that higher education in Oregon la In a crisis cannot be said too strongly. Ton are urged to work for the Higher Educational relief measure, and to help it with your vote on May 21. Paid advertisement inserted by Colin Dyment In behalf ot the Joint Alumni Relief Committee for Higher Educa tion in Oregon, 614 Ptttock Block, Portland. POLK'S ca GAZETTEER itf A Knhea THrecterr af eatK CUr. Torn and iiia.ra ia Oresoa and Wuhluftoa, tUlat m l-ripUt Bketeb et earn, plaea, Iaauioa, Shipping- FclUU0 and ClaMU flmt Directory 1 eacb SaaiMvk aaa rnnaiM, B I POT.K CO. Uo, Settle, WvA. M . 8 j Yes Sir-ee? XAr rette to mee fn DIRECTORY C. D. A D. C. LATpURETTi Attomy-at-Lv Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Dank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. O. O. EBY Attorny-at-L Money loaned, abstract furulsn ed, land title examtued, etat ettled. general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. ARTHUR a BEATTIK Attorney CollecUon. and J legal' bustnes promptly and efficiently handled. Oregon City, Oregon Bank of Oregon City Bldg., Phone 21 William Ha-Timond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND 4 HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loan, Iniur- anc. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Pnon II Horn Pkon A-J7I Phono 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, Ore. 0, MARKET REPORT As given by the Brady Mercantile company and Farr Brother. BUYING Creamery butter, roll ... $1.24 Potatoes , t70 Onions, per 100 lbs. $8.00 Butter (country pound), EgK. P d- 5053o 35 Cabbage, per pound Potatoes, per 10 lbs. J&4 -709.00 38c Eggs, per do. Butter, per pound (country). -Sue -68 Creamery batter, powad r-bcu Mill run, 80s -SU5 Oil Meal , J5.M Salt, 50 lbs. high grade ., S1.04 9ata, per 19 lbs. 3.255J0 Hay ...........10 Oat Hay , ..232 Alfalfa hay f 43.0 . Wheat ,...$4.5 Chick food, per 100 Iba Scratch food, per rlOO lb. .$4.60 Riee Bran, 80 Iba IL'S Bone, per 100 Iba. 25.00 Beef scrap's, 100 lbs $7.50 Berk-shire $3.75 Holstein dairy food 100 Iba. 2.5$ Carnation 100 lbs. 2.4 VhoU on ' Cracked coin f M Cocoanut oil meal $3.60 Urrnnd corn - ; ' $4.40 Easter oyster shell . $2.25 Grit, per 100 lb. i $L09 Ground Barley, 100 lbs ..... . Livestock 4uytog Live Hogs -, $4.25 -1415e Dressed hogs........... 18c20o Hons ,..25c33o Spring 25c Prollors ,...23c25o