Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 02, 1919, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Hi.. 1 1 (i of Mel.
Ut n M!...i their Kfr '
r.llf br hr
..Jul, IS'", " u...lll.' .....
, ,, nrmulneni
.. . ....i.ia hi unw ww
' i l l.nd. I ' ""W
)""' ,Th purchaser w
f fLuMi. who m l.k. p...
I ,.ih.r. Mr.. 1. J.
i U, mo w '
making her
r, W, Hrolta
I ..a. etftd
J In, them Mrs
J " ... . In tb rttjf aa the
r. jM .u.M. Mr. Mary i".w.
f T,w furunl. wh,r ht will
r.n.l of Mr. Harlow Wllklna.
r ... Ar After lttl ! nn
f'' iiihrt will proceed to
"k!L, Calif, far lb. $
I u.it,. where he arcoropatt
" . . ,ist,tr. the latter having
H .j id br Mil" "(tin
' BIKhrt 1 on f wlt-al
and lltd
i.i.ni in rw
a,. .....a I I!T uM"?' -i
1 . .,... h.fore leaving fr hr
tii. no Wbl
ut tht city.
ike 'y lor Won
Utwi " tn..tbrln Uw
v. W S if fr Th Ut
f - ta ftBrin frmit lnjrl r
time '. hei br hip
tiflilnB. " n"
. ....j tt,naS. but rrti r
to kr b". Mil WHn
fjrtiaml. br ttnlornt
t e of Mr n4 Mr 11-rUort Mr
I r nH'Tttry. (turprU
i,.'.a-,y hrn tha titnHUlr
b UrfJ t h l"tUM !
rtur4. bJ
i -ri In Cunw, u4 r
. !fc ki i.( r.t.lltltt, tbe
kvti ,inht btlr4.
,t Jlr t. htirtwl tu tt tintrn hltth
i t;v. It b H hu ft III
in k!viitr u"4 t rri.
ttA ba!tfui!y tnrlb In t!4 Ul-
t- i tK :..' "". Thl bintjculor :
j-ttn4 i th Jmeio
..!!. bf Mr i!(-hw'bl( bUb
, ,4 t S'ntolk. Virginia IN
.-tVauUr I .fti !.
Vr Ti)l-r. h l In tbr of
M I'l-nrer, durln the U
'( pt hi father, 0tr4m J, Tylr
''U i In I rt. hi . l Ibl
f-.:r tUf'Ur -n bu y to Kuitwne.
k 1 t Kn I tb" NowtimtK-r
: -.its! Mr Tt)lr mjt b ha r
!!'! kfi4 (nm hi father, bo b
' iWhefifiu bl cMbrt4 !"
. .TOB 1.l". Rtl4 bq h in thl
s'v In rf tsvtln In (h Army
; ! iV'iij.vion )! i.- ml wy ny
;" : ib-iit rrtnrniii wmtt. Mr. Ty
' i H nrklrts unrter th (il. of
T M C. A.
Mr n4 Mr. W. ),rr. whn buv
biwti rpl4hi m uittiUHitttt, bv cone
l l'rtUn4. Th.y wilt rlU In tbil
city n4 rt to tKrupjr lh ri4nr
tf Mm, Ixirr'i Utr. Mr. Annt
rnlll, who bat bo tnkln br
h'm during th wlntur at th ft,rr
httma, Mian r(arti4 to ('atiby,
Mla lluaa Malany of Mullno.
aa In Jrfn CUy Monday, eoinini
"rt to tnt bar- ni, Wrtb llw
ar4, who baa band Uititi( bar alatnr,
Mlaa Ullt lbiarS of I'urtland. Tba
lattr rptintpanl4 her alatnr aa far
a Ibla my. an4 raturnad to 1'nrt-
land Monday aftitrooon.
iiiiiiriiM'wiiiiiiii. i
tltMirt A. Mardlnf. who recently
uttdnrwfftit a aortlral oiwratlon at tba
t Vlnrenfa btltal. Portland, baa
Improved o that ha waa ahla to ba
brouiiht to bla homa In thli city Sun
day. During Mr. Harding a atay In tba
hiiiltal Ian nutntHir of bla frlenda
ralli4 at bla bdlda.
Mra I.ury Matbnra of Wlllamlt,
rrev4 tba nnwa of tba arriv
al of br aon, S. It, Matbart, In Ntw
Yoik. Waltudajr frm ovraa aorv-
I a II ba Won In tba arvlc fur
tba tal I monlha, flflwn montba of
whlrh waa ieui tit Pranre, tb tba
ftl Aero Kquadron,
rtw lli. managor of tba Hoax
bard vara and furnltur atora, who
baa bn at Hhlpprda Hot Kprlng
abnra ha nt fr th betiKtit of bl
healib, baa r,turtm4 to trgn City
Mr llrg la murh Improvan in
baahb. and abla to ta bark to bi
pt of duty.
fr and Mra J. Fuller of Canby
rri to tht rliy WVInrnlay, on thlr
av to JrnnlKg lxlgfl, hora thrjf
rnt on bunion. They alo vliltad
In thia city befor returning la thlr
Hmiie lr. at4 Mra. ulinr art own
r and inanfrr of tha l'ottgo
"amagM of $320 wara Riven Of-
villa Albright l.y a circuit court Jury
Friday In bla caa agatnat tba Crown-
Wlilamntta I'apr company.
Aliirlght allogad that through ngll-
" of tht company ha tuatalnad
rloua Injuria by burning bla arm
whlla ampliycd at tha paper mill.
Ha aaknd for f2.m9 In bla com
Ilia arm waa burnnd on i larga roll
ar, which ba clalma ba fall agalnat
on account of lnawtira footing and
tha rompaiiy clalnmd that It waa ng
llgnnca on bla part that ba waa In
Tha raa ronum4 tha graalar
part f two day.
Arthur HuaUla, who rwcantly
movml hera from Topuka, Kanaaa,
ha bn appoinivd awrntary of th-
Wlllamotta Vally Chautauqua Aaaocl-
atloti and will bxgln bit dutlra at
Mr. lioattla I an attorney but baa
bmn lining Cbaulauiiu work for
"ma ttina and I well qualified for
tha imltion with tha local auoclav
Ho auccoeda Thomaa A, Hurka, who
rniiaupd amiia tltna ago to accept
Biddy Is On the Job'
Rapid Transit Is Used
m m
Eggs Are In the Deal
Talk about aervlco at tha Oregon
City atoraa, w bava It, and no
doubt no city In U Wat can coma
up with tha flulivery of tha good, A
woman euatomur callad tip a grocary
atora Saturday morning and aakad
tha young man anawarlng tha tala
phona If th.y bad any Witting hn In
alM k. Wll. thay bad aavral, and aha
waa Informed of that fact. ha then
aald "I1aaa d bar on a aatllng of
19 gga and dollvar bar to my home
thla afternoon. "Old rilddy" and bur
18 gi?a wra iwnt on thufr way Satur
day afternoon, and aha la now com
fortably aatllng In tha bn bou of
Mra, Jonaa' place.
Birthday Party
Given Miss Spatz
Mint Lucy ftpats of Wlllamutta.
waa vary pleaantiy aurprwea taat
Monday evening when a number of
hr ftianda dropped In to kelp her
calnbrata bar birthday, Tha evening
waa given over to game and mualo,
and a very nJoyabl tltna waa a pent.
Ikillcloua refrtabmenu were aerved.
Including a birthday cake with alx-
teon candle.
Thoae preoenl were Mr. Ileal, the
Miet Harriet Snldow, Helena tro
rnong. Oncvleva tYomong, Meta
HlgKlnbotbam, Edna Ganiaon, Grace
MctMinald, Marian Patiewoo, Mabel
Unon, Katber l-araon. Orlila Oliver,
France Iters, Vena liarnea, Ilelle
Mather. Margaret Manning, Mra.
Spats. Mr. Hpatx. lucy Spat a, Samuel
BpaU, Jacob 8ptg.
Heir, File For w :iS R0I DIES
Prnhnt fit Will.
U riion f Nw Kta. accomnan-
;'Jti.n, Olivt-r Knrgunon, of the
iflAifrriift ftquAilroti. ho recent
, '' an,.- tnitrt lranci. were In
!"-. a f'Ky Thurtday vlalllni
,"'c!i Vrgnaon, ho la atlll in the
"nil, ii i,n h furlough. Ha wa on
';'!" tirhimg liu.i for eight monlha..
-r-'I amuiig thoi who were
I Hir.ded and gnnt. Ho la recover-
; ( (mm the efforta of hla experience
,k It M in th aervlre. He la look
f f'Twnrtl ta the time wh n he will
Iim hi L.n iruhlo ll(Mge from
I (Tidier HhiikIuk. who waa operat
'nr ih Slur theatre before enter
w Iho mirvice, U enjoying a ntonth'a
Ilurlouuh vUitliig hi relatlvea In
and aim) frlond In Oregon
i'liy Wlitiu In Oregon City Thur
i'lsy, hu i a giut ttt the home of
Mr Mil Mr. V. A. l-ona, of Seventh
a'l Miullmm atreeta. Hougleaa la t
ilwiit,i i cump i ,,0( Virginia, nnd I
nieniher of Company 1L 624 Infant
iry- ll Iiihvch the lutter part of next
"k t riiMume hla ilutlea In the
H riny .
Mr- and Mra, Hurry Wheeler of
'lailMmie, hnre purchaaed the bunga
owned by Mr. and Mra. John
""Key. nnd ereitnd aome time alto
Mra. fifirtrude Uwthwalie. who
"r It to the Mulkey family
"r mid Mra. Wheeler are to take
fwnemion of their new homo In the
"psr future, Thla one of the moat at
,raililv iittio hnmaa of that
"nl l modern throughout.
Mr and Mra. K It CwitH-r and
grai hlldrn. Adolla and Nellie liar
on, went to I'nrtlaml Wedneaday
mUt they vUtted Mr Umta lUr
on, a ho underwent a aurglral otera
lion at the Hi Vloeeof hwpital,
Itev I', K Hammond of Ahtand,
furmer rector of Hi I'aul'a Eplaropet
i hurt h of thl city, waa tn Orcgun
Ctly Ytdy. where he vlaltad bl
in. Atomry William and I'hllllp
Hammond H alo lited among hla
numen.ua frlenda while here.
Mr A NfUnti. who called to
I'ortland by the llln- and death of
Mra rn Albright, who died Thur
day morning, returned to Oregon City
Thurt-Uy evenma Mr NeUon and
Mr Alhrijht were former neighlxir
white residing near Mullno.
Mr and Mr Thma Oavla were
In Oregon City Monday They have
old their farm at ru. and will
make their home iturlng the ummr
ntontha at the home of Mr. and Mr
C. K Hpnee, parent of Mra. Oavla.
"If you have any good applea, pota
toe, beef or other farm produce tor
ale aae P. T. Harlow at C. W. Inn.j
Weal Una, and he will pay you ca.h
on delivery, I'bone reel Ac 001." Adv
J E Calavan will return from Mou
niouih thla eveninc. after upending-
aeteral daya In thai city, wttere ne
vl-ltod the Oregon titate Norma!
Horn, to the wife of 8. M Tanner of
Ikilton, Hundny morning, a daughter,
weight pound. The little girl ba
li-en given the name of Mary Martha
It E. Johnaon of Mllwaukle. Koute
i mat aitiona inoae to viu aon
Monday. He haa Jut recently reuirn
ed from New York,
with the Klllntin White Clr-
Thomaa Barker, who baa beta In
the aervlne In Wanes, and la among
the boy Oregon la juatly proud of, ar
rived In Oregon City from Camp Lew
la, Waeh., Friday, and la to enjoy a
montb'a furlotigH with hla parent
Mr. and Mra, Thomaa Barker, Sr.,
and other relatlvea here, aleo with
relatlvea In Urownavllla. Barker re
cently arrived from New York to
Camp Lew!, being in New York for a
few daya after arriving from over
aeaa, and aaya the Red Croa and the
Salvation Army have done much for
the boya In the eervlce, and the boy
everywhere apeak In the blgbeat
pralae of tbeie two organization
Even after arriving In the United
Bute they were greeted by the Red
Croae membera and the Salvation
Army, and were given "eeta" that
were greatly enjoyed and appreclat
ed by the tired soldier boya.
Barker waa with M. G. Company
3624 Infantry, and waa In aome m the)
heaviest fighting. He i recovering
from wounda received to one of the
battlea. Mr. Barker la one of the boya
who will be a gueat of honor at the
big victory ball to be given at the
liuaCB hal! Saturday night. May 3
when the aoldlera, marine and aall
or are to be entertained.
The young man has received nt
menage from home alnce laat Sep
tember, and only a few weeks ago
left France, and even to that time
had not heard Jrora home, although
many letters had been sent the young
man by the relHivee and frlenda. He
waa In the boapiUt aufferlng from
wound for some time.
Maude M. Pearl. Gold Is Marquam
and Lola Hertasel filed Wednesday
for probate of the will of the late
John T. Drake, who died January 4,
They allege that before hla death
he left deed to hla real estate algnl
fying that John Drake, a son, was lo
hold this aa trustee in trust for the
heirs. They claim that the aon baa
bad poiseinion of the property and
derived all benefits from It and failed
to give an accounting to the other
heirs, although they have asked him
to do so.
They. ask the court to appoint O. A.
Marquam administrator of the estate
and admit the will to probate.
The real estate la valued at 17,000
and there Is personal property valued
at $.'00.
Suit Is Entered
To Close Contract
Th orthwei Trut company en
tertid Ult Wedneoday against Jamea
It Athi-rtott to foreclose a contract to
purrhane land In View Acres, Clack
ama county
I'taintlff allfgee Atherton agreed to
port he lot from them and paid
part of th purrhane price down and
atsreed to make monthly payments.
Thl b did for some time but neg
lected to do m later tt is alleged.
A Judgment for the full amount Is
asked and cot of the cane or fore
rloure of the eontract.
A deeree of forerlour was grant
e I in the circuit court Thursday In
the cane of t-ouls Nicola vs. A. A. and
Caroline C. Morrison
The ?; wa over a note for $j.0OO
rivrn by the defendant and a mort
gage waa a!o rt-.cn to acure thia.
I'tNintlff allege defendant failed to
pay me interest ana wie anu
for a Ju.lginetit of $?,"f.S91, this in
cluding taie. costa and attorney a
Grocery and Market
Closed by Creditors
The Merrhiiiita' Protective Associ
ation has taken charge of the store
of K. H Barrett and closed the store
for the time being.
Thia actlt n waa taken after Mr.
Barrel left the city the first of the
week He Wt a note on the door of
the store saying the hi had gone to
Rosi burg nnd would be back Wednes
The Merchants" Protective Assoc!
atlun was notified and aftar Invest!
gallon tit the stock a:i! accounts de
cided to close the store.
No raure Is given for this action
and It was apparent that Mr. Barrett
was doing a prosperous business,
most of which was cash.
Disposition of the stock will be de
cided today.
""'in Dttinbnch. who recently re-
' ly returned from Franca, and re
"'nd hl studies nt the Rend Col
wh ori)gon eny Ft-ldny. Ho
m nin way back from Cnnby,
hi!r hn hud given an address bo
io siiulonta of tha school ou
of his experiences In France,
Whllo iflrB 10 vlHtU(l ng parents, Mr,
""" rs, Dnmbach,
"r. nnd fm ti, irttti anil
' children, who have been residing
"iiKiiuid, California, are to again
uko UP their roalilenea tn Portlltnd.
" ' wui arrive In that city about
May 1. They have sold their home In
j Wfornltt. Mrs, Klnth, noe Edith
)2imY, wng ft f0rmer r0Bdont of this
n,!'i ft"d Mr"' c- Theodore Scheer
i t ,Mr' Mra, I'hllllp Scheer, of
iTburK, wore In Oregon City
X e, i U,?day' Mr' an Mr- Scneer vl8lt
- .. M the home of the lutter'a alster
' J Miller of Gladstone, before
K. It. Leek, prominent farmer of
Clackamas county, hns noma s in
Hedland. wus among the Oregon I ity
visitors Saturday.
The son of Mr, and Mra A. M
Klrchem of Ugati. Is very 111 at me
rmilv home suffering from pneu
Frank Rhodes of Mllwaukle, wa
in this city Monnay. mr, uw
formerly engsged In farming at f-sia
Mr Harry (irler and little daugh
.... i.i, ...I ..!,
i... M.ir ni or l.ouan. imiwu v
tlves In Oregon City Saturday.
Ionurd Hitlllnnn of Oswego, was
among those to transact business In
Oregon City Monday.
n r f'nrr of Logan, was among
those to transact business in mm
city Saturday.
Born. Friday evening, to the wife
of Nicholas Humphry!, of West Jinn,
a daughter.
p. 15. Ornhnm of Elliott Prftlrlo,
waa among the Oregon City visitors
Mrs. Chnrlos Bmlth of Redland, was
among tha Oregon City visitors Saturday,
L. A. RuBsoll of CtiruB, was among
those to transact business here m
, George Hess of Cascade locks. Ore-
la rrttHti
IB 1 .lf -
w vinennt of Sherwood, was an
Oregon City visitor Friday and Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Monaghan
of Got Fourth street. Oregon my.
are receiving congratulations upon
the arrival of a baby girl having two
well developed front tf eth. Tha little
girls, who has been given the name
of Patricia, weighs seven pounds, nnd
whs born Saturday, April IB. Mra.
Monaghan was formerly Miss Cella
Kmsbergcr. Dr. C. 11 Mclssner of this
city. Is the attending pnystcian.
VANCOUVF.lt, April 28. The fol
lowing were granted ft marriage
license Monday:
Edward H. Lawless. 5S, of Molalla,
Or; and Mrs. Mary Waehenhelmer,
43. of Portland.
West Linn Sues
Railway Company
West Unn entered suit against tbe
Southern Pacific company and Walk
er D. Hlnes, director-general, Mon
day. to declare a certain strip of land
In West Unn a public wad.
Thev allege the Willamette Fulls
company platted certain lands in
West Linn, know as the "Willamette
Tracts and the 'Tualatin Tracts"
and designated streets and that the
city placed a water tnuin in one of
these and that the defendants now
claim that It la not a street.
The Oregon City high school team
lost a hard-fought game to hsUcaaa
Wednesday by a score of 4 to 3. on
the Estacada grounds.
The game waa fast throughout and
very few errors were made by eitner
team and the local boya showed great
Improvement over their last game.
They have been practicing hard
during the pant wek and their team
work was an agreeable surprise to
their supporters.
Cailff pitched a pretty game for
Oregon City and was well received by
Cannon. The latter secured a two-bagger,
which was the longest hit for
the local boys.
Smith did good work for Estacada
nit aanirnit a three-base bit.
The next game will be sometime
next week with Molalla and the local
tova exoect to take the game by a
good score.
Louise Kloostra filed petition for
guardianship of the estate of Peter A.
Kloostra. an Insane person. The es
tate consists of property in Clacka
mas county and notes valued at
fl.fiOO. There Is also a policy In an
Insurance company on which 1(1 pay
ments have been made. . .
Oregon City Boys
Lose to Molalla
The Oregon City high school base
ball team took a little trip to Molalla
Friday to try their luck with that
team and were defeated 14 to 2.
The local boys showed a groat lack
of practice and made many errors
Very little team work was displayed
by them and Molalla made runs
throughout the game. Fisher and Kel
logg pitched for Oregon City and did
fairly good work but were given no
The next game for the Oregon City
boys will be with Mllwaukle next
Monday on the local grounds.
Mrs. Edith Piatt, 38, of Portland,
and Charles E. IXmn, 42, also of Port-
In nd, were Issued a marriage license
Tuesday, and Ellxabnth Scheel, 47,
and Poter Rath, 43, both of Blssol,
Clackamas county also secured
wedding license Tuesday.
The following real estate transfers
wore made lust week by S. O. Pill
Irving T. Rati to Chns. A. Dickon,
untune- his bonutlful bungalow for
MOO, Carl Itopp to W. A.
home In Oreon Point, $1800,
J, ll. Walker to Jasper Henderson
60 ncres in Rodland.
A Bnitnsne JMrectory ef efc Clto
ft,S5 ami "'. :. rautsi
hatch otaau-h viae JJ
l,liulnfBIUtlea anil 1 1
pnmuins -7. -4,...,i,.,.
fi4 iHrMOjry aa eaw
euil l'rurewiun.
IfVf.vc Tln -'J:
Abuse, not use ruins
most eyes.
"Have your eyes Examined"
"Th ty y
Tbe Credit Service Association, of
Portland, entered suit against E. K.
Barrett, local merchant, Wednesday
to collect bills alleged due to whole
sale houses of Portland, and con
signed to them.
The complaint alleges 1-ang & Com
pany sold the defendant goods
amounting to $1,951,35, between
March 30 and April 23, 1919, and that
nothing haa been paid on the amount,
Closset & Devers sold the defend
ant goods amounting to $236.54 be
tween April 10 and 16 of this year
and claim that no settlement h
been made.
Plaintiff asks for a settlement of
these amounts and costs of the case,
George William McCarver, one of
the well-known resident and pio
neers of Oregon CUy, die! Wed new
day night at 11:25 after an Illness of
two years. Mr, McCarver underwent
a critical operation 14 months ego
and a second one November 8 in the
hopes of benefitting his health, and
he had been confined to hla bed bat
a brief time wnen nis oeam occurred
No man was more widely known In
this city than George Esquire)
he was familiarly known by hla many
friends and acquaintances. He waa
born In Canemah February , 1855,
and was the eldest aon of the late
Thomas Jennlnc and Mary E. Mc
Carver. early Oregon pioneers, who
crossed the plains In the early days
the father coming here In 1S45, and
the mother In 1854. He was the grand
son of the late General M. M. McCar
ver and the late Mary Anne McCar
ver. the former crossing the plains In
1813, and the latter two years later.
Mr McCarver has resided In Ore
gon City most of his life, except for
several years spent at Ruby Uty
Wash., and also at Spragne, Wash
He was connected with the store of
the late Thomas Charman, known as
Charman & Son, for 29 years, and
had made many friends throughout
the county. Mr. McCarver waa
great lover of flowers, and from toe
time he was a mere lad until the day
of his death he was always seen
wearing a lapel bouquet. The
day previous to his dea'h he request
ed a littl bouquet of blue violets,
and cherished these little flowers un
til he passed beyond.
Mr. McCarrer-a death Is the third
of the McCarver family to have pass
ed away during the past tew months.
His mother, Mrs. Mary McCarver, of
this city, died November 30, 1918; his
brother, Harry McCarver, of Fort
land, died December 14, 1918.
Mr. McCarver died at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Babcock,
of Thirteenth and Washington
streets, where he had made hla home
Mrs. Babcock is his sister.
The deceased waa a member of the
local Elks lodge.
He is survived by a son, Fred K.
McCarver of Venice. California, three
sisters, Mrs. W .W. Myers, Mrs
Charles C. Babcock, Miss Anita Mc
Tarver of this city: one brother.
Charles McCarver of this city. He al
ao leaves a neohew, Charles Bab
cock, Jr., of Portland. He was a neph
ew of Mrs. Mary Hurley of Coro
nado. Cal., one of the early Oregon
City pioneers, and Mrs. Sarah Hilde-
brandt of St Joseph, Mo.
Arrangements for the funeral serv
ices will be held as soon as word Is
heard from the son in California.
The remains are at the Brady fun
era! parlors, but will taken back to
the Babcock home, where funeral
services will be held.
Mrs. Elisabeth Brown, widow of
the lato K. M. C. Brown, and one of
the prominent resldenta of thla city,
died at her home, 302 Molalla ave
nue, Oregon City, Wednesday morn
ing at 6:40 o'clock, after an lllneaa
of several months. Mra. Brown waa
stricken with paralysis several
months ago. and had partially recov
ered from that attack, when she was
again stricken a few daya go, and
never rallied from the effects.
She waa an active member of the
Women's Relief Corps, W. C. T. U.,
and also of th Presbyterlaa church,
She had a host of frlenda In this city
and throughout the county, who re
gret to hear of her death.
The deceased was 70 vears of age.
and had resided In Oregon City for
many yeare.
Mrs. Brown la survived by a sla
ter, Mra. Jennie StilwelL an Invalid,
who haa mad her home with Mrs.
Brown for many years.
Mrs. Sarah J. Albright, a form
resident of Clackamas county, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs
Matt ODell of Cora Avenue, Port
land, Thursday morning at 5.30
Mrs. Albright was born at Spantd
lng, Lincolnshire, England, in 1S2.
and 32 years ago came to Oregon,
first aettling In Clackamas county,
where she resided for 16 years in the
Mulino country. SUteen years ago
she moved to Portland, where etta
has since resided with her daughters.
Mrs. Albright was the daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thurl
by. The deceased Is survived y the
following children: Mrs. Barney Dol
and, Mrs. Van Vleet and Mrs. Matt
O'Dell and Charles Albright, all of
Portland; two sons of Shaniko. Ore
gon, who are Frank and George Al
isne also leaves 21 grandcniMren
and two great grandchildren.
Wlllard P. Hawley, Jr., has
chased the fine home of the
Walter A. Dimlck, on Center street
between Eighth and Ninth and will
take possession June 1.
Mr. Hawley will probably occupy
this home for several years, al
though he has not given up the
plans for the largQ dwelling he Is to
erect on the land recently purchas
ed by him.
Theso plans have been postponed
for the present on account of tbe
great Increase lu building, everything
being nearly double that of normal
times. Mr. Hawley plans to build
even more elaborately than the first
plans called for and purchased the
Dimlck place, where he will live in
the meantime.
Edward Cleaner filed Wednesday
for the probate of the will of tho late
Daniel Closner, who died at Spring
water April IS, 1919. The estate con
slats of real and personal property
valued at $16,750 nd there are sever
al heirs.
Harry J, Feathers filed Wednes
hhv for letters of administration of
the estate of tha late Thomas Henry
Feathers, who died in England March
22. 1919.
The estate consists of personal
property in Clackamas county valued
at $4,000 and there are two sons and
two daughters as heirs.
HMwnrd Tavlor. indicted by the
grand Jury for contributing to the de-
illnduency of a minor waa arraigned
land Riven until the first o! this week
1 1 ojrd en dJTJhrMi ghhla attcney ha en-J
Gustave Grieble of Canemah, died
at the family residence Tuesday ev
ening, his death being camed by
heart disease.
Gustave Grieble was born in Ger
many, November 8, 1810, and left
Germany for England, and after liv
ing were a short time came to the
United States, where he has since re
sided. Mr. Grieble has been a nsl
dent of the Untied States for the past
40 years. .
He is survived by his nephew, G.
Turner, and a niece, Mrs. Agne3 Gold.
His wife died last March.
Chas. Drew Meets
Death in Seattle
Busch Sues To
Collect on N o t e
Frnnk Busch entered suit Wednes
day against John F. Albright to col
lect $223.38 alleged to have been paw
by the plaintiff on a note signed by
him and the defendant.
Plaintiff alleges he signed the note
merely as an accommodation ana
with the understanding that defend
ant would pay it when due. The note
was for $204.33 and he claims that
when it was due Albright failed to
pay and he was required to nsakft the
amount good with interest.
He nsks for a judgment for the
full amount and expenses of the case.
E. W. Fowler Given
Judgment Friday
A Jury in the circuit court Friday
gave E. W. Fowler a Judgment of $70
aeainst John Demntng, whom he al
leged ran into his car and damaged
it. He asked for $100 in nis com
plaint The accident happened at Seventh
and Washington and plaintiff al
leged defendant drove In a careless
manner and was on the wrong side
of the street.
Word was received nere early
Thursday evening of the death of
Charles Drew, a former resident of
this city. The man was second of
ficer on the Dailey Gatzert and as the
boat docked in Seattle he started to
step off and slipped, hitting his head
on the dock. His skull was fractured
and the body dropped into the water.
Mr. Drew lived here about 15 years
ago and was the stepson of Mr. Bel
lamy, a former business man of this
Mrs. Louise Miller
Passes Away Friday
Mrs. Louise Miller, wife of Charles
Miller, of Viola, Clackamas county,
died at the family home Friday
morning at the age of 78 years.
Mrs. Miller has been a resident of
Clackamas county for many years
She is survived by her husband and
ten children, all of whom reside in
Clackajnas county except one son and
daughter residing in California.
The funeral services are to be held
at the Methodist church at Viola
Sunday at 1 o'clock, and the Inter
ment will be in Viola cemetery
Mrs. Mattle Dixon, widow ol tho
late Elmer Dixon, died at 6:30 Tues
day morning from pneumonia at the
Oregon City hospital. She has been
ill at her home in Mountain View
Addition for the past week, and was
removed to the hospital Monday ev
ening. Her death came as a surprise
to her friends here.
Mrs. Dixon was a native of Abing
ton, 111., and was 71 years of age.
She has resided in Oregon City lor
many .years.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs.
Mary Peabody of Abington, 111., and a
nelce, Mrs. I. S. Houlton of 1330 San
dy Boulevard, Portland.
Anna Paterson, 40, and Herman
Dorgor. 39, both of Portland, were is
sued a wedding license here Monday
by the county clerk. .
Mabel (Lillian Crawford, 18, ' and
Harvey E. Cox, 27, both of Oregon
City, also Becured a marriage license
Mrs. Maine Dies
At Mt Pleasant
Meldrum Resident
Dies Friday Night
Mrs. Elisabeth Robbins of Meldrum,
died at the family home Friday night,
after a brief illness, and the remains
are being held by the Brady funeral
establishment awaiting word from rel
atives in the East, where the body
may be shipped for burial.
Mrs. RobWns was a im h e of New
York state, and was 61 years of age.
She is survived by her two sons,
George and Albert Robbins, - iViul
drum. Her husband died som-s time
Mrs. Robbins and sons came to
Meldrum three months ago from
Portland, where they had been mak
ing their home.
Mrs. Nettie Maine, wife of Silas
Maine, died at the family home at
Mount Pleasant Wednesday night at
U:30 o'clock, after an illness of
some time.
Mrs. Maine was 59 years of age,
and has resided in Clackamas county
for some time.
Baked Pears On baking days try
baked pears. Place pears in a deep
baking dish; cover closely and bake
Claude Robinson
Dies On Thursday
Claude Roblnaon died at the Ore
gon City hospital Thursday morning
at 7 o'clock, after a three weeks' Ill
ness. His death was duo to a paralyt
ic stroke.
Mr, Robinson was 38 yenri of ago,
and leaves a wife beM-b's rhnr rela-'