Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 02, 1919, Page Page 3, Image 3

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ti)!m..r.. ! ';
14 .. ....,.t from the im val
ulllf 111!" ' ' ,
,.,, to Vuut l W
Mr Ullmore !""
" . -,.. t!prt rlity, and
"" ,. .:,.r.. llardtety.
"V. -. ... . .
"Daddy" Ji.ir, mm of the popular
bachelors of Cauby, iiUrtalimd about
80 of hi. yotiit friends at hla home
thl iiy Thursday evening. Tba
affair a given previous ( tilt tin
parlure fr-mi Canby. .hr he ha r
aided for uih time Mr, Jums h4
piano U.u Mpmially to hla borne
titl Ihia Mi ba un4 fur lb darning,
lfrrhniKni were takn by the
One of tha fin Sat little garden in (ha
home yarde of Canby la that of Adam
Knight ,nd lis hat a system of hit
own, that will no doubt h of h.-in-fU to
him when tint vegetables are com
mrtiit;i( to make) Ihair appeeranc. He
' t good Und board on which la
wrlttim I h number of rows and varie
ties of ygtblt planted, and thla
hit Wn poalml on tha tardmi fence.
It" ha eight row of pas, four row
of radishes, alt row of lettuce, four
..imix"- t,lHt.kim!iB ahu on Pm,Pi. J Mr. James did hi
, - - ....i.
BoimI ' ! "
..... a.. a
n'" ' ... .., MHis7. a woll -
(jomi STRUT IMPWOVIMINTS. BtiNQ " 'i.ncln to make tholr appear-
l!t,ll - , . i MA0. th ground. Mr. Knight
,,"UI . and Him Vfimiit uiii tt..un,,rH ir iil.n
rnthimlmiile trdnra thla yar, but
Imi 'r . . 4Bj - already ! ,rl ,, iritifvnnit piirtlon of ih r,) fpiriai-rt, rowa onlooa. all
Tkit4 i naaidaa hi A niot aujoyahla lima , r, rrro, iura raw turnip, tort
! ro two row radiKiin. Tn
. wd wi-ra iilanind March 1, and all
r till""
l"""' " k !. faH 11. llml. uiwrlnlontlotit. ( .. .. . . u"" 7"r oul
inir(Miit ll ai iB ttttitttMir of lfsta of t'unliy Aiuutiic whm1 pinntd
io yot o whiln employ.
.,1,1 tl.. ! h or"" h
... w f -- ri. t.. .'
i n marriwl ahortly bofor
I JM litu ih rna t a IVtlat.d
L M., Hath Viii, who f"nliu)
Mr(Ul u"l b"' bt'l' r
ih chr Mr " M' "''
, m& bt
Nan than" thai "' n on It atrwl, hr a fill
watera, Mr, till ha Wn ita, and irunhwd rotk to ba
m'I Aio.ihpf t iiii of iha riiy r-
and Iota of '""tog loipryiunnt t on K
,1 i ul4 l b hatk on land tl Thi ha l-n plow4 and I
hi on roona, ami in inn nr luiura
(rael will bo pl4 TbU rad
ttM4 rrpairmg and Mr llmlk and
hi nti ar dittiitt t& work,
lirtolCn Kroonlrhie, una of Ih prOI"
loh( rllfH of t'anby. la (oln( to
tm)y lifo ih rmaiiuirr of hi day.
Tim family of Mr, and Mr. J. V,
I'H'h ar wnll ri-proannled In tha ar
lr. They baa had 2t rnlativaa anry
ln( (hoir country. Amonc ibftaa wa
thir on, ll'irara. who ha ut r
turtil. and wa In lha Argonna Tot-
8t Mlhii'l, Chauteaa Tblrry
Mr Onnral Minohnr, who wa ma
jor (unoral of lha Rainbow DtvUlon, I
a rouln of Mr. I'ad h. lie ha bwm
tranufcrrod to (ha aviation aortic In
iohnttown, l'a. II alao gradualod
from rollrfa with floiral l'irhln.
and t.w d.y. ai purt hawd a fin- nrnw. oi air. ana r. raicn
(lrarlon.1 0. and 1 now tiaaiml i , " rapiain ana nruiimanu,
I takiiit hi firt iBitn
tmidod tha 100th annlarary obrr
4 by th I'ortiand Iodg t
Mr. an dMn. Robartam and daugb-
tr, Mia Krarn o, gnd aon, K'lward,
motored to Hood Jllvtr Hunday, whera
Ihny atlundad tb t,'hrry Itloaaora
Ftiatlval. Thy had a mot dollgbw
ful trip, and wara much lmproed
wlib tha Hood Rlr country;
ltudr Itlttir, aon of Mr. and Mr.
1), filttftr, prominent rnaldnnla of
Nwnty. mft with i tarioua accldutit at
th ahlpyarda In Portland the lattttr
part of lat wnrk, whn a acaffoldlng
broke, porctplUting blra 30 fo( to
th ground, Mr, Kilter I uftering
from a broken ahouldr and alo from
a frr.clurcd akull, and allhouKb hi I
condition I atill prwariou. bopm
r anlertalnod for hla ricoyry, a
ha ha Improved during tha pait two
day. Mr. ItKter 1 a brolhor of Mr.
Kdward Krugr, of thla city, and
Mra. KruHger baa bwn at bli bdldo.
V. II. Blnttir of I'ortland, reprraant
ing tha Waterhouat A Imtot Cora
pany, waa in thi city on bustiw
Mr. 11, Hoprr, who ba bn In
I'ortland, the pat wwsk vljtlng b-r
daughtrr, Mr. Oeorga Altman, return-
d to her bom Tburadaf evening of
thi weak.
Mra. C, It. Htndmbott and child
ren. Vern l-Roy and Cecil Bo. of
Mouilla, who have brn at the home
of Mr. H. Bopttr, lft for their home
Thuraday evrnln-,. Ocll Rom, one of
the f!nat you n Ruler born at Can by
made hi pparatne at the 8opjr
home April J7. Mr. Hnlorhot w
formerly Ml fva 'Hutchlnaon of thi
te haili tirti.ry fS o by
Ctr.h'j by ie opr th t' in the
tfA i,!..rr islwftf Wn dfltfo, and
ittt m fo.t .f th nti Miit.nai
u-i. u itrnii niu.h atfntu.n
ri b f-n by th palng
ttwh th "y of Cat by. aod th
r: of tbi rity i pi tid of what
l Ma !cinilhr,4 by tha patriot
iMi.lchi i t tht atlon uf lha
(wrir t oiitir ijta i,l
lit i!untay winiot. My I0, th
M(i"t)rnt i to Initial numlwr of
nuMUM. and a ort ttf from
ru4 ' br to put on tM
smnwy tcrntiony A larg crowd
6 duuW tie in attpndanre It
fmats! ar to be aorrad.
Within a fw
t 4r more he will be able to operate
th car. and I planning to make many
trip Mr ami Mra, K'lrtttg have ; by Carlton It
ro!pil in Clarkama county for Turkey .,,.
Th following are tha price quoted
lloaencran Wednday:
,.....,.,, tit
many yrar. but there ar many it "in ,,,
pitiro t( tmrrrat hr thy hate i Hprtng
not iit4, by are bow content itt ((( . , ,.
Ing iiig huh of the country of ; Old Ronatrr
t'larkama county, jOe ,
The utMtiobit waa purrhaand from imcka ., ,
I .rut Hrwthor. of tbi city, V, II I'ort- j Rstttnr ,...
er. (otinerly tif Oregon City, but whog
b aeatn tkn up hi rwaldiuo hre,
making (he le.
... .. m
.... oe
V,ty frmr n4 othera nlxrtl
r in the o i ration of the For4
trft"f aittirtand the 4rmntrathin
t M kburg Kri4ay and Hatur
i1 Th" 4tmm(ratlon wa In
itt of tiraht Wbi( and bl broth
tf, J Vhit.u4 pcral farmer are
(oafKKpktltjg pun baaing the tract
w iht be born found valuable
la h Urmrr
Mra Roacoe Mack, a former rtl-
dont of Canby, but now of Portland.
t'anby boy la the mrvke will bi Wl n ihl city Ve4ne4y. where
iwr4 from llirougb the coiuron of , h aa looking after property Inter-
the Orrgun iity f4irprie. ana mi Mr Mack alo vUltod among
lpr in the Canby department chjnnr fr,,n,)( before returning to Tort
-k, wbow Urttvr ar furnihe4, A Mtl,i
moat iulereattn Itftler Will appear In i
nt w?k' t.u from laul 8, Scbau-. Mr, and Mr W. It. Hann, of Olad-
b.. who i ttione4 at Tout. Franc. ne. have com to thla city to make
and la with th s:S Aero tJquadron, thlr future home. They art to oceu
Ibi having bm written lo lb young py the home of Mra. Danna Iter.
nan a oarenta. Mr. and Mra Otto! Mr. William Cantwell. who ha been
rU haubol, who bav ihrw aon la lb i spending the wlnlr in Ciladatnne. ha
.rrM.p. Ia. I'aul and Joe, Thla let- Uo returned lo (hi city.
. .., ... .. u I. . ..Mvlult.l,.!
ler will give eie i u" n(mivj
the young man baa had ainca entering
Many young pople of Canby are
contemplating attending the ball to be
given at th limwh hail, Oregon City,
Huturday evening, May 3. given In
honor of the reluming noldlcr, ma-rim-
and aatlora. Tbo on furlough
are aUo to attend, and one of the
featurra 1 that the young men having
bt,en in the -rvlc are to be admitted
froo. '
SG S. Roeenduul. of Portland, waa in
Canby Tu-day and Wednemlay.
(. A. Wood, accident and health ad
Junn-r of the tte, wa among thoae
reelntered at the Cottage (he later
nnrt of the wek. Hi home i In
Dr. and Mra. W, J. Tbompon and
family, of Salem, were In Canby Sun
day and Monday. While here they
were guevta at the Cotare.
l-ilgar Hexter. of Portland, wa
among those to tranaaci bulne here
Tuesday aod Wednewlay.
Mr. and Mrs. Bulger, of Seattle,
who have ben vlalilng In thi city
have rrturned to their home.
i (he rvlc and up to the prenl Urn.
Mm. Anna Olbwon. of Mackuhurg
wes among the Canby lltor Wed
nemlay. Mr. Olbaon baa four anna In
the aenrtr.
Among the Canby poople who will
( anby will bava pew meat market. S" ' corvama to atiena m. -amor
Kl M, t. CARTLIOQE REELECTED and will op,a tbi. week with Otto " V- . . r
w-hil. h oftiri.1 announcement haa 8dlllutj,( owow d proprietor. Mr. j Coll. r John (.a.tmck, ( ra g Ded
knni 4e by lha Canby achool bmxi. ' tio.aub.l baa t4 the building on C j "n. Kenneth lb-mlg. Roy Zimmer
trvel owned by Walker at Uralxlea, ol
K U (xn'-ralty known that Mra, II.
R rrt!l.Ue. of Oregon City, baa been
nWa principal of th Canby high
k1ioI fur the coming year.
Mb tumbath. gradual of !ld
it. and recently returned from
fnaca. ha alen been elected 10 po
uuiifl In the nigh achool. 111 bom I
It Oregon City
Drug let i Treatment1
At the Cottage Hotel,
Canby, Oregon
Biirc!wHnt In Chronic .
man and Wayne Hampton.
Portland. Tbi building ha boon thor
oughly renovated. ud rcpapr4 nd
painted. Tb paporiug and painting
ha beon don by Hale Patch, and
th carpenter work ba been don by
K4 Bt hull, of thla city. Tb main lor
room I 1130 feet, and th rear and
work room 1HS0 fL Th cold atc
age room I 818 fwt.
Mr. Hchaubol ba re.lded In Canby
for th pal aeven year, tnd wa
formerly connected with th Allen
Meat Market, j
Hate Durham, real (! nrm.1
have wild 61 acre of land owned by
i W, W. Ktohaitgh, near Harlow, to Cur-
tl. It. Ounaotl, of thi city. Mr. uun
aell ba rented thi placo to t family
by the name of Mooney.
Tbi firm alo aold tha W. O. Lamb
trnct. In South Canby to W. W. Klo
baugh. Mr. KU'lmugh will take poa
aeaaiott thi week.
Dr. and Mr J. Puller motored to
Jrnnlng lvlge Wedneaday afternoon,
where they transacted bulne.
Adam Knight, secretary of Canby
I. O. O. F. I odga No, 56. went to Port
land ratur4ay evening, where h at-
Auto Frm Welding
Oxy Acetylena Welding and
Auto Springs Welded and Re
builtWork Guaranteed
Gilmore & H&rdesty
Third and C Streets
Phone 25M7 CANBY, ORE.
Judge J. U. Campbcff 8 Glen Oak Farm, 3 miles
Oregon City.
southeast of
Take this
opportunity to
learn about
C- - 1 -i. -t A m
i , . e
Take this
opportunity to
learn about
Two machines on field, one demonstrating the remarkable
power of this small tractor. The other tractor will be taken
down and instructions given in assembling and repairing it
II K. Moore, of Wlnlock. Washing
ton. who ha been I nlhl city for
everat day, bat returned to hi
Ml Edith 8andne. of thla city,
Rod Cro nure, ha gone. to; San
1-VanrUco. where aha la to pnd the
ummnr with her aieter. Mr. lura
Smith, formerly ' of Canby. Ml
Sandnne la having a most delightful
time since arriving In the Bay City,
and says there have been gresl'dem
migrations upon the arrival there of
the California boys from over-seas.
Being associated In the Red Cross
work. Miss Sandsness is taking
special Interest In-the homecoming of
the boys of Uncle Sam.
Charles IL Sheldon went to Port
land Wednesday, where he transacted
Misses Emma and Ella Parker, of
Oregon City, havo opened a musical
studio here on Main street, and are
representing the Theroux Music
House In Oregon City. They have
also opened a moving picture theatre
and pictures are shown twice a week.
This gives the people of Canby a
place of amusement, besides the other
entertainments given by local talent
On Sunday a vaudeville sketch is
The meeting of the I. 0, 0. P. Lodge
will be held at the lodge rooms Frt
day evening.
The Rebekah Lodge has selected
dolocates to the grand lodge that con
vones at Salem May 20. and are Mrs.
Adam Knight and Miss Hasel Vin
yard. At the next meeting of the order
nlans are to he made to go 10 me
assembly, when it Is expected a large
number will po to Salom. At this
nice! Ing there will also be Initiation
of a candidate.
Grunt White, of this city, accom
panied by bis brother-in-law, T. R.
Haines, of Oswego, have made sever
nl trips to Oregon City during the
nast week, where they have enjoyea
flfhlnu. Orant caught a fine salmon
the first day. and on the second day
Haines had the luck.
Mrs. Frances Green and James
Knupesch were among those going to
Hood River Sunday. They accompanl
ed the Robinson family,
The Crown Willamette Inn has
contracted with tho local creamery
! fnr hnttor to be shipped to Its Inn
at West linn. Each week this com
pany ships to that place 120 pounds
of butter,
Ernest Schmid, who has been the
butter maker for the Ctmby cream
ery since the company was establish
ed, has had 20 years experience as a
butter and cheese maker. For the
present cheese la not being manufactured.
One hundred Dew homes In Oregon
City will be built thi yr nd sold
to tb working people of this city on
lb easy payment plan according to
(he tentative plana of the housing
committee of the Live Wires of the
Commercial Club,
This commute ha the plana of a
co-operative building and loan aasocla
tlon In the formation which call for
a corporation with capital of JDO.OOO
to b subscribed by the monufactur
ing, business and property interest
of Oregon City. The corporation will
have no salaried officer, overhead
expense will be kept to the minimum
and the homes built and placed In the
worker' bands at absolute cost
Oregon City ba suffered from i
lack of houses for year. The short
age became so acute thi year that It
was evident the city's further growth
wa at a standstill unless the situa
tion was relieved and at once. The
apparent need caused the Ure Wires
to appoint committee of business
men composed of A. R. Jacobs, chair
man; Uoyd Riches, secretary; Will
ard Hawley. Jr.. Al Price, A. C. How
land and John R, Humphrys to pre
scribe a remedy, Thi committee
made It first report Tuesday even
ing. The report was accepted and tne
committee made a permanent body to
perfect the plan until (be time for
turning the affairs Into the hands of
the stockholders, to Incorporate and
follow out the functions of the co-operate
corporation arrives.
Although definite plans of the or
ganization are very meager, volun
tary offer of subscriptions of nearly
half the desired amount have already
been made to the committee from a
very few of the many business Inter
ests of Oregon City. And the experi
ence of several private building con
cern which have put up houses at
a profit to themeslve Indicate that
It will be a comparatively ea7 mat
ter to sell all the homes that can be
built this year. ,
Following Is the report submitted
to the Live Wires:
In compliance with your Instruc
tions your committee of invest!.-;
tlon in the matter of better Sousing
conditions, have had several confer
ences, and have formulated in the
rough their ideas as to whet the best
plan of procedure would be to meet
the requirements of oar local situation.
"Our idea would be to organize a
company wita iju.uou.uu capuai.
which money would be used 1 pur
chasing the building sites and con
structing houses for workers in this
city who with to secure their own
houses on an easy payment basis.
to oMala th amount required can be
obtained through th various manu
facturing plants, banks, business
bouses and property owners of this
city, ,
"We recommend thst Immedlat
action on thi matter be. taken and
that a committee be appointed to
work out further fetalis and proceed
with the organization, should this
plan be approved by the Uf Wires,"
Respectfully submitted;
A. tl. JACOBS, Chairman
San Francisco Physician Lets
Patients Pay Him in Bonds
Rather Than Cash at Par
Tbi reads or tastes or looks like the
foam of a press agent's brew. But It
isn't It actually happened although
It la propaganda.
There is a physician and surgeon of
high professional standing In San
Francisco who. If he wasn't Irish,
would be Scotch. He Is that canny.
The other day le met a friend of
bit, a stock and bond expert "Doe,
aa bis friends call him. fa always look
ing for Information. He pumps every
body and they like him for It So tb
bond man wasn't a bit surprised when
-Doe" shot thi at blm:
"How about th next Liberty Loan
It It going to get overr
"It sure will,' replied the bondman.
"It's going to be the last and the best
of the Liberty Loans,
"Advise me to load npr persisted
" sure do best security In the
world year from now It will be worth
half again as much as you pay."
"Well I figured it out that way my
self." confessed the physician. "Of
course I waa going to buy anyway, but
I think 111 strain everything a bit and
really load up."
"SuDDOse you've got previous is
sues T asked the bondman.
"Sure, and what's more I'm still pil
ing those Liberty bonds up. Every
time a patient offers them In payment
I grab them. They took good to me."
"You're a wise guy hang onto tnem.
Doc I've got a few myself. Gotta
date with the wife so long."
A reception to tha returned sol
diers and sailors of Beaver Creek was
held at the Heaver Creek hall FrMny
evening, and was largely atten.t"l
The returning boys were given a
most cordial reception, and one of
the features that pleased the hoys
was the sapper that had been provltl-
i ed.
A program was given during thi
evening, when A. V. 'Parker of thi
city, made a patriotic address, and
Mi Naomi Armstrong, also of th Ih
city, favored her audience with sev
eral selections, (she was forced to re
spond to a hearty encore.
During the evening $2000 worth if
bonds were disposed of, and this lit-
tin settlement of Clackamas county,
again showed Its patriotic spirit.
Among the boys returning from thi
service and attending the entertain
ment were Max Jfolman, who ha
been In Germany with the Army of
Occupation, E. .0. Fisher, who has
been with an aero squadron, Dave
Harris, also with an aero squadron,
stationed in England. Mr. Edward.
William and Griffith Roberts. Roo-rt
Iteatie. who has returned from the
navy, Robert Lynch, John Watt and
Lloyd Schram.
Mr. and Mrs. George Eberly of 4 IS
Ixigus street, of this city, announce
the engagement of their daughter.
Miss Gladys, to Otto J, Buol of
Clarkes, the marriage to take place
In June.
Miss Eberly is a well known young
woman of this city and Mr. Bnol Is a
prominent young farmer of Clark'.
He recently received his honorable
discharge from the service, being in
the Infantry.
The young couple will make their
home In Oregon Cit.
Half a billion dollars was saved by
the War Department up to April 1st by
cancellation of aircraft contracts.
These contracts, according to the go
n i a,. t nntonintai- the Urnment statement, are only a small
purchase and development of any par- Prt of the MV'1, ,b b" " d
ti,tar tract of brnd. but to list up , T bandonment of contracts for war
Home Found For
Lonsome Canine
EMSSt iHflpel BMI JFa
1523 Seventh St.,
Fordson Tractor Dealer.
Exceptional bargain in a used pi
ano, Tnis 18 a real miy. r.asjr irm
Theroux Muslo House, 110 SeTenth St.
t CASUALTIES OF U. S. 285,950
i WASHINGTON, Aurll 23. $
The war department announced
$ today deaths from all causes 4
total 73,344, of whom 33,887 S
4 were killed In action, 14,190
died of wounds, 22,986 of dls-
t Pn(e, and 4,281 of accidents and $
sll available building sites or lots
that can be had at reasonable figures
In Oregon City or tributary to Oregon
City, such as Gladstone, Canemah,
Vfst Linn. Parkpiace, etc.
Plans of various types of houses.
bungalows, or small homes, will be
secured to meet the various demands
as regards number of rooms, sixes
of houses and prices.
These houses will be sold to the
workers on a basis of 10 per cent
Immediate payment of the cost of the
lot and building and the remainder
on small monthly payments, com
mencing after the houses are complet
ed and turned over. These payments
to run over a term of year and to be
practically the same as rent, but to
be figured on a basis of principle and
Interest being paid toi a to'tn ol
years, so that outside of 'he initial
navment. the Purchaser of one of
these homes would practically be
paying rent
"We have not gone into actual fig
ures as to cost of houses, lots, etc,
but are of the opinton that suitable
houses Including the lots can be built
til the way from ?13C0 up to J2500;
possibly most of them would run be
tween St. "00 and $2000 Including
ground. We propose that each house
should have a full lot so there will be
rocfm for a small garden.
We believe that with $50,000 we
could finance the proposition on
basis whereby we could build some
where between 50 to 100 houses the
first year should we secure that many
annlicants. and this certainly would
go very far toward relieving the sit
uatlon and would be an ideal way for
the workers to obtain a home In an
easy manner at actual cost.
"With $50,000 we could easily fin
, . . . hi i j i
ance a proposition to ouiiu an inueu-
nite number of houses, for the con
tracts as they were made, could be
turned over to Banks and additional
money "borrowed on them at a very
reasonable rate of interest, so the
money could keep turning over and
over and houses could ba kept build
Ing right along.
"Our plan la to work this on the
"basis of turninir. over the lot and
building at actual cost and It la not
money making scheme In any sense
There would be no expense and the
interest rate should not be figured on
a basis of more than 6 per cent. W
would not start the construction of
any of the houses until we had con
tracts for ten or fifteen and would let
contracts tor this number all at one
time, thus saving architects fees and
being able to buy building materials
at much better advantage and getting
houses built a good deal cheaper, ao
that the workers would be getting
houses on a basis of non-profit ana
based on quantity production.
"The subscribers to stock in thla
organization would not be running
any chance as to loss of their money
and the plan considered would prob
ably return them about 6 to 6 per
cent, on their Investment, Of course,
they could probably make a little
more on money invested In other
ways, but tor the good of their town
and benefits every one would de
rive from the operation of this plan,
they would indirectly receive more
benefits than by getting a higher
rate of interest on tha investment
throuKh other channels.
material. In spite of these savings, the
statement adds, material costing mil
lions of dollars will have to be paid for
largely through money to be raised in
the Victory Loan.
The Initial Dig.
"Has tbe excavating been begun for
your new bouse yetf
"Yes; Tve dug up a thousand dol
lars advance money for the contractor."
Doctor You are badly In need of
Patient I know It doctor; but I
guess I can raise enough to pay your
County Commissioner W A. doc
tor of Pleasant Home, in the Sandy
country, was among those to transact
business In Oregon City Tuesday.
Mr. Proctor, who took chargo of the
personal effects of the late Martin
Berg, who committed suicide near his
little cabin on the Proctor piac,
which he waa clearing, several wee-cs
ago, said he bad found a fine bonus
for old "Sandy", the aged man's p-::t
dog that was left at the little cabin.
Mr. Proctor had promised a number
of women, who were at the seem" of
the suicide and who pitied the poor
lonesome animal who had lost hi
master, that he would find the do? a
good home. He is a man of his w ird
and this was again proven on ;hia
Paul Dunn, one of he well-known
residents of that place, and who also
has a heart as big as County Commis
sioner Proctor's, has taken the dog
and has provided a the faithful old
anlmal with an excellent home, an I
he Is now perfectly contented wit!i
the new surrounding. Mr. Proctor
took the white tabby to his home, and
it is now happy with the other cats
of the Proctor fnily.
A number of residents of Oregon
City hearing of the dog bereft of his
master, had desired to "adopt" him,
but since old "Sandy" has found a
home In the country he will probably
be more contented than taking up
city life.
"Shake before taking," read the fe
ver and ague victim from the label on
the bottle of medicine.
"Talk about your sarcasm," he said
to himself: "that Is sure the real
The Sort
Politician 1 want some one to clear
mv character for the coming cam
Friend Why not employ
Real Estate Transfers
Katheflne M. and A. J. Dwyer, Al-
vin M. and Minnie Mowrey. sectlin
18, T. 2" S., R. 4 $1000.
Northwestern Trust company, to
Charles Krauter, lot 22, Barwell, $10
George W. and Nancy A. Reiser-
ling to A. Stefanl, lots S to 8, block
2, Albert Lee addition to Canby, $;:(.
John F. and Sophie Koehler to
John W. Koehler, section 4, T. 4 S., R.
E., $1.
Charles M. and Catherine R. Ogles-
by to E.L- and Catherine Walters. T.
2 S., R. 2 E., $10.
Northwestern Trust company to
Agar L. and Effie R. De Yoe, east
half of lots 41 and 44 and lot 42, Plna
von, $1.
- I LJtr- 1
We received a large shipment of the
Stradivara Phonographs priced at
from $60 to $200. Sold on easy terms.
The leading phonograph in the market
today. Theroux Music House, 210
Seventh Street Adv.
Alnt It Thought
Puffer They tell me old Tttewodd
hasn't bought his wife any new clothes
for two years.
Duffer That certainly Is a shabby
way to treat her.
Know Anyt
Mrs. Casey And phwat kind of a
woman Is Mrs. O'Houlihan?-
Mrs. Mahoney Bedad, she's the
kind that will bite off jer nose behind
jer back. ,
I have purchased the Waer shop In
Parkpiace. Reasonable prices. Satis
faction guaranteed. Your patronage
Gosh! ITow my back aches!
After influensa or colds the kidneys ana
bladder are often affected called "ne
phritis," or inflammation of the kidneys.
This is the red-flag of danger better
be wise and check the further inroads of
kidney disease by obtaining that wonder
ful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's known as
"Anuric" (anti-uric), because "Amine"
expels the urio acid poison from the body
and cures those pains, such as backache
rheumatism in muscles and joints.
Naturally when the kidneys are de
ranged the blood is filled with poisonous
waste matter, wnicu seiuw m -'i
ankles and wrists; or under tho eyes in
bag-like formations.
Dr. Pierce's Amino is many times mora
potent than lithia and often eliminates
urio add as hot tea melts sugar.
Madera, CoJ. "I recommend Dr. Pierta's Anuria
very highly. I hav tuffered for the laat three years
with catarrh of the bladder, having tried every
remedy I heard of but without relief. I as
advert iaed la tbe paper and like a drowning nwm
grabbing at a at raw I thought I would try it aWi,
which I did with great tucceaa, as it relieved aa
almost immediately boforo I bad taken if.
trial package, aod having great euuGtkma iu !.
remedy I immediately aent to tha drug tore aod
bought a package, I can Bay to all Buffering from
anydiaeaaa of the kidoaya or uric acid troutba, try
thia remedy and sutler no ty:t. I have grr..-.t