Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 11, 1919, Page Page 2, Image 2

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' iliwiiii' ' " mmi
Briefs From
All Over the
WILSONVIL1E. April 8 Mr. and
Mrs. George Derr and Mr. and Mrs.
Nuerer, of Portland, visited their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Anton Batalgia, on
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Nellie Angus went to New
berg Thursday and will be gone tor
aome time.
Chas. Thompson Is making the
rounds of assessor's duties In this
A splendid social time was had on
Tuesday evening at the first meet
lng ot the Community Club of Wil
John Say spent the week-end In
Eugene visiting bis brothers.
Mrs. Robert Graham took the de
cree at the Grange at Sherwood,
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baker and lit
tle daughter have been making
short visit at the home of Mr. Baker's
The neighbors and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wiedemann gave
them a surprise party Wednesday
evening, April 2nd, the occasion be
ing the seventh anniversary of then
A farmers meeting was held In the
school house Wednesday evening,
April 2nd, at which time County
Agent J, W. Scott, Mr. Olmsted and
Miss Anthony were present and ad
dressed the audience. Much interest
was manifested in farm problems,
and committees were appointed in
the different districts to help with
the farm bureau work. The ladies
were deeply Impressed with the work
of the home demonstrator, Miss An
thony, who will meet with them in
the near future for the purpose ot
showing them how to device tireless
cookers and Ice less refrigerators.
Mr. Chas. Wagner was chairman ot
the meeting.
P. Wiedermann is enlarging his
grounds and will have new buildings
to keep pace with his Increasing busi
ness in which his brother will soon
arrive to assist him.
earliest possible time, as otherwise
she will have to leave their home
stead tor a part of each year for the
sake of her son. Mr Tidd has work
ed for the Hawley Paper Co. for
some time before filing on his home
Mr. Lamb Is farming the Fracly
place in additin to his own.
Little fourteen months old Alice
Badger, who scalded her arm severe
ly with a cup ot hot coffee, a . tew
days ago. Is recovering rapidly.
The feed has started just a month
earlier than last year. This rain Is
valuable to keep it advancing.
It is rer-orted that Elmer Swoke
has just bought a new truck to use
in hauling lumber from his mill.
This is surely an improvement over
the old way.
MACKSBUKG. April 10 The
thought that war with all its deplor
able consequences Is not without
some good is quickly endorsed by one
coming Into contact with the people
of even a pro-German and anti-Amer
ican community.
A pleasant greeting everywhere
meet the canvassers for the Refugee
Clothing Drive as well as for any
other War Relief measure. Those
who have always stood by their
country are ever ready to appreciate
the "Turning of a new leaf In the
The Red Cross members are all
hard at work In their own homes pu
ting the house and garden into shape
to be left without detriment when
new supplies ot work shall be re
CLARKES .April 10 Gustave
ewe Is working for Mr. D. T
hnke in the sawmilL
Miss Bernice Card is working for
her sister, Mrs. Clyde Ringo at pres
ent Born to the wife of W H. Wet
tlaufer a son, Monday morning, April
7th. The little one weighed 10
James T. Marshall, who was in the
service in France, was discharged
and came home last week.
Rudolph Hoag and Miss Elizabeth
Marshall were married last week and
left for Idaho where he will be em
ployed. The Clarkes school gave an ice
cream social last Saturday evening.
A fine program was rendered by the
Arthur Hornschuh and family were
in Oregon City last week.
A. F. Buche from Portland was out
visitirg his family last Sunday."
Charles Gasser is working In
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leewere in
Oregon City last week.
Mrs.'AdHne Hubbard and children
from Maronam are visiting her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Gasser for a short
Mr. and Mrs. David Moehnke and
sons Lavern and Marlin visited his
nephew Henry Frazier, of Parkplace,
last Sunday. Mr. Frazier has just
returned from France the past week
Charles Bell Is hauling lumber for
D. F. Nwehnke.
and Mrs. Fred Creason and family,
Bill p-"1 n'nh Myers went to Ore
gon City Wednesday evening to see
the trophy train. The only trouple
was there were so many there that it
was hard to hear and see all.
Born Wednesday, April 2nd, to the
wife of Harold Horner, a daughter.
Herman Chindgren and Glen Lark
In made a business trip to Portland
R. S. Oren and family of Union
Mills visited Fred Blackman Sunday
Allen Larkins was able to go back
to work Monday, after being laid up
since January 17th with his feet.
Joe Gerber, of Springwater, spent
the week-end with Edgar Horner.
The Literary Club expects to have a
basket social Saturday, April 26th.
Mrs. P. O. Chindgren and Ruth
Chindgren visited at A. L. Larkins
Sunday afternoon.
Elk Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, April 10. Joseph
Ko' hl'cki b'-ought his cow and calf
to his homestead over the Elk Prairie
trail. He shipped them from his farm
home near Vancouver, Washington,
to Oregon City, then drove them the
rest of the way by way of Molalla.
Jay Fhnw and his sister in law,
Mrs. Johnson, have returned to
Washington, the latter s former home
Grs Collins has gone out to work.
The two men have been partners for
the pa-rt two years, but sold out a
short time ago. Mr. Shaw still owns
a his locality which they
had Intended to move onto until his
wi e's tferth last spring changed his
plans. They were formerly Wilson-
Mrs. Wm. Lamb and Mrs. Chas.
Tidd and their children were visitors
at the Padger homestead a few days
ago. Mrs, Tidd seems very anxious
to have a school at this place at the!
SHUBEL, April 10 Henry Fraxer.
of Parkplace, who has just returned
from France after having been in the
service sincethe out break of the war,
was tendered a surprise by a number
of his relatives. Among those from
this locality were Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Meohnke, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
M. Moehuke and daughter Catharine
and Marguerite. Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Moehnke and children Dorman and
Irmautu, Mr. and Mrs. David Moe
hnke and children. La Verne and Mar
lin, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Moehnke and
daughter LaVierra, and Mr. and Mrs.
Otto LIman.
Another "get together" meeting
was held at the school Friday even
ing. The regular business was at
tended to, after which a program was
rendered. A luncheon was served
by the ladies. The next meeting will
be Friday, Apr! 118.
Many from here attended the fun
eral of Mrs. Max Switzenberg last
Friday. She lived in this vicinity
when a girl.
A great many from this place at
tended the surprise party and dance
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Fisher, of Highland. Those who
attended were Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Moehnke and children, Mr. and Mrs
J. D. Moehnke and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Hornhuh. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bohlender, Cash and Roy Seiner
Mr. and Mrs. Zeigler and daughters
Louise and Jennie, Charlie Moehnke,
Henry Hansen and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Moehnke.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Smith went to
Portland Monday on business.
FROG POXD, April 10 We are
glad to hear that Fred Baker's child
ren are all getting better.
Several of the neighbors turned out
to plow and sow for Albert EUigsen
last Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner and son
Norman weJre Oregon City visitors
Wednesday. Mr. Turner was to the
doctors with a bad cut on his hand
which he got by a cow jerking him
against a wire fence.
Mark Baker was an Oregon City
visitor Wednesday.
Stanley Kruse will have his tonsils
and adenoids removed Friday.
FrankShipley is breaking some land
on his new farm.
Mrs. H. A. Kruse spent Wednesday
with Mrs. E. L. Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bowden and
Mrs. F. Schawper of Oswego, spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sharp.
MEADOWllROOK, April 10 A sur
prise farewell party was given Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Mattoou Thursday
night. The evening was spent in
music and playing games.
Ruth Wooster of Glad Tidings,
spent the week-end with Sadie Hill
baoka and attended Literary Saturday
Glen and Allen Larkins attended a
surprise party at Mr. and Mrs.Phelpa
the other side of Molalla, Tuesday
Amos Millard made a business trip
to Portland Saturday.
Esther Staats of Oregon City spent
the week-end at P. O. Schlewe.
Bill and Ralph Myers, who are
I working tor the Horner & Millard Co.
(have purchased a Chevrolet.
A few from here attended church at
Union Mills Sunday. Rev. Williams
of Molalla expects to preach there
every Sunday at three o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Helno, of Port
land. Sadie Hillbacka and Lars
Miettunen spent Sunday evening at
A. L Larkins.
John Bofto who is working in Port
land, spentSunday with his folks.
There was a large crowd out to
Literary Saturday evening the next
meeting is expected to be April 26th.
Fred Creason and family, who have
been staying in the Ranta house,
have moved into the Orem house.
Mck Miettunen of Astoria, spent a
, Upper Garfield
UPPER GARKlK14,April 10-Sev
eral uew families hive moved luto
this district during the past month,
having taken up homesteads through
the recent opening of Government
land, all of whom are making Im
provements, '
Elmer lVivis recently purchased
the old lrvlu place.
The Grange held their monthly
meeting April 5th, at which time a
Lis chicken dinner wa nerved to an
unusually large attendance. It being
the birthday of both Mr. and Mrs. 11,
II. Holder, a shower of post cards
was tendered them on the occasion
A very fine program was also render
ed. Mr Cromer has purchased a donkey
engine and now has It doing rapid
work getting out, logs to fill his
many orders for rail road ties and
other lumber, '
Mrs. Charity Rawlins, who has
been on the sick list for some time,
Is slowly convalescing.
The chicken Industry Is flourishing
in this vicinity, nearly all having in
cubators which are doing good work.
Ernest Amacher, 40th regiment
band C. A C. who recently returned
from France, was given a dinner
party Sunday at Log Laltarre Hotel
by Mr. and Mrs. II. A. laltarre with
whom he has lived since he was a
small boy. Several of his friends
motored out from Portland to spend
the day with him and all enjoyed
listening to his experiences overseas,
lie has two brothers, Fred, who is
now with the army of occupation In
Germany, and John having been
wounded twice, is now on his way
Mr. Herman Wallace resigned his
position to go to Alaska. R. Thomas
Carter has been appointed District
Ranger of 8 and 9 to succeed Mr.
classes of (he Suntday school closed
Sunday, The pennant was awarded
to the Cheerful Workers, which Is, a
class compose of boy between the
ages of 6 and 10 years. The Raster
services will be held Kaster Sunday at
s;uo o'clock April 20,
Oak Grove
. u.-viv v.uu k, April iu- u, t;, Krum
and Mr. and Mrs. nul Newmeyer
visited the school during general as
sembly Monday morning, Mr. New
meyer lead the singing and Mr. Krum
spoke a few word to the children
wht.h was very much appreciated.
The motor of the water system In
our school burned out Tuesday and is
being repaired, ao It will be ready for
use in n few days.
The Ladles Aid met Wednesday
afternon at the church and tied two
comforters. Ten was served and a
pleasant hour spent.
Mra. John Rlsley nnd Mra. J, A,
Waldron have chare of the nro-
gram for the Derthlck Society of Or
egon City which will meet Friday
The school board has purchased a
new base ball outfit for the school
team, which consists of mask, mitt,
balls, bats, and a tocher ball.
Father Waldron spent a week at
Newberg with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cedarson
spent the week-end at Hood River
motoring both ways.
About 18 young people of the Ep-
worth I eague spent a social evening
at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. New
meyer Friday.
The regular monthly puslness meet
ing of the parents and teachers ssao
elation will be held Friday afternoon
at the school assembly hall at 3
o'clock. Election of officers and other
bUHlness will come before the meet
ing. All ladies Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Moore, of Sea-
Upper Eagle Creek
Mrs. Katie Douglass, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. John Sweenie,
of Stevenson, Washington, returned
home last week.- She had been visit
ing relatives up that way.
Mrs.' Vola Douglass is now working
at the Estacadia Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orke spent
Sunday at their farm home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and H.
S. Gibson attended the birthday din
ner given Sunday at the home of H.
F. Gibson, in honor of th!r tathar'
James Gibson's 93rd. birthday. About
n ot his relatives and friends were
present to help him celebrate.
Mrs. Annie Beckett and daughters
Misses Mable and Vera Beckett, and
a couple of their Portland friends
came out from Portland and spent
Sunday at their farm home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson and
children of Lower Logan, and Henry
and Otto Thun were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass motored
to Logan last Wednesday, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Preister, while
Claude Woodle and family, of
Troutdale, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Woodle Sunday.
ave Money on Plows
10 inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow .... $15.00
1 2 inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow . . . 17.00
1 4 inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 20.00
16 inch Wood or Steel Beam Vulcan Plow s . 22.50
The genuine J. I. Case Power Lift Enicar
Light draft capacity and strongly built. We have too many in
2 bottom size You benefit by saving about $50.
2 Bottom Case Enicar $150
Our stock of spring tillage tools is
Case and Lean Disc and Spring
Tooth Harrows
Planet Jr., Garden Tools, Potato
f lanters in ratt the entire
W. J
tl .7
and Co.
We carry a line of farm supplies not
excelled by any other dealer outside
of Portland.
Mrs. K. Reynolds had Mra, Imw
Hunter of Portland n a dinner guest
Wednesday evening,
Mrs. It. I). Foil.tt, of Lebanon
spent the week-end with Mra. M. Hey.
Bernard Reynolds, ot MeMlnnvlIle,
spent Sunday here at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. VL Key.
Mrs, Etta Wines wait a Portland
visitor Tuesday,
Mrs. Minnie Splvy and daughter
Emma ot Errol Height, visited her
mother, Mrs. Emma Kpanglnr, Mutt
day, L- A, Dullard, of Salem, formerly
of Oak Grove, spent Monday In Ore
gon City on business,
Walter Vlgtes hsa purchased a Ford
ear to use for delivering, Tim deiil
was made by Jnko RUley of Oregon
At her late homo, Courtney Station,
April Hlh.Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Hell
kompor, ago til years, passed away,
licensed ws the widow of the late
Henry Heltkemper and mother of
Mrs. Frank Busi-h, of Oregon City,
Mrs, Hen J, Dresser of California,
Mrs, II. n, TowmUen, Mrs. J, K.
Nlodermyer, Mrs, K. Klrkendall, ami
Mrs. Jullua llroettle. The funeral wll
take place later when the daughter
arrives from California. Mr. and Mrs.
Heltkemper came to this community
over 20 yean ami and built their
homa and made a bmtutlful place
where they have lived ever since,
Mr, Heltkemper panned away three
year ago.
A very Interesting Centenary pro
gram was given In the Community
Church Wednesday afternoon and
evening. A number of minuter
from various churches were present;
among whom were I. T. B. Ford of
Salem, Rev. Gilbert of Oregon City
Rev, Snider of Molalla and Rev.
Srela of Can by.
Community Church : -Sunday school
meets at 10 A. M. This service Is at
tracting much attention among bolh
the young people and parents, Morn
ing worship and sermon at 11,11
Subject. 'The Joy of Converting a
blnner." Kpworth League meets st
7; 30 1'. M. At 8 I M. a Centenary
laymen's team from Portland will
give a program "Our I'art In the
World's Spiritual Crisis."
Mountain Road
aiur.MAr.N KOAD, April 10
Among those front this district who
went fUhlng for smelt last week
were Mr. ami Mrs. J. w. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hellberg, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Kaiser. Maggie Kaiser. Mr.
and Mrs. A J. Hodge and Mr. and Mrs.
John Kaiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Iouln KoeIIrmcr
were Oregon City shoppers Wednes
day. Mrs, Earl 'Uedeman and son spent
a few days lust week with her par
ents. Mrs. John Kaisers sinter from Cal
ifornia, la visiting hor.
Mrs. Iuflod was an Oregon City
visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Koellermoler and
children were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Koellermeler Sunday.
Nells Chrlsiensen whs an Oregon
City shopper Saturday.
CLACKAMAS, April 10-At the
Methodht church lir Clackamas Rev,
O. It, Abbott the castor win rnn.
duct services Sunday A. M. at H
o'clock, Bible class has three preach
ers on Its roll, leading the discussion
for the weekly lesson which Is both
Interesting and profitable. The Clack
mas church has endorsed the Centen
nary movement and Is prepared to do
its part In the work. Sunday school
Is at 10 o'clock.
Airs. A, C. Brandt, Mrs, M. Wlmlmati,
.vim. It. Roley, Mra, A. J. Monk, Mrs,
Uoorga llullook, Miss Alloon Worth
lngton, and the hostess Mrs H, O.
VVurthtngtoit. The nest sliver tea
will bo held at tho homo ot Mrs.
Antltmmn s on tliu Ihtrd Thursday In
'Ilia Oswego school hud mi excel
lent inhibit of the handiwork of the
manual liiiltilng and domesllo sttlencn
classes ot i he Oswego grammar school
of which Chester A. Lyon is principal.
Inst Maturday,
Some of the girls noedlo work and
cookery would have given their
mothers a merry race to eijuul. While
boys had some surprisingly fine
samples of cabinet work on dliipluy,
In another room of the school sever
al juvonllo ranchers had creditable
display of chickens and rabbits. Thu
following were ndjudge.1 winners:
Map drawing, Doris Nolbusch eighth
grade, tllen Keller fifth grade, and
(iranville Wilson fourth grade.flrat
prlno honorable mention, Chester
Nugget, seventh grade. .
Fancy work, first pri.o, l.aurln
Creiigo. fourth grade; Kther Kessler
seventh grade, Alts Wirt, eighth
grade, honorable mention Alleen
Doll dress first prUe, Vera Center,
second prise Elisabeth Merrick, both
primary grades.
Composition, first prlxoDorls Net
busch and Karl Schaubel, seventh
grade. Manual training first prU
seventh grade.llorueii Cochran, seo
ond (irUfl Dust in Hruinbitch, first
prise sixth grade iHinald Myers, sec
Wallace Worthlngton, Wireless out
fit, Dmitlii Hrumbaugh. first Oordon
Cllnefelter second. Cakes, first
prle Marlon Weldman fifth grade,
second. Kilna Hill, third grade, cook
ies. Honorable mention Marjorla
Metghtuiiiii and Audry Cline, pudding
honorable mention, hleola Cuuibell.
nut bread, HeatHee Davidson. Hread.
first prUe Chester Nugent second
prUe Julia Wilson. Fruit first prlae.
Kdlth Hlckner, seventh grade, sec
ond prle, Delia Davis emhth grade.
Rabbit hutches first. Wsllac
Worthlngton and Wlllard Davidson,
sUth grudtt. second pilo Martin
Johnson, fifth grade. Chickens, hon
orable mention, Karl Schaubel.
A. O. Clark, of the Associated In
dustrie of Oregon who was speaker
of the day, gave soma wholesomo
suggestions on the value to tho com
munity ot buying home made products
and keeping Oregon money lu Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Cora Haskell Hums. Plaintiff,
Patrick llurns, Defendant
To Patrick llurns, above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit on or before
the 23rd day of May, 1919, said date be
ing the expiration of sis weeks from
the first publication of this summons
and It you fall to appear and answer
said complalut, for want thereof Ui
plaintiff will apply ta the court for tha
relief prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt: For a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This summons
Is published by order of Hon. J. U.
Campbell. Judge o fthe Circuit Court
which order was made on the 10th
day of April, 1919. and tha tlm pre
scribed for publishing thereof Is six
weeks, beginning with the Issue dated,
Friday. April 11, 1919, and continuing
each week thereafter to and Including
Friday, May 23, 1919,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Resident attorneys, Oregon City, Ore,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Hattle Watklns, Plaintiff,
vs. '
OSWEQO, April 10 A pleasant ' John E. Watklns. Dofondnnt.
surprise party was given Mrs. J. C. To John E. Watklns. nhrw f,m,t
Haines Jr., at her home Wednesday defendant:
evening. Games were played and a I In the name of tha Rtnu nt nrnn
very nice lunch was served those you are hereby required to appear and
present were Mr. and Mrs. Orant answer the complaint filed against you
Whl'e, Mr. ond M-a. Zimmerman, Mrs In tho above entitled suit on or before
Davidson, Miss Loulsla Riser, James 'he 23rd day of May, 1919, said date
few days of last week visiting his
brother, W. Miettunen.
Several from here attended April
Fool Masquerade party at Liberal
Monday evening. All report a good
Blanche Samuelson, of Colton, visit
ed Ruth Chindgren Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Mattoon left Sun
day to go back on their form at
Mr. Calavan, of Oregon City, and
Mr. Armstrong visited school Tues
day. Mr. Armstrong wag around talk
ing on club work.
Recent arrivals at Log LaBarrs
Hotel: Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Wells,
Dr. and Mra. R, G. McCall of Esta
cada, J. O. Miller and son Cora Oanz
miller, cloe Bernard, Elanor Ganz
miller, John Scott, F. B. Mallorjr and
Dan Estes, of Portland.
REDLAND, April 10. Mr. Haddle
son of the Abernethy road was buried
in Redland cemetery last Thursday.
Funeral services were held at the M.
E. church.
Redland auxiliary met at Mrs. Dav
enport's last Thursday afternoon and
finished ten women's skirts and made
ten more. Pretty good work for two
afternoons. As war is over light re
freshments were served by Mrs. Dav
enport. Mrs. Tenney who has been visiting
at her daughter's, Clara Allen, has re
turned to her home with Mrs. Ray Mil
ler of Viola last Monday.
Let every one attend the entertain
ment at Linn Mill school next Satur
day evening.
Lloyd Allen, Arthur Funk and family
motored to Dalton last 8unday.
Mr. Scott, county agent, held an
other meeting at Redland Tuesday
evening, -where farmers keeping book
HAZELIA, April 10 Harry Mc
Mahon, of Partland, spent Sunday at
the J. H. Eastman home.
Miss Katherin Lind has gone to San
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Espen, of Port
land, spent several days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duncan.
Mrs. Stella Shipley is slowly re
covering from a recent serious sick
ness. The Hazelia Loyalty League met at
the school Louse last Saturday night.
An address by Gilbert Hedges, of Or
egon City, and a musical program
were the main features of the even
ing. The Lltary and Debating Club will
meet next Saturday, April 12. A de
bate on the League of Nations and
an interesting program, are being pre
pared. MIhs Marlon Eastman assisted Mrs,
Jack Dell of Portland In the enter
taining of the Ladies Aid Wednesday
the 9th.
Mrs. Thos, McManas, who for many
years lived in Hazelia, died, following
a long Illness, at a Portland sanitar
ium, laBt week.
The quarterly contest between the
side, formerly ot Oak Qrove, spent
the week-end here to close up the
sale of their property here, which they
sold to Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cole of
Mr. and Mrs. Moore were all night
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen
Saturday, returning home Sunday
Mr. Olsen, of Omaha, Neb. has pur
chased the D. fc. Bates beautiful home
on Oatfiold road and moved his fam
lly there.
Mr. and Mrs. King, of Portland,
have purchased the Bunnell property
on 3rd avenue and are remodeling the
house and fixing up the place in gen
eral and will occupy the same as soon
as the Wayne Bunnell family move
Mildred Fisher of Portland Is a now
pupil In our school, her parents re
cently purchased a home on the river
Mr. Bryant of Portland has purchas
ed the Shuman property at Concord
station and Is fixing up the grounds
and building a garage.
Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Patten enter
tained at dinner Wednesday evening
Rev. T. B. Ford of Salem, Rev Gil
bert of Oregon City, Rev. Snider of
Molalla and Rev. Spelss of Canby.
These gentlemen spoke at the church
Wednesday afternoon and evening.
Hcarlrlck, Roy Headrlck, Mr and Mrs
A. C Brandt and three children.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson
a baby, Monday. April 7.
The M. E. church members gave a
Miprer Mmdny night, Anrll 7, In
honor of the pastor and Rev. T. B.
Ford, district superintendent.
me I.adlos All met at tho hnmn
bolng the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons
and If you fall to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thoreof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
re'Iof prayed for in her complaint, to
wlt: For a decree dissolving tho marrl
sge contract now existing between
Farm Loans Ureferred
Beaver Bldg Oregon City
of Mrs. R. c. Worthinffinn Thnpri 1 P'llntlff and defondant. This sum-
afternoon. Officers were elected as I mon!, ,8 Published by order of Hon.
follows: President Mrs. Geo. Pu!-! U'. CftlmPbo- ths Circuit
lock secretary M p it Tori.h Cmrt whlcn 0"dor was made on the
idont Mrs. Wm Prim and Mrs m"fi"r,bPd fr mib,lHn,n thoreof ,s
Worthier, Z j l ..1' Rlx fc beginning with the Issue
L J s.U" I""'- Th0.8.e PIe"ent tlnulngf each week thereafter to and
"oio mn. juiu 1'OX, JUTS. t!j. 11.
Mrs. Wight, Mrs. P. H.
Jarlsch, Mrs. John Cox, Mrs. Eugene
Including Friday ,May 23, 1919.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Worthlngton, Mrs. John Haines Jr, Resident attorneys, Oregon City, Ore,