Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 04, 1919, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Para 7
Sergeant Klvln W. Smith of 1161b
Mutineers, A. K. V., writes from
Franc saying b would Ilk to ge.
buck to tha good old U. 8. A. again.
He left thift country (or overseas
duty In November, 1917, He 1 now
In a hospital In Franca with a Ihiui
toot, In a recent latter to til mother,
Mrs. Radio Bmlth, b says:
"My dear Mother:
"Just a line or two lotting you
know that I Bin mill (totting along
first rate. I have mad a move ilnce
I luil wroto, and now am at Bavanay,
and 1 guess the next Jump wilt be
aboard a tr mm port. My hospital
chart nay: 'recommended to the U.
fl. A.', and by that I gt out of An
Kra on a fled CroM hospital train.
I'll wait till I get horn to describe
them to you, Now I have traveled by
every moan there la In France
from boa car Homme 40 to Cheav.
oux 8, which means 40 men or eight
horses, a that I tha principle way
of moving troop. "Cold old Jlox
('an." Thl town la only a little vil
lage, and I guess one nid a large
map to find It. Thl I where I took
those thrpe prisoners last May when
I waa on M. P. duty In Anger, Base
II wa where I loft thorn.
"Don't bother about writing any
more until I bit New York or omo
other seaport town, a my mall I
"Bo long for now. Lore to all.
"Your on,
The second letter wa written on
March 4, and I ai follow:
"It ha been several day Mince I
wrote last, but there Ikh'I much te
write about, and I am no good at
atory writing. The main thing that
happen around here la the contlnu
al rain. It rain o everlastingly
bard and I'll bet more water full here
In twenty four hour than In forty
eight hour thi-re.
"I am still In hospital No, 88. end
am getting along fine. My foot 1
nearly well, ao I now can walk U. K
About the only thing I have to do
I to walk out In the country every
evening, providing It Isn't raining like
It In tonight.
"I came awfully near getting
transferred out last Friday evening
There was aome slight mistake In tha
outgoing list of names at the ser
geant major' office. My name waa on
the list, but not on the other, ao now
I have to wait mull the next convoy
goes out One may leave thla week.
and It may be two week before It
leaves. Then again, I may be callod
on It and I might lose out again. I
know several boy who have been
fooled two and three times. I will
be Just about the last Uregon boy
to arrive home from every Indication
of things. My regiment surely Is
there (In the United States some
where), for I can't hear of them on
this side, aa they have left Anger
Then I see by the Star and Stripes
that the 162d Infantry has sailed, ao
I expect I am about like the proverb
ial cow's tail, I will have to pull for
better luck next 'war I get mixed up
In. I have been lying around hospitals
since December 17, and thl lying
around Is harder than real work.
.Meres hoping something turns up
"My mall does rot seem to follow
me very well, as I haven't received
a letter since I came here. More than
likely they are returned to the tend
era before now. I will try and tele
graph you my address as soon aa 1
land In the United States, and you
can ' write to me there. At' present
there Isn't much chance of my get
ting any mall.
' "Lovingly your son,
8ergeant Elvln Smith arrived safe
ly In the United States a few days
Pa fa Ka
Mrs, Vlctorlne Hattan of thla city,
la In receipt of the following letter
from hor ton, Private Albert M. Hat
tan, of tho Medical Department, who
la In Vladivostok, Siberia, which Is
as follows:
Vladivostok, Siberia
Jan. 19, 1919
"Dear Mother:
"Will drop you a line thl evening
to lot you know that I am feeling
fine. I weigh 170 pounds now. That
iRn't so bad, la It, on army ration T
"We are having real wintry weath
er over here at present. I suppose wa
will have it tor a month yet, anyway
Sure will be glad when warm weath
er come again. I don't mind the cold
weather, but Jt lssts too long over
here to ault me. V keeps us busy
hauling coal and water and supplies
for the hoi ltal. These Russian
stoves are not worth a 'whoop.' They
are round, and about four feet In di
ameter and ten feet high. They give
out as much heat as a match.
"We get mall about once a week,
and slmetimes only twice In every
two weeks. It wib surely bad about
Arthur getting killed In France. He
did not enlist until after I did.
"We are going to have a dance
Wednesday evening. I don't know
how we will get along with these
Russian women. We have a Y. M. C
A. man here with us now, and he la
going to fix up a building for a read
ing room and where we can write lot
tors. "We had a movie show here last
night. Had tome pictures' showing
Portland, and believe me, It made me
el homesick. The first two months
were here seemed like years. We
I all these building to clean up
whitewash, the grounds to clean
and It was sure some job, but
hat Is oyer now until spring any
and then I hope we will be sall
way tram here. If I stay over
3 God forsaken country much
I anr afraid 'I couldn't cross
(eets of Portland without get
' n over with something. Sure
ke to take a chance at It.
writing this letter at the
fc'8ter's desk at 5 A. M. This
early, but I had to go on
duly at 4 o'clock, and remain until 8.
t am guarding In a prison ward. Just
have to att around and toe that none
gets away, and that everything goes
0, K, I have a big 45 automatic strap
ped into me, so It will go pretty hard
on the fellow that trie that. I don't
want .to serve any time for them.
"I suppose there will be a lot of the
boy horn by thl time, I Imagine
the big time will be all over by the
time I get 'there, but I will start
boni'Mblng for myself. It sure will be
a great day for me when I step oft
the train In Portland, and guess II
will be sometime this year.
Have written about alt the now
here, so Will close.
ns Jm fcs
Russell Fauley, flretclass private
In the 9Nth Aero Squadron, was one
of the flrt boy of Oregon City to
leave Oregon City high school to Join
the color, He wa sent to Kelly'
field, Ban Antonio, Texas, August,
1917, and then to France In Novem
ber, 1917.
In a letter received recently by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Faul
ey, he says the following:
January 18, 1919
'Dear Mother and Father:
"Am (till located In the ninth larg
est city In France; It I a very lively
place, and compares In a good many
way with Paris, but not quite so
'There wa sure a happy bunch of
rpeopla here that celebrated when
guerre wa flnnl.
"I have visited many beautiful
places. Went to see the birthplace of
Joan of Arc, also Victor Hugo's chat
eau and many other historical places
Was lucky to be In a bunch of
ten from the 98th Squadron that have
boon sunt to the coast several times,
and we would camp by the wayside,
I certainty enjoyed every trip.
"About those anap shots I sent you.
They were taken when we were on
our trips to the coast, and that pilot
who was with us, was a very fine
chap, but had tough luck falling be
hind the lines.
"Mailed you cards from Nantes, An
gers, Orleans and Tours, and have
some books, but will, bring them
"Have boen playing left end on the
9Kth Aero Squadron foot ball team.
We have played four games and won
them all. Haven't been scored
against. We played the 12th Engln
eers, and beat them 14 to 0, and then
had a dandy time celebrating our
first annual banquet with plenty of
good eat.
"The following week wa played the
2!Cth Aero Squadron, and beat them
and we expect to play the 102d
Squadron tor the chumplonHhip of
the Second A. I. C. (means Second
Aviation Instruction Camp). Do you
."Received a go6d American dollar
from tho Women's Patriotic Edition
of tho Morning Enterprise, and I wish
to thank them very much for their
kindness, and I shall try and see
them when I get home.
"Must close, with love to all.
Anothor letter, dated February 15
to his brother, Gordon, Fauley says
"Received your very welcome let
ter, and will try to answers some of
your questions about the foot ball
games. Yes, I played left end on the
98th Aero 8quadron. The 102d Squad
ron forfeited the game to us, so the
gume for the championship . of the
8econd A. I. C. never came oft.
"Our team had four college stars,
two from the University of Pennsyl
vanla and a few from the University
of Texas, and one from Georgia
'The post band was attached to
our squadron and played at every
, I have two gold service atrlpe,
and If I am here much longer will
have a third one.
"Yes, quite a number of squadrons
left here, but are still at the coast
waiting for a transport.
, Well, I have boen on a furlough
to Paris, and I can say that gay Paree
is some beautiful city. I liked It very
much, but It was quite cold when 1
was there. (
iney navo ooen trying to 'KM' me
about salmon. You Bee they feed the
troops quite a lot of it, and it Is not
prepared like Mothor does It. S
every once in awnue me mesa ser
geant has something to say about the
Oregon salmon. He la from Florida
where they raise the big turtles. I
told him to come to Oregon, and 1
would give him some-nice salmon
roasts, and he said he would.
"Please toll Father to have my fish
ing tackle ready In case I do get
home in time.
"Must say goodbye. With love to
all. ,
"98th Aero Squadron, A. E. F.
The following letter has been re
ceived by a friend of this city from
Mechanic Oliver Ferguson, who Is
with the 2Gth Battalion, First Anti
Aircraft Sector, C. A. C, who has Just
arrived safely In San Francisco,
Count Defense, and who ha been In
France for 15 months:
Newport News, Va.,
' March 20, 1919,
"Doar Friend :
"Just received your most Interest
ing letter dated January 25.
"Great news today. I am leaving
here for San Francisco Saturday. I
am glad to say that I am back In the
good old U. S. A. again, arriving a
week ago today on board the battle
ship Ohio. We were twenty-three
days coming across. A long time Isn't
it, considering these modern times
Put we met with hard luck, such as
we have always had since leaving for
France over 13 months ago. We ran
mio sucn neavy weainer we were
forced to put back to the Azore Is
lands, after we were two days' past
them, then we were forced to coai
hip while there, and altogether w
had quite an experience.
"I Just hate thl place at Newport
News, Va. No one her like a sol
dier who wears two gold stripe. All
the girl call them 'cootie' stripes,
and tbey will not dance with a sol
dier who has been overseas, and
some of them will go so far as to
leave their seats In a show If a sol
dier with gold stripe sits down bo
ld them. There Is no reason for
them to act that way, but they are
under the Impression that we are all
lousy, but we are not, as we are all
deloused before coming across, and
also as soon as we land on this side.
I Just wish some of these slackers
bore had to live under tha condition
I did while fighting for them In
France, then perhaps they could
Imagine how It make us fellow feei
to be classed as 'cootie carriers.'
"Of course it doesn't make any dif
ference to me If the girl won't dano
with overseas men, because I never
dance anyway, but Gee Wblzl I am
not the only one fro-n the A. E. F.
"One! my outfit will make a poor
showing when we reach 8m Fran
cisco. There are only nine of us left
In my battery. Some parade, buh!
think It best for us to Just sneak
back without letUng anyone know
about it. When we left San Francis
co we were 104 strong. Wo brought
back 71. Sixty-four of them were
casuals, so that leaves only us nine
strong now.
Wt all had the 'flu' In France, and
quite a number died from It.
"Well, I am still very busy, eveu
though the war la over, and 1 am In
the States again. We are having quite
time straightening things out here,
discharging some, transferring some
and getting out transportation to
San Francisco and spend a month or
so visiting the wonderful state of
'My address for the present will be
2r,th Putt. First Anti-Aircraft Sector,
C. A. C, San Francisco, Cal., care
Ban Francisco Coast Defense,"
THREE-YEAR-OLD roan Durham Bull,
or excellent milking strain for sale,
price 75. See 7. L. Buell, route 1,
Tillamook, Oregon.
William H. Hlddleson, one ot the
well and favorably known residents
of Clackamas county, died at hi
home about three miles from this
city on the Abcrnethy road, Wedncs
day morning, after a week's Illness, of
William Hlddleson wa borh In
Pennsylvania 72 years aiso. He came
West 42 years ago with bis family,
and 24 years ago came to Oregon
City since milking his home on his
farm on the Abernethy.
Mr. Illddleson had many friends In
this city, a well as in his neighbor
hood. He Is survived by three chil
dren, Homer II. Hlddleson, ot the
Portland tiro department, Portland
Mr. C. L. Itarron of Peaverton, and
Ross H. Hlddleson, who resided at
the family home. Mr. Hlddleson Is al
so survived by the following grand
children: Urinaria Htddlesou ot Port
land: Pernlce, Eldon and Jack Bar
ron ot Peaverton. He also leaves
sister, Mrs. Ella Needham of Luke
City, Nebraska, and a brother, J. P,
Hlddleson ot Tacoma, Wash.
MEXICO CITY. April 1. Salvador
Gomes, chief of staff ot the depart
ment of agriculture and development,
officially denied tonight reports tha
Japanese subjects have bought lands
In Lower California. His statement
was Issued on behalf of the depart
ment In the absence ot Pastor Roualx
secretary of commerce, labor and ag
Statement of tht Ownership, Management
Circulation, Etc. Required oy tne Act
Of Congress of August 24, 1912.
Of OrcKon City Enterprise, published
weekly t Oregon City, Oregon, for
Anrll 1. 1919.
Slate of Uregon, County of Clackamas,
Hefore me. a notary public In and for
he Rtate and county aforesaid, personally
ippenred K. K. Ilrodle, who, having
.een f.ulv sworn according to law, aepopei
and aaya that lie la the publisher of the
Oregon City Enterprise and that the fol
lowing Is. to the bent of his knowledge am
belief, a true statement of the ownership,
nwmurement. etc., or ine aioreaniu puoii
cation for the date shown In the abov
eantlon. reoulred by Act of Auguat 24
1913, embodied In section 443, Postal Laws
and tteguiationa:
1. That tha names and addresses
the publlfcher, editor, managing editor,
tnd buelneea managers are:
Publisher, Editor, Business Manager
E. E. Ilrodle. Oregon City. Oregon.
2. That the owners are: Glve name
and addrearea of Individual owners, or,
a corporation, give its name and th
name and the names and addregpe
stockholders owning Or holding 1 per cent
or more of the total amount of stock.)
K. R. urodle, uregon city, uregon; ueo
A. Harding. Oregon nty, uregon; E,
Sommer, Portland. Oregon; Eatato of
Frank JagKar. Oregon City, Oregon.
it. That the known bondholders, mort
gngeea, and other security holders owning
or holding 1 ner cent or more of total
amount of bonds, mortgages, or other
securities are: (If there are none,
state.) None.
4. That the two paragraphs next above.
giving tne names oi me owners, biock
holders, and security holders, tf any. con
tain not only the lint of stockholders and
security holdera as they appear upon the
books of the company but also In casec
where the stockholders or security holder
appeals upon the books of the company
iia trustee or In any other fiduciary rela
tion, the name of the person or corpora
tion for whom such trustee Is acting, la
gWen; also that the snltl two paragraph?
contain statements embracing affiant'
full knowledge and belief as to the cir
cumstances and conditions under which
stockholders and security holders who do
not appear upon the hooka of the company
aa trustees, hold stock and securities In
a capacity other than that of a bona fide
owner; and this affiant baa no reason to
believe that any other person, association,
or corporation has any Interest direct or
Indirect In the Bald stock, bonds, or other
securities than aa so stated by him.
B. That the average number of copies
of each Issue of this publication sold oi
distributed, through the malls or other
wise, to paid subaorlbers during te
six 'months preceding th date shown
above la (This Information la required
from dally newspapers onlv.)
Sworn to en d before me
this 3rd day of April, 1919.
(My commission expires Aug. 7, 1919.)
By R. G. Bcott, County Agent.
A great deal Is bulng written
nowadays about the Farm bureau
aud what It is dolna In other states,
till It Is doubtful it many people in
Oregon know what the Farm Ilureau
Is. In Clackamas County the Farm
Ilureau Is an organization of men
aud women who are Interested In bet-
tar farm life. There Is no member-
hip fee. There Is no Initiation. The
Farm ilureau Is the group of workers
who are striving to make tanning
more profitable and farm homes bet
ter places to live, as well as help the
boys and girls to grow up to be good
The problem of Increasing farm
profits comes down to the funda
mental propositions of fighting the
pests, Increasing the soil fertility, Im
proving the livestock, aud getting
better seed. These are things that
cannot be done all at ouce, but
great deal can be accomplished by
organized effort. The moles, ttm
gophers, and the digger squirrels are
some of the worst pests and unless
some action is taaen, tney would
cost the farmer more than bis taxes.
However, through the Farm Bureau,
action la being taken, and the boys
and girla of the County are selling
mole skins for thirty cents a piece.
Poison for the digger is being dis
tributed and a campaign is being car
ried on to get the squirrels now
while they are hungry and before
they breed.
Also the Canada Thistle Is being
looked after by the Farm Hureau. In
almost every community there u
someone who Is making it his speci
al business to report any Canada
Thistle that Ms not kept cut down.
The law Is strict on this matter, and
It Is to be enforced.
When It comes to Improving soil
conditions, the use ot lime and cer
tain fertilizers Is of interest to every
tanner. With the cooperation of
members of the Farm ftureau in most
ot the communities in the County,
tests of the value of limeon clover,
and superphosphate on corn will be
made. At harvesting time the crop
will be weighed and the actual value
of the fertilizer will be known.
The value of Improved seed is to
be demonstrated by planting hill
selected potatoea alongside of com
mon stock. Also some ot the seed
will be treated with cerrosive subli
mate and some will be planted un
treated. At digging time the results
will be measured.
A number of communities In tire
county are Interested in Improving
tho livestock by getting better sires
At the recent dairy meeting at Can
by and Sandy this subject was dis
cussed, and steps taken to find out
whether there can be formed a co
operative bull association. Dy ' this
method the best possible bulls art
obtained at less cost than scrub bulls
now are costing their owners.
These ere some of the more iiu
portant things tetng taken up by the
Farm Dureau committee all over tht
County, along the line of farm Im
provements. But mattera that con
cern the farm home have evoked ful
ly aa much discussion, both by the
fanners and their wives. The Fire-
less Cooker and the Iceless Refriger
ator appeal to everyone. The home
Demonstration Agent has return en
gagements booked all over the Count)
to show how they are made. Some
of the communities are studying
Home Nursing; some are planning to
keep household accounts so that their
men folks will know how much their
wives save for them. Canning, pre
serving, and drying are matters oi
prime importance, and already demon
strations have ben given along this
line. Hot school lunches are being
arranged In some ot the schools, and
have proven very satisfactory. A
campaign against the flies is another
piece of work that Is being taken up
by tho Farm Bureau.
. a
In practically every community in
the County the Boys and Girls Cluo
work has been going on for a number
of years. It's value in teaching the
younger generation to like farming ap
peals to parents. This work is apart ot
the Farm Bureau work because it is
impossible to separate the Interests of
the farm, the home and the school
Proper education Is the most Import
ant thing In any community, and any
program ot Improvement which leave
out the Bchool Is bound to be a failure.
Thus the Farm Bureau, working
along lines of Improvement on the
Farm, the Home and the School, and
with an organization ot wideawake
communities, making them a better
place to live, has a field of useful
uess formany years. N
for desd cows and down and out
horses. Will Call anywhere. Phone
Milwaukie t9-J.
I have plenty of Money to loan on
good real sstate security at current
C. H. DTK.
Ughtk and Main Street
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk, at Ore
gon City, Oregon, until 11 o clock on
Saturday, April 19th fox grading three
sections of the Logan-Portland roaa.
First from opposite the Byers gate
to the Northern end of the approach
to Bakers Bridge. Second: From op
posite the John ILatton barm to the
western pier of Clear Creek Bridge.
Third: From the eastern end of Clear
Creek Bridge to the top of Clear
Creek hill on the road to Logan.
Specifications for the above won
will be on file In the office of the
County Boadmaster.
W. A. PROCTOR, Cora.
W. F. HARRIS, Com.
D. C. LATOUETTg. President F. I. Mivia. duhiti
i The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
' CAPITAL. $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. 11.
Phones Pacific it
Attorney-at Law
All lega)baslness promptly attended V
William Hawmentf
Philip L. HammenS
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans. Insnr
Pacific Phone II Horn Phone A 171
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Adminis
tratrix of the EsUte of Henry Koch,
deceased by the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon. Any and all
persons having claims against said
Estate must present them to the un
dersigned, duly verified as by Law re
quired at the Office of Hammond &
Hammond, Beaver Building, Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Henry Koch, deceased.
Attorneyr tor Administratrix.
First publication April 4, 1919.
Last publication Mty 2, 1919.
Office Phone Pacific Main 491;
Horn A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room
In the County Court, ot the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the Estate ot James
Roots, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed Exe
cutrix of the Estate of Jamea W.
Roots deceased, by the County Court
of the County of Clackamas, State ot
Oregon, aud has qualified. .
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified as by
law required, to the undersigned at
Boring, in said County, and State,
within six (6) months from the date
Dated and first published, April
4th, 1919.
Atty. for the. Estate.
First publication April 4, 1919.
Last publication May 2, 1919.
Horns A-IV
C. I C H (J E 1 E L
Attorney-at Law
Will practice in all eourts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon CUr Oregon.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probata our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon.
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business. .
Over Bank et Oregon City.
day of March, 1919, directing such pub
lication to be made once each week
for the period of six consecutive weeks
In the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
paper ot general circulation In said
County and Bute.
The first publication being on the
21st day of March, 1919, and the last
publication being on the 2nd day ot
May, 1919.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
511 Fenton Building, Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator ot the estate of Jenney Mo
Cann Wendel, deceased by the County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon;
any and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly verified
as by law required, at the office of
Hammond ft Hammond, Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from the
date ot this notice.
Administrator of the estate ot Jen
ney, McCann Wendel deceased. .
First publication, March 28, 1919.
Last publication, April 18, 1918.
In the Circuit Court of the the 8 tat ot
Oregon, tor the County of Clackamas
William Chambers, Trustee, Plaintiff.
Creghlno Glovanl, Carlo Creghlno and
Ratto Baci, L G. Davidson and Ida
May Davidson, husband and wife,
and H. F. Bushong, Trustee in the
Bankruptcy ot L G. Davidson and
Ida May Davidson, Bankrupts, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County ot Clackamas,
By virtue ot a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
ot and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 26th day ot February,
1919, upon a judgment render
ed and entered In said court on the
26th day of February, 1919, In favor ot
William Chambers, Trustee, Plaintiff,
and against Creghlno Glovanl, Carlo
Creghlno and Ratto Bacl, L G. David
son and Ida May Davidson, husband
and wife, and H. F. Bushong, Trustee,
in the Bankruptcy of I. O. Davidson
and Ida May Davidson Bankrupts, De
fendants, for the sum ot 18000.00, with
interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from the 4th day of
May, 1917, and the further sum or
$500.00, as attorney's fee, and the fur
ther sum of $34.00 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs ot and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale or
the following described real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas,
State ot Oregon, to-wit:
A part ot the Donation Land Claim
ot James McNary and wife, Claim No.
38 In Township Two (2) South of
Range Two (2) East of the Willam
ette Meridian; described as commenc
ing at a point which Is South forty-five
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Louis H. Starrett, Plain tir.
Isadora Starrett, Defendant
To Isadora Starrett, above named
In the name of the State ot Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
In the above entitled suit on cr before
the 18th day of April, 1919, said date
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if yon fail to answer said complaint
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
is published by order ot Hon. J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court,
which order was made on the 6th day
of March, 1919, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is six
weeks beginning with the Issue dsted
March 7, 1919, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including Fri
day, April 18, 1919.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Oregon City, Oregon.
The tint tour loans sent the boys
to tlnlsh the Job over there; the Vic
tory loan wil bring the boys back to
their Job over here.
1 J rH
Resident Undertaker
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Oregon City, Oregon , -Lady
Assistant. Mrs. Brady
- Night and Day Sarvtc.
Pan 123 HoraeA-31
Notice of Final Hearing.
In the County Court ot the State of
Oregon for the County ot Clacka
mas. In the Matter of the Estate ot Alen
ander King Wilson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Dora E.
Wilson, executrix of the estate of Alex
ander King Wilson, deceased, has filed
her final report In said estate and that
the Judge of the above entitled court
has fixed the County Court room in the
County Court House at Oregon City,
Oregon, and at 10 o'clock A. M. on
Tuesday, the 22nd day ot April, 1919,
as the time and place for the hearing
ot said final report and the settlement
of said estate. All persons having ob
Jectlons to the approval of said final
report shall file their objections on or
before said time of hearing.
nted March 19, 1919.
Executrix ef the Estate ot Alexander
King Wilson, deceased.
First publication, March 20, 1919.
Last publication, April 18, 1919.
Attorney for Executrix
631 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon in and tor Clackamas County
Lloyd T. Riches, Plaintiff, -vs.
LaVelle H. Riches, Defendant
To LaVelle H. Riches, said defend
In the name ot the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear In
the above entitled Court and cause on
or before the expiration of six weeks
from and after the first publication of
this summons, to-wit; on or before
the 2nd day of May, 1919, and answer
the complaint filed against you in said
suit; and if you fail so to appear and
answer the said complaint, plaintiff
will apply to the said Court for a de
cree against you for the relief prayed
for therein, to-wit; for a decree ad
Judging the marriage ceremony sol
emnized between plaintiff and de
fendant on January 10th, 1919, to be
void from the beginning, and tor such
other equitable relief In the premises
as may seem meet and Just '
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof pursuant to the
order of Hon. Jamea U. Campbell,
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Elizabeth Keoghn, Plaintiff,
. vs.
Thomas F. Koeghn, Defendant
. To Thomas F. Keoghn, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above named plaintiff In
the above entitled Court and suit now
on file with the Clerk of the above en
titled Court, and yon are hereby noti
fied that If you fall to appear and an
swer the said complaint or otherwise
plead thereto on or before the 18th day
of April, 1919, the plaintiff will apply
to the said Court for the relief and
judgment and decree prayed tor in her
said complaint to-wit: for a decree
of the said Court dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now and heretofore ex
isting between the plaintiff and de
fendant and that the plaintiff have her
(45) West fifteen (15) chains from a maiden name Elizabeth Williams re-
flr tree at the most northerly corner ot stored to her, and for such other relief
said Donation Land maim; running
thence south, forty-five (45) degrees,
west twenty-five (25) chains to a stake
In the line; thence South forty-five de
grees (45) East twenty (20) chains
to a stone marked "J. B. H."; thence
north torty-flve degrees (45) east
twenty-five (25) chains to a point; and
aa may seem to the Court just in the
This summons is served by publica
tion thereof in the Oregon City En
terprise beginning with the issue
dated the 7th day ot March, 1919.
and ending with the issue dated the
18th day of April, 1919, in pursuance
thence north forty-five degrees (45) of an order ot the Hon. J. U. Campbell,
west twenty (20) chains to place of Judge of the above named Court, made
beginning, containing fifty acres more at Chamber at Oregon City, Oregon.
or less in Clackamas County, State of
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
on the 3rd day of March, 1919.
Attorney tor Plaintiff,
Post Office, Lebanon, Oregon.
Date of first jublicatlon 7th day of
ot said writ I will, on Saturday, the March, 1919.
12th day of April, 1919; at the hour of I Date ot last publication 18th day of
10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of April. 1919.
the County Court House in the City of 1
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for Clackamas County.
John Hedlund, Plaintiff,
Adrians Hedlund, Defendant.
To Adriana Hedlund, Defendant to-
Oregon City, In said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for TJ.
S'. gold com cash in hand, all the right
title and interest which the within
named defendants or either of them,
had on the date of the mortgage herein
or since had In or to the above de-
scribed real property or any part there- w tfl6 Name o( tne gtate of 0regon.
of, to satisfy said execution, Judgment' ar6 ereby requlred to
order, decree, interest costs and all and an8wer tne complalnt flled
accruing coBts. sgalnst yon In the above entitled
m m w. J. WILSON, cause, within six weeks from the date
Sheriff of Clackamas 'County, Oregon. of fln)t puDllefttlon of m sura
rx. MCHACltOT.lteiratw. mon8( and yon fal, t0 ao appear
u?w and anawer 8ald cause Bnd comPla!nt
14th, 1919. on 0P Defor9 six weeks from and
; " after the date ot the first publication
Notice of Final Hearing. of ma 8ummon8 the piantiff will ap-
In the Cpunty Court ot the State of piy to the above entitled court for the
Oregon for the County of Clackamas, relief prayed tor In his complaint to
tn the Matter of the Estate of Isaac wit; For a decree forever dissolving
Lane, Deceased. the bonds ot matrimony heretofore
Notice is hereby given that Harriet and now existing between the plaln
L. Richards, administratrix of the ea- tiff and the defendant and for such
tate of Isaac Lane, deceased, has flled further relief as to the court may
her final report in Bald estate and that 1 seem just and equitable,
the Judge of the above entitled court j This summons Is published in pur
has fixed the County Court room in the suance ot an order ot the Honorable
County Court House at Oregon City, ! j. tj. Campbell, Judge ot the above en
Oregon, and at 10 p'clck A. M. on the titled court, made and entered Febru
21st day of April, 1919, as the time and ary 18, 1919, directing this summons
place for the hearing ot Bald final re-to be published once a week for six
port and the settlement of said estate, consecutive weeks In the Oregon City
All persons having objections to the j Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of
approval ot said final report shall file! general circulation published in Clack
their objections on or before said time ' amas County, Oregon.
of hearing.
Dated March 6, 1919.
Administratrix of the Estate of Isaac
Lane, deceased.
First publication, March 6, 1919.
Judge of said Court .made on the 19th Last publication, April 4, 1919.
Date of first publication February
21, 1919.
Date of last publication Apr!! 7tV
O. D. EBT,
Attorney for Plaintiff, Oregon City,