Page 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919. & NORTHERN CLACKAMAS M HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Tho last basket ball game of the season waa played Friday evening In the school gymnasium. The girls score waa It to I and the boya 26 to J2, both to favor of Washougal." The Washougal boya team has not lost a game this season and ao far they have the championship. Refreshments were served after the games In the lunch room. The senior class gave a banquet Sat urday evening in honor of the basfcet ball boys at the grammar school build ing. The evening was spent In play ing games and singing and refresh ments were served. prise, was In Milwaukie Wednesday, looking after the interests of the two papers., Mrs. M. E, Church, the Clackamas county court matron, waa In Milwau kie Tuesday on official business. Isaac Gratton was In Milwaukie Tuesday looking utter his property Interests. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Johnson received a letter from their son, LeRoy, that he had arrived safely in New York with the SIS Field Signal batUUlon, which Is a New York company. He expects to remain In New York a couple of months before coming home. E ON BOCHE !S THREAT LOCALS. The Clackamas County Pomona Grange will meet with the Spring water Grange Wednesday, April 9. The committee soliciting funds for the reception of the soldiers from Mil waukie have met with good success and when all the people have been so licited It 1b believed the entire amount of money needed will have been raised. The committee will meet nest Monday. Miss Mary Hamilton was a visitor to the Milwaukie school Tuesday after noon. Miss Hamilton taught in the Milwaukie school before moving to Portland. Roy O'Dell and Chaa. Stalder, two Milwaukie boya serving with the American Expeditionary forces ar rived home last week. They are glad to be back in the good old U. S. A. The Red Cross auxiliary meets every Thursday at the high school building. There Is plenty of work for all the ladies who can spare the time as there are large numbers of refugee gar ments to be made. The Woman's Work club met at; the home of Mrs. R- F. Fisher In thai Quincy addition on Wednesday tor an I all-day meeting. Dinner was served at noon. There was a good attend ance. Mr. Richardson who bought a part of the George Wiaslnger property on ; Harrison has been busy planting trees ; and shrubs on the ground. Among the trees planted being 80 fine Holly. Mr. j Richardson Intends to build a bunga low this summer on the property. Mrs, Williams representing the Mil waukie Press and Oregon City Enter- Guns Mounted By Huns at Danzig LONDON. March 29. In addition toVeinforctng the garrison at Danilg. the Germans, according to advices recleved here, are said to be mount ing guns along the Prussian coast near that port PARIS. March 29. President Wil son and the premiers constituting the council of tour gave Marshal Foch instructions today regarding the sit uation at Danzig, where the Ger mans have refused to permit the land ing of Polish troops. The nature of the instructions will probably not be revealed until they are made known in Germany. If you borrow money from a bank for ninety days, you do not expeci the bank to present the note for pay ment in ten days. The Government borrowed from you tor a definite time and you wanted your money back before the time was up. With so many of you not sticking to your end of the bargain, the marvelous way in which prices of Liberty bonds kept up. which were issued on a partrlotic basis, leads many shrewd observer to believe that the new issue the Victory Liberty Loan made on an investment basis, will always main tain a market of par or better. (!I!i!!!!i!llIli!!!I!!II!!!!IIIIlll!!lii!!!!li!!i!!l!llllll!ii!!!ll!!l!ili!H Prescriptions LONDON, March SI. The Evening News says It understands that reli able information has been received in London that in case the German dele gates refuse to sign the peace treaty Marshal Koch has authority to order a general advance of the silted arm ies along the Rhine. The department of the German for eign office having charge of the peace negotiations has reached a decision as to its attitude toward the negotia tions, 'a German wireless message says. The department has decided the German government should act only In accordance with Pres'.dent Wil ton's 14 points. E RE LONDON. March 19. The Lokal Anxeiger of Berlin, understands that a suspension of the armistice Is probable over the Duustlg dispute, ac cording to a news agency dispatch received here today. l EDNA FORGC? Teeth The care of the teetu begins at least one generation back. That la. the child who Is to hve healthy toetn must have a mother who cares tor her own teeth and eats proper bone making foods during the term of pregnancy. If she suffers with tooth ache at this time. It is often a sign of malnutrition; he not only should have her teeth put In first-class or der, but should ent enough glutens, albumenoids and phosphates, to make certain that the bnby will have strong i3 5W COPENHAGEN, March 29. The German government's reply to the al lied demand that Polish troops be al lowed to land at Danzig declared the armistice requires that only the al lies be permitted freedom In crossing the Vistula river, according to advic es from Berlin today. G. L L! Pure Drugs and Chemicals Russell'& Gilberts Choice Candies Kodaks, Films and Supplies. At your reliable drug store TRADE AT HOME PH IRY PHARMACY PHONE 19-W MILWAUKIE, OREGON ! First State Bank of Milwaukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PARTONAGE APPRECIATED E OF STATES 10 BOOS! INTERESTS SAX FRANCISCO, April 1. "A, league of Western states," for thej purpose of advancing the economic and industrial interests of the Pacifiv Coast, has been proposed by Mayoi Geoge L. Uaker of Portland, Or., who is visiting here, after attending the conference of governors and mayors in Washington. "I should like to see ail the cham bers of commerce, rotary clubs and labor unions in fact every organiza tion Interested in industry or com merce on the Pacific Coast Joined in one powerful 'league of Western states, " Mayor liaker said. I -something many well educated grownups could learn. Ror, the motion la not across the teeth, as most people do It, but up and down -w ith the brush, so the bit tlos can get Into the spaces between the teeth and clear out the tnrta and the particle of food that will collect j there, ferment, mid eventually cause I a decayed spot. It la a little awkward f at first, to change the way the teeth I are cleaned, but thin upand clown mo i tlon la really the only efficient meth od, or course, a gnotl dentifrice la to be used, paste, powder or liquid (it does not matter which, so long a It counteracts the acid in the mouth and removes the tarta.) Question! and Answer A Girl You are only ten pounds underwelgth. The easiest and qulon est way to gain la to drink four glasses of half milk and half cream a day, between meals and before bed time. If I ? , - f J 20B1LUON INDEMNITY IMPOSED ON GERMANY LOXDO.V, April 2. The Indemnity imposed upon Germany by the allies will probably be between $20,000,000, 000 and 125,000,000,000, said a re sponsible news agency dispatch from Paris today. PARIS, April 2. Allied financial representatives went to Pont Ste. Maxence today to confer with the German financial mission, which ar rived there Tuesday. Soldiers and police are guarding the castle in which the Germans are quartered. The civilians there are unaware of their presence. teeth when it matures to the teetn Ing period. A good physician will pre scribe a diet that will Include these Ingredients. 'During childhood, bone-making foods are needed. White bread should not be allowed; gluten and whole wheat breads are more nourishing and will help make strong teeth, ana save much pain and expense in after life. Indeed, the eating of whole grain breads need not be confined to the child; for everyone will benefit In many ways by discarding white bread. People with weak and soft teeth will be much Improved It they take a teaspoonful of Umewater In gluss of milk or plain water every day. And this, by the way, la helpful to counteract a bad breath. Schools are taking up the "tooth brush drill" when they are located m communities where the twlce-a-day tooth brushing habit is not in vogue. This means that the new generation will have less need of dentists. And while they are teaching the gentle art of teeth cleaning, these schools are educating the boys and girls in the proper way to cleanse the moutb COPENHAGEN. April 3.-A serious general strike Involving" lBO.Ouw workers, 1 sin full awing at llerlln. aid a dispatch from that city today A slate of selge baa been Droclom.. ed In the Ruhr district, where strike Is in progress llloody street fighting hna take.. place at Fraiikfort-OnMnln. In Westphalia a large number nf towns have been occupied by govern ment troops. No food relief Is being sent Into the affected district Portland Oreson log demand due to resumption of operations by milts of Western Oregon and Washington. Cll! n i mil BILIIY LAID TO BAKER WASHINGTON, April 3,-In hit letter to the secretary of war, which Mr. liaker suppressed and returned to the writer, Lieutenant Colonel An sell, formerly brigadier general, ac cused the secretary of responsibility for maladministration of the Judge advocate general's office, asserted that Mr. Ilaker'i connection with the alleged martial system should be Investigated, and churned Judge Ad vocate General Crowder with mis representation of the facta concern ing attempted reforms. Jus It "The prima doaua'a Ufa aamat be ao- aotonoua." "Why mast Itr "Bee suae It la tocfc a etng sous affair. Tee IdeatlHle. "Did your friend nee crude ell ea her furniture tt I advised r No; objected to aaything which wu aot reflosd." reeking Him In. Id win Just one, dearest I Toull be the first girl I ever kissed. Angelina Obi la that tot Turn your fact this way. I'll show yoo how. WASHINGTON, March HI.Tbe war department Is going to proceed at oiuo with the organisation of a permanent army of DOD.OOtl, as provid ed In the army bill Introduced In tho liiHt congress, but which tailed of passage, General Peyton C. March, chief of staff, announced at his wnuk ly conference today. This procedure however, will be subject to any ao tlon the next congress may take, tho general pointed out. Tho permanent army will be com posed of flva army rorps, consisting of 20 Infantry divisions and one cavalry. Mixed Up. "Pretty atate of affairs, laot Itr "Tea, It Is to ogly buslneu, but somebody will have to pay handsome ly for 1L" IE) I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu OPERATORS ON SEWING MACHINES also WOMEN for 1 HAND FINISHING COATS. INQUIRE GARMENT DEPARTMENT 1 I OWN CITY WOOLEN HILLS !lll!l!l!lllllllllllll!II!IIIIIOIIIIH CENTRAL POINT SELLWOOD 941 B-1563 East Side Mill & Lumber Company Mill and General Office: Foot of Spokane Avenue BRANCH YARDS;- East Thirty-ninth and Halsey BtreetB; phones: Tabor 2811, C-1237 Multnomah Station; phone: Main 4533 Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co, Lents; Tabor 2116, B-6111 'JWIBM-Bia tm i J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service ' Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland CENTRAL POINT, April 3. The farmers are taking advantage of the good weather, getting in their crops. A great many improvements have been made In this locality, Charles Rettinger hag just finished clearing a five acre tract of land, Mr. China is also clearing land. The young boys have cleared an acre of ground after school hours the past winter. Walter Staehley, one of the Central Point boys is expected home from France in a few days. Miss Eula Brown is spending a few weeks in Portland with her brother. Mrs. Bessie Dundas has beautified her home with a new fence. Mr. Christan, the new owner of th Brennen place, has been very bus tearing down old buildings and clean ing up in general. He has also pur chased a ten acre tract Joining his farm from Mrs. Woodered. Lucy Montgomery of Portland Is making her home with Mrs. Rettinger. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gieger have moved to Oregon City where Mr. Gieger has accepted employment. Miss Hazel Camp and Miss Rachel C3uthorn, teachers in the Brown's school spent Saturday and Sunday In Portland. Norman Norton has been discharg ed from the navy and will make his home with W. G. Randall. PARIS, March 28. The condition of a preliminary peace with Germany is still being considered by President Wilson and the premiers of Great Britain, France and Italy. ' The four government heads today deliberated on the question of the Polish frontier, according to the newspapers, who believe that there will be some difficulty in reaching an agreement on the principle of the annexation to Poland of territory con taining 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 Ger mans. The papers believe that the council will reach a decision soon er on the question of reparations than on the Polish question. The meeting today was held President Wilson's Paris residence, at Slut n Upena Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Moat in Value Tho Beat In Quality THE MOST IN VALUE " THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Ciora Dally t 5:30 P. M, Saturdays at 6 P. M. Homo Phone: A 2112 'THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH' Unusual and Interesting Exhibits in Women's and Misses' New Springtime Ready-to-Wear' Garments First There Are the New Dresses Every clime and manner of making and material has contributed to the beauty and richness of the exceedingly pretty and flatteringly becoming fashions in which we show dresses extending in variety from trig tailored serges to the billowy draped and daintily de signed frocks of silks, foulards, etc., as well as the crisp, practical and refreshingly demure dresses of the washable fabrics. And Then There Are Out-Door Garments CAFE-COATS, CAPE WRAPS, DOLMANS and simpler capes which are the big, popular craze of the season wherever fashion able women gather. In coats, too, there are many very smart mod elslight, summer-weight garments that are exceedingly attractive. Then the Suits More Beautiful Than Ever Most women, whether they are but in the budding nge of tlie little miss in the full enjoyment of feminine fashion or in the dignified - age of more matronly days in the suits we show there is all that the heart could crave or the discriminating eye desire in model or mode of rich and rare styling in both material and making. Come Troflt by An Early Selection of Your Easter Garments, $1245 UP TO $3500 $1250 UP TO $7000 $2500 UP TO $7750 HUN ARMY ASSEMBLED I'AIIIS, April I. Tho Germans are concentration large forces In eastern Prussia under cnmmnud of Field Marshal von Illndoiilmrf, according to the Paris edition of tho New York Herald. The Gorman forces are being assembled In Oraudona and Thorn In order to defend the railway lino from I'lirulR to Posen, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hours: 1.00 to 11: 0 M. 1 to I P. U. Sundays and Evening by Appointment Phones: Office. Mil. I J; Roe. Tabor 111! DR. O. P. IOW PHYSICIAN AND tiUROEON Call Answered I)y and Night Office: Milwaukie 8tato Dank Bldg. Wain 8t Mllwaakla. Or. Phones: Puclflu (1 it. mi vitj GEORGE C BROWNEI L ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, Ore. All legal business promptly attended to Phono Mllwaukto & W. JOHNSON REALTY CO. Weal Estate, Insoranc and Rentals Office at Station Milwaukie, Oro Office Phono Residence PHom Milwaukie Oak Grov U-T DR. R. S. RAMSEY DENTIST HOUR3-:30 A. M. to It M. 1:H J. M. to 3:00 P. M. Rooms M 7 Bank tlutldloi Milwaukie, Oregon ntiT'-m '-1 V ; j i Walter . fcrntoortlj? Funeral Director and Embaimor Telephones; Sellwood 71 Home, B UM 1512-34 East Thirteenth SL "wood Oregon EAT MEAT Th human system demands oi tra nutrition and heat building food; meat provides both. Cholco selected meats, both salted and freBh, sold hero. Milwaukie Meat Market R. W. BROWN, Proprietor Tel. 12-W. Mllwauklo, Oro. . Phones: Sellwood 62 B-1325 OREGON DOOR CO Foot of Spokane Avenue, Portland, Ore. Manufacturers of SASH DOORS AND MILL WORK Yellow Fir, a Specialty Your Correspondence Solicited SPIN YOUR OWN YARN On account of extroma hlRh price of knitting yarn, tho Mil waukie Wool Carding Mill baa put In operation! Its roll-carding machine and is prepared to sell pure white wool rolls, and also natural gray, ready for the old-style spinning wheel. Farm ers or others desiring to have a part of their wool made up Into rolls, or batting for comforters end mattresses can do so by ad dressing Tho Mllwauklo Wool Cardnlg Mill Milwaukie Oregon. Samples can bo seen at Mlt waukle Presa Office, opposite Postoffico.