Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 04, 1919, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Newsy Briefs From
All Over the County
W1U30XVILLE. April S Johnson
& Smith hav opened a lit mill t
Wilsonville aud ar now ready for
Sheriff "Wilson was In our vtllag
Monday on the robbery case, which
occurred at J. Peters' hardware store
week ago.
John Say arrived home Saturday
evening, having received his honor
able discharge from the service ot
"Uncle Sara" at Camp Lewis in rec
ord time.
Mrs. Elmer Jones came home on
Friday evening, from Portland, where
she had dental work done.
Mrs. Alison Baker spent few day
In Portland last week, visiting her
Miss Robblns, the teacher at Corrai
Creek school, spent the week-end at
her home In Portland, returning on
Sunday evening.
A County Agent meeting was heJJ
Jt the school house Wednesday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker went to
Portland Friday to visit with relatives
for a few days.
A Community Club has been ogan
ieed In Wllsonvllle, which will be of
great benefit to our village folks In
a social way. Dwight Seely was elect
ed president. M. D. Say .secretary.
The first social will be given ou
Tuesday evening, April 15, in the
t O. O. F. hall, and everyone is cor
dially Invited to attend. The follow
ing committee was appointed on pro
gram: Mrs. J. Peters, Mr. Hoffman
and Mrs. N. O. Say. A splendid pro
gram Is being prepared and an enjoy
able evening is assured those attend
ing. Th Liberty Loan Committee is
getting busy on the work of the FiftA
Liberty Loan. Mrs. M. C. Young is
Chairman of the woman committee
and Is already at work getting thing
into shape tor the drive .which be
, gins April 21sL
Leah Wagner returned o the Uni
versity of Oregon Monday, aftei
spending her vacation at home.
Misses Virginia and Eieanor Say
spent the week-end at home, return
tagSunday to Kewberg. where they
are -attending high school.
Eagle Creek
EAGLE CREEK, April 3 Severs
of the residents of this community
motored down to Troutdale the past
week to get some smelt from the
Sandy river.
Roy Douglass recently sold a hog
weighing 700 lbs. to M. J. Kerkes.
Leslie Strahl, of Lents, was out this
way last week visiting with friends.
Mrs. H. S. Jones, of Portland, was
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Viola
Douglass, on Sunday.
Mrs. R B. Gibson was the dinner
guest ot Mrs. H. IL Udell, of Dover,
A. N. Orke was out to his farm
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass motored
to Shuebel Sunday and visited with
the relatives of the latter.
C. H. Paddison has been sawing
wood for the Gibson Bros, and Walter
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle motorea
to Damascus Sunday, being the gnests
of Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Cook.
Mountain Road
farmers are busy with their spring
Among the Oregon City visitors:
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser.Xeils Cnris
tensen, Mrs. L. Warner, and children,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodge, Mr. and Mrs
3. W. Robinson and daughter and
August Koellermeier, of Wilamette,
was out visiting his son ai.d family
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilke spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Louis Koellermier was In Oregon
City Friday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fiedeman visit
ed the Livingston Bros. Sunday.
KELSO, April 3 The Kelso Red
Cross Auxiliary requests the com
munity to get ready for the old clothes
drive to begin Monday, April 7, for
the refuges of Europe. Anything that
can be worn is acceptable. Leave
your bundle at the home of Robert
. One by one our soldier boys are
returning. Jerome Brooks, recently
back from. France, was greeting
frieuds at Kelso last week. Sergeant
Gustave Johnson, who was In the
aero service in France, is also home.
Both having received their honorable
discharge. John Milan Is now on his
way pack from France.
Paul Dunn has sold his farm to his
son In law, Alfred Bell, and has
btfught the latter's house at Sandy,
where he will make his future home.
Mrs. Louise Nelson and Miss Ivy
Ten Eyck have been re-elected to
teach our school next year.
Road Supervisor Littlepage Is busy
at work on the roads during the gooa
Miss Ten Eyck has recovered from
a mild attack of flu. Mrs. A. C.
Uaumback is substituting for her at
Farm Loans Ureferred
Beaver Bldfl, Oregon City
MACKSBURG, April 3 In ttrlk
lng contrast to th tempestuous weath
er that ushered In March 1919, has
been that of Its close, Though all
were expecting Just such a change the
genial warmth and th consequent
rush In vegitatton has taken us by sur
prise. A few days ot bright sunshiue
and drying wind have put the soil
Into admirable condition for planting.
Garden tools have been brought out.
All avaiable fertllliera has been
Regretfully we record the death ot
Mrs. HerbauBh, a young mother well
known In our community. Mrs. Her
baugh has been for several months In
a hospital with symptoms ot tuber
culosis. Returning home when she
seemed better, hope was entertained
tor her recovery but the disease soon
reappeared, this time with fatal re
results. A husband and five children
are left to mourn this loss. The sym
pathy ot the entire neighborhood go
out to the afflicted family in their
Mrs. Frank Brnsch ts in the Oregon
City Hospital recovering from a seri
ous operation, and Is progressing so
steadily .hopes that she may soon re
turn to her home are indulged.
Among all the other dutle the
sDrinc has brought us Is a drive tor
refugees clothing. All Americans are
asked to do their part in supplement
ing the great work now roing on In
Europe to clothe and rehabilitate the
vast army ot men women and children
made destitute. Each housewife Is
requested to look over her store ot
clothing to find some garment that
can be put into wearing shape the
more the beter. These garments must
be in the hands ot the secretary ot
the Oreeon City Brauch of the
Portland Chapter of the American
Red Cross between April 7th and
12th. Mrs. G. W. Baldwin. Secretary
of the Macksburg Auxiliary of the Red
Cross has been placed In charge of
the drive for our district Anyone dis
posed to give one or more garments
and who will get them to Mrs. Ba.a-
in in the first week of April will
be conferring a favor upon those who
are conducting the drive.
Tualatin Meadows
The brigtit sunny days of last ween
reminded us of our early spring, and
all are most earerly looking for warm
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sihauuble have
moved to Oregon City, where Mr
Silhauble is employcl on the Boat.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson have
reecntly moved on the Silhauble place
to be with Mrs. Henderson's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Neui and daugh
ter, Mildred, went to see their son ana
brother at the Oregon City hospital
where he has been confined tor the
past six weeks, where he underwent a
serious operation for a Mastoid. He
had i bad finger that threatened vo
turn into blood poison, though by
constant care It turned out to be all
Miss Myrtle Borland was a caller
at Mr. Miller's home Sunday.
Mr. Roy Borland visited at his
ancles, Mr. R. de Neufs home Sun
day. He is employed at the Crown
Willamette Mills at West Linn.
Miss Vio'et deNeui. af'er a long
illness of inflamatory rheumatism. Is
now able to be np and get around
with a cane.
Mrs. John Ricey and mother went
to Portland to visit Mrs. Ricey's aunt
last Friday. Mrs. Ricey expected to
return home with her husband Satur
day night.
Mrs. Dora Borland and daughter
Sadie, visited her sister, Mrs. John
de Neui, of Frogpond, last Sunday.
Ray Eushbaura has received his
honorable discharge and is home from
service in the Spruce Camps. He Is
now clearing on his place.
Elk Prairie
ELK PRAIRIE, April 3 Mr. Ras
man Is busy clearing his homestead
and has already made a good show
ing. Teensy, one of the cats on the
Badger homestead, caught a flying
squirrel, recently. This was the
second one seen here.
While all are taking advantage ot
the weather to plow.spring is steadi
ly advancing as is indicated by the
very earliest flowers appearing high
er and higher up the hill side. Be
low the liliies are following. The
pussy willows have such long stream
ers that it gives them the appearance
of having long shaggy coats of white
REDLAND. ADr. 3. Arthur Hodrea
a brother of Mrs. . Hinkle, Is visiting
mem. He is another one of Uncle
Sam's boys and comes from Ameri
can Lake and, having his honorable
discharge papers.
The meeting at Redland last Tues
day night was very Interesting and
instructive. There weren't as many
parents out as there should have been.
George Armstrong, Mr. Gill, Mr,
Brown, Mr. Hamilton and Mrs. Hughes
and Mrs. Kerr were appointed on
committees. Miss Anthony Is coming
out again noon, and show the ladies
how to make a tireless cooker and Ice
less refrigerator. The date will be
decided later.
Mrs. Alice S. Harding, from Oak
land, California, is visiting at A. L.
What is the matter with Redland
that we can't even have a decent dirt
road? Where is that grader?
Oak Grove
OAK OROVK. April 1 The Ladles'
Aid aocloty of the community church
met last Wednesday and elected the
following officers for ensuing year:
Mrs. K. Ren y old a, president; Mrs. Q. 8.
Sutliff. secretary. The society will
meet every two weeks and at their
next meeting they will tie comforter.
All the ladles are Invited to attend.
The Parents' day at the school was
well attended by the women and much
interest was taken la the children's
work. Refreshments were served
throughout the day by the domestic
science class.
Wednesday evening If. Q. Stark
weather spoke tor the Commercial
club to a large and Interested audi
ence on the water system and the pos
sibility of putting It hens. Several
other spoke and all present were In
terested. The Parent-Teacher association will
meet Friday. April 11th and will hold
a business meeting. Officers will be
elected and other matter will come
before the association.
Hot lunches at the school have been
discontinued for the term, which will
close In June.
A great many of our people went to
Sandy river and brought home plenty
of smelt
Community church. J. J. Patton.
pastor Sunday school meets at 10 a.
m. Morning sermon at 11: IS. Sub
ject 'The Heart's DoorbellJ Special
service in charge or tne young people
Save Money on Plows
10 inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow .... $15.00
1 2 inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow . . . 17.00
14 inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 20.00
16 inch Wood or Steel Beam Vulcan Plow . . 22.50
The genuine J. I. Case Power Lift Enicar
Light draft capacity and strongly built. We have too many in
2 bottom size-You benefit by saving about $,0.
2 Bottom Case Eriicar $150
Our stock of spring tillage tools is
Case and Lean Disc and Spring
Tooth Harrows
Planet Jr., Garden Tools, Potato
Planters In fact the entire
f i m n. 9 t.T n t jr w J
will be held next Sunday evening at
Rev. J. J. Patton visited bis brother,
M. W. Patton at Newberg Monday and
A large number of the young people
of Oak Grove are planning to attend
the Epworth League convention In
Portland Saturday afternoon and
FROQ POND, April 3.-Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Aden, Mrs. John Aden and
Mrs. Friti Wagner, took a trip to Ore
gon City on Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Daker and two chldren
have been quite sick with tonsilitls.
Mrs. Baker, we are glad to hear, is up
and able to be around again, but the
second boy had a relapse and had to
call the doctor again.
Roy Thompson and Amos Mayes at
tended church at Stafford last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barney and son,
Delvln, are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Barney's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Thompson. Mr. Barney is mail
ing clerk at the Oregon City postoffice,
but is off on a vacation, having had his
throat operated on.
Irvln Sharp made a few trips to the
doctors this week, suffering from a
sore finger.
Otto and Gerhart Peters went to
Clear Creek on a fishing trip last Sat
urday, but luck must have been
against them, for they came home
with empty baskets.
Miss Myrtle Aden was a Portland
visitor on Monday.
Mr. and Mr. Louis Bruck visited
at the home of Mr. and Mr. R, W. Old
enstadt Sunday.
Uoorg Oldenatadt I horn on a tew
day visit from Camp Lewis.
Mr. and Mr. Wtu. Klltgen
Oregon City vlitltors Wednesday.
Mr. Ohllng has bought the timber
on Frit i Wagner' place. H U il
to make It Into cord wood.
, SHUBEL, April S.-Th community
hold another "get together" meeting
Wednesday nlaht There w about
40 present and all had very good
time. They organUed. appointed com
mittees, and arranged to mKl every
two weeks, A lunch wa served by
the ladles present whll Mr. Smith
furnished the coffee.
Mr. and Mr. U 8. Smith and fam
ily spent Sunday In Portland with rela
tive and friend.
Charles Mtwhnk was pleasantly
surprised March 31. at the home of
hi son. August Mehnke. of Went Linn.
The occasion was his 79th birthday.
Those attending from this berg were
Mr. and Mr. Oodfred Mochuk. Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Moehnke. Mrs. Hett
man. Mr, niuhm. Mr. Fisher. Mr, j
Jno, Heft. nd Mr. and Mr. Fred
Mochnke. I
We are saddened by th new ot the ,
death of Mr. Max Swltienberg. who;
recently went to California for her,
health. She la the daughter ot Mr. I
Swart, who formerly lived In thl
Tuesday Mr. Henry Hettman and
Mr. Alvln Hornshuh visited with Mr
Murait ot Portland.
j. i. man jirrninn (hwhubv . j
dance Saturday evening at th homt
of th latter to celebrate their birth-,
day; also that of Mr. John D. Mo.
hnke' little daughter. Juanlta. Th
evening was pnt In crd playing and
dancing, music being furnlhed by Mr. j
and Mr. J. 0. Moehnke, After thei
We carry a
excelled by
of Portland.
uuueing iuo guest. were served wun
sandwiches, cake and coffee, and all
seemed to have had a very good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones spent Sat
urday and Sunday In Oregon City with
You must clean the stomach and
bowels, purify the blood, each Spring,
or you leave Winter's germs and Im
purities in your blood and system.
Drive them away, clean out the stom
ach and bowels,-take Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea, a Spring
cleanser-purifier. 35c. Tea or Tab
lets. Huntley Drug Co. Adv.
BARLOW, April 3.-Mrs. Grlndoland
of Willamette, la visiting her son,
Enoch and family.
Mrs. Walt made a trip to Salem Fri
day returning home Monday.
Mrs. Vickers visited friends In Sa
lem the week-end.
R. E. Irwin was a Portland visitor
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Hill was a Portland visitor last
Mrs. Hattle I. Crowley, visited her
parents last week returning to Oregon
City Monday.
Mrs. Sheppard, of Portland, Is vis
iting her brother, Wm. S. Tull and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruen and daughter,
Miss Loretta, were guests at the Wur
fol home Sunday.
Mrs. Ogle, of Aurora, spent the day
here Friday visiting Mrs. Crowley and
Mrs. Scoggln visited her daughter In
4. 1919.
Portland Wednesday nd Thursday.
Mr Ray Parmenter and son return
ed horn Tuesday ot lt week front
Montana and Idaho, wher h visited
her parent and other relative.
The Udle Aid met with Mr, A.
Anderson Wednesday with I"!"
crowd In attendance.
port-cue Parmenter was horn on a
visit Saturday and Hunday. Dorreitc
I working In Oregon City.
OSWrXlO. April 3 Mr. Churl
Gardner w visiting friend in Os
wego Ihl week.
Mr. U. C. Worthlngton. of Rose
burg, and daughter, Katheleen and
malt on. Gaylord, were vl.ltlng Mr.
Worthlngton' father and mother, Mr.
and Mr. J. K. Worthlngton. for a
few day.
Mr. and Mr. Ctlnklnbeard. of Port
land, were vlnltlng their son. Charle
Cltnkenbeard and wlf Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Eugene Worthlngton
and son. Wallace, wer vlilln rela
tive at Tualatin Saturday.
Mr. Oeorg Thorn, who wa oper
ated on In St. Vincent' hospital I do
ing nicely, Mr. Thorn will have to
undergo the second operation before
he will be able to be horn again.
John Conway and Loul Kvan are
two more of our Oswego boy, who
have recently returned from France,
where they have been serving the U. H,
Arch Lewi ha purchased new
Mr, and Mr Albert Walling, of
UcK-kaway. have been vl.ltlng their
daughter, Mr K lUtllman.
Mr. and Mr. Charle Pope are mov
ing back to Onwego, Mr Pope ex
pect to stay with her father. Ilnry
Clan, who I not able to be left alona
Mr. and Mr. Jo.eph ItUkner ar to
leave Sunday for Talent, Oregon,
wher Mr. nickner 1 Interested In
Friend of Mr. J. flni will be
W. J Wilson
and Co.
line of farm supplies not
any other dealer outside
very glad to learn she ha left the
hospital, where she ha been Confined
for sevral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnes was vis
iting Mrs. John' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dyer, Sunday.
Born, to Mrs. and Mr. C. C. Hayden,
a In by boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cllnkenboard,
of Portland. vlnltod Mr. and Mr
Henry Yates Sunday.
Charles Austin, who has returned
fmm Franco, spent Sunday with Mr.
nnd Mr. A. J. MnnV. and gave an In
teresting talk of different places he
had seen while away,
Jenninirs Lwlne
- ,
ComnlimenHng Mr Rlla Mc'Tiinriio,
a well known rotldent of .Tannine
Lodie. twenty mn'rnn asronnblv sur
prised her on Mireh 31st, the nr.rnn
slnn l)frr hnr hlHMiy nnnvcrnrv.
The snrlna: time sunshine lont hnn.
P"v to the nffalr, end here and thnrn
nbout the rooms wore the difrMm
end JonanD with their bniH'nl
nndns of vnlnw lonlnir rhnrm to the
bevv of wnmrni, who csme In to er
d congratulation to Mrs. McIIar
gue. Medmns Fmmnnn, Cnvrt. nr
mnn nnd Ctihln served the delicious
refrhmpnts wUh tea,
Among the iiets were Mr Chl'ds,
ot Brnwnivlt'e, who at. nr"nt l vs!
Hn- nor rmmnt. Mr nnd Mm. TJ'rten,
of fhdxtnnn Mr Hume, of Setlwond!
a sister of Mr. MeWnrmie. was also
rreent, Mo-dsmns Kelly TTonir. Mflr.
t'n, C'nmer,, Pebert, Loev, ITotch
kiss, Emmons, Lambert, Allon, Tuck-
Mrs. Blaneh . lhlUy prnttivt.
i ntent Teacher mwtl M '
hnld tti H.ndy 8wrdy. beginning
t IP 00 A. M . whon th Mlolu
program v. tit b glvn: 0 .00 I'lult
work - Organisation and nttimwt
.. A l Olmtd 11:00. Tbo Com
miuilty t'omi'le Marhine ll'OO,
Unrh 1:14. HjhhUI mulc 1:40.
HUh 8chol Uuirmn In Kilirt.
I.lllit. Hchmmlll 8:30. tVrrotUilon of
History and t'lvM; Mr. H l Hun.
l II. Mlllvl. O. J. I'alMtt. Thl
meeting should bo ot grt Inter!
every tm and U '"! ld
Th rc;n rtm of melt In lh
Hsmly III-tr h rIM many Handy
Ho among thorn bolng IVwl I procl
or and family. Mr and Mr. J t.
Uundrr. It. 8. Hmlth d family,
Mr. Ktna Eon and children. &1
I iron and family. Ilolnl Junker,
tilenn thunder., AU'Mine Ury,
Kmnk tU-hmtu, Htn lHn nd lf,
Jam AIIIH Mr. Motllncly. Al Kl
Klein and S!lrl IW. K. lUrrla,
Thorn and Kenneth Scale.
Altwrt t'aveit. who ha 10
pr nrvlc In rYnr with the
Ji th K iglnner. landed at New York
Mi.rth 5th nd lll be at home m
He I a run of Mr John Kvler of
A rttcent lotler frtm Arlle Mltrhtl.
who I In the Navy, written
frm V! A brtthr, U'y, ho I
I'r.'f Itall'h pe.thotvr, who wa In
the MachiniM t vartmriit. arrived
from t'amo Merrlt Monday and I at
the home of nt parent. Mr and
Mr Jo vSh--r. at tor
Dan Allen, of the Hull lUo eUue.
who I with the le-trl-l Kcgltieer.
Im!ed at HohukcR. N Y. .recently A
uirr, Mu Vera Alln, ho I
rrmtuu nsir. latcljr arrived from
IVitnre n I U at her hme at Hull
liuu awaiting he inrt u tHtirrU
I n.lrr date of Mar. h tin It K K
on writ" from ,eer. rare
"Arrlvod hre yeaterJay attrtiMn
Am Adjutant ad men otfii-rr rWI
real humesl.k t'hl'f 8urgn ld
thl hitat, N'.i 2. would bo tliMo.t
alu.ut May l':h and that I could rtm
biii thvn i am tired of blttg or
here and tired of the wurk ilnm the
war ttitfiwd I will b tkklot
man hen I da finally rr on the
wv "
Frwm Cotileni. Mar. h tth ,rmc the
toll. mine from Alln Mill "Wa to
ry M-!tt'ular f'K't ball game
Ut Thunlay bctwewn the SSth Dlv
and 4th tHr tnanv AreipUne did
tu!ii over ihe t'.eM, U. bad bt
iilrvati(in bal.Mtn near th fleia
whl.lt went up t had an lmmene
Amrrlran flag unfurl.-.! frm It Si
big military txtti.J along the aide line
Alo iom rtow lis entertaining l ot
of moving piiiurr taken frm lh
areoplane and from the ground The
Kume wa f.r the rhampiottihtp of Ihe
litrd Army -A9th Imv winning
Sr.ife H til 0'
hred SUailliy. well known Handy
boy. who Jolimd the Navy early In the
var. wa tat!oie at the tttllllpplno
Inland for long lime, In recent
Irlt. r ay he Ml the lalattil flem
ember H h nd I with the 311 Inf.
Ill Klltefl.1
Will Thortiin, of the Nvy. wa a
Kuut the tiunger home at Hull Itun
lilt wei-k
Jim llllleyaril. of Cllll Htatlon. r
rled home rerontly fromover a
luty lie (lir (ecu (Hike In nnre,
Cecil I working In a mill camp nd
will probably be among the Ut to
he m nl home
Alvln Kllnfcer, who wa with lh
Coat I Anlllery. rtlvr, homo from
1II(0 a Week a'to last alurdy,
, . pl r a santomeThil O DIES. .
Monday 8f(irnxm the (wo year oil
'laughter i,r Mr and Mr Uui M.Her
of I'lcasiint Ifomn. In mtiia way gut
hold of a m of "cold" tablet, mo
them, and in uplie of all h.-lp, died
In n few hour
J. Sml.-s hn brought the Hnrend
rlk properly on Vain atreet. and
will move Into It Immediately, This
l ihe ni(il m i tern dwelling In Handy
L M. V.'!oii on Monday closed th
'If." I for ihi Ih.II Judwln property
went of (Vnier Htreet. Mr. WlUon
will mo e iipoui the 1st of Jnly.
A I'ell h.i bought the Paul
liuiiri m-irhon ihe Dii.ff rond. trading
In hi Sandy properly on lh. dml
They will move out In ft few week,
'd Mr. Imnn and wife will occupy
the Hell residence on Center Wren
ThoN. tlHlliirnenu ha soli hi ,..
fectlonery rtoro, but we ,ii unable
learn the partlculnr.
A. W. !:,)) hn old hi Hulo to
J. II. Harnett
The fine weather of the past lwo
w"kHl giving the former a chance
get I heir plowing in, n H
Smlih reports a number of ,i,. ,'
farm liir)i,ru.,,t ll(,t week, namely;
' li'hfleld Manuro Spreader t0 j,'
N'lK'm, J, C. Albel, an UIU Vu.,'
""nnyrtlo; a corrnguteil roller to
A If. Jerirer. a Poorlit Drill l() Mr
' l-i wim, and a mower and rake to
Mux Wunlsho.
caul Neal and ttun Wilcox, Forest
'rvlce men, were In Randy Monday
on Ihe'r way to the fitlll Creek Plant
" T1' R'"m work ""e
l his last year,
Aft,,. -"-"e.ia.CU ,
Tuomion or muny months
Swn i ' ?er,"an TruHCOlt- Cu"".
Mrs Men r the'r Work Bn1 wlh'"
h Handy Mu,ly mTT
In our n ltt. with i(v ... M4I
prlnlon.i'!, and Mr n .'l' "
lmk ft,ti, BMpor,B(,i
Monday In th MthtMli
10 30 A. M 1'r.a. M,,
HuiMUy tuning by luv, Air
Itdgar tenervh. i.
or to North Vt
a Handy vimr iimt)
1"loil. l(o h4
of inland, were .. 4 " H
(he Hoffmen home "
ttinU Mward I
Uh piion tt
' .i
Mr and Mr. U K iu,KlB
guou .f Mr .,, M " n
MUklle.ort al Cherry viil..
Mr John Kyter and Mi.
pent Saturday at their huifttw V
'" Mr, Kyler-. little mJ. f
ter. ituth Triitrb... returned
with ihem for few dy
Mi. K.i. Jut,r M
8. hmiti u.wiored to Portland TrZ
afteroinm to meet Mr, Brtmii,!
later wha arrived from Mma u
vl.it. They will b, ;
H.btttlt bom In Bandy.
Mr and Mr Daley. hofct
living on tb CiK.pr plar. fT
ryviilo for yer. pM t!l
Htdy Monday on their i0 JT
wher they will tuk th.ir boaa
Mr K rrniettl. pr.,,,, 4
KhtHlodetidrom Tavern, et
Handy Tuely on her ? lam2
ter ty of three mu)i B pun:4J4
Mr and Mr line, Umit 4
Kver. wertt to Haady Tedy
have rente lh Mr Mmai. UuZ
farm. or Kl, and will ftonti.
IL , Hmllh h rented lh
rerenlly vacated by W J Vlnil
will iim li m tor room f
J, tit ate tnolitre4 ta I'enlaiti
day. He entered the bopui W4t
day morning for aJiUt epor!
Prank Cbrutenn and umiSh y
ha been the 8abdy b.i fuf (J.
lat two Wek, returned u Cf5.u
Marshall trivia I ham
tbme m.Milh .lay In (h kual;l i
J year ago In June Mr Itan t uu
leg and h eer fw..o(n fru a
Handy Iin.ber ttpy m
It mill Monday, to report ui
Mr tiafvin . Mr ltitlita.
, rived In Handy Tuedy frum mnmm
Mr, Uri. m retttraed m'.i'.t, 4
wife, r moving onto taad I ihtU
cwuntry AIm family by ih am
of Cameron.
Mr Mabel lal. n V'.Ui. I g
Ht Vlnrenl hupltl ht it t
derweni n operation irlir ti
I reported progressing !WKtar
Hugh R.wtin, of l'orililM
Handy caller Hunday aft-rac
Jo Wllcoion penl V4r Ml
Tuesday In Portland
IL H Hitilth wa a Portlted tt4Uf
II Mill pent Hunday arid VU$
In Portland, lh gue.t of lh Wtii
(Jmnert family,
m.roihy Couper. of portUai. wt
Hunday evening gueat th H
Mr Olady Mltrhell aff wA
Ml He lr vlltd lh GrWj
high trhool Week
f D lYucnll w In Handy T
II report Mr, prucell it m k
A, H Atkln of Molal!. nun
e Hunday rhlit by Nieht tW
iirfti nd Hneiliil ffu-r J--r
charged with being drunk l! P"''
fje ball to appear for h.ir'if X
tny but thl w forfeited k W
nnt appear '
Wong, the fh'naman. rte4 ft
Infer pert of lot week fr P1"
lg ll'ienr n1 re'en! en " M
to apfienr Mondny forfellcd ill k)8
by not appearing.
Kvrentional bantnln In I n
no. Thl I a rl btiv Vnv I'"
Therout Music Hou, 110 8vwjiIR
Schedule of
Free delivery iyitem of
Tuesday Molalla Rosd
Thuriday H'gfiland RA
Friday Weit Side Loop.
We are adding to thi
service every week.
Phone in your order
the day before we are due
in your district and w
will deliver your grocer
ies and pick up your pr0'
Pacific Phone 448
Home Phone B238