l,iil.lli;iii,.M',.Mii i' m'Ii,1;.;.!,!.....!; I 1 r" i jj A NOVEU juunifiu. or CWVWT,V KABPr t. AND B BOTH Eng. - "Silly T She know nothing about It.- Wtth a flirtatious je'.ga Rosa add ed: "That'a what robs the affair of Its chief pleasure. Slnr 11 not K,hr her In the least, I think I will not al low you to come any more." After libelous consideration, O'RolU ly pretended to agree, "There's no fun In wreaking a hor rible revenge, when your enemy Isnt wise to It," he acknowledge!. "Sine Ifs your Idea to Irritate your stepmoth er, perhaps tt would annoy her If I made tote directly to her." Rosa tittered, stid then Inquired. Baldly, "Can you make love, aenorr 'fan It It's the one ability an O'Reilly Inherits. Listen to this now." Reaching forth, he took Itota's fingers In his : "Walt !" he cried as she restat ed. "Pretend that you r airs. aroon. your own stepmother, snd that this Is her dimpled hand I'm holding." "Oh-h!" The girl allowed his grasp .Tr.zrrtr'-xrzz? xmrtnTW to remain. "Put Isabel's nana im CHAPTER III. i their father's I They were to b their pimpled: It's thin and bony. rvs felt " i father's heirs, you know, and theyut on mj ears often enough." "The O'Reilly." ; Msme me for his death, for our poe-j -Don't Interrupt." he told her. "Isa- Age and easy living had caused Don tJj frtr aIi tm, other misfortunes ej, roy little darling" Mario de Castano, the sugar merchant. I tha,' bav overtaken us. We Uve like! "'Isabel'!" exclaimed a Tolce, and to take on weight. lie had. In truth, j nla I)(1 dogs." the lovers started guiltily apart They become so fat that he waddled like a Marl() j,a(j t, drumming his . turned to find Esteban. Rosa's twin penguin when he walked ; and w hen he f(t flnp)r4 impatiently upon the arm of brother, staring at them oddly. "Isa bel r he repcatea " nai a mis i "Ton Interrupted our theatricals. I was rehearsing an Impassioned pro posal to your beloved stepmother." uir?k.iv i v itiiix-n. ' r - - - - Rosa only makes me more eager, for I ; O'Reilly explained, with a pretense or loathe a aleepy woman. Row-leu we. annoyance. la she lias she any affairs of thai "Tea, Senor O'Reilly believes ha can h-rtr Infuriate Iatet ty win ics iu cr. "N-no, unless perhaps a flirtation j He'a a-f,,lsh I'r.o with that young American. love rode, the springs of his French Tie- torla gave up tn despair. In disposition Don Mario was prac tical and nnromantlc; he boasted that ha had never had an Illusion, never an Interest outside of his business. And yet, on the day this etory opens, this prosaic personage. In spite of his bu'g lng waistband and his taut neckband. In spite of his short breath and his prickly heat, was In a Tery whirl of pleasurable excitement Don Mario, In fact, suffered the greatest of all lllu elons: he was In love, and he believed himself beloved. The object of his adoration was little Rosa Vsrona. the daughter of his one-time friend Este ban. To be sure, he had met Rosa only twice since her return from her Yankee school, but twice had been enough; with prompt decision he had resolved to do her the honor of making her his wife. Notwithstanding the rivulets of per spiration that were coursing down every fold of his flesh, and regardless of the fact that the body of his victoria was tipped at a drunken angle, as if struggling to escape the burdens of his great weight, Don Mario felt a Jaunti ness of body and of spirit almost like that 'of youth. He saw himself as a splendid prince riding toward the humble home of some obscure maiden whom he had graciously chosen to be hi mate, His arrivM threw Donna. Isabel Into a flutter; the woman cou'd scarcely contain her curiosity when she came to meet him, for he was not the sort of man to Inconvenience himself by mere soda! visits. Their first formal greet ings over, Don Mario surveyed the bar living room and remarked, lugubri ously : "I see many changes here." "No doubt" the widow agreed. "Times have been hard since poor Ea teban's death." "What a terrible calamity that was! I shudder when I think of It" said he. A shocking affair, truly 1 and one I shall never get out of my mind." "Shocking, yea. But whst do yoa think of a rich man. like Esteban. who would leave his family destltntet Who would die without revealing the place where he had stored his treasure?" Donna Isabel, It was plain, felt her wrongs keenly ; she spoke with as much spirit as if her husband had permitted himself to be killed purely out of spite toward her. "As If It were not enough to lose that treasure," the widow continued, atormlly, "the government must free all our slaves. Tse I Tse I And now that there is no longer a profit in sugar, my plantations" "No profit in sugar? What are you Baying?" queried the caller, "If your crops do not pay. then Pancho Cueto la cheating you. Get rid of him. But I didn't come here to talk about Este ban's hidden treasure, nor his planta tions, nor Pancbo Cueto. I came here to talk about your step-daughter, Bosa." : "So?" Donna Isabel looked up quickly, "She interests me. She ts more beau tiful than the stars." Don Mario rolled his eyes toward the high celling, which, like the sky, waa tinted a vivid ceru lean blue. She Is now eighteen." the fat suitor went on, ecstatically, "and so alto gether charming But why waste time In pretty speeches? I have de cided to marry her." i "Ito&a has a will of her own," guard- VJfWi his chnlr. Now he exclaimed : "Tour pardon, senora, but I am Just now very little Interested In your do mestic relations. What you say about Rosa's and her r,..m tw. i.ki th nama color deepened at the amusement in ... ,...!. Mnn...4tinn f VKatl. Rttohnn' eves. "He mattes liS S?laiHU , ' (nun. .... . " Tfe wretchedly." "Juan O'Reilly? O'Reilly? Oh. yes! "What little I overheard wasn't bad," But what has he to offer a woman? II Esteban declared ; then he took ts little more than clerk." I O'Reilly's hand. "That is what i tell her. Oh. It) Esteban was a handsome boy, hasn't gone far as jet." (straight slim and manly, and his re- "Good!" Don liario rose to leave,1 nemblance to R'a was startllug. for the exertion ot his ride had made ( with a look engaging tn.lts frank dl him thirsty. "You may name your own ' redness, he said : "Rosa told me about company has notion that I'd wake htm a good sott-ln-law." I Ohl" cried Rosa. And at her tone O'ltellly hurried on: "These rich men have the most ab surd Ides. I suppose I'll have to" ' "Then you are In love, aenorr The young man nodded vigorously. "Indeed I am with the sweetest gtrl In Cuba. That's the whole trouble. That'a why I'm hurrying borne to re sign before I'm fired." Not daring to look tooVng or too deeply Into Rosa Varona'a eyes unlit she had taken In the whole truth, he waited, staring at his feet "I'm sort of glad It has com to a show down and I ran speak out. I'm hoping she'll miss me." After a moment he ventured, "Wilt she er will you, Rosaf "It Miss yout" Rosa lifted her In uretemlod maseiiiont. "You sre amusing, of course, but I wont have much time to think about you, foe 1 am. a U H married- "Married? What? Nonsense!" "Indeed! Io you think I in so ugiy nobody would have met The richest man In Matanaaa bits asaeu tor my hand this very afternoon. "Whot Mario de Castanor "Yea." O'Reilly laughed with relief, and though Rosa tried to look offended. ahe was forced to smile, "He's fat I know," aha admitted, "and h makea fuuny nolsea when he breathes; but ha Is richer than Croesus, and I adora rich men." "1 bate 'etnt announced O'Reilly. Then for a aecond time ha took Ross's dimpled hand, saying, earnestly: "I'm sure vou know now why I make lova so badly, dear. It's my Irish con science. And youH wait until I coma back, wont your "Wit! you be gone very longr aha asked. O'Reilly looked deeply now Into tha dark eyes turned to his, and found that at last there was no coquetry In them ANTON SOW! OF HIGHLAND ARRESTED reward for helping me aud I will pay It the day Rosa mairies nu Now kind ly advise her of my intentions and tell her I shall come to see her soon." It was quite true that Johnnie O'Reilly or "The O'Reilly." as his friends called him had little la the way of worldly advantage to offer any girt and It was precisely because of this fact that he had accepted a posi tion here In Cuba, here. from the very nature of things, promotion was likely to be more rapid than In the New York office of his firm. A dancing eye speaks every lan guage; a singing heart gathers Its own your meetings here and I came to apologise for our stepmother's discour tesy. I'm sorry we can't Invite you Into our house, but you understand? Rosa and I are not like her; w are ouite liberal In cur views; we are al most Americans, as you see. I dare say that's what makea Isabel hate Americans so bitterly." , Wouldn't It please her to know that Tm incoming Tubanlsed as fast 11 ever I can? ventured the caller. "Oh. she hates Cubans, too !" laughed the brother. "She's Spanish, you know. Well, It's fortunate you dido t see Her today. Br-r! What a temper I Shell walk In her sleep tonight If ever." Rosa nodded soberly, and O Rellly, Anton Sovlnskl f the Highland country, was arrested Tuesday by Sheriff Wilson, Iteputy Joyner. Con stable rVrtune and lire Warden For Biismn and brought before Judge Slevers. lie was charged ith setting a forest fire some time ago hleh the tlr warilon claims It Cost t'i"0 to put out. A short time ago Constable For tune went out to arrest the man snd was driven away with a gun ami Tuesday the four mti slipped up ou Sovtimkt and when they spoke to him he turned around and was confronted with four guns. He "mad no effort to tight or escape and S handcuffed and brought to the olty. Owing to his it being In poor health the man was given the smsu est fine possible. J. and costs, but he t first refused to M this ami his bonds were fixed at $i0. Ho did not understand this and refused to pro duce the bonds. At;er many attempts It was explained to him and he paid the fine and costi. On one malon when officer tried to arrest htm he denied being the man wsnted snd the fire warden waa taken along Tuesday to Ideiitl fy him. Lieutenant Winton Ix)ii2 In Service Sergeant C Moore liaek from lYaneo fiergeant Carl Moore, ' wlih th limn r;imn"". the Medical department, has return . . .. l.,Vli, Hid tih'tUie eil 10 liregun nj, -- of health. Hergsant lloote hu been In France, and has bad many eil'"" (nie to relate, Among th-se are me heroic deeds the American tys nave done while In nance, aud the cour. shown while In the hospital in . . , , ...... ,r which ho was eonnecien t ' the boys, who were placed oil the op ernllng table on many nccaabme without the use of an atiaestnruc Their grit was wonderful. v "er .u.l Moore, who aanUled In per on.'tntloni nrr Ittv H'( Hltn s"- - t l.ritt flild J'efore entering the serv lee Sergeant Moore was connected with the ci tinty clerks office during the administration f Miss la Har rington. MKMlil'ilWTlIK HIUTISIl ARMY IlEHK ON VISIT 07CPU0 nrir PREPA tt TO ATTACH AUSTRIANS riirf.HAwr.i, March j T. CiechoHlovsks are iindilliiiin army at Oalrau ti:.0 mlli Brtk j lindspnst), to inarch sealant llungarlana, a Vienna tlMtmUk girted tmUy The army wt u r.. mauded by the Italian general M IHMII audience. Before the young Irish- f ttipprwsing some light reply that had American bad more than a bowing ao gpnmj t0 his Ups, Inquired, curiously, Quaintsnce with the commonest Span- j vhat do you mean by that?" Lsh verbs he bad a calling acquaint ance with some of the most exclusive ! people of Matanxaa. He had adjusted . himself serenely to bis surroundings j when Rosa Varona returned from Brother and sister joined In explain ing that Donna Isabel was given to pe culiar actions, especially after periods of excitement or anger, and that one of her eccentricities had taken the form school, but with her coming, away . of gomnanbulistlc wanderings. "Oh. went all his complacency. His content-1 gne-s mtJ enough." Esteban con toent vanished ; he experienced a total j duded. "I believe It's her evil con change In his opinions, his hopes, and gence," his ambitions. O'Reilly scanned the speaker silent- He discovered ror example, mat aia-, j, tor , mont : then be said, with a tanzas was by no means the out-of-the-way place he had considered It ; on the contrary, after metuQgTtosa Bnfe fy accident twice by design, and three times by mutual arrangement It had dawned upon him that this was the chief city of Cuba, If not perhaps, the bub around which the whole world re volved; certainly It was the most agreeable of all cities, since It con tained everything that was necessary for man's happiness. Yet despite the i a spanSh child In Cuba. We are Co thrill of his awakening, O Keiuy was ban, Kosa tDd L I w everrwhere. snd gravity unusual In him, "I wonder if you know that you're suspected of working for the Insurrecto cause," "Indeedt I didn't know." "Well, It's a fact" O'Reilly heard Ross gasp faintly. "Is It truer he asked. "I am a Cuban." . "Cuban? Your people were Span-lab,". "True. But no 8panlard ever raised Lieutenant and Mrs II 11. Winton. who have been guents of Mrs Win ton's parent. Mr, and Mrs t'harb'S Hayes of IJladsione, left Sunday at ternoon for Hartsel. Alabama, where they are to make their future home This was the home place ot Lieuten ant Winton when he entered the reg ular army six years ao, lie entered the rmy whu but nineteen year of g. and has bec'u rapidly promoted lie was tn the army during th Mel can trouble, and was one of the first to. reach the Mexican border. Lieutenant Winton has been st (limed at Vancouver Harracks fr some time, and received his honor able discharge about three weeks ago. He married Miss Viola Hayes ot Gladstone, lat October, and she 1 well known here, having been em- ployed by the Pacific Telephuiie company previous to her marriage. . manytaking" up club work in clackamas Corporal M T. !K.vereim. who has visited In Oregon City on several oo- cantons, and the guest of bla aunt ih t a ah. formerly of this citv. but now of the Fast. Is In Ore t-it v f.. a few davs Corporal iereau returned from France llecesnber 23. 191. after being In some of the heaviest battles, ha had many eicltlng experience wftlie ai the front He ha been wounded three limes, and piece of shrapnel sre still In hia body. Corporal IWereaus I hr In tha Interest of a brief history of the American lgUm, of which he i a member This Is an attractive bk let. and those who have seen It. have helped the young soldier by t'fh lng one c.f thre This b-wklel was compiled by Corpora! M T Ieer rant and It K Goodwin The booklet I filled with many interesting- fact concerning the American legion the ::it Haitallon while In France This American legion w formed In Vancouver. 1'riiUU Columbia. Cn ada. and was composed of young men of the Culled Stale, who ei!titd with the Canadian force at Sarree Camp. Calgary. Alberta, In !!& and HU. and nit oversea shortly after ward Jt wa under the ci-wmatid of LlU tenant Clone Hage of Now Yutk. afterward blng transferred to the lnviiliv VI,.. k an . agency dtapaleh frm I'rauuo said retHirta had ben lroi4 ti, that Count Karolyl. former tr4 the Hungarian governmeuf, k4 sasassuiateti. A mpicB io no tuny ,B (o ienna aii naroiyi ni bi-n a,,, ej ly the communist. not at all pleased with himself, for, as It happened, there waa another girl back home, and during his first year of loneliness he had written to her more freely and more frequently than any man on such a salary as his bad a right to do. Inasmuch as her father was OTtell ly's "company" It may be seen that Rosa Varona's home-coming seriously complicated matters, not only from a sentimental, but from s business stand point It was In a thoughtful mood that he rode up La Cumbre toward the Qalnta de Esteban, late on the afternoon of Dan Mario's visit Instead of going di rectly to the bouse, as the merchant had done, O'Reilly turned off from the road and, after tethering his horse In a cluster or gnava busnes, proceeded on foot He did not like Donna Isabel, nor did Donna Isabel like him. More- the Spanish officers talk plainly be fore me. Somebody must be the eyes' and the ears for Colonel Lopez." "Colonel Lopes !" exclaimed O'Reilly. Esteban nodded. Rosa's face, as she looked at the two men, was white and worried. For a time the three of them sat silent ; then the American said, slowly, "You'll be shot If you're caught" "Some one must run chances." Este ban averred. "We're fighting tyranny; all Cuba is ablaze. I must do my part" "But sooner or later youll be dis coveredthen wbatr persisted O'Reil ly. Esteban shrugged. "Who knows t There'll be time enough when " "What of Rosar At this question the brother stirred uneasily and dropped his eyes. O'Rell- Uy laid a hand upon bis arm. "You have no right to Jeopardize her safety. mm k i mr a v i TSj4 r I IS st 1 1(1 ; M a V w H-V-Sw. ' -Will You Ba Ooiia vary Longr 6ha Asktd. anvwhere nothing but a lonesoros, hungry yearning and with s glad. In coherent exclamation he held out his arms. Rosa Varona crept Into them; then with a sigh aba upturned her lips to his. "Til wait forever." she said. (Continued in nest ieeu). more iT6y?6f OREGON ARRIVE IN NEW YORK NEW YORK. March :-Thre ships sailed Into New York harbor Wednesday In drenching rain and do barked a wet. laughing lot of troops who were able to smile at arriving home. In spite of tho weather and the long tedious trip. Many of the troops that are scheduled for the near future arrivals are from the Northwest. To day there are at Camp Merrttt an! at Camp Mills, where almost all of the aero squadrons go, several score more Oregon men than a day or two ago The Charleston debarked a number of Oregon men and some from the In land Empire. The Twenty-seventh aero squadron of air service men went to (.'amp Mills, Iong island. over, he had a particular reason for j wIthont you t0 Whom,could she turn T avoiding her today. j xfce girl flashed ber admirer a grateful Just Inside the Varona premises he , giancei paused an Instant to admire the out- "Senor, you for one would see thai look. The quinta commanded an excel- .jjg lent view of the Yumuri, on the one j But I'm going away." O'Reilly hand, and of the town and harbor on fejt rather tian saw Rosa start, for the other; no one ever climbed the hill blfj face wag averted. "I came here to rrom the city to gaze over into mat teu yo 5oth g00(j.by. i roay be gone ATvio, HavwIWa hidden valley without feeling a pleas- for mmii tllne- jj doQ.t now wj,en , lilt-Altdll UdllUI IS nrtMe surprise at ending Tt sml mere, j j cao ge back." We are accustomed to think of perfect j :rm y - Esteban told hlnli y, beauty as unsubstantial, evanescent; enuine We have grown very but the Yumuri never changed, and In (nri , f, . vnn mm h.ru inai lay us upreiij.?i wuuucr, ) TTirnnph what had onee been well- I tended grounds, O'Reilly made hla way ! to a sort of sunken garden which. In spite of neglect, still remained the most charming nook upon the place ; I and there he sat down to wait for Rosa. The hollow was effectually screened from view by a growth of plantain, palm, orange, and tamarind trees; over the rocky walls ran a profusion of flowering plants and vines ; in the cen- ! ter of the open space was an old well, its masonry curb all but crumbled I away. When Rosa at last appeared, O'Reilly jfeU called npon to tell ber, somewhat i dizzily, that she was beyond doubt the sweetest flower on all the Quinta de Esteban, and since this somewhat hack I neyed remark was the boldest speech be had ever made to her, she blushed I prettily, flashing him a dimpled smile of mingled, pleasure and surprise. "Oh, but I assure you I m in no sweet temper, said she, "Just now Im i tremendouslv anerv." YnuJMajfJ2OCL0y. Award." I "Why 7" edly ventured the stepmother. , that ,tepmother-IsabeL If she Don Mario broke out testily: "Nat-1 ,jreamed that I see you as often as I nrally; so have we all Now let ns rtf well" Rosa lifted her elo- Losc Bis: Battle speak plainly. You know me. I am a person of importance. I am rich enough to afford what I want and I pay well You understand? Well, then, quent hands and eyes heavenward. "I suppose that's why I enjoy doing It I so dearly love to spite her." "I see!" O'Reilly puckered his you are iiosa s guaraian ana you can browg anj DOdded. "But why, In that ;bend her to your desires." case, haven't you seen me oftenert We "If that were only so!" exclaimed might Just as well have made the thejroman. She and Esteban what good ladv'a life totn'ty nnbesrnhle," before long, eh? You're one of ns. In the meantime I'll remember what you say, and at least 111 be careful." By no means wanting In tact Esteban rose briskly and, after shaking hands with O'Reilly, left the two lovers to say fare well as best suited them. Eut for once O'Reilly's ready tongue was silent The laughter was gone from his blue eyes when be turned to the girl at his side. "You say you are going away?" Rosa Inquired, breathlessly. "But why 7" "I'm going partly because of this war and partly because of something else, I tried to tell you yesterday, but I couldn't When the revolution start ed everybody thought It was merely a local uprising, and I wrote my com pany to that effect; but bless you, it has spread like fire, and now the whole eastern end of the Island is ablaze. Business has stopped, and my employ ers have ordered me borne to find out what's happened to their profits." "You said there was something else" ,0'Rellly's hesitation became an em barrassed silence. lie tried to laugh It off. "There is; otherwise I'd stay right here and tell my penurious friends to whistle for their profits. It seems I'm cursed with s fatal beauty. You may have noticed it? No? Well, perhaps it's a magnificent business ability that I have. Anyhow, the grcflrtrr.t of JAUREZ, Mexico. March 21. Jaurez today cele.brt.ed the news of General Zuazua's reported victory over Villa's command under Martin Lopez Wednesday at Iloqullla del Marquesote, 75 miles south of tho New Mexican border. A military ciph er message received here late last nlKht from General Zuazua by Col onel Mora, district commander, told of the victory. '' ! New York to London Talk is Possible LCNUOM, March 22 -"Within three monti:-, you, from your hotel room in London, will bo nblu t- ;ah any New rk telepiotm numl.e' aad tet it Inilde of 15 Minute ani! then idlk for three mtnu'.-n for ?5' said Cugllelmo Marconi lohrr In a con-veegatlo-i reKnrdlni th posiibliltles of :hc wireli;RE telephone POLES OPPOSED At tho recent meeting held at Stone, when County Agent R (!, Scott and Mis Marie Anthony, home demonstrator, presided, much Inter est wa taken by the residents of that place, having taken up this work, and ths various subject to b handled In that section are aa fol low; "Rodent Control," Frank Hat taa; 'Fertiliser Demonstration, Ceome Dallas: ' Toultry." Mr. Frank llattan; "Canada Thistle Control." I I Pcake: "Clothing," Mrs John llattan; "l-abor Saving Device.' Mrs. U. I I'eake; "Home Nursing" Mrs. deorge Dalta; "Hoys' and Olrls' Club Uader." Miss Madgt I'.yers. At the meeting held at Molalla a number of chairmen of the Marlon projects were appointed. Thee were with the subjects taken, a follows: "Hot School Lunches." Mrs. Orla Huston; "Care and Feeding of Chll drcn." Mrs. M. J. Cockerell; 'Home Nursing." Mrs. F. O. Havencarn, "Dairy Improvement," C. H. Marsh; "Rodent Control," 3. A. Cordlll; "For tlllzer Demonstration," O. H. Daugh erty; "Drainage," George Duugher ty. At tho lUzeliu meeting conducted by Mr. Scott and Miss Anthony, two subjects were discussed, and will bo carried out. Theso are 'Toultry,' with George Wilson as chairman; "Cab bag" Test Control," II. iUik'-r, "Ito dent Control." was one of the sub jects discussed at tho Sandy meet ing, and II. Nelson was chosi-n chuir man; 'Totuto Demonstration." Joi Jarl; "Fertilizer Demonstration," . t!. DePha.er; 'Toultry ," Mrs. Anton Malar. The Damascus meeting was also well attended, and th following sub Jecta with their chairmen were chos en: itoMont Control, John lioff melster; "Fertilizer Demonstration E. A. Richards. Similar meetings were held at th liarton school house March 19; Ho lng school house March 20, and at th Kstacadu high school March 21. Blnco the meeting was held at 0 wego by Mr. Scott, L. A. Olrastcad and Miss Anthony, hot lunches have been Installed In tho school at that place by the Women's Club, this hav lng been done by tho suggestion of the home demonstration agent, MIhh Anthony at one of tho club nomt Ings. Mrs. William Gray was appoint ed leader, and she appoints a cuptuln for each time, and theso captains choose four helpers. Among the dish es served and most popular Is chill con enrne. creamed soups aro also popular dishes, This Is an experiment to bo tried out during March, but ns It has become so popular wllh tho students It has boon decided to con tinue the lunches for the month of April. The school board of Oswego has erected board tables. Tho Wo men's Club does the planning, mar keting and preparation and serving of these meals to the pupils. Fishth C. H T, under cinmaud of IJeuteliant Colonel Corn all of (,1 linntin. Alberta. Canada On account of suffering heavy os e during the first month of service tn Helium and Franco, the battalion a diminished tn number, and be lng unable to further recruit Amerl an bv from the t'nlted State. It a tiec(pary to disband. Th major Ity of this American unit then farmed nto the F.ighth Haitallon. C. It T ' n which line uf service It accom pllahed brilliant work, and wa un of the first battalion to construct he llcht railroad In France and I'elKium. This light railway did away with the use of mule, automobile and man power, and the ammunition was sent by this mean, and the wuunoeii wrrn iransporvil ironi inn. CHESTER STAFFORD IS D BY WIFE 0 CRUEL T ' itlaeM , o t t ot Vu Cre and Inhuman alleged In tho dlvort-v fllntl here I Urs.lav They were married at fi,.fts ,j Inmlier 17, 1.113, lut she tiicf I eitremoly Jealous and rjtsoi t, many time in the -;-riH er She also claim he fs!t' u cused ber of payitsf io mtti tion to other men. the say that for the wit U month she ha made ter j kj and during thl time he am fa rotttribute to her aupp-ift She k the rifht to at tnallen name of Ethel Mrtf, Mr. J u wbrrg. a wr r dent of Oregon City, an4 taterofW Grove, died at the family horn t Warred. Oregon, Mitttil' . after a brief tllneta Mrs, Vmberg wa well ksot I Oregon City, hating resiW es Abernethy on the Vosberg fins ! l:nr. to the flr.t aid station, re.ull-1 " ha wM n""1" ln( In manr live belli .aveJ Thl i '-P'seopal FORMER RES1DENT0F OREGON CITY PASSES AWAYMONDAYH l.eitliin also constructed railway line Into Messlnes Kldge, Helglum, where the battle raged fiercely. " Corporal Devereaus ha In hi x session m letter from the mayor of Vancouver, Wash , commending the book gotten out by th"e dder, and of their nble deed while In Hel glum and France The letter I also endorsed by Mayor II 1.. Holman of this city. Corporal Devereaui I meeting with aucce among hi many friend and other Interested In the boys In the service, snd h aotd many of the little booklet They are Illustrated. how lng what hn been done "over there." One of the Illustration I that of Flanders mud behind tho lines at Homme. The boys were coin pel led to spend several months In the muddy section and to wade Into the mud up to their walt Hue. Tho Homme will mver be forgotten by the boys who were lucky enough to get out of thnl section alive. PROBATE COURT Otto C. Hanson filed Thursday for letter of administration In the ettate of (ho lato I'eler Hanson, who died In this county September 11, 1918. The entute eotmlst of real property In ClacknmnH valued at f 1,000. IVlll loner In tho above ulo filed for letters of administration In tho es tate of the Una Johanna Hanson who died In thl county December 1 1!1K. This estate consists of s claim against the Portland Hallway. Light A Power corapuny, tho value of which tho petitioner doe not know. U. K. Ilealhiirman filed Tuesday for letters ot administration In the CHlftta of the late l ewis A. Heather man, who died January 15, 1019. jno estate consists tit personal property in Jefferson and Clncka mas counties valued at 11.000 and there are several heirs. LONDON, March 21. Went Prus sia has decided upon armed resist ance If Poland attempts to annex West Prussian soil, according to In formation from that region today. I The German cabinet has arrived at a complete agreement upon prob lems connected with the conclusion of peace MINERS 8TRIKE CARDIFF, Wales, March 24 Six inousana weisn miners went on strike today as a portest agnlnut the action of the coal inquiry commls slon In not making a favorable report on all of their demands. church hiie aw wa active In church work Mr Vosberg rooted ta V fmm Oak Grove, having ri$l tha Litter tilace for a CUBM t yeats The deceased la survlv4 W husband and a son. Chrl tH of Warren; alto by sti gnst dren of Warren. MUCT BROS. IUI0 U I"). Atkln and t). U AlVta lng buslnes a Atkins I'mtf tered suit Wednesday ! Jullu and Ihllln HuIU i51 ' Hull Hrolhers. of Colton, I 11.422 19. This amount t iMs be due the plaintiff for Jertl! formed for the Defendant" feet of saw log ( w I'lulntlff allege h! work I formed between December u Mn h 2n IBtS TheV Sik ff ment tn the full amount i " a .1 U cent Interest and costs ot u NEW ARRIVALS .i ... nsrroo r in 1M8 Hir Anuor that In gout ( alio trua in r j thore is deflolent e'lm"I"!: part of the kidneys and U" r wimin sre no wirown v... r i . . It ..isi mm it . - tt)innua II, mrauss -, Prof attack to tlie heaping dp j where O.ere il an abundf , wciu sTiiiuii ia i"v. iflnilli" Horn to tho wife of John Osborne, a nine pound son, March 22, at the maternity hospital, snd sheatlii, setting np ' ,' Horn, February 28, at tha malnrnltv lJt,,or Hac" ?...i...si b'i hospital to ths wlf0 of David Ilnrd o' ,nu? V!".1? Z be wC. Maple Lano, a daughter, weight, sev on and one half pounds. 2 'Sh. back 'ol the w5 - Ai Prof. Strauss ."' lZ M of nrio acid we ' lploo' CSC1VIPE Uiuicom. - . nrS." water, six or eight .Jfihi water before meals, and oi, lahleta. iloubls strengttit ,"..ut tha nearest drug store na three times s day. .nn in oenU V.u'r POLK'S GAZETTEER 112 il'Z'Zl Xitwtocas B. L, Por.it CO, las, Anur!o ( wO-wAo ) K V ' coTery ol vt .; "t potent than Vri w as hot toa diasoi8" f