Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 21, 1919, Page Page 6, Image 6

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lvJLJLJLi y jTJl S jll jl m j
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The City Council, a committee from
the Firemen, the School District and
the parents ot the boya to service met
at the city hall Wednesday evening to
discuss ways and means to raise
funds to give an enthusiastic recep
tion to the returned men. At that
meeting it was decided to solicit funds
by a house to house canvass. The so
licitors will make a report next Wed
nesday evening.
Sunday, a girl. Mother and child are
doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmidt have re
turned from Seaside and have opened
their store again. A store on Mln
thorn is a great accommodation to all
residing there. The store has the
same phone number as before, SS-Y.
Merle Urkln, who has been ill tor
some time, is able to be out again.
The Milwaukie Commercial Club
mot Monday evening at the school j
building. Geo. U Rauch of Portland
gave an address on the "Own Your
Home Campaign," which was lisfened
to with interest by alt present.
Thilip Etreib gave an outline of the
State Chamber ot Commerce work
and Mr. Streib and Harry W. Craw
ford were appointed to take charge of
the work of securing members for the
state chamber.
The next meeting of the club will be
hold Monday evening. March 31st, at
the same place. ......
School Activities
Mrs. Arndt received a message from
her son, Roy O'Doll, who is now at
Camp Lewis, who expects to be mus
tered out so as to be home Thursday
Edward Lee, who has been at Camp
lewis for some time, expects to be
mustered out the last of the week. He
was severely injured and has spent
many months in the hospitals in
France and America.
Chas A.- Larkin, Jr., sent a newspa
per clipping to his father. Chas. A.
larkin, Sr., in which the record of
the work ot the two Oregon Battalions
are given. "Chick" as he is familiar
ly called, is a member of Battery B
147th Regt.
William Miller is home after being
mustered out at Camp Lewis. He was
a member of the Coast Artillery.
St Claire DeVaul and J. Nortwick
are home after being mustered out.
!Lt. Wesley Grasle Is expected home
soon, as he arrived in New York sev
eral days ago.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keck
The basketball game with Beaver
ton was played Friday evening with
victory for both M. H. S. teams. The
girls won with a score of lt to 9
and the boys 25 to 10. It was the
best game played this seasou. The
next game will be Friday. March 2S,
with Washougal and a double header.
This will be the last game ot the sea
son. The senior girls spent a very enjoy
able afternoon at the home ot Miss
Risley, Saturday. March 15th.
The challenge issued by the senior
bovs to play any class in basketball
was taken by the sophomores.
Th Milwaukie teachers gave a sur-
nris nartv to Miss Clark, the occas
ion being the anniversary of her birth.
The cafeteria of the grammar tmiiamg
was tastefully decorated and a bounti
ful spread was enjoyed.
Stat Superintendent Churchill and
County Superintendent Calavan visit
ed the High school one day recently.
German Machine Gunners
Know Why This Doughboy
Is Wearing Two Crosses
WASHINGTON. March 15. CyAo
B. Altchison, former chairman of the
Oregon State PubUc Service commls
9icm, on which he served as a member
for eight years, tomorraw will bo
come chairman of the interstate com
merce commissiion.
Potrland Willamette Iron &
Steel Works breaks world's record:
builds 22 Scotch marine boilers in 23
days. .
SALEM. March 15.-(Specta!)tu
a statement Issued to the presg today,
Governor Oleott outlines hie policies
to the people of Oregon as follows:
In assuming the duties ot Gover
nor, I am keenly appreciative of the
unusual responsibilities devolving tip
on the office of chief executive be
cause ol the reconstruction period
now before us. In my opinion this Is
a time when there is as great need
tor a vigorous flow of patriotism and
loyalty as when we were sending
thousands of our boys to tight tor the
cause of liberty.
Time after time, under the leader
ship of our late governor, Oregon has
demonstrated the depth of her pa
triotism by her splendid record in
furnishing her manhood, in subscrib
ing for Libetry loans, the Red Cross,
and other war activities. These rec
ords were made possible because the
n.nii of the state learned to pull to
gether In a common cause as they had
never dona before.
The many serious problems Inci
dent to this time ot reconstruction
can be solved with credit to the state
if we can have the same oneness of
purpose, the same sort of cooperation
by patriotic cltiasens, the same sort
nf willingness to subjugate se'fish In
terests for the good of a greut cause,
as Oregon has displayed throughout
this war period
For the sake of the well being ot
this state, 1 feel that this united sup
port should be given to the governor
.egardless of the individual who
iukht occupy the office of chief ex
ecutive. This is no time for the dis
play of factional strife. It Is no time
for putting politics above patriotism.
It Is a time tor all ot us to put our
houlders to the wheel tor the good
of common cause.
It is a time tor Oregon to forge
ahead. The legislature has provided
tor a big road budding program. The
will norm have oDDortunliy to
rvr.w . - . -
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Pure Drugs and Ghemicals
MttSTsjwst. , urns.
i . . - i , j
r- -x V i i
The Adventures of the Little People ot the Great Forest
Sammy Muskrat It Selfish
Sammy Muskrat is a good liver.
Yes, sir! Sammy la awfully fond ot
good things io eat, and of all things
to eat Sammy la especially fond ot
a Shore Dinner.
A shore dinner for Sammy I made
up mostly of fat fish, Just out of the
water, and fresh water eliuua on the
half shell, Sammy Is awfully fussy
when he eats his shore dluttcr. He
will uot eut his clams on (ho half
shell in any old place, as llck Otter
will do; he pants the table set juat
so, and he wants It set In the same
place day after day. You see, Sam
my Muskrat Is "sot In his ways."
Dick Otter and Benny Mink laitnh
a great deal at the odd ways ot Sam
my Muskrat, and especially at his
stubbornness about his meals. Dick
has tried very hard to break Sammy
of this habit. You see, Dick Otter Is
verv social and nlnvful. and he would
like to eat dinner every evening with
Sammy Muskrat. you are as tough a
a, boiled Owl, and you ate as fat as
You are plumb buy; that's all
that's the trouble with you, You
need more exercise."
But Sammy Muskrat wouldn't go,
that afternoon, clnmmluK end fill
ing with Dick Otter. He had been
with Dick before and he knew that
ho would have to do most ot the work
while Dick Otter did' most of the
Sammy Muskrat had been sleeping
all days, ami dcumlng t( having a
big shore dinner all by hluwdf, at his
own secret dinner table, ho after
Dick Otter pussed out ot sight. Ham
my started off alone Io a secret
puuee along Murmuring lli'ook, where
ho knew of a bed of Wis and fut
Now, you and 1 know that It Isn't
nice to refuse to go out with a friend,
to do something, and then, when the
itnu V. VI'IUH WV V ItlHR Willi j IO f KM ' II IV I 1 1 1 ffc t M' vv - '-
Sammy Muakrat. But Sammy prefers friend Is gone, to aueak off and do
.. t i . . i. . . . ... . t i I... it
In tha abovo entitled suit on or betort
the xplratlon of six weeks from tb
data of tha first publication of this sum
mons, to-wlt, on or befora tha Ifltli day
o( March, 11)10, and If you tall to so ap
pear and answer, for want thereof tha
plaintiff will apply to tha Court for tha
relief prayed for in plaintiff"! com
plaint, to-wlt: For a tlecwa ot tha
Court, forever dissolving tha marrl-
ag contract, heretofore, and now, ex
lntlnir between nlaliitirt and defendant.
and restoring to platutlll her former
name of Martha Ilroux, and for such
other and further relief a tha Court
may deem Just and equitable,
This summons In served upon you,
by publication thereof, once each week,
tor six ronsoeullve weeks, in the Mil
waukie l'ress. a iiownmtnor jif tsnaral
ctrcutatltm, publlHtmd at Milwaukie, In
tho County of Clackamus. Stale of Ore
gon, pursuant lo an order of tba Honor
able J, U. Campbell, Jmlga of tha abova
entitled Court, made and anlersd oa
the fith day ot February, 1919.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
roatofflca Address. 612(23 Henry
llulldlng, Bortland, Oregon
Date of Drat publication February I,
Date of last publication March 20,
to eat alone, and I suppose he has
some very good reasons for eating
One afternoon, Dick Otter called
1 Russell & Gilberts Choice Candies g
1 Kodaks, Films and Supplies. jj
j At your reliable drug store
always use It to the best of my Judg
ment for tho Interes's of tha entire
state. BEN W. OLCOTT.
Conducts a General Banking Business
4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
TRENTON, N. J., March 13. The
house of representatives of the New
Jersey legislature today passed a res
olution rejecting ratification of the na
tional prohibition amendment.
The amendment had previously fail
ed of action in me senate.
SALEM, March ' 18. Clyd J. Ru
pert, who escaped from the lime
quarry at Gold Hill Sunday, was still
at large late today, according to lat
est advices received by Warden Stevens.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Mill and General Office: Foot of Spokane Avenue
BRANCH YARDS:- ' . fi11 ,,,7
East Thirty-ninth and Halsey streets; phones: Tabor 2811, C-1ZJ7
Multnomah Station; phone: Main 4533
Mlller-Mowrey Lumber Co, Lents; Tabor 2116, B-eiii
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephon. Wain 9 Montgomery and Fifth
A-1599 Portland
Store Opens
at 8:30 A. M.
at 9 A. 51.
Marshall 5080
The Most in Value
Corporal Casser Wilson of Chilli
cot he, O;, Is just exactly the sort ol
fichting man he looks to be. When
he returned recently to America with
others of Company U, iweiuy-eignm
Infantry, First Division, he wore the
French War Cross with the palm and
the American Distinguished Service
Cross. Under heavy artillery fire near
c.,i,nnD ha ami a itriviitA rnn mnrfl
nrKi th. ir f.n.nion of a commend-, ,v,n
able reconstruction program. I believe. la a tocne machine gun nest.
. i I .... & 1 will nrmmvo
the reconstruction bond issue. It is )-
important that they should. They
..usiit to lend impetus to private en
terprise. It ought to encourage capital
to seen opporanity to connect up with
industry. And it some employment
is provided by the expenditure ot pub
lic funds until industry again catch
es its breath and hits a s.ride in step
with the times, the moBt urgent ana
immediate crisis ot the reconstruc
tion period will have been bridged.
It shall be my endeavor to encour
age industry to the fu lest extent ol
my power, and to use the influence of
this oifice to promote that harmony
and fairness between employer and
employe that are necessary tor indus
trial success and a happy citizensnip.
There is to be no upheaval in the
atate government, cause! by the re
moval of appointees and their replace
ment witn new appoinued. I snail ex
pect business efUc.ency troni all de
uaitments and positions coming un
der the Jurisdiction ot the governor
I shall expect each appointee to give
the state the same conscientious serv
ice which would be required of him If
he were in private employment. It
there are any who cannot do thii,
they will be given opportunity to find
employment eisewheie. In tnesa mat-
o.a l rin not exuect o deviate from
the policy which 1 have consistently.
followed while serving as secretary
of state. '
State Institutions, with the excep
tion of the state peouenuary, are
under the jurisdiction ot the state
board of control. As a membe.- of that
board I shall continue favoring the
nollrv of eiv.ng the variom superin
tendents a tree hand and to hold them
t-airely responsible ror proper busi
ness management. Tney snau nave
complete cont.ol over the employes
under them. The warden of the pent
tentiary will have equally as comp ete
authority to employ and discharge
his help, but as th responsibility for
ihe adminis ration )f the prison will
r-;st iip-m me I shall e.vneet to direct
its policy. I hope to do this in a man
ner that wl I ba app.oved by the peo
pie ot the state.
In stepp ng into the office of gov
Rrnor as a result of a vacancy caused
by death, under the provisions of the
constitution I also remain secretatt
jf state, entitle to draw the salaries
of both offices. But, as 1 have al-ft-dv
announced. I shall draw the
salary of only one office. It a' way can
be tound for immediately presea.ing
to the courts the question of whether
I may resign the office ot secretary
of state without forfeiting my right
to continue to hold the ottice ot gov
ernor I will take advantage of It. I
wish to have that point settled as
early as possible, and if the courts
hold that I may do so I shall resign
the of tiee of secretary of s ate anu
appoint a successor. But if this can
not be done, then I shall not draw
my salary as secretary of state unless
it should be for public purposes to
meet some, emergency which might
arise In connection with the official
duties of one cr the other of the two
offices I now hold. I shall not araw
the salary for my personal benefit,
m,,. mnat iircptit. reason why 1
1UC ".O ---
wish to obtain an early determina
lon by the courts of this question, is
to make it possible to again have
three members on the board of con
trol, with three independent minds
giving consideration to state prob
lems, but If it should develop that 1
cannot resign my office of secretary
of state, thus forcing me to retain
two votes on the state board, I wish
to assure the people of Oregon that
I shall not abuse the great power
which has been vested in me but shall
that very thlnis by oneself! tio II
was selfitdt of Sammy to want to go
clamming all by himself, wasn't it
especially when h knew where there
were some nice clamsand not
share them with Dick? Hut Just wall
till you hear what Dick Otter does!
Possession of Slore
Is Asked in Suit
William F. Jones entered suit
against George llavill for possession
of the store building in I loft former
ly occupied by ihe Hoff brothers
Plaintiff tillt'ges he owns the build
ing and that the defendant han pos
session and will not vacate on de
mand. Cost and disbursements r
asked In the case.
Hours: 1:00 to 11:00 M. 1 to I P. M.
Sundays and Evenings by Appointment
Office, Mil. J; Rss, Tabor !ll
Calls Answered Day nd Night
Office: Milwaukie 8t- Dunk Bldg,
Mala 8L Miivtuukle, On.
at Sammy Muskrat'a house, and call
ed out, as he saw Sammy swinging
In his hammock on his front porch.
"Hello, Sammy Muskrat!"
"Hello, yourself!" gruntKl Sammy
rather crossly, for he had been out
all night, and wanted to take anoth
er nap. Hut Dick kept calling, and
finally got a straw and tliklod Sam
my behind the left ear, vntll Sammy
was wide-awake and jumpid up and
threw Dick on his back in frlemfty
"Now, see here, chum,' said Dick
Otter. "Let's go fishing and clam
ming this afternoon? The weather's
fine, and we can get a big catch;
and then lets have a shore dinner
together, on the mossy bank of a
Murmuring Drook, In the twilight?"
Hut Sammy Muskrat was still
sleepy and he grumbled out: "Oh, gi.
away, and let me sleep. Didn't I tell
you 1 was out all last night and didn't
get a wink of sleep? I must get a nap
or I'll break down my health."
"Ha, Ha, Ha." laughed Dick.
"Break down your health! Why,
Thousands Demand
Release of Mooney
DtCTROIT, March 17. About 5000
men roared out their demand for the
release of Thomas Mooney at a meet
ing here Sunday nlcht addressed by
Max Kastmnn. In one voice they also
endorsed a call for a general strike
on July 4.
F.ttsttmm was applauded when he
denounced tho espionage set and de
plored the jailing of Ieb.
Ilend 7t50 acre ranch
ewes sold for $75,000.
and 2300
In the Circuit Court of the 8tat of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Martha Burka, Plaintiff,
Jacob Burka. Defendant.
To Jacob Burka, tho above named
In the Name of the 8tate ot Oregon,
You are horeby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
I i . "
Phones: Pacific 53 Hom K lii
Oregon City, Ore.
All legal bustne promptly attended to
Phone Milwaukie M W.
Real estate, Insurance and Rtntalt
Office at Station Milwaukie. Ore
Office Phone Restdenre PhoM
Mllwaukles Oak Grove MY
IIOURS-9:30 A. M. to II M. 1:M P.
M. to 1:00 P. M.
Rooms 5 8-7 Bank Building
Milwaukie, ' Or0o
The Best in Quality
Store Ooaea
t 5:30 P. M.
at P. M.
Walter . &tnU)ortfjp
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Sellwood 71
Tlorato, Bllia
East Thirteenth St
A 2112
Everything in the
Newest Sprin
Is Now Here for Your Selection
To the woman who isi seeking for spring wear expressing the
authentic styles which will be favored for the corning season we have a
most interesting and exceedingly complete assortment of tho most de
cided models already accepted by leaders in the feminine world of fash
ions. We are particularly fortunate in having for your selection a most
unusually wide variety of pleasing styles in these
New Spring Suits
From $25.00 to $77.50
We take pride in inviting you to this exhibit, for we know that you
will be well pleased with the quality, style and moderate pricing of
these beautiful garments. The materials are tine Serges, Poplins, Gab
erdines, Tricotines, Mixtures and Silvertones, in the popular new and
staple shades. All sizes in fashionable models for slender, medium and
stout figures. There is individual attractiveness in each model shown.
Your attendance at this special display is heartily requested.
The human ayitem demands ex
tra nutrition and heat building
food: meat provide! both, fholca
selected ftieaU, both salted and
freHti, sold here.
Milwaukie Meat Market
R. W. BROWN, Proprietor
Tel.12 W, Mllwaakle, Ore.
Sellwood 62 B-1325
Foot of Spokane Avenue,
Portland, Ore.
Manufacturers of
Yellow Fir, a Specialty
Your Correspondence
On account ot extreme hlgk
price of knitting yarn, the Mil
waukie Wool Carding Mill has
put In operations Its roll-carding
machine and Is prepared to
sell pure white wool rolls, and
also natural gray, ready for the
old-style spinning wheel. Farm
ers or others desiring to have a
part of their wool made up Into
rolls, or batting for comforters
and mattresses can do so by ad
dressing The Milwaukie Wool Cardnlg Mill
Milwaukie, Oregon.
Samples can be seen at Mil
waukie Press Office, opposite
Postofftce. vvne