OREGON aiY ENTEUFHISE FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919. Pa on 3 BOYS 1 W ENTHUSIASTIC IN HEALTH CRUSADE Fifty five thousand Oregon chil dren, 46,000 of ttimn In tho counties of Multnomah, Clackumu, Yamhill. Washington, Columbia and Tillamook aro now moditrn hmtlth ot'iimtiltirs of thti Amnrlcan Junior Rod Cross, Ami of those counties, while Mult nomah hontln tho list bovnuNQ of cIohb orgaiiUntlon In rorlluml, Clackamas niiiioi a rwiiurkublo secondhost with 4136 children, embracing tho aludonU of twothird of tho county schools, taking tip tho Red Cross liKutlh program. 1 Tho Junior Hod Cross crusudors In tho other counties of tho t'ortlum) rhaptor aro: Columbia MOO, Tilla mook 13 (tills showing duo to ninny schools closed a result of liiflti' M r.a but ettnd shortly to bo won derfully botterod). Washington 1H77; Yituihlll 2noO, Multnomnh county out hIiIh Portland H21. ami 31,180 In rorltimd proper. " And now you know tho reason, Mr am) Mrs. Parent, why llttlo WtiUo bit boon going to bed c religiously, scrubbing hi tooth. uhing hla taco mid hands, cleaning hla finger nails, getting lot of oloon n'.'d olwavt amll lug. For Wllllo and CS.OoO other Kchoul Willies and Mary's are do tertnlned to b enrolled first an squires (which requires 6 weeks of this regulur program). then an knights, which require 10 weak a. and then aa knlaht bannerols, which re quire 15 week pefort score. Hut who keep score? you ask Why tho Junior Rod Crosser them selves. Tho wholo Crusado idoa waa bused on honor. Just tho aamo with tho modern Ciu:uid r. So oveiv lit' Ho W'tHIo and overy llttlo Mary la on- raced nightly In k.iplit count of tlio numbor of tlm"i facet wore wash d, tho numtmr f bjl'i mUti and tho number of kIiwh f water druuk rvory day. Th teachers havo helped hlhtislntteally. President at Head of Parade Held in Capital in Honor of Returned Soldiers r 1 'U SUITS DISMISSED 'I ? fit i i . ' if V r- '.J V I mrA i- ": XT7 . " : " " " ' '"u!i"-!':'r V"ML' ;' 1 "L31 "1 (""i 0 n ( rrouuoit SViia,.ii found tuiiu in the iiiIiIh! of tho work which hud nccmnu latod witlto ho wua ninf tul to march in a parade of 1 (1,000 u.en held In Waalilngton In honor of the roturn from ovoraoaa 11 1110. a loan 11,000 Dinirli t of Columbia aoldli-ra. lie la aeon here at the hend of the parade In I't'tinaylvanla avenue, noar the New Speaker of House in Congress Since 1892 Tho aiilt of 1', O. 15o'lund UKnltiHt 11. F, CiiOKy waa ordonod dlaiubuiud WiMliuwuluy on acco.int of tho falluro of tho plnlntiff to proaocuto tho cuao Holland bad aud tllcny. a phyHlclun, for $10,000 fur alloKod failure to por frm h'a dutloa proporly whon plain Off wu Injured and culled the doctor for aid. On motion of plnlntiff the eult of R (1. C'oalomann va. O. M. WUllauiaoh waa dlHiutHNOd Wodncaduy. It waa al legsil tho defendant hnd . purchased lioveraget from the Welnhurd oatato umountlng to $13603 and paid only f S0.31 on tho account. OF DECIDES 10 RETURN C. D. Robeaon, a former roaldont of Cluckainaa county, who loft for Tho Dullea about a your ago, la In Ore gon City for a fow day, where ho la looking after property Intoreata, Mr. lloboHon haa docldod that there la no pliice like Clackainua county and ho will return to mako hla home In thla county again In a short time. Ilo and Ferrla Mayflold, alao a for in or resident of Cluckainaa county, when loaving hero leuxed a farm con alallng of 1000 acreg of lund. 650 of which waa plowed, and planted to grain, and thoy have boon operating this. Thla lund together with 10,000 acres haa boon aold by the owner to tho Union Stock Yards company, and thla company la to operate It. The compnny alao purchased 4000 hond of nhooD and 200 head of cattlo. Mr. Roboaon has sold most of hla live stock to the company, except the horses, and as soon as he disposes of these he Is to return to Clackamiib county. He anys what ho doesn't like about that country Is the wind, and a gnlo blowg almost continually, and the sand storms are something he does not admire. The weather there has boon very cold, and after tho Columbia rlvei frozo over ho walked entirely across The Ice was ao thick at one point that an automobile made the trip across. FEW SHELL 8HOCKS FATAL $ NEW YORK, March B.-JWne J ty-nlne por cent of all shell $ shock cases In the American $ $ army In France completely re- $ cover, according to Dr. Thomaa $ Salmon of New York. A 4 1 1 X "A ft '' 'V. t, 2 ratotaicK. h. cilitTj After having served continuously In congresa alnco 1S92, Reprenentatlvo Frederick H. Olllott of Massachusetts, has been nominated for Speaker of tho lloimo In tho Sixty Sixth Cnngrna. Nomination la equivalent to election as the Ropublicnna will have a ma jority of forty five ovo- tho Demo crats. At a Republican caucus he poll ed 13S votoa asalnHt 69 for Represent ative James R. Mann of Illinois, and 13 for Representative Campbell of Kansas. 4 LETTS MAKING GAINS COPENHAGEN. March IS. liOttlsh forces hare captured 4 i Tuckum, 60 miles from Riga. t and have reachod the conter of 4 Courlnnd, It waa announced In 4 4 official dispatches received here today. 4 Th nioil I un do for my friend Is simply 10 b hn friend. I hv no wrlth to tx-iilow upon him. . If ht knows I am liuppy In lovln him. ho II want no oilier reward. ! not friendship divine In thla? l.avatln. IIIMIIIUIIUIUIIU1I1 H & at s at H M Gary Motor Tracks Gain a Great Advantage - in the Northwest. The establishment at Portland as headquarters for the GARY COAST AGENCY for the purpose of or ganizing the northwest and establishing distributers, dealers and agents for Gary Motor Trucks in every city, town and hamlet give the GARY LNE OF MOTOR TRUCKS a tremendous advantage. It means the extension of Gary service, with a full year's guarantee, and the establishment of the GRAY SYSTEM OF DISTRIBUTION, WITH EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT, to every section where trucks cpn be used to advantage. THE GIGANTIC STEEL INDUSTRIES of Gary, Indiana, are known throughout the world for the hundreds of millions of dollars invested and its tens of thousands of men employed and its output of steel products by the hundreds of thousands of tons for world-wide use. The superior quality of these Gary products is the result of years spent in scientific research and experiment and unlimited millions invested in modern methods and equipment, and for the development of an army of intelligent, trained and skilled mechanics. GARY MOTOR TRUCKS HAVE THE BENEFIT OF THIS MOST WON DERFUL EFFICIENCY and have added another star to the established greatness of Gary, as a manu facturing center. , THE GARY LINE OF MOTOR TRUCKS comprises every size from one ton up to the special heavy duty type for pulling trailers and semi-trailers carrying twenty tons or more if desired. The Gary 3 J ton with Dump Body equipment for road and construction work overpowers, outpulls and outclasses in load carrying qualities, any truck of its rating ever made or sold. GARY SIZES ARE RIGHT. GARY PRICES ARE RRIGHT. GARY TERMS ARE RIGHT. at aa M at at M at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at MODEL F Q H HU K V ' Special CAPACITY 1 Ton 1a Ton 2 Ton 22 Ton Vt Ton S Ton COA8T ' , PRICE p . DELIVERED f1990 12690 $3050 13450 $4250 $4750 at PP1 We MOTHERS Should see that the whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro. purify ing, aystem cleaning medicine this spring. Now la the time. The family will be healthier, happier, and get along better It the blood is given a thoro purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of Winter, accumulated in the system, driven away. Holllster'a Rocky Moun tain Tea is one of the very best and surest Spring medicines to take. Get It and see the di (Terence In tbe whole family. Their color will be better, they'll feel fine and be well and happy. Huntley Drug Co. Adv. GOOD THINGS WE ALL ENJOY. When chicken meat and the Iwinoa are left, too small an amount to servo. add a small piece of vent and when nil Is well rooked drop to some of these dumpliiiEs with a' teaspoon and they will be rerdy to nerve In eight minutes. Dumplings. Tuke one cupful of nice fresh but termilk, sift a cunful of flour with two tensnoonfuls of baking powder, add one opg and some salt, ml well and drop from a teatoon, cover tightly and cook eight minutes without raising the lid. Flour should bo usod to make a drop battel1, the amount will vary slightly with the con sistency of the buttermilk as well as the flour. Friendship . Village Jtfuffln Boat two egg. aHd TourninoffpliohTuls oT sugar, two of shortening and one cup ful of milk, flour to make a thin bat ter like griddle cakes; add one tea spoonful of baking powder Jo the flour. For corn muffins add half cornmenl and the other half flour. Oatmeal Bread. Take one quart of cooked oatmeal, one-half cupful of molnssoa, cool and ndd yeast cake dls aolved In one-fourth of a cupful of wa ter, one teasHonful of salt and flour to make a sponge. Let rise one and one-half hours, then make Into loaves, giving one knendlng In the mixing bowl. Wafflea Take one cupful of thick sour milk, three tablpspoonfuls of melted fnt. two eggs, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt, ono-hnlf teaspoon ful of soda, and one and one-fourth cupfula of flour. Mix the salt and soda In the flour, bent tho yolks and Ask your dealer or garage man for a detailed description of GARY TRUCKS or write for endorse ments and specifications direct to Pacific Highway Garage Oregon City, Oregon ' GARY COAST AGENCY 71 Broadway, Portland, Oregon ET VIOLATORS PAY FOR THEIR CARELESSNESS S. S. Warner, Charlea Fisher, Charles Rettinger and T. C. Abra hams were arrested Saturday during the day and evening by Special Sp-ied Officer Joyner and brought before City Recorder Loder and fined t each. Charles Fisher drove Into town Sat urday night with his family loaded into a wagon but neglected to pro vide any lights for the vehicle. This was the cause of his arrest and fine. S. S. Warner and T. C. Abrahams were charged with having no head lights and Rettinger with no lights at all. II Judgment Is Given On Realty Deal S4 S URGE DEPORTATION $ SHERIDAN, Wyo., March 19. $ Deportation of all aliens who $ $ clnimed exemption on national- t lty grounds under the eoloctive sorvlce act, was unantmously $ $ reeommendod by the county S trades and labor council today. $ I Ohio Dentists DR. j. Q. NASH, Manager B07'a Main Street over Harding's Drug 8toro Phono 62 Bring Your Dental Troubles to Us We will at all times be pleased to advise you as to your needs In our line. v We offer you the benefit of our service, and guarantee perfect satisfaction. Patients are not allowed to leave our office unless thoroughly satisfied. In the suit of May Reed against A. C. Huehes and Dillman ft How- wbltes separately ; add the fat Just I ian,i jn the Circuit Court Saturday, Judgment was given ordering the real estate firm t turn over the $100 on deposit to May Reed. Laat May Mrs. May Reed purchased the Northwesterly half of lot one, block 59, in this city from A. C. Hughes, through the office of Dillman ft Howland. On looking over the title the firm found the title defective on account of there being no deed from the Portland Trust Co. Mr. Hughes deposited $100 with Dillman ft How land to show his good faith in pro curing said deed or suing the acquire title to the property within six months. Mr. Hughes was to get the deed and Mrs. Reed brought suit to have the $100 turned over to her, re lieving Hughes of getting the deed from the Portland Trust Co. The real estate firm ol Dillman & Howland was simply holding the money in es crow to guarantee the title to the pro perty. before folding in the whites. Cook 00 a hot well-greased waffle Iron. Ralaed Muffins. Take three cup fnls of warm water, half a cupful of fat, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of salt, two-thirds of a enpfuf of yeast, two thirds of a cupful of sugar; stir aa atlff as possible with flour, then let rise, stir down, cover closely and set In a cool place. ' Put Into muffin pans four hours before they are wanted. Bake In a hot oven. REDS LOSE RIGA $ S LONDON, March 7. German $ troops on the Baltic coast have $ severely defeated the Bolahevikl $ 3 and have recaptured Riga, ac- fc cording to a report received by S tho Telegraph. CONVICTION UPHELD w WASHINGTON, March 10. $ $ The supreme court today affirm- 4 $ ed the conviction of Eugene V. Dobs, found guilty of violation of the espionage act in a speech at S Canton, Ohio, laat summer. 4 Steel guitars, priced at from $10 to $45. Come in and let us demon strate their quality. Theroux Music House, 210 Seventh street adv. ABERNETHY GRANGE DANCE The Abernethy Grange of Park place,, will give an entertainment at the Grange hall Saturday evening. The entertainment will be followed by dancing, and the Theroux orches tra of this city Is to furnish the mus ic for the dancing. Lunch will also be served during the evening. There are many young people .of Parkplace, who are fond of dancing, and the dance is to bo given for the special benefit of the young er members of the grange and the young people of that vicinity. Defendant Ordered To Pay Suit Costs Defendant in the case of Ethel Pruett vs. Sydney Pruett was ordered Monday to deposit with the county clerk $150 for the maintenance of the plaintiff and child and $100 attorney's tees. Sutt money was also ordered deposited. , . How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case, of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine haa been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thlrty Hve years, and has become known as tho most reliable remedy for Catan-h. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on tho Mucous surfacea, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will ue a great Improvement tn your general health. Btart taking Hall's Catarrh Medi clne at once and fret rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drug-gists, 750. Many the loud wail has .been heard In this city the past week from traf fic violators arrested by Speeial fepeed -if leer Joyner and brought he fore City Recorder Loder. At tbe last iiiaeting of the city council a committee was appointed to employ an officer to prevent reck less driving in the city, as tWe has been much complaint over , this Joyner was chosen for the position and his salary Is fixed by the council and Is a stated amount and no com mission la allowed from the fines. Tbe new speed cop got busy the first of the week and a number of prominent citizens nave paid the pen alty for their carelessness with fines amounting from $1 to $5. Wednesday S. C. Roake of the Will amette Transfer company, was ar rested for driving with his cut-out open and was assessed $5 by Record er Loder. The same day D. M. Klem son was charged with reckless driv ing and paid a tine of $5. Thursday H. F. Tchrlgl was charg ed with driving without any Head lights and was fined $5. and E. G. Larklns paid $5 for drWlag on the wrong side of the street Anton Kloot- wyk drove into the city vlthovt a tail light and waa assessed $5 of his carelessness! CeAia Goldsmith filled to turn on the head lights of her car when It got dark and Record er Loder fined her $5 Frluay. The first of the week li. Maddux rode his motorcycle with tho cut out open and was fined $1 for this. The next night he was again arrested for having no tail light on his machlnJ and was given a fine of $5. "JJohn Doe", known to be a prom inent business of this city, was fined $5 for driving on tho wrong side of the street. "Brick" Barry was given a flue of $1 the first of the week for fal'ure to provide a tall light on his machine. Several accidents have happened In this city from reckless driving and a great many have been narrowly averted and the council has taken this step to prevent these. Officers announce that the traffic laws wil be enforced to the letter In order to pro tect the public. PROBATE COURT OREGON CITY TO THE FRONT Millions of People Will Read of Woolen Mills in the Saturday Evening Post PUTTING US ON THE MAP It means something for a town to be put on the map of the States in a constructive way, and this is what is being done for Oregon City by A. R. Jacobs, president of tne Oregon City Woolen Mills. On page 47 of last week's Saturday Evening Post ap pears an entire page advertisement of the woolen mills, with the words "Oregon City appearing several times, and with a photograph of the big plant, founded in 1S64 by L and R. Jacobs, and enlarged many times by the succeeding generation. Coupled with the initial advertise ment appears a statement that other advertisements to follow will cover 12,000,000 subscribers of the Satur day Evening Post It is conservatively estimated by newspaper people that every periodical issued Is read by tour persons, and using this estimate as a basis it will be seen that Oregon City will be advertised to nearly fifty million people this year. The people of Oregon City who are interested in its prosperity certainly should entertain a warm feeling for the local concern, which is the only big establishment located here that uses Oregou City In its firm designa tion. It is good publicity for the mills, but it Is also good publicity for thla city, though it is obtained without the expenditure of a penny of the money of the people. It follows with the spending of about $50,000 in national advertising' this Beason by the woolen mills that returns should follow that will mean ultimately that the concern will grow, bringing with it a bigger plant and a larger payroll tor the city. Payrolls and prosperity go hand In hand. MANt DEPORTED WASHINGTON, March 17. Twenty-six undesirable aliens $ recently rounded up in the Northwest are to be deported S S as soon as shipping facilities $ permit EATS at 610 Main St EATS . H. Wheaton will open his cafe in connection with Goldsmith's Confec tionery and cigar stand, Friday, Mar. 21st, with the following menu at 35c. Soup, Clam Chowder, Baked Salmon, Cream Sauce, Roast Sirloin of Beet with Dressing, and Brown Gravy, Roast Pork and Apple Sauce. Vege tables r Creamed Mashed Potatoes, and Green Peas, Bread and Butter, Tea or Coffee. Pies: Cream, Lemon, Chocolate, Pumpkin, 10c per cut. ad. Petition for the probate of the will of the late F. .W. Howard was filed Saturday by Dorothy E. Latourette. Mr. Howard died January 31, 1919, In Ravalle county, Montana, and left a estate of real and personal pro perly in Clackamas county consist ing of part of lot 8, block 57. in Ore gon City, which had been sold by him on contract. $500 being due on this. There is also $117.85 in cash. Laura E. Mullan filed for probate of the estate of the late Amelia C Mul lan. This consists of personal and real property in thig county valued at $4,000. "If you have any good apples, pota toes, beef or other farm produce for sale see F. T. Barlow at C. W. Inn, West Linn, and he will pay you cash on delivery. Phone Pacific 608." Adv fflttftArtrvfri'rwthier?ii!' civ r "t w w,y !i.'S'U'a..VW-ltfcAISi.,TU,.rTtf-i1H .an. iiv 1 'iuui Ji c .iiXj. i 1 a sift as. ui uff.1" ' :5.Sid. and tauVToiU tiYd "mHTi master i3 w-i.th cutting with tnTfv. EElvon, and you coiWPOWli.WM , , L '.;, .J-.Jttf my natural abSZPfKjSfro you please. Inco.SaVfnlllp. 1 gftuJ-V. Kd to the cutting; of PV5lttaf ,c' not a!QrBWe. ;5ir ViiA'-fiiean life of the vinagSrCft- humble, whero you wil Wl.MIOr, I? V Ai't s conduct of my motlMiS; JSllf wont at any hour of tliR.d wn , TlViy-Vi4ride. but little to m'Jg$d If6fQUecount given, by thoMIMalytMr 'V. ViVtfA. mv birthplace. trKty "MAVMUo na dlwurasa8WTy . & fvf!oilo to oxcrcliH.iVS neither 4lMCWftta' iW, V 'i' v'-' V'MMtishfani,ithHaW8dt,0aaSifl,,h(nl Outside of Our Glasses there's a hazy, dazed appearance to objects it results in watery eyes; tired, sore and strained eyes indigestion, uncertain steps and nervous collapse IINSIDE our glasses there' Confidence, Certainty, and Positiveness Efficiency, Strength and Health . DON'T STAY OUTSIDE! COME INSIDE and CONSULT OPTOMETRIST