OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MARCH 14. 1919. COUNTY COURT EXPPKN11THKFS 1)IC OF MAHCII MONTH ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 CIuiko & Linton Gravel Co., $0.20; Hogg Bros. 312.00; M. K. Guirnoy, $20.25; C. W. 9ctu.lt! & Sons, J08.05. ROAD DIST. NO. 4Bert It. Finch $r..7H Puul Lovull, 11.50; J. Dowty, 13.00; It. Ileum, f 1.60; J. C. KlUh lug, $10.50; C. Fuller, $:i.()0; L Halo, IIH.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 0 Port. Ry. L. & P Co., riO.flO; C. W Schuld & Hons, :i7.1Q;'M. II. Wh.wk.r, $54.25; J. A. Imul, $30.00; W. E Wheeler, $15.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 0 Will Bell, $:i:i.0(); M. IluUno, $4.50; Q. Finger $10.50; F.d Llttlepiige, $28.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 8Pul R. Meln l(f, 1102,110; J. T. Mclntyre, $53.00; O. G Mclntyre, $10.50; Felix Crut eher, $12.00; Ed. Wall, $9.00; O. Wall $0.00; Frank Wall, $0.00; A. W. Ship, ley, l.'tfl.OO. ROAD DIST. NO. 9 W. F. Hub rlnch, $36,06; Fred Una, $14,00; Theo. Hardem, $1,00; C. Uuber, $1.00; Roy Miller, $1.00; Andrew jansen, $8.00, ROAD DIST. NO. 10 Oregon Has um Paving Co., $0.00; II. Engel, $8.00; M. Btauber, $0.00; E. SUuber $.1.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Cunby Hardware & Implement Co., $1.00; A. Stefan!, $9.55; Roy Cavineia, $8.00; George Koehler, $24.00; Ralph Koehler, $1.50; D. R. Dimkk, $14.. 00; W. 8. Maple, $4.75; P. B Need ham, $7.50; Isadora Bany, $12.00; Shaker Miller, $3.00; A. Bany, $0.00; Jack Jones, $0.00; Gua Bwabel, $0.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 18 W. F. Ilab erlach, $19.85; C. W. Friedrich, $1.80; B. Clinger, $6.00; Geo. Ilavill, $20.05; I). F. Moehnke, $50.00; Gua Sterxnegger, $3.00; Abel Thomae, $15.00; David Jonei, $2.25; Earl Sheppard, $2.25; Ernest Kamerath, $2.25; Fred Kamerath, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 19 R. Schubcl, $47.55; A. Nelion, $95.14. ROAD DIST. NO. 20-J. C. Elliott ft Co., $1.30; A. Mather, $36.70; C. J. Hewitt, $5.26; W. It Stone, $48.75; A. Werner, $82.60; V. Schooling, $82.60; S. Stone, $30.75; E. Duvall, $3.00; II. McMurray, $22.50; E. Gib aon. $3.00; S. Wilson, $2.25. ROAD DIST NO. 21 Claud Wlns- low, $12.00; Clifford Johnson, $0.00; Pete Johnson, $6.00; W. S. Gorbctt, $57.60; D. C. Ball, $0.00. ' ROAD DIST NO. 22 Dicken A Co., $2.00; Gottlelb FeyTer, $4.76; Robblna Broa., $6.70; Henry Welgle, $9.00; Ceo. F. Ball, $1.60; 11 J. Raa tall, $33.50; Clay Hunjrate, f30.00; Wm. Feyrer, $18.00; Jack Feyrer, $9.00; G. E. Feyrer, $9.00; Lee Jonea $9.00; Henry Flck, $6.00; Mark Hun irate, $3.00; W. II. Stelninger, $12. 00; II. O. Newell, $12.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 23-W. H. Lucke $3.30; R. W. Zimmerman, $5.25; C. F. Zlcgler, $1.60; J. Bonn, $15.00; F Mill. $3.00; C. Berjr, $1.60. ROAD DIST NO. 24 Canby Con crete Tile Co., $27.75; C. W. Caroth era, $3.00; Phil Mohr, $13.60; C. E. Miller, $19.05; J. SUulTer, $3.50; E. B Miller, $5.00; David Egli, $2.00; O. W. Townsend, $7.60; Truman Hostct ler, $1.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 25 W. H. Lucke $3.20; Ben Krause, $3.00; George Krauae, $3.00; P. J. Scheer, $3.00; Chrla Lortns, $3.00; Ed Graves, $3.00 Chan. Boeche, $1.50; Rudolph Klaua, $12.25; John Gelbrlch, $15.00; Chaa. Golbrich. $1.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 20 L. O. Night ingale, $134.25; Frank Kieman, $22. 25; Wil. Val. South. Ry. Co., $142.20. ROAD DIST NO. 27 Andrew Outer, $5.00; Tony Olaon, $2.60; I. D. Lnrkina, $14.00; Cart Johnson, $3.76; Jay Bcntley, $1.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 28 Butte Creek Lumber Co., $84.15; A. J. Lais, $56. 37; M. E. Swope, $42.05; C. W. Aua tin. $4.60; L. O. Nightingale. $13.85; E. L. Palfrey, $31.60; John Trulling r, $16.75; C. W. Austin, $10.60; Homer Trulllnger, $42.00; Ed Rua aoll, $45.00; Zcb Bowman, $42.76; John Miller. $55.50; Joe Miller, $3. 00; Scott Carter, $4.50; W. Helmlg, $22.(J0; Frank Kokle, $13.50; T. Ack erson. $12.00; 3. E. Verly, $10.60; N. B. Wade, $9.00; Joseph Kestner, $4.50; A. B. Hibbard, $13.50; John Novak, $3.00; Guy Dibble, $22.76. ROAD DIST. NO. 29 W. W. Spor alsky, $20.50; Lester Armstrong, $18.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 81 Glenmorrle Quarry Co., $408.20; E. A. Hackett, $21.76; B. J Staats Hdwe. Co., $1.50; F. A. Zimmerman, $18.00; A. Boylan, $12.00; W. Kaiaer, $28.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Harry Jost, $21.25; Jullua Snyder. $3.00; P. Knecht. $3.00: Frank Kiaer. I1S.60: A. A. Wood. $6.00. ROAD DIST NO. 33 F. Madden & Co., $4.85; Frank Millard, $20.50; C. II. Skinner, $10.50; R. II. Millard, $3.00. . ROAD DIST. NO. 84 Glenmorrle Quarry Co., $166.00; E. A. Hackett, $10.87; Frank Busch, $2.76; L. E. May, $3.25; F. A. Zimmerman, $44. 00; II Morrell, $10.50; W. Kaiaor, $60.00. . ROAD DIST. NO. 85 C. W. Schuld & Sons, $28.00; Portland Ry. L. & P. Co., $60.60; Wm. Booth,-$51.85; Fred S t ?. Me.. .'m, jr.: fc. A, B R A D Y Resident Undertaker Funeral Olreotor and Llcenaed Embalmer TENTH AND WATER STREETS Oregon City, Oregon Lady Assistant, Mrs. Brady v Night and Day Service. Pao. 123 Home A-8' $ 1 ati 5- :. " In E 31 Wagner, $22,60; Emory Radford, $25,50; V. K. Hengatler, $37.50; L. L. r.rimn, $24.00; J. B Fowlur, $1.60; i; E. Van Fleet, $1.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 36 L. D. Un on, $20,00. ROAD DIST. NO. 39 Nelaon & Davis, $4.00; Herman Fisher, $19.25; John Olmiry, $13.50; Albert Fisher, $10.50; L. A. Rtissol, $10.60, ROAD DIST. NO. 40-Carl J. Han son, $18.25; J. M. Peterson, $1.60; P. M Hoist, $13.50; Chas. Dunlelson, $1.60; G. Anderson, $2.25. ROtD DIST. NO. 41 Firwood & Dover Phone Co., $15.00. ROAD DIST NO. 42 Chane & Linton Gravel Co., $150.00; Willa mette Valley Southern Ry. Co., $189, 00; Geo. M. Christenson, $15.76; W. II. Yoder, $15.60; I D. Yoder, $13.. 65; J. J. Yoder, $13.90; A O Bougll, $2.60; G Williams, $3.75; John Shoe maker, $5.00; William Cooper, $9.50; John W. Watson, $0.90; J. II, Yoder, $1.40; S. II. Day, $2.60. ROAD DIST. NO. 43 A. O. Lin sey, $0.00; M. C7 Farlan, $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 44 J. Reardon, $60.00; C. W. Friedrich, $0.76; E. Jonea, $0.00; Thomas Penman, $4.60; B. F. Allen, $7.60; A. C. Thompson, $0.00; E. James, $9.00; John Rear don, $10.50; Wesley Knowles, $9.00; R. Braker, $10.60; Hugh Jones, $16. 00; A. 8. Newton, $21.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 45 A. Nelson, $13.91; C. Stromgren, $6.00; Fred Baurer, $0.00; John Puts, $38.00; Dan Slahlnecker, $12.00; W. T. Hender $12.00; Mike GranaUkl, $9.00; Otis Vallen, $12.00; SUmfort Cox, $12.00; Geo. W. Harrison, $6.00; J. M. Park, $3.00; A, Vallen, $3.00; L P Elliott. $17.28; C. Stromgren, $0.00; Fred Baurer, $6.00; John Putz, $0.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 47 E. C. War ren, $8.76; II. A. Vorpahl, $5.50; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co, $43.43; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $30.10; O. P. Roethe $144.25; Alex Gill, $42.00; Chaa. Mo- ran, $33.00; John F. Risley, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 49-Hodson- Feenaughty Co., $19.65; Cascade Ga rage, $4.70; Bert II. Finch, $4.10; A W. Pinkley, $18.00; E E Pinkley, $13.50; Tobe Eash, $18.00; A. Scott, $25.60; C. L. Deen, $12.00; II. C Rcld, $3.00; J. Palmateer, $21.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 60 George Sal lee, $4.50; George Ets Wller, $4.50; Rob Rosenau, $18.00; F. M. Town send, $13.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 64 W. F. Stan ton, $12.00; Lester Stanton, $6.00; Bud Kent, $3.00; James McKillop, $0.60; Nordia WatU, $9.00; R,' F. WatU, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 68 R. W. Zim- merman, $7.00; C. F. Zieglcr, $12.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 60 MarUn Bros, $06.00; Hogg Bros., $0.00; W. B. Rambo, $30.00; Earl Meeker, $11.87; August Martin, $3.75; Albert Mar tin, $4.07. ROAD DIST. NO. 61 Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $3.90; R. Mat- toon, $6.00.. GENERAL ROADS Will Thomp son, $5.00; Andre ws-Conover Fuel Co, $0.75; A. Gicbisch, $63.00; Howard Cooper Corp., $22.30; Good Roads Mach. Co., $5.00; M. E. Gaffney $50.00; A. Martin, $150.00; John HolTmart, $09.00; Chaa. Haymaker, $15.00; C. E. Battin. $48.00: A. E Aeby, $38.00; James Redman, $33.00; Dan Gnffney, $30.00; Cleve Battin, $9.00; Roy Otty, $21.00; Geo. Stev- ens, $0.00; Wallace F. Miller, $18.00; B. L. Friedrich, $252.00; A. C. Bu- chol, $30.00; A. N. Wills, $50.00; Henry llennd, $49.50; A. C. Buchel $150.00; D. L. Trullinger, $358.40; Falls Transfer Co., $1.25; Howard- Cooper Corp., $8.59; Geo. N. Gill $34.34; J. Rabk-k, $21.00; A. N Gaf- ney, $0.40; J. W. Hart, $0.70; O. P, Roethe, $23.75; Alex Gill, $7.50; Chas, Moran, $7.50; John F. Risley, $4.00 w. J. Wilson & Co., $12.15; C. J, Hood, $6.95; Frank Busch, $1.70; L E. May, $61.67; W. Dutcher, $144.00 C. A. Wallace, $118.00; W. J E Vlck $84.00; W. Silcr, $31.60; II. H. Dahl $73.50; D. French, $73.60; R Wright, $33.25; J. Nelson, $17.50; F. E. Churchill. $38.50; J. Henderson, $2, 00; E. Howell, $2.00; Canby Hard ware & Implement Co., $32.85; W M. Dustin, $3.50; W. P. Haberlach $11.00; L, E. May, $19.50; A S New. ton, $77.00; W. M. Dustin, $7.00; R. C Cnteser. $9.00; S. Nash. $72.62: Nash, $74.37; J. W. Johnson, $36.75 D. Fancher, $72.62; J. W. Meier, $61.- zo; v. u. Kiuor, $61.25; James Kep cna, siw.uo; rortland Top Co., $6.75 Miiier-rarker Co., $33.10; T. A, Roots, $200.00; Rice-Kinder Lumber U., $88.45; W. II. Bonney, $115.45 tanny Hdwe. & Imp. Co., $1.80 canton ft Kosenkrans Co., $2.95; C Bowlesby, $12.76; Peter Hornig, $8 50; G. j. Hodder, $3.50; Mitchell Lewis & Staver Co., $9.60: A Lais, $1.20; Mt. Tabor Garage, $46. 95; Wm. Booth, $24.86: Howard Cooper Corp., $8.75; Standard Oil Co $4.78; a. J. staata, $175.00; Bmns Lumber Co., $47.03; A. Mather, $35 70; J C. Miller, $66.50; J. O. Smith, $87.00; M W Johnston, $75.00; W urown, $60.00; S. Miller, $94.50; W, Towle, $6.75; T. Hs Brown, $24.00 M L, Johnston, $25.50; W. Benton I0.U0; IS L. Friedrich, $18.00; L. P, Elliott, $13.82; W. H. Wettlaufer, $3.00; W. II. Bottermiller, $4.00; John 1'utz, $6.50; Williams Bros. Trans, & Storage Co., $1.02; E R. Kilgallon $40.00; Clackamas County Banner, $y.ou; J, W. Schuld, 11150,00. General Fund BOUNTY G. H. Krebs, $3.00; D. Davis, $2.00; W. P. Roberts, $3.00 F. A Davis, $4.00; W. A Stone. $4.00 Christ Klinker, $13.00; R. M. Tracy, $3.00; H. C. Stokes, $16.00; Robert King, $3.00; W. M. Odell, $3.00; W S Gorbett, $2.00; Edward Scheel, $9.00. ELECTION Sandy Mall Auto Co. $5.00; Beaver Creek Hall Co., $5.00. SHERIFF Western Union Tele graph Co., $0.29; Huntley Drug Co., $2.35; Oregon City Enterprise, $26. 05; H. H. Hughes, $23.00; Miller Parker Co.. $1.00; Courier Press, $8.00; A. E. Joyner, $8.00. CLERK Bannon & Co., $1.00; Huntley Drug Co., $6.15; Jones Drug Co., $2.70; Oreofon City Entorprlse, $41.25; Marie Friedrich, $7.68: Fred A. Miller, $9.00; Helwlg & Conrad, $3.50: Bushong & Co., $22.50. RECORDER J. G. Noe, $13.60; Huntley Drug Co., $3.75; Jones Drug Co.. $2.85. TRRASURFR Oregon City En terprise, $1.60. ASSESSOR W. W. Everhart, $7.- 00; Huntley Drug Co., $3.50; Courier res, $35.00. COUNTY COURT W. A. Proctor, $05.00; W. F. Harris, $59.90; II. S. Anderson, $6.00; Huntley Drug Co., $0,30; Jones Drug Co., $16,80; Clack amiiH County Banner, $1.95, COURT HOUSE Gillen-Chambers o $246,00; Fred Morey, $3,00; Mil- er-Parker Co., $1.76; ,llogg Bros., $42.65; The Pac. Tel. Co., $35.65; C. J. Hood, $22.25; Chase it Linton Gravel Co., $3.00; Hogg Bros., $44.- 00; Williams Bros. Transfer It Stor age Co,, $23.75. CIRCUIT COURT H. E. Meads, $2.20; W. P. Nicholson, $8.40; Roy R. Ridings, $8.40; W. E. Brown, $8.- 40; W E. Brown, $8.40; A. 11 Knight, 3.00; I. D. Larkins, $6.60; Olaf 01- son, $6.00; B. M. Hubbard, $8.40; F, E. Davidson, $9.20. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE The Falls Restaurant, $2.90; E. W. Fowl er, $3.00; A. E. Joyner, $1.60; II. H Hughes, $3.50; Ed Bebee, $1.70; Geo. Woodard, $1.70; Clem Dollar, $1.70; Bert Morgan, $1.70; Wm. J. Wilson, $1.70; W. II Wettlaufer, $3.50; John N. Sievers, $64.60; Ed Fortune, $76. 70. CORONER Dr. W. E. Hempstead, $14.00; E. L. Johnson, $9.00. SURVEYOR Huntley Drug Co., $1.16; Paul Dunn, $22.50; Adam Knight, $17.00; R S McLaughlin, $5.00; Chas. Simmons, $24.00; Chas. Crlsswell, $6.00; D T Meldrum, $18.00. INSANE A. E. Joyner, $5.00; Dr. Guy Mount, $5.00. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS Huntley Drug Co., $5.70; Brenton Veddcr, $28.23; J. E. Calavan, $38.57; J. Franklin Mitts, $3.00; Beatrice Car- others, $2.18; Antonia Lieat, $2.18. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. W. E. Hempstead, $5.00; Dr. M. C. Strick land, $27.00; Dr W. D. Butler, $1.75; A J Rosslter. $1.75: W. B. Perry. $4.00; H. V. Adlx, $3.00; Geo. J, Case, $7.50; Dr. Alfred Williams, $4.60; Jones Drug Co $2.40; Dr. O A. Welsh $42.55. STOCK JNSPECTOR-Joaeph Pflster, $12.50. COUNTY POOR W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKinnis), $24.00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $23.00; Park place Store (Mra. Roberta), $30.30; Mrs. Fred Himler (J. Matheson) $30.00; C. J. Hood (Mrs. Jones) $5.00; Jonea Drug Co., $6.98; Sandy Hotel (Irwin New), $141.40; V. Har- ria (Jones), $10.00; V. Harris (Coun ty Jail), $1.80; J. W. Bryant (Wat- lace Fisher), $15.50; Bobbins Bros. (Jaa. B. Russell), $16.90; W. A. Holmes (Roberta family), $4.25; Otto t. Meindl Grocery (J. G. Seahorn), $10.00; Fred Schwartx (Mrs. Trul- linger), $10.00; Jos. Wilson Estate (Beers), $15.00; J. C. Nealeigh (Kate Pluard), $7.60; Mrs. Ben Eby (Ver ney NefT, Wallace Fisher, Pearl and LeU vell), $48.33; Dr. W. E, Hempstead B. E. Noakes, Robert Meyers, W. Dybdaht, C. McCarty) $26.50; Cart Koellermeier (William Dickelman), $16.00; A. J. Knightly (Beers), $6.40; Bannon & Co., $2.75 Mra. Gustav Fischer (Landis), $4.65 E. Jones (Beers), $8.00; E. A. Hack ett (Mrs. Roberts), $12.75; Havill & Co., $1395; A. J. Knightly (J. Beers) $6.40; The C. C. Store (Roberta fam ily), $3.96; Bengta Peterson (Hans Hansen), $47.00; Mrs. Jackson, $15 00; L. II. Doolittle (Wm. Dickelman) $10.80; J W. Currin (C Dybdahl) $5.00; Mra. Praeger (David Close) $15.00; New Brunswick Hotel & Res taurant, $1.50; Huntley Drug Co., $0.30; Hogg Bros., $5.25; W. J. Wil son (board of prisoners), $95.64. JUVENILE COURT Minda E Church, $58.07; H. II. Hughes, $3.00 Wm. J. Wilson, $5.00; T. A. Burke, $0.57. TAX REBATE Rosa Shepherd, PRINTING & ADVERTISING Oregon City Enterprise, $25.88 Courier Press, $26.57. SEALER J. F. Jones, $35.96 TAX DEPARTMENT Gordon Wilson, $7.50; Oregon City Enter prise, $53.35; Jones Drug Co., $3.15 W. J. Wilson, $40.00; Jess W Hyatt, JS.7u; Alice McKinnon, $32.46 Lrma Calavan, $29.50; Edith All dredge, $75.00; Ona Renner, $75.00 Bushong & Co., $126.00. PROHIBITION Wm. J. Wilson, $24.00; Miller-Parker Co., $5.95; H, E. Meads, $125.00; A. E. Joyner, $16, 60; A J. Bell, $10.00. AUDIT OF BOOKS-Joseph H, Wilson, $175.00., ARMORY Frank Busch, $60.00. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the presentation of claims filed against Clackamas County. It appearing to the Court that in order to allow adequate time in which to check and properly arrange claims filed against Clackamas County for presentation to this Court for audit ing and payment, that it is necessary mat nve o ciock p. m. on the Tues day next preceeding the first day of each County Court Term be fixed as the latest time within whwich claims may be filed with the County Clerk for payment at said term, and the Court having fully considered the matter, it is hereby f uraerea, tnai nve o ciock p. m. on the Tuesday next preceding the first day or each County Court term, be, and the same is hereby fixed as the latest time within which claims may be received by the County Clerk for presentation end payment at said County Court term. Dated this 7th day of March A. D. 1919. (Signed) H. S. W. A. ANDERSON, Judge, PROCTOR, Commissioner, HARRIS Commissioner. W. P. MONEY TO LOAN Farm LoanB TJreferred PAUL C. FISCHER Beaver Bldg., Oregon City SERVICE FUG DEDICATED mifuiiiE The little auburb of Willamette dedicated It service tablet Friday ev. cnlng at the Willamette school bouse, when many friends attended the Im pressive ceremony In honor of the boys of that place, who enlisted In the service, The program was In barge of II. L. Morroll of Wlllauiaite, and was well carried out. The follow ing are the young men, whose name appear on the tablet and who have entered the service: Ralph Edmonds, Harold Vun Nbhs, Edward Van Ness, Lavlne Moulin ke, Churlen Christiansen, Harold Lelghton, Victor Oliver, Ernest Andrus, Walter Andrus, Arthur Bchwerin, (killed In action). Walter Larsen, Fred Junken, Lini, Van Cleve, Amll Voltip, Waldron Hy att, John Zimmerman, Walter Lei- man, Edward Elllgsen, Orlando Rom Ig, Harry Romlg, Burns Urltton. Ter ry Barnes, Frank Costley, Arthur Rogers, Charlie Llndqulitt, Bert Zlrkel, George Snldow, (killed In action), Wilbur Ross, Tom Johnson, Clyde Morrell, Clarence Morrell, John Holm, Ernest Jesse, Vestal Bennett, Merrlt Wilson, Otis Cantwell, Jules Raron, Emeet Wing, John Mathers, William Porter, Byron StraJimer, John Logs don and Elmer Levans. Those who have lost their lives in action have a gold star near their names, while the others have the blue star. The tablet la In the form of a tri umphal arch, and was designed by J. E. Tourtellotte of Portland, and was erected by R. A. Junken of Willam ette. The following program was given. Orchestra, aong, Girls' Glee Club, piano duet by Misses Marion Patter son and Veda Andrus, orchestra, deli catory address by Rev. W. T. Mllll- ken, piano aolo by Miss Fromong, Girts' Glee Club, piano solo by Miss Mota HlgglDbotham, orchestra. Aa given by the Brady Mercantile company and Parr Brothers. BUYING Creamery butter 62c Potatoes $ 1.308 $1 40 Onions, per 100 lbs $3.00 Uutter (country) pound 4. it Egga, per dos. 36c SELLING Cabbage, perlOO lbs. .. .$4.00 -$2.00 40c Potatoes, per 100 lbs. .. Eggs, per dos .$1.75 nutter, per pound (country) 65i. Creamery butter, lb 45c FEED Mill run, 80s Calf Meal Salt. 60 lbs. high grade . . Oil Meal $1.80 8St $4.25 Oats, per 100 pounds $3 00 Hay $28$35 Chick food, per 100 lbs $5.50 Scratch food, per 100 lbs $4.25 Bone, per 100 lbs $3 75 Reef scraps $7.00 Berkshire $3.25 Carnation Dairy Feed J2 lo Holateln dairy food 100 lbs L$2.30 '' niMH uonUrv. i. Wholo corn Cracked corn Cocoanut oil meal Ground corn $3.50 $3.60 $3.50 $3.60 $1.00 Eastern oyster shell Western Shell $1.50 Grit. pr 100 lbs. 90c Born and Onts. rmnnd, per cwt $3 40 Ground Barley 100 lbs $3.00 Wheat - Oat mo lbs $2 25 Barley-Oats 80 lbs. . $2.30 Rice Bran, 80 lbs $2.10 LivestockBuying Veal I2c Live Hogs 16Hc Dressed Hogs 2021Hc Old Roosters Springs Hens 12Mi-15c 26c ,...26c -25-26C 80c Turkeys, live Ducks "If you have any good apples, pota toes, beef or other farm produce tor sale see F. T. Barlow at C. W. Inn, West Linn, and he will pay you cash on delivery. Phone Pacific 608." Adv A Coated Tongue? What it Means A bad breath, coated tongne. bad taste in the mouth, languor and debility. are usuauy signs that the liver is out of order. Pkof. Hem meter says: "The liver is an organ secondary in importance only to the heart." We can mana fac ture poisons within our own bodies which are as deadly aa a snake's venom. The liver acta as a guard over our well-being, sifting out the cinders and ashes from the general circulation. A blockade in the intestines piles a heavy burden upon the liver. If the intestines are choked or clogged up, the circulation of the blood becomes poisoned and the system becomes loaded with toxio waste, and we suffer from hendaohe, yellow-coated tongue, bad taste in mouth, nausea, or gas, aeid dvsDensia. laneuor. debility, yellow skin or eyes. At such times one should take a nleasant laxative. Such a one is made of May-apple, leaves of aloe, jalap, put into ready-to-use form by iWif Piori-n. ripnrlv fift.v vpars aeo. and sold for 25 cents by all druggiBtS as Dr. Tierce's i leasant relicts. Stockton, Calif. For constipation, tick houlach, an Inactive liver, indigestion and bill- onmeai that ta nothing to equal Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I have tried other thing but like the 'Pellets' best of any," MM. F. Ca ri&UH 5-8 S Gnat SUwfe I MARKET REPORT i ii - ... v Silverton Company Sues On Large Bill J. M. afd A. O. Wolfcird, known as J. W .Wolfard & Company of Hll-er ton, er-tered vj't rgalnnt el)a Lai kins to collort a balance on a bill of goodi alleged t" have ben sold to her and J. 8. Young, her husband, deceased. Actfcrd'n-4 to compiatnt tte ;:oodi were sold between December 3, 1912, and iXseember 19I-". and iho tola: bill amounted to f?.89.27. Plaintiff al lege $262.62 has boon paid en Iho amount and ask for a settlement of the balance, $136.65, and they also ask for Interest at 0 per cent. Program Ready for P-T Meet Saturday The following Is the program to be given at the Parent-Teacher meeilng to be held at Wllsonvllle, Saturday, March 15: 10:00 Discussion "History and Civ ics." Minnie B. Aitman and F J. Mitts. 11:00 12:00 1:00 1:30 2:00 Address Superintendent J-J A. Churchill Lunch. Program, Wllsonvl'le School. Club Work, A. L. Olmstead. Club leader. Discussion "How to Make Our Schools More Efficient from the Directors' Point, of View," Raymond Seel and H A. Kruse. Classified Ads DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukte 6W. "WILLAMETTE NAVIGATION CO. steamer every day freight only Portland to Oregon City, from Wash lngton Street Dock. 8ave Time. Save Money." MONEY TO LOAN. I hare plenty of money to loan on good real estate security at current rates. C H. DTE, Eighth and Main Street NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Clear Creek Creamery company will be held on March 17, 1919, at creamery plant The purpose of this meeting la the election of the board of five directors, the secretary and treasurer, together with any other business that may properly come be fore the meeting. All stockholders are urged to be present if possible. By order of the secretary, THOMAS E. ANDERSON SHERIFFS 8 ALE. In the Circuit Court of the the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas William Chambers, Trustee, Plaintiff, a. Creghlno Giovanl, Carlo Creghlno and Ratto Baci, I. G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson, husband and wife, and H. F. Bushong, Trustee in the Bankruptcy of I. G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson, Bankrupts, De fendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, 88. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 26th day of February. 1919, upon a Judgment render ed and entered in said court on the 26th day of February, 1919, in favor of William Chambers, Trustee, Plaintiff, and against Creghlno Giovanl, Carlo Creghlno and Ratto Baci, L G. David son and Ida May Davidson, husband and wife, and H. F. Bushong, Trustee, in tne Bankruptcy of I. G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson Bankrupts, De fendants, for the sum of 18000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 4th day of May, 1917, and the further sum of $500.00, as attorney's fee, and the fur ther sum of $34.00 costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make Bale of the following described real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: A part of the Donation Land Claim of James McNary and wife, Claim No. 38 In Township Two (2) South of Range Two (2) East of the Willam ette Meridian; described as commenc ing at a point which is South forty-five (45) West fifteen (15) chains from a fir tree at the most northerly corner of said Donation Land Claim; running thence south, forty-five (45) degrees west twenty-five (25) chains to a stake In the line; thence South forty-five de grees (45) East twenty (20) chains to a stone marked "J. B. H"; thence north forty-five degrees (45) east, twenty-five (25) chains to a point; and thence north forty-five degrees (45) west twenty (20) chains to place of beginning, containing fifty acres more or less In Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 12th day of April, 1919; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at nubile auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above de scribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, March 14th, 1919. PROFESSIONAL JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN f). C. Latourhttb, President The First National Bank ol Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Phones Pacific (J Home A ll GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attornsy-at Law All legal-business promptly attended U William Hanmond Philip L Hammend HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attorneya-et-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insnr nee. OREGON CTTT, OREOOM Pacific Phone $1 Home Phone A-S7I Office Pbonee Paetfle Main 401; Home A-I70. TONE A MOCLTON Attorneye-at'Law Bearer Bldg., Room C OXEOON C1TT OREGON Notice of Final Hearing. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Isaac Lane, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Harriet L. Richards, administratrix of the es tate of Isaac Lane, deceased, has filed her final report in said estate and that the Judge of the above entitled court has fixed the County Court room in the County Court House at Oregon City, Oregon, and at 10 o'clck A. M. on the 21st day of April, 1919, as the time and place for the hearing of said final re port and the settlement of said estate. All persons having objections to the approval of said final report shall file their objections on or before said time of hearing. Dated March 6, 1919. HARRIET L. RICHARDS, Administratrix of the Estate of Isaac Lane, deceased. First publication, March (, 1919. Last publication, April 4, 1919. 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Louis II. Starrett, Plaintiff, Isadora Starrett, Defendant To Isadora Starrett, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 18th day of April, 1919, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons. and if you fail to answer said complaint ' tor want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the marri age contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum is published by order of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 6th day of March, 1919, and the time pre scribed tor publication thereof Is six weeks beginning with the issue dated March 7, 1919, and continuing each week thereafter to and including Fri day, April 18, 1919. BROWNELL ft SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Elizabeth Keoghn, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas F. Koeghn, Defendant To Thomas F. Keoghn, the above named defendant: In the name of Uie State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint of the above teamed plaintiff in the above entitled Court and suit, now on file with the Clerk of the above en titled Court, and you are hereby noti fied that if you fail to appear and an swer the said complaint or otherwise plead Uiereto on or before the 18th day of April, 1919, the plaintiff will apply to the said Court tor the relief and Judgment and decree prayed tor in her said complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of the said Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant and that the plaintiff have her maiden name Elizabeth Williams re stored to her, and for such other relief as may seem to the Court Just in the premises. This summons is served by publica tion thereof in tie Oregon City En terprise beginning with the issue dated the 7th day of March, 1919. and ending with the issue dated the 18th day of April. 1919, in pursuance of an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above named Court, made at Chamber at Oregon City, Oregon, on the 3rd day of March, 1919. N. M. NEWPORT, Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office, Lebanon, Oregon. Date of first Jubllcation 7th day of March, 1919. Date of last publication 18th day of April, 1919. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has been, by order of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly appointed executor of Uie Estate of Mary Minerva Gordon, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present thenv to me. duly verified, at the office of my attorney, H. B. Cross, No. 12 Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. First publication, February 21, 1919. ISAAC N. GARD, Executor. H.B. CROSS, Attorney tor the Estate. DIRECTORY WEINHAND lUILDIfta F. f. M Op?n from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. C. SCHUEBEL Attomsy-at-Law Will practice In all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon Cltf. Oregon. c D. A D. C. LATOURSTTI Attorncye-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank B14g Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBY Attomey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examiud, estate settW. general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Allen McKenzie Sutton (alias A. M. Sutton) deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Allen McKen zie Sutton (alias A. M. Sutton; de ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to me at the office of Piatt and Piatt, 605 Piatt Building, Portland, Oregon, with proper Touch ers and duly certified, within tlx months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Friday, February 21, 1919. WALTER BOWNE BEEBE, Administrator. PLATT A PLATT and JOHN F. SEDGWICK, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the Estate of Loren G. Har rington, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with prop er vouchers, duly certified according to law, at the office of Brownell ft 8 lev ers, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publica tion of this notice. Dated, February 2L 1919. MATILDA II. HARRINGTON, Administratrix of the Estate of Lor en G. Harrington, deceased. BROWNELL ft SIEVERS, Attorneys for administratrix, Oregon City, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. John Hedlund, Plaintiff, Adriana Hedlund, Defendant. To Adriana Hedlund, Defendant, to wlt: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and if yon fail to so appear and answer said cause and complaint on or before six weeks from and after tie date of the first publication of this summons, the plaintiff will ap ply to the above entitled court tor the relief prayed for In his complaint to wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plain tiff and the defendant and for such further relief as to the court may seem JUBt and equitable. This summons is published in pur suance of an order of the Honorable J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered Febru ary 18, 1919, directing this summons to be published once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in Clack amas County, Oregon. Date of first publication February 21. 1919. Date of last publication April 7th, 1919. O. D. SBT, Attorney for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. , SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the 8tste of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Evelyn L. Schelberg, Plaintiff, vs. ' George G. Schelberg, Defendant To George G. Schelberg, above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail ao to appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, which is that the marriage now exist ing between yon and the plaintiff be forever dissolved, and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is ser ved npon you by publication by order of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, which order is dated February 4th, 1919 and the time prescribed in said order for the publi cation is onoe a week for six consecu tive weeks. The date of the first pub lication of this summons Is February 7th, 1919, and the last date of publica tion is March 21, 1919. FRANK C. IIANLE7, Attorney for Plamtiif . P. O. Address: Yeon Building, Port land, Oregon.