WAUKI MIL MILWAUKIE, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. COMMERCIAL CLUB TO MEET. Don't forget the Oommorcial Club meeting Monday. March 17th, at the High school building. If you are not a roomier send In you application be fore that date. Come whether you are a member or not and get Interested In vhat the club expects to'do this year. Mombors will please bring cakes. OLD BARN MAY BECOME "GYM." The q lestion of what use could be made of tho old car barn to make It a benefit to the town, has been asked mativ times. The Hich school students are ans wering tho question "make It Into a sym and ouditorlum." It la reporttd that the P. R. 1 & r. Co. U willing to give a long lease to the school or any other enterprise who could use the barn. It U a good brick one-story building about 80 by 800 feet extending along the block in front of the High school. LOCAL Henry P. Ootken. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ..Oetken. who was formerly k. tt s s. Rose, but lately in aa v. - - Bremerton has received his honorable discharge from the Navy and is now at his home in Oak Grove. Farm life Is great, after the last few weeks in camp, says "Hennie." Ills brother "Ulll" who was on the U. S. S .West Mount, underwent several operations in a navy hospital, but is now on his way over-seas on the U. S. S. Dakoton. "mil" also is anxious to come home. The Woman8 Work Club held the regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Hadden in Minthorn. An all- day meeting was held and a splentua ; jimup wna served at noon. A busi ness session was held in the after-j noon. M. C. Glover, who receUy purchased Mrs. Caffall's place on Lake Road.j bftfl moved his family there and in-i tends to make it a permanent home, j The sale was mad through Mrs. j Johnson, the Milwaukie rea'tor. j Miss Dorothy Wtosinger came home ' o-.r,inw for a week's visit with tn home folks. Ths trip was made by iho hiehwav. and she re- VUtU .mw -- .a -- - - ports It In fine shape. k i r Mill be held at the city hall Wednesday evening to make ar rangements for an entertainment and m hA irtven at an early date .to raise funds for a reception to the Mil waukie boys who servea in any branch of the service. The teachers of the grammar school gave Miss Clarke, one of the grade teachers, a very pleasant surprise on her birthday, March 11th. The teach ers Invited all of the High school tMrhon and Miss Clarke to join them and Miss Clark was completely taken by surprise. A banquet was sereu in the school dining room. A Jolly time was enjoyed by all present. William Kleeb, who recently pur chased the Frank Plimpton property next to Uie Milwaukie grammar school, has taken possession, and will move his amily to their new location in a few days. This is one of the flu est homes In Milwaukie and brought a good price. The deal was made through Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Kleeb is a recent arrival from Iowa, and ex pects to make the property the family home. Henry Scott was a Milwaukie visi tor last week. W. A. Davidson was visiting friends and attending to some business in Milwaukie the first of the week. GRSUALTIES OF AMERICAN LIE ARMY 10 BE IRUY TOTAL 240,187 WASHINGTON, March S.-Jlattle casualties of the American army iu France, as shown by revised division al records, announced today by Gen eral March, totalled 210,197. These included killed in action, wounded, missing in action and prisoners. The list of divisional totals shows that the 91st (Alaska. Washington. Oregon. California, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Utah) lost 5S3S. The 2d regular division showed the greatest losses lu the revised list with 24,429. The 1st division came next with 23,973. The 2Sth (Pennsylvania) led national guard and army divisions, being fourth In the list, with 14.41". The 32d (Michigan and Wisconsin) was fifth, with 14.265. In the new list the 42d division (Rainbow) reported a total of battle casualties of 12.252; the 77th (New Cork Metropolitan national army), S423; the 26th (New England), 8955; the 27th (New York). 7940; the 30th (Tennessee. North Carolina, South Carolina-, 6S93. RETAINED BYDEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, March $. Reten tion within the army of about 200, 000 men, obtained originally through the drafts and by transfer front the national guard. ! planned by the war department building up a temporary military establishment of the nation. This was definitely made known to day by General March, chief of staff, who announced the decision of ths war department that tho army would "not be reduced under any clrcutn stances below 509.909 until some law was passed fixing the pennant force." PLANS FOR BOLSHEVIK according to a memorandum sent to ths senate propaganda committee by Solicitor Lamar of the postotftce de partment. This memorandum was made public today by the committee and Chairman Overman said It would be read Into the record tomorrow. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends for their kind ness during the sickness and bereave ment of our beloved mother, Mrs. Amelia C. Mullaa. and for the beauti ful floral offerings. The family. FOR SALE. Flemish Giants, New Zelands, Belgians. Pedigreed Flemish Giant at stud. 1 lign Brahama Cockerel thoroughbred. E. J. HEPP 32nd and Harrison, 2 blocks north. FLOOR LEADER IS ELECTED BY REPUBLICANS Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured snd Bonds and warrants Banking house iliillililliillllliililllllHllllIlllH Prescriptions 1 Pure Drugs and Chemicals jj 1 Russell & Gilberts Choice Candies g Kodaks, Films and Supplies. jj H At your reliable drug store j TRADE AT HOME WASHINGTON. March 11. Repre sentative Frank W. Mondell of New castle, Wyo., today was elected Re publican floor leader In tha next con gress. The vote for Mondell was 160 to 23, the latter number merely voting "present." Filty-three votes were ab sent from the meeting of the Repub lican committee on committees. Previous to the nomination of Mon-, dell, Representative Maim, Illinois,. present Kepuoiican iioor ieauer, chosen to again lead the Republican) forces In the house, but declined the Capital stock paid in nomination. The vote for Mann was 154, 12 voting against him and two voting for Representative Longworth of Ohio. WASHINGTON. March lO.-Mail matter seized ulnco the signing of the armistice has disclosed that the I. W. W., anarchists, radical socialists and others are "perfecting an amalgama tion" which has for Its object the over throw of the American guvernment through "a bloody revolution" and the establishment of a Uolshevlk republic, MORE WESTERN TROOPS ARRIVE IN NEW YORK NEW YORK. March ".With 2504 troops, of whom all but 262 are mem bers of aero squudrons, tho steamship Mexican arrived hero today from St 'Nnsalro. A detachment of tho 71t roKiment. coast arllUcry corps, and a few casuals were aboard. Units Included the tallowing: le tachments from tho 37th division; three officers and 160 men of the 316th trench mortar battery, 91st di vision (national army troops of Wash liiKton. Oregon. Callfornlu, Nevada I'tah, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming) to Camps tawls, Dodge and Dlx. PORTLAND MARRIAGE LICENSES A marrlnve license was Issued In Portland Tuesday to Floyd F.Khorly of this city, and Julia Kldwoll, 71C Taylor street. PortDud. No. 28. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF . THE FIRST STATE BANK AT MILWAUKIE. IN THE STATE OF OREGON. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, MARCH 4. 1919. RESOURCES unsecured School Activities Hlg game Friday, Milwaukie vs. nuuvcrton. Ihiys nnd gins learn to play. Admission 25c. The athletic boys aro beginning to think of baseball now. The prospects are good and a good team will bo or gruUod. It was decided at a recent student body meeting that the school should have a Maroon this year. TIib orrw- ers nave not yet linen viocimi, u.n work will start on It soon. Basket ball game Wednesday be tween the girls team nnd the faculty at 8: P. M. Admission 10c. Proroodg to go to tho student body annotation. Special entertainment between halves. UNIONS MIEN 10 CALL NEW STRIKE IN SEATTLE PRICE FIVE CENTS date of the first publication ot this inn mom, towlt, oil or before ths Ml day ot March, 1919, and It you fall to ss ap pear and answer, for want thoreot the plaintiff will apply to the Court far the relief prayed tor lu plaintiff's com nltttut. to wlt: For a decroe ot the Court, forever dissolving the marri age contract, heretofore, and now, ag isting betwoon plaintiff and aereaaani, and restoring to plaintiff bar former numo of Martha llrou. and tar such other aud further relief as the Court may deem Just and equitable. This summons Is served poa you, by publication theroof, once each week, for six consecutive weeks, In the Mil waukie Press, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Milwaukie, lu the County of Clackamas, Slate of Ore gon, pursuant to au order of the Honor able J. U. Campbell. Judge ot the above entitled Court, mndo and entered on the 6th day of February, 1911. A. C. MIDDLEKAUKF, R. K. WALTON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postofflce Address. 612 6IJ Henry Building. Portland. Oregon Date ot first publication February I, 1919. Dnte of Inst publication Ms rob M, 1919, SEATTLE. March 13. Charging that some shipyard and contract ship employers here are discriminating against union men who have been on strike, labor leaders today said an other walkout is threatened. Protests have been uvula to the Soaitlo Mela Tradoa CounclL Members ot the Coppersmiths' un Ion dm-lare some of their men have not ben permitted to return to work and unless this condition Is remedied the union will si ilka Monday. Furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash Items Cash on hand Total LIABILITIES Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses Dividends unpaid Postal savings bank deposits SPEECH OPENS LEAGUE FIGHT IN fitl YORK WASHINGTON, March. 6. The nation-wide campaign of the "senate 37" against the League ot Nations consti tution begins tonight In New York. Senator Borah, leaSer of the opposi tion, will speak before the Society of Arts and Sciences there. On Saturday he will speak In Boston. Borah's speeches are the first of a series to be made in practically every state, In opposition to the provisions of the league constitution as drafted at Par is. Every senator who joins in the cam paign, with the possible exception ot Borah, plans to make It plain to his audiences that it is not a League ot Nations he is opposed to, but this league as outlined in the tentative constitution. Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Cashier checks outstanding Certified checks Time and Savings Deposits Bills payable for money borrowed . Total I139.12S.91 303.78 68.394 93 j ' 13,407.00 1 3,653 83 150 65 83.91601 2.369 78 18,699.71 1318,974.28 t 25,000.00 6.000.00 64193 48.00 1.305.19 160.479 81 1711.87 641.38 1.236.00 120,310.10 r PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hours: 9:00 to 11:00 M. 1 to I P. M. Sundays and Eventngs by Appointment Phones: Office, Mil. J; Res. Tabor 6111 DR. O. P. LOW PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Calls Answered Day .n l Mght Office: Milwaukie Stat Hunk Bldg. Main SL MUwaukle, Ore. British Loss Heavy In Battle of Yprcs ' LONDON. March 7. Winston Spencer Churchill stated In the com mons that the British casualties In the third bnttln of Vpres from July to November, 1918, which resulted .n flnttenng out the salient and ths cap ture of PasHnehendat'lo ridge, number 13,5X0 killed and MG.2r7 wounded and missing. The British killed were Kv ST.:.. the Canadian. 4S6, and the Aus tralltins. 12t'.9. We wish to dispose of some wood logs at our Milwaukie mill, to anyone who will take them awsy. Phone Cal- 1,800 00 ifornta Barrel Co. Main 63SS. Adv. Phones; Pacific 63 Home VU GEORGE C BROVVNEI I ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, Ore. All legal bimlutss promptly ttu ld to 1318,9748 I : r I PERRY PHARMACY g ' ' PHONE 19.W j 1 MILWAUKIE, OREGON llllllllllllllllllIlM FirstStateBankofMilwaukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PARTONAGE APPRECIATED State of Oregon. County of Clackamas ss: I, A. H. Zanders, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. A. 11. ZANDERS. Cashier. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of Ma'ch, 1919. O. D. EBY. Notary Public My commission expires July 20, 1920. CORRECT Attest: PHILIP STREIB PHIL T. OATFIELD JOHN F. RISLEY J. A. KUKS SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Martha Burka. Plaintiff, vs. Jacob Burka, Defendant. To Jacob Burka, tho above named defendant: In the Name of the State ot Oregon, You are heroby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or botore the expiration of six weeks from the WOUNDED SOLDIERS ARRIVE IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 11 With 8o oficers and 2674 troops of the 27th division (former New York state na tional guardsmen) the steamship Mount Vernon arrived here today from Brest. The vessel brought alto gether 5784 troops, Including a large number of casuals and 96 nurses, to gether with seven .officers and 813 men sick and wounded. Casual companies aboard Included the following: Nos. 1410 of Montana, 1413 of South Dakota, 281 of Oregon, 284 ot Call fornia and 294 of Colorado. Traveling as a casual on the Mount Vernon was Brigadier General James D. Glennan. B-1563 SELLWOOD 941 East Side Hill & Lumber Company Mill and General Office: Foot of Spokane Avenue BRAENrffiyDn,:nTh and Halsey streets; Phones: Tabor 2811, C-1237 SSiJ SVSbor 111.. Mm J P. FIN LEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland PE 1 1 LONDON, March 7. Nicolal Len lne, Bolshevik premier of Russia, Is soon to propose peace to the allies with the understanding that they will not interfere in Russia's internal af fairs, according to a report received In Helslngfors from Moscow and cab led by the Dally Mall's correspondent today. .Russia, It is said, will offer great concessions in cotton. WASHINGTON. March 7. Armed American intervention In Russia did I m-jch to deepen and strengthen the I Bolshevik movement and to enhance the nower of Lenlne and Trotsky, Col onel Raymond Robbins, former head of the American Red Cross mission to Russia, today told the senate com mittee investigating lawless proba- I ganda In the United States. I ji; n: e l wiowH wtory jiB-triitj tum Store Opens Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Most In Value The Best In Quality THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes Dally at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 I'. M. Home Phone: A 2112 THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" Advance Spring Styles Every Garment We Are Showin. .Carries a message of the nearness of spring the new styles are not so much the cliange-of-the-season which always comes with the passing of winter as they are a complete change in every feature of model and material. With the war only a far-off echo, and the surety of peace and prosperity growing greater every day, the fashions of the coming season show a reawakening of the desire for the beau tiful, the youthful and the gay expressions of joyful design to which tho makers of this spring's garments have responded with lavish use of dainty decorative handwork and delightful beauty in colorings and rich materials. New Suits All Fashionable New $22.95 to $77.50 Styles and Colors New Deesses . $12.45 to $35.00 New Skirts New Waists New Capes New Dolmans At Prices You'll Be Pleased to Pay - I'hono Milwaukie 54 W. JOHNSON REALTY CO. Rsal Estate, Insurance snd Rentals Office at Station Mllwuklo, Ore Office I'ht.ne Resldenr-e Phoee Mllwankle Oak Grove Jt Y DR. R. S. RAMSEY DENTIST IIOURS-9:30 A. M. to II M. 1:M F. M. to J:00 r. M. Rooms & 6 7 Bank Building MUwaukle, Oregon grnrrrrn rTTrTrrrrisssreii Funeral Director and Cmeaimer Telephones: Bellwood 71 Homo. 111122 1532 J4 East Thirteenth 8t Bellwood Oregon EAT MEAT Th hnmnn system demands es tra nutrition and best building food; mpnt provides both. Cholee selected meats, both salted and freh. sold here. Milwaukie Meat Market R. W. BROWN, Proprietor Tel. 11 W. Milwaukie, Ore. Phones : Sellwood 62 B-1325 OREGON DOOR CO Foot of Spokane Avenue, Portland, Ore. Manufacturers of SASH DOORS AND MILL WORK Yellow Fir, a Specialty Your Correspondence Solicited SPIN YOUR OWN YARN On account of extreme high price of knitting yarn, the MU waukle Wool Carding Mill has put In operations Its roll-card-Ing machine and Is prepared to sell pure white wool rolls, and a so natural gray, ready tor the old-style spinning wheel. Farm ers or others desiring to have a part of tbelr wool made up Into rolls, or batting for comforters and mattresses can do so by ad dressing The Milwaukie Wool Cardnlg Mill MUwaukle, Oregon. Police:"" ff,C0'