Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 14, 1919, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Chester Woiiwr. a wull known
Clm kumus county young man, whose
homo It nt l'iiiliiriidn, mill who In one
of Clucliama county's heroes, In on
M way to Portland with Company M,
102(1 Infantry, Sergeant Womor ha
been lu Franco for noma lliim, unit I
urulmi to rntmn to bis homo. Ilo Id
a brother of Mm Hoy Woodward ol
thin city, When hint heard from Ok
young muii win spending on tlio mu
clul noil u In No bra dint. Word came
to tuts city to that ettnct Thuriduy.
Iorriilnn Ottlrom. who Imni boon In
Franco with Urn H'iA Infantry band,
and who wa amotg thn young mun
returning to Portland from Camp
I-ewl Monday evening, wa In Dra
gon City Tuosda; vlattlng frlonda
Ilia homo la at Jennings Lodge, and
ha baa been with t band and In
the anrvlce for 21 months. Ilo la on
of the boya dellghtm) to ml urn to tlio
Wtate, and especially to Clackamas
county. Ha wa a formor atudont of
thn Oregon City blgU achool,
Mra. L. D. Wllllami, nee Mis
Kliiln King, formerly of Mount Plea
ant, lini received word from bor hue
band, who la In France, telling of bis
promotion to major. He Is looking
forward to the time when ha will re
turn to hla home at Ilwsco, Wash
Mra. Wllllamn, who la for tlio ireint
making her home with bur parenta
Mr. and Mra. Arthur King of Mount
Pleasant, apent some time In Virginia
with her husband before he left for
over can.
D. a. Sherman of Wllholt, waa In
Oregon City Monday. Mr. Sherman re
cently received bla honorable die
charge from the anrvlce, but waa dla
appointed In not being able to go over
anaa and get a "whack" at the kaUor
and bla llun tribe. II la a crack ahot,
and not being able to do what he
could with hi Httlo gun overaeaa, hat
dona the next beat thing, and brought
la the hide of three coyote and a
wild eat for which be received r. boun
ty. Thomaa Gregory, who boa been In
the navy for over a year, and elation
ed at Mare Inland, arrived In Oregon
City Monday morning, having receiv
ed bla honorable dlacharge from the
aervlre. lie la the eon of Mr. and Mr
K. It. Gregory of Greenwood, about
four mtlea from this city. He has thor
oughly enjoyed hla experience while In
the aervlre, but la glad to be back
home, where he will resume farm
Among the Clackamaa county boy
to arrive In Portland with the old
Third Oregon Friday evening appear
the name of Carl Hoffman. He wat
mentioned among the missing tor a
number of mouth, and the ap
pearance of hi name among the re
turned aoldler ha cauaed many of
hi relatives, trlenda. and other, who
have been Interested In blm, to rejoice
over bla aafoty.
A. W. Cooke, prominent farmer of
Damascus, wa In Oregon City Tues
day vtoltfng hla brother, Postmsstor
Cooke, whllo here, and also transact
ed business. Mrs. Cooke, who has
been dangerously ill for the past five
weeks suffering from influenza, I
improving. A nurse la still In attend
ance. Mra. Cooke autfered a relapso,
but her speedy recovery Is now look'
ed forward to.
W. E. Frailer, a prominent snoop
breeder of Clackamaa county, whose
farm la located at Estocada, Route
3, was in Oregon City on business Fri
day. Mr. Fraslor la having excep
tionally good luck with hi theep this
year, and 1 much encouraged over the
theep Industry In that eectlon of the
country. This la the first winter Mr.
Frailer has spent in the Katacada
Mra. M. E. King of this city, recelv
ed word Saturday morning of the safe
arrival of her aon, Frank King, in the
United States from oversea duty. He
la with the coast artillery, and before
going to France waa stationed for
some time at Fort Stevens. King la
well known here where he has a host
of friend. lie waa for aome time as
slatant librarian in this city.
Cheater Womer. a member of the
69th Const Artillery, who recently ar
rived in Portland from France, visited
his sister, Mra. Roy Woodward of this
city, and then proceeded to Camp
Lewis, whore he ia at present, and
awaltlns: to be musterod out of serv
Ice. His home is at Estacada, and he
expect to return to that place with
in a few days.
J. A. Btaggs, who la connected with
the Hrady Mercantile company, has
derided to try farming In connection
with his rcitiilar employment. He hab
entered into a leas with Mr Hull of
Pr.rinnit whan thev are to term a
tract of land In the Maple Lane dls
trlct. Mr. Stsggs moved his family to
that place from Twilight eectlon Sat
Mrs nan Ginther of Tenth and
Jackson streets, who has been 111 for
aome time, was taken to the St. vin
cent' hospital, Portland, Tuesday
tnnrn inr. where aha la to undergo a
surelcal onoratlon. Miss Esther Glnth
or. slater-in-law. waa also taken to
the eame hospital to undorgo an op
J. r. Cook, who recently roturnod
to Clackamas county from Manzan
Ita. Tillamook county, was In Oregon
City Friday. Mr. Coolc has again tak
en up his residence nt Haseita, nea.
Onwfwo. He waa accompanied to Ore
gon City by Theodore Neilson, also of
ITazolla, malting the trip by automo
Mrs. E. L, Sharp and son, Irvln, of
Froo- Pond, were Oregon City visitor
Frtdnv. Mrs. Sharp, whose needlework
lm been exhibited on many occasions
In thin city, and which hu also ear
Hod orf prlr.es Hi the county fairs,
hrcitiKht In nonifl onion Friday and
bur work tl ra:td much attention.
(lien MorrlM, Benjamin T. lleppler
and John lfnllor, all of Auruu, who
have Just received their honorable'
dlHcburKe nt Hent tin, from tlio naval
snrvlre, wore In Oregon City Monday.
The boys, who were clad In tlmlr nav
al uttlro, will soon "shed" tlmlr unl
forms for their civilian clothliiK.
Mis Marie Anthony, home demon
strator, who win recently sent here
by the Oregon Agricultural College
went to Concord Frlduy. Mint Anthony
attended a meeting of the Women'
Club of that place in the afternoon,
and presented the work she la tuklng
In the county.
Mr. W. M. Clark of Kcho Dell, was
In Oregon City Wednesday. She came
here on Red Crosa business, being
one of the active workers of the or
ganization. Mrs. Clark brought to the
local branch $12. rO, an amount turn
ed over by the Loyalty league of
Kcho Dell, and presented to the Red
Native Hawaiian teacher gives lot-
ton on the ukelele and steel guitar.
Kvery Wednesday at Theroug Music
House. Ha a largo and growing clasi.
Make reservations for lesson period,
before Tuesday evening. Theroux
Muslo House, 110 Seventh street
Phillip Welsmandel of Washougal,
Wash., who spent the first of the
week In Oregon City as a guest of bl
parent, Mr. and Mr. Casper Wei
mandnt, baa returned to hla home.
He also visited bla brothers, John
and William Welsmandel of thla city
Miss Alens Phillips, who hat been
on the reportorlal ataff of the Ccur-
lor, has resigned her position, and has
accepted a position with the Oregon
City Abstract company. Miss Phillips
commenced her duties with the abs
tract company Tuesday morning.
A. D. Sherman of Molalts, who has
been in the service, and who was a
member of the 69th Infantry, was In
Oregon City Monday. Mr. Sherman
received big honorable discbarge at
the Presidio, San Francisco, Cal.
A. G. Fisher, a former resident of
Oregon City, who baa been residing
at Ruckner Creek, on the line of the
Willamette Valley Southern Railway
company, and now of Mullno. waa in
Oregon City on business Friday.
Mra. 8. D. Hungate, nee Mis Mary
Lewis, of Mollalla, who hat been visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mra. C. A.
Lewis of Sixth street and Railroad
avenue, since Friday, returned to her
home Monday afternoon.
W. It. Hair of Canby, was In Oregon
City Thursday. He came here to at
tend the meeting of the board of dl
rectors of the Clackamaa County Fair
Association, when the dates of the
fair were changed.
Allen Mitchell, a well known young
man of thla city, who has been with
the 162d Infantry band and atatloned
In France, is among the Oregon City
young men having returned honit
Monday evening.
William Thompson and daughter,
Gladys, of Needy, were among the
Oregon City vlslto.5 Monday. Mr.
Thompson la a member of the Grand
Army of the Republic, and veteran of
the Civil War.
Mr. and Mr. George Ruck of Heaver
Creek, were in Oregon City Monday.
Mr. Huck la one of the prominent
stockbreeders of Clackamas county,
and is engaged in raising Poland
China awlne.
Carl M. Rathel of Cherryvllle, was
In Oregon City Wednesday. He has
been with the Third Company, Artil
lery. nd recently received hla honor
able discharge in California.
Adam Knight, who la on the board
of directors of the Clackamaa County
Fair Association, and whose home is
at Canby, attended the meeting of
the board here Thursday.
W. W. Irvln, prominent resident of
Aurora, waa In Oregon City on bust
ncss Wednesday and proceeded to
Portland, returning to his home Wed
needay evening.
Mrs. Harriet Richards, formerly of
Jennings (Lodge, waa in Oregon City
Thursday, where she waa transacting
business. Mrs, Richards is now resld
Ing in Portland.
Mrs. B. M. Jamea, an active work
er of the Red Cross of Twilight and
Mount Pleasant, but whose home is at
Twilight, waa in Oregon City on busi
ness Tuesday.
Among the well known residents of
Clackamaa county transacting bust
ness at the county seat Friday was
George C. Macrony. His home ia near
D. R. Dlmlck of Canby, waa among
those to transact court buslnesa here
Thursday. Mr. Dlmlck Is road super
visor In that section of the country
Horn, Friday morning, March 7, to
the wife of H. Steuner of Stafford, a
son. Dr. C. A. Stuart of thla city, is
the attending physician.
for Montana and Utah, where he goes
in the interest of the Oregon City
woolen mills. He expects to be gone
a numbor of weeks.
Ira L. Lowd of Sherwood, waa here
Friday transacting business. Mr. Lowd
is manager of the Sherwood Tele
phone company, '
Mrs. J. E. Calavan, who has been
visiting relatives at The Dalles, lor
the past week, has returned to her
Mrs. L. 11. Allen of Redland, was In
Oregon City Monday, where she trans
acted bunlni at the Rod Crvs
William Vaughn of Molnlla, wos In
Oregon City on business Monday. Mr.
Vaughn also visited friends In tills
T. J. Elliott of Molalla, a well
known resident of that section, was
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
Ernest Gelbrlch, who resides near
New Kru, was among those to trans
act business la this city Thursday.
P. llohlender of Beaver Creek, was
In this city Saturday, While bore he
visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Ilucoulch.
William II. Lucke, a commission
merchant of Canby, was among those
to transact business here Tuesday.
George Armstrong, one of the prom
inent residents of Clackamas county,
ty, was in Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. Rablck and aon. Georse. of the
Stafford country, were amonr those
to transact buslnesa here Friday,
Albert Harth of Marquam, was here
Friday and was among those to trans
act business at the court house.
Robert Schuebel of Scbubel, was in
Oregon City Thursday. While here be
visited his brother, C. Schuebel.
Joseph Eberbart of Boring, Route
3, was here Friday, transacting bust
ness at the county court house.
J. W. Morton of Boring, waa among
those to come to Oregon City Friday,
where bo transacted business.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Lehman.
wl-ose home is at HazsiU, were Here
visiting Thursday afternoon.
Mra. A. Warren and sons, who re-
tide near Crescent, were in Oregon
City on business Wednesday.
Anions the Orecon Cltv visitors
Wednesday waa Mra. Clara Bradley,
whoso borne is at Mllwaukle
John Johnson of Jennings Lodge,
waa among those to transact business
In Oregon City Wednesday.
D. Schuebert of Mllwaukle, waa
among those to transact business at
the county teat Tuesday.
Mra. Laura Burns of Canby, was In
Oregon City Monday, where ahe cam
on Red Cross buslnesa.
C. C. Borland and Harry Borland ot
Hazolla, , were among the Oregon
City visitors Saturday.
Grant Mumpower of Carvur, u
among those to transact business in
Oi cgon City Wednoaiay.
Nela Lin dm ark of Colton, well
known fanner ot that place, was in
Oregon City Thursday.
Simon Westbostad ot Molalla, was
here Saturday. He la engaged in
farming at that place.
Charles Starker of Jennings Lodge,
was among those to transact busi
ness here Saturday.
Alvin Hornshuh ot Hoff, was among
those to transact business at the
county seat Tuesday.
. Austin C Tayior ot Hoiaua, was
among those to transact business In
thla city Wednesday.
R. L. Allison of Sherwood, was
among those to transact business in
.this city Saturday.
Leonard Hallloan of Oswego, waa
among those to transact business here
Monday afternoon.
Chester Frost of Aurora, wa among
those to transact business at the coun
ty seat Saturday.
Mr. Eggers and aon, Henry, of
Redland, were transacting business
here Wednesday.
G. E. Pottratx of Aurora, waa among
those to transact business at the coun
ty aeat Monday. .
Arthur Eaden, who resides near
Redland, wa among the Oregon City
visitors Monday.
Mrs. John Honebon ot Clackamaa,
waa among those to visit in Oregon
City Thursday.
II. TImmer of Mllwaukle, was
among those to transact buslnosa
here Thursday.
Three exceptional buys In used
pianos. $165 to $225. Sold on very
easy terms. Theroux Muslo House,
210 Seventh street Adv. .
C. C. Wiser of Hubbard, was among
those to transact business In Oregon
City Saturday.
II. G. Starkweather of Mllwaukle.
waa transacting business in Oregon
City Tuesday.
Carl Ralthol of Cherryvllle, was
among those to transact business
here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pollard of Os
wego, were in this city Thursday vis
iting friends.
Henry Dittner of Oswego, was
among those to transact business
here Friday.
Mrs. Mary D. Larson of Marquam.
was among those to visit in Oregon
City Friday.
Charles V. Welsmandel of Cams,
wa among the Oregon City visitor
Mrs. D, Dwyer of Krftaeada, wa
among thoxe to transact business here
Mrs. Charles Hiclnbotham of Es-ta'-ada,
wns an Oregon Cl'y visitor
Wednesday. . ,
John Ilartnlk of Stotts Mills, was
among those transacting business
here today.
Among the Oregon City victors
Monday waa Mrs. Marie Lehman of
Joseph Hacbman of Clackamas,
was among the Oregon City visitors
- .
J. J. Tipper-man of Aurora, was
among those to transact business here
Thursday. h
W. H. Wettlaufer of Clarkes, was
among those to motor to Oregon City
Mrs. J. C. Mattoon of Estacada,
Route 8, was an Oregon City visitor
Mrs. M. A. Cain of Mllwaukle, was
among those to visit Oregon City
K. Peterson, whose farm is at
Lents, was in this city on business
F. C. Harlow of Mllwaukle, was
among those to transact business here
A large shipment nt steel guitars
just received. Priced at 110 to $45.
Theroux Music House, 210 Seventh
atreet Adv.
Mrs. Nancy Hyde ot Mllwaukle,
waa among those to visit here Wed
nesday. Dan Davis ot Mllwaukle, was among
those to transact business here Wed
Among those to visit in Oregon City
Wednesday was Mrs. Meyers of Oak
P. J. Kayler of Molalla, waa an
Oregon City visitor, Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Anna Davis of Cams, was In
Oregon City Saturday visiting rela
tives. James Nelson of Mullno, was among
the Oregon City visitors Thursday. He
was formerly of this city.
L. G. Harrington ot Clackamas, was
among the Oregon City visitors Thura-
Mrs. O. Nedvidek of Mllwaukle, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
day. B. K. Hart of Molalla, was among
those to transact business here Mon
day. Jamea Skinner ot Waluga, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
day. Mrs. Fllza Kempln of Oswego, was
among the Oregon City visitors Tues
day. Mrs. O. E. Wylacd ot Hubbard, was
among the Oregon City visitors Fri
day. Mra. Harry Scboeaborn of Carue.
visited relatives in Oregon City Tues
day. Bud Welser of Clarkes, was among
those to transact business here Thurs
Helena Studeman ot Beaver Creek,
was an Oregon City visitor Wednes
day. Walter Kltzmiller ot Eagle Creek,
waa an Oregon City visitor Wednes
day. C. E. Bell of Molalla, waa among
the Oregon City visitors Wednesday.
W. L. McCabe ot Marmot, was in
Oregon City on business Wednesday.
A. H. Delkar ot Boring, was among
those to transact business Thursday.
Lyle and , Lloyd Toedemeler ot
Stafford, were in Oregon City Friday.
Just received a large shipment ot
ukelele'a the native Hawaiian Instru
ment. Prices range from $4.60 to $15.
Theroux Muslo House, 210 Seventh
atreet Adv.
Fred Hettman of Bend, was among
those to visit Oregon City Saturday.
Albert Moehnke, whose home is at
Hoff, was In Oregon City Saturday.
J. Dick of Canby, waa among those
to transact business here Thursday.
W. G. Randall, who realdes at Cen
tral Point, waa in this city Thursday.
W. J. Carrel of Walluga, was among
the Oregon City visitors Wednesday.
Fred Ballon of Aurora, was among
the Oregon City vlsltora Saturday.
Phillip Masslnger, Jr., of Beaver
Creek, waa in this city Tuesday.
Amos Toder ot Elliott Prairie, was
In this city Monday for Jury duty.
F. L. Koellermler of Sherwood,
Route I, was in this city Tuesday.
Mrs. Hornshuh of Hoff, waa among
the Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
J. H. Krause of Aurora, was on Ore
gon City visitor Friday morning.
Mrs. Youngs of RIsley Station, was
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
Mr. Emma Wilson of Aurora, was
among those to visit here Friday.
Mrs. F. A. Holt, or Mllwaukle, was
In this city Monday afternoon. '
C. J. Miller of Estacada, vat un
Oregon C'.ty vlnltor Wednesday.
Samuel Elnnr of Mullno, wa among
those In Oregon City Saturday,
Alrnon Johnson of Canby, was an
Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
E. Randolph was In this city Mon
day. ts home Is at Eslacada.
Frllz Lucht of Mount Angel, was In
this city Thursday afternoon.
Joseph Papsch of Clackamas, was
an Oregon City visitor Friday.
Born, March 7, to the wife of W.
II, Zlvney of Oswego, a son.
M. J. Hartung of Mllwaukle, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday.
Andrew Graham of Estacada, was In
this city Saturday afternoon.
Albert Voss ot Sherwood, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday.'
J. R.. Carr of Highland, was an Ore
gon City visitor Wednesday.
C. Johnston of Mllwaukle, was on
Oregon City visitor Monday.
J. H. Huglll of Hoff, was among the
Oregon City visitors Monday.
Paul Dunn ot Boring, was In this
city on buslnesa Saturday.
Dave Long ot Har,ella,iwas an Ore
gon City visitor Saturday.
William Holznogal of Sherwood,
waa in this city Saturday.
J. E. Belter of Boring, was an Ore
gon City visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. C. A Wallace ot Mulino, was
la Oregon City Tuesday.
L. O. Nigh tin Kale of Molalla, was In
Oregon City Thursday.-
Miss Goldsmith will have a millinery
display Monday, March 17th and fol
lowing days. Adv.
George Hamilton of New Era, was
in this city Saturday.
L. Ferguson of New Era,
Oregon City Thursday.
was in
L. A. Russell of Redland, was in
Oregon City Thursday.
P. H. Thoinsen ot Clackamas, was
in this city Tuesday.
L. J. Francis of Sherwood, was in
Oregon City Monday.
Willis Brown of Hubbard, was in
this city Saturday.
J. A Dixon of Mllwaukle, was in
thla city Saturday. ,
Joseph Hart of Milwaukle, was In
this city Thursday.
Peter RatD of Bissell, was In Ore
gon City Thursday.
II. A Smith of Milwaukle, was In
this city Tuesday.
Kathrine Munro of Oswego, was in
this city Thursday.
C. D. Dlckerson ot Molalla, was in
this city Friday.
A. L. Lnrklns of Mullno, was in
this city Friday.
John Odell ot Cherryvllle, was in
this city Friday.
Miss Goldsmith will have a millinery
display Monday, March 17th and fol
lowing days. Adv.
Joseph Bickner ot Oswego, was in
this city Friday.
Mr. Helnrich of Clackamas, was in
this city Friday.
E. L. Paltry of Molalla, was in this
city Thursday.
Fred Benson ot Colton, was In this
city Thursday
John Novall of Molalla, was In this
city Tuesday.
C. G. Bluhm of Molalla, was in thla
city Monday.
George Waloh of Aurora, was In this
city Monday.
Stella M. Soft, 40, and Nicholas S.
Eoff, 43, of this city, were granted a
marriage license Monday by the coun
ty clerk.
Olive Phares, 18, and Jack Nye Dil
lon, IS, the former ot Mount Pleasant
and the latter of Oregon City, were
also granted a license to wed Monday.
Katherlne McMaster Mason, 27, of
Mllwaukle, and Samuel T. Halstead,
24, ot Riverside, Calif., were Issued a
license to wed last Saturday.
New1 Music Supervisor
Chosen for Schools
Mrs. Nleta Barlow Lawrence was
Thursday night elected supervisor of
music in the grades of the city
schools, effective March 28, succeed
ing Miss Beatrice Kirkup, whose resig
nation has been presented. Mrs. Law
rence wll also direct the high school
gleii club and chorus.
Lieut. King Gives
Address at School
Lieutenant B. C. King, wife and
child, who have been in Oregon City
as guests of the former's brother, L.
A. King, and family, left Saturday
morning for Cottage Grove, where
they are to visit Lieutenant King
mother and other relatives. He has
Just returned from overseas service,
and has been a member of the heavy
artillery. While in this city he gave
an address before the students of the
Oregon City high school on some of
bis experiences while In France. In his
address Lieutenant King told of 800,
000 people leaving Paris in three
months time during the war, and this
was at the time the big "Bertha" gun.
owned by the Germans ws shelling
the city. He also told what the heavy
artillery accomplished. Lieutenant
King's brother, L. A. King, is In
charge of the manual training depart
ment of the Oregon City high school.
Dee Wright, one of the best-known
forest rangers In the Northwest, has
left the service to become a rancher.
Mr. Wright notified the forest service
ot his resignation upon his return
from Eugene, near where he recently
leased a ranch. For a number of years
Dee Wright was stationed near Wapl
nltla, but he was transferred last fall
to Cascade Locks, where he has been
spending the winter In excavation and
road repairing.
In Oregon's cowpuncbing days Dee
Wright was a conspicuous figure and
could lasso with the best of them.
When the state became more civilized
Dee wngnt continued to be a con
spicuous figure In outdoor life through
his various feats. He became an ex
pert packer, and In all other forms ot
woodcraft ia equally proficient
Among his accomplishments of the
last year was removing the surplus
elk from the City park to Estacada
early last summer, and the riding to
the summit of Mount Adams on horse
back, accompanied by Mrs. Wright, on
Labor Day.
C E. Forshner filed suit against the
City of Gladstone to prevent the may
or' from signing the warrants to pay
for the sewer recently installed in
that city.
He alleges that the council did not
go according to law in installing the
sewer and gave the people no chance
to express their opinion. He claims
that the council did not pass a reso
lution ot their intentions of doing the
work and the charter provides for
The costs of the works was $507.11
Red Cross Women
At Redland Busy
Mrs. L. H. Allen ot Redland, was in
Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. Allen Is
chairman ot the Red Cross Auxiliary
of Redland, and this little organiza
tion is still meeting at the homes of
the members on Thursday afternoons
of each week, where the time Is de
voted to making garments. There are
about 14 faithful members, who al
ways see that there are at least two
sewing machines at the home where
the meetings are held. Some ot these
are taken along in the vehicle. No
time is spent for refreshments, and
each moment is well spent In needle
work for the worthy cause. They are
to continue the work as long as theii
assistance Is needed. Ten garments
are made in every two weeks at these
weekly afternoon meetings. Teh mem
bers are proud of what they have ac
complished. Straw Vote Favors
High School Bonds
Last Monday Professor Roraig of
Willamette, decided to take a straw
vote of the pupils of the school on
voting for the bonds ot the Union high
school the vote to be taken Friday.
He asked the pupils to vote the same
as their parents would and the result
was 40 for the bonds and two against
The people of that section are very
enthusiastic over the proposed high
school and are working for the pass
age of the bonds.
Superintendents On
Visit to Schools
County School Superintendent J. E.
Calavan of this city, and State Super
intendent J. A. Churchill of Salem, are
spending the week visiting the high
schools of Clackamas county, hey
visited the achools ot Canby and Will
amette Monday; Molalla and Colton,
Tuesday; Oregon City and Milwaukle,
today; and will visit Estacada and
Sandy Thursday.
Josephine A. Klour, 19, and Ira Al
fred Roberts, 35, both of Oregon City
were granted a wedding license Fri
day. Myrtle Brown, 19, and Matt Jagrain,
25, were also granted a license to wed
Friday. Both parties reside at Colton,
John Montgomery, a well known
resident of West IJnn. who was a
former resident of Oregon City, died
at tho family home Saturday morning
at 11 o'clock, after an illness of sev
eral months
John Montgomery was bom in
Georgia, October 6. 1855, and was the
son of the late King and Mary Mont
gomery. Coming West wtth his par
ents when he was 13 years of age, he
settled In Marlon county. It was in
that county he married Mitti Anna
Miller, daughter of Oregon pioneers
Mr. Montgomery moved his family to
near The Dalles, residing there until
27 years ago, when he camo to Ore
gon City. He has resided la West
Lisa for several years.
He was a member of the Artisan
lodge, and also a member or the Bap
tist church of this city.
Mr. Montgomery was the father ot
eleven children, eight of whom anr
vive, and are Barto Montgomery,
onel Montgomery, Mrs. Sidney Smith,
all of Oregon City; Richard Mont
gomery, who is with the First United
8tates Engineers in Germany; Wlllard
Montgomery, who is in the- United
States Army, and base censor, sta
tioned at Paris, France; John Mont
gomery, who is In the navy, and Just
returned to Brooklyn, New York;
Clyde Montgomery, also Is In the navy,
on the U. S. Ryndam, and now on his
way to France. Miss Amy Montgom
ery ot West Linn. Mrs. Montgomery,
the widow, also resides at West Linn,
also three sisters, Mrs. Harvey
Sheldon ot 8cio, Oregon; Mrs. Harri
et Ring ot Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs.
Wilbur Taylor of Dufur, Oregon, and
one brother, George Montgomery of
Oregon City survive him; also the fol
lowing grandchildren: Edna Mont
gomery, Thelma Montgomery, Ken
neth Montgomery and Delores Smith.
The funeral services are to be con
ducted from the Baptist church Mon
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with
Rev. W. T. MilUkin, pastor, officiat
ing. Interment will be in the fam
ily lot In Mountain View cemetery.
James Manlej, a former resident of
Oregon City, but recently ot 281 Mill
street, Portland, died Tuesday evening
at the Good Samaritan hospital from
Injuries received while working la a
shipyard In Portland three weeka ago.
He was injured internally.
James Manley was a native of Ire
land, and was 43 years of age at the
time of his death. He came to Oregon
City about nine years ago from Cam
as, Wash., and resided here until a
few months ago, when he took up his
residence ia Portland. He was a for
mer employe of tha Crown Willam
ette Paper , company of this city.
Mr. Manley Is survived by his wid
ow, Mrs. Melissa Manley ot Poitland;
nine step children, J. Maddor, Will
lam Maddox, and L. Maddox. all of
Oregon City; Samuel Maddox ot
Camp Lewis, Waah.; Henry Maddox of
Camp Taylor, Ky.; Mrs. Samuel Hare,
Mrs. William Knoop, Mrs. Orie How
ell of Oregon City; Mrs. William Bur
ness of Portland. Ho also leaves an
adopted daughter, Miss Bernetta Man
ley ot Portland; 19 grandchildren and
one great grandchild
E. H. Myers of Oswego, was arrest
ed Tuesday, charged with cruelty to
animals. The arrest was made by
Humane Officer L. D. Norris ot Port
told .
E. G. Caufield of this city, swore out
the complaint and the humane officer
went to the home of Myers to investi
gate. Ha found the stock ill-ted and
with very little shelter. Two of the
animals were killed by the officer,
who claims they are nearly dead from
Myers was brought to Oregon City
for hearing and owing to the district
attorney being busy with crim'nal cas
es in the circuit court, his preliminary
hearing will be he'd March 22.
Judgment Granted
In Suit On Note
In the suit of William Relman and
August Relman against Carl A. Dav
is, Phoeba Piatt, Sophia P'att, Dr. C.
L. Haynes and Bailie Haynes on a
note for $2801, given by Davis,
plaintiffs were given a Judgment for
the full amount There was a mort
gage given oa property in Clackamas
county to secure the note and this
was ordered sold. Attorney's fees of
$250 were allowed.
Phoeba and Sobpla Piatt elnimed
some interest in the property and the
Haynes purchased the land.
Sophia Piatt was given a Judgment
against Davis for $500 and $50 attor
ney's fses.
Miss Delia Hinchman ot Portland,
will sing at the CongretaMnal church
this morning. The pastor will speak on
"The Process and the Product."
In the evening Miss Marie Holmes
win sing and the sermon toplo will be
"Big Things."