nMiWON CITY F.NTRT?IMHNF. FRIDAY. MARCH 14, 1919. T OBC J. Newsy Briers rrom All Over the County Oak Grove Dr. Burrows, whose home has been In Ontario since he left here over two years ago. Is here on a visit with his daughter, Miss Clayton Burrows, near Courtney road. Mre.. V. G. Benvte has been appoint ed postmistress and Mrs. George Dav enport assistant The Oak Grove-Milwaukle Social Service club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. F. A. Brown at the Irving ton apartments, 6S9 Irving street. Portland. Mrs. Russell Davenport was chairman and Miss Anna Arnold, principal of the girls' po'ytechntc school, spoke on "Special Values of Home Economics." Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Link and faro- ' lly moved from the Burrow property to the Vosberg house on Railroad ave nue. John B. Wheeler and family moved to Portland last month from the Vos burg house. Mrs. Mildred Rankin, who has been In Camas, Wash., with her father, all winter, has returned and is living with her mother, Mrs. Eva Evans, on the River road. E. D. Olds has gone to Goldendale to work on his roads contract The district convention of the Re bekah lodge will meet in Milwaukie all days Thursday, March 20, and special work wil be put on In the ev ening. A delegation will go from here. The Oak Grove school base ball team defeated the Concord team Fri day afternoon on the school grounds here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vosburg of Wheeler, formerly of Oak Grove, are the proud parents of twins a boy and a girl born March 6. They are the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vosburg of Wheeler. The Parent-Teachers association will meet Friday at the school assem bly room at 3 o'clock. A speaker from Portland wil be present and will ad dress the ladies after a short business session and the school children will sing selections. All mothers are in vited to attend. Rer. J. J. Patton spoke at the Meth odist church in Oregon City last Sun day evening. Charlie Worthiht Is at his father's home on the Oatfield road and is very sick with a case of quinsey. Mr. and Mrs. Oiler ana two children, Dot and baby brother, are visiting Mrs. Ollar'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ri'ey, of Castle Rock, Wash. Jack Waldron and Everett Patton, who have been suffering for several days witn tonsilitJs are much improv ed. A large crowd gathered in the Community church last Sunday even ing to hear the "Centenary Team" of "Minute Men" from the Oregon City Methodist church. Rev. W. R. Allen received a letter during the week from his son in Kan sas, telling of the terrible blizzards raging there, and how his granddaugh ter had her feet badly frosted by be-: coming lost in the midst of blinding snow while returning from school. A number of women incidentally! cal'ed at the same time on Mrs. J. A. Goodell Tuesday evening to express their regrets that she and her daugh ter Margaret are to soon depart for Texas. Rev. W. R. Allen will speak at eight o'clock Sunday evening in the Com munity church. Rev. Allen was for many years a minister in the middle "West Rev. J. J. Patton of the Community church, will give a steoreoptlcon Il lustrated address on Alaska in St Johns church of Portland, next Sun day night. Mrs. Ralph Charlton and baby of Portland, is visiting her grand par nts, Mr. and Mrs. Riley, also her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Oi ler, of Castle Rock, Wash. The Parent-Teachers association is planning an entertainment in April. Hot lunches are furnished the chil dren every day by a committee. The teachers also assist with the work. Mrs. Ernest Nears father and sister from near Clackamas, visited her last week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ccderson enter tained Rev. DeLong at dinner last Sunday. Miss Stoffer, the eleventh grade teacher In our schoo', ws a Portland visitor Wednesday tvenlng. Mr. Llutnn of Chase & Linton, Ore gon City, was here Wednesday after noon on business Mrs. J H Graham is on the sick list. Mrs. Jrfhn Smith of Huber Station, went home Saturday with Mr. Smith. Mrs. Smith has been staying v.lth Mi 8. Gelisple for a week. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Say. The Parent-Teacher association held a meeting in the school house on Fri day afternoon at tho close of school. A bouncing baby boy arrived lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J oat, on Saturday, March 1, consequently Mr. Jost is walking around with his head well up in the air. A Teachers' institute will be held at Wilsonvllle Saturday, March 15, begin ning at 10 o'clock. Lunch will be ser ved at noon, by the members of the P. T. A, and the money obtained therefrom, will be used to banquet our returned sailors and soldiers In the near future. A splendid program will be given and it Is expected that State Superintendent Churchill will be present, and detiver an address. Every one is cordially Invited. The basket social given by the Ladies Aid society of the M. E. church last week, was well attended and the sum of $59 was raised from the sale of baskets and candy. Shubel Wilsonville WTLSONVILLE, March 13 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ridder went to Portland Friday . A. A. Wood was a Portland visitor Friday. Quite a number of our village folks attended the dinner given by the grange at Sherwood, on Saturday, March 1, given in honor of the re turned soldiers and sailors, who have boen fighting for our country. Reed Graham and daughter Helen, were in Portland, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Say, visited the home folks, during the week, and left on Friday for Eugene, where they will reside. Mrs. Aubrey Wood and daughter, Audrey, spent Saturday in Portland. Mrs. Wm. Turner, left on Friday for Portland, after making a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker. - Misses Clarie, Virginia and Eleanor Say, spent the week-end at the home SHUBEL, March 13. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Moser. last Sat urday, March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter, Irene, went to Portland last Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herman of Bea ver Creek visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grossmiller last Sunday. It does look as though we are about to have our H-mile of almost Impas sable road again planked. Thanks mainly to the volunteer work of our best citlsens. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bentley went to visit her mother near New Era in honor of her mother's birthday. During the school days, Mrs. Wm. Moehnke and little daughter, Marguer ite boards at her mothers, Mrs. Mich ael Moehnke. Macksburg MACKSBPRO, March IS. With deep regret we record the death of Miss EInora Miller whoso Illness was mentioned in a recent issue of the j Enterprise. Miss Miller was most highly esteemed and greatly beloved in our community. Her early death ' has cast a shadow over the entire neighborhood which time only can re I move. The last year of her life until late in the summer was spent at An derson, Indiana, where she had taken a position in the publishing house of The Gospel Trumpet company. - In mid summer Miss Miller was taken ill with typhoid fever. Her mother was sent. for and as soon as EInora was able to be moved they came home. Here she gained so rapidly that in a few weeks she seemed as well as she I had ever been. Snlnal menlnrltla imn developed and never relaxed its hold till her life came to Its end. A large concourse of neighbors and friends gathered at the home on Friday morn ing and after a short impressive ser vice accompanied the family to the Zlon tabernacle where following the funeral service the burial In Zlon cem etery took place. We wish to convey through this paper most heartfelt sym pathy to the parents, brothers and sis ters of Miss Miller in their irreparable loss. The Red Cross auxiliary will omit its regular meeting the present week owing to no new material for work having been received. The Mother's club Is to meet for an mother, Mrs. Verna Dallas being thotr daughter. Miss Lera Babler Is staying at T. K. Anderson's at present. Creamery patrons received 89o per pound for butter fat for February. George Hodder, Jr., visited his par ents here this week, while enroute to California, to assume the duties of hla former position. He recently received his discharge at Camp Lewis and Is a lute arrival from France. He was nassed and was in a hospital a long time. " Everybody attend the next meeting of the Harding grange, as the leeturo I hour will be In charge of County Agent U. G. Scott and the Homo Economies demonstrator. Come, get acquainted. Eagle Creek Oswego OSWEGO, March 13. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook have rented their farm and have moved to Oswego, where they expect to live for a while. Mrs. Fred Sloan, who recently lost her husband, has gone with her two children to Newberg to stay with Mr. Sloan's parents for a while. Geo. Cline, who has been ill for the past week or so is now able to resume work again. The Oswego Woman's club served hot lunch for the school children last Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Pettenger, Mrs. J. L. Davis and Mrs. A K. Willson be ing the hostesses for the day. Next Thursday Mrs. Newlands and Mrs. P. H. Jarisch and Mrs. George Bullock will serve. Mr. MacDonald has sold bis place in South Oswego to Mr. and Mrs. Ken nedy, who have moved in this week. Mr. Kennedy works in the Vancouver ship yards. Mrs. Ed Chuck has left for a trip to visit her old home and relatives in Ohio for a few weeks. A very pleasant card party was spent at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Rosseter, Saturday evening. A dainty lunch was served. The evening was spent in playing five hundred. Those present were Mrs. and Mr. Ira Jones, Mr. and Mrs. King, Mrs. and Mr. Grundy, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clinkenbeard and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis. The Ladles Aid held their first meet ing of the year at the home of Mrs. Pruns last Thursday. Quite a number were present. It is hoped to continue the meetings for a while as there is lots of work to do and as the influenza was so bad they had not met for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Creagels children who have been sick for same time are now improving. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harben were Os wego visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ziveny are the proud parents of a baby boy, born last Saturday night. Qarkes CLARKES, MARCH 13. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mooney and Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston have each received a tele gram from their son's stating they had landed safe in New York from over seas. A. C. Sweeny left on Tuesday for Freewater, being summoned to the bedside of his little boy, who was dan gerously 111. Mrs. John Young returned on Wed nesday, after a visit of a week with her sister in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chandler, during the month of March, will be at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Blain Jackson, of Multnomah Addition, Port land, where Mr. Chandler is employed building a garage. Private Harold Dore arrived home on Monday from overseas-service, af ter a furlough of 10 days, he will be stationed at Fort Stevens. Little Pearl Shaffer was operated upon for appendicitis on Monday at the Oretron City hospital, and is re covering rapidly. Mrs. M. C. Hayward returned Sun day to her daughters home here after two months' visit with her son in Portland. Thomas Allen Is the house guest of James Johnson. Mr. Johnson is able to be out agMn, after a serious Illness of several weeks. ' Mrs. Susie Herrinrton is slowly re covering from a fractured rib sustain ed in a fall. Mrs. Hannah Turk, formerly Mrs. E. C. Chapman, at one time a resident of Clackamas but now of Timber, Ore- ermi, was visiting old friends here on Monday EAGLE CREEK, March 13 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and son Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass made a trip to Portland last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersanous, of Soil wood, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Naylor last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were Ea tacada visitors Monday. B. F. Cogswell was in Estacada Mon day. Mr. Alloway, of Oregon City, was at U. S. Gibson's Sunday to visit his son, Henry, who is living with Mr. Gibson. E. Naylor was an Estacada visitor the first of the week. Roy Douglass and family motored to Logan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox ,of Esta cada, were the dinner guests of H. S. Gibson on last Friday. Meadowbrook ' ... !.-... 111.. .. . I. . . I.. ",.. uMiamii, rrvuuiu una uiH'n in rraucv over a year. Chas. Blosser of Hubbard, visited his stater, Mrs. Stowe Sunday. Mr. nioHsnn recently arrived home from France. Mr. and Mrs. Larson have returned here to make their future home. Af ter and absence of seven months at . Vador, WuahliiKton. j Mr. King Is very 111 with heart trouble. Mr. Wurfol drove his car to Oregon City Monday, where he took Mrs, Julm eth to the hospital. Mr. Porter has moved his family in to Mrs. Attvrbury's house. Tho Indies of the Red Cross have a quilt on which they are quilting tor the Red Cross fund, We have another quilt nearly ready tor the frames, An all day meeting is held each Thursday. Lunch Is served at noou and the day Is enjoyed by those present Mr, and Mrs. Jensen of Portland, vjs Ited Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erlckson. Mrs. Vlra Tull Noson and Mrs. Shop hard were visiting Buddy Tull and fam ily last week. MEADOWBROOK, March lS.-Ivan Upper Garfield UPPER GARFIELD, March 13-Mr. Bohrer, while returning from Estaca da with a load of hay, had the misfor tune of losing a horse, when an old snag near the roadside fell and struck the animal across the back. Luckily, Mr. Bohrer escaped Injury. Mrs. Charity Rawlins was called to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Kronenberg of Greshajn, on account of the serious Illness of the latter. Mr. Ames, the government hunter, on a recent hunting trip in this district killed several wild cats, and a large she bear. The she bear had one cub which Mr. Ames brought home alive. Many loads of potatoes have been shipped from this district the past week." Richard Davis has been confined to -miner Z lb Here Is The Most Efficient, Dependable and Economical Engine Ever Made One that is full of "Pep" one that is therewith the pull. The all around Engine for General Farm Work. Before you pick out your engine see OVE31R All Stover Engines are equipped with Webster Oscillating Mag netosno batteries to bother with. We have also handled the DIAMOND FEED GRINDERS for years and they give perfect satisfaction.. We handle a complete stock of repairs for both Grinder and Engine. JFo "Wilson Bc Co. 12TH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blanche R. ShelUy Representative, MARMOT BOY WELCOMED HOME. Henry Ten Kyck, who saw eight mouths overseas duty, returned home lust Frlduy, and Saturday evening waa given a welcoming party at the homo of his parents, Mr, and Mm, 11. Ten Kyi'k. Covers were luld for eighteen and the bounteous feast was etijoyad by all. There were 3200 on his whip going over and the men were crowded to tho point of discomfort, but conditions on the return voyage wore much im proved, there being only 1700 on board. They were lost two days In a storm, but landed at New York, Febru-' ary 11, with Henry weighing H pounds more than he did whim ha went Into the service. SCHOOL RECEPTION. The lights were bright in Melnlg's hall last Friday evening, and the scene was gay, because the freshmen were giving a reception to the upper class men, and about fifty invited guests. Games, dancing, music, doughnuts and punch wore enjoyed by all, ILLUSTRATED "LECTURE HERE. The illustrated lecture on Yellow stone Park by Rev, B. C. Alford, which was advertised for two weeks ago was postponed, but will bo given Friday evening in the M. K. church. This promises to be Interesting and Instructive. ALASKA MAN VISITS SANDY. Hugo Ungenfrorn, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Junker, was a guest at the Junker home last week. Mr. linden from, which being translated, means "not freeslng," halls from .Skagway, but Is down for a few months looking after property interests in Portland and Seaside. SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT MILL. Mr. Longwell, of Estacada, met with serious Injuries Tuesday while work ing In the chute at Nelson and Jarl's mill. A large timber struck him with such force that one, and possibly both, ankles were broken and other Injur ies were sustained. WELL KNOWN PARM SOLD. The old Donaahue place, off the Bluff Roada, waa sold last week to Mr. Lilly, of Forest Grove, who took possession last Sunday. The place contains 80 acres 35 of which are under the plow, i The deal was made through the Forest Grove Bank. I Mr, Burnett, who has rented the pluvo for a number of years, has not yet decided where ho will locale. LOCALS. Madames Welch and Kaubkm and Mis Naomi Faublou, of Welches, wors called to the home of Thos. llrowu on tho Base Line road last wonk, on ao couut of the nerloui Illness of Mrs, Brown, who was formerly Miss Anita Fuublon. Mrs. Brown has so far re covered, however, that her family re turned home Tueaday, Funeral service for Edward Hoff man, son of Mr. and L. IS. Hoffman, were held In the Lutheran church lust Sunday, Rev. Fred Dobbcrfuhl officiat ing. Miss Hps Ten Ryck, who is teach ing at Mullno, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Horner and children of that place, were week-end guests at the Ten Kyck home on the Uldga, where tbey came to swell the welcoming party given Henry Ton Kyok last Fri day and Saturday veiling. Commutes dance the 15th. Good music, good floor, good eats, good time for everybody, Jean Proctor, of Cottroll, spent tho weekend with Hasal Users and Frances Molnlg. Raymond Murray, of Cherryvllle, who has been working In the shipyard In Portland, broke the third finger on his right hand, and will be at boms tor a few day. , Ernest Hart, of Chorryvlllo, was In Sandy Tuesday. M, U Deaton and family, of Portland were guests at the Hoffman boms last week. Mr. Olmstead spoke at the school Tuesday on Industrial club work. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Proctor and daughter, Arlntha, were Sunday gueat at the bono of Mrs. Proctor's mother, Mrs. Layman at Cottrelt. Adolf Asrhoff. of Marmot, spent Tuesday night at the Melnlg home. Madame Scales and Esson wers Portland visitors Tuesday. Henry Kamp and wife, of Portland, are domiciled In the Shelley bungalow. Mr. C. D. Purcell cams out from Portland Sunday and returned Tues dsy afternoon. He reports Mrs. Pur cell as being little Improved. The dairy school hold In the I. O. O. F. hall. March 11th and 12th was well attended. Mrs. J. Dixon and daughters, Haiel and Dorothy, are visiting in Portland for a few days. MOTHERS Should see that the whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro. purify ing, system cleaning medicine this spring. Now Is the time. The Amity will be healthier, happier, and get along better If the blood is given a thoro purifying, the stomsch and bowels cleaned out, and tba germs of Winter, accumulated in the system, driven away. Holllster'a Rocky Moun tain Tea Is one of ths very best and surest Spring medicines to take. Get It and see the difference In the whols family. Their color will bs better, they'll feel fine and be well and happy. Huntley Drug Co. Adv. IT L Trusses That Fit Of course the quality of material and good work ' manship have much to do with a satisfactory truss but the most esseniial feature is fit. We can fit trusses perfectly because we have a wonderful assortment of all kinds from which to select. Trusses have long been a specialty with us and we thoroughly understand scientific fitting. Remember, therefore, that we sell good trusses at right prices and give a valuable service gratis. COME IN AND HAVE A TRUSS TALK Huntley Drug Co. Oregon City, Oregon all-day session on March 13th, at the home of Miss Henry Hatch. Everywhere are to be seen the boys in army khaki or in the sailor suits and white caps of the navy. They have all come home showing the wholesome abundant fare of the army camp and greatly improved by the up right carriage and courteous manner acquired in army drill. Logan LOGAN, March 13. M. H. Riebhoff has sold his home property to a Mr. Ellis. He expects to go to California for the present and later visit a broth er In Iowa. Mr. Roberts is reported as having sold his farm and also received a tract of land in Eastern Oregon in the deaL Wilford Hutchins has gone to the Deschutes country to try his luck and has bought a ranch there. Mrs. Hutchins leaves this week to visit her son at his new home. Miss Iva 8prague and Arthur Ras mussen were married Saturday at home in Portland. Miss Sprague is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sprague of Arthur's Prairie. The dance at the Grange hall Satur day night was a success both socially and financially. All had a good time. This being the fist dance here for a long time It was well patronized. Bert Corless and family have moved to Oregon City for the present. Sorry to lose them, but wish them success. Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb of Baker's Bridge are "all smiles now" as a little granddaughter made her ap pearance there the past week. The Warren, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creason, who recently moved here from Oregon City, died Tuesday, March 11th, of pneumonia, aged five weeks. The baby leaves to mourn its loss his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creason, sister, An toinette, two brothers, Jack and Guy. The funeral service were held in Ore gon City, Wednesday. The commun ity extends Its sympathy to the be reaved family. Miss Ruth Chindgren is ill, at her home this week. Hazel Larklns, who Is staying with Mrs. McCord, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Fred Horner and sons, David and Howard, and Rose Ten Eyck spent the week-end In Portland. Miss Ten Eyck went on to see her brother, Henry, who has returned from over sea duty. Edgar Horner and Amos Millard made a business trip to Vancouver Thursday. A. L. Larkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Orem, Robert and Glen Orem Visited at I. O. Orems, of Cedar dale Sunday. his home for several days on account of illness. Recent rainfall here made the roads almost impassable In this district. Matt Andersen has been on the sick list for a week or more. The grange held one of their usual meetings last Saturday. Afterward followed a very Interesting program. The Garfield Country club held one of its successful dances Saturday. Miss Myrtle Schuman spent the week-end in Portland with her mother. Captain and Mrs. Swackhamer spent a week at Log La Barre. The captain returned from France recently. Barlow BARLOW, March 13. Mrs. Bertie sen's son, Carl Hornquist, , visited her last week, while on his way home to Idahao, after being honorably dis charged from the service at Camp Lewis. Mr. Hornquist Is the father of a little son, whom he had not seen when he was here. Fred Rodby arrived in Portland Fri day with the engineers of the 41st Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, March 13. A surprise party was given Mrs. John Kaiser last Wednesday In honor of her bjrthday. Miss Grace Shuebel spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser spent a few days In Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tiedman wers Oregon City visitors Friday. R. F. Schoffern, C. Schoffern and daughter, Lois Beth, spent Saturday and Sunday with their relatives. Among the Orgeon City visitors Sat urday were Chas. Heinz, Mr. Straus burg, Mrs. Joe Bernert, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs, A. J, Hodge and children. Mrs. Belle Robinson and daughter, Marion, Mrs. Kate ScoCern and Mrs. A. J. Hodge visited Mrs. Warner Friday. 1 HIIIIIIII HAS THE HASTEN SERVICE man called at your place yet? If you live in the country you can expect him soon. Fie will want to arrange a system of free deliveries to pass your place. He will also be glad to buy your produce. He is coming soon but if you wish to hurry him up write to RICHARD L MASTEN BOX 226 OREGON CITY