MILWAUKIE PRE ubiorlptlan only 1jD0 par yaiwtia than twa eanta Bar copy a prlee within tha raaoa of all. For the Rlflht that neede As sistance; for the Wronfl that needa Reelstanoe an4 tha Oea that wt can do. MILWAUKIE, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 19I9. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. Ill- Na. 89. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME CAMPAIGN The Milwaukle Commercial Club held a meeting at the High School building Monday evening and planned for their annual "High' Jinks" for St. Patrick's day, at which time the club will start its campaign for "build your own home. Good speakers will be present and a program of general interest will be rendered. All members are urged to be pres ent, and the general public is cordial ly Invited to attend and meet with the club and get acquainted. MAYOR SURPRISES COUNCIL. 4 nlftusant surprise was given by Mayor Snyder to the members of the council when he Invited them to lake an auto ride with him over the city to look at some repair work, and then stopped at hit home and Invited the gentlemen In. Th fnnnd a banauet spread In tha dining room, which had been prepared by Mrs. Snyder. The table waa tastefully decorated and the councilmen did ample justice to the repast after which they proceed ed to the City Hall for the transaction of regular business. In service to give them a fit ting welcome home was slven consid eration. ' The council will meet next Wednea- day, when the committee rrom mo oarenta and one from the city fire men will Join the council In making arrangements for an entertainment nd dance to raise the necessary fund for the home-coming reception of the bovs. The dale of the entertainment and dance will be fixed at this meeting. Cardinal Gibbons Just Before Golden Jubilee Was Celebrated GRANGE PLANS MEETING. The Milwaukle Gran 4 Vui hold their regular session on March 15th. All members are urged to attend, and visiters are cordially Invited. the lecture hour will be open to any one wishing to listen to or take a part in the discussion which will intro duced by Mr. H. A. Thiessen on "At the Present High Trices of Forage and Feed. Can We Afford to Produce Meat. Milk end Eggs for the Market?" Attorney B. O. Sknlason is going to give a talk on "Army Life in the Can tonements of the U. S." This will h verv Interesting an destructive. ! Let us all plan to be present At roll call the members present are expected to answer with their fav orite verse or quotation. RETURNED SOLDIER WEDS. Wayne Arnold, one of the returned heroes of the great war. who arrived home about two weeks ago, surprised his friends by slipping Quietly away 'and petting ma-ried last Saturday "to the girl he left behind." Congratula tions are being showered on the happy couple. They are at the home of Wayne's parents. MERGE BUSINESS AND PATRIOT ISM. The city council met in reailar sea sicn Tuesday evening. Routine bus- intss was taken up and disposed of. Then a movement by the parents of f i : : t 1 s V ' "t xv - r 1 " V 1 4 - t nnhprtson. of Portland, gave a birthday pcrty for her daughter, l.u- cile. at the home or Mrs. v uhbius m o,,inii, addition, last Saturday. " - Those present were, luciib inhn rimmlev. Alice Veitor. Anna Simm, Opal Masey. Richard Johnson, Hattie Kremer, Luclie Kooenson, June Crippin, Dan Robertson and Mar ion Robertson. Charles McKinney. a former resi dent of Milwaukle. was calling on friends in the Quincy addition the past week. Mr. McKinney is now a res ident of W'ashougal, Wash. William Miller, son of Mr. and Mre. J. J. Miller, arrived In Portland Wed nesday morning wita the troop train, and will proceed to Camp Lewis to be This pho:ograph shows Cardinalastery In Washington, where the Cni Mr. Thomas F. Lee, Cardlual Gib Gibbons attended by dignitaries ofdltmls golden jubilee was celebrated .bona, Mgr. James F. Maekin and W. t)e church and prominent laymen Just From left to right are James Ryan, Itnrke Cochran, before entering the Franciscan Mon mustered out with his unit. We are all glad to w elcome William back. Captain John Jacob Astor, Twice Wounded, and His Tided Wife Visit America Prescriptions Pure Drugs and Chemicals 1 Russell & Gilberts Choice Candies J H Kodaks, Films and Supplies. j H At your reliable drug store g 1 TRADE AT HOME 1 s- - - - ,-y w " 7 's V S -' ' ; I'' ."""" tamer . . . :,V Ainiiwi miiiiiiiii iwi.ii ii MM IN nm UK PHONE STRIKE IS ORDERED ON PACIFIC COAST SAN" FRANCISCO. March 5. A strike of 9000 telephone operator and 3000 linemen in California. Wash ington, Oregon and Nevada has been ordered by the executive committee of the International Ilrotherhood of Electrical Workers In the event , that Postmaster General Burleson does not speedily grant wage demands of the brotherhood. It was announced here today by T. C. Robblns. personal rep resentative of L. C. Crasser, vice president of the organisation. Robbins today received a telegram from Charles P. Ford, secretary of the brotherhood. Indicating that a recent referendum of the workers In the four states mentioned favored a strike. Wounded Officer Cheered in Home-Coming Parade STRIKE SPREADING HAVANA. March 5 The general strike, which began last midnight, was spreading today ? ? into the interior of Cuba. Re- ports were received here that the s sugar factories might be Involv- ed. . i ftf ' ' '' Civw'-. tSH , k .l ' i - k ; I -('. rj:- If -A vt-'u4' f ' ' I ' School Activities The Armenian drive haa been very materially helped by the Milwaukle schools-- a total of f 14105 having been suhHcrlbod by the High uud lliaiumar schools. Milwaukle 22Heaveilon 16. Heuverton Ulrls 'i'i- Milwaukle Rtrla 1!. The boyV and islrls' buskelbttll spuads Journeyed to Unavottou lor a double header last Friday. The buy annexed a game and the gtrla fought a good loalng fight. Hecause of the small floor and the tendency on the part of tteavertou t employ football taetlcs, the game us played by the boys waa slow, Adam was hlfch pulut man for Milwaukle, wlili ten points to his credit. Considering the fact that the Mil waulile girls played their first outside game with those of Hoavetlon, they did well indeed, even, though tiiey lust 33 to 19. They hope to recoup when lluaverton plays here on the Hilt. Heiwon triumphed over MlUaukto Seconds Tuesday last 31 to 10. The second team put up a good fight and at the end of the first half the score was 8 4, llenson leading but unfurl u nately they lout out In the wlmlup. Highly gratifying results of the flint semester's study are now ap proved. There are no total failures and very few partial ones. Due credit must be given Professor Murker and the others of the faculty for the past successful term. Frederick W. Conn, for forty-seven year a missionary In Armenia, spoke of the poignant sufferings of those peoples to the assembled High school recently. data of the first publication of this sum mons, to-wlt, on or before tha I Ola day of March, 1919, and if you fall to io ap pear and answer, for want thai tot tha plaintiff will apply to the Court tor tha relief prayed for In plaintiff! com plaint, to-wlt: For doowMi of tno Court, forovor dissolving tha marri age contract, heretofore, and now, Istlug bet ween plaintiff and dafandant. and restoring to plaintiff her former name of Martha Uroux, and for men other and further relief ai tha Court may deem just and equitable. This summons la served upoa you, by publication thereof, oime each week, for six consecutive weeks, In tha Mil waukle Press, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Milwaukle, In the County of Clackamas, Btata of Ore gon, pursuant to an order of tha Honor able J. u. Campbell, Judge of tha abovo entitled Court, mado and entered on the 6th day of February, 1911. A, C. MIDDLBKAUrr, It. IC WALTON, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. Postofflce Address, 622 SIS Hsnry nulldlng, Portland, Oregon Date of first publication February I, 1919. Date of last publication Maraa 10, 1919. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hours: 9:00 to 11:00 U. 1 to I P. M. Sundayt and Evenings by Appointment Phones: Office. MU. J; Res. Tabor till DR. O. P. LOW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls Answered Dny "i. Night Office: Milwaukle State Hank Didg. Main St MUwaukla, Or We wish to dispose of some wood logs at our Milwaukle mill, to anyone I who will taka thera away. Phone Cal ' lfornla Barrel Co. Main 8388. Adv. WANTED Piano box In good con dition. Phona 75 Y, Milwaukle. ; MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. 0 i per ent Interest C. 8chuebel, Ore I gon City. j FOR SALE Small house and two lota , In Milwaukle, near Oregon City car atation. Prlca 11250. Have you a little home to trade for t acres of good cultivated land H-mlla east of Milwaukle. Call or phona Mrs. Mag gla Johnson, Milwaukle. Phones: Pacllte 03 Horn A lii GEORGE C. BROWNE' L ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, Ore. All legal business promptly attended to Phone Milwaukle 14 W. JOHNSON REALTY CO. Rsal Estate, Insursncs and Rtntsl Office at Station Milwaukle. Ore 'XAJOR .lORIUARO SPCNCtR. Because of unhealed wounds, Major Lorillard Spencer of the 369th Infan try (old Fifteenth Colored National Guard regiment of New York City) was unable to march in the big home coming parade up Fifth avenue. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Martha Durka, Plaintiff, vs. Jacob Durka, Defendant To Jacob Durka, tho above named defendant: In the Name of tha Stata of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tha above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeka from tha I PERRY PHARMACY I H PHONE 19-W j MILWAUKIE, OREGON j IlllllllllilllllllllllW First State Bank of Mil waukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PARTONAGE APPRECIATED After an absence of twenty year Captain John Jacob Aster, son of Lord Astor, is in America with his wife. Lady Violet, daughter of the Earl of Minto, who was governor general of Canada and viceroy of India. He en tered the war with the First Light Guards ef the P.ritlsh army and in October, 1914, was wounded at Mes sines Ricl'e in the right elbow. At Cambrai, on Sept. 1 laet, when he was In command of Battery No. 520 of the Royal Garrison Artillery, he was so badly wounded by a shell which fell in a group that his right leg bad to be amputated. Captain Astor and Lady Violet will spend a few days at Palm Beach. Store Open The Moat in Value Tho Best In Quality at 8:30 A. M. lthlfi at 9 A- ML vvsjpevaawewvv-Tvi .Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 r4lLRO 6 MOSSISS THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Cloaea Dairy at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. noma Phona: A 2112 THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH' SELLWOOD 941 B-1563 East Side Mill & Lumber Company Mul and General Office: Foot of Spokane Avenue BRANCH YARDS: Bast Thirty-nmth and Halaey streets; phones: Tabor 2811, C-1ZJ7 Multnomah Station; phone: Main 4533 Mlller-Mowrey Lumber Co, Lents; Tabor 2116, B-6U1 There will be a meeting of the Coun ty Loyalty league at the court house In Oregon City at 10:30, Saturday, March 8. It ia desired to have one or more representatives of each league in the county to attend this meeting. An effort will be made to have an In teresting speaker at the meeting. Aged French Premier, Who Was Wounded by Assassin J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Montgomery and Fifth Portland Telephone Main 9 A-1599 '' ... 1 VU.v its " K ft A A A V 1 J OEORGES CLEMENCEAOi fKMIM. or fRAHCt ft r r mamm&m f, Your Immediate Attention is Directed to The Mew Spring .Fashions Which are Now Practically AI Here Come See the Handsome Spring Suits We Are Showing At $25 to $77.50 A showing that will give you delightful selections from among the many new models. Particularly attractive are those with belted and box coat. 4 Included are all popular materials and the niost fashionable colors. All are of the finest workmanship and most moderately priced quality considered. We are also showing many new models in Spring Coats and Dresses that we would be pleased to have you call and inspect. Take this as a personal invitation to do so. Office I'hone Residence Phoa Mllwauklel Oak Grove UT DEL R. S. RAMSEY DENTIST HOUR3-9:30 A. M. to 11 II. l:aa r. M. to 3:00 P. M. Rooms 6 6 7 Rank Building Milwaukle, Oreoen ZSXM Walttx C. fttntoortftf Funeral Dlrsctor and Embilmer Telephones: ' Sellwood 71 Home, U 1132 153234 East Thlrttsnth St Sellwood ' Oregon EAT MEAT The human ayatem demands t tra nutrition and heat balldlnf food; meat provides both. Choice selected meats, both aJta4 and fresh, sold hero. Mil waukie Meat Market R. W. BROWN, Proprietor Tel. 11 W. Mllwankla, Ore. Phones : Sellwood 62 B-1325 OREGON DOOR CO Foot of Spokane Avenue, Portland, Ore. Manufacturers of SASH DOORS AND MILL WORK Yellow Fir, a Specialty Your Correspondence Solicited SPIN YOUR OWN YARN On account of extreme hint price of knitting yarn, tha Mil. waukla Wool Carding Mill has put in operations its roll-card-In a; machine and li prepared to sell pure white wool rolls, and a so natural gray, ready for tha old-atyle spinning wheal. Farm ers or others desiring to have a part of their wool made up Into rolls, or batting for comforters and mattresses can do so by ad dressing 7 Tha Mllwaukla Wool Cardnlg Mill Milwaukle, Oregon. Samples can be seen at Mil- u. line pOTur.