OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. LOCALS Cynn Judd, who formerly resided In Clnckuiimi county, tint m now a re Idtmt of Jerome, .Idaho, wa lu Ore Kim City Tliuiiilnv, Mr. Judd linn boon nt Molalla vUlttng lit brother, Loon Judd. II tilno lolit bin fiirin coiitlstlug of 110 aire bt Molttlla to Hmll A. Fuher f Caldwell, who accompanied Mr. Judd here. Tun Judd farm linn been occupied by N. Hour. Mr. Judd lit engagod in farming, and Is also one of tho prominent- wbeutgrowem of (but sectloa of Idaho. This U tho flrtt time he bM visited Clackama county since 1915. Before returning to hie borne to Idaho tble evening be will vlxlt hie sitter, Mia. Heed, of Ht. Johna. Mr. Judd w a former resident of Hub bard itany year ago, Freak Mllllkln, youngett eon of He, and Mrs. W. T. Mllllkln, who la with the 69th Count Artlllnry, and ha jett returned from France, arriv ed In Oregon City Wedneaday mora ine, when he wai allowed brief furlough to visit tile home here. He left Wednesday evening for Portland to jots hie company and proceeded to Camp lwte at an early hour thl morning, where he will be muttered out of the anrvlce. He i In the beet of health and hai enjoyed hla military eiperlencea, Mra. Esther Thompson, daughter ol Mr. and Mra. Cbarlee Holmea of Mount Pleasant, who baa been In the St. Vincent's boapltal in I'ortlaud. for the past month, la atilt la a critical condition, Mra. Thompeon la suffering from the effect of Influenza, and re cently underwent a aurgtcal operation Mra. Thompson' husband died with Influent shortly before ab came to Oregon to make her home with ber parenta. Mr. Holmea Waited hla daugh ter la Portland Wedneaday. Utile Kellogg of the 69th Coast Ar tillery, arriving In Portland from over eeaa aervlce Wedneaday 1 morning, waa allowed the privilege of vlaltlng bit mother, Mra. Frank Kellogg, and other relative here Wedneaday. He accompanied Frank Mllllkln to thla city. The two young men entered the aervlce together, and have been con atant compantona while in the aervlce. Kellogg left for Camp Lew It thla morning, and will receive hla honor able dlecharge at that camp. J. U Taylor, eon of I. D. Taylor of thla city, who recently received hla honorable dlecharge aa flmt lieutenant from the United State Army, being an inetructor at a training camp in Virginia, will take up hla residence at Three Forka, Montana. Before enter Ing the aervlce Mr. Taylor wae city engineer at that place, but for the patt month haa been in Die engineer ing department of the Union Pacific Railroad company at Omaha, Nebraa ka. Mr. aad Mrt. Arthur Smith of Mount Pleasant, putted through OroRon City; Thureday afternoon on their way borne from Mount Angel, where they have been the gueet of Mr. and Mra. B. F. Koehler, and where they alto went on business. Mrt. Smith It titter of Mrs. Koehler, tho latter alto a former resident of Oregon City. He fore returning to their home Mr. and Mrt. Smith aceompnnled Mr. and Mra. Koehler on a plchtuie trip to Salem. Mra. U Ferguson of Tillamook, who hut boon visiting relatives hero, anil wa callod to Oregon City last week by the death of hor slator-ln-law, Mrt Jesso J. Walker of Clackamas llefght, who dlod from influenza, will return to her home today. Mr. and Mra. Ferguson left Qlailetone In Sep tember for Tillamook, whore they are engaged In farming. William II. Miller, formerly pott master at Gladstone, and later of Ouk (irove, was in Oregon City on business Monday. Mr. Miller hat rented hit place at Oak drove, and has moved hla family to Portland, where ho Us purchased two houses, and is Improv ing thorn. He say desirable homos for renting are somewhat bcmco in that city. Mra. Minnie Eppley of Hllltboro, and Mrs. John McQutnn of Port land, who came to thla city to attend the funeral servicea of their brother, the late Samuel J. Shaw, have return ed to their homos. While in this city city they visited their sister, Mrs Charles D. Latourette, and their brother, E. L. Shaw and family. Mra. and Mra. LeRoy Eaton, who have been residing in the Harris apartments on Fourteenth and Main streets, have purchased a home in Portland, and have again resumed their residence in that city. Mr. Eaton it employed with the Northwest Steel company, having been connected with that company tor eeveral years. Mr. and Mrs. T3. A. Anderson of Maple Lane, wera Oregon City visit ui s Monday. E. B. Andorson, , their son, and a former resident of this city, who recently moved to a farm he pur chased In Eastern Oregon, near Prlne- vllle, Is much impressed with farm life, and the nealth of hla wlto has greatly improved. Miss Ethel DeBok, who waa an as slstant bookkeeper for the Llpman Wolfe company for some time, has ac cepted the position as financial secre tary of the Y. W. C. A. in Portland. Miss DeDok Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George DeBok of Willamette and was formerly a teacher of Clack amas county. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cook, who havo been residing at. Manznnita Beach Oregon, since last fall, have again re turned to Clackamas county. .They have taken up their resldonce at Os wego, but fomerly resided at Hazella Mr. and Mrs. Cook are parents of Deputy County Assessor W. B. Cook of this pltT. Everett Dye, who recently return ed from Cump Hancock, fluorgla, bus boon sounding a fnw dnyt at tho Ore gon Agricultural College. Dye was a student at tho, college) Iwrw) enteritis the training rump (luring tho past year, Mr. Dye graduated In the class of 11)11 in mechanical engineering,, Mint Clara Fullum, one of tint pop ular young women and Red t'roe worker of Itndliind, was In Oregon City Monday. Mist Fullum was bore to complete arrangements for u dunce to he given ut the Harding hull Sat urday evening of this wank. Sim It ihulrinaii of the music commit! te. Charles Thompson, one of the prom I no nt farmer of Cluckamut county, whose farm It located at Hliorwood, Houte 6, wa In Oregon City Thurs day. Mr. Thompson hit tuveral tons In the army, and I looking forward with pleasure to thlr early return from overseas service. Arthur Powell, a iiavul aviator, who line been in France, and who re coittly returned to the United States, has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mra. C. II. Wllaon of Willamette. Mr. Powell is a nephew of Mr. Wll aon, and returned to hla home at Ilrowntvllle Wednesday, Mrt. Lucy Hitrgreavea of Clacka mas, but formerly of Oregon City, waa In thla city on business Wednes day. She alto visited friend while here. Mrs. Hargreavea' ton, Harry, la in the navy, and when last heard from waa on the Mediterranean 8ea. Mlsa Mabte Hoffman of Portland, a well known nurse of that city, was in Oregon City Saturday and Sunday. While here ehe waa a guest at the homo of Mr. and Mr. Mulligan of Twelfth and Kim streets. Mis Hoff man formerly resided at New Kra. James Fultam, whose arm 1 locat ed at Redland, waa an Oregon City on business Monday. Koch it one of the most patriotic young men of that section of the county, and was active in alt patriotic affair given at that place daring the pant two year. George 8 pees of the Sell wood dis trict, waa an Oregon City visitor Mon day. Mr. Bpeet resided for many yean In Clackamaa county, and wa for twenty-four year clerk of school dis trict No. 21, resigning that poeltion when be moved to Portland. 8. A. p. Jlungnle of Molalla, former ly county eurveyor and at that time a resident of Oregon City, w? among those to visit here Wednesday. Mr Hungate visited relatives here, and alao among bl numerous friend. Ho baa returned to fanning Mrs. Ileeele Charter of Courtney Station, who has been at Salem for the past eight week at stenographer for Senutor W. A. Dlmlck, hut return ed to her home, and resumed her po sition with the Clackamas Abstract At Trust company Monday. Colt-man Mark, prominent dairy man and farmer, reeldlnit at Mark's Prairie, was In Orvgon City Satur day, Wlille here he visited at the home of Mr. and Mra. Grant B. Dlm lck. He is a brother In-law of the lat ter. David McArthur, ono of the well- known Civil War veterans, waa in Oregon City, having come here to at tend the dinner given by tho Women's Relief Corps in honor of pension day. Mr. McArthur't home Is at New Era. T. F. Ban-anger of Portland, Is vis iting Thomas Sllnger of Mount Pleas ant. Mr. Bnrranger I one of the well known residents of Portland. He ob served hi 79th birthday anniversary on Washington's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rayburn of Gladstone, have told their bungalow and property to Arthur Paddock, the dr.iRKlst, ,of Gladetone. Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn will tako up their residence In the East. Mrs. J. K. Hedge and daughtor, Miss Dorothy, who have been In New York, where they went for the bene fit of the daughter's health, will re turn to their home In this city early next week. W .8. Daywalt of Clackamaa, was in Oregon City Thursday. His mother, Mrs. G. T. Daywalt. one of the old- time rosldents of that soctlon of the county, ha been ill for some time, , Harvey Gibson, a well known resi dent of Barton, wa In Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. Gibson, who ha many friend here, visited among them before returning to hi home. Henry Swales, prominent fanner of Logan, I at the Oregon City hospital and is seriously ill. Mr. Swales is the brother of Miss Mary Swales, superin tendent of the local Institution. E. R. Mack, formerly of Canby, but now of Portland, wa in Oregon City Thursday. Mr, Mack was on hi way to Canby, making the trip to that citj by the Lee automobile Jitney. Walter Moore, who has been in the service, and tor some time was sta tioned at Vancouver Barracks, haa re ceived hla honorable discharge, and has returned to Oregon Cily. Mrs. George DeBok of Willamette, who has been visiting her niece, Mr. William Hodges, and also her daugh ter, Miss Ethel DeBok of Portland, has returned to her home. Mrs. W. E. Everhart and daughter, Miss Reva, of Molalla, were in Ore gon City Saturday. They accompan ied County Assessor Everhart to Mol alia Saturday evening. 0. K. Kruse, one of the most promi nent farmers of the Clackama coun ty, whose farm is located near Os wego, waa among those to come to Oreiron City Tuesday. Horn, Sunday, March 2, at the Ore gon City hospital to the wife of Otto 11. Fredrick, a son. Mr, Fredurlck was formerly Miss Maude Trulllnger of Union Mills. II. II. Stuart, a promlnout funnur of Clackama county, who home It at Llnit's Mill settlement, was among tho to transact busine In Oregon City Saturday, Mr. and Mr. G. T. Angel of Slier wood, Route 8, were In Oregon City Tuesday. Mr, Angel I one of the well known furmors of that section of the county. John Stanton of Monitor, road sit pervlsor of Road District, No. 36, wa In Oregon City Wednesday. While here he attended a meeting of the county court. Bishop Row of Alaska, will be in Oregon City Sundsy evening of next week, and will officiate at tb St. Paul' Episcopal church Sunday ev ening. Amoni those attending the teach ers' meet In at Canbv Saturday were Iirenton Vedder, county school super visor; J. E. Catavsn and R. W. Kirk. Qottfrlisd Wallace, one of the pio neer resident of Clackamas county, whos farm I located in the Hoff country, was In Oregon City Tuesday. Judge Anderson, who hot been con fined to hi home by illness, has Im proved to that he was able to resume hi dutle at the court house Friday, F. Nlckerton of Gladstone, who bo been critically 111 at the Oregon City hospital, where he underwent a surgi cal operation. Is improving. Mrs. Iletsle Dundas of New Era wa an Oregon City visitor Friday Mr. Dundaa la one of the well known Red Croat workers of that section. John R. DeN'eui, one of the promi nent walnut growers of Clackama county, waa In Oregon City Saturday Hi farm I located at Stafford. K. C. Darker, superintendent of the Milwaukle schools, one of the active workers of the Armenian fund drive, was in Oregon City Saturday. Mr. H. J. Hruenlng and daughter, Mis Margaret, of Mount Pleasant, after visiting relative In Portland, have returned to their home. N. H. Smith, one of the prominent dairymen of Clackamaa county, whos dairy farm I located at Logan, waa In Oregon City Thursday. R. If. Tabor, a former resident of Mount Pleasant, but now of Jennings Lodge, was among those to transact business here Saturday. John J. Yoder of Yoder Station, on the Willamette Valley Southern Rail way, wat among thoee to transact bus Inesa here Thursday. An Oregon City visitor Friday wa O. Deltschen of Milwaukle. He is one of the prominent resident of that sec tion of the county. George F. Aden, one n. tne pvomi nenr farmer of Cluckamau cu t ty wa ,n Oregon City Monday, transuct lng business. Thomas Grace, prominent farmer of Clackamas county, whose home is at Clarkes, was an Oregon City vis itor Tuesday. Ralph Cherrlck of Barlow, was In Oregon City Tuesday. He moved to Clackamas county recently from Mon tana. John Moehnke of Hoff, one of the well known sawmill men of Clacka mas county, was In Oregon City Frl day. R. H. Jarisch, prominent resident of Oswego, accompanied by his wife, visited in Oregon City Saturday. L. C. McShane, editor and publisher of the Hubbard Enterprise, waa in Oregon City on business Monday Mrs. C. E. Carltca, formerly of thie city, but now of Corvallia, is visiting In Oregon City for a few day. Jacob Josi of Heaver Creek, was in Oregon City Thursday. He was tor merly in the dairy business here. Mrs. Joseph Peninger of .Canby, was among those to transact business in the county seat Wednesday. Frank King, whose farm home is lo cated at Logon, was among those to transact business here Monday. J. M. Hart, well known resident of Milwaukle, wag among those to trans act business here Saturday. M. Wheeler of Boring, was among thoBe to transact business at tbe court house Wednesday. Rev. Spees, pastor of tbe Methodist church of Canby, was in Oregon City on business Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Olson of Portland, is vis iting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Surfus, for a few days. T. R. Cllnefelter, well known farm er, who resides at Oswego, waa in Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. Christina Kleinsmlth of Mu lino, Route 1, was among those to visit here Wednesday. Mrs. E. T. McLane of Portland, after visiting at Mount Pleasant, has re turned to her home. Among those to transact business in this city Tuesday was J. H. Hoff melater of Boring. A SURE THING 4 V An Enterprise want ad Is a sure thing when results count. These little oils are read by t hundred of people lliroiiKhoiit 1 4- the county and many of these -V reader depend upon thorn when 4' they are In need of anything or i- have something to sell or trade, 4- They are the best known meth- 4-- od of advertising and In our clttHlfld columns you will find 4 tunny bargain that cannot be found elsewhere and by reading - the you way be able to find k something you need and did not 4 know where to get It. j, t- And If you have anything to" 1 sell, trade or rent, or need help f- try a want ad in the Enterprise. 4 $ It won't cost you much and the 4- result are aure to please you. Arthur Borland of Tualatin Mead ow, wa among those to transact busi ncs here Monday. John Deininger of the Ik-aver Creek action, wa among the Oregon City visitor Monday. George Holll or Boring, wat among those to transact business In Oregon City Friday afternoon. C. II. Bergman of Mllwajkle, was in thla city Tuesday, where he trans acted buslne. Loula Bchaber of Oregon City, Route f, wa among the Oregon City visitor Friday. Mr. Martha Tucker of Estacada, Route 3, wa among tbe Oregon City visitor Friday. J. Wilson of Hazella, wo among those to transact, business In Oregon City Saturday. Arthur Neilson of Hazella ,was among those transacting business here Monday. Among those to transact business in Oregon City Friday waa E. gchwed ler Gresham. Fred Moehnke, well-known aawmlll man of Hoff, waa in Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Clair mont, were Oregon City visitor Thursday. Mae B. Howe wat among those to transact businett in Oregon City Thursday. E. W. 8 wanton of Colton, wat among those to transact business here Thursday. R. J. Aihby of Canby, Route 1, was among those to transact business here Thursday. Mrs. Fannie Anderson of Canby, was visltng- friends in Oregon City Saturday. Edward Harder of George, was among those to visit Oregon City Saturday. Peter Ruhl, prominent resident of George, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Jacob Schmltt of Hoff, Route 1, wag an Oregon City visitor Tuesday afternoon. K. L. Sharp of Sherwood, a well known farmer, was In Oregon City Monday. J. J. Mallett of Mulino, a pioneer resident of that place, was in this city Tuesday. C. W. Herman of Molalla, waa in Oregon City Friday afternoon, visiting friends. . - Rev. Snyder of Molalla, was among those transacting business here Wed nesday. ,M. J. McDonald of Oswego, was among those to transact business here Friday. William Schatz, well known farmer Stafford, was an Oregon City visitor Friday. H. W. Parry of Hoff, wa among those to transact business here Sat urday. Mack Doyland of George, wa among the Oregon City visitor Sat urday. O. G. Randall of Central Point, wag among those to transact business here Tuesday. F. W. Sprague of the Redland sec tion, was in this city Tuesday morn ing. , Edward Porter, prominent farmer of Molalla, visited here Friday morn ing. W. F. Young, prominent farmer of WilsonvlUe, was in this city Wednes day. jMr. and Mrs. Homer Kruse of Staf ford, were in Oregon City Wednes day, i Albert Gosser of Mulino, was p mon it those to transact bUBintss here Mon day. J. C. Moomau of Hubbard, vas among the Oregon City visitors MAv day. P. T. Shelly of Sandy, was among those to transact business here Tues day., J. 11. Huglll of Hoff, was among those to transact business here Thurs day. Clarence Haines of Oswego, was among those to visit In thla city Fri day, J. W. Sauber of Milwaukee, wa among those to visit Oregon City Fri day, L, G. Wilson of Eagle Creek, wa among the Oregon City visitors Fri day.t Mr. Emllle Fisher of Fisher' Mill, was an Oregon City visitor on Satur day. E. Eunice lie van of Clackamas, wa In Oregon City Wednesday afternoon. L. Meagher of Oswego, was an Ore gon City visitor Wednesday afternoon. A. Flanhan of Jtedland, was among the Oregon City visitor Wednesday. John Wise of Milwaukle, Route 1, waa an Oregon City visitor Thursday. Robert William of Estacada, was here Saturday, transacting business. Melville J. Byers of Clackames, wa among those to visit here Monday. Carl Moehnke of Hoff, wa in Ore gon City transacting business Friday. W. H. Brown, a prominent farmer of Redland, waa In this city Friday. A. Oldenburg of Logan, wa among the Oregon City viistors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Clalr mont, were in Oregon City Monday. Albert Rldderbusch of Sandy, was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. H. H. Deetz of Aurora, wa among the Oregon City visitor Thursday. James Gut '.ridge of Estacada, was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. G. W. Ingram, who reside near Beaver Creek, was here Saturday. George Williams of Jennings Lodge, was in Oregon City Wedneaday. Mr. Cushlng of Jennings Lodge, was In Oregon City Wednesday. John Hamilton, well known farmer of Viola, was in thla city Friday. Carroll Howell of Estacada, was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Louis Koch of Clackamas, wa an Oregon City visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mr. Carr of Carver, were Oregon City visitors Friday. Griffith Roberts of Beaver waa in Oregon City Monday. Creek N. Cbrlstner, residing near Cam, was in Oregon City Monday. J. C Ruter of Milwaukle, was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. E. P. Dedman of Clackamas, was In this city Friday on business. F. T. Irres of Sherwood, was among those to visit here Monday. Mrs. Addle Klein of Jennings Lodge, was In Oregon City Monday. Mrs. Sarah Thomson of Clackamas was in Oregon City Friday. Mrs. Anna Rath of Beaver Creek, wa in Oregon City Friday. Among the Oregon City Thursday was H. C. Kanne. visitors O. Krotsch of Boring, was In this city Saturday on business. , E. R. tk of Redland, was an Ore gon City visitor Saturday. Thomas Penman of New Era, wa in Oregon City Saturday. G. R. Gwillim of Beaver Creek, waa in Oregon City Saturday. Z. T. Truelove of Milwaukle, was in Oregon City Thursday. J. R. Ridings ot Molalla, was in Oregon City Wednesday. H. B. Drelere of Aurora, Oregon City Wednesday. was in John Norberg of Oak Grove, was in Oregon City Wednesday. Victor Lutz of Boring, was an Ore gon City visitor Monday. Theodore Thum of Mllwaukie, was In Oregon City Thursday. Perry Meek of Mllwaukie, was in Oregon Ci.'y Thursday. Henry Swaneon ot Barton, was in Oregon City Saturday. William Regele of Barlow, was in this city Wednesday. John Fredrickson of Cams, was In Oregon City Monday. F. Stelner of Hoff, was an Oregon City visitor Monday. H. D. Brady of Mllwaukie, wa in Oregon City Monday. George Hollman of Hoff, waa Oregon City Saturday. in Frank Linn of Linn's Mill, was In Oregon City Saturday. George Miller of Oswego, was Oregon City Saturday. in L. S. Hayner of Clackamas, was in Oregon City Friday. Mrs. Mary Rutley of Milwaukle, wag In Oregon City Friday. L. Wahlua of Canby, was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. John Lauback of Milwaukle, wa lii Oregon City Thursday. Charles Derrick of Maple Lane, wad In Oregon City Friday. J. A. Irnel of Boring, was In this city Wednesday. Morltz Gottwald of Aurora, was in this city Saturday. If. F. Clark of Clackamas, was in this city Saturday. J .D. Ziegler of Tualatin, wot lo Oregon City Friday. G. W. Sterret of Gresham, wa in Oregon City Friday. Miles Deaken of Clackamas, wa in Oregon City Friday. Henry Blckner of Oswego, was in this city Saturday. R. 8. William of Mll'aukle, w:i in this city Monday. , Mr. Frank of Colton, was here Fri day on business. E. L. Palfrey of Molalla, was in Ore gon City Friday. E. Sbubert of Oswego, was in Ore gon CityFriday. Ot'o Stalk of Barton, wa in this city Thursday. Mr. Carlson of Redland, wa In this city Friday. George Koch of Aurora, wa in this city Friday. J. Fisher of Milwaukle, wa in this city Friday. G. W. Wlnzler of Canby, wa here Saturday. ASKS DIVORCE AND CUSTODY OF CHILD Leon L. Draper entered the army in November, 1917, and aaw much ov erseas duty and In his divorce suit entered Tuesday he allege his wife, Lena Draper, kept company with other men while he was away. He re cently received his honorable dis cbarge from the service. He asks the custody of the minor child of tbe couple and Judge Camp bell banded down an order Tuesday granting him the custody of the child for the present. Fall Causes Death Of James McColm James McColm, a former resident of Oregon City, sustained injuries Friday by a foil while employed in a shipyard of Portland, which caused his death the following day. Mr. McColm was a widower and is survived by five children, four boys and a girl, and his mother, who have been making their home at Mount Pleasant at the home of John Egger man, with the exception of one son, who resides in the East. Discharge Papers Placed on file The first instrument of its kind was filed with County Recorder Noe Tues day, this being the honorable dis charge papers of a soldier. The young man was a member ot the 4l8t company, 11th Battalion, and received his papers a short time ago. In order to secure the ' $60 bonus allowed to soldiers the original dis charge papers must be sent to Wash ington, D. C, and the local soldier did not want to take chances of losing them. He has them recorded and this makes a record of them for him. LICENSE TO WED Gertrude Dean, IS. of Clackamas, and Harold F. Hamilton, 21, of Long Beach, Calif., were granted a license to wed by the county clerk late Sat urday evening. 1 Helen L. Tomlinson, 21, and Alph Allen Cburter, 37, both of Portland, were granted a license to wed by the county clerk Monday. PROBATE COURT Charles F. Spagle filed tor letters of administration Monday in the es tate ot the late Martha Spagle who died January 8, 1919, and left an es tate valued at $1040. Thla (xftmists of personal and real property in Clack amas county. There are several heirs to the estate. A. L. Beatle haa been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of tbe late Henrietta J. Hathaway, who died July 81, 1918, and left an estate ot real property valued at $300. There are several heirs. RELEASED ON BONDS Arthur McKinnls, who was arrested Friday on a serious charge, was re leased on $250 cash bonds furnished by his father, George McKinnls. The o-jng man was bound over to tlu grand jury for trial. FLAG CONTEST BOOMING All of the flag contest money had not been counted Saturday evening. Every mall brought more returns be side the many schools who reported in person. Four hundred eighty-five dollars and twelve cents was reported whlcb makes a total of $4252.71 credited to the Armenian fund. CARUS WOMAN SUFFERS RELAPSE FROM INJURY RECEIVED fflf FALL Mr. William X. Davi. one of the prominent residents of Clackamaa county, whose home is at Carut, but who 1 in the St, Vincent' hospital suffering from a broken hip, austolnod two months ago, when he fell on a concrete walk, 1 Buffering fros a re lapse. Mra. Davta waa to return to her home this week, aa she was improv ing, and her condition was encourag ing to the attending physicians. Her ton, R. T. Davl of Cam, wa in Ore gon City Friday on hla way to Port land to visit his mother, and i to re main until this evening. Her daugh ter-in-law, Mr. Mable Davta, nee Mable Mills, I at Mrs. Davis' bedside, and ha been for a number of week. William X. Davis, husband of Mr Davia, recently died at hi old home in Walea, while on a visit there, hi death being sudden and waa caused by neart disease. ENTERTAINMENT IS POSTPONED BY BAD ROADS It was planned by tbe people of Linn' Old Mill, school district No. 21, the smallest district In the county, to give an entertainment at the school house this week, hat owing to the condition of the road in that section of the county, this ha been post poned, and will probably be held the Utter part of March. It waa Impossible to get Into that little settlement by means of an automobile, at the mud i knee deep, and in some place where the plank have been broken by heavy traffic it I somewhat dangerous. In ome place it 1 necessary to use two horse to a buggy, Instead cf tbe single horse. The people of that section of the county are looking forward to the time whn the road win be repaired and placed into traveling condition. MissMarrs Improving After Long Illness Miss Georgia Marrs, who haa been in the Oregon City hospital for the past eight weeks, suffering from blood poisoning caused by a small bark splinter entering ber hand, ha Im proved to that she was able to return to her home Sunday. Miss Marr 1 one of the well and favorably known nurses of Oregon City, and waa con nected with the hospital for some time, and wa with that Institution when the accident occurred. She wa taken b surprise a short time ago when a number of ber friends and relative called in a body to remind her of her birthday anniversary, and she wag presented with a large num ber of gift. Miss Marrs' room at the hospital during her illness has been bedecked with flowers from her many friends in and out of the city. She was one of the most popular patients at the institution. SUIT ENTERED TO COLLECT ON NOTE FOR $600 H. C. Stevens entered suit against Agnette M. Fermann, R. C. Fermann and the Bank of Mount Angel, to col lect on a note for $600, given by Fer manns November 288, 1914. The note was to run three years at eeren per cent and a mortgage on property in Clackamas county was given to se cure It. Plaintiff alleges nothing ha been paid on the note except the interest to May 28, 1918, and foreclosure of the mortgage la asked to settle the claim. The bank claims some interest in the property and plaintiff aeks this to be set aside. He also asks $100 at torney's fees, and $60 alleged to have been paid for fire insurance. SUIT ENTERED TO COLLECT ON $200 NOTE Lee y. Shannon entered suit against Hannah Nordlof, E. O. Hall and Mellie Hall to collect on a note given him by Nordlof June 14, 1916. The note was for $200 at eight per cent interest. A mortgage was given on property in Clackamas county to secure this note. , Hannah Nordlof sold the property to the Halls, they to assume the mort gage, it is alleged, and Shannon claims nothing has been paid on the note. He asks tbe mortgage be fore closed and the property sold to satis fy his claim. , PETITION FOR LETTERS Petition for letters of administra tion was filed in the probate court Saturday by Laura Newell for the es tate of D. Newell, deceased. Petition er is the widow of the deceased and the estate consists of real and per sonal property in Clackamas eounty valued at $4001. There Is property In Douglas county, left to the deceased in the will of hi mother, valued at (1000. There are several heir to ta es tate. . Frank Ziegler t Multnomah oun ty, filed Saturday for letters of ad ministration in the estate of the late Elli F. Potter. The estate 1 person al property in Clackamas comity val ued at $500 and consists of horses, cattle, grain, a Ford auto, etc. Tbe pe titioner is a creditor of the deceased and the heirs waived all right to the esta.t AJT7fVlIlllIll. I luni uiiiiw AUfirtfMtf: