Pase 2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. amm Newsy Oak Grove Henry Ootkin came home Friday on an extended furlough. Rev. Dow DeLong of Moro, Sherman county, formerly of Oak Grove, wm here the week end. He was In at tendance at the conference held Jn Portland last week. John Dennlson of Portland, former ly of Oak Grove, was a visitor here Sunda.y Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barnett enter tained a number of friends and rela tives at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrt. H. Neely of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Warren Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Croft of Belltng- ham. Wash., attended the auto show in Portland, and also spent Sunday with their relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brooks. Mrs. M. A. McDonald and two chll dren, Mark and Miriam, of Omaha, Nebraska, John Roberts of Portland, was here Tuesday looking after his property. The Oak Grove-Mil waukle social service club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dunham on Courtney road, an interesting program was giv en and a pleasant hour spent Mrs. Evert Robinette was a Port land visitor Tuesday. ' The St. Johns Altar society of the St Johns Catholic church of Milwau kee, met Friday at the home of Mrs. J. W. Brooks. The ladles are working hon all kinds of articles and prepar ing for their yearly bazaar, refresh ments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Meetin and family ol near Hills bo ro, have purchased the old Vondarha place on Railroad avenue and moved in Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ogelvie has moved into the Vosburg house oa Third and Pine street Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Strauss went to Damascus Sunday to celebrate her father's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Strauss went to Damascus Sunday to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jj H". Jones, the oc casion being Mr. Jones' 84th birth day. Other guests present was a son and a daughter. Roy Allen made a business trip to Damascus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Alexander and family hare moved into the Rick house on Cedar avenue. They formerly lived in Oak Grove but left here two years ago. Mrs. M. F. Hobklrk was a Port land visitor Tuesday. Paul Palmblad is home from the army and is helping his brother in the Oak Grove grocery store. Eagle Creek Miss Iva Udell of Dover, spent a few days recently with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson. A. N. Orke, who is running a res taurant in Portland, paid a visit to his farm home Sunday. H. S. Gibson was an Eetacada visit or Friday. MiBs Nettie Woodle of Salem, was recently a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle. Ray Woodle has recently purchased some sheep of Mr. Clutch. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pogue of Ne halem, were the guests the past week of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle. Oswego Mrs. Sloan and children have been sick with the influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baxter of Cam as, Wash., were visiting relatives in Oswego this week. The Oswego cement plant 1b shut down for the time being. A pleasant birthday party was gives Miss Genevieve Butler, who is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Lennie Halllnan, last Saturday, it being her thirteenth Dirtnaay. uames were played and a dainty lunch was served. Those pres ent were Miss Doretna Baker, Miss Arda Cox, Miss Leola Campbell, Cecil Halllnan and the hostess, Mrs. Halll nan. Walter Waldorf and family of Mu- lino, spent Sunday with Mr. Waldorf's parents here. Rube Confer and family have moved back to Oswego again, the logging camp where he was engaged being closed down. A farewell party and also the Boy Scouts and gymnasium exhibition was held at the school house last Wednes day evening. Over a hundred were present to enjoy the program, which consisted of drills by the class and epeakine by the principal, Mr. Lyon and others. Mr. Woodard, whom the party was in honor of, is leaving for Iowa, where he has a position await- - ing him. Mr. Woodard left Thursday morning. The teacher, Mr. Lyon, and seventh and eighth grades, also Miss Bickner, teacher of the fifth and sixth grades, all marched to the depot to bid him farewell. Mason Worthlngton, who has been on the sick list for the last week, is better again. The Oswego post office has moved into the lower part of the city hall, Mrs. Wm. Boyd and Miss Lillian Bickner attended the eleventh annu al Rebekah convention with Silver Leaf Rebekah lodge held in Baker hall, Klllingsworth and Albina ave nues. This was District No. 1 and six teen Rebekah lodges were represent ed at this convention. A resolution en- dorelnit the League of Nations and pledgmg support to President Wilson van nnHsed. The day was spent in transacting much business. In the ev Briefs From All Over the County Macksburg MACKSBURG, March 6. The Red Cross auxiliary continue to hold their weekly meetings at their room in the Sutherland building and go on making garments either for soldiers in the hos pitals or for destitute was-strlckea sufferers in foreign lands. The officers and the few remaining members of the auxiliary are trying to impress upon the community the necessity of con tinuing the Red Cross work, remind ing people that the hospitals are still filled with sick and wounded soldiers in need of comforts beyond those which our government can give. The Mother's club is indefinitely postponed, owing to serious illness in the family of its vice-president Mrs. Simon Miller at whose house the next meeting was to have taken place. Miss Ella Miller came home ill from Woodburn a few weeks ago and is now dangerously sick with spinal menin gitis. The Little Girls' Sewing circle is to meet on the afternoon of Saturday, March 8, at Mrs. O. M. Baldwin's home. "If you have any good apples, pota toes, beef or other farm produce for sale see F. T. Barlow at C. W. Inn, West Linn, and he will pay you cash on delivery. Phone Pacific 608." Adv Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK. March e.r-Olai Olsen and family went back to their home at Marquam Saturday. Mr. Ol sen and E. Skirvin have been logging tor Hult Bros, on the Savon lands. Mrs. Harold Horner returned home Sunday after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Folsom at Springwater. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD. March . The Red Cross auxiliary met last Wednes day. Those present were Mrs. A. J. Hodge, chairman; Mrs. J. W. Robin son, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Joe Bernert, Mrs. L. Koellermeler, Mrs. Kate Scoffern and Mrs. Nells Christen sen. Miss Grace Schuebel spent the week-end at her home in Mullno. Neils Christensen was an Oregon City visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tiedman and son, Russell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hodge and family last week. Miss Linda Rymer spent last week with Mr. John Anderson and family. E. R. Klllgallon was an Oregon City visitor Friday. Kelso. KELSO, March 6. Kelso's contribu tion toward the Armenian relief In the campaign conducted last week amounted to $51.00. Besides this the school children contributed 111.31. Mrs. Louise Nelson, principal of our school is taking a week's much needed rest Miss Ten Eyck will take her room while the primary pupils will have a week's vacation. E. V. Erickson had recovered suffi ciently under the care of Dr. Adix, at Estacada, so as to be brought home last Sunday. The C. A. Lindell and P. Schultz families of Portland were guests at Robert Jonsrud's home Sunday. Ned Nelson, after a long siege of sickness is able to set up. John Revenue who was on the sick list a few weeks is able to be around again. F. W. Canning received news of the recent death of the husband of their daughter, Agnes, in California. He was a wealthy orange grower and be sides his wife left two children. Lieutenant and Mrs. Jennie Haynes visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Erickson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes will soon move to Virginia. The Jarl boys here received word that their sister Hulda Rath was mar ried this week to James Buckley. After a honeymoon in Seattle the couple will make their home at Camas, Wash. Ned Nelson Is still very low at his home here, suffering from effects of the Influenza. R. E. Jarl sold 40 acres of land to Mr. Andresen last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Albel sold their 40 acre farm here to Wm. Miller. Victor Johnson is still confined to his home with effects of influenza. Hazelia HAZELIA, March 6. The Loyalty league meeting held at the schoolhouse Saturday night was well attended Rev. W. T. Milllken, of Oregon City, delivered a splendid address on "Pa triotism." Refreshments were served at 10 o'clock after which the remain der of the evening was spent in play ing games. Miss Katherine McVey left Sunday for Arizona, She recently graduated from a course in reconstruction work at Reed college and received her ap pointment from Washington last week. Her work in Arizona will be occupa tional. Through Will Cook's fritrumental lty a dark oak frame w"h a hinged glass was purchased for ;Le Hazelia service flag. Miss Lucy Pollard was married last week to Edmond Gownty, of Portland The regular meeting of the Literary and Debating society will be held Sat urday night, March 8. Shubel SCHUBEL, March 6. Last Thurs day, Mrs. J. G. Moehnke and children, Dorman and Irmalee went to Bull Run r School has again opened with Mrs. Ada 0. Moehnke as teacher. We are almost cut oft from the rest of the world on account of the impas sable condition of the roads. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moehnke and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mich ael Moehnke. LON'DON, March 1. A further rev olutionary movement in Germany is imminent, according (i a report reaching London through Holland to day. It is added that Chancellor Scheidemnnn has resigned. - PARIS, March 1. The Soldiers' and Workmen's congress at Munich has declared martial law for all of Bavar ia, according to a Zurich dispatch to the Matin. MAYEXCE, Friday, Feb. 2S. Two gunboats of the Rhine fleet have steamed up the river from Mayence for Ludwlgshafen, south of Mann heih. where they will be stationed in definitely, owing to the recent Spart acan uprising at Mannheim. There are many French soldiers at Ludwtgs hafen, but according to reports their commanders have no Intention of sending troops to Mannheim under the present circumstances, as Mann helm is within the neutral zone. Salem Senate killed bill to prohibit white women working for orientals. Here fs The Most Efficient, Dependable and Economical Engine Ever Made One that is full of "Pep" one that is there with the pull. The all around Engine for General Farm Work. Before you pick out your engine see 'She All Stover Engines are equipped with Webster Oscillating Mag netosno batteries to bother with. We have also handled the DIAMOND FEED GRINDERS for years and they give perfect satisfaction. We handle a complete stock of repairs for both Grinder and Engine. fSF . J. 'Wilson & Co. 12TH AND MAIN STREETS 'You can get the best 50c meal in Clackamas County every day, includ ing Sunday, at West Linn C. W. Inn, across the bridge from Oregon City. 6:30 to 8 A. M 12:00 to 1:00, and 5:30 New Poland's Frontier Is Close to Berlin ''" T ,0 (PI f !'K Germany has been forced under tne Poland as a means of getting a sea terms of the new armistice to give port and defending it. Cession of this undisputed possession to the Po'es of strip would cut ancient Prussia in two. most of Posen. The territory sun-en- Paris dispatches have assumed that dered is shown in dark shading on the -tr these Tmiowr ftory ig true, triis Wife of New Envoy to sf '-V ' ' ff ' v ' '. f " v V. h I . 7'' v)7 n t H . v h . & It t I u 7" v , . i t . t w r- i i I x.I.t ; - , v. . jr k" ,; vis ww c. From the time the first war victim was brought back from France, Mrs. Hugh C. Wallace, wife of the new ambassador to France and daughter of the late Chief Justice Fuller, has been a ward visitor at Walter Reed OVEIR to 6:30 P. M. Same place." Haircut 35c. Shave 20c. Salem Tomato canning plant to be erected here this spring. the Posen boundary now fixed will be iiiiKiittm weni wwbu ne no iviene huik France a War Worker wiics Hospital, a government Institution for the care of wounded soldiers. Her basket of deltcaclcs will be missed by every doughboy and officer there when she goes to Paris. Her son, a captain, is in France. OREGON CITY, OREGON Only Thirteen, but He Has War Record of Four Years -aijwfj-.-.n Kit: At W" Ft) mm Jan Kevtnlk is thirteen years old. He fought four years with the Czecho slovak troops, saw action on five fronts Russian, Turkish, Hungarian, Italian' and Austrian has two nicks on his gun, which tell of two huns he HiaiKiB ui T.e wOTKurB. 1 SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blanche R. ShalUy Representative. CHURCH BAZAAR 8UCCCSS. The Cutholto luuitiir und dnnue hold in the I, O. U. R hull Inat Hulurduy afternoon ami evening, was well at toinliul and proved a social and fluun Clul success, 1204.4a being cleared, The ladlui of the Altur society, who were In charge, wish to thank the peo ple of Sandy and vicinity for their patronage and help; the people of Suiuly and of the parish and friends who donated articles for the supper and basilar. Many thanks are due the musicians, the Misses Kate Junker, Qurtrude Mululg. II. Kelley and Mr. Anilene Gray, who so kindly contri buted their tulonts. ALVIN MILLS SENDS INTEREST INQ RELIC. ' H. Mills received In a recent letter from his son, a perfect specimen of that animal known as a "cootie." He was done up by the latest method of the taxidermist, candle grease com posed with heat This la an exception al specimen, caught on an American soldier while In Germany. I never was bothered much by these creatures, but some of the fellows used to think SO or 80 a day a small catch. Could lv you a whole pace on the history of this animal. Hope he reaches you In good shape. He tells of one of the boys in his company who went thru the war unharmed, then slipped, fell, tnd broke his neck at the officers mess hall, dying Instantly. COUNCIL MEETS. The city council met In regular ses sion last Monday evening with Mayor Blanche R. Shelley In the chair and the following members present: Par ret, Melnlg, Proctor, Scales and Ksson. ....In the absence of the recorder, 0. D. Purcell. Fred L. Proctor took down the proceedings. Wood and light bills were ordered paid, and the resigna tion of W. J. Wlrts. as city treasurer, was accepted. After many weary months of alter natlngly hoping and dlspalrlng, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hoffman last Thursday received a telegram stating that their son. Edward, was killed In action, July 19th. He was a member of the fam ous First Division, which did such wonderful work. While the entire community deeply regrets the loss of this young man, we are proud to know he gave his life for the glorious cause, and that he fell In what was probably the most decisive battle of the entire war. L WORKERS WILL MEET NEXT WEEK The workers of the Oregon Sunday School association will meet In Ore eon City next Thursday and Friday at the Methodist church. A program of more than usual Interest has been ar ranged. Thursday's program will begin at S o'clock p. m. as follows: "Worship In the Sunday 8chool" by H. F. Humbort, general secretary. "Methods of Building Sunday Schools" by Rev. M. A. Matthews of Seattle. "The Cradle Roll" by Miss Parker. "Preparing and Planning the Les son" by J. D. Sprlngston. "Problems of Organization" by Rst. M. A. Matthews. Evening session commencing at 7:30 o'clock, "The Land of the Book" by II. F. Humbert. "Parent Training" by Dr. J. D. Sprlngston. "Instruction and Service" by Rev. f PHONES PAC. 423 HOME B 64 THEROUX MUSIC 210 8EVENTH STREET (Near elevator) Native Hawaiian music teacher at Theroux's Music House every Wednesday. Will accept a few more pupils on the ukelele and steel guitar. Make arrange ments for an appointment before Wednesday. FORDSOtJ Write for Circular FRANCIS MOTOR EAST 13TH AND T - pOI LB. ( m 1 .LOCALS Mrs. C. 1). l'urcell, Is still a guest of Imr sister, Mrs. Blioemuker, In Port land. Mrs, I'urcoll Is uot Improving us rapidly ns her family and trlemts would wish. The online In the Ilruns sawmill broke last week and the crew la enjoy ing an enforced vacation. They ex pert to stnrt work the Inst of the wtt:k. Mrs. K, Honrs, who has been very ill for suverul weeks, Is Improving slowly. Mrs. Caroline Ilruns Is a Portland vlNltor, where she I the gut of her daughter, Mrs. Nylander, Dr. Williams was a Portland visitor Monday and Tuesday, Horn, to Mr. and Mrt. John Krsegor, on the old Cooper pluce at Dover, Feb ruary IT, a girl. Mr, Sultier, of Dover, has bnllt new house on the railroad Und he drew Inst fall, Mr, Cameron moved out from Port land last week on to a piece of railroad land In the 3 6 country. Henry Udell, road supervisor of Dis trict 1 expects to start the rock crusher by April 1, Mr. Ttlkle's new -silo blew over In one of the hard winds last week and was pretty well broken. Henry Ten Eyck Is at Camp Iiwle and Is expected home any day. Miss Margaret Kloln , of Lebam. Washington, la at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. Scales, for a few weeks. Dave Douglas, of Cherryvllle, sold two dairy cows to Dud Williams, of Hull Hun, recently. J. Scales and Percy Shelley wer Portland1 and Oregon City visitors Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christensen, ot Gresham, were Sandy callers Tuesday. Mrs. llurnett, of the Illuff Road, Is at her home again after an Illness of several weeks In Portland. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dell, of Sandy, In Portland, a daughter. T, Gunn returned to Sandy last week after an absence of several months. He visited relative In California and Missouri. Mrs. It. Mills, who has been In Port land for a week past I somewhat Im proved In health. Frank Langerson returned to Sandy recently after an absence of a year or more, and has moved onto the. Dr. flolklns place at the foot of the Melnlg hill. "West Linn C. W. Inn will bay your pig and pay cash. Call on Mr. Barlow when next In town."Adv. M. A. Matthews. "Demonstration of a Teen Age in Session." "Religious Education and the New Day" by Dr. Sprlngston Friday's program will commence at the same time In the afternoon. Open ing with the "Home Department by Rev. M. A. Matthews. "Sunday School Records" by Rev. Ewlng. "Methods ot Illustration" by Mlsa Parker. "Making the Lesson Application" by Dr. Sprlngston. "8unday School Evangelism" by Rev. M. A. Matthews. Luncheon at 4:45 o'clock. Evening program at 7: SO o'clock: "How to Secure Home Work" by Mrs. Meachum. "The Old Testament for Adults" by Mr. Humbert. "The Sunday School Question Box" Music. "The Drive for Childhood Security" by Rev. F. B. Short. MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Ureferred PAUL C. Beaver Bldg-, FISCHER Oregon City. TRACTOR See Tractor at Estes CAR CO., &52g&SF HAWTHORNE AVENUB USUI MIUiJr CkUB i4 WUUmva, 71 4 ijWlr