( wauki: Subscription only 11.00 M' yaar leas than twa aonta oar eopya prloa within tho reaoh af all. For the Right that needt As sistance? for the Wrena that needs Resistance and the Good that -wa can do. - .Me MILWAUKIE. CLACKAMAS COUNJY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENT! VOL. III. No. 89. MIL PRESS H M 1 V3 MILWAUKIE DEFEATS CANBY. m The Milwaukie high achool basket ball team easily defeated the Canby five last Friday on Mtlwaukle'a floor. The game waa one ot the boat played games of the season although Canby displayed a Uttle roughness during the last halt. MTfwaukie's goal waa never in danger during the whole game due to the aplendld team work. Mace and Pace showed up strongly tor Milwaukie each shooting some very excellent baskets. Score was 26 to 1J in favor ot Mil- waukie. MRS. MULLIN IS DEAD. Mra. B. C. Multin died at the family home on Main street at 6:30 Tuesday evening at the age ot 76 years. 9 months and days, after a lingering illnoss. Grandma Mulltn as she waa famil iarly called was an old and highly re spected resident of Milwaukie hating moved here S5 years ago where she has resided ever since. The funeral will be held from the Waller Kenworthr undertaking parlors Thursday afternoon with burial in the Milwaukie cemetery tenders who gave their names as Mor ris Bruce. Mrs. Bruce and 1 nomas Backen, were fined $250 each for Hav ing liquor in their possession. They told the court they had Just a little for friends. COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTION. The board ot governors of tho Mil waukie Commercial club held a meet Tuesday and elected officers for the coming year as follows: C. B. Hanson. president; M. A. Lenman, vice-president; Mrs. Maggie A. Johnson, secre tary; A. J. Weller, treasurer. A special meeting ot the club will be held at the high school building Monday evening at 8 o'clock, March All Cornier members nre urged to Rev. Father Bamerds has the plans about completed for a school house to be erected on the church property. The building will be started in a few days. It is planned to have the building ready for tho opening ot school in September. The building will be mod ern and uptodate and will correspond to the church and rectory. The first dance of the season at Riv erside park under new management was held last Sunday and a large at tendance was present and thoroughly enjoyed the good music aud fln floor. It Is planned to give dances every Sunday evening. The Oregon Field Artillery auxiliary to Batteries A and B will give a bene fit dance at the East Side Business Men's Club. Monday. March 1st. A i Jait orchestra will furnish music and Doughboys Halt German Girls to Search Cart s . . invttnfinn Is lie prrtieui -- i jass orcnesira win lurmsn uiuaiv mi extended to all interested in civic af-ft g0Oll tlm0 l8 pf,m8eJ by the ladies ot me auxiliary. fairs in Milwaukie to attend the meet Ine or band their names to the pes! dent or secretary before that date. EARLY RESIDENT DIES. Esias Hoesley ot Groveland. Califor nia, died at that place February 7th ot pneumonia. Mr. Hoesley was the old est brother of Mrs. J. C. Emmel and Mrs. J. E. Wetxler and will be remem Ga Mullin Is survived by four J bered .by many old time regents of sens and two daughters, Elmer Mullin of Pasadena and H. M. Mullin of bur eka, California and I. S. Mullin, Chas. and Misses Laura and Carrie Mullin of Milwaukie; nineteen grand children and five great grandchildren, other relatives and many frionds to mourn the passing of a kindly neighbor and friend. BOOTLEGGERS FINED. As the S. P. train from California passed East Milwaukie Tuesday morn ing it slowed down a little and a fel low tossed off two suit cases filled with booze, and then Jumped off himself closelv followed by federal officer Milwaukie He and his brother Henry went to California 23 .years ago and unpaired In mining . which business they followed ever since The Woman's Work club will meet at the home of Mrs. O. H. Hadden, Wednesday, March 6th. The ladies are requested to come early as there is a quilt ready for thorn to work on. Dinner will be served at noon and a short business session will be held in the afternoon. Some ot the Milwaukie boys are ex pected to arrive home with the 1GS regiment. It is not known whether there are any Milwaukie boys with any other units that have landed In the u- oiD.ist few days. Letters received Indl- was held at that place. Mr. Hoesley p ' F' came with his parents to Milwaukie, . about 45 years ago and attended the L- H. J. Laxdal has purchased the school here for some time and later T. N. Hodge property on Monroe street worked In the Old Standard Flour mill j adjoining the Catholic church grounds, until that pioneer mill was closed. He I Mr. Laxdal and family are recent ar 1s survived by his two sisters and 'rivals from Canada and will occupy many other relatives. ; meir new nonie in a iew uays. ine neai was mane uy -Mrs. juunsuu una the property brought a good figure. LOCALS The annual reception ot the Womans Social Service club waa held last! Thursday afternoon at the home of ' r Tkinin ctroih MllirnnkiR A I i .UIB. I UllllLf kl.' - " " ' - - 1 . ninmd tha mn unripr arrent and i larre attendance and a very pleasant telephoned to the Union station and , afternoon was spent. Mrs. Waldren had another man and woman arrested ) sang three beautiful solos. Light re who had more liquor In their posses-! freshments were served. The dining sion. Their trial was held in the ted- room table was prettily decorated with eral court in Portland and the three of-1 spring flowers. u ' in ISPARTACAN WES JK RIOTING IN MUNICH Germans generally may hate the i after two doughboys of the American American soldiers because of the part! Army of Occupation had halted two they piayeu in winning me war ior the allies but one look at this photo graph shows that some of them con ceal their feelings very well. The picture was taken at Hundsangon Just Gorman girls. A thorough search of he cart the Klrls were drawing showed that Its load was perfectly harmless only cornmeal. KjilliililllllllillllilllllilllllllM Prescriptions Pure Drugs and Chemicals Russell & Gilberts Choice Candies g j Kodaks, Films and Supplies. j j At your reliable drug store W TRADE AT HOME CHICAGO REDS PLANNING TO JOIN STRIKERS CHICAGO, Feb. 22. Bolshevik! and other varieties of reds are making strenuous efforts to participate in union labor strikes in Chicago, circu larizing workmen with appeals to "rise against their oppressors," and attempt'.ns to bring about a situa tion simlar to that recently existing at Seattle, according to federal author ities. It was because of this situation that Victor L. Berger, cong.-tssman-elect and his four co-defendants, sentenced to 20 years' Imprisonment for violation of, the espionage act, were forced to take the pledge not to participate in propaganda work as a provision of their release on $25,000 bonds each. WARNING GIV W2L MLLtU UK WUUNUtU BY EX-ENVOY IE AGAINS EAGUE WASHINGTON-, Feb. 3:. David Jayne Hl'l. speaKlng here today before Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, said the proposed league of nations meant abandonment ot the traditional policy of Washington, and against which there were many great constitutional objections. "I would not be understood as of fering offensive criticism of the plan," Mr. Hill sad. "There are many ad mirable features In It, but In view of complications that I be'ieve are cer tain to arise, 1 would wish to qualify our participation in-any compact b precisely the words that were employ ed in accepting The Hague convention In 1S99, and BRiiln in 1907. !jr. Hill is a member of the perma nent administrative council of Tin Hague, and a former ambassador to Germany. 110 BERGER SENTENCED TO I PERRY PHARMACY H PHONE 19-W MILWAUKIE, OREGON llI!li!lll!li:i!!lllU SERVE 20 MS IN FEME FIGHTING I!i:ni.l. Ktb. 21.-i1tmn hundred Spartacaiis weie klliod cr wounded In the flKlitng with government troops in tho Ituhr district of Khonlsh Prus sia, They received eavy reinforcements from Terlln. The Deutsche bank at Mullielm has been United and 400,000,100 mirks sto'en. BKIIUN, Feb, 20. Following his ar rest at Munich after an unsuccessful attempt to restore kalserdont, I'rlnce Joachim, tho sixth son of the former I emperor, has been interned in the Bayerlscher hotel, in the Bavarian capital. The prince was arrested wtiile mas querading under the name of Count Merr,. A committee was organized ostens Ibly to protect the Lnn'ag An attack was made on Wednesday with sailors aiding tho counter-revo-lutionarlos and pollco herdnunrters at Munich were occupied. COl'KNUAC.lCN. I'V1. 211,- Civil war bn'ke out In Munich at 2 o'clock Frl day afternoon, It was reported In dls patches received here today. At that hour the church bolls were run,: and 10,000 workmen muiuht'd from the siituirlm Into tho city. Short ly afterward violent flKbtltif broke out. Tho mobs plundered shops and real donees. Hundreds of civilian fled from the city. Others were prevented after the Spnrtitcan seined the rail way stations. According to the latest reports workmen dictatorship have been pro claimed und Spurtacitns In armed auto mold'e were nulling through tbe street. Many anarchists were said to have Joined them War Minister Itosshuupter, wound ed diirliiK the shoot Itm In the diet chamber, was reported to httv best! arrested Inter by the Spartacans. (A Zurich dispatch via l'arls suld Hoss haupter hud died from lit wound). date of tho llrst publication ot this sum mons, to wlt, on or boforo the iota day ot March, 11)11), aud it you tall to so ap pear and nnswur, tor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho Court lor the relief prayed for In plaintiff com print, to wlt: For a decree of the Court, forever dissolving tat rrl age contract, heretofore, and now, st inting lei worm plulntllT sud defendant, and restoring to plaintiff ur former name uf Martha Droux, and for suck other and further relief as the Court may doom Just and equitable. This summons la sorved upon you, by publication thereof, omto each wnnk, for six consecutive ucokt, In the Mil waukie Truss, a iiowspitpcr of Ksueral circulation, published at Milwaukie, In the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, pursuant to an order ot the Honor nlilo J. V. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, nuolo and entered on tho 6th day of February. 11)19. A. C. MIDDI.ICKAUFF, U. K. WALTON, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. IVislofflce Address, 623 521 Hsnry Building, Portland, Oregon Date ot first publication February . 1919. Hate of last publication Mareh 19, 1919. PROFESSIONAL CARDS i Hours: 9.00 to 11:00 M. 1 to P. M. Sundays and Evening by Appointment Phones: Office. Mil. I J; Res. Tabor Ull DR. O. P. LOW PHYSICIAN AND EURCTON Calls Answered Dm l Night Office: Milwaukie Stnta H ink Itldg. Main St. Mllwaukitt, Or We wish to dispose of some wood logs at our Mllwauklo mill, to anyone who will take them away. Phono Cal ifornia Barrel Co. Main 63SS. Adv, WANTEI Piano box In good con dition. Phone 76 Y. Milwaukie. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. 6 per cent Interest. C. Schuebol, Ore gon City, FOR 8ALB StnnlT house and two lots In Milwaukie, near Oregon City car station. Price $1250. Have you a little home to trade for , acre of good cultivated land H-'mlle east of Milwaukie. Call or phone Mrs. Mag. gle Johnson, Mllwauklo. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot tbe State ot Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Martha Ilurka, rialntlff, vs. Jacob Durka, Defendant. To Jacob Durka, tho above namod defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby roqulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from the CHICAGO, Feb. 20 A maximum sentence of 20 years was imposed by Federal Judge Landls today on Representative-elect Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee and four other socialist leaders, who in final pleas likened themse'ves to history's gretest mar tyrs. The five men, convicted of con spiracy to obstruct the draft in viola tion of this espionage act, obtained re lease on $25,000 ball from Judge Alsh uler and declared they would carry their legal fight to the United States supreme court If necessary. First State Bank of Milwaukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PARTONAGE APPRECIATED First American Woman in Germany After the War ) ' A SELLWOOD 941 B-1563 East Side Mill & Lumber Company Mill and General Office: Foot of Spokane Avenue BRANCH YARDS: ,,' , East Thirty-ninth and Halsey streets; phones: Tabor 2811, C-1237 Multnomah Station; phone: Main 4533 MlUer-Mowrey Lumber Co., Lents; Tabor 2116, B-61U J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland i J Pi xtf''Ti MKS FRANCES MAKtOM Much has been written about the first American woman to set foot on Cerman soil. This woman, Miss Fran ces Marion, Is eaid to have been the first American woman to cross the Franco-German border after the arm istice was signed. She went as the representative of the Committee on Public Information in the role of a scenario writer and we have Mr. Creel's word that she staged a special Store Opens The Most in Value The Best in Quality store Close at 8:30 A. M. lPdL iL 5:3 P M Saturdays Ci$V fiAC!ttt)Ot Saturday Pacific :"J' ' Phone: Marshall 5080 THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY A 2IH "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH' Advance Spring Showing of Women's Capes, Dolmans and Coats Attractively Priced Garments of Splendid Style The first of the spring fashions in Capes, Dolmans and Coats are well indicated in this special showing. Beautiful garments, dainty and attractive in design, per fect in workmanship and conceived in the prettiest combinations of trim and ma terials for street and evening wear andbest of all prices' are unusually mod erate, as you'll agree, when you visit our popular ready-to-wear section. Unsurpassed New Lines of Cheney Foulards and Goetz Satins Qualities and Prices That Win! 36-Inch Foulards at $2.00 Yard New Spring designs in beau tiful yard-wide Foulard Silks fabrics of high class de signing and finishing. Many exclusive designs to select from. Come and see them. 36-Inch Satins at $2.25 Yard The celebrated Goetz Satins in a wonderful collection of new and staple colors they are fine, lustrous, heavy sat ins of unsurpased beauty. Come and see them. 40-Inch Foulards at $2.75 Yard Cheney Bros. Foulard Silks s oft, clinging, graceful fabrics that make up beauti fully shown here in all the exquisite new color combi nations. Come and see them. . Phones: Pacific t2 lloniv A lit I GEORGE C. BROWNE' L ATTORNEY AT LAW Drown City, Or. All legal IiiihIiicss promptly aitoiulod ( Phono Milwaukie f W, JOHNSON REALTY CO. Ral Estate, In'surancs and Rtntaia Office at Hlatlon Milwaukie, Ore Office Phone Rsitdonre phos MllwatikleS Osk Grove M Y DR. R. S. RAMSEY DENTIST HOURS-:30 A. M. to II M. 1:01 r. M. to 3:00 P, M. Room ( 7 Itank Dulldlng Milwaukie, Orsgoit :rarrea 3 Walter C. fctntoorrfp Funeral Director and Embaimsr Telephones: Bellwood 71 Homo, Mm 1532-34 East Thirteenth St Sellwood Oregon crm i IJ333I3 EAT MEAT The human system demands ex tra nutrition and heat building food; meat provides both. Choice aclocted meats, both salted and frcHn, sold here. Milwaukie Meat Market R. W. BROWN, Proprietor Tel. U-W. Milwaukie. Ore. Phones: Sellwood 62 B-1325 OU DOOR CO Foot of Spokane Avenue, Portland, Ore. Manufacturers of SASH DOORS AND MILL WORK Yellow Fir, a Specialty Your Correspondence Solicited SPIN YOUR OWN YARN On account of extreme high, price of knitting yarn, the Mil. waukie. Wool Carding Mill has put in operations Its roll-carding machine and is prepared to sell pure whlta wool rolls, and also natural gray, ready for the old-style spinning wheel. Farm ers or others desiring to have a part of their wool made ap into rolls, or batting for comforters and mattresses, can do so by ad dressing The Milwaukie Wool Cardnla Mill Milwaukie, Oregon. Samples can be seen at Mil- government pi ;ture.