OKK(i)N CITY RNTKIMMUStt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919. Page 2 f i J h' ; I i -id I efM'. I' llnafci " ' '' 1 i asi "ilMfc Newsy Briefs From All Over the County treshments were served. Gardner Whippe, who has just boon discharged from Camp Lowlts, and wife spent Sunday with tho former's aunt, Mrs. Uoorge Derry, on the Oat field road. Ada Starkweather, who la-tit train ing at the hospital at Bremerton, haa boon homo on a throe day's furlouwh Ilazclia Barlow BARLOW, Feb. 27. Bernard Berg und bride returned home from Port land, Monday, where they spent a few days of their honeymoon. A large party of frionda chivarled them Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. Berg, Sr., have bought a, home In Sllverton and will leave tor their new home in the near future. Their three older sons, Bernard, George and Albert have purchased the property here from their father. A surprise party waa given the Berg family by Miss Lorine Widdowe and Mrs. Bany. Many of their friends gathered and enjoyed the evening by playing cards and games. A lunch was served and all left at the "wee small hours" wishing Mr. and Mra. Berg en joyment tn their new home and regrett of losing them from our midst Hjalmer Erickson who haa employ ment in Portland spent Sunday with his parents. Hjalmer Is rapidly gatn lng his health, after being gassed sev eral times while in the service. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Irwin of Sca poose, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Irwin visited R. E. Irwin Friday. Mra. Tremaynn, and Mra. Vlckers were Portland visitors last Friday. Freddie Letter waa plesantly sur prised by his school matea Friday night The occasion being his blrUu day. Mr. Johnson's family haa returned to their home here, after residing in Oswego for the past two year. Mrs. Ratcllffe, of Portland, la visit ing her aister, Mrs. Chas. Zlegler. Mrs. Laura Bell Ryan and daugh ter, Dorothy, of Portland, are visiting Mrs. Ryan's grand parents, Mr. and Mra. W. W. Jesse. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jesse and son, of Spokane, arrived Sunday and will make their home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jesse. The Armenian drive committee C. W. Giddings, chairman; Roy Paraen ter and Lilie L. Irwin, have been do ing their best to raise the quota of $75.00 for this precinct If we fall short this drive it will be the first time so lets try and do our best to help teed our starving neighbors. Oswego OSWEGO, Feb. 27. Will Davis and i-nuia Smoke were among the 65th Di vision who arrived on Monday in Port land. Quite a number of the Oswe go people were in town to see the hnva. who have gone on to .Camp Lewis, but eipect to be home soon. Charlie Austin returned home this last week. He has been with tie army in France. All were glad to see him home again. Eli Platte is confined to his home by illness this week. Lieutenant and Mrs. William Bon den are here visiting Mrs. Bonden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Schu awfer. Mr. and Mrs. Bonden have been making their home In California. Mrs. Kenneth Davidson is 111 with the Influenza. William Metger died at Irondale, Wash., with pneumonia. He leaves a wife and two children. Mr. Metger was a former resident of Oswego. The body will be brought here for burial. The funeral services of Archibald Meadowbrook , MEADOWBROOK, Feb. 27. Myrtle Henderson and Elizabeth Marshall of Clark's visited at P. O. Sehlewe Sun day. There was a large crowd out to lit erary Saturday evening. Expect to hold It the last Saturday in every month. Mrs. Harry Creason and daughter, who has been staying at Fred Crea son's left Tuesday tor Colton, where she expects to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bonney. The infant son of Mr. and Mra. Al bert Peterson, who haa been quite sick is better at present writing. P. O. Chindgren and family and M. D. Chindgren and family were, enter tained at Ben Noyer'a Sunday. AtaI rhinderen. brotner ot f. u. has Jut recovered from the Inflmuun, is spending a tow days at tho home ot her father, T. R. Worthlngton. Olive Ulsley is teaching In the Mil- . . . "71 T , i waukto high school. LOGAN, Feb. 27.-TI a good wind, , ..... , o( that does not blow some one a anoeso ! .l(. ...,, ... a, lhe 1IAKL1A. Feb. 37,Fruuk Whttten, who underwent an operation for appen dicitis at the Oregon City hoapttnl hint' week, ia atendily rtteovoi'lng. Mr. umt Mrs, Shaffer and aon, Del hert. from Hood Klver, are now ooou- Kuth Worthlngton. of Portland, whopylng the homo In central Haxolla for merly occupied ly Kd wankers. Dublin Convention Head Here on "Listening Tour" Logan these days. E, C. Uerber who has been quite seriously ill is reported as Improving slowly. Mrs. T. E. Anderson ia on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown have a new son. A social party waa given at the school hall in District No. 4. February 14. a general good time waa enjoyed by all. Coffee, cake and sandwiches were served, while games kept the children, big and little busy. Mrs. Corless was chaperone. Mrs. N. L. Kirchem received word from her brother John Duur (not John Duns) who is in the navy on the U. S. Chindgren. whom he had not Been for s. kosiko, wnicn lei an mhsud pon Oregon City hospital Tuesday night ! from au accident ot a week ano. Ho fell from a tree and broke one of his limbs. Besides his wife he leaves three boys and one daughter and two grown sons and two daughters by a former marriage. The funeral ser vices will be held Friday. A reception tor the vtor, Rev. J. J. Patten, and wife, will be held In the church Thursday evening. Oak Grove Community church Sun day school meets at 10 a. m. Morning sermon and worship at J 1 : 15. Theme, "God's Way the Best Way." The even ing combination service begins at sev en. Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis will apeak M S o'clock.. fifteen years, arrived here from Cali fornia Thursday. He expefta to stay until spring. Clarkes CLARKES. Feb. 27. Miss Olga Muralt from Sherwood, visited her sis ter, Mrs. Arthur Hornschuh, and fam ily over Sunday. Carl Buche and George Anderson, from Portland, were out and visited Carl's parents last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eameat Berger haa re turned to Clarkes and he is going to work for Albert Larkins In the saw; mill. Miss Clifford visited her parents of Portland over Sunday. There waa a party given at the home of T. Pack Saturday evening. eoru af$ 22, and everybody had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Marsnau ana children visited J. D. Marshall and family over Sunday. Walter Lee, from Vancouver, waa out in Clarkes and Colton over Sun day. Wilford Cogar, who enlisted in tne navy, received his honorable discharge and came home to his parents in cot ton last week. David Moehnke was to Portland last Thursday. Mrs. Fred Josi is home staying with her parents at present Shubel SHUBEL, Feb. 27 Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moehnke, Abraham Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moehnke and Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moehnke attended a dance and card party at Mr. Thomp son's at Beaver Creek last Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moehnke, Mrs. Wm. Moehnke and children, Catherine and Marguerite, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Glover, of Eagle Creek, for a few days, returning Sunday as far as Oregon City, where Mrs. Wm. Moehn ke and children visited her brother, C. A. Mehnke and wife until Monday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Cecil Jones and his sister. Acnes Jones, visited relatives in Oregon, City Saturday and Sunday. Monday evening Wm. Moehnke parked his car near the Eastman school for a few minutes and during his absence some one stole his kit of tools. The teacher' has resigned and we have had no school for almost two France. Has been at Bordeaux tor several weeks. He was fortunate In getting leave to visit Paris and the front trenches. Expects to come back to U. S. soon. In the relief drive the quota tor Dis trict 4, Lower Logan, waa $60.00 and am sorry to say we did not quite make it. lacking $2.75. Upper Logan the quota being $74.00 with a response of only $24.00. Interested ones are agttatlng the matter of turning the clocks one hour ahead again. Let laxy people do ao, any one who has not energy enough to get out of bed In time to go to work, does not need legislation that causes - George GEORGE, Feb. 27 Mra. Marie Kllnker has been laid up with rheuma tism for the past few weeks. C. A. Johnson was transacting busi ness in Oregon City last Thursday. Mr. and Mra. Harold Joyner and Otto Paulsen visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kllnker last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harden, Ed Harden , and mother visited Otto Stulke, of Barton, last Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Chris Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson last Fri day. Mn. Robert Manes, of Portland, waa Harry lUirluud has been quite 111 during tho paat week. .' The llucelta Loyalty League will meet Saturday night, March 1. at tho school house. Rev. W. T. Mllliken and Judgo Anderson of Oregon .City, will speak and speclul tmialo la being pre pared for the occasion. Misses Marlon Eastman and Blanche Duncan attended a party given by the June '19 class of the high school of Commerce nt the Turn Veroln hall In Portland, Friday night. Wilsonville WILSONV1LLE, Feb. S7. Frits Haberstlek, of Eastern Oregon, visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mn. An ton Uutalgln. Inst week, tor a tew days. A baby girl arrived at the home ot Mr. and Mn. George Stahlnecker. on Monday, February 24. Quite a number from our village, at tended the basket social at Hood View. Friday evening. Roy Baker Is working In Portland, In the Ice factory ot hia undo, Mr. Harris. Aaron Mac Connell, waa a visitor at the oounty seat on business, last week. Mn. M. C. Young. Mn. Dorrls and Mn. Norrls Young, have received let ters recently from France, but the two young men Norrls and Dorrls have no Idea how soon they can return home. The many friends of A. P. Todd are pleased to learn that he la recovering from his accident of two weeks ago. when he fell off his wagon, while haul ing potatoes. The last letter received from John Clackamas Headnck was held at tne w. cnurtu week8i although they intend to start last Friday. Mr. HeaancK was noru , gchoo, again Monday. in Glascow, Scotlana, January i xaix, came with his wife to Oregon in 1893, where he has resided since. Mn. Headrlck died a number of years ago. Mr. Headrick leaves a daughter, Mra. James Coon, of Portland, and a son, James Headrick, and a daughter, Mrs. 1. A. Anderson, ot Argyle, Minn. He great grandchildren and one great great grand child. The interment was In Oswego cemetery. Mrs. Wm. Neibush and granddau ghter, Mary Jane, have returned from Great Falls, Montana, where they have been visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Laurence Statford. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Erker are moving to Washington. Miss Olive Mclntyre, of Vancouver, Washington, Is vlisting her aunt, Mrs. Primm, of Oswego, this week Mrs. Carl Conaut of Portland, is here this week taking care of her mother, Mrs. Andenon, who has been quite sick. Mrs. Chas. Pauling Is quite sick this last week. A telegram was received by Mrs. J. K. Worthington saying her son, Millie, who was with the third Oregon has ar rived safely in New York. Walter Chuck of this place, has also arrived aafely in New York. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Feb. 27. W. H. Os born, of Garfield, was over this way last Thursday on a business trip. C. H. Paddison was a Portland visi tor last Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. Roy Douglass were Es tacada visitors last Thursday. In the Armenian drive just closed this district failed to reach its quota of $37.00 only $24.25 being raised. This is the first time that District No. 60 has gone under its quota, always be fore going over the top. George Sawtell made a business trip to Portland the other day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass motored to Logan Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benson. Col. W. S. Wood Auctioneer Vancouver, Wash. Farm Sales a specialty. Phone or write for dates or make arrangements H Enterprise office. CLACKAMAS, Feb. 27. Mr .and Mrs. A. E. Sterling of Seattle, have rented the Nottingham cottage form erally owned by H. T. Latham. Mr. and Mrs. A Randall, of Bonne ville, were Sunday guests of Mra. L. D. Herrington. Milo Thomson's ticket No. 135 drew the Red Cross quilt Saturday evening. Mrs. Agnes .Buckley will chaperon a party of young folks to see "Mickey" at the Peoples theatre in Portland, Friday afternoon. Mra. A. Smith of Nebraska, on a visiting tour of this coast Is now the guest ot her brother, Mr. Hartnell, lat er will proceed to California. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, Feb. 27. The Red Cross auxiliary met last Thurs day and made refugee garments. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koellermeler were Oregon City shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson were Oregon City visitors Saturday. Born, Tuesday, February 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Nukarami, a son. A surprise party was given Mr. Hodge, Saturday evening, in honor of his brithday. The evening was spent In playing cards games and music. A dainty luncheon was served at mid night by the hostess, Mrs. John Hell berg, Mrs. Belle Robinson and Mrs. Hodge. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Christensen, Mrs. Joe Bernet, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Robinson, Mrs. Kate Scoff- em, Mr. and Mrs. John Hellberg and son, Edward, Miss Grace Schuebel Mr. Frank Kelnofer, Mr. Albert Bernert, Miss Agnes Bernert, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson and daughter Marian Mr. and Mrs. Hodge, Miss Sylvia Hodge, Bernice Hodge, and Donald Hodge. John Kaiser was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt spent Friday with their relatives at Moun tain Road. Mrs. L. H. Axtell, Miss Edith Ax tell and Mr. Edward Axtell from Cor vallls, spent a few days last week with Mr. Axtell on the farm. Here Is The Most Efficient, Dependable and Economical Engine Ever Made One that is full of "Pep" one that is there with the pull. The all around Engine for General Farm Work. Before you pick out your engine see . All Stover Engines are equipped with Webster Oscillating Mag netosno batteries to bother with. We have also handled the DIAMOND FEED GRINDERS for years and they give perfect satisfaction. We handle a complete stock of repairs for both Grinder and Engine. W. iJ. "Wilson & Co. 12TH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON 30 JT , wif'nnr is! we It. V i. .- if r OREGON CITY NAN PROMOTED Sir .HORACE W.UNKITT "A listening tour' is what Bit Hor ace 1'K.nkett, who presided In ltlt at tho Dublin convention, which tried In vain to bring the lrlnh factious to gether on the problem of aulf govern ment, calls bis visit to America. When he arrived tn New York rerenlly he said he Intended to vlalt arloua parts of the country to confer with promi nent Irishmen and native Americans so that he could learn the American attitude towards the difficultly which beset hie native land. weekly aesalon at the rooms tn the Garments for Belgian children are the present work. The Mother's club has been appoint ed for the present week at the home of Mra. Simon Miller, but owing to Ill ness In Mrs. Miller's family, may be postponed to March 6ih. Alvln Hamilton was called home from Camp Lewla last week, by. the alarming Illness of his wife, Mra. Ham llton, but who haa Improved ao much Id the past few days that hopea ot her speedy recovery are now entertained Sandy News CATHOLIC BAZAAR Beginning at 1:30 p. m. Saturday, the Catholic baxaar will be held In the I. O. O. F. hall. IHaln and fancy articles will be on ealo and supper will be served, followed by a dunce. TO HIGH OFFICE Wrd whs received In Ow.im Cliy Wednesday muruliitf by D.s. U. H. and liny Mount twin Mrs, Frank Mount saying that her husband bud been pro moted to lieutenant colonel In the t'nlted Slte army front iimjor. "TT!i word was received from New York, where Mrs. Mo, ml In making her home while Lieutenant Colonel Mount la In Itolitlum, Lieutenant Co'onel Mount Is a for mer Oregon City young man, having resided here for aeveral yours before entering the service. He was itlen the commission of lieutenant when enter ing lhe service at Camp Lewis, and shortly afterward was cotniuUsloned captain and shortly before milling for France was given the coiuinlaalon of major. Lieutenant Colonel Mount Is th son of Judge and Mr. Wallace Mount of Olympln. Wash, lie U a grtd'iate of the College if Physicians and Bur Seons of New York, and was it'so ron no'tol wl'h the Sloan's hunpltal In New York Clly. lie was engaged In practicing hla profession In OrtKun City when the call came for younn men to enter the service, lie left her for Camp Lewla May 23, and after a brief stay there ws sent overseue He Is with the 91st division, and sanitary Inspector. 1 Icuteiiant liolonet Trunk Mrl la anxlo.isly awaiting orders to return to the 1'nlled State., as then 'a a baby daughter, Jane Mount, aired four months, whom he has not en. She la with hr mother, formerly Miss K.e llue Weeks of New York, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Week of that city, who Is making her home wl!h her parent while her husband Is In Kuropc. Lieutenant Colonel Mount I the nephew of lrs. II S. and lluy Mouut of this city, lie will resume his prac tice In Oregon 'Uy upon his return from Kurope. Legislator'- Son Who Wa Decorated Three Time ILLU8TRATEO LECTURE. OnFrlday evening at 8:00 o'clock, tn the M. E. church, the Rev. E. C. Alford will give an illustrated lecture on tho Yellowstone Turk. Mr. Alford bad charge of a camp In the park one sum mer and Is showing a fine sot of views. BILL llfASSEfTO INCREASE COUNTY I SAI.EM, Fob. 20. Tho county school tax Is Incensed from $S per capita of tho school popu'atlon to $10 per capita by the provisions of house hill 0."i, which was passed by the senate Wednesday afternoon. While the bill was Introduced by the Ihiuho cnmml teo on education, It la x pet measure of Mrs. Alexander Thompson, who wns Invitod to ex plain the hill to tho senate. "Th s bill embodies tho bin Idea In elucatlon, which la that the state or the coanty as a whole must bo taxed Tor the support of the schoo's, In or dur to aid tho poorer dlsfrlctk," she snld. She said the purpose Is to Increase the country-wide school tax so the backwoods districts may have the same educational facilities ns the cen ters of population. m ''ft MMaM sacrifice and inconvenience to the thousands of people in the country. Little children in the rural districts who have to walk lft to 2 miles to school have to be dragged out ot bed and hustled off to school at too early a time of day. I can sincerely say we burned more oil and wood too, last year than ever before. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Boss and family will attend the marriage of their niece. Miss Anna Lehman of Hillsdale, Wed nesday 26th Inst. In letters to the home folks Carll Kirchem, also Clyde Warren, both say they are waiting for transportation back to the United States. a week-end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jannsen of George. Frank Howard, who has been in France for the past few months, serv ing his colors, returned home last Fri day, and is now confined to his home with the mumps. Kelso. KELSO,' Feb. 27. B. V. Erlckson waa taken to Estacada to be under the I care of Dr. Adix and is now improv ! lng. ii ihm ivi 1.1 1 c n itiri n us. uui u uswwa , of Mrs. F. Hutchins of this place, Is In I A beautiful new flag floats from the Portland hospital, where she under j school flag pole, the money lor wnicn went an operation for appendicitis. Oak Grove Judge Landis' Son Who Did His Bit by Bringing Down Dozen Boche Flyers was raised by a subscription campaign on the part of the pupils. It was duly dedicated by the pupils Joining in a circle around the flagpole and singing the national anthem and giving the OAK GROVE, Feb. 26.-The special j Pledge of allelance- . patriotic program given last Friday Our teachers, Mrs. Louise Nelson by the Mignon chorus of 30 voices In ! and Miss Ivy Ten Eyck attended the costume under the direction of Ella teachers meeting recently held at Mll Hober Tripp, in the school auditorium, waukiev was a success In every feature. A Robert Jonsrud, with the following large and enthusiastic gathering was j commttee ig conducting the campaign present ,as this was Mrs. Tripp's sec-: or the Armenian Syrian relief Anton ond appearance in our community. I jerger Mr, Baumback, Mrs. Phipps, An unknown person broke a win- Mrs Timmerman and Andrew Lind- dow light in the post office Dunaing noim Say, by his parents, was written on January 9th, In which he informed them that he had received hla Christ mas package, sent blra through the Sherwood Red Cross society, by his mother, and was thoroughly delighted with "goodies" from the U. S. A. John is in the region of Angers, on the Loire river, with Battery E, 48th artillery, and does not know when he will re turn home. Mr. Underwood, a fruit grower from the Dalles, visited bis old friend Mr. Batalgia, Friday. The Ladles 'Aid society, of the Methodist church, will give a basket social, In the basement of the church, Friday evening, February 28, at 8 o'clock. There will be a aplendid pro gram and every ono Is requested to bring a basket of lunch for sale. Macksburg MACKSBURO, Feb. 21. The Red Cross auxiliary will hold Its regular early Monday morning. Mrs. Geo. Derry, of Concord, was here on business Monday. j About 12 schoolmates of Everette Worthlngton gave him a surprise par- j ty Saturday night. The teachers were, j also present, and an enjoyable evening was spent by all present. Light re- Lewis and Sylvester Hall attended the auto show in Portland Tuesday. The Red Cross meets every Wednes day and Is busily engaged In making refugee garments. It is reported that Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Maurer are sick with the Influenza. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local dliien.se, Kreatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one ot tho best physicians In this country for years. It Is com posed of some of the bent tonics known, combined with somo of the best blood ?urlflers. The perfnot comblnntlon of he Ingredient In Hall's Cntarrh Medl clna Is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. jr. j. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All DrUBglBt, t0. LWuf. mO-A. T1UMAM Winning docoratlons seems to be one tf the best things on; hoys did In Franco. Lieutenant Frod A. Tillman, son of the Representative In Coiigreea from Arkansas, has returned wearing tho Croix do tluorre and D. S. C, and ho has been honored by tho Legion of Honor. par X K2g$ m ,:''fci!afclaiJs ' ' " 4? " 1 ts ' . ' W 1 'WHPalF . v ff i,' A f f ' ; in .REED & L.ANOI& Fedoral Judge Kenesuw M. Landis of Chicago always has been an aggros- Backache ( Rheumatism? Those of ns who arc pant middle age are prone to eat too much meat and In consequence deposit lime-salts in the arteries, veins and Joints. We often Buffer from twinges of rheumatism or lumbago, sometimes from gout, swollen bands or feet. There is no longer tho slightest need of this, however, as the new prescription, "Anuric," is bound to give immediate results as it is many times more potent than lithia, in ridding the impoverished blood of its poisons by way of the kidneys. It can be ob tained at almost any drug store, by aimply asking for "Anuric" for kidney, or backache. It will overcome such conditions as rheumatism, dropsical swellings, cold extremities, scalding and burning urine and sleeplessness duo to constant ariaing from bed at night. Send to Dr. Tierce's Invalids' Hotel,. Buffalo, N. Y., for a 10c. trial package. Madeiu, Cal.-"I recommend Doctor Plere' Anuric very hlirhly. I have ii(Toril tn. !,. three yean with catarrh of the bladder, havlnir uffi fSSfir PU' tot constipation. J British front. Slve fighter. His son Cnptnin Roed O. ! tried every remedy I heard of but without relief Landie, JUBt back from the fighting ' ,,w Anuric advertised In the paper, and like font, brought down twelve boche , aWS!" planeB and has been dOCOratod by It relieved me alrJoat Immediately, before 1 had both the American and British govern-1 i5n," of, 016 trlttl Pekire, and 'having- mat ments. He was in command of ptZtJS Twenty-firth Aero Squadron. Captain ' y to all suffering- from any dUensa of Landis did most of his fighting on the I .!J k.'or,urto fubtas. try thla remedy . ...... ,Kr, , mvt , fiiji, n n-