OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 1 , 1919. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OF JANUARY DlNtrlct Fund DISTRICT NO. 1J. W. Hart, $10.00; Hogg DruR., DIST. NO. 3 J. C. Elliott, $9.86; Christ Hemmerlch, $9.00. DIST. NO. 4 t'wrtiund Ry. L. A V, Co., $58.2(1; J. C. Hitching, $20.25; I'ul Imvi'II, (12.00; 11. H. Jones, :I00; II. Clllimm, :t().()0; W. E. Mnn, $1.00; J. A. Kltchlnir, (12.00; II. C. Ilelple, 13.00; K. Mill, $3.00; C. it. lovll, ((1.00. HIST. NO. 6 W. F. llaberlach, (45.15; C, W. Schuld A Bonn, (10.00; 1'. K. L. A I. Co., (10.40; M. II. Wheeler, (75.25;' J. A. Imel, (10.50; W. K. Wheeler, (57.00; C. Inkier, (21.00; J. II. Llndgren, (12.00. DIST. NO. 61'. R. I & P. Co., (10.10; C. W Schutd A Sons, (8.00; R. E. Jarl, $21.87; Lewis Hull, (100; E. Ikberir, (12.00; John Amlregg, (12.00; C. Tlmmerman, (12.00; A. Haworth, (12.00; W. II. lllckford, (3.00; I. II. ITilppi, (0.00; Dave Jarl, (1.00. DIST. NO. 7 Ridge Lumber Co., (209.02 ; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., (H2.19; Dixon A Ilowltt, $100.81; L. W. Tire, (10.60; Trace Vandcrhoff, (33.00; Carl Helm, (16.50; Jamea Ferlea, (12.00; Thou. Clark, (3.00. DIST. NO. 8-J. T. Mclntyre, (23.. 50; I'. Averil, (0.75; II. Hledensteln, (5.25; 11. Korh, (18.00; P. Koch, $8.75; W. Webber, (16.00; Al Emily, (0.00. DIST. NO. 9 Fred Ua, (lfl.25n; A. H. Llni, (9.00; Theo. Harder, (9.00; Ed Harderi, (3.00; Nick Rath, (3.0O; E. C. Guber, (3.00; A. H. Mil lr, (3.00; C E Llni, (3.00; Theo. Hardera, (4.00. ... DIST. NO. 11 Chase Linton Grv el Co., (19.51; C. A. Mann, (18.00; C. R. Livriay, (39.00; H. I). Marslon, (12.00; J. W. Bryant, (3.00. DIST. NO. 13 J. T. Fullam, (8.25; A. M. Kirchem, (3.00; Wm. Hraty, (1.50. DIST. NO. 12 Straight & Sulla bury. (0.H0. DIST. NO. 14 J. B. IWson, (2.25. DIST. NO. 15 Count Culvert A Flume Co., (30.29; II. Kngcl. (2.00; W. Randall, (4.50; C. Williamson, (1.50. DIST. NO. lfl-II. Engel, (8.00; W. Randall, (3.00; D. McAnhur, (2.26. DIST. NO. 18 Ceo. Itoaenboom. (5.75; Wm. Daniela, (13.50; Karl Shephnrd. $1.50; I). Jones, (1.60; A. Thomas, $7.00; E. Jonea, $1.75; J Moyrick. $3.00; J. Watts. $3.00; A. Grosae. $24.00; II. llcnrlcl. $8.00. DIST. NO. 19 L P. Elliott, $'-'04. 00; Roy Sullivan, $120.00; Isaac Hi'Ilbaarn, $72.00; Claud Wlnslow, (36.00; J. E. Nixon, $12.00; Clifford Johnaon. $0.00; A. L. Urkina, $33.00; Arno Hellbuaca, $10.50; Leonard Orem, $1.60; Jacob Tienhaara, $0.00; D. Houghton, $10.50. DIST. NO. 20-Coaat Culvert A Flume Co., $13.80; J. C. Elliott A Co., $8.00; A. Mather. $20.70; J. C. Mil ler. $74-35; W. II. Stone, $34.10; A. Werner, $01.50; S. Miller, $82.50; W Brown,-$22.60; M. II. Johnaton, $45. 75; E. Duval. $20.25; S. Wilaon, (2.- 25; J. O. Smith, (27.00; M. A. John aton, (24.00; N. Holcomb, (3.00; C Dallaa. (3.00; C. Rankin. (3.00; W. Odell. $18.00; S. Stone. $0.00; M. Schooley, $0.00. DIST. NO. 21 W. E. Bonnoy, $21 75; Guatave Wikberg, $13.60; II. II. Freeman, $8.25; J. J. Jonea, $15.75; Albert Harria, $5.25; W. Livingston, $15.75; Pete Johnaon, (15.75; Carl Fiaher, (9.00; II. Sanberg, (15.00; F. Baurera, (0.00; Axel Johnaon, (9.00; Geo. Dooghc, (15.00; Roy Sul livan, (7.5h Iaaac Hellbuaca, $18.00; Claud Dinalow, $21.00; John Put, $39.00. DIST. NO. 22 J. W. Staudinger, $0.75; Ed Hutchinson, $3.00; Chns. Fiacher, $3.75; A. T. Shoemake, $0.00; . E. Fcyrer, $5.25; H. J. Ras tnll, $15.50; John Callnhnn, $18.00; $12.00; H. O. .Newell, $15.00; GuaUf Cluy Engle, $12.00; Wm. Feyrer, Johnaon, $18.00; M. Stream, $1.50; S. J. Soronaon, $1.50; Milton Wil liams, (1.50; Cluy Hungato, (9.00; HcrHhell Wilaon, $3.00; Henry Kick, $1.50; C. R. Eldred, $4.12. DIST. NO. 23 Victor Horg, $2.25; C. W. Henklc, $0.75; R. W. Zimmer man, $07.75; W. W. Irvin, $003.05; F. Mills, $21.00; G. GoeU, $21.00-F. Ogleaby, $18.00; R. D. Zimmerman, $3.00; F. Buchert, $17.00; J. Tnylor, $1.50; J. Bonn, $12.00; A. Swonson, $3.00; J. Bonn, Sr., $0.00; I). Shcp pnrd," $10.50; V. Horg, $45.00; S. Buny, $84.08; C. F. Ziogler, $82.50; W. W. Irvln $72.00; J. Kraft, $29. 00; E. Deetz, $38.70; A. Snyder, $19. 70; H. Dietx, $72.35; 1). Hepler, $22.20; C. Kochcr, $38.00; A. Zim merman, $2.40; R. Bonn, $128.95; J. Bonn, $90.05; F. Mills, $125.35; C. Oldilcld, $20.70; J. Kisher, $00.05; A. Pratt, $37.40; I). Sheppnrd, $20.05; E. Skinner, $03.05; R. Hish, $09.10; L. Kerr, $27.85. DIST. NO. 24 W. W. Irvin, $126. 05; C. E. Miller, $81.67; J. Stauffer, $21.00; F. Hoatettler, $41.10; Goo. Hendrk'kgon, $18.00; J. D. Lofgreen, $25.50; Ed. Bellknap, $10.00; C. John son, $21.00; E. Deetz, $3.00; S. Buny, $5.70; II Deetz, $9.95; R. Fish, $2.35; E. Skinner, $2.35; A. L. Headings, $24.40; P Wcignnd, $35.90; A. Yoder $1.90; H. II. Deetz, $0.05; F. Ritter1, $30.00; A C. Stuwe, $30.45; J. Gah lor, $2.50; A. KaufTmnn, $27.07; C. C. Knutson, $16.80; C. Kochcr, $3.80; R. Bonn, $5.70;' J. Bonn, $0.00; F. Mills, $0.00; A. Prntta, $4.00. DIST. NO. 25 Ed. Harnuck, $0.00; Rudolf Klaus, $6.00; Herman Harms $6.00; D. Harms, $6.00; Chas. Gel brich, $4.00; Ben Krauae, $3.00; G. George Krauso, $3.00; Rufus Krax berger, $0.00; George Sutherland, $1.60; Joe Gibson, $1.50; Rudolph Klaus, $8.18. DIST. NO. 26-Jerry Baty, $0.00; W. J. E. Vlck, $3.60. DIST. NO. 27 Andrew Oster, $12.50; W. P. Nicholson, $5.00; L. Bowman, $1.25; I. D. Larkins, $17. 50; Carl Johnson, $1.25; C. P. Thom as, $1.25. DIST. NO. 28 A. L. Brougher, $6.30 j A. M. Groshong, $15.25; C. D. Groshong, $10.50; G. M. Groshong, $3.00; Frank Brosig, $9.00; Chas. Lawsingcr, $3.00; Al Dale, $2.25; E. L. Palfrey, $21.00; C. W. Herman, $1.75; John Miller, $7.50; John Trul linger, $14.00; Walter Russell, $12.- 00; Ed Russell, (12,00; Bert New-! man, (3.00; D. W. Badger, (3.00; N.I It. Wade, (20.26: Andy Muzlngo.i (10.50. DIST. NO. 29-Millard Crlaaell, (2.00; O. H. Gray, (22.50. DIST. NO. 80 Glenmorrl Quurry Co., (228.00; II. Holland, $0.00; E. R. WhltUn, (25.60; F. E. Whltten, (13 50 j J. It. Wanker, (3.00; A. Nellaon, (0.00; II. Duncan, (4.60; II. Whllten, (3.00; Ed Wanker, (1.60; John Wank er, (28.60; W. Kalaer, (H.00. DIST. NO. 31-W. 8. Sharp, (18.. (18.00; 0. Sharp, (30.00; 8. Turner, (34.50; G. F. Aden, (30.00; F. Schor- tier, (30.00; J. Rablek, (30.00; W. G. Schatz, (30.00; A. C, Mayes, (30.00; O. Peters, (30.00; G. G. 1'etera, $18. 00; II Sharp, (18.00; R. Thompson, (18.00; C. E. Jones, $18.00; E. W. Milmn, (24.00. DIST. NO. U Aug. Holxnagel, (16.00; Harry Joat, (12.38; G. G. Robertaon, (1.60; Tom Baker, (2.25; Geo. Stahlnecker, (2.25. DIST. NO. 33 Frank Millard, (23.00; A. D. Thomas, (3.75; Marlon Tucker, (3.00; Iaalah Tucker, (3.00. DIST. No. 34 E. A. Hackett, (32.- 60; Glenmorrla uarry Quarry Co., I (102.00; F. A. Zimmerman, (10.00; C. Zimmerman, (2.00; E. Oldcnatadt, (3.00; R. Oldenstadt, (3.00; N. Chris tenaen, (3.00; W. Kaiser, (20.00. DIST. NO. 36 P. R. L. A P. Co., (70.76; C. W. Schuld A Sons, (68.00; Fred Wagntr (30.00; I L. Grimn, (10.50; Emery Radford, (31.50; Jack Barnett, (12.00; V. E. Hengstler, (22.50; L, Van DeMoortele, (15,00. DIST. NO. 86 Ruymon Simmona, (3.76; Willard Stanton, (3.00; John Stanton, (3.60. DIST. NO. 37 Columbia Contract Co., (50.00; Col. Con. Co., (0.40; Glenmorrla Quarry Co., $99.00; C. W. Kruae, (30.37; Ben Koenlg, (7.50; Henry Otwatcr, (1.50; Clarence Kruae, (1.50. DIST. NO. 41 H. II. Udell, (0.75; Charley Updcfrrave, (1.12. DIST. NO. 42 John Wataon, (5.00; John Shoemaker, (5.00; Geo. M. Chrlatenaon. (3.60; L. D. Yoder, (3. 50; G. Williams, (1.50. DIST. NO. 4:1 P. R. L, A P. Co.. $01.38; W. II Douglass, $24.75; W. It. Woodle, $21.00; Oacur Judd, $3. 00; J. !I. Woodle, (9.00. DIST. NO. 45 L. P Elliott, (7.75; John I'utz, (9.00; S. B. Brown, $5.00; C. A. Freeman, $3,00; Karl Klung, $3.00; Heminic Klung, $3.00; Hurry Buurer. $3.00. ' DIST. NO. 40 Parkplacc Store, $1.00; Edward Navhand, $8.75; Chas. Hatlan, $3.00; Owen' Hattan, $3,00. DIST. NO. 49 E. E. I'inkley, $9.00; A. W. I'inkley, $9.00; Tobo Eaah, $12.00; A. Scott, $24.76; L. J. Palmateer, $14.00; J. T. Snyder, $3.00; Julius Markwart. $0.00. DIST. NO. 62 W. A. Ulrich, $14 00; Narmer Peterson, $3.00; Elmer Zinsen, $3.00; Chas. Henderson, $0.00, DIST. NO. 53 A. N. Dam, $8.75; I. D. Urkina, $5.25, DIST. NO. 54 R. W. Zimmerman, $8.00; H. T. Jensen, $18.00; J. Dres- cher, $9.00; E. Jensen, $9.00; T, Thyker, $24.00; C. Potwin. $3.00. DIST. NO. 67 William Pimm, $3. 00; Jeaa Hepler, $3.00; Fred Walch, $3.00; J. W. Eby, $3.00; Herman Eliason, $3.00; Chas. Lyle, $6.00. Special District Fund SPECIAL NO. 6-Jarl A Eri, $0. 10; Bruns Lumber Co., $38.10; R. E. Jarl, $21.00; N. H. Bickford, $16.60; Max Kligol, $3 00; J. A. Albel, $2.26; Dave Jarl, $15.00; C. Timmerman, $4.50; Will Bell, $5.25; B. Nelson, $0.00; I. H. Phipps, $3.00; J. Jarl, $0.00. SPEC. NO. 11 N. Leiter, $6.00; C. A. Mann, $9.00; C. R. Livesay, $19.50; J. W. Bryant, $3.00. SPEC. NO. 28 Chas. Johnson, $1.60; A. L. BrouKher, $144.40; J. W Ebner, $108.00; Oscar Vorheis, $33.. 00; O. Sanders, $3.00; W. F. Kruper, $18.00; Roy Thomas, $24.00; A. S Selm. $18.00; J. Heascll, $21.00; A. McNulty, $15.00; Jessie Sheppard, $12.00; Milton Woodford, $12.00; Francis Shilta, $6.00; Bill Milkins, $0.00; R. D. Groshonpr, $0.00; Marion Crites, $1.60; A. E. Thomas, $20.25; A. M. Groahonir, $8.25; G. M. Gro- shonir. $12.00. SPECIAL NO. 47 W. II. Counaell, $189.00. General Roada Paving H. W. Stevens. $22.50; Chase Lin ton Gravel Co., $U0 General Ronda Bridges Union Mills, $120.72; Honeymnn Hardware Co., $105.35; Glen Onk Lumber Co., $19.71; Marion Coimtv. Oregon, $59.32; A. StefnnI, $12.52; E. l'craingcr, $3.60; II. Engel. $8.00; W. Randall, $6.00; E. Gelbrick, $6.00; F. Huiras, $9.00; T. Inglis, $2.00; W. Dutcher, $114.00; C. Livo.say. $3.00; G. E. Cantril, $1.00; I. French $6.00; V. W. Wallace, $6.00; C. A. Wallace, $4.00; L. G. Woolstad, $1.00; A. L. Yoder, $7.80; Geo. M. Christen son, $10.00; John Gregory, $12.00; Oscar Jacobson, $6.00; W. J. E. Vick $34.00; Chns. Cnlluhan, $19.50; J. D. French, $10.50; J. F. Nelson, $3.00; II. II. Ilahl, $21.00. General Roads Highway S. Nash, $2.00; Cnnby Hardware & Implement Co., $31.00; A. Stefani, $623.67; E. Faulkner, $36.00; S. B. Hess, $36.00; A. H. Knight, $4.00; Hogjf Rros., $4.55; Chase Linton Gravel Co., $24.70; Oregon Partland Cement Co., $34.50; L. E. May, $82. 37; A. S. Newton, $159.25; R. Hunter, $22.75; S. Nash, $83.13; E. Nash, $78.30; J. W. Johnson, $60.50; D. Fam-hcr, $47.69; Eldon Swick,. $32. 80; B. Newton, $15.75; J. W. Meier, $34.12; J. Kcpcha, $150.00; R. J. Mat toon, $24.00; L. E. May, $2.00. General Roads W. II. Bonney, $135.88; East Side Mill & Lumber Co., $28.51; R. Rich ardson, $6.75; Carton & Rosenkrans, Co., $15.35; Miller-Porker Co., $27.56; M. E. Gaffney, $13.65; Hodson-Fee-naughty Co., $90.05; H. W. Sharp & Co., $21.28; Mt Taber Garage, $3.79; Concrete Pipe Co., $101.62; Good Roads Mach. Co., $9.75; Howard Cooper Corp., $63.80; P. R. L. & P. Co., $20.20; C. W Schuld & Sons, $16.00; O. P. Roethe, $74.00; Chas. Moran, $31.50; Alex Gill, $15.75; Chase-Linton Gravel Co., $3.25; Matt Greenslade, $22.00; Glenmorrie Quar ry Co., $9.00; E. A. Hackett, $41.00; Falls Transfer Co., .$9.00; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $48.00; M. E. Gaf fney, $68.00; A. Martin, $102.00; Herman Timmer, $8.00; John Hoff man, $51.00; Chas. Haymaker; $48.. 00; J. A. Davis, $6.00; J. S. Boylea, (9.00; (i. B. lloylea, (0.00; I). L. E. A. Hackett, Co., (2.64; R. Frlederlch, (171.00; (3.00; P. R. L. A P. E. Thompson, (0.00; John Hatton, $15.75; K. C. Gerber, (00.00; J. W. Davenport, (1.60; R. E. Thompson, (0.00; Henry Bnbler, (17.60; E. C. Gerber, (42.00; Fred Gerber, (21.00; R. E, Thompson, (42.00; Grant Mum power, (3,60; E. R. Kiljcallon, (40 00; Clackamas County Bunner, (12. 76; T. A. Roots, (208.80; G. W. White Garage, (1.20; Pacific High way Garage, (10.00; J. I. Cuae T. M. Co,, $4.67; Guatav Fischer, $7.30; Wm. Kuuke, $207.32; Joaph Schmidt $100.00; John Weber, $75.00; Mary E. Ambler, $15.00. General County Fund IIOUNTY-G. N. Flyn, $3.00; J. A. Odell, $13.00; Gilbert Johnson, $3.00; A. L. Heacock, $3.00. ELECTION D. M. Klcmson, $0.60; E. A Hackett, $4.60. SHERIFF-Miller-Parker Co., $1. 00; Weatern Union Co., $0.33; Wm. J. Wilson, $13.00; II. II. Hughes, $22.5Q; L. P. Spagle, $2.50; Jones Drug Co., $2.00; A. E. Joyncr, (87.00. CLERK The Courier Press, (54.- 75; Oregon City Enterprise, (196.55; Clackamas County Banner, (92.95; Fred A. Miller, County Clerk, (12.00; Hogg Bros., (1.00; Fred A. Miller, Co. Clerk, (2.60; Jones Drug Co., (0.15; Huntley Drug Co., (34.00; Rushong & Co., (26.80. RECORDER J, G. Noe, (14.67; Huntley Drug Co., (3.80; Bushong & Co., $41.00. TREASURER A. L. Dunn, $5.00; Niagara Fire Insurance Co., $245.00; Jones Drug Co., $0.05; Huntley Drug Co., $0.05; Huntley Drug Co., $10.05. ASSESSOR Clackamas County Banner, $5.75; Huntley Drug Co., $4.75; Edith Alldredge, $106.70; Vlr- gmla Shaw, $40.00; Gertie Wilson, $45.00; W. B. Cook, $40.00. COUNTY COURT II. S. Anderson SlO.00; W. A. Proctor, $37.00; W. F. Harris, $52.00; A. E. Joyner, $10.60; Clackamas County Banner, $19.90; II. S. Anderson, $16.40; Huntley Drug Co., $5.05; Frank Busch, $31.00. COURT HOUSE Home Telephone Co., $23.85; Pacific Tel. Co., $36.30; Coast Chemicul Co., $19.75; Jones Drug Co., $8.50; Hogg Bros., $1X5; Huntley Drug Co., $1.15; Emery 1). French. $27.45; J. W Jones, $2.00. CIRCUIT COURT C. A. Uwis, $3.00; J. Dean Butler, $2.50; J. Ben nett, $2.50; The Courier Press, $3.75; Clackamas County Banner, $10.50; J. C. Bradley, $9.20; Fred Madiaon, $12.00; E. A. Shover, $13.00; Geo. V. Adams, $12.40; I. A. Miley, $12.00; John M. Stormcr, $13.00; T. C. Thom aa, $9.50; Edwin Bates, $13.00; C. E. Ilnttin, $10.00; I A. Miley, $2.70; Thurston Covcll, $2.20; Harry Covell, $2.20; -Etta Lindaw, $2.60; Lavina Thorne, $2.20; Wm. J. Wilson, $2.20; C. G. Millurd, $3.00; Mike Gaffney, $3.00; Erastus A. Smith, $5.00; F. C. Burke, $2.20; Dan Watts, $3.00; A. E. Joyner, $2.20; G. E. Stuart, $2.20; Ossie A Davia, $3.00; Emma M. Spooncr, $3.60; W. E. Millard, $3.60; G. L. Updegrove, $3.00; E. Carter, $3.00; Henry Hughes, $2.20; D. E. Frost, $2.20; Joe Vidic, $2.20; E. G. Surfus, $2.20; Guy Mount, $2.20; Ita Covell, $2.20; Haiel oung, $2.20; Minda E. Church, (2.20. JUSTICE COURT The Courier Press, $17.60; Ed Fortune, $18.70; Niagara Fire Insurance Co., $10.00; A. E. Joyner, $0.00; F. M. Henriksen, $2.00; E. R, Todd, $2.00; W. A. Beck, $5.00. CORONER-W. E. Harris, $10.00; E. L. Johnson, $14.20. SURVEYOR Oregon City Enter prise, $0.95; Chas. Simmona, $3.00; II. II. Johnson, $22.96. INSANE Dr. C. H. Meissner, $5.00. SCHOOL SUPT. J. E. Calavan, $0.89; Brenton Vedder, $35.70; Mar garet Curran, $4.87; J. E. Calavan, $10.50; J. Franklin Mitts, $6.00; Min da E. Church, $12.16; H. H. Hughes, $38.50; Huntley Drug Co., $8.45. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. M. C. Strickland, $20.50; Oregon City En terprise, $6.95; Chas. Simmons, $3. 00; H. II. Johnson, $22.96. CATTLE INDEMNIT Y M r s. Flora Lynch, $12.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER E. B Grant, $40.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth (self), $10.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid So ciety, $10.00; Hoff Bros. (Tom Jones), $19.00; Mrs. Bradtlo (J. McNamara), $10.00; Dock Mosier (self), $14.00; Mrs. Jessie Chalk (self), $16.00; Mrs. 10. W. Thompson (self), $14.00; Ada LeBaw (self & children), $8.00; Katie l'luard (self), $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eu nice Horner), $10.00; Ben Landes $12.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.00; C. H. Dybdahl (self), $20.00; Mrs. N. E. Taylor (Mr. and Mrs. Booher), $14.00; Wm. Dickelman (self), $20.00; John & Wm. Beers, (selves), $20.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders (self), $5.00; Mary Lock, (self), $10.00; Anna Wetterlin (self), $10.00; Maud Williams (child in care of), $15.00; J. B. Sallee (W. T. Tins ley & Aug. Johnson), $50.00; Geo. H. Newsome (self), $15.00; A. McCon nell (Davis), $20.00; Mrs. Z. Murphy (self & child), $15.00; Andrew Lund (self), $12.00; Dennis Donovan (Je rome Hamilton), $18.00; Mrs. Gage (self), $10.00; J. G. Wake (self), $7.00; Mrs. N. B. Stevens (W. D. Hodges, Cash McKarty), $50.00; Mrs. M. J. Trullinger (Annie Langs ford), $40.00; S. Woods (self), $12.00; Geo. Noaks (self), $20.00; Jack Ham ilton (self), $15.00; Jones Drug Co. (medicine), $4.48; Geo. Harding (medicine), $6.30; Dunning & Mc Entee (Edward Miller), $40.00; R. R. Carlson (John G. Bertschinger), $30.00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $23.00; J. W. Currin (Kate Youdes ka), $5.00; Huntley Drug Co. (Mr. Noaks), $2.36; Holmnn & Pace (C. H. Dybdahl & Kate Youdeska),- $60.00; Gustav Fischor (Mrs. Landis), $9.21; J. Bickner & Sons (W. J. Woods), $32.15; Oregon City Hospital Co., (Dave Cameron & Dydahl), $64.25; Samiel Wright (John Beers), $4.00; Robbing Bros. (Henry Russell, $12.. 58; Mrs. Fred Schwarti (Mrs. Trul linger), $10.00; International Sales & Prod. Co., $10.00; Elwell & Berry (Wm. Ashley), $60.19; E. A. Hack ett (Chas. McKinnig), $16.00; David E. Jones (Tom Jones), $5.00; Bat dorff Bros. (Mrs. Granquist), $10.00; Huntley Drug Co. (Salow), $10.74; Gibbs & Son (John Beers). $7.50: Brady Mercantile Co. (G. W. Boggs), $12.00; W. J. Wlrtz (Luulla Thomp- son), $32.00; II. S. Anderson (G. F. Noaka for Invalid child), $10.00; Mrs. Jackson (self), $15.00; Mrs. M. E. Bell (H. Halo), $5.00; J. C. Nealigh (Mrs. Roberts), $3.50; Batdorff Bros. (Mrs. Gran)uit), $20.00; O. E. Melndl (J. G. Scahorn), $10.00; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKinnla), $12.00; J. C. Penny Co (August Nausenherg) $20.00; Mary A. Kidder (Mrs. Swng ert), $30.00; Mrs. Fred Hinder (Mr. Matheaon), (30.00; Parkplace store (Mrs. Roberts), $14.98. JAIL The Falls Restaurant, (7. 25; New Brunswick Hotel, (2.00; W. J. Wilson, (59.97. JUVENILE COURT-A. E. Joy ner, (12.25; Mrs. Eby, (05.00; Minda E. Church, (51.42; Doctors Mount, $15.00; H. H. Hughes, $2.60; Ed For tune, $5.20; Bannon & Co., $11.89. PRINTING & A DV, The Molalla Pioneer, $8.00; The Courier Press, $59.24; Oregon City Enterprise, $20. 84. COUNTY FAIR Firat National Bank of Canby, $687.20. SEALER J. F. Jones, $32.76. TAX DEIT. Burroughs Adding I jtiacnine 1.0., vi.v, u. 01. vaiowen, (40.96; Oregon uiy hnterpnse, (412.00; T. A. Burke, (25.00; Bush ong Co., (6.00; Edith Alldredge, (7.20; Gordon Wilson, (8.00; London Insurance Corp., (225.00; Jones Drug Co., (2.05; W. J. Wilaon, (30.00; Huntley Drug Co., (4.10. PROHIBITION W. J. Wilson, (10.00; H. E. Meads, (140.94; A. E. Joyner, (89.50. BOUNTY G. H. Krebs, (3.00; J. D. Davis, (2.00. FIRE PATROL O. P. Hoff, State Trtas., (335.67. INSURANCE Frank Busch, (30. 00; Dillman & Howland, (02.04; Gen era! Accident Fire & Life Assur ance Corp., (62.10; The London As- Ourance Corp., (08.75; Oregon Ag ricultural Agent, $191.05; State Ag ricultural College, $008.95; Oregon City Enterprise, $41.95. If you want the family to be healthy and active, give them Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. It regulates the bowels, helps the ap petite .puts life and energy In the whole ftmily. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Huntley Drug Co. Adv. Classified Ads PUBLIC AUCTION I will sell at public auction at my place, three fourths mile west of Barlow, Feb. 28, 15 bead work horses, 20 head cows and heifers, some farm ma chinery and harness. A. O. Porter. FOR SALE 40 Angora goats and a dozen pair of Guinea fowls. N. W. Hagemann, R. F. D. No. 2, Oregon City. FOR SALE Two brood sows and small pigs. W. F. Mundhenke, Clackamas. Phono 16F21. FOR SALE CHEAP Two brooder stoves, coal burners; 600 to 1000 chicks. Kelnhofer Bros, Clackamas, Oregon, Route It phone 16F21. DEAD HOUSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukle 69-J. "WILLAMETTE NAVIGATION CO. "steamer every day freight only Portland to Oregon City, from Wash ington Street Dock. Save Tim. 8av Money." FOR SALE Two brood sows and small pigs. W. F. Mundhenke, Clackamas . Phone 16F21. WEST LINN now on the map. When you come to town visit West Linn Inn dining room between 12:00 and 1:00, and 5:30 and 6:30. Try the 60c meal made from county produce bought from Clackamas County farm ers. See Mr. F. T. Barlow and ar range with him to buy your farm products, your yearling calf, your pig, and be paid cash on delivery at best market rates. West Linn is just across the bridge from Seventh and Main, Oregon City. West Linn Inn barber shop best work, cleanest shop. Hair cut 35c, shave 20c. Try it also and save money. Have you any good apples left? Tell Mr. Barlow. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has been, by order of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the Estate of Mary Minerva Gordon, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me. duly verified, at the office of my attorney, H. E. Cross, No. 12 Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. First publication, February 21. 1919. ISAAC N. GARD, Executor. H.E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the Estate of Loren G. Har rington, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with prop er vouchers, duly certified according to law, at the office of Brownell ft Slev ers, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publica tion of this notice. Dated, February 21. 1919. MATILDA M. HARRINGTON, Administratrix of the Estate of Lor en G. Harrington, deceased. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for administratrix, Oregon City, Oregon. SUMMON3 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. John Hedlund, Plaintiff, vs. Adriana Hedlund, Defendant. To Adriana Hedlund, Defendant, to wit: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer, the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause, within six weeks from the date of the first publication ot this sum- nions, and If you fail to so appear and answer said cause and complaint on or before six Weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this summons, tbe plaintiff will ap ply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In hla complaint to wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plain- tifr and the defendant and for such further relief as tc the court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is publlahed In pur suance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered Febru ary 18, 1919, directing this summons to be publlahed once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation publlahed In Clack amas County, Oregon. Date of first publication February 21. 1919. Date of last publication April 7th, 1919. O. D. EBY, Attorney, for Plaintiff, Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la hereby given that the un derslgned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Anna Boeckman Wernly, deceased.' All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the office of Hammond ft Ham mond, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law re quired, within six months from the date hereof. ALEXANDER WERNLY, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Boeckman Wernly, deceased. HAMMOND & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Administrator. First publication February 7. 1919. Last publication March 7, 1919. . SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas H. A. Askwith, PlalntliT, vs. C. F. Richardson, First State Bank of Mllwaukle, a corporation, Richard W. Scott Trustee, and Theordore Schiel, doing business as Highland Plumbing Co., Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, BS. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, iJ the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 10th day of February. 1919, upon a Judgment render ed and entered in said court on the 21st day of August, 1918, in favor of H. A. Askwith, plaintiff, and against C. F. Richardson of said Defendants, for the sum of $275.16, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 21st day of March. 1917, and the further sum of $1.40 for filing lien, and the further sum of $50.00 as attorney's fee. Also in favor of Theodore Schiel. cross-complainant and against said defendant C. F. Rich ardson, for the sum of $73.00 with In terest thereon at 6 per cent from De cember, 1917. till paid; and for the further sum of $1.40 for filing and re cording lien and (25 attorneys fees, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, to-wit: . A part of the Donation Land Claim of William Meek an! wife In Township 1 South of Range 1 East of the Will amette Meridian .bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at n Iron pipe driven in the Easterly side of the Mllwaukle and Sellwood County Road No. 887, as the same is duly laid out and surveyed, the records of which are on file in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, which beginning point is 1550.35 feet north and' 619.65 feet west of a stone monument set at an inter section of the center line of Main street with center line of Jefferson street in Town of Mllwaukle, Clacka mas County. Oregon, and which point is also 3574.06 feet south and 778.86 feet east of an Iron pipe driven at the north west corner of the line of the grantors herein; running thence north 70 37' East at right angles to said Milwaukie and Sellwood County Road aforesaid 235 feet to a point on John son Creek from which an iron pipe driven in the ground bears south 70 27' west 45 feet distant; thenco south 19 13' east 105 feet to iron pipe; and thence south 70 47' west 237.37 feet to an iron pipe driven in the easterly side of aforesaid Milwaukie and Sellwood County Road; thence northerly tracing' curve of easterly line of aforesaid county road 105.5 feet to the beginning, containing 0.5692S acres in Clackamas County, Oregon, said building and lot being the property of the defendant, C. F. Richardson. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution. Judgment order and decree, and .in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 15th day of March, 1919; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above de scribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Febru ary 14, 1919. v SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. Evelyn L. Schelberg, Plaintiff, vs. George G. Schelberg, Defendant. To George O. Schelberg, above nam ed defendant: In the name ot the State ot Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C. Latouiutti, President The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Phones Pacific El Home A-ltJ GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney- t-Law All legal buslnesa promptly attended U William Hammond Philip l Hammond HAMMONO A HAMMOND Attorneya-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CUT, ORKOON Paclfle Phona (1 Horn Pa one A-I7I Office Phones Paclfle Main 401; Home A-270. (TONE A MOULTON Attorney t-Law Beaver Bldf ., Room ( OXEQON CITT .... OREGON If yon fall so to appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed tor In the complaint, which is that the marriage now exist ing between you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved, and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is ser ved upon you by publication by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, which order la dated February 4th. 1919, and the time prescribed In said order for the publi cation is once a week for six consecu tive weeks. The date of the first pub lication of this summons is February 7th, 1919, and the last date of publica tion is March 21,1919. FRANK C. HANLET. Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address: Yeon Building, Port land, Oregon. 8HERIFF-8 8ALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacks mas. Mary R. Brazell, Plaintiff. TB. William L, Borthwlck and Ruth M. Borthwick his wife, Clinton A Am brose and Hattle F. Ambrose hi wife. Defendants. State ot Oregon, County of Clackamas, as: By virtue ot a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of Use above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 24tA day ot January, 1919, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 23rd day of Janu ary. 1919, in favor ot Mary R. BraxelL Plaintiff, and against Wm. L. Borth wlck and Ruth M. Borthwick, his wife. Defendants, for the sum of (1272.00. with Interest thereon at the rate ot eight per cent per annum from the 23rd day of January, 1919, and the fun ther sum of (100.00, as attorney's fee. and the further sum of (12.35 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: All of the west half ot the northeast quarter; the southeast quarter ot the northwest quarter; and the northeast quarter ot the southwest quarter of section fourteen (14) township two (2) south range six (6) east of the Willam ette Meridian containing one hundred sixty 160) acres of land more or leas in Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 1st day of March, 1919; at the hour of 10 o'cleck A. M.. at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, tor TJ. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the with in named defendants or either of them, had on the date ot the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above de scribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all ac cruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, January 31st, 1919. . Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. J. W. Ogilbee, executor of the Will of Mary A. Pearson, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. E. N. Pearson, S. E. Pearson, and Lulu Farrak, Defendants. To E. N. Pearson, S. E. Pearson and Lulu Parrak, defendants above named : In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date ot the first publi cation of this summons, to-wit on or before the 25th day of February, 1919, and it you tall to so appear and answer said complaint for want thereof, plain tiff will app'y to the court for the re lief prayed for in the complaint here with, to-wit: For a decree that Mary A. Pearson was the owner in fee sim ple at the time ot her death of the East one-half of the north-east quarter and lots one (1) and two (2) in Section four (4) township four (4) south of range four (4) east of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas County, Ore gon, and plaintiff Is entitled as execu tor of her estate to sell said property free from cloud and all claims and de mands made by defendants and each of them upon said property, for hla costs and disbursements and such other relief as shall he equitable. This WEINHARO SUILDIHC F. T 1 v rd,;.. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. C. IC8UIIIL Attorney-at-Law Will practice In all eoarts, make col lections and settlement. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon Clt. Oregon. C. D. A O. C. LATOURETTJ Attoraeya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice la First National Bank Bid., Oregon City, Oregon. O. O. EBY Attorney- t-La Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examiuaJ, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank ef Oregon City. summons Is served upon you by pub lication for six successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise by order of Honorable 1. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court duly made and en tered on the 8th day of January, 1911. Date of the first publication of this notice la the 10th day of January, 1919, and the last publication the 21st day of February, 1919. W. Y. MASTERS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Room 320-321 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 8ummons for Publication. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Frank D. Travis, Plaintiff, vs. Elsie M. Travis, Defendant To Elsie M. Travis, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby directed to appear in the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 8 th day ot March, 1919, and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed against you herein, or for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, which is for a decree dissolving the marriage rela tion now existing between you and plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and Just This summons Is served upon you by publication by an order ot the Hon orable J. TJ. Campbell, Judge ot the above entitled court, which order la dated and entered January 23, 1919. Firat publication January 24, 1919. Last publication March 7, 1919. TYSON KINSELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: (12-13 Henry Building, Portland, Oregon. Summon for Publication In closure of Tax Lien. Fore- In the "Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Clackamas County. R. J. Cook. Plaintiff, vs. P. K. Johnson, Defendant To P. K. Johnson, the above named Defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: Your are hereby notified that R. J. Cook the holder of Certificate of De linquency numbered 1770 issued on the 5th day of March, 1917, by Tax Collec tor ot the County of Clackamas, State ot Oregon, for the amount of Five and 98.100 dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1914, together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon up on the real property assessed to you, ot which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, towit: Lot seven (7) block twenty-three (23) Falls View Addition' to Oregon City, Oregon. You are further notified that said R. J. Cook has paid taxes on said prem ises for prior or subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Year's tax 1915, date paid, March 6, 1917; tax receipt number 16986; Amount (4.65; rate of Interest 15. Year's tax 1916; date paid March 28, 1917; tax receipt number 3575; amount $4.08; rate ot interest 15. t Year's tax 1917; date paid November 4, 1918; tax receipt number 17023; amount $4.08; rate of interest 15. Said R. J. Cook as the owner ot the legal title ot the above described property as the same appears of rec ord, and each of the other persons above named are hereby further noti fied that R. J. Cook will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above de scribed and mentioned in said certifi cate. And your are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of the summons ex clusive ot the day of said first publica tion, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued Interest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the Hen ot said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order ot the Honorable J .TJ. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas, and said order was made and dated this 31st day of December, 1918, and the date ot the first publication of this summons is the 3rd day of January, 1919. . AH process and papers In this pro ceedings may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the Stat ot Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. ' C. SCHTJEBEL and L. 8TIPP, Attorneys for Plain UK. Address Oregon CHy, Oregon.