Page 2 omSCiONCTTY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1919. -I U-: f Mi r. : Newsy Briefs From Wilsonville WILSONVILLE, Feb. 20. Milton Soely, arrived home from Seattle, Fri day, where he was enlisted In the nary. Mrs. M. C. Young spent a few dayt in Portland this week, and watched the 65th come In on Monday. George Derr, of Portland, spent Sun day at the home of Mrs. Derr'a par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Batalgia, Ed Elligsen, arrived home from the navy, last week. Paul Jaeger and Henry Jaeger have received leave of absence from Brem erton, where they were enlisted in the navy. Mrs. M. C. Young, George Batalgia, Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Say. Jessie Angus and Jack Angus, were among visitors to Portland on Monday to see the 65th come in. Mrs. Cora Butterworth, of Seattle, and Mrs. Ida Rhode, of Portland, vis ited their sister Mrs. Reed Graham, on Sunday and Monday, coming by auto from Seattle. The L 0. O. F. and Rebekah lodges held a Joint installation on Saturday evening, February 15th In the hall of the local lodge, at which time the fol lowing officers were installed by An ton Batalgia for the I. O. O. F.: A. Hasselbrink, N. O.; Fred Sohn, V. O.; Walter Sharp, sec, and Tom M alloy, treasurer. The officers In stalled by Mrs. Iderhoff for the Rebekah lodge were Mrs. Matilda Iderhoff, N. G.; F. Rogers, V. G; B. Batalgia, sec, and F. Sohn. treasurer. A very enjoyable sup per was served at the close of the ritualistic work of the orders. Messrs. Austin and son, of Portland, were out-of-town guests at the installation. Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, Feb. 20. Bren ton Vedder the county school super visor visited the Mountain Road school last Wednesday. The school cele brated Lincoln's birthday and Mr. Vedder gave a talk to the children which was enjoyed by all. Grace Schuebel spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Mulino. Mr. Joe Bernert was an Oregon City shopper Saturday. Miss Mabel and Sylvia Hodge of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents. A very enjoyable time was spent last Friday at John Hellberg's place In honor of Mrs. Hellberg's father, broth er and sister, who left for the east Sat urday. Mrs. William Hellberg, who has been ill for some time, is able to be up now. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser spent Sun day In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodge spent Mon day in Portland. Stafford STAFFORD, Feb. 20 Walter Schati is able to be up and about, after a ser ious illness of influenza and pneu monia. Mrs. Adolph Delkar and children and Mrs. Nemec, visited In Portland Sunday. ' Sidney Seedling was an Oregon City visitor last week. Mr. Milem sold his place to Rabicks, and will Boon move to Portland, where he will make his home. The Ladies circle will meet with Mrs. Elligsen this week. There was no meeting last month because of the influenza epidemic. Lyle Tiedeman, having received his honorable discharge, is now at home. The teachers and pupils are all well and back at school again. Harry Gebhardt is building a new garage. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elllgsen's baby girl was buried last Saturday. The parents have the sympathy of their many friends. George GEORGE, Feb. 20. Henry Rumer j and Mart Doryland was transacting! business in Estacada last Saturday. Ed Harders and P. Ruhl motored to Portland last Thursday. Ed Scheel and Joseph Weiderhold were Estacada visitors Monday. Mr. W. Terurilllger, who is working in Portland, visited his family at George over Sunday. Mr. Matthews moved out from Port land last Tuesday onto his homestead. Theodore Harders was transacting business in Estacada Monday. Hazelia HAZELIA, Feb. 20. The members cf the Hazelia school enjoyed a vaca tion last Monday. Messrs. Wenzel H. Zivney, Anton Nellson and Richard Zivney donated the use of theflr ma chines and the pupils spent the day in Portland, helping to celebrate the ar rival of the 65th. Miss Edith Wanker ,of Oswego, spent Sunday with Miss Irene Duncan. Miss Jean Wilson has completed the college prepatory course in Lincoln high school at Portland and was gradu ated from that school last Friday even ing, February 14. Mr. and Mrs. Max McMahan and two children, of Portland, visited Mrs. Mc Mahans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wanker, this week. The meeting held in the schoolhouse Saturday evening for the benefit of the relief in the near east fund was well CoL W. S. Wood Auctioneer Vancouver, Wash. Farm Sales a specialty. Phone or write lor dates or make arrangements Enterprise office. 10WB rtfr MogaH'Mf, "tu vertrraV, nvm.l'- - j m ....I ' in i '- i - 'V All Over the County attended. Dr. Roy Prudden, of Oregon City, delivered an address, arte which contributions were taken for the relief without any difficulty. The first one of the boys represented on the Haxelta service flag to be wel comed back to Oregon is Alonio Hays, who arrived in the 65th regiment last Monday. He has seen active service on the front in France. Oswego OSWEGO, Feb, 20. Dr. Spencer and wife have moved to Portland torr the rest of the winter. Mrs. Pennevoet and daughter, have moved in to the Kohler cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Isacison are the proud parents of a baby boy, born February 10. Mr. Douglas Gillies left Friday night for Detroit, Michigan, to be at the bed side of his mother who is very ill. A very pleasant btrthdaay party was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davidson's on Wednesday, Bebru ary 5, Mrs. L. M. Davidson being 77 years old. A lovely chicken dinner also cakes and pies and everything good to eat was served which every one enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Cox, Mrs. P. H. Jarlsch. Mrs. Eva Waldorf, Mrs. George Bul lock, Miss Bertha Bulck. Mr. Vernon Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Da vidson. Mrs. Ben Bliss and daughter, Jane, from Battle Ground, Wash., were visit ing relatives in Oswego for a few days the latter part of the week. Mrs. James Gregory, from Camas, Washington, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Austin, a few days last week. The Women of Woodcraft held a meeting at the I. O. O. F. hall last Wednesday night and installed the following officers for the ensuing year: Cora Bullock, G. N.; Mrs. E. B. Worth ington. A.; Mrs. George Thomas. P. G. N.; Mrs. Kempin. M.; Mrs. Mildred Roller, C. of G.; Mrs. Ida Worthington, A; Mrs. Tom Clinefelter, C; Mrs. Anna Conaway. B.; Mrs. Jack Monk, W.; Mrs. Charlie Rosentrater, S. They had postponed their meetings owing to the influenza but are expecting to continue the meetings from now on. Mrs. Ralph Underwood from Clover dale was visiting in Oswego the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles spent the week-end with Mrs. Eccles' brother and sister, Mrs. and Mr. George Bul lock, of South Oswego. Mr. Carl Bethe is very sick with the second attack of influenza. Mrs. Yates, mother of Mrs. Fred Morey, is home from the hospital, where she has been for a few weeks. The Oswego Women's club met at the school house last Wednesday af ternoon. This was the first meeting of the year with 27 members present. All enjoyed a good time, after which lunch consisting of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by Mrs. J. L. Davis and Mrs. George Bullock, who were appointed hostesses for the day. Oak Grove OAK GROVE, Feb. 20. C. N. White went to Portland to visit his daughter, Mrs. Montgomery, for a week. The school chlldrcrn are making a house to house canvass raising funds for the Belgian children. Wayne Arnold is home from France, and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cooper leaves for Seattle the last of the week. Mr. Newberg and little son, Edgar, left Tuesday evening for a few days' visit with his mother at Salem. Mrs. Mattie Robacker Is spending a few days at Mount Pleasant with her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Black. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, of Spokane, Washington, friends of Mrsr. Able, are out here looking for a garage to rent or buy. Miss Hattie Williams was out Mon day looking after the postoffice while Mrs. Benvie went to Portland on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Worthington, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Worthington's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Warren. Mrs. McMillin and little daughter, of Portland, were guests of Mrs. G. S. Sutliff Wednesday. The Milwaukie and Oak Grove social service club met Thursday at Milwau kie. The Needle Craft and Domestic Science club will hold a call meeting Friday at the home of the President, Mrs. H. Gelllsple. All members are requested to be present. The friends and neighbors gave Everette Robinett a surprise party Fri day night at his home in honor of his 28th birthday. The evening was spent in cards and dancing, 16 being present. Dainty refreshments were served by the ladies and a general good time was had by those present. Mr. and Mrs. VanGilder, who recent ly moved from Seward, Alaska, now in the laundry business at St. Helens, Oregon, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Patton Sunday. Mrs. Goodell expects to move to Texas in the near future and Join her husband, who Is in the Y. M. C. A. work in that state. Community Church, J. J. Patton, pas torSunday school meets at 10 a. m. There will be a general exchange of pulpits for the day. Rev. Patton will speak at Molalla and Rev. Abbett of Salem will hold the pulpit in Oak Grove. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, Feb. 20. The Cushing home at Jennings Lodge, was the scene of a very pretty gathering on Tuesday afternoon, February 18th, when a number were asked in in honor of the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losoy. Mrs. Ella Mc Hnrgue and Mrs. Clemens assisted In receiving the guests. Pink potted primroses were used effectively about the rooms. A beautiful bible was presented to Mrs. Losey, Mrs. Hugh Roberts pre senting the gift. An original poem by Mrs. Kelly, which was fitted for the occasion was much enjoyed, Mrs. Losey responding in charming man ner. The invitation list included Rev. Hotchkiss and wife, Mesdames Tuck er, Rush, Gerneau, Lambert, Card, J. Roberts, Elwell. Blinestone, Allen, Hopson, Eades, Covert, Kelly Emmons, Truscott, McHargue. H. Roberts, Clem ens, Laws, Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Losoy and Mrs. Cuahlng. Delicious refreshments were ser ved and congratulations and best wishes were showered upon the couple. Clackamas CLACKAMAS, Feb. 20. The quota tor district No. 64 is $163.00 for the Armenian and Syrian Relief. Chair man Dedman and his assistants are making a thorough canvass of the district, hoping to raise this quota by the 21st of the month. Rev. A. B. Hotchkiss, of Jennings Lodge, will preach In the Congrega tional church next Sunday at 3:30 p. m. The Red Cross auxiliary held its regular weekly "work all day" ses sion at the I. O. O. F. hall on Thura- Here Is The Most Efficient, Dependable and Economical Engine Ever Made One that is full of "Pep" one that is therewith the pull. The all around Engine for General Farm Work. Before you pick out your engine see AH Stover Engines are equipped with Webster Oscillating Mag netosno batteries to bother with. We have also handled the DIAMOND FEED GRINDERS for years and they give perfect satisfaction. We handle a complete stock of repairs for both Grinder and Engine. W. iJ. Wilson. Sc Co. 12TH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON day. A chicken dinner was served at noon and the subands Invited to par take. Seven gentlemen were present. George Moore has leased the Dr. Dedman farm, and moved his family there on Monday. T. A. Roots, road master for Clack amas county, returned from Port land to occuy his Zig-Zag villa here. A party including Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haberlachi Mrs. Charles Street and Mrs. W. F. Habcrlach, motored to Portland on Monday to see Oregon's first big contingent arrive from over seas. It was the 65th Coast Artillery Corps. Mrs. Cora Elma, wife of Jessie J. Walker, aged 27 years, died of pneu monia following Influenza, at her home on Clackamas Heights Monday afternoon. Surviving her are her hus band and three small children. Funer al services were held at the Holman & Pace undertaking parlors, Oregon City, Thursday at two o'clock. Inter ment was In the Clackamas cemetery. A pleasing Arbor day program was observed last Friday afternoon at the school. Parents and patrons witness ed the planting of many choice shrubs. George Washington exercises will be held in the school assembly room next Friday afternoon, commencing at 1 p. m. The program will consist of a community sing, and lecture by Rev. Gilbert, of Oregon City. The Country Club work Is creating much enthusiasm among the children of the school. The sewing club has the largest enrollment, consisting of two divisions with a membership of twenty-one. The officers are: Lovern Flanery, president; Vida Card, vice president; Louise Herbert, secretary. mt""' ?om I" ""it Ttifge reiiows' etory is true, tni The Christian Endeavor social, held at the home of Mrs. H. C. Plep kil on Friday evening, was an enjoy able affair. There wore 36 present. Mrs. L, Hart reaves had as week end guests Miss Marie and Miss June llnrgreaves, of Portland, and Mrs. Edward Hargreaves, of Oregon City. The Red Cross chapter will give a card party In the I. O. O. F. hall on Saturday evening the 22nd. The drawing for the Red Cross quilt will take place at this date, 150 tickets having been sold. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODUK. Feb. 20. The Valentine supper given lust Fri day night was very successful. A delicious supper was served and was enjoyed by all. Candy also was sold. A short program was rendered, con sisting of recitations, songs and mu sic. The church was prettily decorat ed with hearts and greenery. The Parent-Teachers' Association held its regular meeting at the school house Friday. A special program was rendered, also interesting topics were discussed. Many people from Jennings went to Portlnd to welcome home the boys of the 65th on Monday. Several of the children here pur chased goats last week. Grace Trout, Elvln and Llla Diets, and the Smith girls were the ones who purchased goats at the Union Stock Yards. Shubel SCHUEBEL, Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Derrick, of Maple Lane, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettman Sunday, Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schambron, of Maple LaLne. . Mr. and Mrs. John G. Moehnke visit ed at Parkplace Sunday at the home of Mrs. Sam Jones. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Babcock, who formerly lived here, but who now resides in Oregon City, is suf fering from inflamatory rheumatism. Mrs. Otto Iiman is able to be up and around again. Mr. Carr, who owns the Ed Horn shuh farm has temporarily moved back to Stone to care for his place there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moehnke spent Sunday with his brother, Fred Moehnke and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Menke, of Ore gon City, Mr. and Mrs. David Moehnke and family of Clarkes, and Mr. and Mrs. Micael Moehnke, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Moehnke. Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, Feb. 20. There will be Literary Saturday evening, February 22nd, and we expect to have a musical program. Albert tFeerson made a business trip to Oregon City Friday to see about getting his citizenship papers. Hazel, Glenn and Allen Larklns at tended a party at Liberal Saturday evening. Amos Millard, of the Homer & Mil lard mill, who has been stationed at Seattle, received his honorable dis charge and is working In the mill. Fred Blackman and family spent Sunday at R. L. Orem's place at Mrs. Harvey Mattoon Is quite sick with a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creason and fam ily, Mrs. Harry Creason and daughter, of Oregon City, hare moved on the Ranta place. ef?'-": - t Fred Creason Is driving team tor If. Mattoon, who is logging for Homer & Millard at the mill. Olat Olson made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Jlerman Chiiulgren spent Sunday evening at Fred Horner's. Llllle Sehlewe, who is attend lug high school In Oregon City, spent most of last week at home, being ex empted In most nil nor examinations. Allen Larklns upont the week-end at Molalla visiting Carl Fischer. Carus CARl'S. Feb. 20. Asurprlse party was given for Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Stewart. Everyone there had a fine' time. . Otis Howard, who has been In the ' navy for over a year, has received an honorably discharge, and is at hornet with his parents. Mrs. Ed Brown has been quite ill for several days. Miss Lena Schtnelser spent the' week-end at home. Mrs. John Calverley Is Just recover tng from the Influents, Lake Caato has been at home recov ering from a bad bruise on his shoul der, which he received while working for the American Express company. CORA E. WALKER DIES MONDAY OF INFLUENZA Mrs. Cora Elma Walker, wife of Jesso James Walker of " Clackamas Heights, Oregon City, died at the fam ily residence Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, after a brief Illness of Influ enza. Mrs. Walker win born In Oreson September 30. 1892, and has resided, In Oregon City for some time. She Is survived by her husband, Jesse Jumes Walker, throe small children, two sons VER and a daughter. The mother of Mrs. Wa'ker arrived Monday evening. The remains are at the funeral par lo.'s of Holman & Pace, but arrange ments for the funeral have not been made. BABY DIES Albert Elllgses, three-months -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albort El'lgses, died ut the family home near Stafford Thursday. Funoral services will be hold Satur- day from the home at 10 o'clock In the morning und Interment Stafford cemetery. will be in Scrub yourself dally, you are not clean lpsltle. This means clean stom ach, bowels, blood, liver. You clean your hands each day It's more Im portant to cleanse the stomach and bowels. Moral: Take HoUlHtor's Rocky Mountain Tea a thorough cleanser purifier. Huntley Drug Co. Adv. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local dtseane, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to our it ynu must taka an Internal remedy. Hall'i Catarrh Medl olne la taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucoua surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the beat physicians in this country for years. It Is com posed of some of the bent tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of ih ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine la what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Bend for teitlmonlala, free. F. J. CHKNET CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, ne. Hall's Family PUJg for eoattipaUon, -"Ttrtff. Theroux Music House have on hand a full line of high grade pianos of all the leading makes including: Mason & Hamlin, Hard man, Conover, Ludwig, Kingsbury, Milton and Wellington. Theroux terms if desired, a little down and the - balance at your convenience. A variety of styles at from 375 up A good buy in a used piano ' almost new at $1(85 and the usual terms Theroux Music House 210 SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blanch R. Sholtey Repreientatlv. ;SON OF SANDY MAN HOLDS HIGH POSITION. W. J. Wlrts. of this place, hns re col ved word that his lodest son, Carl ) Wlrts, hiis boon appointed chlof elec ; trlcliin of the Panama Omul tone. Mr. Wlrts was with tho O. W. I'. com ' pany for seven years, leaving them to enlist In the navy. He was at Brum iorton for about a year when this ap- polntnient came and he left Immed iately for his new field of duty. Ills many friends are wishing him all success. The wedding of Andrew Oak and Ella Truman, both of Welches. Ore., was solemnized on February 9th. at the Truman ranch. W. J. Wlrts, ofj Sandy, officiated. Those present present were: Mr. and Mrs. C J Hen sen and daughter, Velroa, of l( Zag ranger station: Mrs. Splawn. Geo Oaks and A. Edwards, of Sandy, LOCAL MEN WRITE HOME A letter recently received from Frank Llnhart, who has been across, was mailed In Massachusetts. Lex Schmits Is at Norfolk, Va., and expects to be In Bandy the last of March. A recent letter from Cecil Duke, who Is with tho 20th Engineers, said he might beat the letter home, but he Isn't here yet. R. E. Esson writes from France un der date of January 23, that he la Just recovering from ptomaln polBon. A letter Monday evening from Alox Gray states that he Is with his com pany again. He was reported "miss ing In action" October 6th. Later word was that he was gassed and In an American Red Cross hospital. Alex says he spent Christmas In a convalescent enmp. Alvln Mills writes from Coblontz, Germany, under date of January -19th. According to Alvln, tho Signal Serv ice Corps Ih the busiest bunch In tho a-my of occnpntlon. He said he vlnlt ed'a castle nenr Cnblcntz, that be longed to "Wllholm." Business Changes Geo. Maroney has sold hla confec tionery and pool room to M. T. Galar neau, of Cherryvllle. Mr. Galarnoau takes Immediate possession and Mr. Maroney will take a much-needed va cation. Clackamas County Pioneer Dies Wm. X. Davis, Sr., died January 16th at his old home in Wales, whore he went on a visit about three years ago. The war camo nnd he was tint able to get home. He had made ar rangements to sail December 24th, but some delay in gottlng his pass port, held him. From word received by his family It seems he went to sleep In his chair and nover wakoned. He has two sons in service in France. aml one on the farm near Oregon City, Mrs. Wm. X. Davis, Jr., Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills, of Sandy, She Is now with her mother-in-law, who is in St. Vincent's hospital recov ering from a broken leg. FORDS ON f, J' Ml ' . ' -"jf Tractor FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., toESszSSs" EAST 13TH AND HAWTHORNE AVENUE a M si SI 7th Si POPULAR PRIMARY TEACHER ILL. MIhh Mary Jane Solyller wua tuken 111 Thursday evening; with an attack of appendicitis. She wits taken to Portland Friday but recovered suffl climtly to return to Sandy Tansday evening;. OUT FOR GOOD ROADS. ' Mr. Bowman, of the Brownsville ! Woolen Mills, was In Sandy Tuesday. It) the Interests o fthe Mt. Hood road. , $1250 00 hus been rained, which will be i used Immediately In planking the road from Klrwood to the Randy Lumber ; company's mill. Then when Sandy (gets her Main stroet fixed, there will be a fair road from Portland to ML Hood. Mrs. E. Beers, who was reported re covering from the Influonxa, had a re lapse and haa been very 111. Dr. Short of Portland, and Bolklna, of Oresham, were called In consultation last Friday. She la reported as Improving again, altho her condition is far from satis factory, Sandy Rebekah lodge met In regu lar session last Thursday evening aid installed the following officers: Mrs. Mabel Beers. N. G.; Mrs. Vera Smith, V. G.; Mrs. Ella Baumback, sec; Mrs. Alice Scales, treas.; Gertrude Melnlg, warden; Ruth Reed, conductor; Edna Esson, Inside guard; Blnnche R. Shelley, chaplain; A. C. Baumback, R. S. N. 0.; Mrs. Scales, L. 8. N. (J.; Barn Cross, R. S. V. G. A'ler tho meeting, the members enjoyed dainty refresh ments served by Madnmes Scales and Shelley. The Catholic bazaar will be held Saturday, March 1st. AH sorts or things to buy and a dance in the even ing Mr. nnd Mrs. Heath Johnson, Wm. Webber, and Parnell Averlll, all of Cherryvllle, were In Oregon City Inst Wednesday, proving up on their homo steads. IX- S. -a. t Mi &a4 st3 E. A. BRADY Resident Undertaker Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer TENTH AND WATER STREETS Oregon City, Oregon Lady Assistant, Mrs. Brady Night and Day 8ervlce. Pan. 123. Home A-3T TRACTOR rV H UJC ifftofcaS aw