Page 2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1919. 4 I 4 i If V. Ji. V.I i J i 1 Newsy Briefs From Over County Estacada EST ACADA, Jan. 1 Principal Signs attended the Staia Teachers assocta tloaa. which waa bold fn Portland last week. & B. Wooster was a Portland visitor Tuesday. Miss Peart Fields, who is attend ing high school hero spent the vaea . tibh. at her home fa Amity. Oregon. Miss DeVore. the commercial teach- er.Tn high school ta 111 la Portland. Mr. WDJiams la filling her vacancy. Idrs. Hand, a teacher in the Salem high school spent a few days last week atlthe home of Misa Dillon. . Miss Gladys Carpenter, a grade teacher, was married to Guy Graham. ' wfca is g erring in the army, Christinas t. P. Lovelace and family spent the holidays at the Bshleman home in Sittem. H. W. Bartlett waa an Oregon City visitor this week. Sam. Barr and wife are here from Camp Lewis spending the holidays with, his parents. '" Mr. Owen Smith is spending a tew dan with his family here. GQorge Carpenter and family have - moved here from Gresham, where he ta employed at Mr. Hillards plaining nllL Same of those suffering from the in- tla&Bsa are: Ida Wagner, Mrs. Wag ner, Mr. and Mrs. Ames; Mr. Couse, Bill Garmon, J. F. Lovelace, Albert Lien thorn, and several others. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milton, formerly of this place write of their winter em ployment at their mountain ranch in the neighborhood of Scott's Mills. A One new school house has been built near Mr. Hilton's home. The boys, Glenn and Ivan and plenty of oppor tunity for trapping, hunting and fish ing. They are availing themselves of the great demand tor poultry in the present year by keeping plenty of fowls. Twenty Thanksgiving turkeys brought 181.00 and geese are corres pondingly high. Oak Grove Wilsonville Clarkes George VOJLSONTVILLBi Jan. 2. Mrs. M. C. Young has been 111 with influenza dur ing the week, but is somewhat better. The local school was closed for a ' week during the Christmas holidays, ont account of the Influenxa, and a splendid program prepared for Christ mas waa held over, and teacher and pupils were disappointed. George Batalgia arrived home on Monday, for a few days' visit, coming ' from Bremerton, where he is statlonea. Misses Nellie and Jessie Angus and brother Jack spent the Christmas boli daysin Portland, at the home of their brother James Angus. , Atr and Mrs. George Derr went to Portland on Thursday after spending Christmas with Mrs. Dear's parents Mr. and Mrs. Anton Batalgia. ' Lloyd Jones, who la home from Ore gon Agricultural college, spent Christ - mas in Portland with friends. Dr. and Mrs. Butler are moving to v Fort LawBon, where the doctor has , been stationed for some time. They have made many friends In Wilsonville and will be greatly missed. ... Boy Baker la returning home from tha navy, coming from, the east to , , Bremerton, for his discharge, after staking good for the past year of war tare on the "subs." ' The parents of Harold and John Say, 'were relieved to hear that they were alright since the armistice was signed. Miss Bettie Batalgia is the proud re cipient of a diploma for letter perfect work, in the Rebekah lodge, where she has been an active and helpful member in the local lodge. Meadowbrook MEADOWBROOK, Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ranta left Thursday for Minne- ' sofa, where they expect to make their home. rrinnti Larking who has been at Spokaae and Fort Worden the last four ' months was discharged December 24. Miss Rose Ten Eyck left Tuesday to. spend her Christmas vacation at .ar home in Marmot. RoOert Orem and Sergeant Richard Qrem of Camp Lewis visited at A. L. Iu-Hna Wednesday. Amy and Harry Matooa spent the week-end with their grandmother at Viola. Mrs. Harold Horner spent last week . with her folks, Mr. and Mrs.. Folsom of Springwater. Macksburg BACKSBURG. Jan. 2. Over the brightness of Christmas and the glad ness of soldiers returning, came the shadow cast by the death of Clyde Fisher, was drowned in the Molalla near the mill, where he was woriung. Mr. Fisher leaves a wife to whom he waa married but three months. Mrs. viuhnr waa Miss Rosa Klar, eldest daughter of Ernest Klar of Mulino The young couple were well known and blehlv esteemed In the place. Mr Fisher's early death brings sorrow in to, the circle of friends where he ana his young wife were familiarly known. W& tender deepest sympathy to the af filcted friends In their loss. The two soldiers, Will Gibson and Clarence Stevens who were reported an missing in a recent Issue of this paper have been heard from. They are both with the army In France and 8ay nothing about having received any Injury or misfortune of any ama. The Lutheran church and Macksburg school are still tlosed on account of influenia. The Red Cross auxiliary held its rmralan weekly meeting Friday. An allotment of warm hospltaal coats had been sent from headquarters. The Mothers' club Is to meet this week at the home of Mrs. Simon Mill er. The Little Girls' Sewing circle was bell on Saturday at the home of Mrs. CK.H. Baldwin and la to meet again at the. same hour and place January 11. OAK GROVE, Jan. 2. A quiet wed ding was solemnized Christmas day at S o'clock when Albert Kenyan! and Mrs. Gertrude Kapper were united in marriage, Rev. C. A. Lewis officiating. Mrs. Clair Harpole played the wedding march. Walter Vigles was best man and Mrs. Frank Renyard bridesmaid. Cart Johnson sang "I Love You Truly!" Only a few Intimate friends were pres ent Refreshments were served. Mr. Renyard is employed at the Oak Grove Grocery company and the happy cou ple will reside here. Arthur Graham and wife of Canby, spent Christmas day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Graham, who have moved back to their own home on Lee avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris went to The Dalles and spent Christmas with their son, George and family. Al Zander 'came home from the spruce camp near Astoria to spend Christmas with his family, and will re turn the last of this week. The late Marion O. Proctor, who passed away at his home in Portland, Sunday evening, formerly lived at Oak Grove. Mr. Proctor has been employed at Roberts Brothers store for a num ber of years and was well known. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Holmans funeral parlors. Interment in River View cemetery. Rev. and Mrs. Dow DeLong of Sher man county, formerly of Oak Grove, are the proud parents of a little daugh ter (Betty Virginia) born, November 30th. Mother and baby doing nicely. Jay Fike, a former principal of our school, and Mrs. McCoy, of Oregon City, were married In Portland early in November. Miss Ruby Stromer has returned home after a three months trip to Ne vada, while there she visited with her brothers, Westley and Ben. Mr. and Mrs. Westley Stromer have a young daughter born in October. Mildred Waldron is convalescing af ter an attack of the influenza. Thursday afternoon while driving his Ford to Portland Frank Blackman had a serious accident on the River road near the Sanatorium, in some way the car turned over and pinned the occu pants under the machine. Mrs. Black man, who was in the back seat was seriously hurt and taken to the Sell wood hospital, Lillian,, their daughter, had her collar bone fractured and Mrs. M. Cooper had her nose broken and was badly bruised, her eyes were swol len shut and her nose cut by her glasses. She is at home and resting easy. Mrs. Blackman is reported as some better. Mr. Blackman was not hurt very much. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hart, (Amanda Oatfleld) are being congratu lated on the arrival of a 9 pound son, born at the hospital in Portland, De cember 27. Mother and son doing nicely. Mrs. Wesley Thessen, whose hus-' band is in France, is the proud mother a son. born December 26th. Mrs. Thessen and baby are at the hospital in Portland and are doing nicely. The people of Oak Grove are to have special privilege next Sunday to hear Mr. J. A. Goodell, international secre tary of the T. M. C. A. speak atthe Community church. Mr. Goodell has a very comprehensive view of the pos Bibilities of Christian work both at home and abroad as a result of his war experiences. Plan to be present and hear him speak both to the Sunday school at 10 a. m., and at the 11:15 preaching service. Evening service at 7, theme, "Our Relation to God." CLARKES, Jan. 2. Mrs. Arthur Hornsehuh went to Sherwood last Sun day to take care of her sister and brothers, who are ill with the Influenia. Arthur Henton of Washington, came home to visit his mother, Mrs. Rogers, for a short time. Miss Florence Stromgreen of Eugene visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stromgreen of Colton, over Christmas. Born, December 21th, to the wife of Private Elmer Klelnsmith, of Oregon City, a daughter. Privatl Klelnsmith is stationed in New Jersey. Mrs. Klein smith was formerly Miss Ida Zwahlen of Clarkes. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carlson of Portland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Elmer, over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wllber Runyon, of Ken tucky, have returned to Oregon. Mr. Runyon was stationed In camp at Kentucky but was discharged and they visited her parents. S: Elmer and fam ily over the holidays. Walter Lee, of Vancouver, was out over Sunday. Hazelia HAZELIA, Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wanker and family, recently from Baker, Oregon, have purchased the Marion Piatt residence In Oswego, and expect to occupy the place soon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lehman are quite ill with the Spanish influenxa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Potter and son. GEORGE, Jan. 2. Mr, and Mrs, P. Ruhl and family and Ed Harden spent Christmas in Portland visiting rela tives and friends. Flora and Curl Llns visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Held last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Linn and children of Garfield, Mr .aud Mrs. Robert Sny der and son, of Estacada, Mr. Morford, of Oregon City, R. F. Snyder of Gar field and Mrs. Ed Harden, of George, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mn. Theo. Harden of George. Mn. II. Smyths and sou Richard visited Mrs. Warlck last Friday. Andrew Jannsen and Lewis Ouhs visited Joe Welderhold lust Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. H. Smyth and son Richard spent Christmas visiting rela tives in Portland. employed In the postolTlce. ,A number of the soldier boys from Camp Lewis visited with home folks here. , Oswego OSWEGO, Jan. 2 Mr. and Mn. Pete Emmott who have been in Oswego to spend Christmas returned home Friday. Rube Confer was in Oswego a few days this weok. The stork delivered an eight pound boy to Mr. and Mn. Charles Blckner, Christmas morning, this being the flnt grandson in the family all seem to be very proud of it. Mn. Blckner is with her parents, Mr. and Mn. P. H. Jartsch at the present. A pleasant party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Worth ington's Christmas night The evening was spent in playing games and alao a duinty lunch. The house was deco rated with green boughs and Christ mas bells. All present had an enjoy able time. Mr. and Mn. Charlos Clinklnbeard and Mn. Henry Yates spent Christmas with Mr. Cllnkinbeard's parents In Portland. , Mr. and Mn. Alfred Snider of Spring- Upper Eagle Creek UPPER EAQLH CREEK, Jan. I. Miss Nettle Woodle of Salem, was a guest of hor parents, Mr. and Mn. J. P. Wootlle at Christmas. Mr. and Mn. R. 11. Gibson and II. 8. Gibson were the Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mn. It. II. Udell of Dover Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas were guests at the homo of Goorgo Prelster of Logan, on Christmas day. Elmer Juild Is on the sick list Carl Clark, of Vancouver barracks, has received his honorable discharge and Is at home again. Mrs. Fred Moehnke of Schuobol, waa the week-end guest of her sistor-ln-law, Mrs. Roy Douglass. Hlney Allowuy was an Oregon City visitor the pnst week. Quite a number of the residents of Eagle Creek are down with the Influenxa. T. C. McKay went to Portland Sunday to be gone for ten days. spent Christmas at Sllvertou with Mr. Robinson's fnthor and mother. Miss Grace Schuobol went horns Tuesday night to spend the Christmas holidays with hor parents at Mulino. The Double Unit Rod Cross auxiliary will meet Thursday to make bath robes. John Kaiser started to dig his po tatoes the last of the week. Mabel, Sylvia and Ernest Hodge spent Christmas with their parents at Mountain Road. This district has the honors of go ing over the top In the last Rod Croslf drive. Frank Kalnhofar, who has boon lorv lift hit country in the army was dis charged and returned home Friday. Johnny Chrlstensen who is in t navy stationed at Bremerton, Wash pent Christmas at home with his pa nils, Marvin Wool folk came home to spend the Christmas holidays, Nells Chrlstmisen who Is In the army spent Christmas ut his homo in Mountain Road. SANDY DEPARTMENT Mn. Blanche R. Shsllsy RprinUtlv. on Jenninjrs Lodge JENNINGS LODGE. Jan. 2. The schools reopened here last Monday. There are many pupils who are not at tending yet. The people of Jennings Lodge gave the new minister, Rev. A. B. Hotchktss and family, a reception New Year's 6ve. Ben Tucker has returned from the army. Mn. C. A. Elwell gave a party for the young people New Yean eve. The Post family who live in the Pierce cottage are all 111 with the In fluenxa. Mr. Kassl of Harlem, Oregon, Is vis iting the Rush family. Col. W.S. Wood Auctioneer Vancouver, .Wash. or farm Sales a specialty." Phone write for dates or make arrangements at Enterprise office. SHUBEL SHUBEL. Jan. 2 Mr. and Mn. Otto Lyman entertained on Christmas Mr. and Mn. Michael Moehnke, her brother Chas. A Moehnke and family and Geo. Holman. Miss Reva Jones spent Christmas with Mra. J. G. Moehnke. Arthur Bluhm and mother spent Christmas with his sister, Mn. John Fisher of Portland. Mr. and Mn. William Moehnke and their family spent Christmas with her sister .Mrs. M. C. Glover of Eagle Creek. The new people Mr. and Mn. Bentley who have moved on the J. G. Moehnke place. Kelso. KELSO, Jan. 2. Following is a re port of the work done by the Kelso Red Cross auxiliary during the year past: 15 comfort pillows, 12 dish towels, 36 hospital shirts, 72 pajama suits, 30 holders, 5 sweaters, 24 pairs socks, 15 serge dresses, 40 pinafores 10 oeasant shirts, 10 convalescent robes and 2 dozen pain bed socks. Kelso raised $99.10 In the 1918 Christmas membenhip drive. Mn. N. M. Boyd and three children from Washburn. Missouri, were the guests of Mn. Boyd's aunt, Mn. T, Bowen! during the holidays. Mrs, Boyd's husband is a soldier stationed at Vancouver. They expect to locate here permanently, having rented house in Boring. Leo Canning and Alfred and Pete Han glum were spending furloughs with the home folks during the holidays School will be closed for a week longer on account of illness of the prin cipal, Mn. Louise Nelson. sjbjisji''' 0 nk qJ "-v c Zj Here Is The Most Efficient, Dependable and Economical Engine Ever Made One that is full of "Pep" one that is there with the pull. The all around Engine for General Farm Work. Before you pick out your engine see 'She All Stover Engines are equipped with Webster Oscillating Mag netos no batteries to bother with. We have also handled the DIAMOND FEED GRINDERS for years and they give perfect satisfaction. We handle a complete stock of repairs for both Grinder and Engine. W. iJ. Wilson c Co. 12TH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON WE3TBY RIDGE MAN ENTERTAINS Curl Powers was hot to a tow of his frtemU at his home on Westby Uldge Christmas evening, when he en tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Scutes, Mn. Edna KsNon, I). E. Sykes and Mi lone li row no. The time passed pleusuntly with music and cards. The surprlsu of te evening wua the duinty refresh ments prepared and served by the host. LOCAL GIRL OVER THERE. Miss Vera Allen, of null Run, a grad uate nurte of the Good Samaritan hon pltal, left New York, December 1st, and arrived safely over seas on De cember 10th, according to word re ceived by hor mother, Mn. Allen, of the Bull Run store. Miss Allan will go directly to Purls, where she expects to sign up for a year's work. She has Rpeclultxcd lu the use of anesthetics. SANDY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER VICTIM OF INFLUENZA This community was saddened Tues- duy afternoon by the news of the death of Miss Wllholmlna linmbrlch, which occurred at her home near Clackamas station, Tuesday at 4 p. m. Miss Hembrlch was one of the high school teachon In the Sandy Union HlKh school. She had gone home for the holidays when she was taken with influenia and died after a few days Illness. Although she had boon umong us but a few months, she hud made many friends, who are extending to the family their sincere sympathy. If I. ultima battalion; and we did good i work. At least wo have boeu congrstu- t luted on It. Our butlullou was given I recognition pupen for each tuuu in the buttuIUm, so will huve something worth while when we get out of the service, f Think our service record shows up good, as we were In Chauteau Thierry, Ht. Mlhlul, Arugoue and Muese drive. And now, thut the war Is practically i over we an following the Huns so next letter may be from Germany. Don't know when I will got home, but It is a great relief to know It la over, f Thunksglvlng day Is rolling around pretty soon and we have lota to be ! thankful for, Would like to be home but cun't even figure on ChrlBtniai. I They sure crippled Germany by the tonus of the armistice. After peace, , and every thing Is sot Hod, Gurmany won't be able to start anything SRuln. I guess there was some big times in the states when the armistice was slRtied. There was soma great times ' in France, but I didn't get to soe sny. 1 It sure looked good to me to sue the j rockets and things going off, the camps lit up, camp flres burning, and head lights lit During the war no lluhts near the front uuloss cumou-j fluged. So you see what a nice time i truffle hud on the roads at night, alao 1 the trouble the slguul corps hud shoot lug trouble and stringing linns at night. Must close. With love to ail, HUD. 1 I'rt. 1st CI. A. M, Mills. Co. 322nd. ; Field Big IJn A. B. F. France. POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE MARY. Ralph Ganger, of Hull llun, and Miss Gludys Mitchell, of Handy, were murried taut week, somewhat to the surprise of their friends. Mr. Ganger, who is with the marines, returned to Mure Island Tuesday. Mrs. Uangor will complete her high school coune in Sandy. Their many friends wish for them a long happy life. Chas. Updegrove and Miss Viola Do Shaxer wen married December Slat. Doth of these young people have grown up In this community and nave the best wishes of everybody. SANDY HARNESS SHOP ROBBED. Some time last Saturday night, thieves broke into the store of R. F. DIttert and took about fifty dollars worth of shoes and a hone collar. It Is gcnenlly conceded that It waa not the work of amateurs. This Is the third robbery that has occurred in Sandy within the lust few weeks, Per rets garage being broken Into twlco. SMALL GIRL CELEBRATES. Jennie Shelley entertained a few of her little friends at dinner Tuesday evening, the occuiilon being hor seven th blrthduy. An Interesting feature of the dinner was a blrthduy cake bear ing seven caudles. She received Sev ern! nice gifts. . WOUNDED SOLDIER NOT BANDY BOY. Mr. L. K. Hoffman received a letter Saturday evening from the American Red Cross stating that the Edward Hoffman who waa badly wounded and a prisoner at Mets when the armistice waa signed, was not their son. Edward Hoffman of Sandy, hus been missing In action since July 21st. Several reports have come, locating him at various places, but each has been found false. LOCALS. C. D. Purcell and wife motored to Portland Sunday returning Tuesday evening. Ed Wolf and family spent Christmas In Portland with Mn, Wolf's mother. Mr. Wolf returned to Sandy Sunday. France, but Mn. Wolf and the children will re- No. 14, main another week. Dan Woods and wife, of the Camer- are reported ill with i ) 8ANDY DRUGGIST WRITES Under date of December 1st and 4th R. E. Esson writes from Speaking of Camp Hospital with which he has been connected ever' since he went over, and which he on-Tuylor mill. Helped estaimtin. It consisting or ion is me innuenza. and a bon fire over which to cook, be i Six guards and one relief man were said: "The division surgeon has removed from the pipe line at Dull twice said that this is the best hospital Run, December 31. in his section. That is one thing that Mr. Shelleday and family, who have may deluy my coming home tha chief been living on a ranch near Sandy. surgeon having said he was going to have moved to Hormlston, Oregon. keep this outfit till the last, to help him 1 H, Mills and family spent Christmas close up the Job. I think I told you I with Mr. and Mn. Walter Grunort In ; am adjutant of this outfit and property Portland. officer. I am now engaged in writing j Roy Honsen, of Zlg Zag, was a Port- Clarence, left Tuesday for their home In Gilliam county, after having spent week with their parents, Mr. and Mn. Henry Duncan of Hazelia. John Breites and Mr. and Mn. Man uel Garcia and family, who have been farming the Stelnhilber ranch, are now living on the place recently vacated by Mr. and Mn. Good. Mr. and Mn. Jack Skrivan, of Wash ington, are spending a few dayas with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J .H. East man. Mr. Skrivan has been stationed at Camp Lewis for some time. Theo. Stelnhilber, who has sold his ranch to Mr, Llns, Is removing to his little home on his south farm. The Hazelia Literary and Debating society gave a Christmas program and tree Monday evening at the school house, after which refreshments were served. The entertainment was well attended. The school board has again placed the ban on any public meetings held in the school house. Miss Gladys Wanker was married Christmas eve In Portland to Roy Hollebaugh, of that city. water is visiting Mrs. Snider's mother, Mn. Walter Emmott, this week. Oliver Worth ington of Camp Lewis, was in Oswego this week. Mrs. Mary Ginyard of Hood River, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maire. Mrs. Hayden has been on the sick list the last few days. Miss Blanch Hawk Is very sick with the influenza. The Oswego school opened again Monday. ' Rolla Worthlngton Is on the sick liat but is better this week. Mn. Pearl Hill who has been ill for some time is still very sick. Mrs. Martha Harbin and small dau ghter Gertrude, were visiting Mrs. Har- blna parents, Mr. and Mn. P. H. Jarlsch, through Christmas week. POLK'S GAZETTEER A Business Directory mt each City. Towa and VUlasa la Oresoa and Waahlngtoa, tivlnf IwrlpU feketca of aib iaoe. Inwtioa, Bblpplnir Faculties and Clnnl fled Directory Ct eaca SothMU sou rroxeMion, B. X. font ft ro. las. Seattle, Waab. a history of this hospital since Its open ing. This is for file in the war de partment and Its compilation is Borne Job." land visitor this week, going in Sun duy and returning Tuesday. f E. F. Orunert, one time resident of Sundy, but now of Portland, received an Injury to his eyeball, December 24, FAMILY REUNION. which necessitated the removal of the A big Christmas dinner and family eye. This was dono Christmas day,' gathering was held at the old Revenue Mr. Orunert was working on a Team home a mile from Sandy, last Wednes-ln machine In one of the ship yards, day. Those present were Dave Doug- The Scales family Is spending New lass and family, of Cherryvllle; Mrs. I Yean in Portland, where they will be Myra Revenue, Mrs. Ruth Revenue the guests of Mrs. Scales father, Ut. Reed, Mr. and Mn. Trulllnger, of Thomas Scales and wife. f Lents; Ira Flinn and family, of Bulll Run; J. Scales and family of Sandy; Carl Powers of Westby Ridge ; Mn. Miss Mary Junker spent Christmas with the home folks. ' Claude Bufflngton, of California, wfip Needy NEEDY, Jan. 2. The Needy school was closed during the holiday week for a short Yuletide vacation. Miss Ruth Raddatz spent several days visiting her parents and friends in Oregon City the past week. Mr. Sanden spent the holidays with his family here after which he returned to Oregon City, where he is employed Harry Fredrikson, who holds a re sponsible position with the R. R. com pany at Wheeler, Oregon, is spending the holidays with his parents. ' Miss Alma Hoffman came home from Salem to visit her parents during va cation. Miss Hoffman Is attending high school at Salem. - Forest Rltter has been in Portland for the past few weeks, where he is Mrs. H. Krowl, Mrs. Beardman, Capt. Snow, Mn. Russell and Mr. Lucas are all on the sick list. The little son of Mr. and Mn. M. Davies formerly of this place, has just recovered from a severe attack of scarlet fever. Messages of congratulation are being received at the Blinstone home, upon the arrival of a baby daughter, Christ mas morning. Mrs. Lucie Sherman and children have returned from a weeks visit at the home of Mrs. Sherman's mother. W. F. Cook Is adding an upper story to his home on the east side. Miss Nellie Betz formerly of this place, is quite ill with the innuenza. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers and baby spent Sunday at the home of C. H. Kimball, of Portland. Wm. Berry of this place, who Is at Camp Lewis, after returning from New York expects to return home soon. Mr. Berry was to 111 to accompany his regiment when It left for France. Ruth Truscott was pleasantly sur prised at her home last Friday by a number of her friends. The evening was spent In playing games after which refreshments were served. P. 8haw Eastern Oregon; Uncle Mor-Was recently employed In the Sandy gan and Steve Robinson, of Bull Run. i barber shop, has accepted a good po- Twenty-flve sat at the table, which, in . sltion In Condon, Oregon. It the vermicular of olden days, "fairly groaned under Its load of good things." DON ALLEN IN GERMANY. Mn. Morgan, a sister of Mn. Edna Esson, accompanied by her small dau ghter, Lots, left Portland, December 26, for her home In La Cygne, Kansas, A recent letter from Don Allen, of Mrs. Morgan has been visiting rela- u Bull Run, who Is with the army of oc cupation, comes from Luxemburg, Germany. tlves In Oregon since the early part of September. f Percy T. Shelley returned to Sandy weeks In Hood River. Miss Elizabeth Haselwander. of INTERESTING LETTER FROM AL VIN MILL8. FRANCE. Nov. 18, 1918 Dear Folks: Well at last I have gotten settled long Mr, and Mrs. Jos. enough to write. I ought to have made Sandy Ridge. Another daughter, Mn. time before but you know how time Robt. Newman and husband, also of Portland, is the guest of her parents, Haselwander, off Portland, are there for the holidays. Mrs. Shelley and Jonnle spent Wed nesday and Thursday of last weok with his, Mountain Road MOUNTAIN ROAD, Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs.. John Kaiser spent Christmas In Portland with Mr. and Mn. M. Schus ter. Carl Bernent, who has been home on a furlough, started back to his ser vice In the navy Friday. Mrs. Kate Scoffern, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and, daughter, Marian, slips along when everything is not con venient to work with. We sure put it over on old man Hun. It was great and it sure came at a good time, as the : Mn. Chas. Leaf, of Marmot, weather was getting cool and wet. It Ned Mitchell was greeting was a great Job and the Americans had friends in Sandy this week. one of the hardest parts of It, but they Sandy has seventy-three Red Cross went through. Our battalion was fol-! membenhlps to its credit as a result f lowing along pretty close to the lines ! of the Christmas Roll Call. Brlghtwood J doing what work was to be done for a has seventy-nine, Bull Run about sixty, sj lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 DELAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR i FOR SALE-NEW J H OR WILL TRADE FOR FARM PRODUCE j ES SEE F. T. BARLOW I CROWN-WILLAMETTE EMPLOYEES INN g WEST LINN, ORE. Across Bridge From Oregon City gj