Page 8 SB m LODGE .. FIGHTS LEAGUE OF NATIONS . WASHINGTON, Dec. Sl.The task of tbo peace conference is if make once with Germany, All other pro jrnia, "having to deal with iea-ie that at this time are vague or unknown, should go over for Tutu re discussion Mnatnr Henrv Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, who Will be majority i.m.ier when the peace treaty ia be- m thn wnau for ratification, laid down this doctrine today. Senator liOdge singled out five of the president's 14 peace points which h Mid should not be considered by the peace conference and should not be dealt with in the treaty. They are: . 1 The president's first point relat ing to secret diplomacy. i J The second point, dealing with the freedom of the seas. 3 The third point, referring to the removal of economic barriers. 4 The fourth point, declaring for a reduction of armaments. 3 Tb3 last point, creation of hacue of nations. CARL R. GRAY MAY SUCCEED M'ADOO AS RAILROAD DIRECTOR Former TennU Champion i Now W ear w ar vj-om I , I f ' J? f - ' - ' J . i - , I V K J - j I ; IV : - 1 i . . t - 'I L J UtbCON"Cl I YfcJN 1 bKl 'KfoM j-KH )A V. ln-.U-..nt.K II, 1918. OVERSEAS VETERANS RETURN TO CAMP LEWIS ON MONDAY HOl.L OF HONOR TmnU cniU for the best that's iu a man if he is to bo a national cham pion. This photograph 'shows Capt. R. Norria Williams, who formerly held that title. He has higher honors now. Capt Williams pave of his best in the second battle of the Marne and in recognton of his sertvees was dec orated with the French War Cross. KILLED IN ACTION rrlvate Arthur It. Morgan, U. 8. M. C, Ashland, or. Private Frank S. Vlrtcii, u. C, Pendleton, ur. Private Robert 0. Ioop, Aiuuy, ur. Private George E. Schulthlos, Hills- boro. DIED OF DISEASE Private Josech L. Brill, La Grande, Or. . . Private Leo Fly nit, Tacoma, wasn. DIED OF WOUNDS Corporal Jens J. Solium m, land, Or. Private John H. Culbertson, kanie, Or. DIED OF DISEASE Corooral Kenneth M. Welshon. Condon, Or. ' WOUNDED SEVERELY M.whnnlo John Simmy. Portland, fr. Private Jack Dalbrol, St, Helens, Or, Lieutenant John C. Burgard, Port 'land. Or. Lieutenant Fowler C. H, Cardinell, rortland. Or. nontenant George F. Netlson, Port land. Or. Clinton E. IlOKKW. Full ..'vt - Port- Chits- WASHINGTON, Dec 23. Cart R. Gray, who resigned last week as cWef of the division of operations of the United States railroad administration, may succeed Director General Mc Adoo, it was learned here today in railroad administration circles. Mr. Gray's name came Into relief when It was definitely known that S. M. Felton, who also resigned last week as director general of military railroads under the war department. has d ecided to return to the presiden cy of the Chicago Great Western railroad. Before accepting the post as director of the division of operations Mr. Gray definitely sefered hia connection with the Western Maryland railroad as Its prjsident. His resignation from the goveriment, position was due to the .strain of work under which he has been. That he has been urged to accept the place soon to be mad vacant by Mr. McAdoo'g retirement was learn ed today. Carl R. Gray was formerly presi dent of the Spokane, Portland & Seat tle railroad, and other Hill lines in Oregon, with headquarters in Port land. When he was elected to the presidency of the Great Northern rail road he moved to St Paul and was succeeded here by Joseph H. Young. Mr. Gray came here from St Louis.. BANK ROBBER BACK HOME: CONFESSES TD POLICE OFFICE PEOPLE AGAINST SOCIALISTS l : .in a , .... rnpF.VHACEN. Dec. 20. Drv Gus- tav Stresemann, leader of the Nation al Liberal party in Germany, has an nounced that the German Psople's par ty is absolutely opposed to a social democracy, according to Berlin news apers received here. The Center par ty has been summoned to a confsr ence which will be held at Frankfort on December SO. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 23. At Oregon City Sunday morning a small, girlish appearing woman hoDed on & north-bound Southern Pa cific train with the assistance of Detective W. H. Hyde. She entered the drawing room compartment and save mtle cry of joy aa she rush ed to the waiting arms of Arthur C. Davis, her husband, whom she had not seen since the morning of November 1, when he disappeared after robbing the East Side bank of more than $40,000. DetectlveiHyde and Attorney Roscoa P. Hurst closed the door and left them to themselves. It was with a smile of happiness over the reunion with his w-ife that Davis appeared In municipal co-art as soon as he arrived at police head quarters and walv?d his preliminary bearing. w "wvma throuEh clean , as the police say, and has made a com ninta statement covering his every movement since th3 day of the rob bery. He went to a lower Alblna room. ing house In old clothes and with a dirty face that day, and there he stayed until November 5, when ne hired an expressman to haul his valu able trunk to the Union depot, check ed the trunk and rode to San Francis co In the day coach garbed as he had been in Portland. "I hardly knew myself in the clothes I had on," he told the polic3. UNITED STATES TO SHIP FOOD TO FINLAND WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 The war trade board today authorized the ship ment to Finland for civilian relief of 10.000 tons of cereals, 2000 tons of po-k products, 1000 tons of industrial fats, ami 1000 tens ot s-igar. This action was takn or. rerommendatlon K- cable 'rem Herbert Hoover. This vi.w tr nl,lir and iniurins ! food wrill be tne tirst sant 10 riamuu AIRPLANE ACCIDENT LISBON, Dec. 24. An airplane 'vhich was Tying low over the city during the funeral of President Paes fell both airmen. for civilian relief. 'I n n l Cozy, Comfortable Warmth MAT WITH PEARJ, Perfection Oil Heater givei cozy, comfortable warmth for many hours on one fill ing with Pearl Oil, the ever obtainable fueL Lights' at the touch of match gives instant beat No smoke or odor. No dust or dirt. More convenient than coal or wood. Portable. Economical. Hoy Perfection Oil Hrer today. Dealera every whrn, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) '-"-a PERFECTION OIL.HEATEK J. L. LACEY, Special Agent, Standard Oil o., Parkplace, Or Staats Hdwe. Co. Oregon City Bert Finch, Estacada F. Bush & Son, Oregon City F. Hendriksen, Molalla Hogg Bros., Oregon City G. Blatchford, Molalla Estes Hdwe. Co., Oregon City A. Mather, Clackamas F. Friedrick, Oregon City Madden & Co., Springwater and. Or. . Comoral John K. Erlckson. rair visw. Or. Privat Monro Daly, Mill City. Or. Private Clare H. Sterrett, Portland, Or. trtvat Erroll V. Byrnes, rortland, Or. Private Paul 11. Pietok, Stayton. Or. Private Vernon G. Weber, The Dalles, Or. WOUNDED. DEGREE UN DETER1 MINED Sergeant Willsur Culp. Merlin, Or. rurimral Georsa J. Hodder, Port land. Or. Private Clyde J. Ashby, Eugene, or. Prtvata Harrv F. Madison, Port land. Or. Corporal Bernard Flnke, SlleU, ur. Private Georee W. Webber, rort land. Or. Private Erick W. Llndgren, Mill vllle. Or. Private Henry-G. Amala, Portlana Or. Prlvata Edward S. Armstrong, Auro ra. Or. Private Archie H. Hogue, Ashiana. Or. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY i.ipntpnant Charles A. Hoss, Port land. Or. Lieutenant Thomas E. May, Orass Valley. Or. Corporal Otto W. Anderson, Port land. Or. Private George Matin, Portland, Or. Private Earl A. Tate, Ashland, Or. . Private Roy L. Marlon, Goble, Or MISSING IN ACTION rnrnnral Georte Watkins, U. S. M C, Marshtleld, Or. KILLED IN ACTION Private George F. Cook, Portland. Or. Private Alfred Christensen, Lents, Or. Private Harry Ponder, Le Center, Wash. Privata Guy M. Clausen, Seattle, Wash. Private Elmer F. Lindlkog. Oakland Wash. Corporal Hollis E. Empey, Idaho Falls. Corporal Frank Zelskl, Roy, Wash. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Poseph H. Bruseth, Everett, Wash. , Private Charles A. Harper, Spokane, Wash. DIED OF DISEASE Private Wilfred Kink, Hood River. Or. PrivatP N'elson E. Moak, Portland, Or. Private William L. Polley, Auburn, Wash. MISSING IN ACTION Privatj Paul II. Kuhl, Portland, Or. Lieutenant Louis Leidhl, Glenwood, Wash. Coriioral Frederich E. I)eerln, Moxce, Wash. Private James W. Ryrie. Seattle, Wash. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED KILLED Private John McComs,, Seattle, Wash. RETURNED TO DUTY, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED DIED OF WOUNDS Corporal William J. Edwards, Sal mon, Idaho. WOUNDED SEVERELY, PREVIOUS LYREPORTED DIED OF DISEASE Private Joseph E. Gardner, Salem, Or. KILLED IN ACTION Private Ernest vv. Jones, wauiu City, Idaho. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Raymond A. Bennett, Cam as, Wanh. Private Roy Miller, Bancroft, Idaho. DIED OF DISEASE Private Edward Kuhert, Aberdeen, Wash. , Private .Josaph M. Burghwr, Parma, Idaho. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant Harry J. Mclntyre, Dav enport, Wash. Private Gustave G. Storaasll, Park land, Wash. Private Lester Dodd, WInthrop, Wash. Sergeant Frank H. Brocke, Cotton wood, Idaho. Servant Ray V. Racycraft, Sand Point, Idaho. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDETER MINED Private Ralph T. Cooper, Bend, Or. Private Charles H. Norris, Arling ton, Or. Privata Lewis E. Clark, Everett Wash. Private Olaf H. ' Becklin, Seattle Wash. Private Gay L. Simpson. Kent Wash. Private Lawrence W. Willis, Ash ton, Idaho, Private Sidney M. Baltczore, Ephl ("probably Eagle) Idaho. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY rrlvate Albert W. Fellner, Portland, Or. Private Frank Byllngton, Portland, Or. Private Ernest W. Shcrrard, Ewan, Wash, Private Huhcr O. Ness, Snohomish, Waslo . John E. Lehman, MacUy, Idaho. MISSINQ IN ACTION Corporal Guy B. Mardln, McMInn- vlllle, Or. Private Trumnn S. Powell, Jordan Valley, Or, KILLED IN ACTION Sergeant Theodore lloppert, Win- lonk, Wash. Cantaiu John K. Crum, Pwcatel'o, Idaho. DIED OF WOUNDS Piirtte Clyde T. Carson, Mull n, lda ho. DIED OF DISEASE Private William O. Wanner, Pre ton, Idaho. Musk-ism Edward C. Cunningham, St. John, Wash. WOUNDED SEVERELY Busier Pallia Allen, Portland, Or. Private Kenneth 11. drubbe, Klkton, Or. Private Ray 8. IWequltl, Melrose, Or. Private Henry O. Lee, Kug -ne, Or. Private WTIurd C. Holt, Thomas, Or. Private 'Chester J. Soely, Port land. Or. WOUNDED Dear's Undetermined Prvr.te William A. Frewe, McCoy Or. . Private Clarence O. I-sPurge. Leban on. Or. Private Arthur P, Clough, Portland, Or. Private Louie W. Pregge, Portland, Or. Private Carl B. Screnson, Portland, Or. Private Peter Marmeta, Comstotk Or. Private John D. Singleton, Buckles Or. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Private Levi D. Simpson, Portland. Or. Private Otto Perry. Myrtle Point, Or. Private Grover Cherry. Ashland, Or. Private Ernest L. Taylor. North Bend, Or. Private Crazlo Bonaduce, Portland. Or. MISSING IN ACTION Private Charles A. ZlelliiBkl. Salem, Or. Private Roy R. Drake. Ashland. Or. Private Roy A. Wright, Portland Or Private Arthur W. Arms, Dayton, Or. KILLED IN ACTION Private Willis E. Jensen, Hanks, Or. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Joseph Wlrths, Portland, WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant William H. Jllenburg Corvallls, Or. Sergeant Edward Hardy, Portland, Or. Cnrnoral Rodney C. Stovall, Port land. Or. Corporal Leonard A. Plnard, Port land. Or. Private Archie O. Plttman. Hlllls- boro Or. Private Call W. Powell, Thomas, Or. PrlvaU Edwin C. Stevens, Yahats, This Fighting Chaplain ; v - mm M Ik I . & Took Machine Uun neti CAMP LEWIS, AMERICAN LAKE, Wash,, Hoe. 83. Large detachment of men from different camps ami aim) poms arrived here Monday for demo- bllUattun. The men began arriving at 4 A. M., when 410 came from Camp Kustld, Va. Later In the day 41 addl tlonal men front Camp Eustia are to arrive. Fort Wordon, Wash., et 3:12 const artillerymen today and 128 cum from the Presidio, Sun KranelHco. All lhwu men are from states north of Calif or- niu, which "t men to this camp. The SI I men from Camp KustU nr8 from various units. 8om are oversea vet erana, semi from Kantern ctimp. an there w one lot which was on transport en route tor K.irope and wan sent back when the at malice was signed. Office's said today incmin movement to this camp fur ilomu'Ua Hon would continue. The dlxcharg, of the men will tm a rapid un possihlo and It U hop most of the men arrlvttiK today will he homo for January 1. Men with home in WashlnKton mid Oregon were leaving today for the Chrlut mns holiday. U Is estimated nearly C-00 Californium Wt here t n Jur lough Saturday and Sunday, U.S. AMORS BIG DOWN MANY GERMAN '. . ' T,. f ' ' : s .4 . i i 4. 'V , I : ' - v- L i b t -' . ' ..10 . 5i" k r4 X HAVFPOSTPONED m m s .Aaif-ririlAr Ar A EUHtUUK ur PEACE TO FEB 7 f m PARIS, 1C 21. The pnelimlnary peace eoiifoiviicw et VermiM1 b boen poKtponed until the hr(hitlng i Frltruaiy at llW earlUwt, y Mr Hutlu, editor of the Echo dc Pa ' . This postponement I duo to i liaugf .f t.lall limHe of President Wl'nti' vlHlt to Kn:ar.;t and tlta reconstruc tion due to th eli'dloii ot the Brit Mi ciibinct which will nwttpy Pre mlcr Lloyd tieo'se. Preliminary t- tlmngen, which werw to tiessin loimy, hiive ttWo I'ecit deferred, Kltig Victor ICmtminuel of Paly h'fl l'",rln tonight on hi wny t Hul lii troop In UilKlum. Willi ! de tmrture, Pari put ld her holiday lit ro sml matter of fact connldwr.. linn of conference arrangement h ' unit in earnest today. Pn'iulcr Oititndo and Forin M U-r HoimJno. of Itnly, will ifvb l'rli for Hotue tmimiif. epcinn u return early In Jiinuary. PLANES DURING WAR WASHINGTON. Dee. 23. American aviator downed 813 enemy planes during the war. of which 491 were confirmed and 354 were not. according to Information reaching the war de partment today. Major Hnrhord, In a cable to the director of the air service thus summarised the work of the I nit. ed States flyer and the scope of the operation of the air service. On the day the arniltslce was sign ed, 39 American aero squad-on wer. In operation on the wet front Compared with the enemy lose, 2 a American planes were brought down. The report show that 6,472 plane a were received ny mo a. r r, iroin September. 1917, to November. 1918. Eight different school of Inntruc Hon were sstaullshed In France, as signed to train 3S00 officer and 11.700 men. There have been many I ghtlns chaplain but few of them have had more experience than the Uev, Kay F. Jenny of poctuur, III,, who return ed to Am rli (i on tin traimport Klcrr.i While with the IPJth Pllnot Regi ment for more nan a year he wn wounded four times, At St. Mlhlcl all the officer were killed or wounded. When a aerg Mint. wh had taken com miind, fell Chaplatn Jenny led the men In a ucceHfiil attack on the German machine gun next. A ANOTHER BOOST FOR El FINANCIAL AID BY BANKERS OF NEW YORK COIIUEE'ON PUBLIC 1 FAVORING IS CITY WASHINGTON, D. C. I)c. 24- (Speelal to the Enterprise! -The Committee on Public Land this morning ordered a favorable report on Consressman Hawley' bill, num ber 1277, which provided for the ad d It Ion to the Oregon National Forest of the ar.a desired by Oregon CHy for the protection of i'. water supply Congressman Hawley prtimles to press thl bill for speedy passage at hl session ct Congress, A the water supply of Oregon City come from the outh fork of tin Clackamas rlvor It at present I not under Eovernntont control and the passago of thl bill will give It this protection. , Or. Private Herbert C. Burke, McMInn ville. Or. Priate Ennls S. Townsend, Estaca da. Or. Private Jess J. Bennett, Minam, Or. Private Henry A. Daniel, Portland Or. Privat Arthur F. Witt, Portland, Or. Private Louie N. Net'son, Tilla mook, Or. Private Albert D. Lee, Madras, Or. Private Thomas C. Baker, Pilot j Rock, Or. Private Jack I vermin, SUverton, Or. MISSING IN ACTION Priate Earl Orosdldier, Roseburg, Or. Private Jacob Capeluto, Portland, Or. i-ivntft William Tierny, Portland, Or. KILLED IN ACTION Corporal Carl E. Alleman, VVood burn, Or. Corporal David H. Humphreys, Eu g:ne, Or. WOUNDED SEVERELY f'nrnnrnl flrv.-lll C. SherWOOd, Port- 'and. Or. Private Erick Tourial, Astoria, Or, Private Ara 0. Llngle, Boring, Or. I'rlvatc Ivan It. Yates, Hanks, Or. Private Fred A. Jarvis, Myrtle Point, Or. MISSING IN ACTION fnri.nral Lee C. Jordan, Indepen dence. Or. Privt te John C. Nielson, Tillamook, WASHINGTON, Dee. 20-When Alfred L. Becker, deputy attorney gsnral of New York, resumed his testl mony today on German propaganaa before the senate committee, he told how the German government wa "gravely disappointed" In itg hope of financing Its propaganda through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of New York. German officials, hi declared, be lieved that the standing of the firm of M. M. Warburg & Co., of Hamburg, Germany, would give them an Influ ence with Kuhn. Loeb & Co., through Otto II. Kahn, one of lis officers, but the bank imposed such difflca't con lltlons that they had to go elsewher for financial aranRements. Mr. Bi-cUer Rave the committee an account of an affidavit mad" by Count simes Minotto. an sunim a son in law of Louis Swift whose In- ernment was orde--d by President Wilson. In that affidavit Count Minot- o told of a conference he had with Mr. Kahn in 1!)!" In whicii an tnvwt ment In the Anglo-French loan by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., was dlactiHsed. Mr. Kahn was iptoted an saying that while his firm had not. Invested in the loan. bo and Mortimer Schlff did not deny having personally Invested in It. OREGON SHIPYARDS IS EXPEC1ED SOON OUTUND, Dec 21 Prup ct of tiuother boost to Oregon a tiipiui'U' lug Industry loomed ywtcrdtiy with ' the announcement by J. Fred Urwui that contract for wood and steel iiMimr and wood nailing ship woul; be placed with local builders by Nor wegian Interest as soon a th gi.. ernuft lift the ban on 'building steel vms1 for foreign account asm retmbtime the foreigner for the ships commnndeered by thl goftrn ment Some HS.000,000 I still owing con cern of the Scandinavian countries on account of their ship which were cootralud for and later taken over by th government a a war emergency. At the Alblna Englna & Machine work six stetd ateamera were con traded for with Norwegian owner a foreign principal. The a ship wer taken over by the government before they wore completed. Htiullar contract w.e held by tbr teel yard. According to Mr. Larson, the Hcandl navlnn countrle have lost 2,000.000 ton of shipping by German submarine activities, The shipping firm of Nor way, Sweden and Denmark have been paid tho Insurance for thesi '-l and they ere anxious to replace the lost tonnage us cj.iickly aa poaslid. TO Or. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY PrivatP fVantt (1. Soarks, Pilot RocK Or. Private Geom Snhlewe, Portland Or. Sergeant Jerry Preston, Rainier, Or, Corporal Horace B. Ritchie, Corval lls. Or. Chauffeur Theodore Justeson, Kent, Or. Private George A. Egert, Portland, Or. Private Bill Collans, Portland, Or Private Wendell W. Hoffman, Pow ers. Or. WOUNDED. DEGREE UNDETER MINED Lieutenant Mortimer P, Cook, Port land, Or. Private Edward Jordan, Brooklan, Or. Lieutenant Julius C. Moreland, Portland, Or. t Private Roger F, Anderson, Flor ence, Or. , ' , ' Private Charles J. Meier, Spring field, Or. Private Guv II. Vaughn, Baker, Or, Lieutenant Tom Wynne Saul, Port land, Or. , , PORTIAND, Dec. 24. Portland dealer lr wheat flour substitute face a loss of $r.0.0O0 If the government doc not alter it present plan to purthase the substitute goods at the Eastern prlc to permit local dealers to exrwt their stocks on hand. The Cham'ior of Commo'co Is needing an exten tlvo argument to the Oregon del e-iiith.-n at Washington t obe presented t o "ov Tiiinentak authorities to pre vent the great financial loss that Im pend for Pacific const buyers of wheat Kiilistltuie. CYCLONE AT EUGENE SOI ON THURSDAY NIGHT SOLDIERS END SEATTLE MEET OF SOCIALISTS SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 23.-G sorgo F, Vaudervcer, Seattle socialist, uiw . . . . . , -, i .1 . . yer, Had just nnisneu an uu.-c w a meet of Socialists here Sunday night when the hall waH invaded by about CO soldiers in uniform who turned out the lights and made tin audience move on. The spokesman for the sol diers warned that his band was not going to to'erate any Bolshevlklsm here and that no more Sunday moot ing would be allowed. There was no disorder. The action of the men in uniform was brought about by two of their number who had visited the hall In civilian clothes and had objected to utterances by Vandorveer. Word sent out quickly developed the soldier band. 6025 SOLDIERS RETURN HIGHWAY COMMISSION MAKES REPORT ON FINANCIAL STANDING SALEM, Of., Dec. 19, A Btatemnit iHsiied by tho stat) hlghwuy commis sion as part of the biennial report Bhowa the totfil amount of money celved from fill funds during the'yeav 1917 and 1918 mm V',MU,'M) V . The total expenditure i were $2,SfiS,2."7,fi8 leaving a balance on blind of $fi7;t, 5:12.09. The report to the governor shows that un average of six propo-nki were received for each issue under th . 10,000,000 bonding act. Work accom- pllfdiod dttrlna the bionnlum Is sum med up aa 50 miles of hard surface aid, 111.8 miles of broken stone or . .. . j, i ...i grave;', J34.& miles 01 ronuueu Kiauuu and 40 bridges built, Eugene, Dec. 21 Five very large telephone pole and many large trees, some of which were more than two reel In diameter, were torn up In the vicinity of Eugeno Thursdny night ' whi n a small cyclone vlnl'cd this sec- Ion. In Coburg, whore (lie cyclone hit the hardest, it could bo heard for several minutes b.tforo it actually tr;ick. Real dents of that vicinity were awakened by tbo loud crashes of falling Lees and poles as It swept through tho country. Tho main lino of the Oregon Power company, which carrion tin current to Brownsville, Albany and Junction City, was torn down, accord ing to Richard It, Jones, who drives c stage between Eugene and Coburg. Every window pane In the, homo of Clyde Wells, proprietor of th. WoIIr Dairy of Bantu Clara, wa s broken dur in! th;) storm. Hu-te tree, lie iloclar- riV ! ed, wore t-.vlslcv.l in two, In Eiiftiue the rain fell Co: a d plh of .75 of an inch, tho heuvlect of the your, but no serious d. linage whh reported. Uaifwnv-Fivn irrigation projects in ,.-c,a nt nvirantwatlnn for Baker county. , NEW YORK, Dec. 23. The United States transport George Washington which took President . Wilson to Frunce, and the steamship Cedrlc ar rived hee today, bringing d025 m m fmm nvfirseas in time to celebrate Christmas in the United Stales. The Cedrlc, from Liverpool, with 65 officers and 2168 enlisted men, docket! first and was given a rousing re ception, hut the welcome to the George Washington, which arrived an hoar later, from Brest, was perhaps the most enthusiastic the city has yet given a returning transport. SAFE CONDUCT PROMISED WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. The state department -will give Minister von Eckhardt of Mexico a safe conduct through this country, if, in responding to his recall to Germany, he desires to puss through the United States or to touch at a United States por.t. The state department said Monday that it hud no objection to his safe conduct, Von Eokhardt's recall is the direct result of his porslstcnt, propaganda which continued even after tho amis lice was signed. ESTATE PAY8 $22,620 Tax SALEM, Dec 24, State Treasurer Kav has received a remittance of $22,020 covering the inheritance tax on the, LdWHrt Weiiiliard estate of Portland, which was valued ut $1,100, 000. BREAKS AT E SEATTLE, Dec. 23.-Reporta re ceived he'e from North Bond, Wash., said a Hhlnglo mill wan swept awny, several houses w iro toppled oviT and a portion of the Chicago, Mllwau Kee & St. Paul railroad washed out when a mill dam near Eilgewlck, Wash., gave way early today. Tho dam broke, it was said, as the result of pressure water caused by leakage from the city of R ttlo's Codar River darn located above North Bond, TO SELL HOUSING LUMBER n MARSHFHSLD, Doc, 24.-More than 500,000 font of lumber,, which the 1 ,1 I I .....l.nvt ... , . F " nilimnu i;i 1 1 1 1 II ,1 11 y IIHDII 111 f $ construction work In the Boutin trael if of timber, which wan being opened fi- airplane spruce horore the 'tho war, is to bo offered f- clom tit.