Pacre 8 PRESIDENT DIETED ON ENTRANCE INTO PARIS PARIS, Dec. 14. President Wilson made his entrance into Paris at 10:15 o'clock this morning. The president's arrival at the capital was greeted with a salvo of artiller" in salute. The dense throngr gathered to greet the American xecutiv hailed his coming with vr leys ot cheering Huge crowds we massed around the Bols de Co'cne station awaiting the presiden' f ,onilng. As he atighted from his lra a roar of welcome went up tha' left no doubt of the cor diality of Uie greeting given by Paris to its latest guest President Wilson was greeted by President and Madame Poincare, Pre mier Clemenceau, Andre Tardieu, French high commissioner to the United States, and other high offi cials. - President Poincare greeted Presi dent Wilson warmly as the latter stepped from the train, the French ex ecutive firmly grasping him by the hand. William Martin, who is attached to the foreign office as introducers of' ambassadors, presented Premier Cle menceau, who welcomed President Wilson in English, saying he was ex tremely glad to meet him. IS TO LAFAYETTE BY PARIS, Dec 17. President Wilson placed a wreath upon the tomb of La fayette Sunday. Attached to it was a card upon which was written: "To the memory of the great La fayette, from a felllow servant of lib erty." Other than this simpb tribute to the friend of America in her time of great est need, the president's activities Sunday were limited to attendance up on two church services and two brief conferences, one with Premier Clem enceau and the other with Colonel E. M. House. A short call was made or, President and Madame Poincare at the palace of the Elysee during the afternoon, and the evening was given over to a complete rest in anticipa tion of the strenuous week before nlm. The American Presbyterian church in ths Rue de Berrl was visited by President and Mrs. Wl'son In the morning. Admiral Grayson accompan ied them to this gervice His atten dance at this particular church had been anticipated by but a few,- for he had made no statement of his in tentions upon this score. BOLSHEVIKI PLOT LONDON, Dec. 14. The Geneva Tribune today publishes details of a plot by agents of the Nikolai Lenlne and Leon Trotsky, the Russian Bolshe viki leaders, against Premier Clemen ceau, of France, declaring that two Bolshevists were apprehended as they were crossing the French frontier, ac cording to an Exchange Telegraph dis patch. lk.f.3. ...i..Ll . , f HEAT r WITH F " nqpnaj i, Jr .jj M: PEARL Oil PERFECTION OIL HEATER J. L. LACEY, Special Agent, Su nciara v. 1 , , Jr. Staats Hdwe. Co. Oregon City Bet Fnch, Estacada F. Bush & Son, Oregon City F. I 'endr ken, Molalla Hogg Bros., Oregon City G. Blatchford, Molalla Estes Hdwe. Co., Oregon City A. Mather, Clackamas F. Friedrick, Oregon City Madden & Co., Springwater AIRPLANE PASSENGER LI ACROSS OCEAN L NEW YORK, Dec. 1?, Captain Ben 3umin B. Lipsner, who resigned re cently as superintendent ot the gov ernment aerial mail service, announc es that, backed by a group ot wealthy men. he will establish next year the first aerial passenger and express lines In this country. Captain Llpsner said that he was not at llb.Tty to announce proposed routes, but asserted that the first line would be put Into operation on May 15, 1919. The service, he said, would be started with six planes, each with a speed of 110 miles an hour and a capacity of 40 passengers or an equiva lent weiyht in express. Equipment of passenger plane, he said, will Include a wireless telephonic system and all latest scientific appliances. The rates "will be within the reach of all," he said. Captain Lipsner also said that un less some one else has already done so, on June 13 he will make the first trans-Atlantic flight, selecting the same route followed by the. transport George Washington In taking Presi dent Wilson to France. He added that '"a seagoing plane"- to be used in the flight is now being constructed. ESTIONNAIRES TO BE FILED AND KEPT N WASHINGTON D. G. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. All ques tionnaires which have been filled out and returned to local draft boards are to be kept as historical records In' war department vaults here. Practically every man In 'the Unit ed States between the ages of IS and 43 has filled out one of these blank forms, thereby placing himself at the service of the government in the past emergency. The only exceptions are those near the age limit of 43, who were tha last to receive question naires. Those which were not filled out before the armistice was signed have been returned to the provost marshal general's office. All questionnaires are to be sealed and kept for reference, it was stated today. Chief among the uses to which they will be put are: First Will be used in connection with other data, to aid war risk insur ance bureau in checking up on soldiers due to receive allotments for injury or service. Second Will provide a record for men eligible to enter organizations similar to the G. A. R., which will -undoubtedly be formed after all the sol diers have returned home. DUTCHPRESS URGES KAISER BE MADE LEAVE AMSTERDAM, Dec. 13. The Meu we van den Tag urges the govern ment to request the Hohenzollerns to leave the country.' Premier Beeren bruck declared in a speech that the government is willing to discuss with tne entente extradition of the former kaiser, providing the discussion is in keeping with Holland's honor and dignity. He stated that the present arrangement is provisional. $ MAKi PtACfc PRODUCTS S AMSTERDAM, Dec. 12 Diree- tors of the Krupp works are re- $ ported to have asked their work- 3 3 men to suggest what peace pro- $ ducts shall be manufactured in their factories. . Perfection Oil Heater stands guard against dampness and chill in the home. Easy to carry about Lights at the touch of a match. Gives long hours of cozy, comfort able warmth on one filling with Pearl Oil che ever-obtainable fuel. No smoke or odor. Economical. Buv Pmr&ctlon 0,7 HemtBf todmy. eir tvtrywhan. Standard Oil Co. lifornla) fjji OKLGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER CLACKAMAS IIAS LARGE AREA OF LAND GUARDED SALEM, Or,, Doc. 14. (Spectal to th Enterprise) Thirty thousand, six hundred and seventeen acre of tim bered lands in Clackamas County kere patrolled under the direction ot State Forester Elliott, according to figures hlch have Just b.'on compiled in his office relative to the patrol work for l9tS. This does not Include all the patrols In that count,1, but only those under the law whlcn re quire the State Forestry department to patrol lands for which patrol of no otu?r kind is provided. When such a patrol Is made the, cost of it Is charg up against the timber owned, and Is assessed on the books against the same as the cost for other taxes. STATE DEFICIENCIES SALEM. Or., Dec. 14. Deficiency appropriations made by the siate emergency board during the last bl onniunt which must be provided for by the next legislature total $532,383, according to figures on the books of Secretary of State Olcott, who is sec retary ot the board. The amounts al lowed by deficiency appropriation follow in the order in which they were allowed. Executive department to meet needs of state council of defense, $3,000. Executive department on applica tion of state council of defence, $15, 000. Executive department In connection with state council of defense upo recommendations submitted by tht Oregon Social Hygiene society, $10, 000. Public service commission to main tain department of grain inspection. 13,000. Executive department for employ ment of spectal agents for apprehen sion and conviction ot law violators, $2300. Military department for creation of state military police, $230,000. State board of health, $i5,000. For maintenance of state peniten tary, allowed at meeting of board on July 5, 1918, $33,000. State Hme board, $3000. Maintenance of Orsgon State Hos pital for the Insane, $100,000. Maintenance of industrial school for girls, $3000. Maintenance of state tuberculosis hospital, $9,000. Maintenance of stale training school for boys, $14,000. Maintenance of pumping plant at penitentiary, $750. State penlt?ntiary general mainten ance, allowewd at meeting ot board on October 9, 1918, $35,000. Board of inspectors of chi'd labor, $1,000. For canltol building and grounds, allowed to Secretary Olcott as custo dian, $1,700. Oregon Agricultural college to be applied to students' army training corps, f37,43o. Public ssrvice commission to paj expenses of telephone rate Increase investigation, $3,000. E OE WON'T BE FORGOTTEN SALEM, Or., Dec. 1C (Special to the Enterprise) Clackamas County representatives in the lower house of the coming legislature a-e expected to be accorded somj veryilecent treat ment by Seymour Jones, who will be the next speaker of that body. It Is remembered here that when the candidacy of Jones was In a very embryonic form that one of his first announcements wis that he had the Marion and Clackamas delegations behind him in the race to the finish. Jones is very reticent about what he intends to do in the matter of commit teeships, but. political wisaheads are satisfied that he is not going to forget his first loves who were with, him when his chances for speakership seemed somewhat doubtful to many and it is expected that Clackamas will get its full shar-j of patronage when the lid is liftc 1 from the patronage pot. E TD FISH RSHWAY AT OREGON CITY SALEM, Or , Dec. 16. (Special to the Enterpri el --Appropriation of an additional $3000 will be sought by the State Fish and C ime Commission of the next LegMa'.ure for the comple tion of th; fisiiwav at Oregon City. Ten thonaarol dollars was granted tor this purpose; !y the last Legisla ture and Master F.h Warden Clanton has reporte ! to the Governor that sat isfactory progress has been made on the work. All of th'! Ma-trr Fish Warden's reports have imii. ated that the fish and game '-,., -u ,', :.:A':a is more and more considering ihe Oregon City lo cation as an important part of the salmon deve'opnxmt work In the state. - I ROLL OF HONOR KILLED IN ACTION Private Johu 8. Klldow, Auburn, Wash. Lieutenant Albert A. l.amb, Donald, Wash. f , Private Arent A, Bruhn, . Enum claw, Wash. Private Puttista Tasini. Toll, Wash. Private Claude M. Ward, Sumas, Wash. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant Thomas it. Boyd, Port land, Or. Private Jesse 1L Cotton, Gravel ford, Or. Private Arthur F. Campbell, linker, Or. Private Harold K, Curtis, Rosoburg, Or. Corporal John A. Level. Jr., Haven port. Wash. Control Harry H. Slunforth, Taco ma, Wash. Private Karl E. Clark, Sprlugdule, Wash. Private William II. Marsh, Tacoma. Wash. Private Henry Rrauor. Tuoomu, Wash. Private William J. Zeyen. RlUvllle. Wash. Private Joseph King. Seattle, Wash Corpora! Hoy A. Chrlstonson, Pay ette, Idaho. P-lvatj Robert J. Mitchell. Council. Idaho. Prfivate Paul O, Lyons, Coeuur d' Alene. WOUNDED DSGREE UNDETER MINED Private John V. Mlddletou, Oswe go, Or. Private Leo Q. Culavan. Portlund, Ore. Corporal Robert E. Wright, Seattle. Wash. Private Walter T. Frank, Acme, Wash. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY t Lieutenant Alfred E. Kinney, Astor ia. Corporal Craig Wilkinson, Hood River. Or. Private Henry It. Hollmer, l-a Grande, Or. Captain Harry E. Lyons, Tacoma, Wash. Private Alvln L. Nystrom, Golden dale, Wash. Private Charles Zblnden. Walla Wa'la, Wash. Private Ralph W. French, Colfax, Wash. Private Amund Hagen, Harrison. Idaho. Private Clarence Bullock, Kooskla, Idaho. MISSING IN ACTION Corporal Albert J. Ruth, Seattle, Wash. Private Dewey O. Thrall, Cam bridge, Idaho. Captain Howard Dehart, Seattle. Wash. Sergeant Arthur R. Knouff, Port land. Or. Corporal John H. Fortner, Darrlug ton. Wash. Private John G. Uraden, Rlikrcall, Or. Private Joseph H. Dion, Seaside, Or Private Frank E. Miller, Landex, Or. KILLED, Previously Reported Missing Lleutenaut J F. Wehuer, Everett, Wash. Private G. R. Dieter, Gilbert, Idaho. DIED OF WOUNDS Corporat Elbert Alexander, Ponie roy. Wash. , Private Charley E. Shannon, Rice, Wash. Private Joseph J. McCadam, Spo kane, Wash. Private Sam Soo Hoo, Pocatello, Idaho. DIED OF DISEASE Corporal William F. Grill, Wanat chee, Wash. Private Oscar Zimmerman, Meha ma. Or. Private Earl J. Edwards, Corvallln Or. Private Harry W. Maddox, Ashtou Idaho. , Private Athur T. Mallatt, Portland Or. SEVERELY WOUNDED Sergeant Guy F. Stlckney, U. 8. M C, Bothell, Wash. Sergeant Frank L. Qulnn. Tacoma, Wash. Sergeant Samuel C. Stitt, American Falls, Idaho. Sergeant Norman S. Hayner, Walla Walla, Wash. Sergeant Henry S. Baker, Spokane Wash. Corporal William A. Fish, Tacoma, Wash. Corporal Ersel M. Lindsay, Black foot, Idaho. Private Nels P.- Bergcndorrf, U. a M. C, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Private John P. Tobin, U. S. M. C, Enterprise, Or. Private Charles F. Rull, Deep River, Wash. Private Forrest Blakeman, Darring ton, Wash. Private Lee H. Evans, Bayview, Ida ho. Private Elmer Hartley, Landing, Idaho. Private Earl B. Elllngsworth, Che lan, Wash. Private William S. Ferguson, Te nino, Wash. Private Buell E. Hosklnson, Moro, Or. Private Hurley fisher, Cle Elm, "Wash. . , Private James I. Alger, Buhl, Ida ho. Private Albert O. Dray, Seattle, Wash. Private Charles W.. . Farnsworth, lilackfoot, Idaho. Private Lars J. Hedlund, Klamath Fa'ls, Or. Private David E. Thornock, Eugene, Or. Private Lloyd Crone, Kuna, Idaho. Private Glen W. Hoover,, Fossil, Or. Private Harlow M. Johnson, Port land, Or. Private Louis II. Mackie, Walla Wal la, Wash, Private August Bratvold, Emmett, Idaho. ' 20, 1918. Frlvat George 11. Moyer, Vancou ver, Wash. Private Uoy E, Salsbury, Everett, Wash. Private Samuel II. Wundor, Port land, Or. Private Clyde N. Kaiser, Medo, Or. Prlvti Uenjiunln F. Stevens, Twin Falls, Idaho. P.lvule Halvor Stunodrud, Seattle, WshIi. Private Uoscoe W. Itlehni, Klamath Falls. Or. Private Edward F, Cook, Eluui, Wash. WOUNDED Dear. Undetermined Lieutenant William 1. Jackson, Iteaverton, Or. Corporal Estoll R. Hopkins, Mos cow, Idaho. Mechanic Harry It. Wulson, Cres ton, Wash. Mechanic John Abraham, Wllkeson, Wash. Private John Mtier, Hurley, Iduho, Private Oeorga T. Atwood, Hiuton, Or. Private Hurry Pender, Ln Center, Wash. Private Hud II. Jenks, Seattle. WOUNDED -Previously Reported Missing J. Hurley, Ridge, Mont. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Sergeant Abraham Thorf, Roxburg, Iduho. Corporal William O. Walker, Seluh, Wash. Private Clyde E. Leonard, Holse, Idaho. Private John Buss. Oregou City, Or. Private Purne L. Grout, Tacoma, Wash. Private Emtl Holleau, Raymond, Raymond, Wash. Private Charles H. Neely. Spokane. Private Roy Robnott, letrolt. Or. Private John H. Walters. Hothell, Wash. Private Tully K. Stulltud, Green Acres, Wash. Private Alex. Vernon, Vancouver, Wash. Private Allen Sprutlln. Seattle, Wash. MISSING IN ACTION Corporal Jesse J. Long, Marshflotd, Or. Private Edward Store, Knnppa, Or. Private Norvln R. Walters, Phoenix, Or. Private Thomas Martin, Sandpolnt, Idaho. Frlvate James A. Ham, Ktnt, Wash. Private Frank DelletlgUo, Gaston, Or. , " Private Junius T. Hochstrasser, Tetonla, Idaho, Private Geortse M. Morton, Napa vine, Wash. Private Emtl J. Plckel, llelllnsham. Wash. Private Roy L. Norbom, Seattle, Wash. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDETER MINED, PREVIOUSLY REPORT ED KILLED IN ACTION Lleufnant P R Splane, Urn Ange les, Cal. KILLED, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING Lieutenant J. F. Wehner, Everett, Wash. Private G. R. Dieter, Gilbert. Ida ho. WOUNDED SEVERELY, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING Private H. II. Folson, Gooding, Ida ho. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING J. Hurley, Rldgo. Mont. PRESENT FOR DUTY, PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING Private George T. Welk, U. 8. M. C. Yamhill, Or. F. E. Bryant, Everett, Wnsh. KILLED IN ACTION Lcutenant Leslie O. Too.e, Salem, Or. Prlva'te Albert Salmi, Kerry, Or. Private John H. Vamlcrmindi'n, DIED OF DISEASE Private Louis Larson, Hammond, Or. DIED OF DISEASE Private Ralmond W. Barnes, Harris burg, Or. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant Louis If. ComptOn, Ash Iund, Or. Private Herman P. JohnHon, Salom, Or. Private Cnthbert W. Courtney, Grants Pass, Or. Private Thomas Neer, Turner, Or. Private Toney K. Cinnamon, Day ton. WOUNDED 8EVERELY Lieutenant James I). Fletcher, Buell, Or. Corporal Fred C. Powers, Corvallls, Or. Corporal Thomas E. Dassett, Port land, Or. Private Maurice Newton, Andrews, Or. Private Bert J. Saunders, Long Creek, Or. WOUNDED, Degree Undetermined Private Lumon 8. Butterfleld, To ledo, Or. Private Oscar Scott, Port'and, Or. Musician Thomas W. Griffith, lone, Or. Private John W. Miller, Roma, Or. Private Christian Zeller, Portland, Or. Private Daniel J. Brogan, Antelope, Or. Private Myron R. Stroock, Port land, Or. Private Jack V. Rodriguez, Toledo, Or. W0UNDE9 SLIGHTLY Mechanic Willie L. Hollen, Condon, Or. Private Clarence S. Olson, Condon, Or. Private Ennis A. Burnett, Silver Lake, Or. Private Philip J. Redmond, Port land, Or. MISSING IN ACTION Private Edward H. Scott, Portland, Or. Private Barney Wolfe, Ashland, Or. KILLED IN ACTION Private Gustav W. Peterson, Aber deen, Waih. Sergieant Waldo E. Caufield, Ore gon City, Or. Private Wilbur Courtrlght, Indiana Val'ey, Idaho. Private Tom C. Bair, Woodland, Wash, Private Lewis 10. Hrauson, Hums Or. Private Lul llniimr, Seattle, Wash. Private Max A, Wutloradoif, Htmt tle. , DIED OF WOUNDS Private tgnnU Keller, Mount Anr.rl, Or. WOUNDED SEVERELY Captain Floyd H, Lewis, Sutoiu, Or. Corporal John Kirk, t'halla, Iduho. Corporal Waldo 8. Howe, Idaho Fulls, Idaho. Private Arthur Hill, Everett, Wash, Private Abney R. Ostetborg, ,Troy, Idaho. Private Richard P. Itohlimoii, Hur ley, Idaho, Private Fred Mix, Aberdeen, Wash. Private Emmett L, Morgan, Port land, Or. Private George If. Croft, lleyburn, Idaho. Private Ly E. Httinlnond, Troy, Idaho. Private frank A. York, Doty, Wash. Lieutenant Dean C. Thnnnuiu, Seat tle, Wash ' Private Raymond O. Walt, Auius vlllo, Or. Prlvatu Robert F. IiikuIIh, Pendle ton, Or. Private James 11. Knauff, Sllverlou, Of. Private Clayton C. Moore, Port land, Or. Private Vernleo Swearlngou, Walla Walla, Wash. Private Albeit F. Cooper, Hood River. Or. WOUNDED, DEGREE UNDETER MINED Private Enrico Martini, Raymond, Wash. Private Ralph J. Atkinson, Port land. Or. Private Megr. Klrshluu, Portland, Or. Private Merlin M. Ogden, Pomeroy, Wash. Private John P. Pomeroy, Seattle, Wash. Private Chnrh's D. O'Hrlen, Jerotno, Idaho. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED Sergeant Vlnrenuo Farlchl, Port lund, Or. Corporal I.oron C. Cixhrnn. Port land. Or. Private Jesse W. Abbott, Holse, Ida ho. Private John Brink, Lynden, Wash. Private Arnold Stryffler, Gaston, Or. Private Ludwlg Benson, llibbs, Id ho. Private Harrison J. Rebhan, Suhlett, Idaho. Private Emery K. Ju kson, Seattle. Private Ingwurd II. Jncobson, Seul tlo. Private Oscar W. Klein. Salem, Or. Prlvute Orton K. Mudtie, Echo. Or, Private Walno Kraus, Portland, Or Private Morris A. Martin, Green leaf, Idaho. Private (frank D. Montgomery, Twin Falls. Idaho. Private Henry K, Olson, Medical lkc. Wash. Private Graver F. Rlodel Vader, Wash. Horsoshoer Gfiorgo W. Madden, Omak, Wash. Private George M. Ham, Iterance, Or. Private Lowell II. Wolf, Idaho Falls. Idaho. Prlvnte Jose h R. Orr, Cenlratla, Wash. Private Carl Bather, Seattle, Wash Private Francis Spi-ake, Portland, Or. Private Ralph J. Helios, Geneva, Wash. WOUNDED. DEGREE UNDETER . LY REIPORTED MISSING R. W. MclntoHh, Newport, Wush. WOUNDE D, DEGREE UNDETER MINED, PREVIOUSLY REPORT ED MISSING W. Ando-son, ponlsboro, Wash. 1 P. Hourgl't, Seattle, Wash. J. O. Plnkerton, Yakima, Wnsh. E. P. C'urk. Castlerock, Wash. MISSING IN ACTION Private Clifford PI Hlunchat, Enum claw, Wnsh. PrvHte Henry A. Clcg, Dubos, Ida ho. Private Frank C. Hriimmond, Fairy land, Idaho, Sergeant Richard W. White, Taco- nm, Wash. Private Heber L. Kelly, Idaaho Fulls, Idaho. Private Paul A. Changnon, Idaho Falls, Idaho. KILLED IN ACTION Private Lars J. Glssolt, Coqulllo, Or. ' ' . Sergeant Wesley H. Weeks, Sho shono, Idaho. Private Fred McMillan, Richrield, Idaho. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Ernest T. Eqkerloln, II, B. M. C Salem, Or. Private John L. Fulwtiler, U. S. M C Spokane, Wash. Prlvata Clarence L. Keyes, U. 8. M. C, Auburn, Wash, Private Harlow F. Hooper, U. S. M. C., Rupert, Wash. DIED OF DISEASE Private John Singleton, Eagle Point, Or. Sergeant Day D. Parkhlll, Reno, Wash P-lvate Frod R. W. Keune, Tacoma, WaBh. - Private Edward J. Yancey, Tacoma, Wash. Private A'bert Llndon, Spokane, Wosh. Private Raymond Bresnahan, Col vlllo, Wash. Private Frank R. Coyle, Vancouver, Wash. Private Wllford Wright, Malad City, Idaho. WOUNDED 8EVERELY Private Nl'a A. Ebert, U. S, M. C Mnkllteo, W-sh. P-ivate F-nnk J, Titus, U. S. M. C, Spol'ane, Wa 'h Prlval, . An"' Vnncollio, U. S. M. C, Fu'ny-lrt", Wnh. Privf Ar bu N Wa'ling, U. 8. M. C, Tec ma, "'"sdi. Brrrrnnt Thorns E. Bailey, U, S. M. C., Gno-lln-. Trl-'ho Corpornl Re-.- .f. Note, U. S. M. C, Jerome, Idaho. WOUND-!-) "-res Undetermined EAST SIDE IS SURE OF GETTING NEW HIGHWAY HAI.KM, Or, Dno. 14. (Special to the EtiterprlMe)- Orders by tin Hlalo Highway t'ommlsMlim to the Columbia Contract Company for .delivery of 110,01)11 ton of cnuheil rock ami 820u tons of Kphnltum, dollverles to start by the first pf the year, practically Insure (luring Iho coming yur tho ctunpltitlon of the 1'Mciriu lllKhway from Oregon City to Hnlem. The road will he paved from Aurora to Salem nnd the rock and amdiall- ii in ure for (hat purpoae to be tlumiicd along Ihtt Pacini! Illshway at conven ient points no that It can be picked up handily for use early In the spring when aetunl const nut Ion work will start. Eforts have Iiihmi Hindu lit the piiiil to get altnud with this work, but Just when the suiting seeuicil rl ar muue Ihlug arose to stdefuck It, The lust ItiHuriiiountable olmtai'lo was the w,ir and'hlghwey work was deflnl'-ely de layed until ponce was in sb-ht, With all the burs now down lher sm-ms no chanee of the work biltm dc'ayed further than the close of the next st-a-Mott when It Is expocled It will be completed. Another year or two will be Seen finished a kIkiiuIIo loop from HaU-m to Portland on the East Side ami nek ou the Wost Bide, with Oregon City one of the show spots along tho high way. Tourist travel through- lh val ley towns Is espt'i tod to Increase by leaps and bound with the finishing of these magnificent stretches of road way. (,'orporal Harry U - HluUdell. Heat tie, Wash. Private Havld A. SnyiV . OiU'sep, Iduhu, . Private Otto W. C-wfonl, Kiiunett, Idaho. Private Walter J. Hall, Emmett, Idaho. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Svrgeaut William A. Halrd, Corval- y. Or. Corporal William A. Page. Fort Klamath, Or. Private Joseph A. Kraft, Sherwood. Or. Private Arthur C. Lewis. Helth? (Ruch). Sergeant Alonso I. Klrhy, Central la. Wash. ( Corimrul Rmipert L. Flepry, Helllug- hum, Wsh. Private George L. HJork. Sriohnm Ish, Wash. Private Honton L. Davis, Coulee City, Wanh. Private John J. Nefsay, Black Hear, iduho, Private Frank Cook. fit. Maries, Idaho, Private Ray F, Taylor, Richland. Wash. Private Osrnr Kallsberg, Tacoma. Wash. KILLED IN ACTION Corporal William V. Saunders, Ba ker, Or. Corporal Joseph V. Stephens, Pilot Rock. Or. Prlvato Harold V. Hurgren, Port land, Or. Prlvato Newton M, Patterson, Leb anon, Or. DIED OF WOUNDS Corporal Anders C. Schulu, Moro, Or. Private Puul A. Iirenx, Grants Pass, Or. Prlvato Nick Troudt. Hubbard, Or. Prlvnta Frank K, Tucker, Klamath Falls, Or. DIED FROM ACCIDENTS AND OTHER CAUSES Private Fred J. Ilerglund, Portlund. Or, DIED FROM DISEASE Corporal Jiimes K. Gardner, Salem, Or. WOUNDED SEVERELY Prlvato Elwln Huppert, West Stay ton, Or, Private Harry G. Hoydsten, Lake view, Or. Private Noah K. Nybort, Klamath Fill's, Or . Private- Roy K. Ruffnor, Boaverton, Or. Private Fred L. Konkle, Corbntt, Or. Private Fonton NV. CIiuhc, 8;ipleo, Or. Private Cliester A. Vunilonburg, For nut O'ovo, Or. ' Private Paul N. Matllla, Soiialde, Or.. Private John C, Miller, Brownsville, Or. Private Harvey C. Worthlngton, Portland, Or. Prlvata Marishull D. Mead, Now berg, Or. WOUNDED, DEGEE UNDETER MINED Lieutenant Darwin T. Phl'llps, Portland, Or., Corporal Charley I. Sowoll, Klrby,, Or. Prlvato Fred P, McKay, Perry City, Or. Private Sldnoy Howard, Jefferson, Or. Private Hallle L. Pepper, Sclo, Or. Private Archie Towell, Eslacadu, Or. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Corporal George Kroth, Nyssa, Or. Private Walter C. Bronner, Oregon City, Or. P'lvnte S C. Thompson, Elgin, Or. Private Charles E. Hutchinson,. noHclmrg, Or, Private Viotor 13. West, Eastsldo, Or. Private Louis F. Kle'ing, Rural, Or. Private Arthur W. .Nelson, Port land. Or. ' Private Walna-dI!Ilpa, Astoria, Or. P-lvute 'Vincent 13. Paddock, Swuct Hnme,' Or , MISSING IN ACTION Private Harvey V. Rohortson, Sheri dan, Or. 1 Prlvcte Roy R, Reed, Marcola, Or. Private S;im Ventura, Portland, Or.,