rage o . -77 PERSHING AYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO YANKEES WASHINGGTON, Dec. 4.-General John J. Pershing's account ot his ste wardship as commander of the Ameri can Expeditionary Forces was given to tn public today by Secretary Ba ker. It Is In the form of a preliminary report to the secretary, covering op erations up to November 20, after the German collapse. It closes with ths words from the leader of the treat army in France, expressing his feeling for those who served under him: , "I pay the aupreme tribute to our - officers and soldiers of the line. When I think of their heroism, their pa tience under hardships, their unflinch ing spirit ot offensive action, I am filled with emotion which I am unable to express. Their deeds are Immortal and the? have earned the eternal gratitude of our country." Th reoort begins with General Pershing's departure for France to pare the way for the army that was to smash German resistance on the Meuse and give vital aid to the allies in forcing Germany to its knees 19 months later. Its striking feature fe the Section devoted to "combat opera tions", where is, told the story ot fighting by the man who directed it r mum tou is v e r; V LARGE ICE SEPT. 15 WASHINGTON', Dec 4 Between 300.000 and 350,000 deaths from Influ enza and pneumonia have occurred among the civilian population of the United States -since September 15, according to estimates today ot the Public Health Service. These calcula tions were based on reports from cit ies and states keeping accurate rec ords and public health officials believe they are conservative. The epidemic persists, but deaths are much less numerous, according to reports reaching here. Insurance companies have been hard hit by the epidemic. Govern ment reports Indicate, although there are no figures available here to show total losses sustained by the compan ies. The Government Incurred liabil ities of more than $170,000,000 In con nection with life insurance carried by soldiers in Army camps, not including those in Europe. About 20.000 deaths occurred In the camps in the United States. War De partment records show. Rrtt Woman Minister Appointed by Hungary STAND BY OUR ALLIES WITH U. S. SOLDIERS T T NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Asserting that the United States had not done nearly as much as the British nav and the British, French and Italian armies, to bring about the downfall ot Germany, Theodore Roosevelt declar ed in a statement here tonight that it is "our business to sfimd by our allies at the peace conference." He declared It "sheer nonsense" to say the American Army was fighting for President Wilson's famous 14 points. He made the assertion that "there was not one American soldier In every thousand who ever heard of them." The British Empire Imperatively .... . p.vWtC -it-. Rosika Sehwlmmer, writer and pact fist, has been appointed minister to Switzerland by the Hungarian govern m.mt. She is the first woman In trusted with such a diplomatic post. Madame Sehwlmmer accepted and will enter upon her duties shortly at Bern. She has been credited with be ing the originator of the Ford peace ship idea. ROLL OF HONOR NOHT'-tWEST NEW YORK, Dec. 4. The transport needs the greatest navy In the world Lanland. with 23 officers and 1797 returning American soldiers abroad, arrived at quarantine this morning. She will dock during the day. The transports Minnekahda and Ores, which left England with thej Lapland, are expected to arrive to-i day. The police boat patrol, bearing the members ot Mayor Hylan's committee to welcome homecoming troops, steamed down the bay to meet the Lapland. The Sierra, with th first organ ized detachments from France, is scheduled to reach New York Satur day but may be delayed nntil Monday because of stormy weather. The White Star liner Celtic Is due Friday or Saturday with about 1500 more troops from England. and this we should Instantly concede,' said the Colonel. "Oar need for a RESENTED BY SENATE GARFIELD RESIGNS POST WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Fuel Ad ministrator Garfield has resigned and President Wilson has accepted his resignation. This was announced to night at the White. House. WASHINGTON, Dec. S. Congress in Joint session today heard Preel dent Wilson announce formally his In tention to attend the peace conference and give his views on the part the Government should play In dealing with after the war problems.! Democrats of the House receiver the announcement with cheers in which soma Senators joined. The Re publicans were sl'ent almost through' out the address, except when the President referred to the valor and ef ficiency of America 8 soldiers and great Navy comes next to hers and we' mentioned the names of Pershing ana should have the second Navy in tire Sims. Threatened interruptions by world. Similarly France needs greater 1 members who disapprove the trip and military strength than we do, but we ! of the President's failure to include a should all have our young men train- Senator among the peace delegates ed to arms on the general lines of the j however, did not materialize. Swiss system. During the first hour of the new The "freedom of the seas' is a; session. Senator Cummins, of Iowa, phrase that may mean anything to I Republican, Introduced a resolution to nothing. If it is to be interpreted as send a committee of eight Senators to Germany interprets It, it is thorough-! Paris to keep the Senate advised of ly mischievous. There must be no in-, the progress of the peace conf erenc, terpretation of the phrase that woula and in the House Representative Rod prevent the English navy, in the event ! enburg, ot Illinois, Republican, haa of any future war, from repeating the ' offered a resolution proposing that the Vice-President take over the execu tive functions upon the departure of Mr. Wilson from the country. Senator Sherman, of Illinois, Republican, an nounced later that he would submit to- tremendous service it has rendered in this war. 8 BILLION LOANED . WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. Belgium was given another credit of $12,000,000 1 morrow a resolution similar to that of by the treasury today, makine her Representative Rodenburg, except total loans from the United States that it would declare the office i?m.l20.0on and the total of the al-i r resident vacant, lias' loans $8,196,576,666. C. L. REAMES INJURED SUGAR BOWL BACK SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4. The long exiled sugar bowl was permitted NEED MORE SHIPS Joseph street, ot ATLANTIC CITY, "Dec. 4. Secre tary of Commerce Redfleld today told the Chamber of Commerce of the SEATTLLE, Dec. 2. Clarence L. Reames, Special Assistant United States Attorney-General, was strucs by an automobile here today and euf fered bruises and cuts about the hsad. to return to California restaurants j United States that "soberly looking and other public eating places in an at it, I think that every ship the world order issued by the fsderal food ad jhas and can get has all of its carry ministration for California here to-' ing capacity taken for the next two day. i years to come. acrEf The room made cheery and comfortable by ;. 'n . the glowing warmth of Perfection Oil Heat- S "jt er. Lights at the touch of a match. No X SS fM troublesome fires to bother with. No dust, Aa "; " ""' 1 1 no dirt, no ashes. 1 1 A Gives steady, comfortable warmth for many J VlfgQ, I hours on one filling with Pearl Oil, the ever yC y fZpi .- ' 11 obtainableJueL No smoke or odor. Portable. j J ' J1& "' ' "" Bay Perfection Oil Heater r-Cl I ( sAjf OL today. Dealert everywhere. 1 -J f ' 'fW ' STANDARD fcwfeSrS f&'&!&r4 oil tr XwtnfraS fix 1 UpJgggY Jux ( FEKPEGT3ION ILv'MEATEH O J. L LACEY, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Parkplace, Or. StaaU Hdwe. Co. Oregon City Bert Finch, Estacada F. Buh & Son, Oregon City F. Hendriksen, Molalla Hogg Bros., Oregon City G. Blatchford, Molalla Estes Hdwe. Co., Oregon City A. Mather, Clackamas F. Frietkick, Oregon City Madden & Co., Springwater KILLED IN ACTION Corporal Kolnnd Evans, L. U Evans, Aniorti-un Falls, Miiho. Mechanic Uster C. Uwwo, Mrs. W. V, Roese, Newherg, Ore. Private Leo G, Unrrett, Mrs. Alice K. Giirrott, U. F. IX 3. Rig by, Idaho. Private Martin Uartles, Williain Hartles, Grand Rondo, Ore. Private Uohert llracken, Mrs. Mi shall, Weston, Ore. Private Alt Muson, John Mnson, K. F. 1). 3, Mt. Vernon. Wash. Private William 11. Ram -y, Mrs. Htl- llo Ranioy, Clarkston, Walv, Private Albert W. Tlndalo Tln.lale. 14 East Thirtieth ortland. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Walter G. Hand, Mrs. Ret- tlo Hand. Welser, Idaho. Corporal Clarence P. Holland, F. D. Holland. Priest Klvcr, Idaho. Private Fred E. Ilenson E. J. Hen- son. Knumciaw, an. Private Fred Eltien, Henry C. Ehlon, Aurora, Or. Guy C. Weese, Nancy Weese, An ton e, Or. DIED OF DISEASE Private C'yde E. Ilogsatt, S4 East Thirty-third street. Portland, Ore, MISSING IN ACTION Private Earl Freeland. Mrs. Anna F.eeland, Empire, Wash. Private Thomas L llarron, Mrs, Lavlna Parron, IUihl, Idaho. Private Jamea G. Edmlston, 'Mrs. Laura Edmlston. Marshall, Wash. Private James a Eifort. Mrs. Vlca Elfort, 25 East Portland boulevard, Portland. Or. Private Victor E. Duane, Mrs. Pauline Duane, Oak Harbor, Wash. KILLED IN ACTION Henry Pecker, Ruff, Wash. Nells H. Johansen. Junction City, Or, Clarence E. Swank. Seattle, Wash. Bert E. Vefclat. Rainier, Ore. Julius Ft Pergeiulorff, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Wilson M. Rothermel, Astoria, Or l.awrence L. Auten. Seattle, Wn Samuel W. Southard, Waitsburg, Wn. DIED OF WOUNDS Lieutenant David 1L Cohen, Spo kane, Wash. Sergeant John Altman, Spokane. Privates Frank J. RrasscI, Gervals, Ore. Victor Gaume, Winlock, WaBh. Irving H. Barbec, Anacortes, Wn. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Corporal John F. Schall, Eugene, Or. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Elmer 11. Cass, Sultan, Wn. Corporal William H. Richards, Spo kane, Wash. Privates Earl P. Clark, Sultan, Wash. David R. Carr, Kamtlche. Wash. Fulton B. Cross, Jordan Valley, Wn. Cllford E. Doollttle, Portland. Or. Andrew Olson, Puyallup, Wash. Lloyd W. Riser, Puyallup, Wash. Artie M. Rlckard, Oakdale, Wash. Leonard L. Brown, Hlllsboro, Ore Ray J. Faulker, Everett, Wash. John J. Harvey, Centralla, Wash. Dean G. Holt, Boise Idaho. James II. Pope. Everett, Wash. George Wetzel, Yamhill, Ore. KILLED IN ACTION Corporal E. J. Scoville, Portland. Private Ernest T. Eckerlon, Salem, Or. Private Henry M. Gambll, Mount Vernon, Or. Private Charles L. Walker, Hllls boro, Or. Private John Anderson, Parkland, Wash. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Steven A. Manning, U. S. M. C., Portland. Private Floyd D. Satterfield, U. 8. M. C Everett, Wash. DIED OF DISEASE Private William Godsey, Buhl, Ida ho. Private Ralph R. Rees, Porland. WOUNDED SEVERELY Private Delbert O. Brewster, Ruch, Or. Private Conrad II. Eftpeland, Seattle Private James R. Fenwlck, Shea- ville, Or. Private Harry M. Mann, Wallace, Idaho. Private Vlgge W. Jensen, Seattle. Corporal Kenneth Bruce Hoyt, Gresham, Or. WOUNDED Drgree Undertimined Private Edward K. Johnson, Port- and. i Private Wesley I. Barr, Arlington, Wash. Private Walter T. Coker, Monte- sano, Wash. Sergeant Thomas A. McDaniel, attle, Wash. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Private Ernest J. Moenkhouse, Grande, Or. MISSING IN ACTION Private Charles H. Jacques, land. PrlvatA John D. Patton, Chldlan Valley, Idaho. Private Steve R. Barrel, Ellens buret. Wash. Private Clifford Stewart, Goshen, Wash. Private Eugene JJ. Parker, U. S. M, C, Roxburg, Wash. KILLED IN ACTION PHvatn William W. Hayes, St, Johns. Ore. Lieutenant Francis D. Johnston, zii lah, Wash. Lieutenant John F. Orr, Yamhill, Or. , Sergeant Orlin R. Rehbeln, Boise, Idaho. Corporal John H. , Remmerden, Yakima, Wash. Corporal Anton L. Olsen, Eden, Idaho. Corporal Alfred C. Kramer, Rose Lodge, Oregon. Corporal Julius Bemdt, Yakima, Wash. Corporal Marion F. Johns, Tacoma, WaBh. Mechanic M'Klnley Moe, Skamoka wa. Wash. Private Leroy Brower, St. Anthony, Idaho. Private Benjamin N. Marysville, .Wash. Private Louis A. Martin, Seattle, Wash. Private Domeulk Mnssone, Seattle, Wash. Private John W. Rlsta.t, Spokane, Wash. Prlvato Thomas linker, Spokane, Wash. . Private John W. Johnson, Buhl, Idaho. Private Peter Lentil, Aberdeen, Wash. Private Frank Osborne, Deary, Ida. Private J whs L. Jenn, Kutonvtll, Wash. Private Victor Kangnu, Norwood, Idaho, v Private Ttmtune D, Shaddock, Day ton, Wash. Private Lehl U Smith, Mulad City, Idaho, Private John M'Comtw, Seattle, Wash. Private John Mlttledor, IMnckfoot, Idaho. $ Private Joseph Nelson, Caldwell, Kluho. Lieutenant Richard J. Fuller, Port land, Or. Private Frank Belllono, Roxburg, Idaho. Private Andrew Peterson, Tacoma, Wash. Private Frank J. Starr., Seattle. DIED OF WOUNDS Corporal William L. Greene, Pa louse, Wash. Private Henry J. Johnson, Deep River, Wash. Private Arthur Ralson, Ellensburg, Wash. Private Paul E. l-ainb, Seattle. DIED OF DISEASE Lieutenant Lester B. Pickering, Monroe, Wash. Corporal Julian T. Lowe, Nyssa, Or. Private Andrew Carlson, Tacoma, Wash. Private Joseph H. Kramer .Conti nental. Or. (probably Ohio) Prlvat John B. Martin. 8eattle. Private William If. Klostra, Elgin Or. Private William P. White, Boiling- ham, Wash. WOUNDED, Degree Undetermined Private Paul llinton, I'ort Town send, Wash. Private Harold S. Fleming. Friday Harbor, Wash. MISSING IN ACTION Sergeant Charles T. Richardson, Seattle, Wash. Corporal Walter E. 8omes, Water- vllle, Wash. Prlvato Athanal C. 8. Lecuoa, Chad- let, Idaho. Private Iuls E, Wllley, Thornton, Wash. Private John E. Modln, Boring, Or. Private Claude A. Callahan. Cam bridge, Idaho. Private Elmer Knight, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Private Glenn E. Schaep, Pratum, Or. Private Ted Shaffer, Tacoma, Wash Private Harold F. Wenner, Okano gan, Wash. Stephen A. Morland, Taroma, Wash WOUNDED SEVERELY Corporal Wlllnrd C. Gill, Portlana. Or. Private Edward E. Chllds, Spokane, Wash. Private James C. Mlnter, Souta Bend, Wash. Sergeant John Lake, Govan, Wash Private Olton Ray, Chlloquln, Or, KILLED IN ACTION Corporal Donald B. McKlmens, emergency address, George B. Mc Klmens, Mohler, Or. Sergeant Kenneth H. Brown, emer gency address, David Drown, Twin Falls, Idaho,. Corporal Thomas O emergency address, Thomas H. Will isms, 1216 8outh M. Street, Tacoma, Wash. Private Peter W. Peterson June tlon City, Or. Private Drew C. Amos, Hope, emr-Img, address, Mrs. KUu Iluluotds, Idaho, Private HorHeh.nl I). LegK, go my address, Mrs. Llistlo t'tiiirloatou, WbhIi. Uogre It. Ktmtolltlluger, nungncy address, I'M HuhoIUio street, 1 1 111m boro, 0. KILLED IN ACTION Lluutenunt Murray V. Wheat, Asfor la, Or, Lieutenant William J. MuoDonald, Seattle, Wash, Prlvut Giure W. Ullson, Port' land. Or. Private Sumunl T. Worry, Hellvu, Idaho, DIEO OF WOUNDS T Lloutenaiit William F, Foustol, Portland. Or, Sergeant Jacob Petchlor, Jr., tlreth am, Or. Private Joseph Cavallr. Clo Elm, Wash. Private Arthur 10. Pintle, Seattle. Wash. Private Steve Kaljn, Idaho, Prlvato William L, O'Neal, Fortson. Wash, Prlvatn John Pyeatt, Tenday, Idaho. DIED OF DISEASE Private Robert J. llowcl, Ontario, Or, 'rlvato Arthur T. Abram, Spo kane, WftHl). Private h'ay K. l.oflaml, Medford, Or. Private Umls F. Ulbly, Wetit Seat tle, Wash. WOUNOED SEVERELY Private Grover L. Miller, Omsk Wash. Private Mursln.is Sterrenburg, Puy nllup, Wash. WOUNDED -Degree Undetermined Private Kenneth K. Harris, Cos' mopolls, Wash. Prlvat Charley A. Sams, Rknmnn' In. Wash. MISSING IN ACTION Private Robert M. Carter, Bremer ton, Wush. Private Thomas Bulllo. East Stan wood. Wush. Private Gust T. Tosksn, Medford Or. Private Julius C. Zllkey, Chnllls, Idaho. ISlII CAR MEN S TRIKE TO FORCE OUT LADY WORKERS ALARM IN GERMANY Zurich, Deo, 4. Wealthy resldonU ot Merlin are floeltig, fiurlim a coup d'etat by the extremist, suld a dis patch from the German frontier today. Plucnrda are being posted In Berlin laying: "Take carol Llobticeht la preparing for a coup d'etat!" COPENHAGEN, Dec. 4 The Leip- xlg workmen's and soldlnrs' council has decided to arrest (told Marshal Von lllndenburg and to dissolve the great general Imaduuartera, a dispatch today declared. JXINDON. Dec. t.-The Bolshevik element In Germany, headed by Rosa Luxemburg and other extremists, are becoming more active and are de manding the overthrow of the liberal government headed by Chancellor Khnrt, according to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Post today. SHIP MEN HOPE TO HAVE BOARD SOON RAISE RESTRICTIONS The ship till) early CLEVEl-AND, O . Dec. 3. To en force their demand upon the Cleve land Railway company for the dismis sal of women employed as conductors since luat August, 2100 niotormen and conductors went on strike today. The employes claim that an agree ment with the company tor tjie re moval of the women on November 1, and recently extended until December 1 was Ignored. The company on Its part asserts that It received a telegram Saturday from the secretary of the national war labor tmard at Washington, ask ing It to retain the women 'In Its em ploy until their status was finally de termined by the board. COMPLAINTS OF RAIL SERVICE ARE NUMEROUS Se La Port WASHINGTON. NOV. 30. That a flood of complaints over the character of thj train service mny have had .""f.MM Uomethlng to do with the resignation of Director General McAdoo ,1s the significant remark of Representative W. C. Hawloy who has Just returned from a brief trip. Everybody wus emergency comnlalnlnir. asserts tho ConKressmun. address. Mrs. Euretta llranle, R. F. Bn.i ,h rlevnnres reached the head D. 6, Idaho Falls.. Idaho. of (hn ,iiroi.d ervlce thev were Private Sigurd Ronnlng, emerKency nou,,h to ,imk a man want t0 flUt auuress, flirs. tamer iwrson, jvor- ,n n,B 0,lnlon t wm tnke a on t,ne Mf. Wash. , tlia.rilllrnnit Hnrvlna IibpW tn 11k Bugler Robert E. Helm, emergency f( " . hlh ,Hn,inr(. ,, emoloyerg address, Henry Helm, Rupert, Idaho. ... t(, ,.... ,ogt .... .)rMe ,hey I'rivate Jewett u. names, emcr- form,.rlv took in Klvlnit the host of gency aauress, jonn x: isarnes, mos- orvl to the mtrom of thor re. cow, niano. snectlvo lines. Private Arthur C. Moly, emergency Evidently the complaints were not address, Mrs. Bertha Mely, Spokane, directed against deficencos duo to Wash. wartime coneesUon, for the trains Private Frank P. May, emergency were running on time. address, Mrs. Elsonora C. May, 4802 South K street, Tacoma, Wash. Private Jesse u Parks, emergency address, Mrs. Ollle Parks, Granger, Wash. Private Thomas J. Miller, emergency address, Ernest Miller, Everett, Wash, Private Lee E. Moore, emergency address Charlie Moore, llalley, Idaho, Private Walter FleiHhbauer, emer gency address, Bert K. Flolshbauer, Gaston Or. Sergeant, Trlgvi sorfoniason, emer goncy address svoinnjorn Horronia son, R. P. D. 1, Blaine, Wash Private Charles Kiapp, emergency address, Mrs. Katie Klupp, Wash. Private Paul A. Burson, WASHINGTON. Dec. 2, ping board contemplates removal of restrictions upon wooden shipyard construction for private ac count, both foreign and domestic, ac cording to statements made to Repre sentative Johnson of Washington by John A. Donald, acting chairman o the board. Th rut tn demand duo to the stop ping of aircraft production and the s ispenslon of ship contracts would In were avslluble to take Oregon lum ber to market, lumbermen declare. "Thme Is a great demand for our volve only a change of buyers, If ships lumber all over tho world." said O. M. ("lurk, head of the Clark A Wilson Lumber Co., and former president ft the Chamber of Commerce. "Peru. Bolivia, Chile nei'd lumber badly and are willing to pay good prices. Japan, China and India furnish attractive markets. "But It doesn't make much differ ence that we have unlimited supplies and that these foreign markets need tho lumber so long as we lack ships to carry It to them. "If the wooden vessels of SHOO tone or better ,bullt on tho Columbia river, ran be changed somewhat In type, ant? ths changes can bo made In vessel already constructed, thoy will serve effectively as lumber carriers. I hope the shipping board knows this fact." BRITISH GOVERNMENT INSISTS EX-KAISER T BE GIVEN UP BOLSHEVIK! ARE SEEKING PEACE WITH ALLIES LONDON, Dec. 3. Boris Lltvlnoff, former Bolshevik envoy to England, hus arrived at Stockholm, "to open peace negotiations with the uIUcb" said a dispatch to tho Dally News from that city today, "We wnnt pence and will grant the Everett, allies any concessions excepting de mands relating to Russiun internal emergency affairs," Lltvlnoff was quoted as suy- L1VERPOOL, Dee. 2. Sir Freder ick K. Smith, the Attornoy-leno:al, in terviewed today by the Echo, said that the British War Cabinet, Includ ing Ilia colonial representatives, bus unanimously decided to press Holland to extradite the former German Em peror. AMSTERDAM, Deo, 2. A number of the soldiers' and workmen's coun cils In Germany havo requested the German government to huve former Emperor William tried by a German trlbunt'I, according to a news agency te'egrain from Berlin. .The govern ment, It Is suld, will submit tho ques tion to the national assembly, adrdess, William C. Burson, Ashwood, Or. DIED OF WOUNDS Private Earnest A. Schapp, emer gency address, 8528 Dibble avenue, Seattle, Wash. DIED OF DISEA8E Sergeant 8. Turner Nell, emergency address, Mrs. Susan T. Nell, 945 Cleve land avenue, Portland, Or. Private Kustln E. Dalby, emergency address, Mrs. Ora Landls, 1006 West Lltvlnoff said: ing in an interview. "Immediate pay ment of our debts Is impossible, but I would suggest a moratorium on compromise lines Involving the grant ing of commercial and mining conces sions and the payment of such gold as la In the country now. "Russian peasants opposition to the BolBhevIk regime is now a thing of the past." As to executions by the Bolshevlkl, VIRGINIA MAN MAY SUCCEED WM. G. M'ADOO Way, Seattle, Wash. . Private Joseph D. Nowackl, emer gency adress McKay, Idaho. Private Bryan C. Richard, emer gency address, Frank Richard, Leba non, Or. MISSING IN ACTION Private Arthur N. Shields, emer gency address, Mrs. Mary Shields, 7720 Meridian avenue, Seattle, Wash. Private Ernest Davis, emergency address, James Davis, Boyd's, Wash. Prlate Don R. Qrable, emergency ad dress, Mrs. Catherine Orable, Ilwaco, Anderson, Wash, Private William Pierce, emergency "Official records report only four hundred executions In Moscow and 40 per cent of the victims were criminals. In Petrograd the situation was worse because there was no unification of authority." $., CAVELL GRAVE FOUND LONDON, Nov. 29. The grave $ ot Miss Edith Cavell, the Eng- 3 leh nurse who was executed by fc 3 the, Germans, has been located $ in a cabbage field near Brus- sols. . , $ WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. That Re presentative Carter Glass of Virginia, will succeed William G. McAdoo as secretary of the treasury whs the con viction of President Wilson's intimate; friends today, At the same time these Intimated the president might withhold an nounccment temporarily at least on his choice for director general of the. railroads. . The President bad a long confer ence with McAdoo at the hitter's home last night, It was stated, and the men for the two vacancies were deter mined upon definitely at the same tlpie. Announcement of the choices prob ably will be made today. UNIFORMS READY CORVALLIS, Or", Doc. 4,-Orders for demobilization ot members ot the S. A. T. C. at the Oregon Agricultural college will not affect the issuance of uniforms.; Companies A. C. and K have already received uniforms and oilier equipment and the work of dis tribution will be continued this week.