REASONS OF PRESIDENT ltr All in I ffr r WASHINGTON, Doe. J.-Presi-dont Wilson' minimi tddroH wui devoted chiefly (o aiHouHHtun of the domestic problem of the nation, 01 tho nioro than (000 word, only 750 er dovotod to his Pari trip. Hit reason for going aero wa to Inter prut the ideal expressed by him which have been accepted a a basis tor peace. Tho president appeaolud to congres for united support and prom ked that he would koep it fully una compltiloly lnforinad on nil develop ment. Prealdoiit Wilson told cougros thin It wa international Justice thnt w mii'k, not domestic safety moroly. He ald Hint tho principle enunciated by hint a a bun In of poaee having been accepted by the nutlon he owe it to them to thnt no false or mlntuken Interpretation la placed on them, lie called on congrun for the added strength of their united support end promised to be ut all time In complete counsel with the leador by coblo ane wlrolfM. 111m next nioet Important declaration was on the subject of rullroudH, lie declared that It would be "a disservice alike to the railroad owni-r and the public to rot urn tliti road with old condition unmodified." He asked con gres to make a complote and tmpar tlal study of the problem, meunwhlle allowing government ownership to continue. Ho rntld he had no confldont Judgment of the subject himself. GERMANY MUST PAY IN FULL FOR WAR DAMAGE LONDON, Nov, 29. Uonnany must pay a war Indemnity up to her capa city, premier Lloyd George announced In an address at NawcuHtlo-on-Tyne toduy. At tho antno time he d -clared that there would be a "stonily Just peace." "Tlu-re muni be a sternly Just ponce and never again will Uonnany be al lowed to putray the country that hns xlven thorn a domicile" declared Premier Lloyd George, Aa to Indemnities the prime minis ter mild: "Tho principle olwayi hue been thut the loser mut pay. That Is the prin ciple we should now proceed .limn re garding (iormuny. She must pay the cost of tho war up to her capacity." Tho premier Indicated thut ho fav or punishment for the kaiser when he aald: "We ahould ho act thut men in the future, 'hcn they are tempted to fol low the pxiimple of the (ionium ruler would know what U awaiting them In the end." Lloyd Gaorgo continued. " Is nobody to be punched for the crimen of thj war? I mean to see thut the men who mlntreated our prison era ahall be made reaponglble. Hut 1 do not want, when the war la over, to ptirauo any policy of vengeance." MARKET REPORT 4 A given oy the Brady Mercantile company and Farr Brother. BUYING Creamery butter , 63c i'otatoeg $1.50 Onions, per 100 lbs , $2,00 Hotter (country) per roll $1.10 Eggs, ler dox 67c BELLINa. Cabbnge, per 100 lbs '. . . $2.60 Potatoes per 100 lbs $2.00 Kgg. per do. 73c flutter , per roll (country) $1.20 Creamery butter, per roll $1.35 fo, Oata, per 100 lbs $3.50 Mill run, 80s $170 Calf Meal $2.00 Salt, 60 lb, high grade .. . 85c Hay x... $28-35 Chick food, per 100 lba $5,50 Scratch food, per 100 lb .$4.25 Bone, per 100 lb. $3.75 Ileef scraps . $7.00 Berkshire ; ...$3.50 Carnation Dairy Feed $2,00 llolsteln dairy food . . lOOlbs $2.50 Bloed meal poultry, IV ......... Jfp Whole corn 4.60 Cracked corn ...$4.15 Cocoanut oil meal $3.25 Ground corn $4.15 Eastern oyster shell $100 Western Shell $1.50 Grit, pr 100 lbs. DOc (torn and Oats, ground, per cwt, $3.40 Ground Barley 100 lbs . $3.10 Wheat Oats 100 lbs $2.25 Ilarley Oats 80 lbs $2.00 Llvetook iBuytna Veal ...,18c Live Hogs' 16-17C Dressed Hogs ........ 18-19c Old Roosters .................... ...............15c Springs- . ... 23-25c Hen 23-25 Turkeys, live 28-30o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Joseph M. Piatt deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby Instructed to present them to the un dersigned at the office of Wm. M. Stone, Oregon City with proper vouch ers annexed on or before six months from the date of the first publication of thta notice, Date of first publication December 6th, 1918. MARION PLATT, Administrator. WM. M. STONE, Attorney. First publication December 6, 1918. Last publication January 4, 1919. AKt blvtN rUK I K r tin CLACKAMAS COUNTY'8 BUDGET FOH THE YEAR 1919 Notlc i hereby given that the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, makes the following estl mate of the amount of money to b raised by taxation In said county for the year 1919, and also of the prob able receipt of the county from sources other than direct taxation, and the amount of balances on hand at the time such tax will be levied. For county purposes, constituting the general fund, the following items, to-wlt: Registration & Election ....I 6,000.00 Sheriff A Tax Collector 9,600,00 Clerk's ofilee 5,470.00 recorder 4,(51100 Treasurer 2,900.00 Surveyor 2,220.00 Assessor ... 7,600.00 Court House 8,475.00 Circuit Court . 8,000.00 County Court 4,350.00 Justice Court 1,400,00 Coroner 700.00 Inane 175.00 School Superintendent 6,598.00 Health Ofllcer 1,500.00 Wllnonvllle Ferry 2,500.00 Cattle Indemnity 600.00 Indigent Soldier 000.00 Widows' Pensions .. 11,000.00 Care of Poor 14,600.00 Jail , 600.00 Juvenile Court 1,000.00 Scalp Ilounty 200.00 Tax Rebate 194.00 Printing A Advertising 1,000.00 State & County Fairs 600.00 Sealer of Weight 425.00 Rent of Armory 600.00 Forest fire 800.00 Audit of book 400.00 Damages 1,000.00 Agricultural Agent 1,600.00 Home demonstration work 600.00 Boys' & Girls' Club work 600.00 Insurance 300.00 Total ...$101,000.00 ROADS For Bridge $ 7,125,00 For State Co-operation 7,125.00 For Paving 42,750.00 For District fund, 70 to districts St Q to gen eral road 199,500.00 Total $256,500.00 School and Library fund....! 98,000.00 State Tax 107,000.00 Interest on outstanding warrant 10,000.00 Total estimated ex penditure $572,500.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Fee Clerk' office $ 6,700.00 Fees Recorder's office 4,750.00 hit U. S. Land Sales 100.00 Fine 3,070.00 Interest on Bank deposit 3,250.00 ToUl receipts from all source other than taxation $ 17,870.00 Net amount to be raised by taxation for the year 1919 $555,181.00 SHERIFF'S OFFICE Sheriff' snmry 1,700.00 Sheriff's chief deputy 1,080.00 Sheriff's special deputy 900.00 Investigating crime, auto hire, etc 1,200.00 Stamps, stationery, etc 150.00 Bond of Sheriff 220.00 Total $ 5,250.00 TAV DKPARTMPMT 1 Chief Deputy $ ' 1,080.00 1 Jecond Deputy 900.00 1 Clerk for cash book, 3 , months Spring call 210.00 4 Clerks for office, 3 months 800.00 2 Clerks for office, 2 months Fall call 280.00 Stationery and postage 400.00 Bond for Deputy ("Fee") 25.00 Total $ 8.695.00 Tax Receipt ($20.00)...i.$ 325.00 Cash books (3) 175.00 Recapitulation books and turn over sheets 20.00 Total $ .4,215.00 Steel shelving for vault.... 125.00 $ 4.340.00 Grand total $ 9,590.00 CLERK'S OFFICE Clerk's salary $ Clerk's First Deputy Clerk's Second Deputy '. Clerk's Third Deputy Postage and Box Rent.-... 1,500.00 1,080.00 960.00 960.00 150.00 150.00 35.00 135.00 200.00 300.00 Office supplies and station ery Bond Office equipment Indexes (work on) Registers, books and jour nals Total $ 6,470.00 Estimated receipts 6,700.00 RECORDER'S. OFFICE Recorder' salary S 1,200.00 Chief Deputy 1,080.00 Two Machine Operators.... 1,800.00 Extra Help 150.00 Three (3) Blank Deed Books, at $24.00 each.... 72.00 Three (8) Blank Mortgage Record Books, at $24.00 each 72.00 Envelopes and Stationery 40.00 Ink, Pens, Pencils, Erasers etc., 10.00 Ribbons for Typewriters.... 26.60 Stamps 75.00 Telephones 48.00 Bond 9.60 One (1) Second-hand Desk for front office 30.00 Total .'. $ 4,613.00 TREASURER Salary $ 1,200.00 Deputy 960.00 Treasurer's bond 225.00 Deputy' bond 20.00 Burglar insurance 19.50 Perforating machine 60.00 Desks 100.00 Postage 65.00 Office supplies & station ery -76.00 Registers, books & jour nals 174.50 Total $ 2,900.00 SURVEYOR Salary 1,800.00 Stenographer 120.00 Mileage 1200.00 100.00 Total $ 2,220.00 ASSESSOR Salary . $ 1,250.00 Chief Deputy ... 1,200.00 2nd Deputy 900.00 3rd Deputy 900.00 Field Deputies v 2,000.00 Extending tax roll 600.00 Stamp & traveling ex penses 60.00 Office supplies k calculator 170.00 Assessment & tax roll 460.00 Assessment blank & state ment 186.00 Tax rate sheet, indexes, etc 85.00 Total 7,690.00 COURT HOUSE Janitor ... $ 1,200.00 Fuel - 850.00 Water ... 7 87.00 Toilet paper Si towels. 75,00 Mops, lawn hose, etc.....,.,. 50.00 Oil & disinfectant 48.00 Locks St repairs 60.00 Glass 25.00 Ice 10.00 Plumbing - 300.00 Lamps 70.00 Miscellaneous , 50.00 Telephone 660.00 Total $ 3,475.00 CIRCUIT COURT Estimated expense $ 8,000.00 COUNTY COURT Salary of County Judge....? Stenographer .;. Stamps, stationery St of fice expenses Commissioner' time & mile 1,600.00 720.00 80.00 age 1,800.00 Typewriter 150.00 Total 4,350.00 JUSTICE COURTS, Justice court $ '1,500.00 Coroner 700.00 Insane 175.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Salary $ 1,400.00 Traveling expenses 300.00 Stenographer 720.00 Supervisor 1,440.00 Expense 480.00 Truant officer 150.00 Postage & stationery 250.00 Supplies 400.00 8th grade examination 108.00 Teachers' examination 50.00 Institute 300.00 Total :. : $ 5,598.00 ' HEALTH OFFICER Salary $ 660.00 . Fumigation and traveling I expenses 740.00 Total ; $ 1,400.00 Special high school fund to be levied on all property in Clackama Coun ty not included in high school dis tricts ... NOTICE is hereby further given that a taxpayer's meeting will be held in the court house at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 21, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of discussing the above estimates with the County Court as by law required. Done at Oregon City this 27th day of November, 1918. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge A. H. KNIGHT, Commissioner W. A. PROCTOR, Commissioner TAKEN UP A yearling heifer, black calf, white spot on face and some white on legs. Has been at place for several months. Owner can have slime when pasturage and this ad la paid for. W. R. JACKSON, Extacada, Oregon, Route 3, Novem ber 29, 1918. WANTED to hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneap olis, Minn. DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukle 69-J. "WILLAMETTE NAVIGATION CO. steamer every day freight only Portland to Oregon City, from Wash ington Street Dock. Save Time. t Save Money." MONEY TO LOAN. I have plenty of money to loan on good real estate security at current rates. C. H. DYE, Eighth and Main Street NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la hereby given, that the un dersigned Jos. J. Keber was, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Clackamas County, duly made on the third day of December, 1918, appointed as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Carl Hellmlt, deceased and that he bag duly qualified as such officer. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers, to the un dersigned administrator at ML Angel, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made this 6th day of December, 1918. JOS. J, KEBER, Administrator with the will annexed, Mt Angel, Oregon. CUSTER E. ROSS, Attorney for the estate, Silverton, Oregon. Flint publication December 6, 1918. Laast publication January 3, 1919. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas adminis trator of the state of Friedrich E. Roesti, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the office of C. Schuebel, Oregon City, Ore gon, properly verified as by law re quired, within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication November 29, 1918. , F. WIEVESIEK, Administrator of the estate of Fried rich E. Roesti, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Administrator. Stationery OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. In the County Court for Clackamas County, State of Oregon, In the Matter of the Estate of Amanda M. McCabe, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has filed hi dual account In the above entitled estate ' with the clerk of ald court, and that the court ha appointed Monday the 16th day of December, 1918, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the court room of said court, a the time and place for the bearing of objection to said account, If any, and of the aettlement of aaid ac count. Dated, November 8, 1918. NOAH C. KUHN, Administrator of Estate of Amanda T. J.OEISLER, Attorney for Administrator First publication November IS, 1918. Last publication December 13, 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned ha been appointed executor of the estate of John i. Naef, deceased, by the county court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same, duly ver ified as by law required at the office of Thomas A. Burke, 2nd Floor Court House, within six months from the date hereof. . OTTO NAEF, Executor of the estate of John J. Naef, Deceased. , T.A. BURKE, Attorney for Estate. Dated and first published November 22, 1918. Date of last publication December 20, 1918. ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore ngo for the County of Clackamas, ad ministratrix of the estate of Clarence W. Porter, deceased. All person hav ing claim against said estate are here by required to present them to me at my residence, Gladstone, Oregon, prop erly verified a by law required, with in six months from date hereof. Date of first publication, November 29, 1918. SUSIE PORTER, Awmlnlstratrix of the estate of Clar ence W. Porter, deceased. G. W. ALLEN, Attorney for Administratrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice 1 hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of the Estate of Ole L. Rostvold, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, his final ac count a such administrator of said estate, and the 6th day of January, 1919, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court a the time for hearing any and all objections to said report and final account of said estate. MARTIN ROSTVOLD, x Administrator. E. P. MORCOM, Attorney for Admr., Woodburn, Oregon. Dated this 29th day of November, 1918. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Hannah Sophie Ahlberg, Plaintiff, v. Olaf Ahlberg, Defendant. To Olaf Ahlberg, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the date of the last publication of this summons, and if you fall to so answer or appear, the plaintiff will take a de cree against you for the relief prayed for in her complaint, namely, for the dissolution of the marriage contract existing between the parties hereto, and a further decree for the restora tion to the plaintiff of her former name of Hannah Sophie Nelson. This summons is published under and by virtue of an order made by Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above named Court, on the 25th day of November, 1918. Date of first publication November 29th, 1918. Date of last publication January 10th, 1919. C. D. PURCELL, Attorney for the Plaintiff, Residing at Sandy, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. A. E. Brandon, Administratrix of the Estate of Mary Alberta Thompson, deceased, sometimes known as Al berta W. Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. I. G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson his wife; H. F. Bushong trustee In bankruptcy of I. G .Davidson and Ida May Davidson and F. W. Ooldapp, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 26th day of November, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 26th day of Novem ber, 1918. in favor of A ,E. Brandon, Administratrix of the Estate of Mary Alberta Thompson, deceased some times known as Alberta W. Thompson, Plaintiff, and against I. Q. Davidson and Ida May Davidson his wife, H. F. Bushong trustee in bankruptcy of I. G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson and F. W. Goldapp, Defendants, for the sura of $2094.81, with Interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the 26th day of November, 1918, and the further sum of $150.00, a at torney's fee, and the further Bum of $19.75 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Ore gon, to-wlt: Tract "O" in Clackamas Riverside, Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1918. of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the 28th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In aald County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U, 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the with in named defendant or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above de scribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy aald execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, coats and all ac cruing cost. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackama County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 29th, 1918. SHERIFF'S 8ALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Susan C. Linn and Susan C. Linn a executrix of the Estate of Benjamin F, Linn, deceased; Plaiatlffs, v. M. E. Lee and Minnie M. Lee and H. N. Bain, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, si: By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 18th day of November, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 18th day of November, 1918, in favor of Susan C. Linn and Susan C. Linn as the Executrix of the Estate of Benjamin F. Linn, deceased, plaintiff, and against M, E. Lee and Minnie M, Lee, his wife. Defendants, for the sum of $3630.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 29th day of January, 1918, and the further sum of $250.00, a attorney' fee, and the further sum of $49.05 costs and disbursement, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, situate In the county of Clackama, state of Ore gon, to-wit: - All of the northwest quarter of sec tion twelve (12) in township three (3) south range two (2) east of the W. M. Also the tract of land bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of Abernethy Creek about 6 rods east of the quarter section corner, between sections 2 and 11 in township 3 south range 2 east of the Willamette Meridian, running thence east along the south bbundary line of said section 2 to a point 40 rods east of the quarter section corner be tween said sections 2 and 11, thence north 25 rods; thence west 40 rods, more or less, to the center of the coun ty road; thence in a southerly direc tion along the center of said county road 7 rods more or less to the center of Abernethy Creek; thence up stream in a southerly direction along the cen ter of Abernethy Creek to the place of j beginning, including that certain saw mill building and machinery therein attached. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 21st day of December, 1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants er either of them, had on the date of the mort gage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County,, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 22, 1918. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Henry Balsmeier, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Henry Balsmeier, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator of said es tate and that Monday the 16th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settle ment thereof. FRANK P. WILSON, , Administrator of the estate of Henry Balsmeier, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, , Attorney for Administrator. First publication November 15, 1918. Last publication December 13, 1918. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Jakob Thelslnger, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Jakob Thelslnger, deceased, has filed lri the County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator of said estate and that Monday the 9th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settle ment thereof. C. SCHUEBEL. J Administrator of the estate of Jakob Thelslnger, deceased. L. STIPP, Attorney for Administrator, i First publication November 8, 1918. Last publication December 7, 1918. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the Estate of James M. Volkmar, deceased. All persons hav- ing claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly certified accord ing to law, at the office of Brownell & bievers, at Oregon City, Oregon, with in six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated, No vember 8, 1918. NAOMI E. VOLKMAR, Administratrix of the Estate of James M. Volkmar, deceased. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for administratrix, . . Oregon City, Oregon. Notlc of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Wllhelmlna Hornschuoh, Deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that the nn- derslgned administrator of the estate of Wllhelmlna Hornschuch, deceased, ha filed In the County Court of Clack amas County, State of Oretron. his final account a such administrator of laid estate and that Monday the 9th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. ha been fixed bv aald court a the time for hearing objec tion to ald report and the settlement thereof. K. D. HORNSCHUCH. Administrator of the estate of Wllhel- mla Hornschuch, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Administrator. First publication November 8, 1918. Last publication December 7, 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of uregon, wr Clackama County. Notice is hereby riven that th nn. derslgned ha been appointed Execu trix of the Estate of Carl Aurnst For. berg, deceased,' by the above entitled court, and ha duly qualified. All person having claims aealnst said estate, are hereby notified to pre sent same, amy verified as by law re quired, to the nnderslened. at her resi dence near Boring, Oregon, within tlx months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published November 8, 1918. MARIE MATHILDA FORSBERO, Executrix. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Executrix. First publication November 8, 1918. Last publication December 7, 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Execu trix of the Estate of Oron Leslie Dun bar, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, All per sona having claims against said estate must present them within six months from the date of this notice, duly veri fied, at the office of Attorneys Ham mond & Hammond, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Clacltamas County, Ore gon. LAURA M. DUNBAR. Executrix of the Estate of Oron Les lie Dunbar, deceased. , HAMMOND & HAMMOND, Attorneys fdr Executrix. First publication December 6, 1918. Last publication January 3, 1919. SHERIFF'S 8ALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Thomas Yocum, Plaintiff, vs. Otto Klaetsch, . T. Xr"Ma . A . Krueder, hla wlf .d . D. Dwyer, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of C '", ss. By virtue of a Judgment orde. de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, la the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated tho 24th day of October, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered in aald court on the 11th day of October. 1918, in favcr of Thomas Yocum, Fliiin- ..rr and against Otto Klaetsch. J. T. Krueder anu Krueder hi3 vrne .ind Mrs. l Dwyer, defendants, for the ?um of $1200.00, with interest thereon at the raw of 8 per cent per annum rrcm the 2th day of November, mis. $34 10 taxei. $120 attorney fee; S?0 (ft, and tho further sum of $2'I0)0C, with interest thereon at ? per cent from the 27th day of January, 1914 and the further sum of $150.00. as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $20.00 costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon tnta writ, commandinsr me to make sale of the following described reat property, situate In the county of uaefcamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: ine Bouthwest quarter of the south west quarter of Section 27. townshin 3 south range 4 east of the Willamette Meridian, containing 40 acres mnm n less. Now, Therefore, bv virtue nf aald or. cution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commando nf said writ, Iwill, on Saturday, the 7th aay or December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m.. at the front rlnor nf th County Court hose In the City of Ore gon City, in said County and State, sell PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C Latourette, President The Fifst National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon PAPfTaT n rwv rift 1 ransacts a General Banking Business Phone Pacific 51 Home A-1U GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attomey-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phone Pacific Main 481; Home A-7. TONE A MOULTON Attorneys-atiLaw Beaver BIdg., Room OXEOON CITT , ,. . . OREGON - : , ' O. 0. EBY "' Attorney at Law Honey loaned, sbitracts furnish ed, land titles examiued, estate settled, general law busineaa. Over Bank f Org City. Pasre 7 at pubilo auction, subject to redsmp. tlon, to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin cash ia hand, all the right title and Interest which the within named defendant or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had In or to the above de cribed real property or any part there of ,to satisfy aald execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, cost and all accruing cost. W.J.WILSON, Sheriff of Clackama County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 8th, 1918. H. E. COLLIER, Attorney for Plaintiff. 8HERIFF'8 SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka ma. Delta Sigma Fraternity, a corporation, Plaintiffff, 8ophia M. Schooley and William F. Schooley, Defendant. 8tate of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss: By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and execution, duly Issued out out and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 6th day of November, 1918. upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 6th day of Novem ber, 1918, in favor of Delta Sigma Fraternity, a corporation, Plaintiff, and against Sophia M. Schooley and Will lam F. Schooley, Defendant, for the sum of $300.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 24th day of December, 1917, and the further sum of $50.00, as at torney's fee, and the further sum of $19.50 cost and disbursements, and the cost of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situate in the county of Clackama, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lota two and three in block two of Junker" addition to Sandy, a shown oy tne duly recorded plat on file In the office of the County Recorder of Clackama County, Oregon. Now Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, Judgment order and decree. and in compliance with the command ot said writ, I will on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1918: at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door or the county Court House In the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named dfendant or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to fhe above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said , execution, judgment order, decree, interst, cost and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Shrift of Clackamas County, Oregon. By K C. HACKETT. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 8th, 1918. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. t Bessie Wright, Plaintiff, vs. Ernest D. Wright, Defendant To Ernest D. Wright, Defendant: You are hereby required to appear arid answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons, to-wit: No vember 1, 1918, and if you fail so to answer or otherwise pead for want thereof the plaintiff wiU take default against you and apply to the court for a decree dissolving the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant The grounds upon which suit la brought Is wilful desertion for a period of over one year. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court made and entered on the 28th day of October. 1918. Date of first publication, November 1, 1918. Date of last publication December 13 1918. E. E. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office address 412 Fenton BIdg., Portland, Oregon WEI KHAR D BUILDING v r w., n i- Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P M C. SCHUEBEL Attomey-at-Law Will practice In all eourta, make col lections and settlements. Office in Enterprie Building, Oregon Citr- Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the MeKiHip School of Sur gery of Chicago, 1 established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street Both Telephone Office Paeifle 85; Horn A-9C Re. Pajoifle 184; Home B-td William Hajnmend Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMON0 V4" .' AttsroeysH&Uw Abstract, Real Estate, Loam, iniMw :: UCA OREGON CITT, OltJESOU . Pacific Phone 81 Heme Phon A-rt