OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY; NOVEMBER jJl . ......iiMiniiiMiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Perfection Oil Heaters Save the Nations Coa i i : w : yr.. b. i i i if. i i"i"fs . n VV;- .v-jj -.-5 . 7, 'iff1- J WARMTH A PLENTY CW the chiH out of yr h"ue with a Perfection Oil Hter It wlrmt up the Uthroom a Jiffy. Hemtt any toom quicily. JUaly carried about. Buy your Heater nofc Kaep wna and coT. Better coax h nd sc wen igu nT B. J. STAATS HARDWARE CO. 620-22 MAIN STREET PERFECTION OIL HEATERS A WE SELI PF A R I 11 ! ! gi jL & il " i 01 Brady Mercantile Co. 1110-1112 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. PERFECTONLg5 . ... m r ; m h n jp w m... .!!, TLa rv I IB- - ' . L'Jfcn ' - 1 Mi f-' yr i1 ? WARMTH FOR EVERYBODY Everybody who was fortunate enough to have a Perfection Oil Heater last winter was warm and cozy. They had no fuel worries. Now is the time for you to insure against the perils of a fuel shortage in your home this winter. Come in early and get prepared for winter weather. A Perfection awaits you, Sold by A. Mather, Bert Finch, Clackamas. Estacada. A PATRIOTIC SERVICE AND A BIG OPPORTUNITY Save the Nation's coal save money save labor save transportation save time for essential things these are the standards of the United States at present, and every one of them is measured up to by Per fection oil heater. No greater saver of fuel, money, transpor tation, labor and time can go into a home than Perfection oil heater. It effects real, help ful, war-time economy with out sacrificing essential com fort and home cheer. Think what an opportunity for servce this gives to Perfection oil heaters! Every oil heater, sold at this time fills a double servce a servce to the gov ernment through conservation and a service to the individual home through economical heating that gives cozy, com fortable home cheer. People will use more oil heat ers' this year than ever before; the U. S. fuel administration through newspapers, maga zines and posters everywhere, appeals to you to conserve the nation's coal supply. That is why you should heat your home with a Perfection oil heater. Conditions are right. .It is your opportunity to serve your own government and the governments with whom we are allied. Now warmingf 2500.000 homes Why? Because of the comfort, conveni ence sttd economy lit heating with Perfection Oil lleuter. Lights tt the touch of a match gives Instsnt, coxy warmth. No smoke or odor. Easy to carry about. Steady, comfortable heat for many hours on one filling with IVurl Oil, the ever-obtainable fuel. Oil con aumed only when heat Is nee Jed no waste. The Week After Next Will Be Perfection Oil. Heater Week Look for your dealer's special dis play. Ask him about oil heater comfoct.convenience and economy. I Mfi '' -.V V.' I ; r; , Kfsi HEAT WITH i ... 1 l . m I TW ATI I PERFECTION OIL HEATEK SOLD BY HOGG BROS, OREGON CITY BEST RESULTS OBTAINED BY USING Li OB FOR SALE BY ' BATDORF BROS. WILLAMETTE, OREGON Qzywarmtli TJpT ; ) trim. .i 1 ii.im.i . 1 . 1 ,m mvumm , ,m i f- iai.iiM n iUi.liiitl(iaiTffiri8riiirifAl.Mil i ' w mum At the touch of a match Perfection Od Heater gives instant, coy warmth. Steady, comfortable heat for many hours on one fill ing with Pearl Oil, tho ever-obtainable fuel. No smoke or odor. Portable. EconomicaL Next Week Is Perfection Oil Heater Week Call on your dealer and ask him about Perfection Oil Heat er ; its comfort.con venience and econ omy. Seehis special display. PEI5F OIL CTION Estes Hardware and Implement Co. OREGON CITY "'V IllillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l!!llllllllllllll!lllll!lll!lllllllllllll!ll!llllllllllllllllllllilli;illllH