Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    OREGON al
- rage o LI r
, -i
Common and Inexpensive Tips For The
Tlirif ty Housewife
To prevent cheese becoming hard
and unappetising, Pt over K trIP of
butter mulsln which has previously
been wrung out in vinegar.
To freshen stale rolls, biscuits, cook
ies, doughnuts and "even cold baked
potatoes put in clean paper sack, place
In hot oven about 20 minutes.
Before taking a cake from the pan,
set it in a pan of cold water for a few
minutes and then turnjt out on the
plate. By dolgn.this you will have
no trouble with it sticking.
Chalk or whiting wet down with al
cohol to a thin paste and left to dry
on grease spots, then gently brushed
off, will remove grease.
To remove unsightly scratches from
mahogany furniture caused by pins,
belts, etc, take a Brazil or pecan nut
meat and rub well on the scratch, and
it will disappear like magic.
To remove fruit stains "from tea
cloths or serviettes apply a little pow
dered starch to the stained parts and
leave for several hours. The starch
will absorb all the discoloration.
When sewing on silk and satin, use
fine needles in place of pins to fosten
your patterns in place, and baste with
sawing Bilk tnstead.of thread. This will
avoid large pinholes and marks of
Never let clean vegitable tops,such
as celery or lettuce, go Into the gar
bage pail. 8av tnem tor mv-
Shabby leather bags may be Im
proved in appearance by being rubbed
over with well-beaten white of an egg,
then polish with beeswax or turpentine
the final rubbing being given with a
soft, clean cloth.
Charcoal laid flat while cold on a
burn causes the pain to abate Immedi
ately; by leaving U on for an hour the
burn seems almost healed when the
bum is superficial. Raking soda is
another home remedy.
If your sink gets stopped up or runs
off too slowly, use lye or copperas to
better conditions. A strong solution of
sal-soda should be poured down a
sink once in a while and the water al
lowed to run for some time afterwards.
Bread cloths tend to dry out the
bread when placed In bread box over
It. as it absorbes the moisture from
the bread. Bread keeps fresh longer
In an airtight box or can with no
paper or cloths.
Monday night about 10:30 as the
Ualn pulled Into MUwaukle Sheriff
Wilson and Officer Meads were on the
job waiting for something to turn np
and they were not disappointed in the
A nice large bundle of "bedding"
vas put off the train by the baggage
man and then a gentleman by the
name of S. Yeamakawa got oft the
train and claimed the package. Then
was when the officers got busy. They
arrested the man and found two more
packages beside the tracks and then
brought the man and the packages to
this city and when they were opened
they found about 10 gallons of perfetly
good whiskey.
There were seven 2-quart hot-water
bottles in one package and about 60
pint bottles in the others. Some of
the bottles had been broken when the
packages were thrown from the train
but the majority were packed so well
that they were in good condition.
The man was evidently an old hand
and the business and it was a good
piece of work when the officers caught
him. The packages were put up in
a manner to stand a lot of hard band
' ling and ordinarily they would get by
as common baggage. The hot water
bottles were all new and of the best
rubber and so well filled that they
made no noise when the package was
The man was released on $100 ball,
furnished by friends of Portland, who
brought the money here Monday night.
damental policy underlying plans for
to a war department statement is "to
prevent undue disturbance of labor
and industrial conditions."
To carry out that policy, Major
General Goethals, director of pur
chase, storage and traffic, has issued
circulars, directing that the advice
and assiitance of the war industries
board be secured by the war depart
ment bureaus whsre cessation of hos
tilities affects contracts.
General Goethals has been placed in
charge of adjusting cancellations of
war department contracts in accord
ance with the views of the war in
dustries board.
Private Edward A. Smeltzer, Seat
tle, Wash.
Sergeant Herschel C. Lancaster,
emergency address, Philip O. Lancas
ter, Leschi Park, Seattle, Wash.
Sergeant Gill R. Jamison, emergen
cy address, Mrs. Emily L. Jamison,
4215 Ninth avenue, N. E. Seattle, Wn.
Private Bliss A. Armstrong, emer
gency address, Sam Marion Arm
strong. 918 East Salmon street, Port
land. .
Private Henry S .Baker, emergency
address. Joe W. Baker, Grass Valley,
Private Rufus C. Sells, emergency
address, Mrs. Elizabeth Sells. River
ton, far.
Private John Nelson, emergency ad
dress. A nit Nelson, Astoria, Or.
Private George B. Morris, emergen
cy address, Mrs. Emma I. Morris, R
F. D. 1. Coupsville, Wash.
Private Howard L. Crowse, emer
gency address, Mrs. Sarah Crowser,
Gifford, Idaho.
Private Arnold W. Asoved, emer
gency address. Mrs.aKeith Pillsbury,
Avon, Idaho.
Private William H. Arnold, emer
gency address, Charles Johnston, Sil
ver City, Idaho.
Corporal Guy O. Enman, emergency
address, David A. Eaman, D?er Park,
Private Elbert C. Johnson, emer
gency add-ess, Mrs. Florence John
son, cars E. W. Van Valkenburg, 5UU
Vancouver ave.. Portland.
Private John C. Bird, emergency ad
dress, Mrs. Mary Lund, 911 Hiawatha
Place, Seattle.
Private Lloyd Cantrill, emerg3ncy
address, Mrs. A. A. NV Cantril, Prine
ville, Or.
Private Grover C. Eckley, emergen
cy address, Mrs. Mary Ecktey, Enter
prise, Or.
Private Delbert B. Van Allen, emer
gency address, Mrs. Maggie Van AI
l n, Onalaska, Wash.
Private Edward Iclntyre, emergen
cy address, Mrs. R. E. Mclntyre, Mu
lino. Or.
Sergeant Paul Hill, emergency ad
dress, Miss Ruth F. Hill, Everett.,
Private George E. Eaton, emergency
address, Mrs. Nettie Smith, Toutle,
Private Floyd K. Hinshaw, emsr-
Save Wan Power
Ford Ton Truck
$640.00 f. o. b. Oregon City
Fordson Tractor
$1 125.00 f. o. b. Oregon City
Immediate deliveries;
Pacific Highway Garage
jrency address,
Moliler, Wash.
IVtvwta George Anthony
niorirency address, Albert
Victor, Idaho.
Private Earl English, emergency ad
dress, Mrs. Gertrude English, Kecskla,
Private Charles N. Fletcher, emer
gency address, B629 lTth ave., N. K.,
Private Tony Relehert, emergency
address. 224 K. Penny way, feauov
Lieutenant Charles J. jonnson.i
emergency address. Mrs. M. Shoes
burg. R. F. D. 4, Nampa, Idaho.
Private Stanley Charley, emergen
cy address, C, A. Charley, Tokeland,
Private Mosea A. Mulct, emergency
address, Mrs. 11. Hulet, Drlsgs, Idaho,
Private Fred J. Myers, emergency
address. Peter Myers, 2443 West
Fifty-eighth street, Seattle, Wash.
Captain Francis A. Harlow, emer
gency address. Mrs. Eva Audrey Har
low. Box 36, Douglas, Wash.
James A. Darrah, Itoylestown, Pa.
Lieutenant John A. 1-ong, emergen
cy address, Mrs. Bertha Ixmg,
Grangeville, Idaho.
Sergeant Roland H. Morris, euier-
enev address, Mrs. Maud Morris, 810
lottery street. Seattle, Wash.
rnrnoi-al William H. Booth, emer
gency address. Charles W. Booth, R.
F. D. 1, Nc Pijrce, Idaho.
Private James Shell, emergency ad
dress, Mrs. Edith Shell, Condon, Or.
Private Clarence A. Sylvester, enter
gency add-ess, Mrs. Amanda M. Syl
v ester. Rathdrum, Idaho.
Private Fred V. L, I'errine, emer
gency adress. Mrs. Lenora Perrlne,
529 Federal avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Private Albert L. Ralph, emergency
address. Euhrlam Ralph, Rockland,
Private IvanBrolkovich, emergency
address, J. F. Rrunner, North Yaki
ma, Wash.
Private John Voltenn., emergency
address. Charley 1 -eater, Columbia,
Private Carl W. Rowers, emergen
cv address. Elmer E. Bowers, Everett,
Private Glezen F. Hamlin, emergen
cv address, Benjamin F. Hamlin, 2501
B Siith avenue. Seattle, Wash
Private Venrie U Scott, emergency
address. .Mrs. Emerett Scott, Rex-
burg, Idaho.
Private Joseph F. Kandall, emer
gency address. Mrs. Estella Kendall,
Jamieson, Or.
Priavte John M. Thomas, emergen
cv address, E. L. Thomas, Silverton
Or. .
' Private Barney Maucb, Hurrah, Wn
Privatt William S. McCarley, Vale,
S. Carey, Everett, Wash. (Canadi
an service.)
Lieutenant Arthur E. Carlson, emer
gency address, Mrs. Anna Carlson,
1314 17th St., Anacortes, Wash.
Private William E. Kendricks, emer
gency address, Mrs. Elizabeth Kend
rick. Buhl, Idaho.
Private Giovanni Angelini, emergen
cy address, Miss Margarst Salvle, 6180
Eleventh avenue, Seattle
Corporal Albert C. Emerson, emer
gency address, Mrs Mary cmerson,
Boise, Idaho,
Private Herman I. Levien, emer
gency address, John D. Madero, Mil
bank, Idaho.
Private Oscar R. Kvist, emergency
address, Axel Kvist, Idaho Fails, Ida
ho. Private William Morrow, emergency
address, 280 South S3venth avenue,
Yakima, Wash.
Private John Blackbu-n, emergency
address, Mrs. Minnie O. Blackburn,
Soda Springs, Idaho.
Private James J. Arnett, emergency
address, Mrs. Margaret Arnett, Par
ma, Idaho.
Frank VV. Harris, emergency ad
dress, John L. Harris, HolliBter, Ida
Corporal Loren, C. Cochran, emer
gency address, C. K. Cochran, Washou
gal, Wash. ,
Mechanic James H. ISennett, emer
gency address, Mrs. Agnes M. Ben
nett, Camas, Wash.
Private Jerry B. Barber, emergency
address, James Barber, 3934 Eastern
avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Private Thomas O. Hastings, emer
Cency address, William F. Hastings,
Walla Walla, Wash.
Corporal Frank J. Hamelius, emer
gency address, Mrs. Math. Hamelius,
Pullman, Wash.
Corporal John W. Pierce, emergency
address, Mrs. Rosie 15, Dooley, Ban
don, Or.
Corporal Kenna P. Plowman, emer
gency address, Mrs. Grance JJurmn,
Huntington, Or.
Corporal Clarance O. Johnson, emer
gency address, Chprles L. Johnson, 318
Twenty-first avenue south, Seattle.
Philip R. Trefren,
Luther 8. Trefren,
F. Bedolfe, emer-
Bcdolfe, 62S Per
Private Gajr U Jones, emergency
address, Mrs. LUlle A. Jones, R. F. D.
4, Snohomihh, Wash.
Private Gilbert Miller, emergency
address, William P, Miller, Rogerson,
Private Kennedy K- Kelly, emer
gency address. Linus KUn Cosmo
polla, Wash.
Private Cnrl A. Nelson, emergency
address, Mrs. Matilda Nelson. Sedro
Woolley, Wash,
Corporal t-rauk . R. Bauers, emer
gency add , Frank W. Bauera,
Dayton, Wash,
Private Cecil H, Dooley, emergency
address, James 11. Dooley, Litttfl Rock,
Private Richard W. Mcintosh, emer
gency address, Hush Mcmtoan, isew-
port, Wash,
Private Herbert L. Price, emergen
cy address, i.ester A. rneo, Aisena,
Private Oscar V, Emmons, emergt n
cy address. Oliver C. Emmons, Clayton
la, Idaho.
Private Robert G. Little, emergency
address, Mrs. Lydia K. I.itt'e, Oregon
Corporal John A. Schneider, emer
gency address, Mrs. Anna Schneider,
3570 East L street, Tacoma.
Musician Quo X. Sanders, emergen
cy address, 241? Grand, Spokane.
Priavte Edward J. Morrison, emer
gency auu.'oas, James uoiicrty, buna
Point, Idaho.
Private Harry Senmans, emergency
address, Charles A. Co Ortlng, Wash
Private Leslie A. Levins, emergency
address, William 11. Levins, Elgton
Priavte Charles II. Stelnfleld, emer
gt-ncy address. Mrs. Rose Stemneiti
1322 Howell street. Seattle.
Private Charles Ring, emergency ad
dress, Riley J. Rln., Wendell, Idaho.
Private Harry Shenker. emergency
address, Mrs.. Rose Shenker, 475 East
Broadway, Portland.
Private Jacob Zaiioni, emergency ad
dress, Pete Gattl, Renton, Wash.
Priavte Niels Th 'rkillisen, emergen
cy address, Rasmus Therktliiaen,
Waverly, Wash.
Cook Carl D. Nelson, emergency ad
dress, Mrs. J. D, Nelson, 737 Missouri
avnsiue, Portland.
Priavte Charles W. Cross, emergen
cy address. Mrs. Llllie Cross, Union,
Private Howard
emergency address
Butte Falls, Or.
Sergeant Harold
gency address, R. F.
kins street, Tacoma.
Priavte Frederick Bleuer, emergency
address, Alex Bleuer, West Bend, Ida
Private Marcus W. Haines, emergen
cy address, A. B. Haines, Elkton, Or.
MINED Private Oscar Daniel Good, emergen
cy address, Mrs. "Lena Good. Blackfoot,
Private Richard T. Zeisl r, emergen
cy address. t O. Zelsler, 715 Clinton
street, Poitland, Or.
Private Fredercllc II. Geitz, emergen,
cy address, Genesje, Idaho.
Mechanic Hubert C. Norris, emrr-
eencv address. Herbert Norris, 768
East Davis street, Portland, Or.
Private Don V. Hofnag'.e, emergency
address, F.-ed Jorgcnson, Preston, Or
Private Martin Matson, emergency
address, Peter Matson, Troy, Idaho.
Sergeant Charles Huckaba, emer
gency address, John W. Huckaba, 2312
South E. street, Tacoma.
Private William M. Holliday, emer
gency address, Mrs. Telltha Holliday,
Do, Idaho.
Private Peter L. Medeske, emergen,
cy address, Charles M. Medaskee, En
terprlse, Or.
Private Leonard C. G-itchell, emer
eency address. Pheren D. Ott, Hebo,
Private Olaf P. Erickson, emergency
address, Mrs. Irene Vosoba, 3119 North
Twentieth street, Tacoma, Wash
Private Henry G. Robinson, emergen-
cy address, Mrs. uiara n. iiuuinnuu,
Canyon Creek, Idaho.
Private Jason Arrell, emergency ad
dress, Mrs. Laura ArreB, independ
ence, Or.
Private Delbert Clark, emergency
address, John P. L. Clark, St. Anthony,
Private Chester A. Simmons, emer
gency address, Mrs. Louisa bimmons,
R. F. D. 3, Salem.
Private Elmer G. Reese, emergency
address, Mrs. Dora Reese, Roy, Idaho.
Private Jackson H. Rader, emergen
cy address, Miss uiara nauei, maiuc.
Priavte Ector Roe, emergency ad
dress, Mrs. N il'ie Roe, 6415 Seventies
street S.'E., Portland, Or.
Cook Gust T. Kahros, emergency ad
dress, Eula Woodruff, Ridgefleld, Wn.
Sergeant Arthur Downing, emergen
cy address, Mrs. Myrtle Downing, n)
East Eleventh Btreet, Portland, Or.
Corporal Ronald French, emergency
address, Harrlette Schweinter, U'M
Ainswortb avenue, Tacoma, Wash.
Lieutenant General Sir S, Wilson,
commander tn chief of the allied
forces on the Bosphorus and the Dar
danelles, today established his. head
quarters t the British embassy here.
ROMS, Nov. 1T.In ' compliance
with the armistice provisions, Italian
troops have occupied the main Aus
trian railway centers and passes to
ward thti German frontier.
PARIS. Nov, 18,-Clennan troops
began evacuating the fortress of Meti
today. ,
LONDON. Nov, IS. Urussals, the!
capital of - Belgium, Is now entirely
free of Germans,
The last Germans left at noon on
Saturday, said a dtspneth from Am
sterdam today.
LONDON, Nov, 18,-Tha tide of Bol
shevlsra that threatened t0 flood nil
of the European nations appears to
have been stemmed, for the time be
ing at leust.
In Holland the government's prompt
expulsion of all Bolshevist representa
tives and agents nipped In the bud the
plot of the "Reds" to Incense the pop
ulace against Qu en Wllhelmls,
WASHINGTON, Nov. IS.-The pres
ident this afternoon sent the following
nominations to the senate;
John W. Davis, of West Virginia, to
be ambassador extraordinary and plen
ipotentiary to Great Britain, vice Page,
Alexander C, King, of Atlanta, Ga.,
to be solicitor general, vice Davis, re
signed. Captain Albert P, Nlblack, to be rear
admiral In the navy.
To be surgeons, public health ser
vice: Robert Louis Allen, Ora Howard
Cox. Marlon Svinnarl Lobard, Carl Ml
chel. William Charles Witt.
m , i ; . - ,) i
a axuumm nmctarr ei eCB vuy.
lom and VUlarre la Oregon and
Washing toa, gtvia a Descriptive
Sketch of ecb place. Locntloa,
Bh Ip nine FacUiUM mmd m ClemU
B. L.TOT.K tO 2a,'
Bottle, ffuk.
LONDON, Friday, Nov. IS. Former
Crown Prince Frederick,, WJUIom of
Germany has been Interned at the cas
tle owned by his friend. Count GIs
bert Wolff Motternlch, at Swulmen, a
town In tha province of Llmberg, Hol
land, says an Amsterdam dispatch to
the Exchange telegraph company. It
is reported his wife Is with him.
M. Kirchem, $44.00; Jole Ilinkle,
148.00; Lea Kirchem, $10.00; H. II.
Coop, $3,00; L. Swanson, $!I0.00; W.
II. Brown, $40,150; Guy Brown, $20.
00; W. Carlson, $15.00.
DIST. NO. 14 K. A. Haekett,
$18.00; Glenmorrle Quarry Co,, $00.
00; W, Day, $0.50; W. lligjrs, $11.75;
O. J. Mays, $tl,a5; 11. Ruffle, $20,00;
Otto DleUe, $12.00; F. Diets, $12.
00; W. Bowman, $12.00; A. Blan
chard, $12.00; 11. EnKl. $24.00; W.
Diet, $l.50; W. J. Rice, $16,00;
E. Perslntrer, $12.00; S. Banny,
DIST. NO. 17 D. R. Dimlck, $8.00;
George Kochler, $26.00; Peter Kraft,
$1.50; F, B. Nudham, $7.50; II. C
Gilmore, $8.00; Rob. Vorphal, $12.00;
Con Bolby, $10.50; Ab. Johnson,
$0.00; Wm. Beason, $0.00; Ralph
Kochler, $9,60; John Koehler, $1.50;
Shaker Miller, $18.0p; C. F. Urfer,
$15.00; George Mitts, $15.00; J. R.
Pitts. $15,00; W. Herman, $8.00,
DIST. NO. 19 Carl Flm-her, $51..
00; Dock Wllhelm, $58.50; II. II.
Dahl, $1.50; Chns. Fischer, $20.25;
Reuben Wrlsht, Sr.. $28.25: Lew E.
Wallace, $33.00; Gordon Burns, $.00;
f, II. Dunton, $70.00; Chas. Callahan,
$8.25; W. J. E. Vlck. $45.60; Delist
Fischer, $1.00; Reuben Wriirht, Jr.,
$11,25; E. E. Houghton, $10.50.
DIST. NO. 21 A. Nelson, $157.24;
Del! Trullinger, $73.80; W. Waldorf,
$4.50; Williams Bros. Trans. Co.,
$486,5; P. Johnson, $0.00; J. PuU,
$9.00; Huff Lumber Co., $198.9(1; J.
J. Jones, $120.00; Frank County
man, $100.60; J. Carlson, $30.00; J.
W, Carlson, $41.25; F.dwsrd Johnson,
$03.00; Aug. Dahlstrom, $47.25; Al
bert Harris, $57.00; W. S. Corbet,
$104.00; Axel Johnson, $88.50; Claud
Winslow, $18.00; C. Murphey, $72.00;
R. l Ball, $1.50; Milt Chlndgreen,
$9.00; Emile Petternon, $38.25; Alex
Erickson, $54.00; J, II. Sanberg,
$11.25; Dave Crewford, $9.00; Geo.
Doofthe, $3.00; II. C, Ronaker, $8.75;
H. J. Rastall, $20.00; A. T. Cutting,
4 $7.50; W. II. Engle, $6.75; Linl Da-
mourn, $4.50; C. A. Browninir, $3.00;
Henry Fick, $15.00; John Callahan,
DIST. NO, 22 Henry Weitrel, $10,
00; James Barlow, $4.48; F. M. Hen
riksen, $2.75; Henry Welgel, $16.00;
II. O. Newell, $6.00; Hershol Wilson,
$12.00; Ira Dickey, $6.00; C, E. Ball,
$4.50; D. E. Pendleton, $4,50; G. W
Boyer, $4.50; S. J. Sorenson, $4.50;
Chas. Shepard. $9.00; Ceo. F. Ball,
$0.75; Arthur Stephani, $1.50; Clay
Hungate, $12.00; Ira L. Boyer, $12,
00; H. J. Rastall, $42.00; Peter Geres,
$18.00; E. Bowman, $25.50; John Cal
lahan, $15.00.
DIST. NO. 23 R. W. Zimmerman,
$3.75; J. Scholl & Son, $2.25; Ceo.
Henrickson, $27.00; C. W. (rolhers,
$.'13.00; F, Hostettler, $5.00; W, Ca
rothers, $3.00; C. E. Miller, $39.25;
Lee Hobst, $11.00; John Cahler, $18.
50. DIST. NO. 28 W. V. S. U. Co.,
$91.60; Chase Linton Cravel Co.,
$208.00; City of Molnlla, $11.00; J.
L. Tubbs, $86.00; C. W, Austin, $4.00;
John Miller, $28.00; Jesse Baglcy,
$32.00; W. (J. Masterton, $10.75; Rob
bins Bros., $11.55; W. V. S. It. Co.,
$80.00; J. W, Philipot, $6.00; Elden
Parks, $10.50; Ben Kennedy, $10.50;
A. Hardy, $23.25; Chas. Hardy, $28.
50; Guy Dibble, $12.25; Adam Shore-
$15.00; 0. P. Rosthe, $59,50; E. E.
Roelhe, $8.00; Hugh Roberts, $21.00;
Chas. Moran, $7.50; II. Henricl, $22..
DIST. NO. 63 W. Hsrgon, $44.10.
DIST. NO, 04-W. Bosholm, $12..
00; W Krebs, $6.00,
mint, $14.25; Peter Kline, $11.25; J
Rachel Levi, 17, and Robert Young,
firemen, and three negroes are known
to be dead this morning and 10 men
are seriously injured following the
storming of the jail late Sunday here
In an effort to obtain and lynch a ne-
nttacklnz a
woman and shooting two men.
" Several thousand men, determined
to break down the Jail doors ana taae 00. A
the negro, gathered at the front oflj24.00;
the Jail.
District Road Fund
DISTRICT NO. 1 E. A. Hackett,
$88.65; Clarence Enghouse, $8.00;
M. E. Gaffney, $14.15; C. W. Schuld
& Sons, $116.50; A. N. Wills, $3.50;
Matt Greenslade, $4.50; M. E. Gaf
fney, $102.00; C. E. Battin, $72.00;
John Younir, $75.00; Joe MIndy, $27.
00; Henry Henricie, $9.00; Dan Gaf
fney, $57.00; J. A. Davis, $156.00;
A. N. Wills, $75.00; W. Smart, $110.
00; George Stevens, $18.00; George
Brookman, $44.00; Charley Haymak
er, su.oo; a. L. rriedrwh, $r28.00;
E. A. Hackett, $354.00; J. C. Mowery,
$108.00; James Kepch, $150.00; A.
Martin. $150.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 3 Lents Hard,
ware Co., $2.50; C. Wolfhagen, $5.15;
J. C. Elliott & Co., $1.25.
DIST. NO. 4 C. W. Schuld &
Sons, $152.60; P. R. L. & P. Co.,
$95.71; P. R. L. & P Co, $131.08; J.
R. Hujrhes, $20.25; C. A. Looney,
$24.00; H S. Jones, $25.50; S. Amnnn
$20.25; J. C. Kitchintr, $33.25; H. H.
Yount, $3.00; Whitehead, $2.25: G.
B. Linn, $1.50; H. Git.hens, $37.50;
L. Hale, $:i6.00; H. C. Heiple, $46.50;
E. E. Erickson, $39.00; C. Fuller,
$25.50: R. S. Coon, $12.00.
DIST. NO. 5 C. W. Schuld & Sons
$116.20 P. R. L. & P. Co., $156.55;
William Newlands, $6.70; M. H.
Wheeler. $19.50; . J. A. Imel, $10.50;
W. E. Wheeler, $15.00; M. H. Wheel
er. $77.00; J. A. Imel, $51.00; W. E.
Wheeler, $126.00; J. A. Hlte. $84.00;
J. II. Lindtrren, $87.00; C. Timmer-
man, $48.00; Lon Sutton, $00.75; C.
A. Wheeler, $09.00; F. Johnson,
$9.00; John Andregjr, $33.00; C. Lek
berg, $36.00.
DIST. NO. 7 Cedar Creek Lum
ber Co., $76.22; Paul R. Meinip:, $41.
50; Dixon & Howctt, $280.62; L. E.
Martin, $13.50; Frarlk Crone, $13.50;
Enow Wilson, $31.50; Julius Eisner,
$12.00; Joseph Elsnor, $12.00; Jas.
Fegles, $83.50; Robt. Akin, $30.00;
L. W. Tice, ' $33.00; Thomas Clark,
$21.00; Wm. Odell, $15.00.
DIST. NO. 8 Thomas Kubitza,
$11.50; Paul R. Meinig, $41.10; C. W.
Miller, $21.00; C. W, Harris, $24.00;
Sam Miles, $39.00; H. Biedensteiti,
$52.50; B. Averil, $35.25; J. T. Mc
lntyre, $40.00; II. A. Nichols, $11.25;
H. H. Watkins, $44.25; Tom Rubit
za. $11.50.
DIST. NO. 9-J. W. Reed, $6-.12j
Bert II Finch, 42.50; E. C. Gerber,
DIST. NO. 13 J. T. Fullnm, $50.
00; Standard Oil Co., $53.89; Stan
dard Oil Co., $2.00; B. J, Staats
Hdwre. Co., $5.50; J. I. Case T. M.
Co., $12.00; W. H Boney. $7.61; A.
M. Kirchem, $2.75; C, R. Livesay,
$9,60; Frank Hoop. $5.00; Independ
ent Garage. $1.15; A. Schneider,
$6.00: Gus Leasch, $36.00; Georgt
Howell, $46.00; A. Linder, $12.00;
W. Pattison $17.00; W, Emmott,
$37.50; Johnnie Fullam. $3.00; A. C.
White. $16.50; F. Hodge, $6.00: A.
Schneider, $81.00; A. Johnson. $39..
Swanson, $68.00; A, Jeuson,
A. Hubert, $70.60; A. M.
$33.00; Harry Babler, $165.00; W.
Kline, $11.25; C. G. Switzcr, $19.50;
Raymond Switzer, $31.50; A. Spack-
U'tt, $31.50; C. Elliott. $19.50; Otis
IFogelson, $16.50;. John Blixt, $10.50;
W. E. Kstes, $8.75; Reed M.Bride,
$21.00; Clarence Vorheis, $3.00; A.
M. Groshong, $41.50; A. G, Wylund,
$36.00; D. M. Groshong, $30.00; fi.
M. Groshong, $15.00; Bluin Bird, $6,
00; Fred Carlton, $15.75; R. D. Gro
shong, $7.50: C. D. Groshong, $3.-00;
Marion Crites, $10.50; E. F, Koehler,
$11.25; Orval Weaver, $7.50; Fred
Davis, $3.00; Wm. Bird, $3.00; A.
Gohlada, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 29 Canby Auto Garage
$4.50; H. C. Gillmore, $10.00; P.
Hornltr, $22.50; A. W. Riggs, $8.00;
W. P Lee, $2.00; E. Fortune, $3.50;
H. E. Young, $10.43; O. H. Gray,;
$7.00; II. L. Colvin, $40.00.
DIST, NO, 30 E. A. Hackett, $17.
00; Htnry Atwater, $7.50; C. W.
Kruse, $19.87; J. W. Stone, $34.50;
W. R. Wilrust, $11.25; D. C. Evans,
$$11.25; Nick Clarizio, $10.50; J. J.
Kruse, $5.25.
DIST. NO. 33 Frank Millurtl,
$22.00; W. D. Skinner, $12.00.
DIST. NO. 39 E. A. Hackett, $13.
00; C W Fried rich, $1.30; I). L. Erd
man, $7.00; H. Bronner, $39.00; F.
Carlson, $40.50; F. Anderson, $3.00;
C. Buckman, $18.00; E. Litlcpage,
$40.00; C. Richey, $15.00; I. Scott,
$15.00; V. Frosberg, $6.00; M. Mow
rey, $6.00; C, Bartlemay, $3.00; Rea
McMains, $1.00; II. Bronner, $36.00;
F. Carlson, $22.50; F. Anderson, $3.
00; C. Buckman, $3.00; C. Benson,
$24.00; C. Danielson, $3.00; P. Hoist,
DIST. NO. 41 L. G. Wilson, $10.
20; John AflTolter, $4.25; II. H. Udell,
$18.00; H. N. Schminky, $3.00; Jay
Morrison, $3.00; Albert AfTolter,
$3.00; L. G. Wilson, $4.50; Charley
Updcgrave, $12.00; Gus t Dahrmes.
$5.50; Chas. Krebs, $4.00; Iva nnd
Agnes Udell, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 42 W. C. Mnsterton,
$5.50; P. R. L. & P. Co', $34.33; C.
W. Schuld A Sons. $23.10; W.-H.
Douglass, $10.00; Fred Hoffmeistcr,
, DIST. NO. 44 A. S. Newton, $38.
50; Murry Newton, $4.50; A. Osborn,
$1.50: II. Engle, $12.00.
DIST. NO. 45 R. H. Marouardt,
$2.40; Wnlter Cox, $5.00; Carl Strom
srreen, $2.50; Karl Klang, $2.50;. E.
P. Elliott, $12.25.
DIST. NO. 46 Frank Busch, $0.80;
Edward Nachand, $32.00; Bert Mar
ston, $15.00; O. R. White, $6,00; G.
M. Landeen, $6.00; O. W. Ilattan,
$6.00; R. Croner, $3.00; Cosby Smith,
DIST. NO. 47 E. A. Hackett,
$22.20; Thompson Hardware Co.,
$18.95: P. R. L. & P. Co., $218.96;
East Side Mill & Lumber Co., $7.78.
DIST. NO. 48 W. Bosholm. $45
50; W. Krebs, $30.00; A. Krebs,
$4.50; II. Krebs, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 52 Lents Hdwe. Co.,
$1.55; W. A. Ulrich, $12.25; H. C. Ul
rich. $3.00: Autr. Gcppert, $2.25.
DIST. NO. 57 Standard Oil Co.,
$1.08; F. S, Hart, $2.96; Geo. M.
Christenson, $11,75; A, F. Evman,
$4.50; Ezra Buckholder, $4.50; L. H.
Cochran, $1,50; Chas. Lyle, $9.00;
George Dale. $6.00; Jesse Nofziger,
$3.00: J, W. Eby, $3.00.
niST. NO. 61 Glenmorrle Quarry
Co., $12.00; Thompson Hdwe. Co.,
SPECIAL NO. 13-Jos. Biol, $42.
00; Tom Field, $21.00; J. W. Norton,
$33,00; Urence Stradley, $27.00; F.
I). Shank, $18.00; A. Wellman, $60..
00; J. P. Stradley, $72.00; A. H. Rit
sau, $112.00; Joe Papsch, $42.00;
Herman Sluhert, $105.00; Simon Nel
llson, $24.00; Ferdinand Papsth,
$18.00; John Chitwood, $8.00; H.
Berk, $15.00; E. Bagnunon, $12.00;
J, Ketek $00.
SPEC. NO, Ridge Lumber Co.,
$261.42; Fred Una, $52.50; Carl I4n,
$30.00; Edd Hardess, $30.00; Theo.
Hardois, $24.00; Edd Grafenhaln,
$30.00; E. C. Gulwr, $42.00; C. Gu
bvr. $18.00; A. II. Miller, $36.00; R.
Miller, $30,00; Ray Miller, $18.00;
Roy Miller, $18.00; John Marshall,
$6.00; H, Johnson, $6,00; F. Ahonert,
$9,00; Gus Zwirnman, $6,00; Harold
Joyner, $12.00.
SPEC. NO. 13 Pope A Co., $4.00.
SPEC. NO. 18-Earl Meeker, $3.00;
Robert Rutherford, $3.00; Walter
Hehn, $3.00; W. II. Rnmbo, $3.50.
rr.u. no, so wiiimm uros.,
SPEC, NO. 27 Rod Riding, $65-
25; Geo. Koehler, $14.00; Olaf Olson,
$55.00; Roy Cavlness, $39.00; O. Mar
qustn, $14.70; Jay Bentley, $45.00;
A. Dickens, $45.00; A. Hubbard. $21.
00; T. D. Crspp, $25.00; P. A. Mar
quam, $36.90; B. M. Hubbard, $28..
75; Cnrl Carlson, $17.50; I. D. Urk
ins, $87.50; J. U Jones," $7.50; Au
drey Outer, $9.40; H Mt-Nulty, $1.25;
Roy Ridings, $14.00; Roy Cavlness,
$43.00; S. G. Nicholson, $14.40; T.
B. Brown, $5.00; A. P. Asboe, $6.90;
Karl Johnson, $3.75; C. Schwarth
out, $13.15; Shurley Brown, $52.50;
Wm. Brown, $118.00; J. Oster, $18.
75; Olaf Olsen, $50.00; J. U Jones, ,
$75,00; H. Asboe, $60.00; Eddy Jack
son, $12.50; C. P. Thomas, $72.50;
W. P. Nicholson, $53.75; F. L. Ski
vln, $40.00; Fred Hubbard, $92.50;
I. H. Hattler, $17.50; E. H. Dokken,
$23.75; L. Larson, $5.00; Tony Olsen,
$7.50; Geo. Wooster, $2.60.
SPEC. NO. 28 John Trutllnger.
$64.50; Jesse Bagby, $67.50; C. H.
Ackeraon, $54.00; Albert Hlbbard,
$10.00; C. W. Henderschot, $20.25;
Jess Shepherd, $6.00; Herbert Shep
herd, $9.00; Harujd Tubbs, $4.60;
John Cross, $60.00; John Shepherd,
$4.50; Geo. Palmer, $63.00; E. A.
Shaver. $58.75; Joe Bull. $30.00; Sam
Bell, $31.50; G. E. Daugherty, $15.-
00; Charles Pslmer, $12.00; S. A.
Cordill, $26.00; Haven Palmer, $25,-
50; Geo. Herbst, $3.00; E. L. Palfrey.
$73.50; Geo. Helvey, $10.00; Bert
Hibbnrd, $99.00; John Miller, $15..
00; Bert Newman, $61.50; Martin
Boyle, $31.50; Zeb Bowman, $40.50;
C, W. Austin, $57.00; Frank Fcrlow.
$21.00; Henry Daugherty, $34.13;
Fred Yoeman, $38.25; John Bergren,
$44.25; Scott Carter, $58.50; 11,
Fiske, $27.75; Ed Russell, $29.25;
Walter Russell, $29.25.
SPEC, NO. 32Ilarry Jost, $20.00;
B. O. Robertson, $50,70.
SPEC. NO. 380, P. Roethe, $50.
50; Hutrh Roberts, $16.50; Chas. Mo
ran, $12.00; James Wallace, $9.00; E.
E. Roethe, $36.00; 11. Henricl, $11.
25; John F. Risley, $4.00.
SPEC. NO. 41 H. H. Udell, $72.
60; H. N. Schminky, $39,00; Raymond
DeShnzcr, $18.00; R. II. Devlin, $24.
00; Jav Morrison, $31.50; L. G. Wil
son, $39,00; Gust Dahens, $70.14;
Chas. Krebs, $42.00; John AfTolter,
$15,00; Iva nnd Agnes Udell, $25.50;
Charley Updcgrave, $34.50; Albert
.AfTolter, $3.00.
SPEC. DIST. NO. 470. P. Roethe
$110.13; Hugh Roberts. $30.75; Chas.
Moran, $32.25; Jas. Wallace, $25.50;
E. E. Roethe, $52.50; H. Henricl,
$12.75; John F. Risley, $1.00.
SPEC. NO. 53 Roy Woster, $7.50;
J. L. Woster, $3.75.
ewe wn r.Rn.. n.JMni,
..1. .VI, w,f UlC .VI.IIIIV'I
t.3.00: Byron Randolph. $1.50.
SPEC. NO. 56Bert Olmsted, $51
25; Eli Fellows, $11.25; Joe Cota.
$2.50; Dave Rutherford, $2.50; Paul
Mlba, $11.25; Washburn. $5.00;- Jas,
Hanhart, $6.25; Ira McVey, $33.75;
Chester Gnrd, $51.25; William Ruth
erford,. $35,62; George Ziegler, $2.50;
Willie Swank, $14.37; Walter Stone,
$14.37; Charlie Grosemiller, $23.75;
Harry Conner, $4.37; McVey, $9.37;
Jessie Muyflcld, $1.87; Bert Leeson,
$5.00; W. B. Rambo, $103.10; Earl
Meeker, $10.62; Walter Hehn, $40
02; Orvol McVey, $35.25; E. J. Swank
$71.25; Robert Rutherford, $47.25;
J. D. Wallace, $87.50; Fred Moehnke
$28.75; Dnn Fellows, $30.00; Iva
McVey, $23.75; Fred Moehnko, $40
00; Joseph Schmit, $40.00; Fred Vohs
$32.50; Jimmin Hanknrt, $6.25; Wil
liam Rutherford, $19.05; Paul Mibs,
S20.00; Hurrv Coner, $2.50; John
Schram, $2.50; Walter Hehn, $7.50;
Willie Martin, $7.50; W. B. Rnmbo,
55.00; Earl Meeker, $20.25; E. J.
Swank. $47.50; J. D. Walliwe, $65.00;
Ow,. McVev. $30.00; Robert, Ruther
ford, $33,75: Tvn MeVey. $27,50; Ira
McVey, $15.00; Charles Leeson, $20
00; Aun-tist Martin, $42.50.
SPEC, NO, 57-.I. B. Msson. $5.15;
Ohe & Linton Gravel Co., $351.00;
W. V, S. R. Co.. $210.00; Frank Kyn
eston. $13.50; Geo. M. Christenson,
$57.75; Chns. Lyle. $21.60; John N.
Snmlen. $48.00: Herman Elinson,
$6.75: Presley Conver, $28.50; Clar
ence Coover. $17.25; Gnorge Dnle,
$21.37; Flovd Dale, $13.50; Charley
Sailor, $25.25; Oscar Kvllo, $5.25;
Ezra Burkholder, $40,60; Victor
Dunton. $20.00: Doch Wllhelm. $30
00: IT, IT. Dahl. $27.00; Carl Fischer
$15.00: Lew Wallace. $7.50; Renhin
Wrifrht, $15.00: Dorsev Fischer,
$15.00; Chnrles Fischer. $18.00,
(Continued next week.)
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