Page 2 OREGON CITY ENTBRP1U8BL FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22J 9 1 6, Newsy Briefs From Over County Wilsonville j WILSONVILLE. Nov. 21 Mrs. Doris j Young has been quite 111 with tonslll'ls but is recovering slowly. A. McConnell and Sidney Raker went to Oregon CUy on Tuesday. Mrs. Cora Hassclbrlnk, Helen Mur ray and Claire Say were among teach ers who returned to their duties an Monday. Mrs. Westgate has been 111 for ant? fme, but Is somewhat Improved. Mrs. Ruby Baker Spencer Is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alison Poker. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker have noved to Portland. Miss Nellie Angus Is visiting in New Urg. Nearly every day someone cones to our ferry landing "but cannot get b "OS'S." A service board Is being prepared t- commemorate the services of those who have been representing or Mi lage and vicinity during the war. The local school opened on Monday with a good attendance. Inex Seeley, Virginia Say and Dor othy Say returned to high school on last Monday morning. Mr. White an o'd pioneer of Clack amas county, and 'or ten years hieh respected citiien of Wilsonville died at the home oL his nephew, Mr. White of Aurora, on Wednesday. Nov. IS, and was buried In the Bu'fvillo cemetery cm Thursday. Nov. U. Q-ut-a number of village resident atu nded the funeral. Mr. White was a ui-mtx-r of the local church and wl'l be greatly missed In this vicinity. Mrs. White, wife of the deceased was ill at the time and enable to attend the funn-nt TWILIGHT Barlow Mr. Signs, our principal, visited the metropolis on business this week. Mr. William Dale, Jr.. who is lieu-, tenant in the army, and Miss Ruth BARLOW Nov. SI -Mr, Mcker. Welch, a former teacher In the gram-; received word Tuesday that their son. mar school here, but now of Portland. Samp, has arrived safely In France, were married last week and spent! Barlow has made good her record the week-end with his parents. Mr. and ' and and Is again over the top on the Mrs. William Dale, of this place. (United War Fund "drive." Our quota E W. Bartlett and 8. E. Wooster ' was $259.50. Including the additional we-e' Oregon City visitors Thursday. 50 per cent. The committee raised Mrs. Boettrteh. who has lived here ; f 22S-50 which put us over the top as a number of vears. Is moving to Port- the committee was mistaken In think land for a short time. htat we had to raise the 50 per Mrs. Panton, who lived lure a num- our quota, but were re ber of years but later moved to Bend, , nt " J" Oregon, died of the Spanish Influen.a ; . committee was C. N .G d and was burled In ML Zion cemetery dings, cha rman; J Gwan. Mr. , Hlnk e and Mrs. Irwin. The first quota Tuesday. j ti-on Clark Possott and Mr. Rayburn are j '8 1,s ,w- , , . . , School was not opened Monday on working In the power hous at Oregon ' , . " ' s account of several new cases of Span- uij ur a suun iiiuc. Mrs. laff and daughter were Port- Mont all the country near ha thoroughly gone over. Harry Bablor ha a new truck, Albert Gerber. who Is at the naval training camp, at Bremerton la ex pected home on furlough. . Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Klrchem re ceived card from the Red Cross caiv teen service, saying Carll Klrchem had arrived safely overseas. Ho Is In the signal service of the aviation branch. Margaret Rlebhoff of Portland, vis ited her parents Tuesday. land visitors this week, returning home Wednesday. Clackamas CLACKAMAS, Nov. II. School re opens next Monday If no nw cases or Influenza are reported. George Goodrich la very low. afflict ed with paralysis and is not expected to recover. Miss Dorothy Murphy, who has be n critically 111 with influenxa. is s'owly improving. The regular weekly meeting or the Clackamas Red Cross chapter was he'd In I. O. O. F. hall on Thursday. They were sowing on slothes for the Belgian children. There is much work to be done and a large attendance of workers is urged by the captain, Mrs. Otis Welch. This chapter has post poned only one meeting on account of influenza. Ralph Johnston, after two weeks ill ness of influenza, has returned to his TWILIGHT. Nov. 20. The sick peo-' former position with W. F. Habprtach, ish Influents. Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes are ill with it and Mr. and Mrs. Cummlngs and children are quite 111. Mr. Wurfel is still confined to his bed but Is Improving. James Erickson, of Portland, vis ited his parents Tuesday. Walter Howe was recently promoted to freight conductor and la running on the P. R. & N. 1 , J 1 1 ff... L ,V- C .. I ,. U t M .. win luu una luv oixtuisu luiiuruta at nis nome in romana. The post office was moved to the Tull residence lust Wednesday. Mrs. Tull being appointed as poet mistress with Mrs. Sheppard assistant. Mrs. Crowley resigned In April and is well pleased to be relieved of the office. Our high school pupils all returned to school at Canby Monday. Mackslmrg MACKKSUIRG. Nov. 21. We re cord the death of Edward Schnnck, who until about a year ago was a res ident of our place, when he moved to Portland with his family. Mr. Sohnack leaves a widow with two young children. Boih he and M-s. Schnack, who was a daughter of our well-known neighbor, Mis. J. Gibson, have won the friendship and esteem of this entire neighborhood. Mrs. Gibson has Just received word that her son Will, who Is In Franee, has been injured by gas. U was one of the first of the boys from our place to enter the war. While rejoicing over the termination of the war,, the ranchers w:l their families, not contenting themselves with idle celebration are showing their patriotism in the more practical way t f seeding to obtain increased proiluc-! lion from the soil, knowing well that1 our nation will be called upon for the world supply of life's necessity to a greater extent than ever before. Tho weather Is most favorable (or the Fall plantln-r. Already tnanv of the fields are b-lght with the pro nlse of the next year crop. Mr. and Mrs, Nefr. who for over a year have owned and occupied the p'ace formerly belonging to the late Mtlo I.entt. have sold the premises to Kelso. KBLSO, Nov, 21. Robert Joiwrud. captain of the United War Woik drive In the district with the following committee, were busily at work last week: Angela Canning,' W Nelson, Joe Hall, Mrs. C, Tlmmerman. To date, :122.40 has been raised of our quota of SM2.&0, which Includes Uie fifty per cent Increase, School opened Tuesday after the en forced vacation, Mrs. J, Atbel ts home, convalescing after an operation at a Portland hos pital, r Walter Shriner, of Kstaoada la em ployed In Robert Jonsrud's shop, lliuel Duuu returned from a trip to Salt Lake City with relatives. While titer she was sick with luflumixa, Mrs. K. W, Canning; went to Unite, Montana, on receiving the sad news of the death of their eldest daughter two weeks ago. 1 wish to tltauk the people of my district who so generously and whole hearted'y contributed In the recent War Work ruiupalKtr. Of our quota or $:w;i.G0. which IncLule the fifty per cent Increase, $:i'.'2.4rt has been raised to date. It speaks well for the good citizenship of people who have s harmoniously supported the seven or KunldtKitis which are united In a com mon cause Hie good of our boys over there, Robert Jonsrud. rapt. Dlst. No, IS. SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blanche R. fthellty Representative. FORMER SANDY WOMAN DIES AT (Mrs. Edna Kssoit, Bandy, Ore. Dear PASCO. Madam;) The Secretary of war tie- in tho 'death of Mr. Ituxol Mitchell sires me to Inform you, that your hus Greenwood, which occurred at Pasco, J bund, Ronald K. Ksaon, has been ap V ashing ton, recently a member ok pointed First Lieutenant, Sanitary one of Sundy'i pioneer families passes Corps, United State army, with rank on, Horn on the farm near Sandy from October 4, 1018, upon the reeom-twenty-three years ago, she passed hur meudutlon of the commanding general, early girlhood here, leaving the eighth American expeditionary Forces, The grade for the Oregon Cilyhlgh school, 'commission evidencing his appoint where she was graduated. She eom-inent wm u sent to your care at an plot ml the nurses training course at , early date. The commission will he Good Samarium hospital, and shortly ; retained by you and not forwarded to afterwards married Harvey Green-. Lieutenant Kason. wood, a railroad man. Very respectfully your, YlfK WELL KNOWN MARMOT MAN DIES Adjutant General Otto F.' Olson, of Marmot, died mid-1 Llutenant Ksson has worked hard deuly Inst Saturday at the dam, where for his commission, and his many he was employed aa gate tender tor, friends congratulute him on his well the Portland Railway, Light and Power earned rewards. company. Mr. Olson was apparently, .. . ,. In good health, and his death, which SANDY BOY MISSINQ. was due to heart Irouble, was a shock ; Whlln Sandy was yet thrilling with to the community. He leaves a widow, tlg ,)(Utcu cele.bratlon, the sad message two daughters, In Portland, and a son ; Wlul fled over the wires that Alex In Fsance Gray was reMirted missing In action since October 6. He was una of the most popular young men of this coin- Oswego OSWKGO, Nov. 21. -Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Straifor.l. of Great Fulls Montana, are the parents of a baby boy, liorn November i. Mrs, Strat ford was formerly Miss NViliush. Miss Anua Meyer, who has been III for the pus tten days. Is Improving and wl'l b" able to be about In a few days. Miss F.llxabcth Haines, daughter of pie In this vicinity are better. H. L. Scheer has built a new-garage The road at New Era is nearly com pleted. Mrs. Elsie Jordan, who has been tak ing care of her mother while she had the Pu," has returned to her home in Vancouver. Mr. Hilton is plow ing for L. E. Bent ley. Word was received from Albert Fch.'tr, who has been in France iwo months, saying he was in the firing line for two weeks and captured two Germans. Ed Scheer and wife, of Portland, vU ited their ancle and aunt, Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. L. Scheer. of Twilight. local merchant. John Umiker has sold his farm of 27 acres to Antonia Grae or Portland. Mr. Umiker will hold a public sale of stock and farming implements on Sat urday. November 23. after which he will leave with his family for AlWerta Canada. J. D. Hamilton of Rainier, has pur chased the M. F. Ambler farm and is making extensive Improvements for the accommodation of poultry raising on a large scale. Oak Grove Tualatin Meadows TUALATIN MTADOWS, Nov. 21. The good weather of the past week has enabled many to get their crops in for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schroeder and daughter. Lulu, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Efligsen, of Frogpond, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elligsenare the parents of a baby girl and both mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Elligsen's sister, Mrs. W. S. Miller, Is staying with har. . Mr. and Mrs. N. DeNeui and family visited Mr. and Mrs. John DeNeui Sunday. Jack Wanker was home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wanker Sunday, from Portland, where he has been working for some time. R. DeNeui, Joe Bushbaum, Mr. Ganze and Fred Moser have started on the new "War Work campaign' and hope to meet with much success. Mr. and Mrs. John Diguam have moved to Vancouver, so as to be near the Vancouver ship yards where Mr. Dignam works. Mr. Johnson has bought the place and will move there . immediately, to take possession Mrs. Clara Schanker, who was ill, is now up and able to do her-house ho'd work again. The Red Cross met last Friday at Mr. R. DeNeui's and sewed shirts for the Belgians. Meadowbrook FORMER SANDY VISITOR DIES Word was received here of the death niiiuity, and although of a retiring na on November 2, tif Mrs. Annie Reusse, lure, made friends every where, lie sister of Mrs. C. D. Purcell of this was the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gray, place. Mrs. Itmisso died at the hopie of her duughter, Mrs. Elfdleda Han- SCHOOL IS NOW OPEN sen. at Clurlon, Iowa. While making ' Th 8iu)(,y ,,,,, ,, M()11,,liy their home In Portland she and both m(lrll1t wlIh l)oa .tiemlane The uaugiiiera. r,nneqa aim iioiirinua nave . ,h ,ftRllUn often visited at the Iurcell home, Mrs, Reusse was a woman of sterling qual ities and was loved iriid respected. She leaves besides her duuKhters. two sis ters and four brothers to whom our ,llU.klv Hml ..rfu-Umtly as possible, hearts go out In their great sorrow. , , , . nt their various homes. Both teachers ami pupils entered Into the work with vim, knowing that the lost time must be made up and determined lo do It as R. E. ESSON OETS PROMOTION WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 13- MEADOWBROOK, Nov. 21. Ames Millard, who is stationed at Seattle, spent Wednesday and Thursday at Edgar Horner's. School began again Monday after being closed three weeks on account of the Influenza. Mrs. Warren Baty went to Canby Saturday to attend the funeral of her brother, Charles Weeks. Mrs. Harold Horner is spending the week with her, mother, Mrs. Folsom of Sprlngwater. I. O. Orem and family of Cedardale, visited at Fred R'ackmnn's Sunday. P. O. Schiewe and family were pre gon City visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bofto and two children spent the week end in Port land visiting friends. R. U Orera and family of Union ' Mills, Ella Larson and Amanda Olsen, Hellbacka, Eva and Aletha Sullivan, visited at A. L. Larking Sunday. Warren Baty and family are moving to Molalla this week. Estacada ESTACADA. Nov. 21. Schools op ened Monday, Novemberr 18, with a larger attendance in high school than when closed. Miss McKnlght has been accopted to fill the vacancy in high school of Mr. Davis, who resigned soon after the closing of school. Virgil Yonc?, of Oregon City, vis Red relatives and friends here this week. M-s. Conrad Krlgbaum has been a Portland visitor for several days. OAK GROVE. Nov. 20. Dennis O' Brien Worthington passed away Fri day noon at the SL Vincent hospital In Portland of influenza at the age of 31 years, 2 months and 8 days. He is the second son of T. R. Worthington, Sr., and was born September "th, 1889, on the home place near Concord sta tion. He was married eight years ago to Miss Beulah Harpole, who survives him with two daughters, Lavell, aged and Marjorie, aged 15 days. For the past year they have made their home at Wheeler, Oregon, where they have a nice home. Mr. Worthington was called here the first of the month on account of his wife and daughter being sick. He contracted the influ enza before he left Wheeler, but was innoculated and thought there was no danger. Besides his family he leaves father, five brothers, three sisters One brother, Theo, is In the hospital corps in France. He was a grandson ot Mrs. B. O. Brien, or Oswego. The servicss were held Monday, November 18th at Kcnworthy's funeral parlors in Sell wood. Interment was in Mil waukie cemetery. The Odd Fellows Lodge, of which he was a member, had charge or the services. Mrs. Gladys Wilson Harpole, or Ma- pb, Oregon, came home to attend the funeral or his brotherin-law Monday, returning home Tuesday. School opened Monday with quite a few pupils absent. Hot soap is being served by the teachers this cold weather. Mrs. Eugene Massman Hamel of Portland, formerly of Oak Grove, pass ed away at her home in Albina Wed nesday, Nov. 14th, of Spanish influ enza. The funeral services were held Saturday from Walter Kcnworthy's parlors In 'Sellwood. Interment in River View cemetery. Besides her husband, she leaves a 13-year-old adopted son, four sisters and three brothers. All reside In Oak Grove but one sister, who lives In Minnesota. Mrs. Henry Heitkemper Is seriously sick at her home and her daughter, Mrs. Julius Broetje, is with her. Sunday school will open Sunday, Nov. 24th, at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11:15 by Rev. J. J. Patton. Ep worth League at 7:30 p. m. A good program is peing prepared for the reopening of the Oak G-ove Community Methodist church next Sunday. During the 'flu" ban much work has been done upon the Interior or th3 church, adnitevehrgyn shrodilo or the church, and everything is In readiness to accommodate and care ror the various departments or the work. The Sunday school will meet promptly at 10 a. m. The new pastor, Rev. J. J. Patton, will deliver an ad drsss at 11 a. m., upon the theme "Our Soul's Vision ror the Hour." The evening service will be held at 7:30 under direction or the young people. Rev. Patton does not come to Oak Grove as a stranger in this part in that he spent three years, 1904-7, as pastor in Clackamas county. Since then he has held work In Dayton, Sea side, St. Johns Church or Portland, and Alaska. There will be appropriate Thanks giving service in the Oak Grove Com- Here Is The Most Efficient, Dependable and Economical Engine Ever Made One that is full of "Pep" one that is there with the pull. The all around Engine for General Farm Work. Before you pick out your engine see me OTOVER All Stover Engines are equipped with Webster Oscillating Mag netosno batteries to. bother with. We have also handled the DIAMOND FEED GRINDERS for years and they give perfect satisfaction. We handle a'complete stock of repairs for both Grinder and Engine. W. J. "Wilson B Co. 12TH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON i LOCALS. I Iliue) Beers was a guest of Miss Lillian Thomas, at Bull Run last week. Little Ellen Wolf Is still on the sick lint and unable to cuter school. Miss Gertrude Melnlg returned to Itetul college last Sunday. Jean lroctor and Mabel Wagner, of of (Moverdule, are vIhIIIhk her parents, Mr. and Mis. Wa'ier Todd. Mrs. Kiuiiui Gardner, of t-'orest Grove, who wns e-e during the 111 lrr vUt , nAy ttit 8uluBy ress nnti uenui oi ner sister, mr. i lni r, ii..,nn,i n,.. Mami.. Marian I'lalt. luu leased p lodging j .nunce his safe arrival In France! house In Portland, when, she cm'wIs ,b celebration last Mon- to llvo fl some tlltle. ,iuv. (Jlnnli I jiiiiiilr,.B tut tmi familiar Mrs. Hert Cro Is In th. Oregon wlth ft ,ynHmie nj blew off the City hospital. She Is getting along mul or two lingers and badly tore an blcely. oihr one. I.ltt'e Kenneth Shipley, s in or Mr. Mrs, Kdnu Ksson has as home guest and Mrs. H. R. Shipley, fell and cut her sister. Mrs. Morgan and small ipilte a gash In his ro-cheud. which daughter LoU, of Kansas and her had to lniM several stitches taken In' mother. Mrs. Glllett. of Bend. it . Lieutenant A. W. Bolklns. M. S.. Is Mr. I.rmm, of Portland, and l.fii ,ut his home at Oresham, on leave of nle Davis, who are attending the Hen- absence, In response to an urgent cull son scimoi. spent s.imiuy wnn Air. and Mrs. J. L. Davis. Edna Klston has the flu. Mr. Ryon and son were visiting Mr. and Mrs. IlrlKht Sunduy. Thursday evening Mr, and Mrs. f'lrlffy entertained at their home with a card party. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roslter. Mr. and Mrs. J. King, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thoinsa, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones and the host and hostess were present. The evenln was closed with a de lightful lunch. , , Little Majolla WeigllLnan was oper ated on Monday, having her tonsils removed . MIhs Leola Campbell has returned from Astoria lo start school again. She stays with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Bullock. Dennle Worthingum's funeral was held at 1 o'clock Monday. He was 31 years old. Mr. Worthington leaves a wife and two children, three sisters five brothers, one who is now In France, and a father, Theodore Worth ington. He belonged tohe Odd Fel lows, ho took churge of the services. Interment In Sellwood cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner visited Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Worthington Sunday and also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yales. A pleasant surprise party wus given John Hlcknes Saturday evening In hon or of his birthday. Progressive Five Hundred was played d.trlng the even ing, honors ratling to Mrs. William Boyd and John Duvls. Mrs. W. T. Blckner received the ladles' consola tion prize, while W. F. Blckner re ceived the prize for the gents. A de- We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Dietz in the loss of their second son, in France, who was killed in acion October 9. Mr. Henkle and R. E. Irwin went to Woodburn Tuesday on business Miss Olga Howe was home from Ore gon City Sunday. Mrs. Howe has been quite 111 but is improving. Logan LOGAN. Nov. 21. Mrs.' R. M Tracy Is reported on the flu list, but Is better, also Roy her son. Mrs. M. H. Rlebhoff Is on the slak list Her daughter, Mrs. Evans from Prinesville Is staying with her at pres ent Those having late potatoes are busy getting them out. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Robbing were out from Portland Sunday Clear Creek creamery paid off pa trons at 67c for butter fat ror Octo ber Mr. and Mrs. John Boss received a letter from their son, John, Jr. He Is still in New ork. He was all ready to go over but the way things look now, it will be home tickets for them all. No trace of little Clarence Thomp son has as yet been found. He disap peared on Wednesday, November 13. A week of continuous search has railed to disclose any information as to his whereabouts. If lost, the night a Mr. Murphy from Missouri, who is living there now. The Red Cross Auxiliary is await ing a new supply of working material from headquarters, and will resume the regular weekly meetings upon reclpt of the work. The Mothers' Club Is to meet In the present week at the home or Mrs. Simon Miller. A. A. Baldwin, who la in b.isldHS at Seaside, came here Saturday ror a visit with his mother, who is occupy ing her cottage on the Baldwin ranch. Mr. Baldwin has rented his farm to David Kaurrman ror tno next inroe years . The Little Girls' Sewing Circe win meet on Suturday ut Mrs. Baldwins home . The sollcltion ror the United war Work Campaign, which ends, ror the present, tnls evening, have found the ranchers, and their families most re sponsive to the call for help from the noble organizations who are united in the cause or restoring the devastation. and relieving the surfering caused by the war. ' Services were resumed in the Luth eran church Sunday last and the school was opened Monday. Tha Mnnnlnitfi congregation will hold service in the Bethel Chapel Sun day, November 25. Iluhtrul aftor-the-wnr lunch was served home to do. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, to attend his family, all the members of which have been III with Influents. All are now able to be up except tho son, Maurice, and he Is doing nicely. The Bolklns family formerly lived near Sandy and Is well known In this vicinity. The Misses Carrie. Ihirothy and Jun ette DeShaxor spent the weekend In Portland with friends. Mrs. Casper Junker Is on the sick list. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Antone Mlkle- son, of Bright wood, Sunday Novem ber 17, a son. Two letters from Alvln Mills, re cently, after a silence or Ave weeks, relieved the anxiety or his relatives and friend. He tells or taking part In two hlg drivers, and was well and Ann us usual. Alvln Is the sort that always looks ror fine things and somehow, In the midst or hardships, finds them, ills letters are un exainplo or cheer rulness and optimism. Miss Mary Junker has accepted a position with the Kller Piano House. Florence Mills spent two weeks In Portland, tho guest or her sisters Mrs. Hazel Grunert and Mrs. Mabel Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Percy I Shelley and (laugher, Jannle, returned home Mon day evening rrom a ten days' stay In Hood River, where they wore the guests of Mr. Shelley's parents. Thoy made the trip both ways in their ma chine. Going up in Just three hours. Red Cross as usual evory Thursday afternoon. The need for work has not yot passed, and let us bond, all our energies to do the things asked of us. If you can't sew with ua at the work rrwnii OiniB lu UBuiln. ...... . 1 of his disappearance being a cold muiiity church at 10 a. m. next .Thurs- stormy night the chances are he sue- day. Rev. Patton will speak from the cumbed to the effects of the weather thme, "The Golden Rule as Applied by America.' and was burled neathautumn leaves, tor they were falling thick and fast. V FORT SMITH, Ark., Nov, 16. 4 Two women are reported dead and 15 or more others injured as the result of a' cyclone which 3 ? struck the town of Prague, Okla., a few miles from here", last night. 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, has pne.i monii1.. They live on tho Bingham place. ' Mr. Rose, who ts occupying the Clara G. Morey home, Is 111 with in fluenza. George Rodgers has purchased the Sam Warnock residence and will move his family there this week. Harry Farmer and family moved last week to the Henry Gans farm on the hill. Mr. Farmer has been living In one of the Oregon Iron. & Steel com puny cottages, Is being sold a lew weeks ago. 'Wayne Hllllnan, or Oregon City, spent the week end with his grandma, Mrs. K. Hllllnan. Carl Hethke, who has been confined to his home tor two weeks with In riuenza, Is able to be about again. Chas. Haines and tamlly, or Iron dale, Ore., are ill with the Influenza. The ramlly are reBldents or this city, having gone to Irondale a few months ago, where Mr. Haines is employed. Miss Dorothy Howell of Portland spent a few days this week with her guardian, Mrs. Thomas Fox. M. J. McDonald and ramlly are occupying the Do Drop Inn c.otl.a'ge, owned by (he cement company. Mrs. J. L. Coppcnhaner, who has been on the sick list, improving slow' Mrs. Austin Phenis, or McMlnnvllle, Ore., Is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs R. 1). Scott. Mrs. Lloyd Harbin and daughter, Gertrude, or Portland, spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. Chas. Blckner Mrs. Clyde Churchill and children John Blckner Saturday evening In hon- Blckner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blck ner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blckner, Mr. and Mrs, William Boyd, Mr. ana Mrs. -John Duvls, Mrs, Anna Russefl MIhs Lillian Blckner, Miss Mary Blck ner, Miss Edith Blckner, Miss Ava Blckner, Miss Delia Davis, William Klngltade and Henry Blckner Mrs. Lon Weldorf Is seriously ill at her home In South Oswego with In riuenza. Her daughter, Mrs. Otto Lanson, rrom Astoria, Is here taking core or her, Mr. and Mrs. Ace Coon, or Port land, were visiting Mrs. Coon's sister, Mrs. Frank Davidson! Sunduy, Mr. and Mrs. Ll'ivd Harbin and Miss Gertrude Harbin and Mr. Perk' Ins, or Portland, were visiting Mr and Mrs. P. H. J-rlsch Sunday Mr. John Erici hi has been on the sick lint for (ho past two weeks. Archie Worthington and Geo. Bui lock motored to Canby on the new highway Sunduy. Ttio uswega school stnrted again Monday, it being closed for three weeks on account of Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. R.inger have moved Into Mrs. K. Ih 1 lnun's house In So'.tth Oswego, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel's have moved into the residence owned by M. E. Dunn in South Oswego. Mrs, George Cllne Is visiting her father, Mr. Larson, at Camus, Wash George Baker Is home from the logi glng camp near Astoria where he has been for the past few months, Upper Eagle Creek UPPER EAGLE CREEK, Nor. 21 Mr. and ' Mrs. Fred Horfmeistor re ceived a mosage Monday that their son, Wtllfe, who recently enlisted in the marines and was stationed at Mare's Island, California, had died rrom he Influenza and pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brash have moved to Lents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass, accom panied by Mrs. Viola Douglass, motor ed to Shuliel Sunday, and spent the duy with Mr. and Mrs. O. MBehnke. E. C. Alloway, of Oregon Cltyi was out this way Sunday and visited his son, Henry, who Is staying with II. 8. Gibson. , Mrs. R. B. Gibson spent Sunday with Mrs. H. H. Udell, of Dover. Sulem may get $25,000 building for care of girls. ' foderal Col. W. S. Wood Auctioneer Vancouver, Wash. Farm Sales a specialty. Phone or write for dates or make arrangements at Enterprise office. ' SHEEP REGISTERED RAMS FOR SALE Hampshire Downs Oxford Downs and Shropshires. . Also good Coltswold Rami. GRANT. B. DIMICK OREGON CITY, OREGON