OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1918 b a l age w h a H D LM AN IS NEXT MIR 'A. IReinniiinLdieir- It's Overcoat Time and ours is the overcoat store we say that because our friends tell us we're leading in store styles, value and ser vice. Kuppenheinier Suits and Overcoats are helping us to do it You can see the style in the picture; come in and we'll show vou the all-wool fabrics, high quality and fit. $18 to $40 Just received new shipment of college sweaters. All colors drop in and look them over. JOE THE 6TH AND MAIN STREET OF SINKING SHIPS TO SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. An in vestigation of the mysterious founder ing of the coast-built wooden ships Blakford and Coos Bay off the coast of Mexico, was begun today by a com mittee of five appointed by John H. Rosseter, director of operations of the shipping board. The inquiry is expected to develop into a general Investigation of the en tire wooden shipbuilding industry on the Pacific coast, with hearings at Portland, Seattle and other cities where wooden ships are being built. The Blakford and Coos Bay, sailing on a smooth sea, suddenly opened up their seams, took in the sea and sank with such speed thi:t tho crew had dif ficulty in escaping. The opening of the Investigation follows the arrival of the trews ofthe two ships here. Inefficient inspection, the use of green lumber and haste in constric tion are reported to be the cause of the sinkings. The shipping (board's commission today is examining a number of coast built ships In the San Francisco bay district. A hearing will probably soon be held In Seattle, where the ship Daca is now being repaired. She steamed out of Puget sound and began to leak so badly she barely reached Seattle afloat, according; to word ' received here. T I s-s. I zy warm At the touch cf a match Perfection Oil Heater gives instant, cozy warmth Steady, comfortable heat for many hours on one fill ing with Pearl Oil, the ever-obtainable fueL No smoke or odor. Portable. Economical. Next Week Is Perfection Oil Heater Week Call on your dealer and ask him about Perfection Oil Heat er; its comfort.con venience and econ omy. See his special display. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CallfornU) ii .,., ,K-.,mrJ.tJ j.-..- Jt. ' . tii' i in' " i"iirr- ' -Ttir 't"','s' ''-:- Uut.Shvsi 'i i'. .' 1 , PE1FECTIO SWARTZ HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES I The commission is composed of J Charles W. Saunders, port captain of j the Matson Navigation rompany: , Harry Gray of tha United Engineer i ing company; Captain John H. Riuder, J nautical expert of the Pacific Coast i Steamship company; W. Frank Stone, ship designer and builder, and Charles I T. Foster, shipbuilder. lUM MAN OP Joseph Robinson, of Willamette, died at the family home at Willam ette Wednesday, after a short illness of influenza. He was 40 years of age, and leaves a wife, who is critically ill with the same disease. He also leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. The remains are t the Holraan & Pace funeral parlors, and arrange ments are being made for the funeral services, which will Le private. VOLCANO ACTION HONOLULU, Nov. 6 A new out break of lava occured today on the north side of the Mount Kilauea fire pit. A lava lake has formed 10 feet from the rim of the pit. RUSSIA WON'T PAY 4 COPENHAGEN, Nov. 5. Rus- sia has refused to pay the re- 3 malader of her indemnity to Ger- 4 many, according to the Frank- 4 $ furter Zietung. Two-thirds of the S 'v Indemnity has been paid. 23 ' k J. L LACEY, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Parkplace, Or. Staats Hdwe. Co. Oregon City Bert Finch, Estacada F. Bush & Son, Oregon City F. Hendriksen, Molalla Hogg Bros., Oregon City G. Blatchf ord, Molalla Estes Hdwe. Co., Oregon City A. Mather, Clackamas F. Friedrick, Oregon City Madden & Co., Springwater OREGON CITY, ORE .u LI AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. James Failing, of Sandy, died Wednesday morning from an il'ness of paral3is of about four months duration. Mrs. Failing had resided in Sandy for the last 13 years and her husliand. who survives her, has been a resident of that place for over 30 years. They were married in Oregon City about 13 years ago. Two sisters survive her, one Mrs. Al len, who has been nursing her since her illness, and another sister in New York. Funeral services will be held Sat urday from the Brady & Myers fu neral parlors and interment will be in the St. John's cemetery. WEALTHY ROYER OF DAMASCUS PASSES AWAY Wealthy Rover, of -Damascus, died at the family home Wednesday after an illness oS several months. Her death was due to tuberculosis. She was 27 years of age. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made, but will be In charge of Holman & Pace. STORY WINS DECISIVELY Roswcll L'. Holman has been elect ed mayor of Oregon City for a 3-yor by a decisive majority'. George- L, Story was re-elected city attorney over Joseph K, Hedges, and John W. Loder, for troordor, wag rp elocti'd without opiMwltlon. In tho Hrt ward J. J. Tobln and U. term, dofoating lmvy M. Temiiloton E. Woodward won) '!octed council mm. ttn vot boliiit as follows; Two-ywr teimTobin, ITS; Men luf, 8; Wllllnms, 'S. Pour-year term W'ihhI ward, 180; Shundy. 133. I. C. H.-ldgoj uud K. D. VanAukon h;ive been reelected to tho council hom the fourth rd. the vote belnsi as follows: Two-year trm Hildses, t:b ei!y, 93. ' Four year term-Vaii.Vuken, 15S; S.-ott. U2. Tho th! l wurvl oui 'tlinen wcro elivted by defau't, I'luirlt'd W. Kelly being chob.vi for tlie 4-ycar trm, a id G. W. H. Knufer for itio J-yr tor r, Uhou: otin8lt!oi. The H i'on of the i-minc'll la a.tlll'.iit a ire fcounti in the S.-.:th eu.l of tU c'ty 1 1 tho liiwWy 1h' & l'rer Co. h is been approved. Tlu vote In the f-,1"- e'ty w:tH fo' lows; Ward No. 1 Prerlnot No, l.IIoluinn. 43; Tern pleton, 32; Loder, fiO; Hedges, 3"; Story. 37; Ouufield, 3S; Swafford, 34; Metuer, 33; Tobln, 22; William, 21; Shandy, 35; Woodward. 3S. Salo of fl-e house, yes, 32; no, 29; fire truck, yea, 32; no, 29. Precinct No. S. Holman, "7; Tern pleton. 58; Ioder, 95; Hedges, 71; Story. 59; Caufteld, 67; Swafford, 63; Meuner. 25; Tobln, SO; WllllamB. 26; Shandy, 43; Woodward, 75. Salo of fire house, yes. SO; no, 26; fire truck, yes. 61 ; no, 59. Precinct No. 3 Holman, 8S; Tern pleton, 63; Loder, 129; Hedpes. 71; Story. SI; Caufield, 69; Swafford, 73; Metzner, 29; Tobln. 76; William. 32; Shandy, 5,1; Wood want, 67. Sale of (Ire house, yea, 101; no. 22; Are truck yes, 79; no, 41. Wsrd No. 2 Precinct No. 5. Holman. 76; Tem pleton, 81; Loder, 109; HedKea, 76; Story. 75; Caufield, S4; Swafford, 73; Ilrady. 79; Green, 63; Albright, 77; Griffith, 69; Sale of lire house, yes, 92; no, 32; fire truck, yes, 74; no, 51. Ward No. 3 Precinct No. 6. Holman, f.0; Tern pleton, 41; I.oder, 61; Hedges, 47; Story. 44; Caufield. 49; Swaford, 33; Krueger, 67; Kelly, 75; sale of fire house, yes, 49; no, 23; firo truck, yes, 32; no. 4Q. Precinct No. 8. Holman. 87; Tem pleton, 62; Loder, 105; Hedges, 66; Story, GS; Caufield, 63; Swafford, 73. Ward No. 4 Precinct No. 9. Holman, 51; Tern pleton. 47; Loder, 64; Hedges, 31; Story, 57; Caufield. 48; Swafford, 48; Bridges. 63; El.er!y, 23; Scott, 35; VanAuken, 49; salo of fire house, yes, 60; no, 23; fire truck, yes, 37; no, 37. Precinct No. 10. Holman, 80; Tcm pleton, ?,6; Loder, 73; Hedges, 337; Story, 7i; Caufield, 46; Swaford, 57; Bridges, 76; Ebe.-ly, 37; Scott. 45; Van Auken, 59; sale of fire house, yes, 52; no, 31; fire truck, yes, 28; no, 48.' Precinct No. 11. Holman, 52; Tern pleton. 36; Loder, 54; Hedges, 28; Story, 51; Caufield. 31; Swafford, 44; Scott, 32; Van Auken, 50; Bridges, 44; Eberly, 3; gale of fire house, yes, 42; no, 25; fire truck, yes, 11; no, 50. The race between Raymond Cau field and George E. Swafford for city treasurer Is extremely close, and at 3 o'clock this morning, with only Pre cincts 4 and 7 to hear from, Swaford had a lead of only three votes. Tho only other municipal contests in doubt are the councilmen in the second ward. In Precinct No. 5 In that ward Albright and Brady are leading Green and Griffith. Complete returns from the 11 Ore gon City precincts indicate the elec tion of George E. Swafford for city treasurer by a majority of 15 votes, the count being: Caufield, 594; Swaf ford, 609. Holman, for mayor, carried every pretlnct, except No. 5, the total vote being: Holnian, 726; Templeton, 483; Ilolmac's majority, 241. W. C. Green and Frank Albright were blected to the council from the second ward. Green obtaining 152 votes to 129 for E. A. Brady, a ma jority of 23 for Green. Albright re ceived 169 votes and George E. Grif fith 111, a majority of, 58 for Al bright. ' City Jlecorder Loder was elected without opposition, and Attorney George L. Story was reelected, by a vote of 640 to 526 for J. E. Hedges, a majority for Story of 174. Out of th" r'i;ht councilmen elect ed Tuesday, three only are members of the present council, and the munici pal body will be made up of the fol lowing: First ward J. J. Tobln, R. E. Wood ward. . Second ward W. C. Green, Frank Albright. Third ward C. W. Kelly, W. G. II. Krueger. Fourth ward E. D. VanAuken, I. C. Bridges. The ordinance authorizing the sale to the Wawlcy Pulp & Paper Co. of tbj fire house and ground on Block 28, on the ballot under the referen dum, was rdopted by. a vote of 736 to 265. According to tho unofficial figures from the 11 precincts tn Oregon City the ordinance authorizing the Issu ance of 110,000 bonds for the pur chase of a fire truck, and for a one mill tax levy each year for five years to retire the bonds, and authorizing the council to organize a paid fire de partment, with a chief at a salary of $100 a month and one assistant at a sp-lary to be fixed was adopted by the narrow margin of four votes, the favorable vot being 49(1, to 492 r.Uust the ordinance The llom Service work of the Hed Cms l to be tnkou up In Cluckumat tttng she would Immediately start to or two women, who ate not other wise employed or have the tune to take tip the training work at tho fias co building In Portland, where a nix wmU' course Is to bo given, and these taking the course wilt return to this city to make an luvcHtlKatlon as to whet the home war work aorvlce Is needed. U Is desired at this lime for those who lire able and willing to take up this work to communicate or call at the Hed Cross room In the Masonic building, or address Mr. Adolph Jceohg, who has charge of the work. If those who are to take up the work are unable to pay their ex penses, the Red Cross Branch will for ward the necessary funds. WEST LINN ELECTION In West l.lnu K. A. Lclghton, for mayor, L. L. Porter,' for recorder, Krunk Oliver, for treasurer, and F. A. Itammerlo for chief of police were elected without opposition. Six councilmen were chosen, with seven In tho race. tl. 8. Freeman los ing out. The vote on councilmen fol lows: U. imtnnr, 97; U. S. Freeman, 76; Harry Graves, 103; Hugh Matheson, 106; K, W Randolph. 93; J. E. Simp son, !$: K J. William, 104. JUDGMENT FOR $300 In the cane of the Helta slsma Fra ternity vs. Sophia M. and William F. Schouley, a Judgment for 1300 and In terest at 8 per cent from Hoe. 24, 1917, und t"iQ attorney's fees, was granted and the mortgage was foreclosed and the property ordered sold by the sher iff. 11 MEN RESCUED SEATTLE. ash., Nov. 6. The f Alaska liner Humboldt rescued 11 men from tho gunboat llwaco four mlle north of Green island last night, according to a wire- less message received here to 4 $ day by the Mercnnt' exchange. . FOR SALE Ten tons best oat hay, loose. The whole lot at a bargain. W. S. Watson. Route 2. Box 48. FOR SALE Bay team, 4 and 6 years, full sisters, weight 2S00. nicely matched. Reasonably priced. A. D. Clutter, Sherwood, Oregon, Route- 5, Mulloy station, Oregon Electric. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Jakob Thelslnger, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Jakob Thelslnger, deceased, has filed In tho County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, his final ac count as such administrator of said estate and that Monday the 9th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. hus been fixed by said court as tho time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settle ment thereof. C. SCHUEBEL, Administrator of the estate of Jukub Thelslnger, deceased. L. ST1PP, Attorney for Administrator. First publication November 8, 1911 Last publication December 7, 1918. Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the Estate of James M. Volkmsr, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are here by notified to present tho same with proper vouchers, duly certified accord ing to law, at the office of Brownell & Sievers, at Oregon City, Oregon, with in six months of tho date of the first publication of this notice. Duted, No vember 8, 1918. NAOMI E. VOLKMAR, Administratrix of the Estate of James M. Volkmar, deceased. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for administratrix, Oregon City, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Wllhelmlna Hornschuch, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thut the un dersigned administrator of the estate ot Wllhelmlna Hornschuch, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clack amas County, State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator of said estate and that Monday the 9th day of December, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing objec tions to said report and the settlement thereof. E. D. HORNSCHUCH, Administrator of the estate of AVilhel mla Hornschuch, deceased. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Administrator. First publication November 8, 1918. Last publication December 7, 1918 Order for Publication of Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Hannah Sophie Ahlberg, Plaintiff, vs. Olaf Ahlberg, Defendant. Upon reading and filing the affidavit of Hannah Sophie Ahlberg and It sat iHfactoiily appealing therefrom to me. the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas that the defendant Olaf Ahlberg has been guilty ot desertion and abandonment of plaintiff for more than one year and It appearing from the affidavit aforesaid that a good cause of suit exists In favor of the plaintiff therein and against the said defendant, and that the said defend ant Is a necessary and proper party defendant thereto; and it further ap peering that a Summons has been duly Issued out of said Court in this action, and that personal Bervlce of the same cannot be made upon the Bald defend ant Olaf Ahlberg, for the reasons here inbefore contained ; and by the said affidavit made to appear; on motion of C ,D. Purcell, Esq., attorney for the plaintiff it la ordered that the service of the summons In this action be made upon the defendant Olaf Ahlberg by publication thereof in the Oregon City Weekly Enterprise newspaper pub Ilshed at Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon, hereby designated as the paper most likely to give notice to said defendant; that such publication bo made tit least once a week for lx successive week, and shall require tho aald dtendant Olaf Ahlberg to ap pear and answer the complaint herein on or before Friday tho 2 1st day of December, 1918. And It further, In like manner, int iBfactoilly appearing to mo that the residence ot said defendant Olaf Ahl berg Is not known and can not by rea sonable diligence be found, It Is fur ther ordered that mailing of a copy ot the summons and complulut to the defendltnt at hi last known place of residence be dispensed with, Dated this 28th day of October, 191S. J, U. CAMPBELL. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Clack amiis. First publication November 8, 1918. Last publication December 20, 1918. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of tho Slate of Oregon, for Clackumas County. Notice Is hereby iilveif that the un dersigned has been appointed Execu trix or the Estate of Carl August For berg, deceased, by tha above entitled court, and has duly qualified. All persons having claim against said estate, are hereby notified to pre sent same, duly verified a by law re quired, to the undersigned, at her resi dence near Boring, Oregon, within six months from tho date ot this notice. Dated and first published November 8. 1918. M AltIK MATHILDA FORSBEUU, Executrix. H. K. CROSS. Attorney for Kxecutvlx. First publication November 8. 19 IS. Last publication December 7, 1918. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Thomas Yocum, Plaintiff. v. Otto Klaelsch, J. T. Krueda and ..... . Krueder, his wife and Mr. D. Dwyer. Defendants. State of Oregon, County ot Clackamas, ss. By virtue ot a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal ot the above en titled court, In the above entitled cuuse, to me duly directed and dated tho 24th day of October, 1918, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on th 11th day of October, 1918, In favor of Thomas Yocum, Plain ;',f? and against Otto Klaotsch, .!. T. K'tieder ami Krueder hU ''e :ud Mrs. D Dwyer, defendants, tor the -un of $1200.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum m m the I7lh day of November, 1915, 134 10 taxe . $120 attorney fee, Jl'O (rt. and tho furlher sum of $2u.j)o', with Interest thereon at 8 per cent from the 27th day of January, 1914 anil the further sum ot $150.00, as attorney's fee, and tho further sum of $20.00 costs and disburse ments, and tho costs of and upon this writ, commanding mo to make snlo of the following described rent property, sltuuto In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the south west quarter of Section 27, township 3, south range I east of the Willuiiieltn Meridian, containing 40 acres more of less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex cutlon, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with tho commands ot said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1918, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court ho-ise In the City of Ore gon City, In said County and State, Bull at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either ot them, had on the date ot the mortgage here in or since had In or to the above de scribed real property or any part there of ,to satisfy said exocutlon, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy Duted, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 8th, 1918. II. E. COLLIER, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S 8ALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas. Delta Sigma Fraternity, a corporation, PlalntlfTff, vs. Sophia M. Schooloy and William F, Schooley, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss: By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and execution, duly Issued out out and under the seal of tho above entitled court, In the above entitled cuuse, to me duly directed und duted the 6th day of November, 1918, upon a judgment rendored and entered In said court on the 6th day of Novem ber, 1918, in favor of Delta Sigma Fraternity, a corporation, Plaintiff, and against Sophia M. Schooloy and Will lain F. Schooley, Defendants, for the sum of $300.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 24th day of December, 1917, and the further sum of $50,00, as at torney's fee, and the further sum of $19.50 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to multe sale of the fol lowing described real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, Btttte of Oregon, to-wit: , Lota two and three In block two of Junker's addition to Sandy, as shown by the duly recorded plat on fl lo In the office of the County Recorder of Cluckamas County, Oregon. Now Therefore, by virtue of Bald ex ecution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, Jhe 7th day of December, 1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, tltlo and Interest whlok tho within named (tfoudant or oilier ot them, had ou tha date ot tho mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy mild execution, Judgment order, decree, Interst, cost and all accruing cost. W. J. WILSON, Shrift of Chickama County, Oregon. By K. C. IIACK1CTT. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Notem her 8th, 1918. Notice of Rod District Meeting to Vot Bpeolsl Road Tax. Notice I hereby given, puraoant lo Seo. 15, Chap. 299, General Iw ot Oregon for 11)17, lhat a Road District Meeting of the legal voter of Road District No, SB, Cluckama County, Oregon, will be held on the tiri day of November, A. D. 1918 In said Road District, at hour ot 2 o'clock p. a., In Viola School llouso to veto an addi tional tax In said mud district for road purpose a by law provided, II. 8. ANDERSON, County Jtdge. Notlct of Rosd District Meeting to Vote Sptdal Rosd Tx. Notice I hereby given, purssunt to Sec, 15. Chap, 299. General Ui of Oregon for 1917, thut a Road District Meeting of the legal voters ot Komi District No. 35, Clackama Comity, Oregon, will be held on tho I.trd day of November, A. D. 1918 In said Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. n,, In Cottrell School House to vote an addi tional tax In suld road district for Mad purposes a by law provided. II. 8. ANDERSON, County Jidge. Notice of Rosd District Meeting to Vote Special Road Tax. Notice I hereby given, purtuaat lo Hoc. 15, Chap. 299, Gengral l-awi of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voter of Road District No, 33, Cluckama County, Oregon, will be held on tho I.lrd day of November, A. D. 1918 In suld Road District, at hour of o'clock p. at., in Muddena Hall, Springwater, to vote an additional tax In said road district tor road purposes as by law provided. II, 8. ANDERSON. County Jadge, Notice of Road District Meetina to Vot Special Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given, pursaaat to Sec. 15. Chap. 299. General Law of Oregon for 1917. that a Road District Meeting of the legal voter of Road District No. 48. Clackama Coaaty. Oregon, will be held on tho 23rd day of November, A, D. 1918 In said Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. m, !n School House to vote an additional tax In snld road district for road parooees as by law provided. II. 8. ANDERSO.t, County Jrlg Notice of Rosd District Meeting to Vote Special Road Tax. Notice I hereby given, pursitot to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General lws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of tho legal voter of Road , District No. 64, Clackamas Cotnty. Oregon, will bo hold on tho 13rd day, of November, A. D. 1918 In ald Uoad' District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. m., In City Hall, to vote an additional tat In said road district for road purposes a by law provided. II. S. ANDERSON. County Jsdge. Notice of Road District Meeting to Vot Special Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given, pursat to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, General I of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legnl voteis of Road District No. 60, Clackamas County, Oregon, will bo held on tho 23rd day of November, A. D. 1918 In said Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. ss., In Sunny Bide School House to vote an additional tax In said road district for road purposes as by law provided. II. S, ANDERSON, County Jsdge. Notice of Road District Meeting to Vote Special Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299. General Iw of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of tho legal voter of Road District No. 40, Cluckamas Cosnty. Oregon, will be held on tho 23rd day of November, A. D. 1918 In suld Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. m., in Deep Creek School House to vote an additional tax In suld rond district for rond purposes as by law provided. II. 8. ANDERSON, County Jsdge. Notice of Rood District Meeting to Vote Special Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given, pursuast to Sec. 15, Chap, 299, General Laws ot Oregon for 1917, thut a Road District Meeting of tho legul votora of Road District No. 11, Clackamas Contv. Oregon, will bo held on tho 23rd day or .November. A, 1). 1918 In said Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. si., In ' Melndl Hull, Cluckamas Heights to vote an additional tax In suH road district for road purposes as y law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Jsilge. Notice of Road District Meeting to Vote Special Rood Tax. Notice is horeby given, pursuant to Sec. 15, Chnp. 299, General Uw of Oregon for 1917, that u Road District Mooting of the legal votors of Road District No. 3, Clackamas County. Oregon, will bo hold on the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1918 in said Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. ., Jn Eschebeck Hall, Damascus, to vote an additional tax In said road district for road purposos as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, County Jsdge. Notice of Road District Meeting to Vote 8peolal Road Tax. Notlco is hereby given, pursnast to, Sec. 15, Chap, 299, Ooneral Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Moetlng of the legal votors ot Road District No, 6, Clackamas Connty, Oregon, will be held on tha 13rd day of November, A. D. 1918 In said Road District, at hour of 2 o'clock p. a., In Kolso School House to vote an addi tional tax In said road district for road purposes as by law provldod. H. S. ANDERSON, Countf fl4gn.