i i liiXPirarrEKreiFKIbCFRiDAV; NOVEMBER 1, 1918. DOCTOR YOUR OWN SPANISH FLU It's CheaperIf You Arc Not Particular About Recovering. ( A penny wins policy which lit arous ing wills contempt and condemnation It being- advocated by the Portland Journal In lta campalngn (or two "iuu tltue" measures to be voted on at tha next election. Tha Portland Journal wanta tha pnople of tha ntato to abol ish tha present dollnaunnt tax public. linn law and tha present legal rata statute, both of which measures ara to ba supplanted by two. pat lawa advo Ruled by that newspaper. There la no anrthly reason (or a change in either of tha existing statutoa, but tha Jour nal Insists IU pot would ba "cheaper." ' In maklnir tha delinquent tax law "cheaper tha cltUens of Oregon will take from tha law the one element that la essential for the protection of the public. Thla law wai passed by our atata legislature to protect your property and mine from the tax title grabber and to aava It for the rightful owner. That It li aenrlng It'i purpose well muni be conceded, even by the Journal, and yet tha editor of that paper would abolUh the publication In order that the machinery of atate may ba operated on a "cheaper" basis. In tha laat anatytle thla la tha aubatance of the Journal'a argument. The "becauite It'aheaper" argument never bad a leg to atand on and never will. Cut down the expenditure for heavy artillery In France by using something "cheaper' and while we might aave a few thousand or hun dreds of thousand dollar, we would lone aa many Uvea. It'a cheaper to run around barefoot than to wear shoes, If you measure "cheapness" by dollura and centt; otherwise It la not. tt'a cheaper to live In the atreet than In a houNO, If all you wish to do la to nave rent. It'a cheuper to doctor your own Influenaa If you are not particu lar about recovering. Cut out the de linquent tax bill; throw down the ban to the title grabber; let him pick up the delinquent Hula for a aong; let tha Internet accrue on the delinquent land owner who may be fortunate enough to escape the title grabber. Why not? It'a "cheaper" arguea the Journal. And ao with the legal rate bill. "Too much" walla the Portland aheet; tt'a cheaper to cut It down a little. Thl, In spite of the fact that the present tulr rate of 6 ceuta per line la aa low or lower than the chargea established In tha other atatea of the union; thla In aplte of the fact that the newspa pers of the country are called on for endless column of government "win the war" publicity continually; thla, In spite of the fact that newspaper coHt prlcei and wugea have gone up from 30 to 100 per cent during the pant year aa In every line of modern In dUMtry. Mr. Jackiion knowa . these thlnga to be truelet him dare deny them. And yet he would throttle the press of the atate, all becauee he thlnka It "cheaper." Remember the Jackiion bills, voter There are two of them to come up for your consideration. Doth ahould ba killed. Let the electorate riae up agalnat aucb highhanded and con temptlblo procedure, Vote "NO" on both measures, . REAL K8TAT1S TIUNSFKIIS . CharW Btohllk et ux. to Kruno IHimbrowftkl. 20 acres, auction 20, township 1 eolith, range 2 east.,12500. Arthur W. Hownl to Lydia J. How ard, 40 acrea, Kectlon 21, towiiNblp 4 south, range 4 east, $300, Otto Krlckaon et ux. to Kdwln Odwln et ux., lot 8, block 110, Hregon t'lly, 11500. Frank B. Andrew t ux. to W, M Yoiice et ux, W. H or lot 6, block 169, Oregon City, $10. Amoa Wine et ux. to Churloa M. Magoo, land In Willamette Tracts; I220. Charlea Kruoior to Millard Burver. eouthoasl quarter of the southeast quarter of auction 4, townahlp 4 south, I ranee 5 east; $r40, K. fuid Adeline Shibert to J. II. and Mulvlna Youm e, lota f4 and C5, Hose wood; $:!000. He'le C. and Wlllcy II. Crawford to 5nu K. Jxulcr, Iota 7 and 10. block 2, first addition to Jointings Lodge; $10. Jidm W. and Orace K. Udt-r to P. I). Nowoll, lots 7 and 10, block 2, flret ad illt Ion to Jennings IxhIkp; $215. Windsor 1-and & Improvement ! oui puny to W. C. Powell, lot 5, block 14, Windsor; $50. Herman and l'uiilino Fischer to Ernest Fischer, 40 acrea, section 24, tfiwnnhlp 2 south, ram;e 4 emt; $10. Raruh M. and tieorge I). Katlnger, lots C and 6, block G, Windsor; $200. John und fCnthur K. Bennett to K. Khuhert, lots 5 and 6 In block 22, Mil waukle Park, $10. Sadlo L. Pruhl to N. S. and Mettle llut'er, 2.30 acres In townahlp 3 south. ratiKe 1 west; $1. Martha Nelson to Wllllum A i-'lor-ence, block 49 and part of block 5X, Clackamua Heights; $1. Paul Mortchlng to C, B. Howlctt, Tract 1 .Clalrtwmt Acreage Tracts No. S; $10. Charles li. and Sarah K. Morse to Nuznr Chevchuck, lot 33, Sell wood (Jardons, $1. John R. and Suaan 8. Coran to Nedra company, section 6, township 2 Hoiith, range 2 east! $10. Oroson Iron Steel company to II. P. Itoesa, block 103, Lake View Vil las; $10. Jorotne Morley to (Seorge W. Mor ley, section 20, township 7 eouth, rnngo 3 oust; tl&O. M. II. and (.arlottu A. O'Connel to llornt Johnson, lot 20, Tulntln Mead owa; $10. Ralph VT, E LONG SENTENCES IN E There were 81 teacbent of Clacka mas county, ttendln the summer normal at the Barclay school build ing, and being aucceasful In the United States Food Administration course re ceived diplomas. The summer normal was In charge of J. L. Calavan, county school superintendent, and In charge of the administration essay contest were Miss Johnson and Miss KolL of the Oregon Agricultural College. The teachers receiving the diplomas were Mlsa Addle Wright, Mlsa Josle Lin- gleback, Mlsa Nellie M. Jaynes, Miss Maude Davis, Miss Katie Hefner, Mlsa Antonette U deist, Miss Alma Dart, Mlsa Harriet Duncan, Miss Irma Mo- Taggart, Miss Erica Nordbausen, Miaa Myrtle Schuraan, Miss Laura A. Bren ner, Mlsa Kthel Lausdown, Miss Ruth Havnmann, Miss Mary, Hollenberg, Miss Velma L. Barter, Mlsa Mabel B. McLean, Mlaa Genevieve Oarrell, Mlsa Margaret Thompson, Miss Helen E. Ogden, Mlsa Mary Wilson, Miss Elsie Dart, Miss Beatrice Carothers, Miss Maude Beatty, Miss Ethel Berner, Miss Harriet Shoemaker, Miss Luclle Duncan, Mlsa Ruth Swain, Miss Orace Reed, Mlsa Lena A. Grlbble, John K Ely. The subjects for the essay contest were "Food and War," and "Food and Nutrition In Relation to the War." CHRISTMAS PARCELS . ' . An article In Friday's Enter- fc fr prise about Christmas parcels to soldiers waa somewhat mislead- ing. It slated that October 25 i was the last day for these, but the moaning waa that In order to In- 4 sure the arrival of parcels In t Siberia by Christmas they should 4 i be mailed Immediately, Notice la hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting, of the council, apply for a license to run ami regulate a pool room at my place of business, 419 Main Street, for a period of six months. D. B. BANDERS. OF COMMERCE SAYS NEW YORK, Oct. 2G. Five avowed anarchists convicted of circulating anil government literature, Including pamplets urglug munitions workers to go on strke, were sentenced to confine ment In prisons In the Federal court hero yesterduy. Three of them were given 20-year terms, a fourth, who turned state's evidence, was committed for three years, and the fifth, a wo man, for 15 years.' All five are Russians, not natural' Ixed, and self acknowledge support ers of the llolahevlkl. The three per sonal conspirators Samuel Llpman, Jncoli Abntms and llyman Luchowaky In addition to 20-year terme in the Maryland State Penitentiary, were sentenced to pay fines of $1000 each. Hymen RoKuiiaky. who, after his ar rest, aided the Department of Juatlce In rounding up his associates and who whs shown to have been led by them, was fined $1000 and sent to the same prison for three years. Molllo Stlmer, ft diminutive revolu tionary, who openly defled all author ity Including that of the court, was ordered to pay a fine of $500 and serve 10 years In the woman's peniten tiary at Jefferson City, Mo. POITLAND, Oct. 26. At a meeting of the directors of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce held Tuesday, eight of the legislative measures to be voted on this fall were discussed and recom mendatlona made as to their merits Two of the measures, the Jackson bills affecting a change In the print ing lawa, had been referred to committee of tax experts. They made a unanimous report to the effect that both bills should be killed as they are vicious and mischievous meas urea. The Chamber of Commerce also roc ommended against the adoption of the measure to provide a home for delln quent children, the reasonbelng that tne lime waa inauspicious. SOLDIERS BUY MANY BONDS IN SPRUCE CAMPS NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR POOL ROOM LICEN8E NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, ad ministrator of the estate of Anna Bartsch, deceased. All persona having claims against said etat are hereby required to preaent them to me at the office of C. Bchuebel, Oregon City, Ore gon, properly verified aa by law re quired, within alx months from date hereof. Date of first publication, October 25, 1918. CHARLES BARTSCH, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Bartsch, deceased. C. BCHUEBEL, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR POOL ROOM LICENSE Notice is hereby given that we will, at the next regular meeting of the council, apply for a license to run and regulate a pool room at our place of business, 206 Eighth Street, for a period of alx months. HUERTH & 80NDERGAARD. 4 MINI8TER EDIT8 PAPER - JOSEPH, Or., Oct. 26. Rev. L. O r A. Cook, minister of the H. church hero, Is now editor of the $ Joseph Herald, a weekly publl- 4 t cation formerly edited by W. L. Fowler of Enterprise. Notice of Appointment of Adminis tratrix. Notice is hereby given that Anna Guldenzopt has been appointed admin' Istratrlx of the Estate of Wllbelm Guldenzopt, deceased, by Honorable H S. Anderson, Judge of the County Court for the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon. All epraona baring claims against the said estate are here by notified to present them with Touch era properly annexed, to the admini stratrix at the office of C. D. Purcell, Sandy, Oregon. ANNA GULDENZOPF, Administratrix. C. D. PURCELU Attorney for the Administratrix. Date of first publication October 18, 1918. Date of laat publication November 15, 1918. BUDGET FOR THE CITY OP SANDY FOR THE YEAR 1919. Estimated sum needed in the general fund for City ex penses during the year 1919... $585.00 Salaries of City Officers: Recorder or Banay 7&.0Q To regular monthly hills, total for year: Electrical current 360.00 To maintenance of light system For globes, extensions, wiring and upkeep 50.00 To elections : Regular City Election 30.00 To general expenses: Expenses of City (including printing, postage, attorney's fees, recorder's fees, sta tionery, fuel, auditing City books, etc. 70.00 Total, $585.00 Source of Revenue of Sandy for tha Year 1919. Fees and licenses (unknown)..$ 00.00 Fines (unknown) .. 0.00 Balance on hand January 1, 1919 (none) 0.00 Estimated expenses of City for 1919 585.00 J Money on hand and received without taxation 0.00 hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In aald County and State, aell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the light, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, bad on the date of the mort gage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, coats and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, 8beriff of Clackamas County,, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October 18th, 1918. ' OGLESBY YOUNG, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Account of Andrew Olaon Estate. v Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, aa executor of the estate of Andrew Olson, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and that Monday, the 4th day of November, 1918, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m., of aald day and at the court room of said court, has been appointed by aald court aa the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published, Septem ber 27th, 1918. P. M. HOLST, Executor H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Estate. 8UMMON8. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate 01 Oregon for Clackamas County. Mattle M. Shearwood, Plaintiff, TS. Jamea A. Shearwood, Defendant To James A. Shearwood above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 15th day of November, 1918, aald date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of thla summons, and if you fail to ap pear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed tor In ber complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant Thla summons la published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit' Court, which order waa made on' the 3rd day of October, 1918, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks beginning with the issue dated Friday, October 4 ,1918, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, November 15, SOUTH IIEND,Vn.,Oct. 25,-Soldlera of the spruce production division sta tioned in the Wlllapa harbor district, bought fourth Liberty loan bonds to the amount of $275,000. Their allot ment was $60,000 and they voluntarily Increased thla to $100,000. There are nearly 2000 men In the different camps In this section. ICE PLANT ARENA 10 BE SCENE OF BIG . LIVE STOCK SHOW SALEM, Or., Oct. 25. A. E. J,ea, manager of the Pacific International Livestock show which is to be held In Portland November 18 to 2S, an nounced yesterday that the big ex position will be staged at the Ice Pal aco arena, Twentieth and Marshall Btreets The show will be open afternoons and evenings and a big advantage In the new location from the point of White to White Invest- view of attendance will be the ellml Huts for nurses are maintained by the Y. W. C. A. at the base hospitals in France. . To extend this work a portion of the United War Work funds to be raised In November will be used I MARKET REPORT ) ment company, section 28, township 2 south, range 7 east 320 acres; $10. Toot J. and Elva F. Kramer to Al vine B. Miller, part of Stephen H. Walker D. L. C; $10. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED Ltoense to marry waa issued Monday to Nellie Bornlce Ashentoltor, 20, and John Henry Long, 21. Tho Y. W. C, A. is known as "The lcet Big Sister In the World." Of the $10,500,000 to be raised In the United War Work Campaign $15,000,000 wilt go to the work of this organization. nation of two hours' tluio that former ly was required In going to and re- Saturday night as a grand finale to the exposition a big horse show will be staged. The premium list totals $21,004, and Manager Lea expects an entry list of stock that has never been surpassed In the West. The cattle show particu larly wllk have some of the finest displays ever brought to the West. Auction sales will be a feature of the show and Shorthorns, Herefords and Holsteins will be offeredAt pre vious sales at the livestock show single animal has brought aa high as $22,500. 6 WHICH. SUBS 307 X 110 More and Cheaper Fish HONEST LIVELIHOOD FOOD PRODUCTION Laboring Class HIGHER PRICED FISH Pleasure Seekers WASTE OF FOOD FISH 306 X YES SPORTSMEN Keep the price of fish down. Help production of fish. Eliminate waste. VOTE 3Q7 X NO Read argument in State eleotien pamphlet Clackamas County Fishermen's Union, Aadrew Naterlln, Becty. Oregon City, Oreoa. (P1 A4vt) Money to be raised by taxation $585.00 Estimated valuation of prop erty within Sandy $65,000.00 Tax needed to produce re quired amount 9 mills As given oy the Brady Mercantile company and Farr Brothers. . BUYING Creamery butter 63c otatocs .' $1.75 Onions, per 100 lbs $3.00 Putter (country) per roll $1.20 Eggs, per doz 62c SELL! NO. Cabbage, per 100 lbs $2.00 Potatoes ty Eggs, per dox 70c Putter, per roll (country) $1.30 Vremnery butter, per roll $1.40 Feea. Oats, per 100 lbs $3.50 Mill run, 80s $1-70 Calf M&1 $2.00 Salt, 50 lbs. Ugh grade 75c Hay J28-35 Chick food, per 100 Iba S&.00 Scratch food, per 100 lbs $4.40 Bone, per 100 lbs. I $3.75 Beef scrape $6.50 Berkshire $3 50 Holsteln dnlry food..l001bs $2.50 Oil meal $4.00 Blood meal poultry, 11 10c Albers mash (00a ...$3.60 Whole corn $4.00 Cracked corn .' ,..,..$4.15 Cocoanut oil meal $3.00 Ground corn $4.15 Eastern oyster shell....; $2.00 Western Shell $1.25 Grit Pr 100 Ins. .....90c Oil meal, 100 lbs $3.75 Sorn and Oats, ground, per cwt. $3.40 Livestock JBuying Veal 15-18c Live Hogs 16-16c Dressed Hogs 20c Old RooBters 12Hc Springs 20-22c Hens 20-22c Revenue produced by 9 mill tax levy $585.00 This budget Is to come up for final passage at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Sandy to be held in the City Hall, Sandy, Oregon, Monday, November 4th, 1918, at 8 o'clock P. M. Respectfully submitted for the Coun cil. C. D. PURCELL, , Recorder. SWAP Complete photo outfit five cameras up to 8x10; everything needed; for good motorcycle, pre ferably with side car invoice at this office. McDOUGAL & McDOUGAL, j Attorneys for Plaintiff, 905 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port land, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Affa B. Belcher, Plaintiff, va. I. O. Davidson, Ida May Davidson, H. F. Bushong, aa trustee of the bankrupt estate of L G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson, bankrupts, and F. W. Goldapp, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 1st day of October, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 3rd day of September, Notice of the Appointment of Admin istratrix. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, Mary Bengen haa been ap pointed administratrix of the estate of E. P. Dunlap, deceased, by the county Judge of Clackamas County. All per sons having claims against aald estate rae hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at the office of Wm. M. Stone, Oregon City, with vouchers properly annexed. Date of first publication September, 20,1918. MARY BENGEN. Administratrix. WM. M. 8TONB, Attorney. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Charlea Licht Plaintiff, va. Mary Licht, Defendant To Mary Licht Defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit within si weeka form the date of the first publication of thia summons, to-wlt, Sept 20, 1918, and if you fall ao to anawer or other wise plead for want thereof the plain tiff will take default against you and apply to the court for a decree dissolv ing the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant The grounds upon which suit la brought la wilful desertion for a period of over one year. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court made end entered on the 11th day of September, 1918. Date of first publication, September 20, 1918. Date of last publication November 1. 1918. J. WILLIS OBERENDER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office Address 301-2-3 Dekum Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned duly appointed Qualified and acting Administrator of the estate of Barbara Matthies, deceased, haa filed his final account in said estate and that the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon haa set Monday, No- 1918, in favor of Affa B. Belcher, Plain-1 'ember 18th, 1918, at ten o'clock, A. tiff, and against I. G. Davidson, Ida ! M 88 " "e ior tne Hearing of any May Davidson. Defendants, for the 1 objections hereto. sum of $4000.00, with interest accrued of $273.33, and the further sum of $200 as attorney's fee, and the further sum FRED MATTHMS, Administrator of Estate of Barbara Matthies, deceased. of $17.25 costs and disbursements, and 1 HAMMOND ft HAMMOND, FOUND 2-year-old Jersey bull, with horns and mark on right ear. George Ingram, Ingram station. WANTED to hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneap olis, Minn. Notice of the Appointment' of Adminis tratrix. Notice is hereby given that Honor able H. S. Anderson, County Judge for the County of Clackamas, Oregon, did, on the 2l8t day of June, 1918, appoint Ida Ogden administratrix of the estate of Isac Curtis Hofman, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them with vouchers properly annexed, to the administratrix at the office of C. D. Purcell, Sandy, Oregon. IDA OGDEN, Administratrix. C. D. PURCELL, Attorney for the Admlnstratrlx. Date of first publication October 18, 1918. Date of last publication November 15, 1913. DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Milwaukie 69-J. "WILLAMETTE NAVIGATION CO. steamer every day freight only Portland to Oregon City, from Wash ington Street Dock. Save Time. 8ave Money." MONEY TO LOAN. I have plonty of money to loan on good real estate security at current rates. C. H. DYE, Eighth and Main Street SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Bessie Wright Plaintiff, vs. Ernest D. Wright, Defendant . To Ernest D. Wright, Defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within Blx SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court 'of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. W. T. Vaughn, Plaintiff, vs. I. G. Davidson, Ida May Davidson, H. F. Bushong as Trustee of the Bank rupt Estate of I. G .Davidson and Ida May Davidson, Bankrupt, and S. W. Goldapp, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, as: By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 1st day of October, 1918, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 3rd day of September, 1918, In favor of W. T. Vaughn, Plain tiff, and against I. G. Davidson, Ida May Davidson, H. F. Bushong as Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of L G. Davidson and Ida May Davidson, bankrupt and F. W. ' Goldapp, De fendants, for the sum of $3000.00, with interest thereon at tne rate or. 7 per cent per annum from the 9th day of October, 1917, and the further sum of $187.25 interest, and the further sum of $150.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $17.40 costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and up on this writ, commanding me to make the coss of and upon thia writ com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Being a part of the F. A. Collard Do nation Land Claim, in township two (2) south range one (1) east of Will amette Meridian bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at, a point 502.67 feet north of the southwest corner of said F. A. Collard Donation Land Claim; thence running east 1597.09 feet to the Luclen David son tract; thence north 30 9 east 527.31 feet to the northwest corner of the Luclen Davidson tract; thence east east 134.64 feet to "a rock mound; thence north 214.5 feet; thence west 1978.02 feet to the West line of the F. A. Collard Donation Land Claim; thence south 674.45 feet to place of beginning, containing 28.5 acres. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex cution. Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ I will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of November, 1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the Cotnty Court house In the City of Ore gon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage here in or since had in or to the above de scribed real property or any part there of ,to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October 1918. Attorney! for Administrator. Notice of Appointment of Executor. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu tor of the last will and testament of Mary E. Wright deceased, by Hon. H. S. Anderson, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas County. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the executor, properly verified, In the office of Wm. M. Stone, Oregon City, Oregon, Attorney for the execu tor, within 6 months from thedate of the first publication of this notice: Dated October 11, 1918. JL- PERMENTER, Executor. WM. M. STONE. - Attorney for Estate. weeks frem the date of the first nubll- sale of the following described real cation of this summons, to-wit: No-1 Property, situate -in the county of Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure It you mut take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was f described by one ot the best phyilctans n this country for years. It is com posed of some ot the best tonics known, combined with some of the belt blood ?urlflera. The perfect combination of he ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Bend (or testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo. O. All Druggiati, 76c. Hall's Ftuuly Puis for constipation. veraber 1, 1918, and if you fall so to: answer or otherwise pead tor want j thereof the plaintiff will take default against you and apply to the court for a decree dissolving the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant. The grounds upon which suit Is brought is wilful desertion for a period ot over one-fear. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court made and entered on the 28th day of October, 1918. ' ' Date of first publication, November 1, 1918. Date of last publication December 13,1918. E. E. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office address 412 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning 23.11 chains north 89 35' West and 2.73 chains south ot the northeast corner of section 16, T. 2 south range 2 east on County road inown as Oregon City and Foster road; said road being marked by a stofie 12x6x6 inches and marked "X"; and running thence south 30' east 17.37 chains to a stake; thence west 1149 chains to a stake on east side of right- of-way Oregon and California railroad thence north 8 30' east 4.74 chains to a stake the center ot County road aforesaid; thence north 40 SO' east 16.32 chains with line of said road to beginning containing 12 acres more or leas In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 16th day of November, 1918; at the Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Estate of Lydia Jane Shank, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final report In me estate of Lydia Jane Shank, de ceased, with the county court of Clack amas County, Oregon; and that Mon day, November 11th, 1918, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., haa been set as the time and the county court room, Clackamas ' County, Oregon, as the place, for hear ing objections to said final account If ny there be, and for allowing the said account and closing the said estate. LESLIE L. SHANK, Administrator of the Estate of Lydia Jane Shank, deceased. T. A. BURKE, ' Attorney for Administrator. First publication October 11th, 1918. Last publication November 8th, 1918 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILDING D. C Latourbttb, President p T if. n.. The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL. $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P M. Phones Pacific 52 Home A-lil GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of flee In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phonea Pacific Main 40i; Home A-270. TONE A MOL'LTON Attorneys-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXBOON CITT .... OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Will practice In all eourts, make ce. lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building Oregon City. Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street. Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A-96 Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80 William Ha-nmond Philip L. Hammend HAMMONB & HAMMOND Attorneya-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate,' Loans, Tnsur- OREGON CITT, ORE SON Pacljle Phone II Eexte Pfcene A-tfl