Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 18, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
1 ' r
Single Tax Paper Loud In Opposing Pre
paredness Program
Sara Jackson, the noted single tax
advocate of Portland, owner of the
Portland Journal, the only Oregon
paper using the Hearst news ser
vice, is employing the tactics ot Wil
liam the Second ot Germany In an
effort to kill off the country pr
IHs propaganda is no more truthful
than that of his famous prototype,
the Kaiser. His campaign to get rid
of the smaller papers Is no less ruth
less than that of the other kaiser
in his efforts to pet rid ot the small
er nations. His ambition to be the
big cxar In Oregon uewspaperdoni is
no less Taunting than Is the ambi
tion of the kaiser to be the ruler of
Europe. The, smaller nations In
Europe that refused to submit to the
kaiser's dictation were made to feci
the strong hand of the powerful, Hun.
The small country newspapers
Oregon that for years have
th Portland Czar's schemes
to put
over the single tax and
other tads
are now feeling the strong hand or
the millionaire owner ot the Port
Private Frank Patnoe, nearest rel
ation, Mrs. Mabel Rankin, Vanconver,
Private Boyd Stapp. nearest rela
tion, Mrs. Julia Stapp, Focatello. Ida.
Private John Ronhaar, Jr.. nearest
relation, John Ronhaar. R. F. D. 2
Oak Harbor. Wash.
Private Elmer L. Damours, nearest
relation,. Mrs. Emily Robeson, Silver
Lake, Wash.
Private Charles W. Jensen, nearest
relation, C. F. Jensen, Carlton, Ore.
Private Preston M. Wright, nearest
jrelatton. Mrs. Robert K. Wright, host
ess house, Vancouver, Wash.
Corporal Walter A. Stone, nearest
relation, Cbarles AStone, Bay View,
Wash. - "
Private Herbert H. Edgar, nearest
(relation, Mrs. Sallte Edsar, Tillamook,
Corporal Frank T. Clark, nearest
relation, Miss Gladys Clark, Standlsh
hotel, Portland, .Ore.
Private William J. Berg, nearest
relation, Oscar Berg, 130 Lincoln st.,
Astoria, Ore.
Private Robert A. Campbell, nearest
relation, Fred Campbell, Weston, Ore.
Lieutenant Clifford Oscar Harris,
emergenecy address, Mrs. William
Robert Harris, 95 East Seventy
second street, Portland.
Private Jack T. Anderson, emer
gency address, Mrs. Mary S. Ander
son, Belllngham, Wash.
Private Albert T. West, emergency
address, John West, Cathlamet,' Wash.
Corporal Charles M. Black, emer
gency address, Mrs. Ida Black, R. F. D
1, Everett, Wash.
Private Nels Herigstad, emergenc
address, Nels B. Herigstad, Silverton.j
Or. ' ,
Private Remmie I. Kelly, emergency
address, Mrs. C. A. Kelly, 575
avenue, Portland, Or.
South !
Private Leon McElfresh
emergencj ,
address, Joseph J. McElfresh, Red
mond, Or.
Lieutenant William G. Kantner, em
ergency address, Mrs. Nell C. Kant
ner, Everett, Wash.
Cook Horace A. Hoard, emergenecy
address, Julius G. Hoard, Linnton; Or. i
Private Albert DeHaven, emergency
address Mrs. Maggie Workman, R. F.
D. 6, Vanconver, Wash..
Private William Hailstone, emerg
ency address, Frank Hailstone, Is
saquah, Wash..
Private Charles D. McBreen, em
ergency address, Mrs. Ida B. McBreen,
R. F. D. 4, eBaverton, Wash
Private Abner P. Masters, emerg
At my place known as the old Jim Poe place of Sandy
Ridge 4 miles southeast of Boring, 5 miles west of
Sandy, 3 miles east of Barton, 8 miles north of Es
tacada. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23,1918
8 head of horses; horse, 9 years old, weight 1600; horse, 12 years old,
weight 1250; mare, 14 years old, weight 1500; 16 head cattle and calves;
Tgood m lch cows; 2 registered Jerseys, fresh thta tall; our graded
Jerseys, two are fresh and two will be fresh thta fall; 4 twyeaMM
heifers with calves at side; 1 yearling heifer; 1 Sfl?1 !
bull; 18-months-old registered Jersey bull. Hogs-Berkshire brood sow,
with 9 pigs, six weeks old; seven shoats, six months old. 100 thorough
bred Plymouth Rock hens and pullets.
Machinery-One nearly new Champion binder. . Champion mower.
Champion hay rake. Hoosler grain drill. Disk harrow. Spike tooth
harrow. John Deere manure spreader. Wagon. Two-seated hack.
iw. ..t. r.t wnrk hnrnesB. GrtnO
x oc v. " - " -
mi... i,. har raov Wanhtne
Two brooders and all small tools and household goods.
Hay and Grain 200 bushels wheat; 400 bushels Gray Oats; 125 bushels
White Oats; 15 tons Clover hay, loose; 10 tons straw, loose.
This place will be for sale or rent. 120acres 75 In field.
Free lunch at noon. Sale rain or shine
Sums under $20 cash.- Over $20 six months' time on approved security.
COL. W. 8. WOOD, Auctioneer
Vancouver, Washington.
land Journal. With them out ot the
way he can proceed to fasten his fad
tentacles upon the state with less op
position. ,
This Is the same paper that two
years ago was defending the slaugh
ter ot innocent women and children
on the Lusitania by the reiterated
statements that people had no busi
ness to cross the Atlantic anyway.
This is the same paper that ln;
slated In loud headlines and scream
ing editorial that this was a rich
man's war and that it was the munU
tlon manufacturers and Wall Street
that were trying to drag this coun
try Into it, when as everybody know
this war was started by the kaiser.
This Is the same paper that fought
any increase In our army and nayy
and was against all preparedness and,
in short, an advocate of many things
and opposed to many other things
whose support or opposition now
would cause It to be called np on the
federal carpet Corvallis Gaxette-Tlmes.
ency address, Mr.
Seattle. Wash-
A. E. Masters,
Private Glrrard Cecil Blackburn,
omnreencv address. Mrs. G. 1 Ross,
587 East Fifty-seventh, at, Portland.
Private John H. Baccua, emergency
HrtMwit Mrs. Maud Baccua, Battle
ground, Wash-
Private Otto S chirm an, emergency
address. William Schlrman. Sultan,
PHvafR Harlev F. Hutchinson, em
ergency address. Mrs. P. Hutchinson,
Valley, Idaho-
Private Lawrence M. Hoffman, em
ergency address, Peter Hoffman, Day
ton. Ore.
Private Hilton J. Gllroy, TJ. S. M..
emergency address, Hester Gllroy,
Everett, Wash-
Lieutenant Norman A. Archibald.
emecgency address, Silas A. Arcchl
bald, 106 Marlon, at, Seattle
Private Jim Papavasll, emergency,
address, Andrew Papavasll, Bremer
ton, Wash.
Private Charles G. Ackerman, em
ergency address, Lloyd Ackerman
Fllrenee, Ore.
Private John W. Stevenson, emerg
ency address, Mrs. Katherine Steven
son, 2610 Third st, Baker. Ore.
Private Arthur R. Howell, emerg
ency address, Mrs. L. H. Howell,
Lebanon, Ore. ,
WOUNDED (Degree Undetermined)
Private Wesley H. Allison, emerg
ency address C. W. Allison, Prine
ville. Ore.
Private Carter J. Carlson, emers
ency address H. K. Carlson, 2917
Boone, ave., Spokane, Wash.
Private Albert Wickberg emerg
ency address Ji'nn Wickberg, St. Mar
ies, Idaho.
Private Harry S. P. Dane, emerg
ency address O. J. Dane, R. F. D. 1
Colville, Wash.
Private Harry R West. Seattle. 1
determined Private Fred G. Stockwell, emerg
ency address Charles Lynch, Seattle.
Corporal Guy M. Bryan, emergency
address Mrs. Josephine Bryan, Ivy
Spokane, Wash.
Private Robert R. Do-ity. emerg
ency address Robert Dority, 69 School
street, Everett, Wash.
WOUNDED Degree Undetermined
Corporal Louis H. Strickland, em
ei'gency address Mrs. Estelle Strick
land, 134 East Sixtyeifhth street.
Private Lloyd L. Inglis, emergency
address William Inglis, 108 East Forty
third street, Seattle.
TORONTO, Oct. ' 14. Nearly 4
' 190 lives are reported to have
been lost tonight in an explosion f
at a munition plant at Trenton, 8
near here.
Stone, ueuavei uram
Cultivator: 2 Blown, 1 irm.,
... . n . - i a
1 16-in.
machine. Churn. Tubs.
A. MEYERS, Clerk.
WASHINGTON, Oct 14. President
Wtlea has answered Germany's
peace proposal with a declslou which
not only falfllla th expectations ot
aupporfer ot his diplomacy, but also
dispe-la the tears of those who pre
dicted, that he would offset victories
at arms with defeats at diplomacy.
No peace with Kalserism; autocracy
must go; no armistice can even be
thought ot while Germany continues
her atrocities on land and sea; one
cannot be considered unless U fully is
dictated by the allied commanders in
the Meld In such terms as absolutely
provide safeguards and guarantees
that Germany's part will not be a
scrap of paper; this, In a few words,
is the President's answer. ,
If it does not bring a capitulation
which may be more than an uncondi
tional surrender, allied diplomats and
American officials beliefs It may cause
a revolution In Germany.
iteyond question it speaks for the
entente as wetl as the I'nited States.
The dispatch of the President's re
ply was followed by the Issue of the
following formal statement by Secre
tary Tumulty:
"The Government will continue to
send over 250,000 men with their sup
plies every month and there will be
no relaxation ot any kind."
Quite outside of the formal phrases
ot a diplomatic document, that was
President Wilson's word to the world
that he had no thought ot stopping
the fighting at this stage.
The Senate chamber rang with ap
plause ag the President's answer was
read a few minutes after It had been
announced at the Slate Department.
benator Lodge, the President's chief
critic in his course unUl today. Issued
a statement expressing his gratifica
tion at the President's decision.
Opinion at the Capitol and through
out official Washington was unani
mous in approval.
The following real estate transfers
were filed in the office of County Re
corder J. G. Noe October 14 :
Stephen and Nellie M. Carver to
Sarah LaRue Galbralth, lots 1, 2, 3, 10,
11, 12, 13 and 14, block 2, Carver; $900.
Alfred And Lena Danlelson to Olof
Flodberg, 40 acres, section 3, town
ship 5 south, range 3 east; $1000.
E. E. and C. B. Washburn to Fred
Vollman, 83 acres, George Welch do
nation land claim; J 10.
F. E. and Z. Bamford to C. O. and
Ada L. Russell, 16 acres Phillip Foster
donation land claim, $2500.
Ella M. Stryker to S. W. Stryker
south half of northwest quarter ot
northwest quarter, section 35, town
ship 3 south, range 4 east, $10.
Ella M. Stryk er to S. W. Stryker,
tract of land in section 29, township 2
south, range 4 east; $10.
S. W. Stryker to Rex Investment
Co.. south half of northwset quarter ot
northwest auarter. section 35. town-
i ship 3 south, range 4 east; $10. .
S. W. Stryker to Rex Investment
Co., tract ot lend in section 29, town
ship 2 south, range 4 east; $10.
Ada L. Russell to Rex Investment
Co., 16 acres Phillip Foster donation
land claim; $1.
Christ Joost et ex. to Fredrlch Hell
man et ux., 100 acres section 31,
township 3 south, range 2 east; $L
L. E. and Eva Smith to D. F. Nord
hausen, 15 acres section 16, township
4 south, range 1 east; $10.
John B. and Alice Perkel and C M
Huit to estate of Warren Mr.Cord, 45
acres section 24, township 4 south,
range 2 east; $636,26.
J. E. and Phoebe J. Gage to Frank
E. Andrews, part of J. G. Swafford D.
L C, township 3 3south, rtnge 2 east;
Henrietta G. and R. F. Walters to
Florence McCarthy, 194 acres section
18, township 4 south, range 1 east;
Wiliam L. Nash, exec.itor of estate
of Joseph H. Nash, deceased, to H. V.
Adix, lot 10, block 8, Estacada; $200
Sarah and A. D. IVheeler to H. H.
and M. A. Milliren,u.47 acres W. B.
R. Cotton D. L. C; $3500.
Peter Younger to Mary and M, J.
Gleason, lots 3 and 4,block 132; $10.
D. Clinton Latourette to Dan Lyons,
2 57-484 acres, Nnith and Van Buren
streets, Oregon City; $5.
District Road Fund
DISTRICT NO. 1 W. H. Bonney,
$49.24; M. E. Gaffney, $1.51; C. W.
Schuld & Sons, $40.95; M. E. Gaf
fney, $28.00; C. E. Battin, $56.00;
John Young, $49.00; M. Deakin, $43.
75; 0. A. Battin, $49.00; Henry Tim
mer, $49.00; Henry Henrici, $9.00;
Dan Gaffney, $38.50; J. A. Davis,
i $105.00; A. A. Conklin, $105.00; W.
Smart, $28.00; Sol Imel, $14.00; II.
S. Card, $17.50; A. E. Aeby, $3.50;
H. Piepke, $5.25; A. N. Wills, $3.50;
B. L. Friedrich, $96.00.
DIST. NO. 3 Herman Selber, $14.
00; F. D. Shank, $12.00.
DIST. NO. 4 E. Heiple, $20.20;
J. R. Hughes, $4.50; J, C. Kitching,
$8.75; C. A. Looney, $6.00; C. R.
Lovett, $6.00.
DIST. NO. 5 C. W.. Schuld &
Sons, $181.70; P. R. L. & P, Co.,
$321.95; M. H. Wheeler, $38.00; J. A.
Imel, $22.50; W. E. Wheeler, $48.00;
J. A. Hite, $37.50; C. Lekberg, $33.
00; J. H. Lindgren, $31.C0; J. E.
Siefer, $25.50; John Andregg, $37.
50; C. A. Wheeler, $21.00; Lon Sut
ton, $18.00. -
DIST. NO. 7 A. W. Shipley,
$125.00; L,,E. Martin, 112.00; Jas.
Fegles, $18.00.
DIST. NO. 8-Thomas Kubltaa,
m.oO; A. W. Shipley, $45.00;
Brightwood Lumber Co.. $31.28; R.
S. Smith, $6.00; 0. W. Miller, $97.00;
C. Aveil, $27.00; W. A. Stone,
$6.00; C. W. Harris, $21.00; Sam
Miller, $15.00; H. Riedenstien, $9.00;
J. R. Maronay, $84.00; II. H. Wat
kins, $36.00; Carl Tower, $37.50; A.
L. Matingley, $30.00; George Flinn,
$22.50; Tim Gunn, $28.60; Tom Ku
biUa, $34.50; C. Philips, $6.00; Har
ry Nichols, $25.50; Irvington Ga
rage and Auto Co., $28.00; Howard
Cooper Corp., $52.15; L. Ritxer, $37.
50; P. Averil, $34.50; W. A. Stone,
$42.00; John Maronl, $48.00; Will
Webber, $6.00; George Flinn, $21.00;
C W. Harris, $12.00; H.'It. Watkins,
DIST. NO. 9 II. W. Sharp A Co.,
$19.67; Edd Hardoss, $3.00; Honry
Schmidt, $10.00; William Johnson,
$8.00; U. Tracy, $9.00; Chris John
son, $10.00; Gus Zimmerman, $3.00;
Carl Una, $6.00; M. Grnfcnhaln.
$5.00; Fred Llns, $28.00; H. Schmidt,
$27.00; H. Johnson, $45.00; A. II.
Miles, $45.00; Io Rath, $24.00;
Peter Ruhl, $27.00; Henry Ruhl,
$9.00; Otto Taulson, $15.00; C. Gu
ber, $16.50; Edd Grafenhain, $24.00;
Roy Milles, $9.00; Ray Miller, $9.00;
Robert Millea, $9.00; C. A. Johnson,
$12.00; Carl Rath. $12.00; Harold
Joyner, $12.00; II. Klinker, $19.50;
Edd Guber, $21j00.
DIST. NO. 13 Standard Oil Co.,
$13.02; J. T. Fullam. $83.50; W. M.
Kirchem, $13.00; Herman Koch,
$21.00; A. Hubert. $33.00; H. II.
Coop. $24.00; A. Schneider, $24.00;
Ernest Koch, $18.00; A.M. Kirchem,
$18.00; Ia Kirchem. $5.00; Johnnie
Fullam, $10.50; John Schneider, $15.
00; A. Johnson, $12.00.
DIST. NO. 16 H. Engle, $40.00;
A. Blanchard, $45.00; Otto Dietxe,
$21.00; M. Bowman, $21.00; J. Ban
ny. $14.00; F. Dietxe, $3.50; II. En
gel, $52.50; W. Gutporlet, $27.50;
W. Dietxe, $38.81; E. Persinger, $38.-
81; I. Bonney, $38.81; S. Bonney,
$13.50; N. Crietaer, $5.60.
DIST. NO. 19 W. Waldorf, $8.75;
Hult Lumber Co., $21.15; Milt Chind
green, $24.00; W. S. Gorbett. $4.00.
DIST. NO. 21 A. Hagmen, $15.
10; A. NeUon, $17.78; Hult Bros.,
$40.00; Albert Erickson, $12.00; W
S. Gorbett, $66.00; G. Murphey, $72.-
00; Edward Johnson, $34.50; A lax
Erickson, "$54.00; Aug. Dalstrom,
$18.00; P. Johnson, $18.00; Dave
Crawford, $20.00; Albert Harras,
$22.50; Mangus Johnson, $6.00; A. E.
Nelson, $6.00; J. J. Jones, $36.00;
F. M. Countrvman. $30.00; Erick
Hansen, $18.00; J. Carlson, $48.00,
DIST. NO. 22 L. O. Nightingale,
$20.93; William Mackrell, $6.55;
Dicken & Co, $3.95; W. G. Master
ton, $27.75; Good, Roads Machinery,
$2.63: Robins Bros., $9.70; A. J.
Miln, $54.60; Lloyd Shaver,, $7.00;
G. Feyrer, $17.40; G. A. Martin, $6.
40; Clay Engle, $112.50; G. A. Mar
tin. $118.50; C. A. Browning, $99.00;
G. R. Jackson, $33.00; D. McIIenry,
$18.75; G. E. Feyrer. $.180.00; Clay
Hungate, $105.00; Feyrer Bros.,
$134.00; H. J. Rastall, $94.00; Henry
Fk-k, $54.75; S. 1 A. D. Hungate,
$60.00; Robt. Elkins, $88.50; C. E.
Ramsby, $28.50; Leslie Dickey, $87.
00; John Callahan,' $100.50; Frank
Moore, $40.00; J. W. Staudinger,
$87.00; Raymond Dickey, $27.00; Ira
L. Boyer, $66.00; G. W. Boyer, $33.
00; Carl Gornoson, $54.00; Willis
Staudinger, $21.75; Ira Dickey, $15.
00; Herschel Wilson, $33.00; C. W.
Lav. $18.00: Wm. Feyrer, $75.00; C.
W. Dickerson, $27.00; L. L. Ellis,
$27.00; Wm. Ellis, $27.00; R". J. El
lis, $33.00; B. C. Palmer, $4.50; C. L.
Sautinger, $6.00; Wm. Avison, $1.50;
Joe Fevrer, $3.75; Don Ellis, $10.50;
W. H. Engle, $15.00; H. C. Bonaker,
$10.50; James Baty, $14.25: James
Barlow, $3.00; Hans Vogt, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 23-jClackamas County
News, $25.00; W. W. Irvin, $1.88; E.
A. Donaldson, $3.00; C. F. Zicgler,
$13.50; G. Ziegler, $13.50; G. Zieg-
ler, $1.50.
DIST. NO. 26 Good Roads Mach.,
$13.65; J. A. Cobb, $2.75.
DIST. NO. 27 N. Schmaltz &
Sons, $9.30. '
DIST. NO. 28 Standard Oil Co..
$23.72; M. E. Swope,' $30.96; J. I.
Case $27.02; A. L. Brougher, $4.30;
A. GoldaSe, $34.50; Chas. Johnson,
$2.85; Standard Oil Co., $22.75; A.
M. Groshong, $61.25; A. G. Wylan,d,
$59.75; G. M. Groshong, $72.00; J.
M. Nichelson, $72.00; Frank Brosig,
$78.00; P. Jali, $G8.25; A. Dale, $57.
75; Wm. Mulkens, $G3.75; J. M. Gro
shong, $81.00; R. D. Groshong, $43.
50; C. D. Groshong, $85.50; Blain
Bird, $39.00; Em. Bird, $33.00; Ben
Wade, $39.00; D. M. Groshong, $49.
50; G. E. Hilton, $36.00; Roy Nich
elson, $30.00; S. G. Nicrelson, $36.
00; Geo. Helvey, $65.25; Freman
Thomas, $74.25; V. Pitman, $33.75;
A. M. Groshong,, $17.63; John Mil
ler, $59.50; Joe Miller, $57.50; Earl
Groshong,' $97.75; John Goldade,
$10.50; Ray Wyland, $30.00; Frank
Hilton. $61.50; Fred Davis, $39.00;
C. Nieuwboer, $27.00; Frank Kokel,
$48.25; Ernest Sowa, $15.00; Lue So
wa, $3.00; E. Sowa, $18.00; J. P.
Miller, $15.00; J. I. Sharp, $30.00; E.
L. Palfrey, $55.50; Geo. lierbst, $21,
88; Joe Kestner. $18.75; John Trul
linger, $27.00; Zeb Bowman, $12.00;
Fred Yoeman, $11.25; Johnnie Mil
ler, Jr., $7.50; John Bergen, $12.00;
James Marts, $6.00; 0. N. Opsund,
$6.00; Geo. Helvey, $16.00; A. Gold
ade. $3.00: P. Jali. $12.00; Ben
Thomas, $3.00; John Ferguson, $3.
00; G. H. Gray, $32.50; Wm. Dentte
$75.32; A. B. Dentel, $75.94 ; Wm
Gooding. $67.18: Fred Derite, $7.50.
DIST. NO. 30-iW. Kaiser, $45.Q0;
Frank Busch. $1.80: Oregon Iron &
Steel Co.. $221.30: J. Bickner & Sons
$1.50: G. H. Miller. $7.50; B. J
Staats Hardware Co., $9.70; Pope &
Co.. $2.10: Nelson & Davis, $9.50;
F. A. Zimmerman, , $62.00; D. Colson,
$70.00; E. Gross,- $66.00; S. Ross,
$62.00: E. Oldenstadt. $45.00; E.
Dhooget. $7.50; F. Schauber, $16.87;
R. DeNieu. $77.00: W. Schatz, $70.
50: C. Zimmerman. $12.00; W. Kais
er. $68.00. i
DIST. NO. 32--Sherwood Lumber
Co.. $17.00: Harrv Jost. $80.60; Wm
Todd, $38.00; A. P. Todd, $29.35;
John Herman. $38.00: A. A. Wood
$60.00: Tom Baker. $36.00; Clar
ence MeConnell. $40.00: Geo. Stahl-
necker, $13.50; Frank Kaiser, $6.00;
Rob Stahlnecker. $12'.00.
DIST. NO. 33 Geo. Genserowskl
$30.00: Frank Millard. $70.00.
DIST. NO. 35 P. R. L. & P. Co.,
$70.20; J. II. Barnett, $74.00.
DIST. NO. 39 Herman Fischer.
$12.00; Albert Fischer, $12.00; B. E.
Boothold; $6.00.
DIST. NO. 41 Paul R. Mcinlg,
$8.15; R. S. Smith, $13.80; 11. F.
Cogswell, $0.90; Herbert Udell,
$7.00; J. G. DeShaxer, $12.35: II. 11.
Udell. $80.78; II. N. SVhminsky, $52..
50; G. Uvery, $9.00; H. R. Devlin,
$23.25; Charley Updegrnve, $34.60;
Raymond DeKhaxer, $18.00; J. II.
11. Udell, $80.78; H. N. Schmlnky.
$52.50; G. La very, $9.00; II. R. Dev.
lin, $23.25; Charley Updegrave, $34..
60; Raymond DeShaxer, $13.00; J.
H. Barnett, $7.00; Gist Dahrens, $.13..
00; Chase Krebs, $14.00; Herbert
Udell, $2.B0;L, Wilson, $3.00; Jay
Morrison, $3.00; John AfTolter, $1.60,
DIST. NO. 42Chase & Linton,
$26.00; Willamette V. S. Ry., $20.00;
L. G. Wolstad, $2.12; G. M. Christen-
son, $6.00; Albert Carpenter, $3.00.
DIST. NO. 43 W. 11. Douglas.
$21.37; Fred HolTmeister, $16.60; W.
R. Woodle, $10.60; W. F. Douglass,
$9.00; C. 11. Padison, $18.76; Fred
Padison $3.75; Perry Murphy, $3.75;
Glenn Douglass $3.75; Will HolT
meister, $1.60; Chas. Murphey, $5.25;
Roy Dauglass, $6.00; A. N. Orko,
DIST. NO. 45 C. Bittner, $35.00;
L. P. Elliott, $11,25; John Put, $12..
60; C. A. Freeman, $2,60; A. S. Free
man, $2.50.
DIST. NO. 47 A. N. Guffney, $4..
05; C. W. Schuld & Son, $151.00.
DIST. NO. 49 A. Mather, $39.20;
Bert H. Finch, $16.68; L, J. Palma
teor, $4.70; L. J. Palmateer, $54.25;
W. R. Woodworth, $37.50; Robert
McClintock, $63.00; A. S--ott, $55.50;
K. C. Hoygaard, $2U0; Elvy Recbe,
$24.00; T. J. Reagan, $9.00; E. T.
Davis, $12.00; L. M. Yocum, $10.00;
Clarence Palmateer, $6.00.
DIST. NO. 50 Frank Ott, $9.60;
Rob. Rosenau, $99.00; F. M. Town-
send, $104.00.
DIST. NO. 57 Mitchell Uwis
Staver Co., $0.46; L. It. Cochran
$25.00; W. H. Lucke, $8.60; Geo. M
Christenson, $64.75; L. H. Cochran,
$37.50; Albert Carpenter, $9.00; Exra
Burkholder, $33.00; A. F. Euman,
$34.60; Ray Lantx, $33.00; Otto Bix
el, $30.00; Ole Kyllo, $27.00; George
Dale, $33.00; Floyd Dale, $16.50;
George Boyer, $15.00; Oscar Kyllo,
$10.60: Auirust Rothenberg. $3.00.
DIST. NO. 63 W. Kaiser, $21.00;
Liberty Coal Co., $22.50; George
Rogers, $6.18; F. A. Zimmerman,
$30.00; D Colson, $26.00; E. Gross,
$26.00; S. Ross, $24.37; E. Olden
stadt, $26.25; C. Zimmerman, $24.00;
C. Hargon, $18.75; E. Dhooget. $22
50; R. Britten, $24.37; F. Schauber,
$13.12; R. Perrin, $59.50; R. Olden
stadt, $42.00; R. DcNicu, $42.00;
Oregon Iron & Steel Co., $49.00; W.
SchntZj $28.00; W. Kaiser, $36.00.
Special Fund
Number 5 M. II. Wheeler, $57.75;
W. E. Wheeler, $78.00; J. A. Imel,
$40.50; J. A. Hite, $51.00; C. Wheel
er, $51.00;' Peter SchwieUer, $9.00;
Lon Sutton, $39.00; John Andregg,
$6.00; J. H. Lindgren, $18.00; Chas.
Timmerman, $24.00.
No. 6 Jarl & Eri, $26.65; P. R. L,
& P. Co., $115.83; R. E. Jarl, $9.00;
J. A. Albel, $2.25; N. H. Bickford,
$3.00; J. S. Albel, $3.00; George Mo-
cho. $30.00; G. Finger, $30.00; C Tan-
ger. $24.00; Ed LIttiepnge, $35.00.
NO. 11 Chase & Linton Gravel
Co., $130.33; P. F. Morey, $216.00;
II. D. Marston, $21.00; C. R. Live-!
say, $8.75.
NO. 17 D. R. Dimick, $18.00; Wm.
Kloney, $10.50; John Bany. $9.00;
Clarence Rupp, $15.00; G. M. Jones,
$10.50; Rob Vorpahl, $1.50; Isadore
Bany, $18.00; Fred Jones, $18.00; O.
F. Frentress, $12.00; Ralph Kochlcr,
$18.00; Con Bolby, $3.00; O. J. Mays,
NO. 26 Williams Bros., $270.55;
George Blatchford, $2.75; F. M.
Henriksen, $14.20; Chas. Callahan,
$57.00; W. J. E. Vick, $63.00; Alfred
Wright, $2.50; Deb Fischer, $2.50;
Ed Callahan, $6.00; Andy Haydon,
$12.00; H. H. Dahl,. $78.00; J. R. P.
Vick, $39.00; L, L. Burghardt, $36.-
00; Lew E. Wallace, $39.00; George
Wright, $10.00; Chas. Fischer, $30.-
00; T. E. Shea, $6.00; Pierce Wright,!
$27.00; Carl Fischer, $00.00; S. A.
Douglas, $60.00; W. P. Douglas, $12.-
00; Grant Babcock, $30.00; Al Rey
nolds, $20.25; E. Lowery, $12.00;
Dock Wilhelm, $60.00; Reuben
Wright, Sr., $30.38; A. Butterdcld,
$8.G3; J. D. French, $9.00; V. H.
Dunton, $80.00.
NO. 27 Chas. Johnson, $9.60; Roy
Ridings, $65.25; John Barth, $18.75;
Jay Bentley, $40.00; Geo. Woster,
$52.50; Geo. Koehler, $44.00; Roy
Cavenday, $56.00; Olaf Olaen, $117.
50; J. L. Jones, $58.15; Edy Jackson,
$65.00; B. M. Hubburd, $26.25; B.
Jack, $5.00; Otto Blair, $8.75; J.
Oster, $7.50; W. Harnon, $1.56; Wm.
Brown, $80.00; A. Dickens, $30.55;
II. Asboe, $66.25; Carl Carlson, $11.-
90; I. D. Larkins, $75.25; T. Bent-
ley, $73.50; W. P. Nicholson, $58.75;
F. L. Skirom, $65.00; Lewis Larson,
$25.00; L. N. Jones, $22.50; Carl
Johnson, $21.25; Geo. Kirk, $17.30;
Edwin Jackson, $3.45; Archa Hub
bard, $21.25; Rog. Ridings, $1.90.
NO. 32 Neal Heater, $44.00; Wm.
Dodson, $42.00; Fred Schamlmrg,
$42.00; Wm. Forester, $8.65; Hugh
Her, $44.00; F. Schamburg, $43.05;
Henry Voss, $1.50; A. P. Todd, $8.00;
Wm. Todd,- $10.00; John Herman,
$12.00; Mat Baker, $36.00; Harry
Jost, $13.00.
NO. 40 II. Bronner, $49.50; F.
Carlson, $9.00; B. Forrester, $18.00;
W. Forrester, $15.00; C. W. Long
well, $15.00; G. Bell, $9.00; II. Bel
ue, $25.50; J. Douglas, $15.00; F.
Anderson, $18.00; C. Danielson, $2
00; L. Baker, $12.00; Carl Honson,
$27.00; Chester Richey, $9.00; E. J.
Borling, $12.00; H. Henriksen, $18.
00; F. Carlson, $18.00; P. M. HoM,
. NO. 41 H. H. Udell, $12.00; Gust
Dahrans, $11.00; Chas. Drebs, $4.00;
II. N. Schminky, $6.00; Charles Up
degrave, $6.00; Irvin Updegrave, $3,
00; Herbert Udell, $14.00; Raymond
DeShazer, $9.00.
NO. 45 L. P. Elliott, $300,00.
NO., 470. P. Roethe, $157.00; E
E. Roethe, $84.00; F. W. Smith, $3.-
75; Chas. Moran, .$7.50; Hugh Rob
erts, $48.00; James Wallace, $39.00;
John RiHley, $8.00.
NO. 51 Jake DeYoung, $71.75;
Fred Carlin, $42.00; A. L. Heacock,
$28.50; H. Hennmgsen, $48.00; L.
Hoffmelster, $78.00; Jake Kettle, $30.
00; Richard Witzel, $34.00; S. Dal
las,' $30.00; John Hoffmelster, $34.-
00; Phillip Schantin, $34.00; E. John
. - , . .. n y. n H Tl
House, $18.00; C. Zlnsley, $16.00; ot.
MeCausland, $23.00; W. T. Sharkey,
$48.00; John DeYoung, $69.00; Rob
Lovt'lace, $24.00; M. K. White, $20.-
00; Herman Welch, $36.00; O. Gran,
30.00; Joe Kolley, $21.00; waiter
Hoirmoistor, $48.00; August Olson,
$30.00; M. Rodlun, $12.00; August
Wedin, $30.00; K. Magnuson, $30.00;
E. Jackson, $18.00; E. Exley, $18.00;
Joe Bull. $12.00; A. Sunulson, $6.00;
A. Pcler. $12.00.
No. 52 W. A. Ulrlch, $24.50; II.
W. Kanne, $4.50; A. L. StWkrolt.
$15.00; Ben L. Becker, $13.50; Frank
Krause, $10.50; O. Illanchett, $30.00;
August Gopphert, $30.00; L. C. Beck
er, I30,fio; Lewis spauy, .uu;
Chh. Henderson, $18.00;
Deardorf, $30.00; Abe Guldl,
Florence Meng, $12.00.
No. 63 Chase & Linton
Co., $209.95; W. V. 8? Ry., $1&1.50;
H. Kyllo, $13.75; J. Conrad, $32.50;
A. Veelo, $25.00; Geo. Palmer, $16.
25; I. D. Larkins. $3.60.
NO. 66-W. H. Rambo, $77.00;
Robert Rutherford, $30.75; John
Puts, $2.50; Earl Meeker, $28,76;
Dave Rutherford, $2.50; James Han-
hart. $22.50; Chnrfos Lecson, $22.60;
J. 1). Wallace. $110.25; Joseph Schmtt.
$47.60; Rath, Archie, $21.25; Ivn Mc
Vny, $45.00; Orvel McVay, $28.60;
Ira McVay, $10.00; J. J. nanhart,
$12.50: John Schram, $16.25; Willie
Martin, $6.25; Harry Conner, $2,50;
E. J. Swank, $17.60; August Martin,
NO. 67 W. V. S. Ry $48.25; Carl
Sether, $4.32; Geo, M. Christenson.
$16.00; L. II. Cochran, $7.50; Albert
Carpenter, $3.00; Frank Kyneston,
$40.60; Isaac Williams, $40.60; John
Stewle, $40.60; Presley Coover, $34
6; George Dale, $5.25; Clarence
Coover, $18.76; Earl Steuie, $15.00;
$15.00; Chris Christner, $20.25.
General Roads
Hodson Feenaughty Co., $151.29;
McFarland Auto Co., $2.00; East
Side Motorcycle Co., $6.16; Exrelslor
Motorcycle Co., $63.50; Miller-Parker
Co., $23.40; II. V Meads, $26.84; II.
E. Mead $125.00; E. R. Kilgnllon,
$40.00; Oregon City Foundry, $57 40;
T. A. Roots, $175.00; R. S. Smith,
$3.75; Buffalo Springfield Roller Co..
$5.15; Canhy Concrete Works, $12.00;
J. II. Barnett. $24.05; Hengstor. $.
75; Miller-Parker Co.. $27.85; Mt
Tabor Garage, $9.08; John Wanker.
$18.00; Howard-Cooper Corp., $0.80;
Glen Oak Lumber Co., $31.05; T. A.
Roots, $5.70; Howard-Cooper Corp.,
$101.24; Mitchell, Lewis & Staver,
$9.60; Geo. Blatchford. $1.35; F. M
Henrickscn, $7.15; Coles Garage
$7.40; Geo. M. Christensen. $88.71;
Will Widmer. $58.50; Will Bell, $61,
60; J. Mocho. $51.00; C. Krebs, $42.
00; Ed Sits, $36.00; II. Eyerke, $48..
00; Fred Lins, $7.00; C. Guber, $3.00;
Edd Grafenhain, $3.00; Hodson-Fee
naughty, $42.55; J. T. Fullam, $2.60;
Meese & Gotfried Co., $1.25; J. T
Fullam, $21.87; W. M. Kirchem. $20,
00; Herman Koch. $20.00; A. Wer
ner. $12.00; S. Wilson, $9.00; J. C
Miller, $8.75; M. Johnston, $1.50; C
E. Miller, $11.75; Albert Pratts, $9.
00; J. Scholl & Sons $9.13; F. Miller
A Son, $0.70; M. J. Lindahl. $1.95;
Truman Hostetler, $6.00; Abe Jones
$9.00; Amos Yodcr, $31.50; L. D. Yo-
der, $9.00; Robert Brown, $6.00; Free
i Yoder, $9.00; Benj. Stanton, $97.00
Noah Yoder, $7.50; Nathe Cole. $9,
75; Ben Emmerett, $15.75; Floyd Em
merctt, $8.25; Wm. Burkcrt, $14.25
Hult Bros.. $10.00; Oregon City
Foundry, $9.74; Canby Hardware &
Implement Co., $3.50; L. J. Scheer.
$13.50; Henry Herkamp, $3.00; Goo.!
Scheer, $6.00; Rufus Kraxberger,
$9.00; Rudolph Klaus, $23.90; Wm.
Rider, $11.00; Harry Gilmoro, $11.00;
Aincsley Gribble, $3.00; D. R. Dim
ick, $6.00; Bolby Bros., $4.00; Wilson
Evans, $2.74; The Parkplace Store,
$6.65; W. II. Bonney, $79.92; C. R.
Livesay, $11.50; J. W. Bryant, $3.00;
A. L. Yoder, $33.56; W. H. Bonney,
$309.75; Hodson-Feennughty, $41.06;
J. P. Bartk'B, $2.59; G. Peters, $6.00;
II. Peters, $3.00; F. Shipley, $3.00;
J. Hanson, $0.75; W. S. Gorbett. $12.
00; G. Murphey, $18.00; Edwnrd
Johnson, $3.00; Albert Harras, $5.
00; Dave Crawford, $2.50; G..W.
White, $1.44; Canby Hardware A
Implement Co., $185.23; D. R. Dim
ick, $40.00; Wm. Rider, $40.00; Har
ry Gilmore, $40.00; Clarence Rupp,
$28.00; Wm. Kooney, $10,50; VA
Piper, $6.00; Bolby Brothers, $8.00;
W. Dutcher, $144.00; J. Hosey, $82.-
00; II. Hosey, $75.25; G. R. Hobbs,
$24.50; F. Wagner, $18.00; J. I. Mc
Intyre, $18.00; Tualatin Valley Lum
ber Co., $12.48; C. W. Friedrich, $6.-
85; A. S. Newton, $22.00; R. Baker,
$12.00; J. Harry, $6.00; II. Engcl,
$4.00; Good Roals Machinery, $12.
25; J. C. Lehman, $5.00; C. V. Car
penter, $7.50; Geo. Woster, $12.50;
Clark McKinney, $3.75; Olef Olson,
$5.00; I. D. Larkins, $3.50; R. Pop-
pleton, $33.95; A. C. Bushel, $94.00;
J. W. Schuld, $150.00; J. Avery. $2,.
60; A. C. Bushel, $94.00; J. W,
Schuld, $160.00; J. Avery, $2.00; A
C. Buahel, $2.50; Frank Beers, $113.
43; Barker & Co., $24.00; Crystal Ice
Storage Co., $160.30; Columbia Brick
Works, $15.00; J. I. Case T. M. Co.,
$48.25; A. N. GufTney, $11.15; Matt
Greenslade, $21.60; II. Henrici, $33.
75; C. Henrici, $26,25; J. W. Hart,
$4.73; E. A. Hackett, $12.25; Silica
King Mines Co., $510.00; C. W.
Schuld & Sons, $123.55; H. W. Sharp,
$44.25; Standard Oil Co., $39.77;
Warren Vittum, $14.62; Union Oil
Co. of California., $606.25; A. WUIh,
$265.32; Jas. Kepcha, $150.00; N. T.
Andrews, $24.00; H. T.'Timmer, $24.
00; II. Schmidt, $24.00; E. Enghouso,
$20.00; J. Malady, $24.00; F. J. Hin
sen, $24.00; J. Wilson, $20.00; R.
Hunter, $24.00; E. L. Pope, $20.00;
M. Schmebert, $24.00; C. J. Miller,
$18.00; A. Hunter, $15.00; F. P. Mo
rey, $48.00; J. C. Mowrey, $123.00;
E. A. Hackett, $144.00; B. Friedrich,
$144.00; G. II. Buckman, $52.00; C.
K. Humaker, $56.00; II Henrici, $58.
50; C. Henrici, $28.p0; D. Gaffney,
$91.00; E. Harrington, $21.00; J.
Umiker, $70.00; 0. A. Battin, $7.00;
M. E. Gaffney, $44.00; C. E. Battin,
$8.00; John Young, $7.00; M. Deakin,
$7.00; E. Enghouse, $14.00; A. Wills,
$38.50; Harry Tlmmer, $10.50; 'C. E,
Carr, $68.75; A. Wetmore, $80.09;
B. J. Lawrence, $56.81; S. Imel," $59.
62; Chas. Deakins, $55.12; J. Avery,
$25.00; E. R. Jones, $25.00; -W.
Jantz, $23.44; L. Blakney, $11.38; W.
Daywalt, $21.88; J. Woods, $63.00;
S. B. Cook, $42.00; A. Martin, $150.
00; E. Harrington, $24.U0; W. Smart,
$35.00; J. Umiker, $10.50; O. A. Bat-
son, $30.00; is. uoese, iaa.uu; r.. ier
tell, $34.60; A- Walch, $18.00; O.
tin, $10.60; M. E. Gaffney, $xu.uu;
E. A. Unttln, $32.00 Jas. Erickson,
$24,50; John Young, $28.00; C. Eng.
house, $21.00; J. Davis, $42.00; A.
Conklin, $56.00; A. M. Wills, $46.50;
M. IVakln, $28.00; A. G. uusnei,
$175.00; J. Avery, $24.00; C. McDon
ald. $10.00! Wm. Jnntx, $22.60; K. U.
Jones, $17.50; L. ltlflkney, $17.60; W.
Dnywult, $10.50; Bruno rriodrlcn,
$150.00; F. P. Morey, $195.00; J. C.
Mowrey, $168.00; K. A. llackeit,
$156.00; N. T, Andrews, $30.00; II.
Tlmnu-r, $32.00; H. Schmidt, $24.00;
W. Honrlcl, $24,00; J. Malady, Z4..
00; F. J. Hlnsen, $24.00; J. Wilson,
$24.00; K. Hunter, $20.00; K. L. rope
$20.00; M. Schmebert, $24,00; O. J.
Miller, $24.00; A. Hunter, $Zl.oo;
G. II. BiH'kman, $16.00; C. K. llu
maker, $16.00; II. Henrlcl, $18.00;
C. Henrlcl, $14.00; B. D. Rodger,
$7.00; 1), Gaffney, $35.00; E. Har.
rlngtin, $17.50; J. Davis, $7.00; w.
Smart, $21.00; J. Umlkor, $10.50; O.
A, Battin, $14.00; H. E. Young,
$100.00; C. E. Carr, $35.00; A. Wet
more, $35.00; B. J. Iawrcnee, $22.50;
S. Imel, $22.50; Chns. Deakin, $22.
50; J. Avery, $20,00; C. McDonald,
$24,00; Wm. Jants, $18.76; E. R.
Jones, $14.00; L. Ullkney, $17.60; J.
Woods. $28.50; 8. B. Cook, $6,00; W.
8.. Daywalt, $17.50; Bruno Frlodrlch,
$126.00; F. P. Morey, $462.00; J. C,
Mowrey, $120.00; E. A, Ilnokett,
$126.00; N. T. Andrews, $30 00; II,
Tlmmer, $20.00; II. Schmidt, $20.00;
W. Henrlcl, $20.00; J. Malady, $20..
00; F. J. Hinsen, $20.00; J. Wilson.
$20.00; It. Hunter, $20,00; E. L. Pope,
$20.00; M. Schmlcrk, $20.00; C. J.
Miller, $15.00; A Hunter, $12.00; Ore
gon Engineering A Construction Co,,
$1777.10; Fall Transfer Co., $55.00;
Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co., $2.60; Oregon
Portland Cement Co., $34.60; B. J.
Staats lid we. Co., $1.90; Glenmor.-W
Quarry Co., $1205.18; Glnnmonle
Quarry Co., $635.30; Falls Traaafer
Co., $25.50.
General Fund
ELECTION Oregon City Hnter
rise, $3.30; I. M. Harrington, $6.00.
SHERIFF Oregon City Enter
prise, $6.25; H, C. Hughes, $36.50;
A. E. Joyner, $84,00; U C. Hubbard.
$2.80; Edwin Bates,$4.50; Fred Sny
der, $3.00; L. A. Daugherty, $6.00.
CLERK-Jos. Wlllaughley, $0.64;
I. M. Harrington, $9.00; Huntley
Drug Co., $9.60; A. E. Simmons,
$3.50; Oregon City Enterprise, $38..
CLERK Jos. Wiilaughley, $0.54;
I. M. Harrington, $9.00; Huntley
Drug Co., $0.50; A. E. Simmons, $3,
50; Oregon City Enterprise, $38.00.
RECORDER Oregon City Enter
prise. $10.00; Huntley Drug Co., $2..
25; County Recorder, $6.00.
TREASURER Huntley Drug Co.,
$0.80; George A. Harding, $0.60; A.
L. Dunn, $5.00.
ASSESSOR-Huntley Drug Co..
$291.50; Huntley Drug Co,. $0.60; A.
II. Knight, $51.00; W. A. Proctor.
Co., $13.05; Frank Busch, $30.00;
Home Tel., $17.15; Pne. Tel., $47.06;
Hogg Bros., $2.25; Kendricks Store,
$1.00; Chas. T. Sievers, $20.00; J. W.
Yodor, $0.60; Emil Itschner, $340.62.
Joyner. $65.50; II. II. Hughes, $S.O0;
D. E. Frost. $36.50. ,
CORONER E. L Johnson $2.80;
M. C. Strickland, $5.00.
SURVEYOR J. C. Sullivan,
00; H. II. Johnson. $8.70: Huntlev
Drug Co.. $0.40.
INSANE Western Union Tel. Co.,
$0.27; H. H. Hughes. $3.50.
Vedder, $162.50; Huntley Drug Co.,
$8.65; J. E. Calavan, $39.53; Mrs. L.
R. Wolff, $52.63; Clackamas County
Banner. $12.50.
City Enterprise, $4.25; Dr. U. C.
Strickland, $10.00.
Moore, Mend Post No. 2, $48.50.
POOR Dr. Norris (Mary I. Wil
son), $40.00; Electric Hotel (Dick
Myers), $23.00; Good Samaritaa Hos
pital (John Matheson), $82.50; Mrs.
Fred Hinler (J. Matheson), $14,00;
Oregin City Hospital, $80.00; Hunt
Icy Drug Co. (Hospital), $4.60; II. S.
Anderson (C. J. Burns), $5.00; E. A.'
Hackett (Chas. McKinnis), $7.50;
Mrs. Scribling (Mrs. Allen), .$24.00;
C. C. Store (Clothes of boy), $3.67;
Drs. Mount (examinations), $40.00;
Dr. Norris (Health Omccr), $17,12;
W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKinnis),
$12.00; Huntley Drug Co. (school
books), $7.89; Fred Schwnrtd (Mrs.
Trullinger), $10.00; Mrs. W. E. Bocr
ner (E. C. Desbrow), $20.00; K. Koel
lermeicr (Wm. Dickelmnn), $14.00;
Robbins Bros. (Henry Russell), $12.
41; Mrs. Bon Eby (Wallace Fisher),
$15.00; Estate Jas. Wilson (Beers
family), $20.00; Wm. Danforth (self)
$10.00; Boys & Girls' Aid Soc, $30.
00; Hoff Bros. (Tom Jones), $1100;
Mrs. Bradtl (J. -McNnmara), $10.00;
Dock Mosier (self), $14.00r Mrs.
Jessie tjmiiK (self), $16,00; Mrs. G.
W. Thompson, $10.00; Ada Lellaw
(self and children), $8.00; Katie
Pluard (self) $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eu
nice Horner), $10.00; Ben Lnndes
(self), $12.00; S. E. Card (Michael
Boyl), $8.00; C. II. Dybdahl (self),
$20.00; Mrs. N. E. Taylor (Mr. and
Mrs. S. Boohcr), $14.00; Wm. Dkk
lemnn (self), $20.00; John and Wil
liam Beers (self), $20.00; Mrs. Eliz
abeth Saunders, $5.00; Mary Wock
(self), $10.00; Anna Wettcrlin (child
in care of), $15.00; J. R. Sallee (W.
T. Tinsley and A. Johnson), $45.00;
Geo. Newsdme (self), $15.00; Mrs.
Annie Langsford (self), $20.00; A.
MeConnell (Davis), $20,00; Mrs. Z.
Murphy (self), $15.00; Andrew Lund
(self), $6.00; Dennis Dinovan (Je
rome Hamilton), $18.00; J. A. Davids
(Amanda R. Ludden), $6.00; Mrs.
Gage (self), $10.00; D. Zalonis (Mrs.
Youdeska), $20.00; Mrs. N. B. Stey
ens (W. D. Hodges), $25.00; J. D.
Wake (self), $7.00.
JAIL W. J. Wilson, $9.28.
Church, $40.30; A. E. Joyner, $74..
25; H. H. Hughes, $4.00; D. E. Frost,
PRINTING & ADV. -The Coarier
Press, $29.16; Oregon City F.nter.
prise, $24.50. . , i
SEALER J. F, Jones, $34.11.
TAX , DEPT. Burroughs Addfag
Machine Co., $0.75 j Ona , fewer,
$8.40; W. J. Wilson, $40.00.