Pa Re 2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER II, 1918. t Newsy Briefs From All Over the Clackumas CLACKAMAS, Oct. 10 The Loyalty Wgue held 1U regular meeting in the assembly room of the school building last Wednesday. ReT. Gilbert, of Ore Son City, was the speaker of the even ing, and at the close ot his address re ceived a hearty Invitation to return goon. It was decided to combine tie league and Literary society during the winter months. Captain Fink, stationed at the Gov ernment rifle range, gave a brief but interesting talk on "Boys' Club Work," iafter which a committee was appoint Glenn RusseU and Carey Deter have . reported to Corvallia for service amination. j Nellie Beta was a Sunday visitor at the Cook home. C.KOUGE. Oct. 9. N. ScUeel, who has been confined to his bed for the s nast six months, passed away last Sun- her home here. i av t,shi The funeral was hold at Mr. ami Mrs Sinclair have gone to ,ne mmily nome last Wednesday and I , tr T t ......... AI,(A a t . , a, i,l IS. XI. x. cutiuuua is utio pivk Portland for the winter Oswego OSWEGO. October 10 Mr. and Mrs. Clinkenbeard, from Portland, were vis iting at Mr .and Mrs. Yates' home this ed with Captian Fink as chairman to j with the parents la this dis trict relative to organizing a Boys club here. Rev. Mllliken, of Oregon City, will speak at the next meeting, November 6.- The chairman ot the Salvation Army War Fund drive reports f 42 subscribed In the town of Clackamaa. The chair man ot the Fourth Liberty Loan drive reports 15750 raised in the school dis-j i .-ict Rev. G. R. Affolt, ot Salem, will -sea eTety Sunday morning at. 11 Interment was in Lutheran cemetery t George. Mrs. Scheeland family have the sympathy of their many friends and neighbors. Mrs. K. Kachler, of SanFranclsco, and sister, Mrs. K. MeCltntock ot Tort- land, are visiting at the home ot their mother, Mrs. K. I larders. I Carl Litis and Ed Harder are dry iU ing prunes for Edd Linn, ot Garfield Mrs. H. Joyner and son.Harold.mot- Mrs. Jennie Davidson has been the last two weeks, but is improving. Mrs. J. K. Worthington was visiting ored to Oregon City last Saturday, her daughter, Mrs. Sam Rosa, at Will-' Mrs. Mart Dorijland and children are amette Saturday and Sunday. j visiting relatives and friends at Gresh Mr. and Mrs. IL H Eccles were Os- am this week. wego visitors last Saturday and Sun-' h. Klinker was an Estacada visitor day Mrs. Mary Wineman's niece ot Port land, was an Oswego visitor Sunday. Harry Baxter, of Camas, Washing ton, and his wife and son, were in Os wego part ot last week. They were on o'clock in the M. E. church. He will lu"r w arrive at the parsonage on Friday et0 vtetUvtes- , morning ot each week and leave after! BuUo;- of era. was via- the services on Sunday morning, I his uncle nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. preaching at Willamette in the after-; Gtrge BuUoc. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jarisch and Mrs. A. L, Bailie returned on MonJ daughter. Um and Verm BwUey. ot day evening, . from Loup, Nebraska. j '- - .k where she visited her son, aecompan-j onf,ay ied by Mrs. S. E. Bailie, ot Ansley.l, Mr. and Mm. Archie Worth ngton. Nebraska, who will spend the winter fm Hazeha were visidng Mr. Worth t the home ot her brother-in-law, A.!intonf motl!er Mr8' Worthing- iou, una wees. last Monday. Mrs. T. Harders. Mrs. McCtlntock and Mrs. Kaehler visited Mrs. C. A Johnson last Tuesday. Henry Renner and family motored to Aurora last Sunday. Oak Grove and Mrs. .Wm Lorenz, ot were visitors in Oswego this L. Bailie. I Mrs. M. E. Lester, of Irrigon, Ore-i Ron, is the week-end guest of Mrs. P. j Sasbauer. , j Henry Piepkie has leased the Marion i Johnson farm tor five years and will ; move there with his family on the ' IT.lh inat ! John L. Mooney, ot Co. C. 13th InJdng is erandmother i uaa iciuiutu OAK GROVE, Oct. 10. Mrs. llelma Billespie gave a 500 party at her home Saturday evening. Three tables wero played and Honor foil to Mrs. C. I'.ross sler and Casev Hams, of Portland. The consolation pri-.e went :o Mrs Mr. and Mm. K. J. Mat toon, of As- day, after a few days' visit with Mrs. f tohia, formerly of Oregon City, epent the weekend here. Tho Puront-Teacher Association will hold Its regular meeting Friday at the school asemlily room at 3 o'clock. A social tea will follow the meeting. All ladies are Invited. , The Ladles' Aid will meet Wednes day, 16th, when the. eluotlon of officers and other business will come before the meeting. A silver tea will lie given in connection. All ladles are Invited. Regular church services Sunday morning. Kpworth Leasue Sunday eve ning. Earl Jtthn, a member ot the machine gun corps at Camp Lewis, was home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Waller llolbrook (Ra chel Worthington) have purchased n home on Thirteenth and Dlvlajon Streets, Portland, mid are furnishing up the same wheu complete thvlll settled there. Mr. and Mm. C. Bressler, of Fort land, were guest ot Mr. and Mrs W. H. Barksdale Sunday. The Domestic Science and Needle Craft club met Friday, at the home ot Mrs. W. H. Barksdale o nthe river road, a short business meeting was held, the club will adjourn for the pres ent owing1 to so much other work. They will help the Red Cross auxiliary, which meets every Thursday in Vos burg hall. Mrs. Mary Blodgctt has moved to Portland for the winter months. Mrs. Stein and daughter, Mrs. Mary Lakiu, have returned home after a three-weeks' trip to Ogden, Utah, Mr .and Mrs. A. Gotits has returned home from Wheeler for the winter. Mrs. Robert Charlton and baby, of Sauvies Island, spout Sunday evening with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. J. H. Riley. Dottle Oiler, ot Castle Rock. Wash iuton. returned home Monday. Poguo's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. P, Woodle, J, P. Woodle and Mr. Pogue mnde a business trip to Oregon City last Tuesday. Barlow HARl.OWl, Oct. 10. Loyalty meeting to ho held on the regular night will be Tuesday, October Kith, when election of officers will take, place. All members are urged to he present. SANDY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Blsncht R. 8hallty Reprnttlvs. , LOYALTY LEAGUE MEETS. The Sandy chapter of the American Loyalty league met last Friday even ing in the I.O. 0. F. hall. There was only a sunnl crowd present and, as there was no speaker, after singing a few muiirs. Ihn nittntlnir u-iim uilliiiirmul The Belgium drive, held Monday af. t0 ,, (he (w Friday in November. ternoon, when all natron of the d!s-i . trlct were requested to leave all spare clothing, was a success, six suit canes being required to hold tho articles., Everything given was In good wear able Bhapo and nearly everything ot good, warm material. Much praise was given us hy the secretary, Mrs. Garduer. Mrs. Tremaytie mid Mrs. Irwin took the clothes to Oregon City on Tuesday. Celena Tremaytie won first prize at the county fulr and also first prlite at the state fair on Iter turkeys, which entitles her to a two week free course at a summer school at Corvallia. Kjnma llerg Is attending school at I'nlverstty of Oregon, taking's Civil Service course. Miss Agnes llerg Is teaching school near Newlierg. Albert Berg was home on a visit from Camp Lewis Sunday. Alva, who Is a student at the Polytechnic school, spent Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Alva said the hoys have flu-j Isdted their course and all have been j assigned to the Infantry, and will soon leave for an eastern tralnltt camp j Mr. and Mrs. Ausve received the sail news Saturday of the death of their eldest son, Dave, who was working In the mines at Butte, Mont., and who RED CROSS OPENS WORK ROOM. The Sandy auxiliary ot the Portland chapter ot the American Red Cross hold Its drat meeting of the sensou last Thursday afternoon, In the Red Cross work room. About twenty workers wero present and work on pinafores was gotteu welt under way. Miss Muckoiuto was elnctod president, to till the vacancy pf Mrs. Florence V. tiykca, Mrs. Eddy wna appointed to fill the vacancy o nthe work committee, Remember every Thursday afternoon. Anyone who can spare a sewing ma chine, kindly notify Mrs. Shelley. HIGH SCHOOL GLEANINGS. The freshmen and sophmores met in verbal combat last Friday afternoon, In "four minute" speeches on tho Fourth Liberty Uan, Tho freshmon wero represented by Albert W'llklus, JuhUco Strowbridga, Dorothy Do Hhai' er and Bertha Hoffman. The sopkmore line up was Haet Beers, Robert Mur ray, Mary Sharnke and Josephine Dlx on. The latterand Hanoi Deert tied for thi( diploma, each receiving nine teen points. The highest mark mado ly the freshmen was eleven points. Mr. Camas week. I Otto Erickson, Mr. Lennie Davis and ! Mr. Orlando Worthington have Joined the O. A. C. at Corvallis. Eugene Waldorf; who has been vis-! in California,: CANT FALL DOWN LOCAL8. several fantry. Camp Fremont, Calif., writes i his mother, under date of September , The students of Oswego school have ' Stands Upon the Foundation n. , . i UCCU UCL711liliK UIBUISCIVCI! UI CUUUV zj.. i guess i am siow aoout wnung j - - - but the time seems to go fast here. I - ""eJ " I uuiucs, uiuu are 111 eacu ol ua iour: think it was from the 8th until the 14th o. v .i.. rooms. THpv haVA hflon Holntr vJa frv range.i-"-- ---- ri--" i It rained steadily tor three days that!"1"5 """ loJ 1X18 Denenl 01 "ea vmL The range is about seven mUes i Cr8S: cond grade from the camp. We rode out on the A"7' thir? nd fourtn Brade' train and walked back. We shot from t "1LU ra(le 1-83' e 200 to 600 yards. I made my best score feTena,nd,le'6,h1th L40' mak" on the 600 yard range. I made 46 out 'ng a total of S 24 of a possible 50. I think that was the ' - m )est that was made in my platoon, j Well I don't think we will be here j very much longer, but of course we j don't know anything about it. I hope No Greater Value Correc Construction. Meadowbrook 'The cnampion k-. - tr j -lrjPossible. MIhh Mary Junker spent days last week in Portland. ! John Allen, who is in the navy and j stationed at Seattle, came home Tuoa ' day evening for a visit with the home I folk. Miss Maude Klein, ot Lcbnrn, Wash- lugton. was the guest of her sister, j Miss Margaret, several days last week. It. S. Smith and family and Madumes I Kshoii and Bosholm were Portland via ! Itors Tuesday. 0. L. Hansen, ot Zlg Zag. wm In Sandy Tuesday, Tho J. Scales' family and the Hisses Keln attended the funeral of Roland lllaekhnll lu Portland last Thursday afternoon, Mr. Blackball diod at Fort Huston, Texas, and the body was ship-, oil to Portland where It waa given a military funeral. Ho was a brother of Mrs. Alice Scales. , Horn to Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bidder- liiiHch, October 6th a girl The latest available figure show that thu Sandy banking district went over tho top to the tune of 3B,800,00. Mrs. Kit by, of Portland, la visiting relatives in Sandy and vicinity. Kate Junker, who Is a student at the lienlike-Wallier Business college was a week end guest at nome, The Misses Collier and Mackentle , were wouk-end guests In Portland, , John Mnroney and LcLlge Coleman have taken over the Ten Kyck sawmill near Marmot and w ill begin operations at once, ' J. Scales, who is running a store lu U. Johns wandered back to Handy Tuesday for a few days. Dr. Morris, of Oregon City, was a '.uiily caller Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Kyler and grandson, of l.irmot, moved Into the Otto Mulntg rottago last week for tho school year. Mrs. H. Mills spent Saturday and Sunday In Portland, the guest of her daughters, Mrs, Waller Grunnrt and, Mrs. Wm. Davis. MIhh Gertriiilo Motnlg, of Koed col- K spent Saturday and Sunday with i home folk. Sandy grnngo meets In all-day ses sion Siitunlay. MIhs Mary Macho, of Sandy Itldgo , was a week end guest of Mrs. Shelley. C. D. I'u reel 1 spent a couplo of days In Portland last week. Mark Seiiske started over tho moun tains Sunday with a bunch of horses r winter pasture. W. J. Wlrts spent the first of the week In Portland. During his absence S. Crow was In charge of the store, Mrs. Kmma Thomas and children, CUrTord and Muxluo, of Marmot, left hint Friday for a short vacation trip. been making S, monev u MEADOWBROOK, Oc;. 9. Senia e will be on the move some place j Hellbacka, of Portland, spent the week soon. A feller gets restless'after be-, end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I ing in one place a while. As tomor-! Hellbacka.' f for users for years ' THIS SXUSTRA I ft ' ' ' , Lr fceW aW iAAVVU" TtON X, row is inspection and I have got to get ready a little, I will close for this time." Hazelia Ruth ChindgTen went to Dickie Prai rie Monday, where she will teach tiiis year. Richard and Robert Orem, of Cann. j Lewis, spent the week-end at their home, and also visited at A. L. Lar kins' Sunday. Mr. Ylinen and family have moved over to the ship knee" camp near Mo lalla. A large crowd attended literary HAZELIA, October, 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Eastman and son, Robert, Mrs. J. McMahon and Mr. and Mrs. Max McMafion and sons, motored to Vancouver, Sunday, where they spent ; Friday evening, where a fine program an enjoyable day. was rendered. It was decided to John Wanker, Jr., and son, Fred, change the literary to Saturday night, from Southern Oregon, are visiting The next meeting will be Saturday with F. W. Wanker and family. Lloyd Wirth, of Vancouver, and Will Cook, who is now staying in Oregon City, also Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame, from the East, were dinner guests at the Wanker home Sunday. Leonard Whitten celebrated his tenth birthday by a party given at his home in upper Hazelia Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Simpklns, M. R. Harper and Allen Dickenson were en tertained by Mr. and Mrs. John Wank er, Sunday. A large crowd of Hazelians met at the school house to organize a Loyal ly league last Saturday night. Mr. uaer, ol Oregon City, delivered a splendid patriotic address. With Dave Long acting as temporary chairman, -j following permanent officers were elected: President, Dave Long; vice president, Fred Lehman; secretary, Miss Luclle Duncan; treasurer, J. H. Eastman. The league has at present about 35 members and the charter will e ekpt open until the next meeting. The Loyalty league will meet the first Saturday of every month at the school house. October 26th. Miss Rose TenEyck spent the week end in Portland with her brother, Geo., who expects to leave for over-sea duty soon. Herman Chindgren left for Eugene Sunday, where he expects to take mil itary training. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins visited Mrs. Minerva Larkins, of Clarks, Sunday. dww, th nin lo fault fcd wlM. I wm Imiuni ami kM krK ca hNw fault mJ twit .4 ptnM .tititii nllf ititt f tbt mm . nd fauft Mad by .' W , titd r., ' See the Champion at the I Champion j f Agency P ml H J 1 t ib Showing th Driving Mechanism intenul geu which fiv many lectA in ' i , al mesh, prevent wni. Substantial Lane hearinn att Yoka. W Buaul knife tUk" j fet out of lifM ow. i 3 mi to lh wi.tll, I- -ViazMj U crank lhll S J A.. ' Mch end ot bevei ffear shaft inninn .si ttetidy motion - bevel gear driving , ato4t e crank I haft f pinton. I Every Part is -' well built - . ' . . and ''",' ' ' rightly designed. K V Tlila is for your i ,( --, protection ftt' Th- jf Champion Couldn't I built 'I better ' TWILIGHT Needy f7iiri 'J f TWILIGHT, Oct 10. While work- NEKIjY, Oct. 10. The jHH)ploof this Ing on the Toad at New Era, Kldon I ..... ,tv wrn n .., min. . Swlck nearly had his finger cut off. He j , A . will not be able to work for sometime, j " l ,na Mt raount ot Mr. H. L. Scboor and family, Mr. and ! Blll,,k- . rew"l flr8 bBd Mrs. K. C, Swlck spMit Sunday in St. cauned and also made the ground bet Johns visiting Mr. Scheer s sister. Mrs. t(.r tor j,(,wlng. tho men folks will b M','.1.Pr' ... . ... i kept busy now or swhila. o mo phi rj lu uour mn, it. in- ers of Kails View Is very sick, Mrs. V. E. Swlck spent Saturday and ' ""'W vttlt with her parents, Sunday with Mrs. Hoopes at Central Point. Logan YOKE PINS Are Extra Long, The Extra Large andllV-IlttllipiUil r 'It-. Case are Hardened. A Mower TKey we eecurely fastened in the yoke insuring the perfect alignment of bar knife and pitmaa My fSAVE DOLLARS' t Ii dv nnviku a i icTiuft Xltv'-O spokani t' MOWER "t Strong '" . r"'! ' V'.4 fr -.-- .. -'.A I )r,A. . . I ; llliad will Ut . S, 1 LOGAN, Oct. 10. These October days are busy ones for the farmers and most ot them are making use ot every . SalurdifV and Sunday with friends at Heat rice Hue was home for a two Ur. and Mrs. J. 1). Hitter, after which sho re turned to Portland. Kay Mill and family ur leaving our community and moving to their new homo near Marks l'rulrlo. While we regret liming them wo hope they will IrVo their new location. Jesse Settlemolr, ot Portland, spent V,, iff 1 ( WT . ' ij W n uuv bong '' Vfl . r- u i i ''Am . If natural lifetime. Wearing Flutes S -if Champion Corutruction. THAT COUPON Wilsonville will brine you prices and free catalog, -7M 5 mm GENTLEMEN: "itAS Send me price and' Jr Z catalog of your CHAMPION ; PORTLAND moment. Arthur Schmalle Is operating his I woodsaw here for several of tho resi i dents. ) The entertainment given by the Par ent-Teacher club of District 4, Lower Logan, Saturday night, was a success socially and financially.' A good pro gram was enjoyed and about twenty dollars realized. Floyd Klrchem, who is In the U. 8. N. R. F. M Bremerton, Washington, visited tho home folks the past week, returning Sunday evening. Wilfred Hutchlns and Norman Hoi comb have gone to Corvallis to take a mechanical training course with the rest of Uncle Sam's boys.. - Needy. Mrs. Sanders our telephone opera tor, made a business trip to Portland Sulurday. A number ot tho young people from here attended the dunce at Mucks tin rg Saturday night. The Red Cross society met Taosday Hfternoon In Mr. Frye's hall, Quite a number were present. The Needy auxiliary bus been doing excellent work as all the member are much in terested. 1 Miss Agnes Clifford, teuchor of the WhlBkey Hill school, passed through mir vicinity enroute to her plaoa of business on Monday. The Hazelia Sewing circle met last Thursday with Mrs. Walsh. Election of officers was held, and the offices now stand filled as follows : President, Mrs. Effie whitten; vice-president, Mrs. Walsh; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. M. Catherine Duncan. The club will hereafter meet at the school house the first and third Saturday afternoons of each month. The Literary society meete next Saturday evening at 9:00 o'clock. Jennings Lottee JENNINGS LOLDGE, October 10. The Parent-Teacher association will hold Its regular meeting at the school bouse Friday, October 11 at 3 o'clock. An interesting program is arranged in which Mrs. Felts, of Portland, will speak. Mrs. Felts will explain the measures to be voted on in the Novem ber election. ' The Jennings Lodge school enroll ment is increasing so rapidly that a new teacher has become a necessity. A special school meeting will be held October 12 to vote tor a new teacher and to equip the hall for a school room. Over 90 pupils are now enrolled. The property of Mr. Lott on the car line has been sold. Mr. and Mrs. Lott expect to leave the Lodge soon. The foundatfbn for It. F. Butler's new house is laid. The house Is benig built by W. Crobert and W. F. Cook. Congratulations are being sent to Mr and Mrs. Carl Starker upon the arrival of a baby daughter. WILSONVILLE, Oct. 10. Mrs. J Peters has been visiting her sister Mrs. Mallory, at Junction City, for two weeks. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham on Satur day, October oth. Hiram Wood and Mrs. Willis, of Portland, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Wood's brother, at the farm. Ed Baker and sons, Wm. and Sidney, also Aubrey Wood, are enjoying a hunting trip in Southern Oregon. Orvid Baker was home on Saturday and Sunday from Portland, where he is attending the Franklin High school Dr. Butler spent Sunday at his homo in Wilsonville. J. Peters and J. Hasselbrink have returned from a ten days' hunting trip. H. D. Aden, J. Bartles and G. Peters returned on Monday from a fishing trip to Pacific City. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer visited Mrs. Spencer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baiter on Sunday. Roy Bakes many friends here were pleased to learn that no one was la titat battleship while coming to its Jured on the U. S. S. Minnesota, on which he .is stationed as a gunner, when a mine was struck recently by home port. Geo. C. Brownell, of Oregon City, gave an excellent address at the school house, on Thursday evening, October 3rd, on war issues, and in the interest-of the Loyalty League. At the close of the meeting a Loyalty League was organized here, with Fred Weidermann, president r Joe Thorn ton, vice-president; and D wight Seely, secretary and treasurer. Every one present joined the league, which will meet on Friday evenings. SEE W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON FOR CHAMPION , MOWERS BINDERS RAKES HEADERS TEDDERS REAPERS Douglas, Dear" Had "a Loving Look in His Eyes," Railway President's Wife Wrote Hazel Richardson arid George Bots- ford. A Hoover lnncncou was served by the hostess. The house wa beau tifully decorated wit 3 flags and fems. The veranda was enclosed and danc ing was indulged in until a late hour. Those present wer Mr. avj Mrs. Bressler, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Botsford, Mr. and Mrs. Ca3y Barne3 add daugh ter Mildred, of Portland; .Mrs. Hazel Richardson, of Passr, Vash.; Mr. and Mrs. Barksdale, Mr, and Mrs. Parks dale, Mr. and M"g Evert Robninett. Mrs. Hazel Richardson and , sen, Bobby, of Pasco, Wash., formerly of Oak Grove, aro vlniM'i'j at the home of Robert Richard-i',r Mrs. John Smith motored over from Huber Statioin the last of the week, and Mrs. H. Gillespie and children re turned rome with her for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Holm have purchased the Henry Suiter property on the Riv er road and are ocupying the same. Mr. Paul and family, of Portland, have purchase the Kornbrodt proper ty on Center Street and moved in the first of the month. The Grimm property was sold this week- Miss Hattle Williams was here Tuesday on official business. Mrs Theo Kornbrodt has returned to her home in Southern Oregon. HUN PLANES DESTROYED $ LONDON, Oct. 7. Fourteen ; German airpalnes were destroyed 6 'i Friday, the war office announced $ Saturday. "Yesterday 21 tons of S ? bombs- were dropped on enemy 3 objectives," the statement said. POLK'S GAZETTEER A BnilnMS Directory of eacK City, Towa and Village la Oregon Bad WiMbbigtoa, giving Descriptive fcketcli of es lr place, ..Location, Shipping Faculties and Ununi fied Directory each Buu)sa Sad rrof csuioo, , R. I POLK ft CO, las. trim a. Upper Eagle Creek UPPER EAGLE CREEK, Oct 10. Walter Douglass bought 25 head of sheep of Mr. Frazier, of Logan, last week. Mrs. R. B. Gibson was an Oregon City visitor last Wednesday The Upper Eagle Creek Loyalty lea gue met at the school house Saturday evening. The election of officers took place. The officers elected were Prsldent, E. Naylor: vice-president, Mrs. Roy Douglas, secretary, Mrs. R. B. Gibson; treasurer, H. S. Gibson. Mr. Brown of Eagle Creek, was pres ent and made an excellent address on patriotic lines Mrs. Annie Beckett and daughter, Miss Mabel Beckett, of Portland, were visiting their farm home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Gibson were call ing at the home of Fred Hoffmelster Sunday afternoon After several days stay in Port land, Mrs. C. H. Paddlson returned home last Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. Markwood, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Byrd and son, Leonard, of Portland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmelster Sunday. Elder J. O. Staats, ot Portland, was out to Upper Eagle Creek Sunday and held services at the Douglas school house in the morning. Mr. Staats left an appointment for Sunday, October 27th. - Miss Myrtle Hoffmelster, who has been working at the Gresham cannery for some weeks returned home Mon day. Murray Clark is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker were Port land visitors last Wednesday. Rev, C. W. Pogue and wife left for their home in Nehalem last Wednes- died of pneumonia. The news came as a shock to the parents and friends, as the last heard from Dave was that he was well and gaining flesh. The remains were shipped here, arriving Wednesday, and the funeral services were held Thursday at the Methodist church in Canby where Dave attended Sunday school when a boy. Dave was reared among us, coming here when a child, where ho has many friends and was highly respected. The be reaved parents and family huve the sympathy of the entire community. Interment was in Zlon cemetery. Mrs. Minnie Lewis ..Noyea stopped over here Saturday visiting Mrs. Hat- tie Crowley and calling on other friends, on her way home to Vaca vll'.e, Cal., from Astoria, where she has been spending the summer with her mother. Mrs. Noyes Is one of our old teachers and Is highly respected and has many friends here. School failed t oopen last Monday on account of Illness of the teacher, Miss Drlscoll, who has recently had an operation on her throat. Miss Drlscoll expects to begin school next Monday. Mr. Brown has traded his property here for property in Canby. Mrs. Wurful made a trip to Portland Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Celena Tremayne was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 3 Eugene, Oct. 4. (Special) Of 4 145 men examined up to noon to- ? i day, only two failed tOpass the e physical test for entrance Into 3 3 the Students' Army Training J $ Corps. ' ) j1'! " -- xwmt- vl .' I h lji xi'i 1 W jr I j i ' A'w 'jaK-'V "v ' t ; . ,? fa Ah l i.i"J : ..Miir.i iAL::l',::y.v.- sWIRUCIIAf. . MELLf K , 1 1 Charles S. Mellfin, once president of cod letters she wrote to Itonry Doug the Northern Pacific Railroad and las Brown, manager ot the Hotel Van thon president of the New York, Newd bt , N w y Haven & Hartford, perhaps the best . , t lm ' lauy wora Ra known railroad in the United StateB,dreB8ed to Iuglas, Dear," and one is suing hie wife for a separation mW ho hnd a "loving look In his a Massachusetts court. Ho lntrodu-eyes." ' 1J ' t